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tv   News  RT  June 2, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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to the vote for changes of africa for the 1st time in 30 years, the african national congress fails to win a majority of the general election. leaving is crumbling to form a coalition. meanwhile, and the story of the shape, the wheat who is doing this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the systems, the brain, the scan and does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel . lot of important says nathan's old lady, deeply involved in the ukraine saying the key of wouldn't be able to use deadlines is advanced weapons by itself. that's as president biden green light strikes, of the sudden russian territory result of western european and autonomy in width. and striking and killing in the house of russia seems very,
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very dangerous and reckless to be easily deputy 5 minutes to the analysis poles. will you agree to hit the russian territory as the you find? it sounds like the mid fears of escalation, the valden themes and carries as the police move in to break up full policy and demonstrate as outraged of these ready offensive on java. that's as the gather desktop passes, very 6000 people. so it is october. the 11th is our team to national with the latest on global updates. i am michael portrait now for the 1st time in 30 years in south africa, the african national congress has lost his majority in parliament, the following this week,
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the general election of the parties. now trying to find coalition partners in an attempt to form a government, the owner of the country is the electoral commission says a voter turnout was about 58 percent in the selection of the main opposition. democratic alliance party and the routing amc dominated the political field of plays throughout the country. although the newly formed m. k party headed by a former president jacobs who must have a strong following in the eastern part of the country. the following. the vote about more than 99 percent of the ballots have now been counted. m a n c, secure just a most about 40 percent of the total of votes that but as you can see, it is a significant folding support compared to the last election in 2019, when he gained to 50, it's 57 percent of the democratic a lions got about 21.77 percent making
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a face of the total votes with the m k, the new t on the block getting 14.59 percent of the vote. now without the majority in parliament b and c will need a quarter to impart that to form a government of the parties. secretary general size. but the process is already on the way we would pull to the interest of but people stop out for the 1st one is use of not the web to us in this country. it does brought the stability and all of that. but it is the week of the it is that we love the people and that is what we must accept. what blown but not out was didn't spend. i'm gonna close as the president of van c. and if you come to us with those 2 months will get you come to us with a do you mind that the i'm a pause. i must step down as a president. that's just not going to have to hold the secrets. she's in the role
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of the african national congress, freaking them, but do law has also said that there is nothing to say the rates of, of the fault is performance. accept the elections for the states that will be it has one of the most results in this eviction the results. so a significant decline the in see support from previous evictions before the stating that wall of it is. or rather there are several factors that contributed to the decline and support of the results. and the kid misses to the in c and as the is the they wish to send a message to the people of. so that's because that they have heard their concerns. if the part is failure to secure a 60 percent of the $400.00 seats and the national assembly, as also spock discusses over how it who edition could be formed with smaller parts used to form a government. and under the constitution, a new parliament must convene within 14 days off the final result of beings to create the d. a has made it clear that to the trying so hard to prevent
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a coalition with the n c. and they don't see themselves cooperating with the in see to form a coalition government. we have got a lot of work to do to prevent students that issue without going into anything to do with the a. and so our job is to ensure that it took south africa 1st. and of course, it is me in south africa's interest for the d and to go out of business at rolling towards the next election. but we have to protect sell the economy, feet and fights as needed to this. my name has also been heard saying that he's policy will be engaging different political parties on the possibility of a career. listen, and we've heard him say that to while they are open to form a coalition government with any political party, the 1st preference is working with the in c we, i, every where they have us because we have our chief, our mission in our lifetime. and that mission was to bring the amc below 50 percent
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. we want to work with the aids. this is, this is a new policy that we can work with. and where is the agency? because and see when compromised is not in the meantime, all of us. so that for kids and the world at large, awaits confirmation of a historic and mixing outcomes that will dismantle a switch to your african national congress. majority and announcement to that will start the clock to form. and you really called us and government about the executive chairman of the institute of election management services in africa, salisbury's an immediate need for a legal framework for government coalitions in south africa. experienced states that advocates, that is to say colleagues and governments, particularly at the local government level and we've seen a lot of you to step in and then for some of us,
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if i get that it is because there is not a collision of college and the there is a need for some kind of a legal framework that we're trying to govern about the relationship. you know, the fact that that we have what you call in, in the neck. they fucked insights. that relationship, but the ability to deliver them, which basically means you'll come into that relationship and then when you're on the tempe, we just take you a check at the lease and it does create that, that is that really to that you're seeing. and then i just hope that we are going to see that happening at the national and professional living. but the time is conference that i've got to begin to see that's the courtesy to regulating the quantities away from south africa. now ukraine's west and back of should think carefully about allowing kids to use the weapons to supply directly at russian territory. that's the wanting this week from lot them to put in to the list which nettles are basically then this new life precision was long range
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. weapons customer cannot be launched without using space recognizance in addition to the final target choice and the so called flight mission, we, but it can only be made by a highly qualified specialist. is of the, based on this technical intelligence who's doing who is the, who is doing these bits of at least and this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the systems, the brain, the scan. and it does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel and other systems are also being prepared on the basis of space exploration. yeah. under automatic my problem with the appropriate calculations. does this task is being prepared not by ukrainian service men, but by representatives of nato countries. people, but these representatives of nato countries, especially in your doors and announcement they should generally be aware of what they are playing on the words from when you, they should remember that the some of them as a rule, why do you have a state with a small territories, others and a very dentist population when you much to and this is effect that they should keep
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in mind before talking about striking deep into the russian territory. this makes you wonder, this is a serious matter. and we are, of course, watching it very carefully. got through it's and you guys going to watch so far? 11 countries have given ukraine the green lights to use the weapons to strike russia among them. some of kids, most of vocal support as we have poland there and friends, canada and the u. k. that the push was initiated by the need to achieve gen still don't bug, however it expose division within the block with some branding is move as dangerous as you know that this man is dangerous because he talks about the 3rd world war. his talk of western european and autonomy in width, and the striking and killing in the heart of russia seems very, very dangerous and breakfast to me by that. so whoever can should stop and be there . then the, the europe is plunged into a war without an estimate of the cost and means necessary to achieve its military objective. this is the most irresponsible thing i've ever seen. these one percent
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continually this map shows that the green is being attacked from bases located in russia. we think that we should allow ukraine to neutralize the military sites from which these files are fired. if we're talking about statements, but again, still some burgers, someone else, but ukraine could use weapons that are supplied to it from abroad. i think this is completely logical. that was politicians discussed. the escalation of the conflict protest us marched in the hall, gary and the german capitals, speaking out against nato's role in your trade, particularly the decision to let's see, of strike rocks and territories. about 3 types of those western supplied munitions, getting hit pockets less than 100 kilometers inside of russia. and with that, of course, if and thoughts. but belgrade and doing yes, good public, just about a 100 killer me does range into the territory of russia. now the next group includes buckets bombs and drones. from the us you can poland,
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and they can reach up to 300 kilometers that can get to small esque, can you go into the territories of ross? how about the long range storm shadow crews? muscle posed the biggest threat they can slide up to 550 kilometers into russia. touching, as far as moscow, the capital of the country, of the u. k. in front supply, these missiles that have supported potential tax on vasa a washington has also admitted, he gave us the approval for key of to use this weapons against limited territories . over the past few weeks, ukraine came to us and asked for the authorization to use weapons that were providing to defend against this aggression, including against the russian forces that are massing on the russian side of the border and then attacking into ukraine. and that went right to the president, and as you've heard, he's approved use of our weapons for that. for that purpose and going forward.
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we'll continue to do what we've been doing, which is as necessary, adapt and adjust. and that, as i said, has been a hallmark of our engagement. it will continue to be later this month. so it's a language play hostility, ukraine, p summit. although russia wouldn't be there fine. as turned down it's invitation, saying that the meeting will fall short of expectation to resolve the war. something the creating president appears to have taking up. so it's not just me, we're not positive about china signal that they will not support and participate in the peace summit. it is strange and very painful for us that russia, unfortunately, using chinese influence in this region using chinese diplomats, is doing everything to disrupt the piece summit. unfortunately, such a large, independent and powerful country as china, is a tool and put in his hands. well,
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just by talking about allowing ukraine to use natural weapons against the russian territory. moscow says of arms already in action, and i've been used for some time now to kill them. to him. in general, american made weapons are already being used and attempted strikes on russian territory, or of course, it is more than eloquent evidence of the extent of the united states involvement in this conflict. there is also an absolute build up of pro war sentiment in the you. they are deliberately full mentoring, pre war hysteria. but all of this of course, cannot but have a very negative impact on the overall situations of tensions continue to escalate to the core. it was all vs the maita members were lying and putting up a smoke screen making up a story that they had not yet decided whether or not to allow the key regime to launch strikes using western weapons on russian territory in the same way they mislead those they trying to drive to the conference in switzerland by telling
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tales about his peaceful settlement, classic native style manipulation, a city of palo all the time. he is to do the anal town gains has a piece summit, carries no value without rocks at the table as well as the landscape is desperate right now. i mean, he, all of the attention has been shifted to guys. uh uh, you know, a 4 days ago he was ordering that his government people to criticize she and biden, for not attending his cheese conference, but it's not a peace conference. it's simply a grandstand, unless you invite the parties who need to be at the piece. how can you create piece this idea that somehow trying there should be a poster boy for his demands is ridiculous. china has said consistently, but add to it without russia there. there's no way you can have a peace conference. why is this even being discussed? they've been very polite about it, but um, you know, this is, as i said,
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desperate ground standing at this time. it is idea that the ukraine can win on the battlefield. i think people understand that's not happening. and now he's trying to figure out some way he can win on the, on the diplomatic table on the bargaining table. that except you have to be able to bargain with somebody. the fact that he cannot bring himself to come to the table without a pre conditions means that he is not serious. he wants it all his way, it won't work. but in the meantime, you have this dangers escalation, which is threatening, in my opinion, a possible nuclear confrontation attending to europe now, and they have been angry scenes on the streets of french capital after police moved in against thousands of pro pa this teen in demonstrators.
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please use your gas and rubber bullets to try to break up. the crowds protest as had been making a stand against the ongoing is very offensive in gather since this thought of the idea of operation more than 36000 palestinians have been killed. that rallies were also held across the channel in the u. k. the protest this demanded an immediate and see of the war on the keys. the british government, the complicity of the bombings that have dr. each the video in areas a number of arrests when made use of itself also saw protests. thousands once again passed the streets of tel aviv calling for the removal of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu in his government. the other protest movement against the p. m has grown in the past few months,
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particularly as failure to secure the release of those still being held hostage by him. us. now people were seen waving his ready flags and holding banners, grinding, listen, yahoo! as anatomy we awhile and stop and gather the last functioning of hospitality and verify his now out of service. and it comes as usual, confirmed bits, forces are expanding, ground oppressions, response positive and the safety set up for the 1st time since it's offensive against begun. last month, a local journalists are from also satari, updated us on the latest situation by food. a mazda sized an indications, including the number of people in the number of neighborhoods fabricate the location of those neighborhoods are in the case of, of the fact that the, this opener's and is a full scale of orders and targeting the entirety of rough with an objective of some sort into whole area, the number of people in the quality of target,
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the location of the different target, feed them on the east, or the west, or the south, or the north of rough or are or in the case of or they all for 10 that these are the profession as a way of doing a full scale of others and with an objective of control in the whole area problem, right? it's not only different identity or control, or 4 door sonata. every single corner over there is only different sources have been underlining the fact that once 3 months or so days or the government is basically what the old days are, the citizens they have been justified and they have been using this is always been what the weapons being the marketing smoking to from the front border as a pretty fix to continue the production. they are now announced that they have already fully controlled that insightful door. and they said by that they are preventing the smuggling of dual funds into gaza through offer. they are preferred to continue with the 5, even when the usa and the, with the euro. and with also some of the power through the sizing back to move. but
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they seem to be continuum that and they seem to be defending their position by saying that they are cutting the line supply of the arms. by doing that, in northern gas, some people have been returning define what's left of their homes, and that's off of the i d f review from jamalia following a 2 week incursion. tonight is one local showed us how some of the home, which has been reduced or ruins. hi, i'm hello. hello, this is o apartment. it's ben. my cell has put a barrier so that we can be here. how do these fairly all of it has done a lot of damage, destroyed streets and buildings. none of the homes are intact. they will lie the bones of band. this room is all ash and then the bowls collapsed to a mutual respect for the rights and concerns of all parties. that's how we do need you. as president elect sees the only way to achieve lasting peace between israel and palestine. he spells all of his vision as easy as
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top defends farm and single adding what's happening in guys that is affected indonesia and it's people as well in the nation that supports all efforts and all measures they've done fast, the progress towards the final 2 state solution in the meantime, we have prepared to do whatever we can to provide humanitarian assistance as well as when needed and when requested by the director nations, we are prepared to punch, going to be a significant peacekeeping forces permit and fading and monitor this perspective ceasefire as well as providing protection and security to
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all parties and to all of sites. now let's get some thoughts and all of this now and speak to international law and conflict resolution to experts professor see good re on to professors good to have you done me right now. so the evidence, thank you. the vision president elect says of the 2 state solution is the only way that the could lead to lasting peace in the region. but here share that view. oh yes, the light came on fairly steep from i'm you buy, you know, you can be shop around. you want it to come from you all to most of the option in when she was taking into consideration. i'm going to be going through some outlands from los angeles and i will do the man name and any shoes and vendor and pay and
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i'm i see that would be on the sheet below and also the fall conference in front of this fall on. do you did function already by the name? of course you didn't. yes. and then also in the policy, not a long time. and now how you doing this? a good idea is all the information on loop you saw funding for the competing fuck p, who and the need for fusion with you and also the to the, to based on the time uh, colorado springs. now you're taking us by memory late. but if we bring it to the for a to the front right now, what are the chances that each role will ever allow palestinians to have their own homeland and states? yes, i do. uh from time to time. uh,
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file location away. oh lice. no. i liked it, but you should uh, configuration. or will you be using the cloth and uh no awesome, great on temple. um. logged in to the uh, member of the nation. awesome. the font on the ma, an old name. oh you for most of the member of the or you know, some type of thing policy, not for a patient or any member of the members in the big, truly, uh, in front of the installation on wednesday, the 20 you do apologize by uh, increasing while of course you should have all of the file up wrong by the time of the computing. and then the uh, the last one of the, uh,
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june the all the, uh, the little thing is, what was the most people don't qualify. you can also find the only people and both only built and functional and uh, pharmacy. uh, actually some of the time i was paying now indonesia, it says it's ready to evacuate to up to 1000 patients from guys a hand immediate future. but who decides on exactly who will be evacuated? and how about considering just how many people have been injured in the enclave of visual valley? this pricing, this stuff is, wouldn't be, uh, uh, uh, uh, probably not on the policy to reach out on the uh, the reason in the engine room is uh with like, a certain action that would be on saturday, something like we, she ation involved russell ends well there to be as well the low fee
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as well. no, actually that off. and i think the new nissan should work on that uh nicholas fusion or 15 properties. expedition as well as rounding property in order to rent, uh, and farm and bluetooth walk in those boxing be as well. i have you. all right, we have to leave you here now professor seagate rianne told international law and conflict resolutions ex but thank you for speaking to us. on this on a top sudanese official has made it clear his government wouldn't take part in plans. negotiations with the rapid support for his rebel group to accept backed by the us and all set to be hosted by saudi arabia. we will not go to jetta because we went there before and nothing happens. i am the 2nd highest
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official in the states, and i am telling you that we did not agree to participate in the jetta negotiations . us top diplomat blinking cold suit and these leader burger han and ordered him to go to jetta for negotiations. i want to clarify that we do not accept being treated with contempt, is not the dead death farms mediated by saudi arabia and the united states aims to reach a ceasefire agreement between the sudanese armed forces and the militant rapids support forces. meanwhile, egypt has invited representatives of sued in a civil society and political groups to a conference to discuss the ways to end the conflict. thousands of people have been killed in the home. the country has descended into a humanitarian crisis. the
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. we who one piece say the foreign fights is within these terrace, malicious should return to their own countries. certainly useful. so it should go to their main camps. this is for the sake of peace. come the certain, these people and the entire world ignore all these crimes without the accountability. that all questions, all those forces organized under one come on,
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is piece possible with 2 armies. is there any respectable country in the world that achieves peace with 2 armies other than me then with the sudanese armed forces, an extremist militias, linked to the former regime, continued their brutal crimes against innocent civilians. the indiscriminate bombing and destruction of costs. but those highlights to be certain of the dickens long practice of oppression and floor of the terrace formerly sheets their action poses a serious threat to this, the beauty of so that the region and the world, the so yeah, yeah, we suffer for many things. children. the suffering the most,
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they need milk diapers, shelton warms, we also suffer from a lack of medication and we have chronic diseases. and one of the shortage of medicine is a serious issue. we can't buy any medicine, common drugs for diabetes and high blood pressure are unavailable unless you have a way to order them from abroad. kind of nevada, i sent them out a little bit harassed and insulted. but we finally managed to reach the camp. at 1st, everything was good, but gladly it has become really hard, while humanitarian organizations were not present, there was a lack of sewage leading to mount nutrition. the
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not political analysts been found. there were always consulting. i called duck says that the us lots of foreign policy in all of africa. he doesn't like the price. it has been put on them to go to that piece thoughts. as many people have argued, that you need a genuine approach to bring peace. you can't force people to come to negotiation table on terms that they don't agree on. and i think behind the scenes as they have been some discussions, and they have been some proposals and conditions that been set sports that are not as favorable to the student on forces. the us, lots of foreign policy all in africa. because when you talk about having the foreign policy, what is your political, your economic, and your social strategy? and they cannot continue to sanction and condemn these military leaders because they play a crucial role in the peace process in the sudan. so i think the united states foreign policy in the suden is non existent and it is a policy of conflict with a solution.


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