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tv   News  RT  June 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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the, the voted for change in south africa for the 1st time in 30 years. the african national congress fails to win the majority in the general election, leaving its probably to form a coalition print wall of the stormy shape the week. we want to go, so was we'd want to leave the homes and engage the 3rd time we want to go to the russian frontier game. we being that we have nothing to do that. the hunger and tom, minnesota says no to war as the us splits on support for you. great. i made for you is an escalation. the all button says those driving for the complex have gone that the
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valve in scenes in paris as for these, moving to break up pro policy and demonstrated outraged of these really offensive on rafa. that's as big as a desk full passes. 36000 people since october. the club is, is our team to national reaching you live from a new center in moscow. i a michael caught you up with the updates now for the fast, but for the 1st time in 30 years. and so i've asked god the african national congress has lost as majority in parliament following this week's general election of the parties. now trying to find correlation part this in an attempt to form a government the of the country easy left to a commission size of voter turnout was around 58 percent of the total eligible vote
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does not the may not position democratic a live body and the ruling amc dominated the field of play when it comes to the voting partners across the country. although the meal being formed and keep potty headed by former president jacobs, who must have a strong showing of the eastern part of the country. now, more than 99 percent of the ballots have now been counted and the and see secure most with about 40 percent of the total of both cast. and as you can see, it's a significant ford and support compared to the last election in 2019. when he gained the 57 percent of the democratic alliance received a 21.77 percent, which is the face of the total votes with the m k, the new kid on the block coming 3rd with 14.59 percent. now with all the majority in parliament to b and c, will need coalition partners to form a government and a party secretary general says that the process is already on the way we would
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pull to the interest of but people stop out for the 1st the quite easy, it was of no to at to us in this country. it does brought the stability and all of that. but it is the week of the it is that we love the people and that is what we must accept. it is not an outcome we our selves can not abandon the sheet because we've got 6000000 people who are still spending the living in the effort to miss out on this web loan. but not out was didn't spend the president of the and see. and if you come to us with those 2 months we'll get if you come to us with a do you mind that i'm a pause. i'm a step down as a president, that's just not going to happen. or we've got no such monday. we're not going to engage with put it on these on the basis that we don't want to talk to sort of the
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sort and sort of uh, we're not going to do that because we don't on for to do that. but did you ask me about mt pa g with good menu reservations about the party, but we wouldn't talk to them if they watch web with us. we wouldn't map out how we wanted to buy to know what did you got it, but you would have to take tests like that to us. as the n c will not, i had barely scrape to pause 40 percent of the votes, but the se will remain the largest party in the parliament, even though it has lost its majority. it will have to force alliances to read it, to them, a post at the end of the month, and stay in power, but so that the calf has the assembly into the eros uncertainty. because as the governing party is forced to form and cold with this and government, some opposition parties, the one to the president out of the picture and some refuse to even consider eco edition to exist between the is the, the 5th and the empty parking fact. the da says it will do it at most best to
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prevent echo. listen between is the vehicle even i'm calling to is these a here's move on that's we have got a lot of work to do to prevent students that kind of issue without taking to doing the d a. and so our job is to ensure that it took south africa 1st. and of course, it is mean south africa's interest for the d and to go out of business at all. so good for running towards the next election battery have to protect. so we've also heard from the lead off the here we have to definitely lemme climbing the conditions under which it will form a coalition with the african national congress saying it's demonica included the expropriation of why to own land without compensation even identified this as a cardinal principal of the a 5th and said that the pots, who would not to compromise on it's any tool, would be in seats, but essentially saying that it's the very 1st preference is working with the in c t
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have a listen to this. we, i, every where they may be us because we have our chief, our mission even though our lifetime. and that mission was to bring the agency below 50 percent. we want to wear every day and see if there's any pipes that we can work with and where is the agency because and see when compromised. this is not the is the choice of coalition part to know will have an impact on every aspect of the economy. if it goes with the d h, it will be signaling a pro mock it's dawn is how if it's ways up with as a smaller parties, it will likely result in a renewed emphasis on policies that to drive great to equity in the country. but despite all of that, the uncertainty as well. so that's the kind of position parties of hailing the new political picture as much need
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a change of the country or 62000000 people of the executive chub. my number is 2 to relax some management services in africa as, as various and immediate need for a legal firm. well for got been collisions and sub africa. all right, but it seems that advocates that s, as a said call is in governments particularly at the local government level. and we have seen a lot of the just a minute. and then for some of us, if i get that it is because of the, is not a collision of college and the, there is a need for some kind of a legal framework that we're trying to govern. that the relationship, you know, the fact that that we have, for i do call in, in the neck, they fucked insights. that relationship with the ability to deliver and which basically means you'll come into the relationship. and then when you're on the tempe, we just take your check at the lease and the best create that that is subject to the to see. and then i just hope that we are going to see that depending of the
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national and professional living. but the time is conference that i've got to begin to see that's the courtesy to regulate the qualities. and the way from said, i think a crack. so i would imagine in nato's unity over the watering ukraine with honda respond ministers standing firm against dragging his nation into a larger conflict. it comes against the backdrop of ongoing discussions within the lines about that in key of to use western arms against russian territory. a way for more europe is preparing for boys today. they announce the opening of a new section of the road to hell every day. every day with bon bonded with the idea of hundreds of billions of gear rice b, a crane nuclear weapons deployments and the haunts of europe. conscription of us funds and so a for an estimate nato mission in ukraine, european ministry units, and ukraine. my friends, it seems that there are no brakes on the war train and the driver has gone mad. we
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need to pull the emergency breaks or at least those who want to can get off and stay out of the house. we will go to wolf with one of the legal homes in east the 3rd time we want to go to the russian front, a game we've been there. we have nothing to do that. so far, 11 countries have given you train the green light to use the weapons to strike russia among them. some of kids, most of vocal support as poland is want their friends, canada, and the u. k. of the push was initiated by the nato chief dentist told him back south politicians discussed the escalation of the conflict protest as most in the home gary and german capitals, speaking out against nato's role in ukraine is specially the decision to let key of strike rocks and territories, a comedy of for demonstration. russia is not the aggressive nato is the
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aggressive in stoughton, but the secretary general of nato says constantly that the board did not starts in 2022. it started in 2014. he's right. did you, i'm a government is not silver and the german government takes these orders from washington. when you see how the german government destroyed his own economy by allowing washington to blow up the north stream to the north stream pipelines. then you see germany is nothing controlled of the situation. the german government already follows holders from washington. it is i think the government of russia is doing the right thing defending itself because nato is getting closer and closer to russia. that's why i think russia has a reason to defend itself this think. so i think the piece should rain over the whole world no matter where and no matter in which conflict you shouldn't solve it with war. now 3 types of, of western supplied mediation can hit target less than 100 kilometers inside the
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rasa, potentially targeting belgrade. and then yes, republic. now, the next group includes rockets, bombs and drones from the u. s. u k. in particular, they can reach up to 300 kilometers into the type of 3 of russia, and they can get as far as the small desk. and can you go as much as the rest of the one on done not. but the long green storm shadow crews mess up post the biggest threat to a beacon strike up to 550 kilometers into russia. and get us far as moscow the capital of the country by the u. k. in front of the supply, these muscles and how supported potential attacks on. gotcha, washington has also admitted the gave approval for key f to use its weapons against the limited territories. it's around the middle of lading ukrainians. faced with an incredible amount of pressure on car keys that town to the, in the north of ukraine, not,
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not far from the russian border. the asked for some limited permission to use us supplied weapons against immune and threats just across the board or so we're talking about military and placements gun positions that kind of thing. logistics, staging bases that the russians were using to create some sort of buffer zone. so that they could continue to pound car key. president looked at that, talked to the inner agency team, make sure you understood all the ramifications of the request and then approved it . it is limited to the car key region and it is limited with respect to the kinds of targets they can hit at how far back they can go. all ukraine's west and back us to think carefully about allowing kids to use the weapons to stride directly at the russian territories. that's still wanting this week from blondie. mit put in, in response to re send, escalate 3 back to rake of the list of with which natalie was eventually then this new life precision was long range, weapons customer cannot be launched without using space recognizance. in addition, the final target choice and the so called flight mission,
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we but it can only be made by highly qualified specialist. as of the, based on this technical intelligence is doing who is doing this. this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the systems to ukraine. the scanning does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel. and other systems are also being prepared on the basis of space exploration here and are automatically brought to the appropriate calculations. because this task is being prepared, not by ukrainian service men, but by representatives of nato countries. but these representatives of nato countries, especially in yours and announcement they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. how many they should remember that they see some of them as a room est with a small territory, and a very dense population when you much to and this is a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory. this is a serious matter, and we are, of course, watching it very carefully got through with the new price given. earlier we spoke
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with george samuel e, a senior research fellow at the global policy institute, who says that all people across europe don't see, and nato's narrative, a public opinion and hungry is very much opposed to getting involved in this world. but in fact, that isn't very different from public opinion in most of europe, there is no in susie, as i mean, any country in europe, the getting involved in this war. it's just that. elsewhere in europe, the political leads, the leading big is it all, the main political part is going along with the e. u. nato agenda. i think at this point to roll it back on only something is something, you know, you, you, when somebody, you know, where you are with the head of and people who just sort of wake up and, and that's why i think the, the cuban missile crisis is the best, the analogy suddenly people realize where the colewell was heading and,
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and the, and the really focus, you know, the world's attention to the prospect of that kind of global nuclear annihilation that what people out, that, that lead to data. all that, the 2 arms control treaties that went through lots with it several decades. right now. all that is being forgotten. and the european lead is later elite is somehow assume that they can escalate, escalate, escalate and that russia will magically back, the rupture will capitulates. the, there's no bases, whatever for the this is kind of thinking later this month, switzerland will play house tool that you create in peace summit. tell the roster i wouldn't be there. a time has been. stood down the invitation said that the meeting will fall short of expectations to resolve a war. something the ukrainian president appears to have taking as us now. i was just mean we're not positive about china signals that they will not support and
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participate in the piece summit. it is strange and very painful for us that russia, unfortunately, using china is influence in this region. using chinese diplomats is doing everything to disrupt the piece summit. unfortunately, such a large, independent and powerful country as china, is a tool and put his hands on this by talking about allowing ukraine to use natal weapons against the russian territory. moscow says that the arms are ready in the action that have been for some time to him to him. in general, american made weapons are already being used and attempted strikes on russian territory. or, of course, it is more than eloquent evidence of the extent of the united states involvement in this conflict. there is also an absolute build up of pro war sentiment in the you. they are deliberately full mentoring, pre war hysteria. but all of this, of course, can not, but have a very negative impact on the overall situations of tensions continue to escalate
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to, to call. it was all vs the may to members were lying and putting up a smoke screen making up a story that they had not yet decided whether or not to allow the key of regime to launch strikes using western weapons on russian territory in the same way they mislead that, it was they trying to drive to the conference in switzerland by telling tales about its peaceful settlement, classic native style manipulation. for more on this less press live to professor nelson, one vice chava know based on high center for impact and international studies and bond valid dykes of x. but professor wong is good to have you join me now. now is the last, can you hear a few minutes? yes, zaleski has called china a quote tool and puts his hands. what are your thoughts on this if that statement carries in? wait. i think it is
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a lensky is both desperate and reckless and is losing his senses actually when he made such remarks, because china is a neutral party and has always been promoting peace, polk swimming and has let us spend for him on a lot of effort time and effort in trying to, to, to bridge a peaceful between the conflicting policy is very mind that china is not a polity to the conflict. and for the lensky to accused trying to us. but those indeed the, this is totally probably is absolute, like robert lewis and for the piece, polk, all the piece, some, it's a in the upcoming piece of it being switzerland to china. it has made to us. so it's the pull very clearly that we don't find the rush of being part of this
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conference. and how can you talk about peace? how can you promote peace without restaurant being at the same table regardless? um, so this is a m east quite obvious, actually. so, and i believe a lot more countries. i've also seen that is using china for zalinski to accusing to accuse china for influencing other countries that is going observed is totally upset. actually me now this so cold peace. somebody comes, i made continued, westbound escalation with talks of allowing ukraine to strike russian territory as with weston westbury. the west really won the conflict is stopping ukraine or even go farther. what are you reading from these things or? well, i think it's quite obvious that uh, with all the demonstrations uh,
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in the streets of europe. as we can see, a people are not happy with what's going on. it is a, you know, some of the western countries government that are supporting is that leg skipped. you bought it whether they are doing it out over their own willingness or whether they are under the pressure of other countries. that's a different matter. but as far as the piece some it, the upcoming piece summit is concerned at if the leading countries of the world are not there. and if russia being a party to the conflict is not there. so what they are trying to achieve, what they're trying to achieve, way as a somebody like this isn't a rattling up of countries to, to publicly condemn or russian or is it a piece fault? so to meet without the rushes presses,
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it's quite clear that they might perhaps consider changing the name of the summit. it's multiple piece is for reading up of countries to condemn russia. so this is in a very contradictory by itself. i mean, the, the, the, the, the theme of this conference right now, western politicians are found themselves in a difficult position when one part of europe is support striking russian territory . and another part is against that the how do you think this division is going to influence the future of europe? or i think europe is quite divided at the moment. and my observation is that some of the countries are quite confused actually, because you know, a ways to keep launching of attacks against russia from
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ukraine. and if a tax into rushes penetrate really happens, i mean the consequences are quite obvious. rupture has made its position very loud and clear. so it's a metro alpha where the the, you have a big country is that support is elaine sky is actually really trying to wait in the wall or inviting destruction of their own country. so this is a, you know, a matter of decision that i think the politicians of all the countries or really have to offer themselves and listen to the voices of the people and also bring themselves to culture. because otherwise, i think we are really on the verge of sliding into a much bigger wall or it's not a world, but it is
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a very critical point. and i think people will have to come to that site as well, right? we have to leave you here now. now, so long vice chairman, all the phone call. i sent a full written pack and it's an option to studies. thank you so much for your insight on this. thank you, mike. great. all right, let's head back to watch the top story. the elections of presidential elections in south africa. now we're crossing live to 10 dime band j hobbs over the african center for governance to bring those up to speed with his impression regarding what's going on there. but it's good to have you join me right now in our tea. first. i'd like to watch sports. thank you. i like to get your impressions of the transparency of the voting process and the counting procedure so far. what have you been reading? what have you been seen? i'd like to say that we should up
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a statement on how on the findings of the electoral process. um we, we commented to this last week and people for the 14 peacefully, we commented today independent electrical commission for efforts to ensure that other people. so that's the gum, could understand all the election election stages on to the fortune process space of voice and process as well as the actual pointing day. i think the 14 wins are dominant. ok except administrative issues. as i c t, i'm switching, i will who were denied for example, access today to uh, to observe this by now process is a form results on osmond which is the result of administrative glitches by the independent the electrical commission was about to go. but however, the general process was, went smooth as far as the respectful fundamental rights of 14 freedoms,
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as well as ensuring that every person who had arrived at a police station could forge observe us, did not know to any serious issues around denial or of exercising the rights to vote. now talk to us about the issue of voter turnout. we saw the more turn out last year than what we have, the best time around and you speak to us from what you of the vision has been. it's quite strange that so we expect to the higher to now on the spot. what we noticed is that the, which was a deadline impression by any person to ask about doing a lunch for lunch in 4 to 10 hours. but in the morning uh mornings observe us. oh a bonnie will say 5 a election day off. zip is not to smoke 14 and then the 14 uh numbers increase the
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the afternoon and which legs the night and the following day. the part of each wide . we perceived as if it were lodge for the 10 out is because a baby because of the 4th of management devices that were not working properly. arguments which is great cheese us, most of the process down. and then you could find that for these patients were crowded, which gave any impression that there was a lot of water 10 out. but indeed we could say that, yeah, at a certain time. so we could say that in the evening, often into the evening was large for the 10 or at one deporting stations. not to say that the general um, unfortunately, no, it was high. all right, how effectively did the electra commission manage the logistics of the election? so far, what's your overview is generally either positive, it shows this performed extremely well and we head start this election uh the managed election with low budgets,
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which was our to for knowledge which didn't the compromise of some of the administrative processes leading to administrative bleaches. but however, they managed to communicate effectively despite the big challenge that they were facing the communications of china. what was quite impressive, which demonstrates as high levels of transparency. so i'll say that these are the restrictive breaches of painted form, of the processes or a given impressions, thoughts, some of the processes with mismanaged ends, of some of the political play of the, of the view gods. they sees the morris compromise or the process of compromised, resulting from these are committed searching for breaches. but from our point of view as well, the zeros and even that today with tonight, i clicked session, which is an administrative bleach. we put week lots of sufficiently, say about the process was fraudulent. the process, mit metz,
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minimum standards of credibility was done in the confinements of the little the constitution and up to act was followed and also stick or the engagement was done. all right, it's good to know that we have to leave it here not turned on by and a opposite of the african center for governance. thank you so much for bringing us up to speed on this. thank you so much. i for a turning to europe now, and they have been angry scenes on the streets of the french capital after police moved in against thousands of proof of his team and demonstrators. the police used to gas and rubber bullets to try to break up the trout protest as had been making a stand against the ongoing is really offensive in guys that since this probably the idea of operation more than 36000 palestinians have been killed. that pro
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palestinian protest is also to to the streets in the french city of leon. the police turned up to dispense the crowds who were holding policy and flags and signs . but said hogs uh with guys that according to local pharmacies, about 2000 people to punch in the radi. some individuals vandalized the local shops with messages painted on the walls of boston south calling for a bike cons of the companies. riley's what also how the process of english travel in this, in the u. k. the boat taxed as demanded an immediate end to the war and accused the british gap and of complicity . the bombings that have rob beach to civilian areas. a number of arrests were made
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at ease with itself. also saw protest, thousands once again passed the streets of tel aviv calling for the removal of a problem in his step and a minute then yeah, who in his government as the protest movement against the upon minister has grown in the past few months, particularly his failure to secure the release of those still being held hostage by him of the people was seen waving his rarely flags in the holding band as the branding they've been yahoo. an enemy of nice, well well, that's all for me now, my colleague shouted the bass key. we'll be with you at the top of the all with more stories and updates by now the .


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