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tv   News  RT  June 3, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the process of other things, as the grant has lost about 200 soldiers in one day, i made intensified thing in the hard cold region called easy goes on on the exam. and some of the equipment left behind, like useful if is when a ukrainian unit has to retreat the quickly tape the scope to a nearby tree or something. and if you thing cause that they go blind when the night falls, well actually they can see everything as bright as day as the us on job, any let new crane use of the long range weapons in the hall called to so i can deep within russia here it finds itself divided as a 5th of a product called say now is the opening of a new section of the road to hell. every day we need to pull the emergency breaks
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or at least those who want to can get off and stay out of the stuff over the president cools on. old political falls in the country to work together as his ruling amc part of the post office with george the i is now seeking to form a coalition government wanting to sell the images as well as with pauses of struggle refugee camp and central gaza tuning at least 6 of it is old boom, boom women. and so the cisco on 11 am here in the russian capital. welcome to the international. let's take a look. let's look for is this out. well she says keith full of this of last a $190.00 soul just in just one day and with intense pricing in the article region . most of those groups have taken over and doesn't because these and the car box
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lane full list, the to the town of world trumped all cheese dealers on one of the 1st to visit the russian ministry positions on black parts of the front. this is ball. john's a border town in the heart of region where both most cool and key key beefing up the garrisons. and now russia has someone to hear some of its most elite men to join the newly formed military group. north oil for the reason is my unit is currently stationed in the strategically important area. most of us have been transferred here along with the a smart unit to know how they're battalions and regiments forms in the church and republic. they're also here on this front, all deployed to complete specific tasks, but the, the professional situation is completely under control. i believe we have concentrated the necessary resources here to counteract the forces and units that our enemies are concentrating in this area. today the enemy is deploying significant resources
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and forces to this direction. we observe the the enemy is in a very difficult situation. regardless of the weaponry equipment, are too many resources the receive to try to oppose us and deliver decisive blow. the enemy simply does not have enough them. we're busy to. we are the fast janice crew on these new come up positions on the border of the how to region a mid familial landscape. one of the fighters is showing me a device. i've been hearing about a lot, but for the 1st time it's lying before me. so here's a very interesting trophy. this is a sniper scope with the m o and night division. it's connected with this cable to move this over here, when a ukrainian unit has to retreat the quickly tape the scope to a nearby tree or something. and then they pull back with this case. then they can see everything that is going on on their abundant positions from columbus has
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a way. and if you think that they go blind when the night falls, well actually they can see everything as bright as day. so, besides the working principle of this device is as follows. the cable is inserted into a special socket when it is turned on. loading begins showing temperature and battery percentage levels law. the device is loading the monitors also turning on once turned on, we wait for the signal activate device, and it takes a few minutes to activate. then we set it all up, but the required angle, we switch to the mode, we need thermal imaging or night vision. once the device is configured, you can comfortably observe the situation from a trench or a 4 to 5 position. you can see up to 3 kilometers ahead and detect the moving targets. additionally, has a recording function that can last for up to 8 hours of inventing new ways of going remote is something. both armies are working hard every day. but in some aspects,
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strengths can only be achieved in numbers to come because the drones have become an integral parts of the conference in ukraine. and i'm being told that this amount is about a 100 of drones here. just one unit of the special forces can use and send the enemies way. in a matter of 12 hours, the north military group has already been giving hell to ukraine's forces here. and the special forces reinforcement has arrived to lend it a muscular shoulder. make is done of reporting from the critic of region border oxy . c high in the front lines q has been sold to being because it's good thing for us . so this a phil is dwindling, right? people clearly oppose the idea of dying because of the seas regime. one ukrainian fields come on, the said that one must serve in the ministry. as more and more ukrainians all falls to the battlefield. this seems to be no end to the west
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war mongering policies. the sidewalk must good morning, washington about disastrous consequences with the potential of an a symmetric response. us has allowed you trying to find a long range weapons from the harko region to hit ta, this deep inside russia around the middle of a new ukrainians. faced with an incredible amount of pressure on car keys that town to the, in the north of ukraine, not, not far from the russian border. the asked for some limited permission to use us supplied weapons against immune and threats just across the border. so we're talking about military and placements gun positions that kind of thing. logistics staging basis, that the russians were using to create some sort of buffer zone so that they could continue to pound car key. president looked at that talk to the interagency team, make sure you understood all the ramifications of the request and then prove that it is limited to the car key region. and it is limited with respect to the kinds of
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targets they can hit at how far back they can go. germany is one of the latest countries to give kids division to use its weapons, that it's like target inside rush up into adults. a teen western countries including 11 in europe, have agreed to that move. however, the decision has the vibe in the comes and it was several nations strongly opposing it. i'm jerry, i'm prime is a big into the old by and called on the you to come to it senses. i'm to event a for the escalation of the conflicts in europe is preparing for the day. they announce the opening of a new section of the road to hell every day. every day with bon bonded with the idea of hundreds of billions of gear rice b, a crane nuclear weapons deployments and the house of europe. conscription of us funds. and so a for an all me nice. i mission in ukraine, european ministry units and ukraine. my friends, it seems that there are no brakes on the war train and the driver has gone mad. we
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need to pull the emergency breaks or at least those who want to can get off and stay out of the book. so i'm part of this discussed the escalation of, of the call and your opinions marks in the home. yeah. and i and german capitals freaking out a guy's name to his role. and you claim, particularly the decision to let teams strike russian territory with the weston weapons. they said, lot closer to the move makes nato direct to participant in the conflict a comedy of for demonstration against the german russia, russia, germany, germany, germany, you, we are in
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a place here in central europe where if any terrible process starts, we will unwillingly become the suffering bodies of it, therefore, as long as this can still be reversed and prevented from escalating everything must be done. doesn't sound like some average europeans are too happy with their leaders moving around all these bolts, german chancellor, off schultz, the saying that kids can basically do whatever wants with german weapons as long as it sticks to international law. and france has now also recently green with kids use of french weapons to attack russia, despite not even 2 years ago, french present imagery. and my call going so far as to say that even if russian news ukraine france wouldn't budge, citing strict rules, and the quote clearly defined fundamental interests of france. but just a few days ago, mccomb was on a visit to germany, standing in front of a crowd with a little map in his hand,
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arguing why french weapons fired from ukraine need to be able to hit russia. so at the same time as nato leaders are pratt falling towards world war 3, they're also gearing out for a so called peace summit in switzerland. not that russians invited though, because the whiskey says that any peace deal with russia is just to try kind of like those annoying things called elections, which still needs the mags to dive recently. those are massive traps to because you might just lose and, and up out of power if you have one. and while he was going to be done enough to solve for that. so. so the optics of this piece summit are a bit of a dumpster fire. and china doesn't seem to want anything to do with it, which for zalinski can only mean one thing. but china is just one big kremlin stooge. yes, ma'am. we're not positive about china signal that they will not support and participate in the piece summit. it is strange and very painful for us that russia,
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unfortunately, using chinese influence in this region using chinese diplomats, is doing everything to disrupt the piece summit. unfortunately, such a large, independent and powerful country as china, is a tool and put in his hands. when a charmer in the dating world that's called nagging trying to cut a solid 10 down to a 2 or 3. so you have a better chance with it. then blaming the down rate on the fact that they hang out with that one brand, that you really don't like. all the games, have them to scape the russian for a ministries attention. it was all vs. the nato members were lying and putting up a smoke screen making up a story that they had not yet decided whether or not to allow the key of regime to launch strikes using western weapons on russian territory. in the same way they mislead those day, trying to drag to the conference in switzerland by telling tales about his peaceful settlement. classic native style manipulation,
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manipulation my call says that they're doing quote, strategic ambiguity. meaning that no one can really see what they're up to. yeah, okay, include any seems that lame magic tricks are the latest craze inside the cloud. now, so long from the shy high sense of a rim pack islands that i saw, so it says the youth is confused, wise own policies to few claim of europe is quite divided at the moment. and my observation is that some of the countries are quite confused actually, because you know, ways the keep launching of attacks against russia, from ukraine. and if a tax into rushes penetrate really happens, i mean the consequences are quite obvious. rupture has made its position very loud
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and clear, but i think it is a lensky is both desperate, directly is and is losing his senses. and for the upcoming piece of it being switzerland, china, it has made it stand very can that without russia being part of this conference. how can you poke about piece? how can you promote peace without russia being at the same table of insight? so this is a, is quite obvious actually. so, and i believe a lot more countries. i've also seen this so i've read the president. so rob offers has play is the national event as a written tree of constitutional order. he hold of the voting process free,
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say critical and peaceful. i own who did i? tauriel commission says voter turnout was around 58 percent. the ruining applicant, national congress. i made all position democratic alliance parties, dominated the phil oh, the newly formed m. k policy here. you can see in purple, they took control of the eastern problem. the problem is is which of course is headed by full my present jacob assume a. now what significant about all of this is that the amc support have has comparatively dropped since $29.00. see why i had gotten it around 57 percent this i'm just over 40 percent. now the demographic allies receive a 5th of those votes with the m k as the pace with the code. 15 percent now often losing is majority in parliament. the amc is seeking partners,
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the likelihood is the e f f, as they got close somewhere and then 9 and a half percent. now when we looked at the operating facts of both policies, the and see present is looking for a have a congressional both policies to work together of what this election has made play is that the people of south africa expect to their lead us to work together to meet the needs, they expect the parties for which they have voted to find a common ground to overcome their differences, to act and work together for the good of everyone. this is the time for
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all of us. to put south africa 1st. the people of this country expect and deserve no less municipal holding on to those comments made by the president straight off to the announcements of election results confirming that's no part to you one in my tar team. last dukes vote now with altima started see the seats will need to agree on the coalition with another part to a more than one part you for the 1st time to co govern n v. linked to the post office for another time as we know. so that's because national elections decide how many seats each party gets in parliament and donate to elect the president's data is a $159.00 c. this is the security a sort of the 200 to quiet majority in before 100 c to national assembly in the previous parliament. it had $230.00 seats. in fact, it has never not been able to achieve more than 200 seats. and because the n c has always had a problem in the majority, since 1994,
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every president since then has been from the agency starting with nelson mandela. it has not, it has always, always been a proceeds almost for the last 3 decades for the in c to use as much are easy to relate to lead us as president of the country. but this time things may not be so simple. so you have the 3 opposition parties which have come by and see if that is a bigger than b and c, which will definitely make the next is also present in top slot dimensions. for me, some sort of a coalition government because we heard the leader of the 5th to this my name, i think that's if the is a party that is not afraid or rather would prefer to work with is definitely the the v is c. as you prefer to form a coalition with the african national congress, but also you have other political parties who do not want to work with each other. the d. a in fact saying that for instance, for my present jacobs do not was competing against the constitution and wants to
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make amendments to the move was out questionable. also seeing that the d a stands for exactly the opposite of what the of stands for, the d. a also repeatedly said that a potential union between the n c and parties likely if it could be disastrous, was that because therefore it has to prevent it with listen between the ac, the if it's a party for the again, i feel that the guy never had to do this before, due to the ac is long domina is some political part. you seem to have
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a plan in place as the country that just the results of the change between the 4 indexes and the implications the seems to be a lot of uncertainty and confusion about the future off the country at the moment. most via it won't be good. in fact, it won't be a good few months coming. i'm considering also the fact that civil political parties, including the m k pa, to or for my present it gives you might have expressed deep concerns about the integrity of the issues result seeing that of the results another to reflect students of how the parts use the feed in these mix is what the pluck has started counting down a 14 day deadline for parliament to convene and elect a new president and the speaker off the parliament as well. right now it's essential. gaza when open lives is ready, as like is a revolt of killed 6 people who are sheltering in the blue rage, refugee camp wanting this report contains distressing images. most of those killed
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in the idea fast likelihood children the of the victims of an 8th of been only women as the idea of bombs up a home in the rage. or if we'd be kept the surviving victims as well as the bodies of the deceased would take them to accept hospital. a couple of hours before by the attack is well targeted, another refugee camp, most of the feeling at least 4 people phonics, or is about a 3 policy insistence of being sent pro rated by the ongoing one of the elderly women previously survived the new edge taurus is re the persecution known as the not box in 1948 oxy sat down with them as they spoke about the family history side of the intertwined with destruction. and must displacement by the idea the hanover felt pain and humiliation to co countries from us and expelled us from it. i tell my children and grandchildren the story of all migration in 1948 for
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very expelled from all land and left as we are carrying nothing but also what is the issue. i mean, the people psyche has been completely destroyed. we live in fear with tired minds, with great anxiety. now we're living through the not above 2023. the the about 16. on the 6th of june, 1967. the jews entered the country. the plains with roaming everywhere. before that to the jews were out of sight with the help of britain and the about so declaration they occupied land, low in the establishment of a national homeland for the jews in palestine and territory. whoever told the jews still in the town that night they told the women and children to go outside. my mother carried my brother name and we need the road. we spent about a week sleeping in the plains.
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the october, october 7th, 2023 at 6 in the morning were heard the sounds of miss aisles. i went to my room, put on some clothes and took some documents. my sons and daughters begin to wonder why was doing this. i told them that something was going to happen to us that had never happened before. that would be war against us, a very fierce one. the i wish i could take them out with me to escape from garza and to let them live as they deserve in safety. but these are matters beyond my control. even while i'm in egypt, i suffer. i think of my children and grandchildren every 2nd. they don't even have
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water. every time i read the news about another bombing, i tried to communicate with my children the for the help, one day will return to a country in a few miles to i'm diminished, writes hope. we all will live peacefully along with peaceful jews. not extremists must love the green. this catastrophe is more deadly than the non box spec done in 9048, my family left their home and don't return to this day, they demand a ride to return. we do not know whether we will return or not. my message to the international community is enough. when your weakness look with compassion, the women, children, and the elderly stuff with your weakness and stop this war by the way as well. so hours of people have taken to the seeds of kind of they demanding the
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removal of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i have his government. the demo site has little met with that hoss response. why police? the goal for an immediate cease? why i'm to the end of all the idea of possibilities in gaza. the movement against israel 5 mesa has been growing in recent months. increasingly more people have been facing the street to speak out against the world. and the latest episode all going on the ground of full, the idea of special forces, member me co pilot who's well i'm the father side. israel's declaration of independence is because of the situation could lead to the end of the country. that interview well as to whether they had on all to international but his click preview . your grandfather famously was one of the 37 who signed off the creation of israel
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. do you think now we are watching the beginning of the end of israel? i do think that the potential is there, i think the potential for the end desires and then the recognition around the world designs um and there should be 0 tolerance design isn't because literally a racist genocide like the ology to produce the races, but just died of state so i think if we do our job as people have confidence around the world and we will see an end to this very sad chapter in the history of palestine and they will again, or they will collapse in a real free pastime will emerge. how will as rail react as a seemingly lose is this war against? ha, so it was on members of the resistance. what clearly surviving while the women and children and civilians. that man uh, being slow since i don't think israel's objective is do is to defeat the policy and resistance. the objective is to kill as many boston awesome and then that they've
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been very successful. so when people say, as well as losing on my front, i, you know, i have to question that because the objective is nice to see the resistance. i don't think anybody thinks it's even realistic, a realistic expectation that that will ever happen. so it takes time. imagine but it's extermination. it's genocide as a holocaust. they are they, they wants to execute a complete all the cost against the cost in and people them and they're doing it as we can see without any interruption the quite a safe side. now the us of over in the body is said to know my age and donald trump as a presidential candidate. despite his recent conviction on felony charge of the supported to the senior official as the party doubles them on its support for the full and president. i'm the guy and express is outraged over the verdict and seeing cars one on k, the move in have the details. the outrage from republicans about thursday's verdict
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has not been limited to just words on the internet. at this point. we've got 8 us senators who just sent a letter to the white house saying that the upper house of the us congress is more or less going on strike. they are going to stop almost all legislative activity and response what they see as a politicized prosecution. strongly worded statements are not enough. those who turned our judicial system into a political casual must be held accountable. we're no longer cooperating with any democratic legislative priorities or nominations. and we invite all concerned senators to join our stand. just a few months ago, the deck rama swami dreamed of running the country. now he's busy shunning it. i just got to italy. i was traveling here while the trump verdict came down. and i have to say that when people here asked me what the heck is going on in your country, i am ashamed. if this were happening in another country, and with the united states heard about a party and power that really was using prosecutorial force to bring fake charges against
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a leading opponent in the middle of an election. we would call that the stuff of a banana republic, and yet now that's us. this is the stuff of how nations declines. now, democrats are sticking to their montrose saying, this is just an example of american blind justice, but some sense of bit of cynicism behind their words. the american principle to no one is above the law was very firm. donald trump prefers himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. what's your response to that, sir? so what are some of the legal issues with the trial? why are people questioning its validity? well, 1st of all, falsifying business records is generally considered to be a misdemeanor, not a felony. no one's ever been imprisoned for us, it looks like donald trump got a rather exceptional interpretation of the law. the 2nd issue is that the judge told the jurors there was no need for unit an image. a among i'm about what crime
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donald trump actually committed. he said that all 12 jurors could be divided evenly for $4.00 and $4.00. and donald trump would still be found guilty. now, what sense does that make? this prosecution was for a very bizarre crime that only exists in the state of new york. it doesn't exist in any of the other 49 states. the federal constitution requires that when the government prosecute you in federal or in state court, you're entitled to know what you're charged with. and you're entitled to know the evidence against you. and you can only be convicted if the jury agrees unanimously on all the elements of all the charges. but in this case, the statute permits the jurors to disagree on what the underlying crime was. now the judge himself seems rather non impartial. he's actually donated to the democratic party and in 2020 during the elections. it was pretty clear he wanted
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donald trump out of office. this judge committed multiple elements of reversible error and he did it while his daughter has made a ton of money off of the democratic candidates. and while he himself donated to the bind, can you repeat that? for example, you cannot say that this trial was anything more than politics masquerading as justice. now, many are comparing this to bill clinton's legal settlement with hollywood jones. she was paid over $850000.00 to shut up. now that's a lot more than stormy daniels allegedly received, but there were no criminal charges. filed a serious paula jones publicly getting paid off from bill clinton, probably display her check. this is america's through through justice system. she was paid $860000.00 by then president bill clinton to settle her claim of sexual assault. so what happens next? does donald trump get to run for office from house arrest or jail? he's sentenced on july 11. what if he wins?


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