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tv   Documentary  RT  June 3, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EDT

8:30 am
comparing this to bill clinton's legal settlement with paul and john, she was paid over $850000.00 to shut up. now that's a lot more than stormy daniels allegedly received, but there were no criminal charges filed. here's paula jones, publicly getting paid off from bill clinton, probably display her check. this is america's through through justice system. she was paid $850000.00 by then president bill clinton to settling her claim of sexual assaults. so what happens next is donald trump get to run for office from house arrest or jail. he's sentenced on july 11. what if he wins? does he then walk out of jail automatically as a result of being president? the constitution is not clear on these matters. it's pretty clear that the founding fathers did not anticipate such circumstances. one thing is clear. since being convicted, donald trump has already raised $53000000.00 to supporters do not want him to quit . and while the whole world is laughing at the us legal system,
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donald trump seems to be getting only more support able mopping our to new york. we'll be right back with more updates at the top. we all watch the documentary god . so for next the in previous tours of duty, i often heard the phrase on tennessee is the god of war, soldiers repeated and is often seen on military chaperones. the one stuck in my head, which is a mean really i was wondering what the soldiers are like, what will they do and how they handle that powerful weapons?
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shackle down. yeah. yeah, but the
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emotion with the guys to the fine position for a combat task going at around 40 kilometers an hour and there's probably nothing to hold on to the the the s we drove my attention was attracted by a soldier with unusual co sign on his baseball, cap, tangerine and civilian life. he was a ship. most of the mundane. yeah,
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but as i've only been is i'd say comfortable work for both jersey. special but good for me. i'm sorry to sit down in the morning and done that or the what is going on, what the
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do as for coupon self propelled heavy malta caliber, $240.00 millimeters maximum range. 20 columbus is a. as in, you might not do some flaws in the state is coming back. no, no, no, no, no, no, show day that the issue of solution focused amino the so i am we are that is i am seeing which was in the where to find something. come on the, when you come get the message goodness, what do i have for the school? the kids or what, but i think the
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do the double so when was booked, it's not the golfing of sir. i'm going through all the by the way through the let me see what was some sort of like the income motion. your body sample graph comes with the your this bed you expect the most of. busy the,
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the for the trip to the budget but, but since you guys are a separate sorry i bio the very last part of the
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the the yes, the goal is a boeing in me. i almost had my head crushed by the barrel of the world's largest and most powerful, more to the side of the one of the 1st of all. so we move on with the scouts closer to the front, to locate targets and transmit the data to the gunners. the guys didn't want to take me because it's a really dangerous mission. the
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. you have to keep your eyes on your face all the time. the enemy's mind, everything here with pep of mine's and i'd like to keep both of my legs but if i do. busy of the day is masha most of you who bear to lose your sealy the buffalo to 0 4th evening. okay. beautiful. and what do you just need for me? one second
8:40 am
. hold on to the the the the what, what was the most affordable the most often the when you still have the same, what i'm saying when i don't listen what's the date of the song, it wasn't here, but i didn't sleep. i've submitted which doesn't in speaking of your day, but if you're not gonna still go away from suicides, i knew full. that's no more but we didn't. yeah. cuz i didn't. you was going to the 2nd page and i forgot to do that. i'm with it. yeah, look up what says, even though i'm going to begin this list as to what we have
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done is phyllis comments over the remainder of the one and still the thing is, does this somebody show pretty quickly? hello. was it just gullible through this when it was to be a good time to think about that, that those who were still in the fire and i think with those and most of which i thought this evening yesterday that but i have to say that in those pretty annual, i say your thoughts up at the voice is at this point, newton recommended somebody new bottle. this thing was the last day of the
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to some other stuff that they would need of you. thank you the the, that's what that was the plague when you go to my to go the activities to go a money to, to read it all the little thing over the story. so no, i so definitely, yeah, but it's a good way and put them as the let me in the way that okay, i'll pull this up but i'm wondering if i could go through that too and it gives me
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a sense for this and the budget, sir. is it or oh you do the system of them so long as a system with a flood last month of especially the distribution of one of the, of the government this far more talk
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you know, i feel pretty comfortable for the door to the police and include them both, i mentioned i use it, i'm always, you know, 1st of all a super see why your wife has been sitting at them with the space for the beautiful the used car superstore on jewelry. what do say the appointment for messaging? maybe about them even give up with you, your phone that being sure. i'm not sure. i'm not sure which computer work is old, but the thing is go to a board or somebody will issue. super shaw service missed the best. the best stands for russian with the means towed this type of how it so has been in service since the mid eighties and it's still actively used we saw the soldiers preparing the guns of baffled that were cleaning, checking, and adjusting things. there's one that was too much as the option
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for who is towards the cost of the order and the there was the, the, the winds, largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost $1000000000.00 people decide and billions for react, the
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missed they towed how it's kind of a $152.00 millimeters, maximum range, 28 kilometers on the 1st on the on buffalo. ready but you need further before. ready the nation, the within those subsidiary, it just means it's closer to single force interpret for the frontier key. of course the, near this is the case worker for the saudis of police. and then we talk where your ways board has already been that way. need hardly was it just said one or 2. yeah. but the book, somebody been they were in for your on the with the the, the,
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the, the good voice bill. we're still the worst sale starts. you should see a little more when you fall. let's go. most of things, but it was before you see what another show to try to schedule you for. you also have to end up with increasing or are we just some of us have been serious. the
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comes back where somebody me in the with that from the users football. but as you know for the, for fluency in year 3 months here with the word shifting christian portion from the georgia tech on us the voice mail, the the uh, that will give us that somebody fortunately was leslie
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of the photos. yes. that you, i got both, i do sort of like one the of the every operation that kind of must be camouflage quickly. so the enemy counted tennessee, with a drone, the the
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i stayed for several days with the guys from the 2 s 7 monk, a crew waiting for combat work. while we waited, we did all sorts of household chores. still cover more to cook food, contract equipment. it's important to know that soldiers don't live next to the guns. it's not safe. they get to that fine position to military vehicles. i was interested in a soldier with a co sign from card go sign. so i lot on given to just anyone use a squad leader or what's involved with them yet because it doesn't matter. i think we don't use cuz we but they do some for the full committee comes in with us. good. good. when you get in a set of x
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mode on the board of the 2 s small sofa panel, cannon caliber, $203.00 millimeters, maximum range, 47 kilometers. so the so stuff falls go see for the soul. my brother also because there's almost going to them you did or done is goodness enough, but this is the move for me to be cool. be nice to put your logo with the vehicle. you should see what the, what the last go to, you know, cuz you know, that sort of thing with autism fund that i'm not on my other design. it looks good less and you know it's, it's a lot to, to see the students and she does have
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a pretty hard exercise. now, what do you see me then? i didn't miss elizabeth. i police are going to proceed the deluxe to to thomas the, to improve what is michelle supply. excellent. so she can walk you through the steps. i couldn't seem to be able to use the facebook to stay on the defensive kitchen items. so can you just a little bit when you guys, i think most people think of them that i'm seeing you leave them a know, but it's
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a good point is that they should see the same. so wasn't the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the the,
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the, the, the, the,
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the, the dns to the credit to the civic motion over several breath colors. the, the the,
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the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the level. where's the lady did you say? yes,
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the the, the, the, the jackal down. yeah. they have the the don't touch the barrel. so naturally, to insure extremely hot. a demo. i realized that i just move this to capture the world's largest and most powerful candidate. which by the way, is famous me man, by the youngest, come back the i've been to different
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positions in town to the lives of several to, to recruit i. so this isn't just random firing of individual guns at the intimate about the complex with the units linked together in a single 12 oil. the for the with the yeah, yeah. and we have to be able to keep our dental,
9:00 am
the lod on the bottom of the fields as russia says, almost 200 ukrainian sold as were locked in the single day i made, intends fighting in the hock of region all to get a chance to just see some of the equipment in the band and the on the front lines. it has to retreat very quickly, safe, the scope to a nearby tree or something. and if you think that they go blinded when the night falls, well actually they can see everything as bright as the day and past the pol point of to return a sense. so it's presentation about gavin starving to death, sees a senior us


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