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tv   News  RT  June 3, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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in the region, the impact is the high court over time state conviction of state treason against coma, prime minister, you run con, but he will remain in jail for mary nice, wide, too soon. after the polls show freeze from the battlefield, i mean intense pressure. the stock of regions are 2 reports from the font lines workshop towards mid a tree equipment review, recreating the buttons the tactic training unit has to retreat. they quickly save the scope to a nearby tree or something. and if you think that they go blind, when's a night's post? well, actually they can see everything as bright as the day best, you know, us aid official is forced to resign after the plot was gone into a presentation about solving guys and that's,
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that's more than 3500 children that's said to be at risk of imminent death, fans all these ready of the task, what holders from entering the holiday apologize? a couple of those form of foreign minister claims include help get to cease by deal over the line. it's a very significant step. it may be labeled as being very black heating body. well, it's very complex that i think it comes at the right time, and it's been a very significant pin message to the international community. the process is on to international what the latest global updates i a my quote quote, you smell, practice guns high court has over times the conviction of a former prime minister, you've run con for leaking state secrets. he's been jail for 10 years. however,
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he'll remain behind boss for breaking islamic traditions when marrying his current wife. now let's get more on this story now and i'm joined at the studio by archie steve, sweetie. steve is gonna have you join me right now. is this supposed to be seen as a big when for a run? can i just pull that to go potty or that it is not as optimistic as we see from the outside world on the, on the face of it, they seems to be a significant vic fee for the former pockets on the prime minister and wrong con, this the high court has overturned his conviction for they can state secrets, he's a being saving 10 years. uh orthodontics, having a 10 year prison sentence on this, on a number of other charges, not this you news has, and surprisingly, being welcomed by his support is now the charges and the case against the wrong call and has been going on for some time for needy well, just over 2 years now,
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costing online back to april 20, 22, april unconscious. usually papa. but he was, i was stayed in a no confidence vote in the practice on the parliament. this is a vote that he said was a legal and his supporters, and he said it was a weston conspiracy. his policy said that the all sorts he said, went on to register. i you see like cases against him to victimize, the former prime minister on april and con himself said that he had the information from the country's intelligence services that his life was indeed on the threats now or the center. this is what's cool the, the site per document, which is a diplomatic correspondence between the practise on the bottom of the to washington and the ministry of foreign affairs in us is what i'm about now. the charges for it gets conduit that he didn't return this diplomatic cable and that he leaked site secrets and you'll remember that and it back in 2023 comm was arrested and we sold
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this huge outpouring of support. the huge mobilizations, a huge protest may be in the capital, it is, it is lemme but also in other towns and cities across the country. and this was posing a serious threat to power. the time, not con, came to a power when he was elected, he invited to deal with corrupt, seen in the country. he said he was going to fight terrorism, but also this uh, uh, the he was going to challenge the power of the practice. tony ministry, which is into being several times, is very powerful in the park. he started the political life and it has been for decades. so he was challenging that and the, the other charges where the people were saying that these threats were issued to com at the time, through the state through washington. and they were said to have put him under pressure, ready to re evaluate and re reassess of all of his political positions,
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particularly those relating to russia and your members of the time that abram khan had refused to join the sanctions. and he refused to condemn the uh, ukraine conflict. he said that continuing trade with russia was in the best interest of the people of pakistan. now, course, despite the welcome news today, the signing of this conviction, he remains in prison. these are charges relating to his 3rd marriage, which would seem to contravene islamic tradition rights wait to see how these things pat out. a lot of people i do believe thing. all righty. but the way to see what the outcome of all of this is, see sweetie. thank you for being, you know, it's up to speed on this. thank you. moscow's told london needs, continuing military support for ukraine is only prolonged in the contract country suffering and becomes as few as classes in the how cover you didn't have resulted
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in the loss of least a 190 korean soldiers in just one day in a sweeping advance moscow's troops are now vying for control of a critical town. although task ortiz egos, donald, was among the 1st to survey the front line positions. so this is volt, john's a border town in the heart of region where both most cool and key key beefing up the garrisons. and now russia has someone to hear some of its most elite men to join the newly formed military group. north oil for the reason is my unit is currently stationed in the strategically important area where the most of us have been transferred to year along with the off my unit and how they're battalions and regiments forms in the general public. yeah, they're also here on this front of all deployed to complete specific tasks, but the professional situation is completely under control. i believe we have concentrated the necessary resources here to contract and the forces and units that
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our enemies are concentrating in this area. today, the enemy is deploying significant resources and forces to this direction. we observe the piano, me is in a very difficult situation, regardless of the weaponry equipment or too many resources the receive to try to oppose us and deliver decisive blow. the enemy simply does not have enough them. we're but if you q him, we are the fast janice crew on these new come up positions on the border of the how to region. i'm it familiar landscape. one of the fighters is showing me a device. i've been hearing about a lot, but for the 1st time it's lying before me. so here's a very interesting trophy. this is a sniper scope with sam. oh, and night division. it's connected with this cable to monitor over here. when a ukrainian unit has to retreat, they quickly tape the scope to a nearby tree or something. and then they pull back with this case. then they can
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see everything that is going on on their abundant positions from columbus has a way. and if you thing cause that they go blind when the night falls, well actually they can see everything as bright as day. so, besides, the working principle of this device is as follows. the cable is inserted into a special socket when it is turned on. loading begins showing temperature and battery percentage levels. while the device is loading, the monitor is also turning on. once turned on, we wait for the signal activate device, and it takes a few minutes to activate. then we set it all up at the required angle. we switch to the mode, we need thermal imaging or night vision. once the device is configured, you can comfortably observe the situation from a trench or a 4 to 5 position. they can see up to 3 kilometers ahead and detect the moving targets. additionally has a recording function that can last for up to 8 hours of inventing new ways of going remote is something. both armies are working hard every day. but in some aspects,
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strengths can only be achieved in numbers. so can we cause the drones have become an integral parts of the conference in ukraine? and i'm being told that this amount is about a 100 of drones here. just one unit of the special forces can use and send the enemies way. in a matter of 12 hours, the north military group has already been giving hell to ukraine's forces here on the spot special forces reinforcement has arrived to lend it a muscular shoulder makers done of reporting from the product of region border. ok, see the menu cranes frontline struggles, the u. s. is rushing to turn around. it's fortunes. his now allowed to file a long range weapons from the shock of region to hit pockets inside of russia. old, while the assembly gets done looking for world war 3,
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we've been concerned about escalation since the very beginning of this war and those concerns remain valid. the president has said he does not want to be responsible for starting world war 3. we're not looking for a conflict with russia, another nuclear power to buy the spot. the i saw some us officials list standing the alarm over the decisions being made in the oval office. now the voices inside the us congress of war. the funds on proceed into the risk of nuclear war one soon as a plains do a body needs sleep walking into disaster. we want presidential candidates, robert f. kennedy julia has spoken of his fears of the consequences. if the decisions go, all right. i'm headed on did a study about what would happen if we had a big change with the russians. within the 1st 20 minutes of the or 90000000 americans would be dead. within the next 6 months, another 100000000 would die. but
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a lot of europe remains divided over the decision to allow ukraine to stripe deep into russia. so far, 11 countries and the confidence back the move quals several nations us strongly opposed to it. of the home gary and prime minister big the alban, called on to you to come to it census and preventive further escalation of the conflict. a way for more europe is preparing for boys today. they announce the opening of a new section of the road to hell every day. every day with bon bonded with the idea of hundreds of billions of your race, via crane nuclear weapons deployments and the hearts of your conscription of us sons into a for an all me nice her mission in ukraine, european ministry units, and ukraine. my friends, it seems that there are no brakes on the board train and the driver has gone mad. we need to pull the emergency break. so at least those who want to can get off and stay out of the book. and i some politicians,
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this cross escalating about who are the home go in and jump on capital was so, so marches of people speaking out against nato's role, the trade, particularly the decision to let kids to like russian territory with west and weapons. and they said that the comfortable boss of move makes need to a direct participant in the war against germany. russia, russia, germany, germany, germany, gave you. we are in a place here in central europe, where if any terrible process starts, we will unwillingly become the suffering bodies of it. therefore, as long as this can still be reversed and prevented from escalating, everything must be done. after the middle is now over
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$3500.00 children in gaza facing an imminent risk of death. according to the senior and health professionals as a blame, useful for using starvation as a method of war fat, which is seen 57 palestinians parish due to mog attrition. and hydration says was spa that a former us a to offer shall have prepared the presentation of the community or in crisis. it was quickly given an option to reside or be terminated by the agency over quote, personality differences are chase, middle east bureau chief, might have an option that picks up this delivery from here as senior advisor on maternal and child health and nutrition, who's been with usaid for 4 years had to resign after his presentation on child mortality, and sufferings of mothers and miners and guys, it was cancelled. smith says he submitted a short summary of his work in february and he says he was impressed that it was
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accepted as he understood the topic was rather controversial. and he based his analysis on public health data from the when and world health organization. the days before the event. usaid middle east bureau leaders reviewed smith's presentation and we're not happy. they asked to drop the slide on international humanitarian law, or in particular, israel's compliance with the law abuses and also ask to refuse particular words. for example, the word palestine. smith made necessary changes, but later was informed that his presentation was dropped any way. and he decided to leave an interview that he gave later. smith criticized the silence of us officials regarding the guys a crisis. hurricane high ranking by an administration members, including usa director to end the gaz lighting around the daughter, a humanitarian situation in the palace student. and claim and address. finally, the key cause of it, which is as well as military offensive. and his resignation letter smith accused
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usaid of being biased in what comes to the war. and guys, i'm and palestinians and state and listen when it comes to the palestinians. we avoid saying anything about their right to state code, the abuse is that currently suffering or which powers have been violating that basic rights to freedom, self determination, livelihoods, and clean water? i thought it is really, i've seen that misinformation can go out freely out into the world about garza, but i can't talk about the reality of solving pregnant women. we can't even whisper about that in a conference on that topic since the beginning of israel is war and guys in october, um and there it has been almost blindly backing its allies sending weapons and also shielding israel from diplomatic attacks of the united nations that raise many questions of home before us and voices criticising washington support of israel's deadly offensive. and guys and those origin to stop arms shipments to israel have
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been heard over and over again. including from when things abide and administration . alexander smith has become the latest to us sufficient to resign and protest against washington's approach to miss rose war, but not the 1st one. the state department stores falls over so us weapons transfers to other countries was the 1st to leave months later, another state department official left citing the us support for the war. and also earlier in the usa departments made a report attempting to clear israel offers sponsibility for blocking humanitarian aid into guys. and one of the experts involved in this project resigned over this report as she couldn't agree with this conclusion. let's take a listen to what she has to say. sometime at the end of april, the subject matter experts were taken off the reports and we were told that would be edited at a higher level. so i did not know what was in the report until it came out. but when the report came out, i read it and i had to re read it. i had to go back and print out that section and
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read it because i could not believe it stated so starkly that we assess that israel is not blocking humanitarian assistance. meanwhile, the spikes us attempts to underestimate the scale of the humanitarian crisis. and guys on dissertation on the ground remains dire, particularly for minors, gases, government, media, office warrens that to more than $3500.00 children under the age of 5 are at risk of dying due to malnutrition had shortages of vaccination. the world health organization reports that over 80 percent of gases, children have gone to full day without food. and the last 3 days, mothers and guys are also facing a crisis has to do to malnutrition. they are not able to breast feed their children . the un sound of the alarm repeatedly over this crisis and gaza, but the conditions and the palestinian plays we made really hard to survive. and
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visitation actually doesn't change and fortune thing and state and getting guys out where several overnight easterly strikes killed 11 people, including women and children in central gazda. a warning that there are distressing images just they had an idea of bombs drunk a home in the brace, wreckage, camp, surviving victims as well as the bodies of his deceased were taken to all ox. the hospital. a couple of hours before bunch attack is riley. well, he's all targeted and now the refugee camp news arrived killing at least 4 people. the other way from the middle is now the turquoise seas and finds time to be to use of them all these a set to be off the holiday limits of these where the passport hold is. and that's up to the gop and all the indian ocean, not capital good, decided to bad, all citizens from the nation over the war in gas. it's not being specified,
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nor would take effect. or these are the foreign minister that has advised all citizens to avoid travel to them all these and the, to those cover the there to leave the following, the for the, for in minnesota all the, i'll couple that goose as a more countries to support the policy and calls it has to be long, that is, it has decided that you n um resolutions the whole international community um working full piece in palestine. so it's a very significant step. it may be labeled as being very, blanketing manual is really possible so that i think it comes at the right time. and it says a very significant message to the international community, c u. s. and you k have consistently shown including the un security council, and they do not have the will to see to push through for the rights of palestinians
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. and however, across the world we're seeing countries missing foreign ministers. in the statements. we saw w into a recognized palestine and the separate state. so i think, well, the opinion has very much changed. and i think the governments of the western countries have to taken into account the public opinions of the people who are demonstrating in london in paris across the world every single day for the rights is opposing people. so i think so all the feeling is changing and i think of those governments have to keep up and do what is right. and it is my wish to see that as well as the wish of millions of people across the world who are standing up for what is right. are these what any prime minister has reportedly said. he's open to a 42 daisies far to help with the release of some of the hostages still being held by him as in gaza. benjamin netanyahu addressed the meeting all the security, the cabinet on monday, giving his 1st public reaction to the proposal. put forward by you. ready as
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president to abide in on friday to and the watering guys and then tell a v. but over the weekend, thousands demonstrated demanding get removal of upon minutes. but the minutes in yahoo and his job and the demonstrators were met with a heavy handed response from the police. the testers hold for an immediate cease fire in the old house. the teasing gather of the movement against these rolls from minnesota has been gaining spread as the weeks go. by. increasingly, more people have been hitting the streets to speak out against the war from a can. i search for the merits potty mostly arise, says is any deal is announced. you will come from washington and not nathan, yahoo! cisco is always so close to night, but i know too. what is exactly the government's position since that one
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and the president to believe it, then you know somebody, it's 70 thoughts blinking and puzzled as 5. then the service compliments a fault for sure. but then you know, it could be 2 bath but the sudden yeah. awesome. so yeah, what is not the, the, the appraisers, pennsylvania i have meant that the flyers use let's because of that by then say, yeah, what grades, he doesn't say about $0.05 and he says about the we would not to agree to enter was so again, topic meaning that the stop and stop thoughts of it's something jones, probably president by that these lights, but that's the, is not strong good plays enough to say, what is the printer? and next is the emotional story of 3 elderly policy and assessed as it has been separated. bobby ongoing war, siblings previously survived. the notorious,
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not behold, tried to be in 1948 hours a found out to bob. besides the chapters of the tragic family history, the hanover felt pain and humiliation to co countries from us and expelled us from it. i tell my children and grandchildren the story of all migration in 1948 to very expelled from all land and left as we are carrying nothing but also the issue of the people. psyche has been completely destroyed. we live in fear with tired minds, with great anxiety. now we're living through the non above 2023. the the about 16. on the 6th of june, 1967. the jews enter the country. the plains with roaming everywhere. before that
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to the jews were out of sight with the help of britain and the about so declaration they occupied land, low in the establishment of a national homeland for the jews and testing and territory. whoever told the jew stone the town that night but told the women and children to go outside, my mother carried my brother needs and we need the road. we spent about a week sleeping in the plane. the end of october, october 7th, 2023 at 6 in the morning were heard the sound of miss aisles. i went to my room, put on some clothes and took some documents. my sons and daughters begin to wonder why was doing this. i told him that something was going to happen to us that had never happened before. that would be war against us, a very fierce one. the
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and i wish i could take them out with me to escape from garza and to let them live as they deserve in safety. but these are matters beyond my control. even while i'm in egypt, i suffer. i think of my children and grandchildren every 2nd. they don't even have water. every time i read the news about another bombing, i tried to communicate with my children the for the help one day will return to a country in a few miles to i'm diminished, writes hope. we all will live peacefully along with peaceful jews, not extremis. last month, the green, this catastrophe is more deadly than the non box spec done in 9048, my family left their home and don't return to this day, they demand
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a ride to return. we do not know whether we will return or not. my message to the international community is enough when your weakness look was compassion of the women, children and the elderly stuff with your weakness and stop this war, the for. but archie does comedies for you can guess all the details of all the surveys are following. the watch and bodies are put on the next with me like time, the hello, i'm going to a chan. you are tuned into modus operandi. it's that time of year again. okay, well, every 4 years that is not the elections. the olympics or the world will gather in the spirit of goodwill in competition or so we're told. what is that truly the case? today we'll examine the upcoming paris summer olympics and weather sports is just
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a euphemism for politics and running shoes. all right, let's get into the m o. the manual macro on the president of france has spent billions of dollars in city wide upgrades in and around paris and preparation for the 2024 olympic games. while this is a lot of money, it's par for the course for any host city. but the city of light is coming under fire for leaving the world in the dark about the cities homeless population who are getting bust out far and away from paris. as officials expect 15000000 torres to defend on the french capital. meanwhile, as wars rage on and gaza and a prolonged conflict anticipated in ukraine,
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the international olympic committee is wrong. i are from activists who say the i o . c is playing favorites with israel, and being hypocrites with russia. of joining us to discuss is a dear friend of mine who happens to be a dual french american citizen. is tad raleigh's. the co host of sputnik radios final countdown show. he's a syndicated cartoonist and author of several books including to afghanistan and back tad. always glad to speak with you it's, it's good to be here. so we 2024 parents olympics. they're just around the corner. like any other host city to the games that, you know, they try to clean up a ratchet up security. terrorism is always a threat at big events like this, but there are some reports that are emerged around, you know, a 100 days or so ahead of the games. going emmanuel, my crone had dozens and dozens of homeless migrant families removed from the area
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near paris. city hall, now i would compare this to when the california and governor gavin newsome magic, we got rid of san francisco's homeless problem ahead of she didn't things visit for the a peck summit. oh, what do you make of frances preparations for the olympics to? yes and my and my thought went to when new york we are truly ami. um was hosting the republican national convention or i, i'm sorry, that was mayor michael bloomberg and he also had the homeless people removed and exiled it to the bar. i was outside of manhattan of new york city as the same and this is something that happens whenever a city hosted to major event, whether it be a sporting a major sporting event like the olympics or political convention or whatever. no one wants to see the riffraff around, and i think, you know, this is,
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it's not unusual now. what a lot of people might not know about paris. it really has long had a major problem with homelessness. when i was a kid, the 1st time i went, it was an up to this one gave me, i'm 60 years old. in 1973. i went with my mom and i was time. i remember seeing like these bombs is the big part. you could say basically sleeping on the wall, the retaining wall over the sand river. and they cut my mom said, oh no, there's in french. he said those are the crucial, which basically means, you know, homeless guys, they were all alcoholics and they would sleep up there. and i was always kind of amazed that they just didn't just roll over to their, to their dads and fall like 60 feet down to the pavement. or depending on the tied it into the water. but, and it must have happened. but.


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