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tv   Going Underground  RT  June 3, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

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so there's about a 100 of drones here. just one unit of the special forces can use and send the enemy's way. in a matter of 12 hours, we know what community group has already been giving house to ukraine's forces here on the special forces reinforcements not as arrived to lending a muscular shoulder as to how many dish done of reporting from the high tech of region border oxy well, that's all from me now. my colleagues self defense key will be with you at the top of the off more updates by now the the
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sooner that it said, welcome back to going underground broadcast to go around the world from the u. a much of the world believe data allies that the washington proxy war on russia through ukraine was unprovoked. the $911.00 was something to do with afghanistan, that there was w, m. d, and the rock and the destroying libya was moral. today, most of humanity is in no doubt, the genocide in jerusalem and gaza has been enabled by the usa and its puppet western european nations. it will be on show on wednesday when is really celebrate the legal annexation of east jerusalem with the mass golf, the washington rules based order and russia, china. the global south only can only lead politically and strategically now pursuing pods, independence of nato nations. is it now the beginning of the end of israel just as bite, and then trump fight over? who is the figure head to the beginning of the end of us? and by me, go to that. the founder of palestine has
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a freedom and author of the general sun journey of and is really in palestine for troy is rarely special forces before becoming a powerful voice for peace. he joins me again from washington dc because so good to see you again. i benefit us, ask you about houses, the house of peace house of palestine. what is this new initiative? a man out as a free and gotten free up as we call it? in arabic, it's an initiative to 1st of all have a space in washington dc. a central profile place and why should they see the carriers, the policy and flag that there hasn't been a policy in flight in washington dc and it's high time. so this in the symbolism is important. and then to, um, we're working to make sure that the content inside the building, which is quite a substantial uh space that we have um, functions to change the narrative it to change the conversation. washington dc, from a very pro zionist, between the proprietor liberals i in as the conversation discourse to
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a scars that cost with this mentioning of apartheid and this knowledge of a real democracy between the river and the see where they go. right? i know, or maybe i missed all the cottage that we can see on social media and not on the nato nation propaganda media. you have been the huge, the into, is by the protests across campus is right across the united states. but if you have this house of palestine, i mean, you don't think the us security forces will target it, like it targeted the students at the campuses in georgetown as well. who knows what the other side is going to do? i mean, we need to do what we need to do. i think the like the, you know, the student, the student initiatives that have been, have raised, i've always had this, they've raised the level of discourse about palestine and, and in this country are far above and beyond. anybody would have expected and more than anybody else as and i think they have contributed to the strengths of your palestine more than anyone in this country. and there was a fantastic conference with people to conference for palestine in detroit,
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which came out of that's the movement and it was attended by thousands and then any but anybody who was there a great it was the best event, a conference for palestine ever held. and so the, our, our little, our part in this, in this entire strategy is if you will, to take the blog and put it in the socket. now there was, we're in the capitol, we are a stones throw from, uh, from the capitol. and we need to enter those spaces where the citizen being made is insulated areas inside of the spaces that were not being heard. i mean you, we could have a 1000000 people in the streets and then and there. and then there's still a selling weapons in allowing that and allowing this the genocide to sleep for a big master caricature to continue. so our, i see our responsibility is the people who care for justice and treat them. you know, to figure out a way to enter those spaces and push this agenda forward again. demanding that is managing of apartheid and establishing a rail. repulsed,
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i don't get excited from the river, tennessee calling, but as long as it doesn't matter, but do you think you can draw a connection between say, the campus protests and initiatives like that. with the bizarre moment in history, where biden appeared to be saying, a 2000 pound boom shouldn't be sent to net and yahoo, i don't go whether more. which ends in any case because a $1000000000.00 of more weapons have been signed off for from american public money to is rarely in any case. but just that little mention of the fact that one bomb has not been sent to israel. positively, the trying to please the base probably, i mean there's a lot of pressure in the democratic party. there's lot of pressure. i mean, the democratic convention is coming up and is, and, and i think the city of chicago is going to be a repeat of history is going to be complete. chaos people are demanding change. people are demanding, recognizing that there is an apartheid,
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the kinds of apartheid is being perpetrated. and the crime genocide is being perpetrated. and they want to see their leaders response. so sadly, the response so far has been so completely, you know, pale and ineffective. and the best they can do is like you said, the nice thing, a particular bomb, but i mean, they're aligned this bloodletting, this vicious massacre. this is, this is the genocide. so this think, i mean, not only are the words and the failure sometimes to go on in broad daylight and uh and, and, and the thing is the conversation has to change. there has to be a tipping point. we have to bring it to a tipping point where people discuss the end of apartheid and the establish made establishment of the free past. i have to go over to the c as main street. what was interesting at the conference that people conference on palestine just recently in detroit was this, that was the main stream. we had thousands of participants that were there. some of the most brilliant young speakers, many of them were and about at this point and outside of the circle completely
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announce maybe weren't on the video. i know. and that was the main street. that was a discussion and i've been to several of the students and cabins on through here across united states. and the conversation is the same. divest, divest they're demanding their campuses divest. the restaurant is a step in the just not think of a part time. so it's a recognition of apartheid and a demand for a, for the palestine from the river to the sea. this is what the students are demand a 10 and the end that's more important than i know. audience figures it down, but ribbon looks fox news channel repeatedly claiming if your in any way and supported palestine. you pro, how mosque pro october the 7th, the resistance attack? and as you know, the congress is unanimous in its support for as well. this is the problem, i don't see, i don't see any problem with either one of those 2 statements. i mean the policy and resistance is a legitimate this one, the resistance of the attacks of, of the policy and resistance operation. october 7 was
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a brilliant exit. yeah. sorry, mean i didn't mean it in that way. i read it, would they see the equation? there you go lexical and basically october, the 7th, a, something on the side of a i says the hash, which you go as many people have written about as being a c, i a cause has corporation. and yeah, i mean, they're going to see what they're going to say, but eventually we know that is because we've been around long enough that those who called nelson mandela terrorist then when do you know, begging for an audience with them. he was president and wanted to shake his hand. and that's how history seems to turn on. this is exactly what's going to happen out . i believe very strongly that if these initiatives continue, if the student initiatives continue, if are also in house of freedom, you know, we know if we, we, we do that, we do our work, then we, this is going to be the tipping point and this conversation is going to change very quickly here in washington dc, which is where most decisions are being made about, like you said, most of the genes bypass are being made here, you know, at the capital and then the white house. so that i,
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i really believe that that is whatever they claim now is, is irrelevant because they're going to change their tune once uh, once, once things turn around. uh, there's no question about that. yeah. and there's corporate media and corporate board. politicians slowly begin to change a little and realize or maybe admit what they knew anyway, the genocide was taking place. do you think there's a greater right recognition that i mean, if israel i to use mental illness as a e, a as a way to talk about it, found it after the holocaust in europe. it's the selling of the ohms. it's a sending of the weapons that is enabling this. they're just going to end up blaming israel is we can see from certain western european countries, probably going israel to the sequel. it's not just the israel, is it by any means. you know, of course not. i mean, americans, brands, i mean,
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they all received it as honest education. so, you know, on both sides of the atlantic, people grow up beans, honest. even if they don't know, even if they can't articulate, you know, that was honest. exactly means they're designed to stay there. the education system here to change people leads people to design is there's no question about it. you know, they know everything about the holocaust and everything about the biblical stories and everything about the jews and so on. and so far they know nothing about, i mean, from hollywood to novel is to the whole, not way culture excellent. and, and textbooks they are, they are designed as the organizations across every state here in united states that examine the textbooks. and one of the teachers have their social studies conferences and so forth, the all day with the curriculum providing, you know, curricula for the, to the store, these teachers that then they teach their students. so it's in the school. it's a lot of calls you like decided to in the movies it's in, it's everywhere. it and the news of course and the politics. so americans got these honest and there is a big challenge. of course they've been will have this for a 100 years pushing this agenda slower. and so once you get to that point where it,
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where people, honestly it's already design is it's very easy to justify sending weapons to the only jewish day to you know, another people who came back from the holocaust and so on. so from the inside of narrative, it's very easy to do that. of course it's not just as read all the dot. i'd be quite happy with israel with the apartheid being dismantled. well, let me get onto that. let me get onto that. i mean, your grandfather, famous thing, was one of the 37 who signed off the creation of israel. do you think now we are watching the beginning of the end of his route? and i think, you know, you wanna publish this go ahead eloquently, recently as a historian and people who watch our interview with him recently. and so he, exactly, so he's very sick. he lives a, this is as his story and he believes that the honest historians will in the future talk about this period. as you know, the 1st signs of the client of zionism and, you know, i don't know if i'm that up to mistake. i do think that the potential is there,
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i think the potential for the end desires and the end, or if you condition around the world designs um there should be 0 tolerance design isn't because literally erase it as genocide, like the ology that produced the races. but does, i will say so i think if we do our job as people have confidence around the world and we will see an end to this very sad chapter in the history of palestine and they will again, or they will collapse in a real estate policy and will emerge after it and replace it. but i think in a lot of it depends on, on, on what we do and whether or not um and whether or not we do our job, you know fast because we don't wanna waste any more time. are we seeing the end of the phrase, the 2 state solution which so maintain the as an excuse for the genocide, that's what the lead is of countries say, want to excuse the other side a well, it's a signal is lost. sadly, no, that's exactly the problem. we have not seen the end of that phrase. we still see the bernie standard time sanders types of liberals i in his talk about it, just
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a solution and, and, and so forth. and that's again precisely what our mission needs to be. his daughter hardy as to is to provide them with a context. so people understand that why that is absurd, why the notion of separating talestine is absurd. why historically, i mean, realistically, can't be done. and historically, it's not the right thing to do and politically it's, it's an impossibility. so our role is to educate the people around these, these figures to make sure that they understand why they can no longer say this, why it's unacceptable. because the 2 state solution, legitimizes design, is that legitimize is everything that happened from 1947 until, you know, until 1967 this, the 1967 was different than what happened before that, you know, we're approaching on the, on the anniversary of the 9067 is really solved on its neighbors of engine light, is 60 something in which as you know, my father was, was, it was one of the generals. so that the, to educate the people to give them the context to understand and to see. and to explain and again to push forward why the tuesday solution is absolutely the wrong
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thing to talk about. it's absurd, it is, it is, it is immoral. it leads to nothing. and it really provides, like you say it provides a fig leaf to the ongoing genocide. whereas, and i get, i don't even know what the benefits or what the virtual of that would be even if it was possible. whereas i single democracy between the river and the sea and everybody is like the phrase, the river and the see, you know, and that's or palestine is. i don't know what other place $1.09 is if not to deliver in the 6, but between the river jordan and the drain and a real democracy, real free palestine where they go, right? that should be the conversation and that's what we're pushing for makeup of that. i'll stop you. the more from the grandson of a signatory to israel's. that'd be $48.00 creation after this break. the
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hi. i'm receptive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way and say welcome back to going on the right, i'm still here with me. go pilot, the grandson of a signatory to israel's 1948 creation may go. we were talking about perhaps the end of the israel, as we know it,
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how people in israel reacting to ongoing events previously. they well, one, the labor party chief in israel and there of which though, said that in yahoo and bing, via the people in power in the telling me right now helped assassinate, were being how close is nothing yahoo to as, as a nation. well i thing i don't think use those as an issue at all. i think he's doing exactly what is the central it's want him to do use. what do they want more as well? actually with a little more could they possibly do is massive green people by, you know, by, you know, as much as you want the are the possible. and so i think he's doing exactly what people want the only the only people who oppose him or people that wants his seat. but it's not for political ideological reasons. and i mean, it is really society by and large stands behind the genocide. they've always stood behind the genocide. i mean, it's been going on since it was established and the vast majority is really,
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society always stood behind it. there is some kind of, i think, a sickness that is, that exist and racist outside of societies as purchase of just societies that are raised and brought up and educated to be racist and genocide. all his relatives are certainly not the 1st. hopefully they'll be the last, but that is the reality. and i think and as an yahoo, nothing else seems to be politically, at least very safe, is exactly what his constituents want. you're saying couldn't be was or it's difficult to say it, but it causes, you know, in washington we've had lindsey graham, senior, the senator, we've had one leader in michigan to give out the use of nuclear weapons to destroy gaza, even though they're being multiples of hiroshima is of the n t dropped on a british american you nation weaponry onto gaza. how will is rail react as it seemingly loses this war against? ha, so his own members of the resistance who are clearly surviving while the women and
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children and civilians. man, uh, being slow since i don't think israel's objective is do is to this the last in resistance. i think it was objective is to kill as many boston is awesome. and in that they've been very successful. so when people say, as well as losing on my front, i, you know, i have to question that because the objective is nice to see the resistance. i don't think anybody thinks it's even realistic, a realistic expectation that that will ever happen. so it's extermination. but it is extermination as genocide as a holocaust. they are they, they wants to execute a complete all the costs against the cost in and people them and they're doing it as we can see without any interruption. you don't see any, any uh, elements here. all of israel being used by certain people in the rights in the united states for trying to get a why that will with a run. the community failing, given new alliance is being forged here in west asia between savvy rapier and iran,
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and syria are and so forth. did it surprise you around the response calibrated response to the attack on the consulate in damascus? and the way that this region is not being provoked by the here reflect imagery into the why that will or yeah, i don't think is what was being used. i think his role is doing exactly what it was always doing and it wants to do, was it again, exterminate, eliminate the cost in that people as to the, you know, the right hand response, it's always been measured, is always been responsive. they've always been, you know, been responsible in their, in their uh, in their responses to these really provocation. and they continue essentially to, to, to do that. so i don't thing, i think maybe there are people who want to see some kind of a new or is destruction of the entire region. but i, like i said, i think, i think the point thing is to focus on ending the genocide of the past in the people by dismantling the regime dismantling apartheid. you know,
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this is an example. we talk about sanctions and i investments. and so for see if i just had their, their, their congress in, in, in thailand a couple weeks ago. and i was always kind of, you know, behind the scenes conversations about kicking out israel. i don't know what they're waiting for. what is, what more does it all need to do before it's it's, it's kicked out of all these organizations, you know, it's rhetoric organizations. this is the media one of the bigger problems, if there's not enough pressure on these organizations to kick as we go out on today . i mean just match or is it sort of peel of influence at elections around the like, visa be international. caucasian quote, it was called until recently, i mean the response of to the quote was talking about genocide and rafa was to give israel another month to carry it out. is this a little, just the mood music, but don't really help the actual resistance?
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because we see the pictures of what happens every time. every time these judges speak more children account. you know, it reminds you, it makes you think of, you know, when hitler was massacring jews, you know, can you imagine somebody saying you have one months to show us that you're going to stop or ask me for a ceasefire? i mean, well i, this is absurd. it's a, it's an absolutely kind of a absurd theater. why are we, why are they waiting for them? why are they giving them more time? why are they giving them the option to negotiate a ceasefire? when there's a genocide going on, you come in and you ended the 6th fleet, but you was maybe just explained isn't on the drain and they can stop it right now . they could have prevented office and provide the, you know, the, this urgency, medicare and i care to the palestinians in gaza and open the gates. i mean, the only reason that they imagine in crisis and guys is because it's a prison. people are bringing, you know, thousands of trucks stuck in, in rough,
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hot in egypt instead of opening the gates and letting people go into 1948 palestine where there's all the food, all the water, all the medical. if you had a good possibly want a 10 minute drive away, you know the conversation is so ridiculously skewed and then again, instead of, instead of asking israel to agree to cease fire in giving them another month to prove this rate and it now so that the costing is, are not killed anymore. open the guy down, gates destroyed his prison, live to see, to let people live. but no, israel has to be given all of these and i gave him, can you imagine what it was, was in power doing that, giving him all these, you know, give them all these opportunities to continue to kill as acute and goes on. there's not even a pause in this, in the killing of people, and as for risk suffering and this, this entire sadistic um, you know, reality that whether we see in front of a very, i, a 10 minute drive east. any point in the got the strip is water. this food is medical care, the best medical care we didn't the, you know,
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policies don't need to suffer. there's no reason whatsoever for them to suffer open the got them gates and, and eliminated the a part time. that's the key here, but that's a i think people want to talk about the egypt as a role here. and so yeah. can explain the situation there for those people who have not been to the region to gauze that to that border. this fake name philadelphia, colorado just thought up by b is read. it can be a gibbons not just open the border with gaza instead of all this blame, which is ro, there's not, there's nothing there on the other side. drop off is what, what's on the inside desert? the other side of drop off is it as it is a sign i desert, there's nothing there. you know, a 10 minute drive east. there's like, you know, and it ties the entire country at the developed country with hospitals and cities and towns everywhere and a 10 minute drive east of the go straight bottom. any point, you know, there will be the and dollars worth of suffering. the opening, the opening, rough uh with the is okay, but there's nothing on the other end. it's
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a desert damage and or if it you can. and that seeing us facilitating the expulsion, enforceable removal of all these 2000000 people from gaza and just leaving them to be stranded like they are in, in the coverage of teas up. why is it, why is it that hasn't been more international resistance attacks in solidarity? what is the, i mean clearly be, i suppose you'd say that the 5 to appear, low leadership is completely discredited. but why is it, we're not seeing this conflict wide in the tool and just this enclose area of 2000000 people being starved to death or bomb to death without any other resistance, a violent resistance, as i suppose, mandela would have advocated joining if i had struggled abroad as well as at home as well. no, this really is really settling another part of the country are completely catalyzed because of the, because of the attacks by, by eliminated by his law. so there is the, the bad thing of having
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a reprise in there, and there isn't anything enterprise in the north for this book. i mean, policy is doing everything they possibly can. prostate is exist in a maximum security prison. and so they're doing everything they possibly can. there is jeanine is now the northern west bank and many other forms of resistance of boston is use or on arms? i, you know, the emphasis needs to be on us. i mean, i think the, that help is way to come from the outside. imagine monday, alongside patrick of the soviet block. they have the on the line countries that cuba, sunny tanks on dollar, you know, we don't live in that world anymore where there's, where there's somebody who can support the street. you know, it's just as abrasion and talestine. so it's have to ask people of conscience just anywhere around the world to stand up and demand that are, that there are governments do the right thing. and they're not going to the right thing unless we force and force them to do it. and so which, which they want, and we as regards who is going to win the election in the us in november, both sides of bank rolled by the supporters of israel. so that would have much
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effect and is immense amount of money to be made out of binding babies and be heading babies as britain in the united states and the, your nation weaponry is causing it to be slow, this grassroots action to take effect by then rather like the i c j, a way of trying to stop this one, they will be killed. yes, this is a tough question. i mean, there are things are moving way too slow, of course, and you know, you, you start something and you don't know how long it's going to take. but um, yeah, i mean this is worth a situation where you see it as you see this for if it bloodletting take place and you, the best thing you can do is um, altogether and you know, start a campaign uh start to broadcast uh, you know, organized city and, and so on. it's, it's, it's, it's, it's horrifying. it's actually are fine, but you write these things are going to be the process is very, very slow. the hope is that is enough. players participate in enough organizations
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participate in enough countries take part in this and there's enough pressure that every little these are pressure a bit of pressure eventually it will bring it to collapse. i'm just, i just finally, just finally on that, the optimistic no, to low as you say it is low. is it the end of any moral authority from nature propaganda? media? i don't know what you've told me. i mean, you've probably too busy organizing hand trying to prevent the genocide to watch who knows. but um, cnn, bbc, comcast, sky news. if you've been watching that coverage, is it the end of any kind of moral authority from these sorts of media organizations? the new york times, of course, which printed the fake stories of, of sexual crimes being systematically perpetrated by um, resistance scripts. it'd be, and is this more the end of the, that kind of media as being, having any respect?
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well, well, i don't know that they haven't years snags or the, i don't know if they ever had a model assigned to anybody. it was a little bit longer. an analytic perspective realizes that it's been, there's that there's never been, any, any model stands out by these people. but, you know, my, my, my problem is, but it's not just that, you know, it's, it's the, you know, other countries are still maintaining good relations with israel. i mean, they might say something, but like most of the bricks, countries are still having. they have good relations with israel, not, not, they haven't all done great overflows the embassies and keeps that these are invested. there isn't any, looks like that. that would be perhaps some kind of response, but that's, that's slow to take place. and so that, you know, my, my, my, my, i have low expectations for the nato countries. i have more expectations from, from the african countries. the asian country is, you know, the brakes lines that you will just be the counter to the, you know, to take the place of, of, of what used to be, again, the soviet block and so on that, that stood with, with nations that were finder, fighting for the duration and that's uh,
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that's not there yet. i'm hoping that it will be, but i think, i think again, i think, you know, we have to have hope we have to be optimistic on the boston ends. are looking at what is happening on campus is around the world of students in gaza and they're realizing that somebody's 90 was i'm even was all arches, but they're suffering makeup of that. i'm much it make up of that. thank you later . thank you and that's it. for the show, i'll continue condolences to those very value k u. s. you on genocide will be back with a brand new episode on site day until then keep in touch by the social media. if it's not sensitive in your country and to our channel going underground tv on normal dot com to let you know the episodes of going underground 2 sides of the the
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talk is done time cool to return the conviction is the trees and the games a wrong cold, but the former pm will remain jail for marrying his wife too soon on the divorce of a 3 to all 1000 palestinian children at risk of imminent death due to still of ation . but trying to report that has gotten a see new us a to special in hawks rule to these not being forced to resign and debate intensifies over whether the decision by the us, canada, on the less than you are paying countries to commit ukraine destroy into russia. to trigger a route to 3 the
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