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tv   Documentary  RT  June 3, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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as it is because russia is we in winning called with nature. ready and the west, well off dining conducting and carrying out the war from room stay in germany, 50 nations, all that. and they know, managing the west loans for a lot of factors because it seems the danger of russians advance. and because russia is winning all the ukraine, ukraine is forwarding into the box and feed. this is why we've seen the escalation from the support to ukraine, from midsize to thanks to more and the size, to more money. because the premium is all not managing. and the west is no magic, they are the one responsible of the war. now, it is true that if russia doesn't, we are more harshly, then we will soon see the f sixteens wherever ukrainian pilots all train. nevertheless, i think russia sofa has not been harsh enough. so we've seen the,
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the americans in iraq since what even before that is 1977 using depleted uranium in the back. those in iraq, they've done back in 2003. these really did that in 2006. and so far the russians had been using clean language at the start clean weapons, and they've been using convention of weapons. so for the time being the russian law abiding by the rule of the war and not really going beyond that as the americans. and the all i did in previous was, but that is even less for the west because it finds, it says that these looking for ways to at least stop russia. and the hitting behind the board is if you crane from the military approach, it is justified for the ministry to have the concentration of the troops. because
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there are more troops coming into the battle to feed and russia is in the behind. in this situation while you crank and do very little about this, and the logwood of the bottom of the russian put even more pressure on nato and the ways to conduct a war that these last. so this thin, russia is not doing enough to convince the west that they need to stop and go around the negotiation table. michael, it's going to bring you in and talk to you about the fact that the us. so i'm including a politicians in the us that say the us and europe a blind lee marching towards world war 3. others say, you know, western who folks of clear strategy in mind. and we, we even heard from the chief of defense in the u. k. today this is, i've most attorney rob can, who's saying that we need to stop this kind of boost language. what she's think
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really is what's happening, hey, is there a plan all day marching in blindly to the 12? i don't think we're approaching the 3rd world war however, i think we're in desperate in desperation times they don't have a strategy of a is a realize that the ukraine has failed in west western observers admit that. and i think that they are groping at straws now. to try to figure out some of the fact that the russians have not been much more assertive. until now. there's probably given the west a little bit of a sense. well, maybe ukraine does, in fact have a chance. but, but russia is waiting for, it seems to me, is for better i can, whether conditions or take me on the ground or hardened for harden the surfaces so that they can uh, uh, switch my, my mobile to a much more mechanized approach to dealing with ukraine. and i think it'll come in
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this month, and that's that you're gonna probably see a much more sort of effort by russia because of weather will be much more conducive to the greater russian offensive the russian, i don't see, nuclear weapons, tactical nuclear weapons. everybody in that region knows that it works against them, not even one tactical nuke would, would spread radiation all over the place, and it wouldn't just be consigned, it would affect everybody. and that in itself should be name maximum deterrence and to give any but i don't see ukraine being given new to 11th. i don't see that whatsoever. and i don't see the, your, your plans are mean and, and, and wanting to apply nuclear weapons. what they have been doing, unfortunately, is entering into bilateral arrangements with ukraine to provide troops and to,
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and security arrangements that was if, if the more expands and they have troops in there, that, that of the, this article thoughts then, then russia would be open to attacking the sourcing of weapons and true to, uh, uh, physicians coming in. so i think that we're going to be, i think the europeans are in the united states now, has got to begin to put a whole to what they're doing, realizing that what they're doing is not working. secondly, we already see soon at the u. k. prime minister basically conceding the election, it comes july 4th to the labor party because he doesn't want to be known as a wartime president are in prime minister. so i think we're seeing the problems among the membership in the us and nato,
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and even in the united states, it's not, there's no united front and, and certainly certain members of nato. what do not want to engage and, and how do they, how do they continue providing assistance to you pray indefinitely for or as i say, for as long as it takes their industries don't support it. so we're, we're, we're, it's, we're not going to be seeing the, i think we're going to be seeing this thing winding down more and more than anything. well, i'm sure a clear ahead would be hard to think about the case. i was reading the study by princeton university, but look to see what could happen if it was a new to will today. something like $19000000.00 people within the 1st few hours would be killed or injured on. i just want to talk to you about that. we've now heard from the grandson of the father of the atomic bomb. this is open. hi man. who's being in hiroshima world is the, his grandfather's form was dropped it to her roof. it consequences. he's calls
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the dialogue and said new kid tax must never be repeated different, but we know that the bombs were dropped back in cust austin. he received some h e times less powerful than the phone today. why is it that such horrific examples and we, oh, i'm sure so the film opened high last year and we're completely reminded of what a nuclear bomb couldn't do. why is that? no, perhaps weighing on the minds of politicians. now what i think it has to do with a lot of loosening of my own, but you know, we'll talk about nuclear weapons. but the facts, how stubborn. and if we look at the stand off going on, on the, as i thought, origin nuclear plants for the last 2 years, we have an i a was unable or unwilling to be on providing information as to the direction of the incoming drones and or missiles, uh you know, it does not want to say was behind it. the fact is,
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this is one of the most important nuclear plants in europe. it would make it look like a general loop like to walk into a block. if somehow the, the court west will be affected. fortunately, the russians of the can prophylactic measures to make sure this does not happen. but it kind of takes us into the mindset of the people, if not in the gym, at least behind them, allowing them to basic and you know, create the condition of a new environmental disaster which could boys in the entire content. so if you know, we can see those kind of things going on, bearing on uh, you know, it's a shelving nuclear plants with everything that this entails uh to, to expand some of those and rational people running. the state department might be willing to do it. and as far as stepping off the feet is not outside the realm of possibility that they would somehow, you know, engineer a measure of full sligo,
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you know, alongside the line of a broken air or something in order to bring the russians into. yeah, interesting and obviously it's not just the effects on the continent if there was any radiation leak, we know that where the funds could take that across the world. i'm elijah. i just want to ask you about the fact that we've now got us 13 nations advocating from these, but strikes with in russia. the claim is that this is a 5 protecting your repeating in global security. that seems pretty crazy, does it? because we know that these deepest strikes, roiling the russians they know, playing russian roulette to with this kind of rhetoric as well. you have all the right to think as you often think it, because we've done everything in europe against our interest, the leaders have taken decision against the interest of the repeating population. we all suffering at the devaluation of the euro. and we put sanctions on our says
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we go and buy the russian energy of india rather than buying it directly from russia. and then we pay full time from the norway and do night to state the guy that we getting of them. so everything is ridiculous and doesn't have any legit. however, in europe, the leaders need a narrative to convince the population what they are doing and why the austin supporting a law school. nevertheless, they also count on the wisdom of russia. oh though the are, it's right by the russian leaders that one a do you repeat is not to cross the line. and for sure i shot you use nuclear weapons. a student. we understand that it is not that easy for a country to take a decision,
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particularly the one that is winning to go for nuclear awards. and we have a lot to be concerned about because there are $150.00 american nuclear weapons being involved in europe, including 30 that are 50 that and do repairs were not to allow things to deteriorate, to the level of pushing the russians to use nuclear weapons. and then to retaliate starting from europe, because we are closest to russia that we all thought of the continent. and this is where we're going to be hit fast. now this is a theory, but it is a very solid theory because we all the closest and we are fully engaged in the world. all that we thought as the americans told us from the beginning, i spoke to so many leaders in brussels during their meetings. and they being told that the will wouldn't last last more than 3 to 4 months. now we've had this on so
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many was in the past in yemen, in syria and rod. and there's always a few months, a few weeks even, and the will will be over. and then we're going to all share all the russian natural resources. you actually don't have to have it. so yes, we all taking wrong decisions, but we've gone on the russian wisdom. okay, well look, gentlemen, thank you very much for joining us in tokyo through all those points of pleasure as always, to have you on the program. that spectrum will generally selection might be a human rights defendant. all no delay and former senior security policy analyst in the office of the sector of defense, michael maloof. thank you. well, from all the stories we've been breaking down, you do can head over to our website, archie, dot com. the
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hello and welcome to a special edition of india decides wherever we take you to the forms for the landscape, speak to different wilting blogs to decode what indian elections means for the country. i'm the was far as the wall just found the biggest state in india, it said that this general election is likely to be decided by the biggest washing blanca for the women. let's see how they are changing the rules of the game. on this shelf 2024. there are 9. 68000000 people eligible to war 3 in india, that's small than the entire population of year old. the was largest democracy, heads to the polls, was the range of multi least the b, b to
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a biggest recovery yet, or will the position may come back, it's worked out football, it's multi multi all the way. this time to win a bigger majority was over 400 seats. is what i'm go this time we want congress. we want change. moody has been around for 10 years. there's so much inflation, food, petrol, gas, electricity, everything is so expensive and there are no jobs. the audit and there is another 100 percent. marty is coming back. love it or hate it. there is no other option. the opposition is just so weak. the selection may be marked by identity politics, but the bread and butter issues will not be forgotten. unemployment rising prices, an anti incumbency will certainly be key issues here in law, just on a stage with highest inflation in the country and with bows just a few days away. the political campaigning has reached fever pitch. ah, perfect,
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that's the way you like work. nobody does is like magic. this has style of work. he makes the impossible happen. people believe in him because he does what he says. then you go with the limited and sort of these guarantees are all a bunch of parts and it's all adjusted this. month's hollow political promises that he never fulfills. there are no jobs here. no work on the lice it on the ground. well, they may not be enough jobs. there are handouts teams that seem to be working, especially with the women, children largest tom, the largest age in india, orlando, relics also a land where women have historically been oppressed. we analyze why women war tells me just close the key to who wins the selection in what is seen as the closing gender gap and the indian elector landscape full 71000000 women are expected to wolf this time. a remarkable increase from the last elections,
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but now just like costs and communities and india, women have become a real tranquil thoughts. would put it as bodies willing them with saving skins, financial promises. i'm all the same. you behind every successful mom. she does a woman, but it looks like it's millions of women in case of needing to move the. what did you do it more days, barry, do you to me, thanks to him, i get my pension. he's my only support of the box to the man. i didn't load, he gives us free grain. and now the ration is every month. my boat is for him is to hold off to noon and largest tons to the baby per 1000 meals for her family using a gas to lend. though she received under the prime ministers which was scheme which promotes smoke free to lead cooking for poor andrew households. a switch from the traditional to law that calls of smoke dust, a method used for years and the village company thought the game would be most of
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us on the lot for us to introduce us to clean cooking fuel and also built many toilets for people who used to have no choice but to go outside to the movie from building tens of millions of dollars to buy towards us applies to opening up women's bank accounts. b g b has made women's issue central to it. so like to roll agenda. the desolate state of the largest tom is going to pause in the forest. on the 2nd stage, the elections and the elect. total emotions here are wanting high. the last 2 times and 20142019 or 25 of the seats and roger's dawn was swept away by the beach. it'd be good 2024. see or repeat these women to and do king makers, and will the king then treat them like queen's largest on all, to the far reaches of cash we where the poor percentage has hit the record high is
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the region was full, the force time since it's last it's special stages. the next report is all you need to know about the 3 way contests that the gosh mute haven't or no gosh mute also, what does the most militarize zooms in the world? have legal link of full conform due to political tensions? you know these 2019, the marines are more the government stick. a bold decision that you live a very good across the nation. and the world, abrogation of all to go $370.00. and for the 1st time since john moore and gosh, me is 14 pop. how about a job? we people want the elections both at central and local levels. we want to vote, we want to express ourselves through voting log on to the next sensor. if all the wills with this election, we will see
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a changing customer here. that's what we want, that's what we expect. does a 1000000 region has been in flash points between india and focused on since 1947. gosh me who has enjoyed a special stages of independence in most areas, accepted defense, external files and communications. 5 years ago, during the multi built 70 years of his suite, direct control of the state official meant of his elect. donald trump is most to bring his strong mind images nationally, but the valley is not to be to be strong code. they are contesting only 3 of the 5 bottom and receipts hills came to the beach if he has no ground in custom. yeah. they have not filed candidates because they know they will get nothing to go by the time to go 370 was our identity. they took it away, they betrayed us. the contests here is essentially amongst 3 regional bodies, b, b, j, k, a, b, and c. i speak with the national going friends, looks about by
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a run candidate from so you know, the constituency elections in the 1st time. that's because you meant and it is this happening off the 2019 and the decisions that were taken on august 2005, 2090 august i 2019 the entire shavel from doing crush me most politically and constitutionally that will change on august size has deep effects, not in the, on the, in the functioning of the state. looking at the psyche of the people of them when crush me. we have the sentiment that this is not to we this no to why we exceeded to the union of the year we exceeded off on certain principles and we exceeded for standard don't know if certain constitution guarantees and democratic rights and all those principles will open on that day,
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the dignity that the people have to move quickly to the constitution of india that the enjoy was smashed, the democratic rights of the people to smash the status of the state of georgia. she was degree dictators. do i get and all this happen deductible and visual difficulty because we and the process was completed on democratic unconstitutional . so this is the 1st opportunity for the people who don't want to join, crush me to express the means of democracy. that opinion about those decisions, and i believe that people are doing cuz we do not subscribe to that, those decisions, this historical elect door landscape in india's only muslim majority in state. is it going dest not to marry a valid but of identity of years of conflict? and overall, to go 370 in the last few years, millions of tourists have look back into the valley, making the livelihoods of local visa and their wallets that to would with this neil
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sound again. there's also a lingering sense of loss bought. it's a waiting game loss versus gain data suggests the low downs don't felting go. a few steps of incidence have gone down last degree since i want to go $370.00 going to do yours. and the majority increase, meet, also listed on some 50 films, was shot into body, they'll still, why should my people on my youngsters know type the same privileges as they get to another 5. so the country said what was one of them, haven't they want to send them on the property of thompson, that they did not have the luxury of what you you're sending one like you and i did sitting in jail more. it would cost me what i need when it arrives. also call us directed to impress, misleading pharmacy,
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and report to us by the way the media has classes that she was also about beauty, art and culture hub for him to craft during his 1st visit to the region in march this yard off to the imposing direct soon, living, the more do you know, projects what $774000000.00 to support the locals. he also bought a ham, splunk brush mino shown from a local office and literally just shaw. but one, the hopes of the industry that's been heard by yoseph militancy and on steve below, and although well invested in these valuable support from m and the goal and majority come, i know and the support should come in the property to proper people. so that this over to engine on really sort of why in the land of leaks know kept beaks and south from for you the promise of democracy
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collides with the spectre of conflict of crush me. what's the eyes of the world are on this trouble to barrow dies? i'm following the lead to the ancient city, a war on the sea, not rains, or movies constituting. see he all, we analyze what the multi factor is. and if the opposition stands with jones, i told it is the largest election named was history and i'm like how it is being projected in the western press. it will be 3 fat and democratic, but the kind of predictability to the outcome or the tech. marty will, when there's no doubt about that, there is no one else like him. he's a good religious man. more. this is the more people seen forward. he gives them great work for people in the last few years. he has transformed this around the same goals. the road to new delhi runs through the nothings theater. was there for these with a t parliamentary seeds up for grabs the highest in the country. this data is all
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funded, deciding factor in indian general elections. the state also has the most high profile candidate in the country, prime minister entering the movie some children who are around to see we've gone the, the fees. so some up position in india from dr. really someone 15 miles from here with that. it's an all one the seed. it's locked. melia baffled for awards. it's a battle, especially because the lady gives it. there is no comparison between the render moody and level gun the guns and then about who would have to reincarnate if he really wants to compete with him or you with moti is lives by not just indians, but also outside the country. he is a true world leader evening. prayers are taking place so long. the bags of the games is involved on the see know these fall, and when he comes to doing see of a decade, the ancient city believes to be one of the oldest in the world. how deep reverends
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hindus, the indian dr. minnesota, one here by a big margin in 2014, and then 2019 he's running from this is to artic city once again, marking his to consecutive bit. and i mean, the movie has already, so the prime minister reading the uh, foot 2 towns, that's 10 years. it's support all the ribbons seeking to believe that it's under his leadership. that india has grown as a significant jewel political clair. that it's him who was navigated skilfully between major pablo blocks and positioned india as a was just a global south. another with 3 for the 73 years old would extend his leadership of the was most populous country for another 5 years. more these critics argue another 5 v, as in bob may make more. these really more rep told her terry. but his millions of supporters see him as a very embodiment of india's cruel story. to understand why i met with professor of
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political science doctor page without seeing from the bernard's handle university. people like a muscular fund and policy people like that the need us to be have kind of just the they don't want the leader to victim and the v card there yet. so the one that didn't, but the policy of a sponsor bureau list it as in case of what i see a different thing is likely that if you and people because of his, it must be a lot of fun in front seat aggressive behavior that's at the uh so uh and he put in himself as it back to the leader and he can go to any extent just to protect the necessarily and desktop unless you have set to unless he offers the same way uh, private to move the sofa. he obviously in the for so, so he didn't want to be v card there, but a sense that he wants to give this a move that he, that he's not afraid of taking the tough decisions here. and for him that in the
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eyes flushed in india necessarily does a supreme and to achieve the interest uh more they can go to any extent. and they said, definitely appreciate that. admired by the indian bip and an india is that the adult position has tried to take on this image. the multi factor it is on top of it is a huge road show with the gun these endorsing the candidate. but the question is, lily's crowd still unimed towards the old. this is one last bush before the final phase of folding, which is due on the 1st of june in which wide, honestly,
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you will also watch where the election started in april. most cases should dictate, unfortunately, easy when from the movie bottle. how strongly sharon? well he's, we've has meant a low tornado. now. we by fees, political funded smell, suggesting that the dissolves may not be a full grown conclusion. as politicians makes the final abuse, the su lee was a var on the sea delicately create the world theme is but not as the salaries thread by thread. the community important to you at dwindling bins. it's hold on this election. whoever comes to power my heart. so wish this for a prime minister unites and binds our country together works for the wellbeing of all citizens. it is a seemingly small wage, but one that holds for it in the heart of water on a see the soul of india speaks. what are you already? it has been to bring you the color and k all. so selections from across the india,
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we will continue to bring you minutes. 5 minute updates as lyndale decides who will leave this beautiful country. the. * just democracy on out for the next 5 years by so now the, the focused on how i cool to return the conviction to state treason against him. wrong con. but the former prime minister will remain jailed for marrying his wife, too soon off to her divorce. over 3 and a half 1000 palestinian children are to risk of the immune investigate to celebration. but trying to report that has gotten a senior us a deficient in the water.


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