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tv   News  RT  June 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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all the parts we just to look so common ground the the tuckers dunn's high quarterly returns the conviction state treason against a wrong column. for the fall, the prime minister will remain in jail for marian. his wife was here soon on the divorce of a 3 and a whole 1000 palestinian children are risk of payment and that's due to still evasion. the trying to report that to go to the new us aid officially the hot to death. he's not been posted to resign. debate intensifies over whether the decision by the us, canada, and 11 you were paying countries to permit you, crane to strike into russia. risk free, going to play and full us ring co intelligence office
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and all see contributes, fiscal threads that easy to find the bound to russia and his passport seized by photos of the state department's without. and he raised the just going, let him be, i'm here in the russian capital, you're watching all the international. this is the news. our a pleasure to have your company will pocket stones how i call to overturn the conviction of the former prime minister in rome called this has been leaking, state secret stuff. he had been hon. do the tenure jail sentence for that? however, he will remain behind balls basis for breaking is law makes traditions when marrying his current wife cons policy, lloyd plain, the whole case has been a political been data a this is, i will say the case which was the migration data gates
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which investor has resorted to the phone with docusign, the prime minister in wrong cons, conviction for leaking state secrets has been overturned by the high court today and just along with i had on appeal. this is a move as being welcomed by his support is now the background to this is practiced on the government refer to this as the size of the case. i may say that this was the leaking of a documents, diplomatic correspondence between the practise on the, on boston to washington and the ministry of foreign affairs in a slum about the calling for his paul said that this document, this big cable was evidence of i parked by the pockets on the ministry on by the west, and particularly the us to overturn and over throw his a government he will. so he said that you know, the information from the country's intelligence agency that there was a threat to his life. now,
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he was sentenced to 10 years for treason in relation to this, but today that has been overturned on appeal. why don't wear the charges brought in the 1st place? well, this case, weight against calling has been going on for some time for more than 2 years. in fact, if you cost your mind, but to april 2022 khan was out of state from his position as prime minister and a vote of no confidence in the practice, donnie paula. but now he said that this was illegal. he said it was evidence of a prompts by the west to i will says government. but the timing of this was fairly significant because it came soon off the call and had made a trip to moscow. and it was just the head of the launch of the special military operation. now, con is being a very counter is magic figure. in practice on he came to power in 2018 and evolved to tackle corruption. he filed to fight terrorism pops, most importantly the it's, he said that he was going to challenge the powerful, practiced on the but it say, what does intervened in the countries politics for decades now?
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it was soon after that that these child is begun to emerge. his policy said the, i see a fight k u c is well, no, the guy can seem to be politically isolates in victimize him and the game these charges his life was on the threat. now in 2023. he was arrested very briefly and we sold these huge outpouring of mobilization on the streets, people these mass protest conner by the very popular a big of a. and of course that these protests was seen as a threat to the states. now to fax those claims of a threat to his life in november 2023 and assassination attempt was made against him. now in 2024th of this year. cohen was brought from running in the practice dani elections despite his huge poppy language. and what this ruling now doesn't mean can, is a free man. no, he doesn't have con, remains in prison. he remains that when a number of other charges,
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now one of them he received a 7 year sentence, both him and his wife full marrying too soon. i'm preaching is lubbock traditions. he's also being handed to sentences of 14 years and 3 years respectively. now this was full, allegedly climbing, either legally setting state gifts. now this is a, among the things that either let's do a sold a jewelry and a rolex watches. those charges have however, been suspended while he appeals. but he's also facing another fall on, on the to terrorism charges. this is pertaining to violence against the ministry and violence against state institutions. a number of his supporters have already been jailed on those charges, but his trial continues. so while today's verdict is welcomed by con, his supporters say that they will continue to press for his freedom. we spoke with an advisor to remind cons, siad sophie bu, sorry, who says uh, the phone appointment is still remains the strong and popular pakistani politician
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underlying that the charges on the convictions were fabricated. it's a very big win because this is one of the you can see the main cases that were cooked up against them. it's been thrown out. it was a legless case like all the others and you know, it showed how business it was because, and one of the rulings that the judges gave today was that, how can you convict him for 10 years when, you know leak 10 years is only if the secret cipher or the document was used to help a foreign power and hence treason. so when that's not the case, the case itself didn't stand on this to uh, on his 2 feet, let alone the decision at the end, the 1st place that was given as far as that goes for the illegal marriage case. i mean, you know, every school of thought in the stomach world has, given the scholars have given their verdict that if this is not illegal in any way or form and this has all been hooked up to me,
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the woman in this non but determined jurisprudence. why is it she is in that period where she can not get married and his wife is obviously not saying that a month on is, is the biggest politician the countries ever seen even more popular now than he has been in his 2030 or political career he's the most dominant political force there is, and there's no political stability in bucks on because because the mandate of the people, unfortunately was snatched away from the what's 3 in the hall 1000 children in gauze facing an imminent risk of death. this is according to policy and health officials. the central and northern parts the own play both said to be suffering the most with humanitarian organizations saying that policy needed children are often less without food for days to the 95 percent of children age 6 to 23 months. so that's basically the end to 5 eating 2 or less
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different food groups per day. and, but the thing that i found most choking was 85 percent of the children did not eat for a whole day, at least once in the 3 days. because the officials blame as well for using starvation is a method of rule 5. so false $37.00 palestinians of parish due to mel nutrition in the hydration since the war started. we've been hearing from the locals to describe the daily struggles that most on how to use of needs treatment and milk. but there is not available in gaza. i give him weight even suffers from bloating and the doctor has asked me to do with allergy tests to find out what's causing it. but the test isn't available at the hospital. let me ask you to the lack of resources and pharmacies, no type of milk is available on the markets and where it depends on health to give milk to the children would greatly affects her health all night long. he suffers,
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she suffer so much from call that can bloating, that the operation plan for him has been postponed with the risk of his intestines bursting. eh, besides the closure of crossing points by these really a completion has let to numerous illnesses in the gaza strip, including mile nutrition and mile absorption. in fact, the occupation has prevented the entry of food, particularly milk for children, which has led to serious weaknesses into body, very poor growth and infection by numerous diseases. thus, we advocate for the availability of people. quantities of private restore, smoke enabling mothers to nourish the children with the appropriate nutrition necessary for their health. meanwhile, those who are trying to report on the issue of family and goals so being silenced or us age official, is the one who has experience that 1st ton. this is all the he pad report on resident, stopping in the old place. he was on forced to resign, actively silencing discussion of palestinian lives. and the ongoing global health
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disaster is dehumanizing, not only to the people of gaza, but to the people of the united states who deserve to know the extent to which we are paying for and supporting crimes against the palestinians. well, they say as well as rouse, will cabinet administer claims, quote that is no famine in garza and has never been full on this phase all things. middle east butte, where chief maria from ocean are, has senior advisor on maternal and child health and nutrition, who's been with usaid for 4 years, had to resign after his presentation on child mortality, and sufferings of mothers and miners, and guys, it was cancelled. smith says he submitted a short summary of his work in february and he says he was impressed that it was accepted as he understood the topic was rather controversial. and he based his analysis on public health data from the when and world health organization. the days before the event. usaid middle east bureau leaders reviewed smith's
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presentation and we're not happy. they asked to drop the slide on international humanitarian law, or in particular, israel's compliance with the law abuses and also ask to refuse particular words. for example, the word palestine. smith made necessary changes, but later was informed that his presentation was dropped to anyway. and you decided to leave in an interview that he gave later. smith's criticize the silence of us officials regarding the guy's a crisis. urgent high ranking vitamin ministration. members, including usa director to end the gaz lighting around the dara humanitarian situation in the palestinian claim and address finally the key cause of it, which is as well as military offensive and his resignation. letter smith accused us side of being biased in what comes to the war. and guys, i'm and palestinians, and state and listen when it comes to the palestinians. we avoid saying anything about their right to state heard the abuses they're currently suffering,
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or which powers have been violating their basic rights to freedom, self determination, livelihoods, and clean water. i thought it is really obscene that misinformation can go out freely out into the world about garza, but i can't talk about the reality of starving pregnant women. we can't even whisper about that in a conference on that topic since the beginning of israel's war and guys in october on here, it has been almost blindly backing its allies sending weapons and also shielding israel from diplomatic attacks at the united nations that raise many questions at home for us and voice is criticizing, washington supports of israel's deadly offensive, and guys and those origin to stop arms shipments to israel have been heard over and over again, including from, with things abide and administration. alexander smith has become the latest to us, the facial, to resign and protest against washington's approach to miss rose war, but not the 1st one. the state department stores falls over so us weapons transfers
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to all the countries was the 1st to leave months later. another state department official left citing the us support for the war. and also earlier in the usa departments made a report attempting to clear israel offers sponsibility for blocking humanitarian aid into guys. and one of the experts involved in this project resigned over this report. as she couldn't agree with his conclusion, let's take a listen to what she has to say. some time at the end of april, the subject matter experts were taken off the report and we were told that would be agitated to high level. so i did not know what was in the report until it came out . but when the report came out, i read it and i had to re read it. i had to go back and print out that section and read it because i could not believe it stated so starkly that we assess that israel is not blocking humanitarian assistance. meanwhile, the spikes us attempts to underestimate the scale of the humanitarian crisis. and
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guys on dissertation on the ground remains dire, particularly for minors, gases, government media office warns that to more than 3500 children under the age of 5 are at risk of dying due to mal nutrition, head shortages of vaccination. the world health organization reports that over 80 percent of gases, children have gone if full day without food in the last 3 days. mothers and guys are also facing the crisis has due to malnutrition. they are not able to breast feed their children. the un sounded alarm repeatedly over this crisis in garza but the conditions in the palestinian plains we may really hard to survive and the situation actually doesn't change and fortune thing. but we've heard from the communications officer for the international committee of the red cross who's describes the diet humanitarian situation in the own place. the situation is,
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has been deteriorating by the hour since the start of these wait a minute to ration and drop off the it has become more complicated to maintain providing um assistance or thats urgency need as for what the experience. um, for example, having sufficient amounts of water drinking for drinking and cleaning a sufficient amount food, asked for her health care, humanitarian aid. the amount of 8 that is entering garza has declined significantly since may the 6th and especially after the closure of the crossing, which used to be the main gateway for her because i turned 8 to arrive it together on trucks. we had to relocate south flower staff and capacities into the middle area because there's a lot of new there that are also are met. and we can actually told the population in rough, i knew to be a military ration being conducted in the vast areas of franklin crossing. so we are
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overstretched. our teens are literally living in tens with their families. they are also a part of the population. they also faced daily challenges and saved in providing wood and water and, and shelter for their families. yet they show up every day to work. we're also facing changes with, with the fuel quantities that are needed for running disco. hospitalized for maintaining the movement of our teams. in different areas or different govern rates . so this their, their house there also was a need for parents. they should update the activities over others, searching areas to maintain our operation of maximum capacity possible. however, this is thought it could not be sustainable unless this circle of 8 is turned into a robot slow and in a secure manner that would guarantee our team to safely deliver this aid. for everyone in needing gases or as north or well,
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despite most go holding washington about disastrous consequences with the potential for an a symmetrical response that us has allowed ukraine to file a long range missiles from the costco region to hit targets deep inside rush out. all the while, insisting that they are not looking for wells. well, 3 new, a new, clear escalation. this is despite rowing fee is being voice. now that this is the direction things are heading, and we've been concerned about escalation since the very beginning of this war. and those concerns remain valid. the president has said he does not want to be responsible for starting world war 3. we're not looking for a conflict with russia, another nuclear power. i would like to warn the american officials against miscalculations that could have fatal consequences for unknown reasons. they underestimate the seriousness of the resistance they may receive. responses may be symmetrical, the us has given permission to key for any crimes, for any actions of this kind. and does nothing to stop the dangerous provoking of
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steps of their vassal for washing down this will come at a cost. they will feel the consequences. well, despite the us is assurances some officials all sending the alarm over the decisions being made in the oval office forces inside the us congress of one of the buttons. precedent at risk of nuclear. we'll want to send it to claiming joe biden is sweet booking in to dissolves the. meanwhile presidential candidate, robert f. kennedy junior, has spoken of history is of the, the consequences. if the decisions go wrong. i'm headed on did a study about what would happen if we had a big change with the russians. within the 1st 20 minutes of the or 90000000 americans would be dead. within the next 6 months, another 90000000 would die. meanwhile, you rip remains divided over the decision to allow ukraine to strike deep into
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russia. so far life and countries on the continent say that they back the move well, separation, strongly oppose. a slovak, i may be, has said, given its current aggressive policies that is starting to resemble a military organization, it is a pity that the european union created on the basis of the ideal peace. the cessation awards and conflicts is now becoming a military organization. the eob considers date is of peace and ended the conflict to a radical. we only talk about how to point the weapons give money, and how to bypass the system of international law in order to supply these weapons to defeat russia. our goal should not be the defeat of russia. our goals should be peas, support development of 3rd countries. and of course, the support of our own citizens. we discussed with the permission for kids to use long range weapons against russia could actually risk nuclear escalation with the
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public guests as well to the extent of the nuclear doctor. now the russian federation costs for retaliation with the task frontage equip, and in the event the existence of the very existence of the russian for the russian . these are on the line. yes, it is a dangerous step on the street. those f 16 might not be picking the logically up to par, but every one is agreeing on the fact that they can carry a nuclear weapons and we're getting was originally him again in j of uh, was, seems to be encouraged by uh, its masters in washington. to uh, basically double down uh and do whatever it takes to somehow keep, uh, the city is going there is no way talks of, uh, uh, negotiation or taking into account the, the fact that the ukrainian military capabilities are dwindling fast. and so we are somewhat witnessing a, uh, and a lot of people have said it, so a kind of
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a sleep walking process uh to what would be, uh, uh, i need to exchange it's not out of the realm of possibility. i don't think we are so close to this. um, what danger? we need to understand why the west is reacting in this way. it is because russia is we winning, called the nato and the west. well, off planning, conducting and carrying out the war from room stay in germany, 50 nations, all that. and they know, managing the west loans to in the pass code because it feels the danger of russians advance. i don't think we're approaching the 3rd world war. however, i think we're in desperate in desperation times, they don't have a strategy. they, they, they realize that ukraine has failed, and west western observers admit,
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uh, and i think that they're groping as straws now. let's try to figure out something. the fact that the russians have nothing and much more assertive. so now there's probably given the west a little bit of a sense. well, maybe ukraine does, in fact have a chance, but the rest is ready for it seems to me. now it is true that if russia doesn't, will yet will harsh date. then we will soon see the f sixteens wherever ukrainian pilots all train. everybody in that region knows that a work against them, not even one tactical new would, would spread radiation all over the place and it wouldn't just be can find it would affect everybody. and that in itself should be a maximum deterrence look at the stand off going on on the as i thought, origin nuclear plants for the last 2 years. we have an i a was unable or unwilling to be on providing information as to the direction of the incoming drones and,
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or missiles. uh, you know, does not want to say was behind it. the fact is, this is one of the most important nuclear plants in europe. it would make and make a general look like to walk into walk. if somehow the, the court wish to be affected. fortunately, the russians of the can offer you lactic measures and make sure this does not happen. but it kind of takes us into the mindset of the people, if not in the gym, at least behind them, allowing them to basic and you know, create the condition of a new environmental disaster which put boys on the top of your content. so if you know, we can see those kind of things going on varying on uh, you know, shelving nuclear plants was everything that this entails. and to the extent some of those and rational people wanting, the state department might be willing to do in this one. a stabbing of defeats is
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locked outside the realm of possibility that they would somehow, you know, engineer a measure of force. sligo, you know, alongside the line of a broken air or something in order to bring the russians for my us marine corps intelligence officer, scott rich, i who's been a frequent guest here and all he has been removed from the flight state side of the he boarded the plane, he had been heading to the upcoming international economic for him being held in russia's northern capital st. petersburg as his passport was taken, no reason was gave him as to why he was being denied the right to fly. we spoke with michael, wrecked and well, who's the author of google archipelago, the digital gulag. i'm the simulation. it says it's old call to the american establishment trying to silence voices that are not in line with the main stream narrative. this regime is attempting to completely aggregate the 1st
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amendment rights of its citizens. and when and when any of those citizens are prominent and also oppose the official narratives, especially on these waterfront. and i think that's exactly what's going on. so they're willing to shut these people down altogether. i would have said that if, if it's got rid or had been allowed to go to russia, there was a chance that he wouldn't be re admitted back into the united states. that's how serious these people are in the and maintaining the official narratives military which are completely insane. and that's why he's been trained is banned from travel to russia. he's been accused of being a russian propagandist. and, you know, the, the excuse will be something to the effect that he is an agent of the rest of the rest and re, james. so i think that's basically what they're gonna use. they're going to say,
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he's an apologist for russia, and he may be working for sure. i think that's what they're going to say. the. molly's foreign minister has ruled out his country or any members of the recently form deadlines, the saw how states rejoining the echo a scrape saying the decision to leave was it was a symbol. and he said, calls on the economic group to re establish dialogue with too little, too late. we've been asking for the dialogue they bringing today. is it too late? we should've avoided getting to this breaking point. how am i supposed to speak to everyone who's saying that we need to have a dialogue? we need to admit the mistakes which were made and let us continue the path we've chosen as well. these statements comes as the economic community of west african states has been attempting to normalize ties with the saw her lines, which comprises as molly, in asia, on between a fast. so the trio, quick, the grease, the fact in january of the ministry who winters, which came into power and these nations accuse the economic block of imposing in
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the humane sanctions and over throwing that rule. despite this echoes now speaks of a quote window of openness. the dialogue forms you may see that we have touched upon the subject of equal loss as i have done in the countries i have visited so far. and i understand today the positions are a little fixed, but i see in each of these positions a window of openness that can make it possible to tie up a thread, however tenuous of dialogue you so as well we spoke with a full my echo as commission diplomat gee says the echoes is ready to make concessions as it's interested in preserving ties with full members. but the risk between these parties may be too big to bridge. that's the biggest challenge. it was without having this what to 9 years of existence to date. and therefore, it was, have you seen that they have very little choices?
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are beginning to trade in some things that he thought to. they would have to say they cannot do. but now they are forced to do so remaining as a whole of vehicle as have didn't know about countries would have been the best thing ever to be. so that we could go to this type of school i'm to however, i do not believe usually that the differences between this i have states across as a blog will easily be resolved because these differences are very, very fundamental to um, for this i hesitates. this is a new, new independence in new revolution and you come up there for a line with the old block that has to be living in the old ways of doing this happen things. and therefore, the differences are so fundamental that bridges this might be almost impossible for
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the foreseeable future. the american greenbacks best days are in the past. this is as washington's long financial lum slots tariffs on china, beijing is offloaded, a rack, or the amount of us treasury securities since the stones of the supposed to its record breaking that on budget deficits. america relies on borrowing from abroad, but china is rethinking that lending relationship in the 12 months to march beijing . so the about $100000000000.00 worth of us securities. during the same time, china has increased it still pause of gold and of a hot assets. well, benjamin chow, senior fellow at the center for china and globalization, says washington's decision to phrase russian to foreign assets is shaking his reputation as a reliable place to invest, as well as different. what's the us government has funds for free. so russian
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assets, you ring an alarm, bells and the us has, which is reputation of the us treasury is being the safest. as i think china is pondering on a long time. the thought i'd station strategies, given that security is always one pop up the agenda of the chinese leaders of the chinese stock piling gold because it is a booster. assets that carries no town to party. this at all, the fritz is getting the game. the guy, you're right, you. yeah, if you do it, you going to fix it to see it. and they all understand that the us could pull the rocks so to speak. see, much of what they do to russia if they are running the confidence that us, uh you say china and russia you facing using your may be in all the space in getting russia also straight. and you're saying uh you a usa currency. so i think the, the move is of.


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