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tv   Direct Impact  RT  June 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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it is, people make up less than 3 percent of the us population today. the the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the in previous to us of duty. i often heard the phrase on tennessee is the god of war . so which is repeated and is often seen on military chaperones. was stuck in my head, which is a mean really, i was wondering what these soldiers are like. what will they do and how they handle that powerful weapons that go down. yeah.
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hang over the the, the 5 am a motion with the guys to the fine position for a combat task going at around 40 kilometers an hour. and this brentley nothing to
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hold onto the as we drew my attention was attracted by a soldier with unusual co sign on his baseball cap, tangerine and civilian life. he was a ship most of the monday. yeah, but as i've only been, is that so comfortable or think about with jersey,
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special good. all the me. i started to the building and done that or the what else? what do you do? yes. like, you know, the
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2 s 4 coupon self propelled heavy malta caliber, $240.00 millimeters maximum range. 20 columbus is are you guys any my not do some florida could organise these cartons or? no, no, no, no, no, no. show day that the she will have those are in photos and mino the so um are you in this room which was the truth. you can come on the, when you come get the message, give us a by the way,
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if the school the kids are we by thing. okay. the good is good so well sparked. it's not the property now. so the searing voice or voice. yes. do you want to buy the goose through let me see what was in some way the income motion of a sample. but i've kind of like the to your this bed you expect?
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what's the, what's the, what's the what's the, the trip to the budget but, but just make sure it goes or further. sorry about the the the, the
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yes, the goal is a boeing in me. i almost had my head crushed by the barrel of the world's largest and most powerful, more to the side of the road. we moved on with scouts closer to the front to locate, target some transmit the data of the gunners. the going to is didn't want to take me because it sounds really dangerous mission the you have to keep your eyes on your face all the time. the enemy's mind, everything here with pedal mines and i'd like to keep both of my legs. but if
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the, if i don't deal with the that's today's nasa much less or slow us there to lose lose celia the for folder to 0 for the tv. okay. beautiful. instead of like you just said with
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the the share the what that mistake that was that's one of them is the most little to say of when you're still in the say what i'm saying when i don't live a similar to data still don't bring good pleasant hill, but that employee affiliated and she doesn't even verde the smoke. oh boy, that was the other side. so i knew full. that's no more if i were getting yeah, i didn't, you was going through this. like i said you like about today that i'm with it? yeah. like apple it says, you know, i'm going to been in the, as low as to what we have done is phyllis
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on that side of the one and doable is different. you know, as the trust gullible through this when it appears to be a good i think what that is, that those who are still in the fire and if i go with those and most of which i didn't do that, but i have to say that you know it's pretty annual, a savior to those up at the voice is at this point using that come on to somebody. you know, part of this thing was the last day of the
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to some other stuff that they would need of you thank you bye or that that does what that little flag about when you go through the boomers to go look the activity. so go a money. so the, the, the, the, the story so no, i so definitely, yeah, but it's a very me put the as the let me in the way that out of the list for the new park. we'll get you that's for 2 and it gives me a sense for this. and if it's a is it or what do you mean by doing? okay?
10:13 pm
and today is the modem. so the, so that's the for the month of especially the reduced can piece of the, of the piece for on the truck. you know, it's a pretty good the most of the door of the city is that includes both. i mentioned i use it. i'm always, you know, possible seamlessly,
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way wise step in senior with the space for the beautiful the used car superstore on jewelry. what do you say? the important for me is that you know you've got to meet up with you. you for not being sure. i'm not sure i'm not sure which computer work is all part of the thing is get on board for they have some sort of issue super full service mister bed. the bed stands for a russian with the means toad. this type of how it so has been in service since the mid eighties and is still actively used. we sold the soldiers preparing the guns of baffled that were cleaning, checking, and adjusting things. that
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you wish to just look up towards the cost of the order. as long as there was the, the russian states never saw one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up to 5 must be the one else calls. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians coding and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say
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a request for? check the, the,
10:17 pm
the the hello and welcome to the cost of full horses. here we discussed the wheel in the in the late 1892 french soldiers led by general pole boot. i arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot the most money. i mean, he's stuck up some issues with all the cars and just showing this to the tent, the food i on the east, one of the most terrific campaigns of a trustees to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. liability getting hold of somebody. i know the pushing me to download
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a i'm philosophy followed there to do something very professional. once i could have multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed home for us to get the move of nancy. and i'm going to be a young investigator in search of his own identity inbox on that you need to africa . the choices, general good eyes, blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is center and i come from england and i've come ready to find out more about the position of willie and the history of in,
10:19 pm
in the region the, the, the was a major issue. you will probably be doing it by giving the attendance to the actual insurance move up. i need to push it the code and because of the issue simply with blue cross,
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you will get to the signatures of okay. so should the cases i chose, customer care them. let me think about it just doesn't mean you guys to put them on the, on the road, externally. gene you level play a role. that was the term. yes. that's the most important thing to the son of the was contrast to the point. this is sort of able to sony section for we want to build. somebody can charge us to go additional to the lead on up and forward to for so or from it you might get a feel for in the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also a soon,
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this is the 3rd world lunacy re washington. as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to be living on line. we have very close propaganda. you know, price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time it you're not allowed to ask questions. you should ask all of the questions. some more questions asked, the better the answer is will be the what is part of the employee would post good. isn't the deepest you of us and in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without glitches. let's go out of
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the mist. they towed how it's a countable, $152.00 millimeters, maximum range, 28 kilometers or so if i'm on the moon but you knew before. ready the nation when in those it's a fit area just means it's closer to single force interpreter. so the frontier key of course, the year before, the kind of chicata show because the saudis have police and then we thought, what was your ways boy, do somebody been there we go. hardy was if you said one or 2. yeah. but the book,
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somebody been there and while your on the story don't believe so i said the of the golf course, we're still we're still the worst part you should see a little bit when you bought most of those things, but it was good for you to another shop for to schedule you for those non filling
10:24 pm
up. we simply single are we just some of us have been to use the come by for somebody me in the with the users flipped up over the general for the flu season. yeah, 310. the word shifting cushion portion from the georgia tech on us the the the
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uh that will give us that the short term, which is fortunately my goodness, was to split a photo guess that you have got both inside of the of the every operation that can and must be camouflage quickly, so the enemy counted tennessee with
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a drum the the i stayed for several days with the guys from the 2 s. m mancha crew waiting for combat. look, while we waited, we did all sorts of household chores. installed couple more to cook food, contract equipment. it's important to know that soldiers don't live next to the guns. it's not safe. they get to that fine position soon, military vehicles. i was interested in a song show with the co sign from cod co sign. so i lot on given to just anyone, he's a squad leader. the source of all of them. yes, isn't learning? of course it isn't that like we don't use because we but the some for the full
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committee comes to being with us. good, good. when you get in a set up with you, that's moto board, but you're still gonna point it to as small sofa panel cannon caliber, $203.00 millimeters, maximum range. 47 kilometers. no more than the stuff. welcome saves, that are certainly no problem at all. so because the most get one of them, this is the status of this semester. this is sort of the most affordable meeting. the cool would be nice to put your logo with the vehicle. you should see what the most go to you could have could go to that sort of thing with autism phenomena. and that i might have a desire. it looks good,
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blessing you know, it's, it's a lot of would you see the students and she does have a pretty good thanks, cuz i know what do you mean? and i didn't get a little list of with my parents are going pressing the deluxe to to thomas the, to improve mutual support. they said it was gonna walk you through the stuff i couldn't seem to be able to use the facebook to stay on the defensive picture, not them. so can you just a little bit when you get this?
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i think most people think of sale that i'm seeing you with them. i know budgets will go when you feel that you should see the same. so those are the the, the, the
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middle of the stairs. just know what they're going to do before the
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door to door to door


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