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tv   News  RT  June 4, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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the, the, the final, the thing was all, all bang probably it in, in the, as 2 major political on lines is, can be determined dueli, the prime minister, the world's most popular country. this was a deliberate campbell issue. what i mean by that is, this was not a spontaneous your administrative thing. this was a deliberate act by the united states government form a you are the intelligence, solve it, the gotten rid of it, who moved from a flight in new york by us or these without any explanation, as he was on route to rush up 5 by those rage and lived on boss that he used to have it. but that's all the reasons i'm interested in this. the, the deposit muscle crucial for the human economy and green energy development.
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the live ramos, this is all about a lot of i'm in 30 minutes of news is starting out a decisive day for india. ad is population of nearly 1500000000 people. as a result from history is largest ever vote are expected to be and that is that what we bring you all the updates now special coverage from the world's biggest election, the the, the southern a say the by the same products has to be gotten in april and the ended this pos
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that so they almost a 1000000000 people were eligible to cost the ballots. the final official results are expected to be announced by the end of the day. but the national election commission says a reco breaking 642000000 voters. so this is this is was a more exercise. all right. busy so let us take a look at so the main content is the biggest contest is between 2 political groups . but i felt democratic alliance and the indian national developmental,
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inclusive alliance before us is led by the routing, b, b, j, p. paul t and is headed by the comm prime, is that the random of the bill positioned along as is headed by the indian national congress policy, which seems to promote parliament member a whole gotten the to the post of prime minister. a good sir. so now this year was 66.3 percent a polity. a coalition needs 272 seats. so across the majority market, in the $543.00 members, lock sub off the low a house in this policy. for now, the b j. p lead alliance is leading in the to, meaning that being cumbersome prime miss under and the movie is what on track for a 3rd consecutive to that as well as live now to journalist out, oh gosh, she's in new delhi, joining us from that. all right, thanks so much for joining us. you can see the numbers i'm looking right now live.
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we're looking at the b j. p policy with 217 seats with these current results. what are your thoughts on how this election is turning out and what do you predictions the most of all the, ever since i didn't know the one the election in 2014, by a very something majority. and since then, that'd be the duty domination and india of the extreme right wing and the right thing functions leg by the b b and the lines called the national democratic allies . the, the 1st time, the 1st election i would say, where the opposition is giving them a very tight fight and it was unexpected. in fact, the way i peace tree is it because uh, giving of the b, b you the 400 seats, which was best within that. this time we are going to cross the 400 out of the 543 seats in the lots of up. and so the see examples give them and do our own run by
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the top of $200.00 cost networks in india. so uh, 1st of all it is uh, the whole process i've seen is deeply flawed because in india you have 60 global does this time costing that vote. and one of the biggest nick was the sample size was only $95000.00. so that has to be a certain discrepancy, but the most shocking aspect to the state of, with the, produce away the b to b has been maximum amount of time in the, in the heartland. it is the culture that you need to blank, and every other thing that this done for the celebration around template, and that was all done to secure that piece. and then as for the latest trends which are coming in, of course, we will to get to know the exact results in other to last time. but the, the, the initial trends have been shopping in the says that the congress and the, somebody already bought the alliance, the outgoing sub industry, where they've gone up almost by 30 to 35 seats. and quite a few of the big guns of the b b i training, so it is
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a very tight flight. it was an unexpected fight. and if you give a lot of boost to the opposition, a lot of, i mean, i also mean we've been sort of keep the i also on uh how the stock market is being trading in, in do seems to be for long. so i think that may be reacting to the election results . is this an indication of, of uh, perhaps that could be a change in government in india, perhaps a new coalition. i doubt whether there will be a change because in any which way uh, the b to be in the india lines will go bust the simple majority mark of $272.00. if it doesn't happen, it will be a huge upset. a dramatic winning for the opposition, but i would still be a sort of a bundle on the indian making it to the, to $72.00. it would be a huge fall. and because the last time they were, they had a number of 353. and they were hoping to hit $400.00 as far as the stock markets are concerned. they have dropped considerably because they expected a very smooth wind from the movie and the b j b. and that doesn't seem to be
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happening. so it doesn't shock waves. that's where the bumble stock exchange and the commercial gravity is very closely are watching these results coming out. and data big economy is indeed a mouse. i mean in india is such a big pro says this, i may not close the possibility of the overall forbidden people vote saying i'm gonna be in any obstacles besides the a couple of incidents of violence. i would say this election has been extremely smooth. it's a massive exercise, and it's because of the, not only the, and the ottoman, but all of in deal with this $23.00 states. i plus the union territories. so it has been a pretty smooth exercise, the allegations against the election commission of india that does not monitoring the process as well. and a couple of machines, there were rumors that if you press the button for one party, the board goes to someone else. but i, i always maintain that they were business rules and it was
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a way to denigrate the election commission of india, which has done a fabulous job and running an exercise of this kind. or would it be that of $44.00, these spread boulevard 7 phases of building. it's a huge exercise and all eyes up would be on one of the worlds because democracies and how the old system avoiding is has rolled out. you make an excellent point of the out of i was reading how that the, the machines and i see the vote, the machine to know, obviously connected to the internet, that old offline, they only go on or they did go online there any sort of switched on with the representatives, i know watching and monitoring everything. is this something that the world can probably learn from? because everything have off a bit and people voting in what seems to be a fat and free way? is there something we can learn from here? so clear, uh, this uh, the process of learning should be the, in fact events uh, the initial phase when the m,
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electronic voting machines are introduced in india. but you know, because of the fact that the, the level of literacy wasn't so high at that point in time, it is, but significantly better. so they were all kinds of rooms that, you know, the old system of people have bad. it was much better of is to become to and it's secure. and well, let's admit that even in those times, they located the booth captioning the violence in certain pockets in the bed in different parts of india. this is a vastly improve system and over and above, even when you vote here, there is a slip that comes out which is tabulated by the index him commission and they do draw lots and big a possibly can't go to everything. but he just, i believe just in the brief scientific way i would say is, is fed accurate. and some of these we must have, denny did the, you know, the election commission is baseless and it is a, it is wrong. it isn't just the wrong thing. or, you know, russia is a friend of india and is a friend of russia. of course it will follow in this very closely when we look at what the future holds for india and russia and the bricks. countries if you like,
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i've been plus did i say now, no matter what happens, i'll be likely to see a change in foreign policy in the next the in the next coming days. or are we looking at the continuity? and then it'll be continued you, mr. jason, go to the, as you very well know, is a very astute foreign minister. in fact, a couple of the technocrats and from a bureaucrats were brought in by mr. levine, would need to add important industries like green waves, where there is a technocrat, mr. version of who has additional code is exemplary. he's done a fabulous job and he knows this stuff. but coming to the in the relationship, i thought. busy in the ukraine incident happened, there was a lot of pushback from certain quarters within india on that. embody saying that you have a pleasant friendship with russia, but the russian oil is of that angle isn't bored. you have a great relationship going with food and, but at the same time, what about how the world is reacting to ukraine?
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but i said movie and the be just the gift. a very stable line. the links open with mr. fulton and that relationship has stayed. and russia in india, i would say, would continue to remain friends and future. no matter other criticism that has come, i'm just, i'm with these way. and a very interesting times in data does auto go? it's always a pleasure to always is that if i could so on. so join us here on odd. see, thanks again. thank you for having. well, we'll be bringing all the news from and is alexa and throughout the day with updates every hour. yeah. on all the international the by now, so other news full left us intelligence officer, scott, which has been removed from a flight in new want us authorities,
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as he was on route. so russia a regular guess here on all team. right. so it was heading to install more and then on the system because the to attend to the economic for them is often critical of all of the bottom administration and the data is rolled in the playing conflict is a fuse. the us authorities of violating is fundamental rights that was prohibited from boarding my flight to stumble and on the st. petersburg by the customs and border patrol, who claimed to be acting on behalf of the us department of state. they should use my passport without explanation. and therefore denied me the, the ability to, to, to leave this, this was a deliberate can bush. and what i mean by that is, this was not a spontaneous, you know, administrative thing. this was a deliberate act by the united states government to prevent me from getting on this
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airplane to attend the function that i was scheduled sandwich a st. petersburg international economic form where i was scheduled to appear on the 2 panels. if there's no doubt in my mind that the us government said you're not going to speak. a travel is a sort of a constitutional right of free speech has a constitutional right. and um, you know, they have infringed on my constitutional rights. so on what basis they, i guess tomorrow i begin the laborious process of calling people to find out just what the hell's going on. scott. rosa is a full and let us know wrinkle intelligence officer earned un weapons inspectors of rock. he is the critical, the arrival and u. s. foreign policy in the middle east. human rights about international security issues, minute fear, phase of control and non really for ration is that the us authorities did not say
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why that was easy as possible. removing him from the flight, rushes form is useful for them. and maria ruba was quick to question why? by the us department oder american police officers removed from the slide calling new scar 3 to who is head into the st. petersburg for them. is this done in accordance with the 1st amendment of the us constitution? well, the 4th of them i colleague charlotte to be asking to discuss this issue with full of a c i a l. as larry johnson. i'm from the us, intel office of joan curiosity. and this was an illegal act. the only rate, the only reason the state department could pull someone's passport because if they are, was just engaged with the criminal activity. all scott's not engaged with the criminal activity. if they failed to pay taxes, have a massive tax. deb e scott paces taxes, he's not stupid. or a law enforcement requested. i think what happened is somebody at homeland security
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got the bright idea or will, will pulling off, but they're pulling them off for his political views. and that's clearly illegal. so i just want to bring you in on that same question. ask you, i mean, obviously you've heard what laurie have to say that we've also had jackson hinkle, who's st. petersburg at the moment, cooling this, a criminal and tagging po, just in it. how much do you think this has to do with school? which is criticism of washington's will policy. larry johnson is exactly correct. this was an outrageous and illegal act. and the only hope that i can have coming out of this is that it was the action. busy of a low or mid level city it who let his own personal politics get in a way rather than an actual policy of the by didn't ministration. i'm sorry. you're in st. petersburg at the moment, joe, that are on. so for the economic forum, wes scott, right to had been hoping to attend. i just want to ask you,
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would you have concerns now about heading back to the us and the potential of not being able to leave again. i don't have any concern about not being able to leave again, as long as the system is fair, but the problem is, the system is not fair. now in the light of this all you have to wonder, you know, what they're going to do, you know, will they go after me? yeah, actually i don't want to ask you to, is there any reason why those officials did not gave any reason to power a discount rate to as to why he was one being taken off the plane on to having his passport and documents confiscated? no, they didn't give him any explanation at all. and as larry said, there are only a hand for a small handful of reasons that would allow the state department or the bureau of customs and border protection to, to carry out an operation like this. if, if he's
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a wanted criminal, which he's not, if he hasn't paid his taxes, which is not. if he's going over this overseas with the intent to violate us law, which he's not paying for inside the latest they bought the house. got richard just like russell balls is on the front line. that is ongoing movie operation. the evenings a rustle victory is drawing nearer we have, but i'm not in full on our website. up the top. com. the more countries are shunning the sweetest hosted piece summit. so you kind of neutrality concerns as well as it was not invited packet saw we live, please skip the event. i'm in the as also ripples that he refused to send any of its top officials. he would, us president by them has apparently decided to ignore the meeting dislike to personally invitation from savanski. so let's discuss this with us. the cost of
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that romano costs or i have is joining me for the 1st time in the sea to spend ages . i know you're always on the front lines road. i'm very grateful for you. joining us here today in the suit is, i mean we, we hear about this piece summit. that's a joke. now it, in my was, it looks like a will cabinet to me, but there's a lot of countries also snubbing this to this wife. first. initially, there were a 160 nations invited to 160 litigations to this b summits in the 3rd of switzerland, among the mountains and lakes and all that beauty. but at the moment, so the status that they were expecting to be present, there is certainly changed at the moment. we know of at least well 8 countries whose leaders have decided not to go to switzerland. so i'm talking about the top leaders, of course as the united states, brazil, china, south africa, saudi arabia,
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australia, pakistan, and india. so i just said most of the world's population whose leaders of these countries represent. and now in terms of this was o, initially done in order to attract a lot of attention from the united states, of course now has been no prorate. so joseph biden is not going to be joining instead um for his vice president campbell, a harris. so will attend along with the national security advisor, jake sullivan. once he gets on the 15th and the 16th of june. now a lot of um, not ask for jo button himself. well, she's not coming because according to reports, you will be busy that day. she will be attending a gully if you will, collecting money from you supporters this time in hollywood, obviously we know that he has a lot of support there. as i've heard, as i've yeah we've, we've seen that. we've seen the robot dinero means onto the on c vehicle, and so i have right, i know i,
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i believe 5 this particularly events will be hosted by a george clooney who is also being in the news recently. now of course, the big countries like india and australia and pakistan have also refused to send them to send their top brass, if you will. australia, for example, are standing there administer for a minister for the to disability insurance. um, well it's, it's opposed to my level, but it's high level, i mean i'm on it's, it's high level is high level, but it's still part of the national security team is i do just say it sounds to me that i know you still have things to say, but it sounds like a group of people go to switzerland for a very nice 5. so i hope so retreats on someone's dime, someone's paying for this. and quoting it piece i made it really is a jet. but please, of course, this is all a designs, i mean the, it's always noble their wishes and their ones. but as it turns out,
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it's not always so, and of course, so the representatives of many of the worlds countries have realized that so without the rush of this summit will bring absolutely no results. like i said, indian focused on are also not sending anyone. and of course, the, one of the major political players, the world's i, china, have also refused to send any or representatives. actually, we have a word from the representative of the for in ministry of china in the 2nd lesson. sometimes, china has repeatedly emphasized that the international peace conference needs to contain 3 important elements. this will be a recommendation from all sides, including russia and ukraine, before participation of all parties, and fed discussion of a peace plans. as far as china is concerned, this meeting doesn't yet seem to have all those free elements. this is exactly why the china will not be able to attend just and of course,
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the president polanski of ukraine, the cold list and major strategic mistake by china. not sending anybody to the photocopy summit in switzerland and a he actually accused the chinese people's republic of trying to sabotage the meeting in switzerland. so let's take a listen. just ma'am, we're not positive about china signal that they will not support and participate in the peace summit. it is strange and very painful for us that russia, unfortunately, using china's influence in this region script using chinese diplomats, is doing everything to this. probably the people summit and the unfortunate leisure to such a large, independent and powerful country as china is a to and pollutants hand sewage. or basically, here we have ukranian presidents getting offended by anyone who disagrees with him, or was the formats of the so called the summit,
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where russia one more depressed. i mean, clearly is that let's get a very talented politician. i mean, we now know he was, i mean you may knows of you is he was traveling to many countries in south east asia, including the philippines and didn't use. yeah. james saw had come out before him, blamed russia, romano. that's russia. it was sort of cutting the global south against him. here he is on a riley, the troops isn't like, oh i, i, in my, in my mind he's, he's trying to get some more money. basically, he's credits, but all the my that the billions and billions of dollars that so there's no accounts a bill to see where that money case, but with how about money was spent. but you know, he's out. but is he looking for sympathy? do think of this stage one of this stage, he's looking for a probably, for anyone that would supply ukraine with weapons, with manpower, with and this thing and really that would prevent the chaos that's going on with its armed forces and on the regular streets in uh, in the,
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in the country of ukraine in the capital and everywhere else. well, ukrainian president, she's been making of the international raz, a lot recently. i mean, before the agents war, she went to visit and visited some major countries, including the belgium, portugal, sweden, like to say, you went to a single 4 um, stopped over in the philippines. uh, we'll try to garner support from all over the age of the asian pacific region, but that wants to come over to quote here, the president of the philippines who has full examines someone was as an excuse to enthusiasm saying that's a potential resolution to the end of the conflict, but the satisfactory to all parties. right? i mean, i'll just tell you, i'm going to bring everybody exactly everything that would be so and you know, president, president, for the, for the law side of the how many months has been say that have
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a conversation. i had the west is turning the back the when the, the local seal diplomacy. we don't have to leave it that romano. i'm afraid to come back again. we've run out of time, but this begins to a lot to talk you and i honestly joining me here today now while bottles to across the new russian regions on the ground last night. so resources, the pizza, the interests of ukraine's western patrons, o. c is english demo as the details from such l fields to some truly colossal mining operations. the land, the soil of the don't bass is incredibly rich and giving. but if there's one resource that you're up and germany in particular would love to dig into. that would be alisium, if you could, if would have easily colonized the planet rich and lithium deposits, renewable energy, electric vehicles, consumer electronics, these markets have become the pillars of the european economy. and all these
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markets did without lithium. everybody wants to get access to lithium. this is may be why they call it the white gold because it is like a gold rush. it's this atmosphere. while i have to be in this game, there is almost no company dealing with role materials that is not looking into lithium. it's just too attractive. leave some uncertain isn't listed in monroe will soon be more important than the oil and gas. i know a demand for of sloan will increase 5 folds by 2030. on the one hand, that's a good sign because it shows the pace at which from making progress with european green deal. the only problem is that one single country come to dominate so most the time, all kids and we must prevent our sales from becoming dependence again as when that experience and with guessing the world gym. and he has a particularly strong appetite for lithium. it's what the joins like folks of log into bmw, mercedes benz, a wrestling hard for the share in the electric vehicle market. siemens is
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a leading provider of renewable energy and is relying heavily on lithium based energy storage solutions. voice has a major market share in automotive components which require this metal to, but shipping lithium from latin america, where most of its reserves all makes it truly precious in the books to the prospect of a discount is enough for some gym and politicians to bang the drums of war openness and i'm really kind of was if you bring this integrates to follow up costs will be much greater than if we go in much stronger now. and if you're forced to complete the energy transition, it needs its own lives, seem deposits, the largest deposits since you are applying the domestic who goes to region. that's why russia also wants them to make us dependent on the energy transition to the view to electric motors. don't pass lithium reserves still haven't been fully explored and evaluated. but the estimates more than promising also what they lack in quantity. they make up with quality. great number,
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which city was the they were for lithium deposit senior crane to in the queue. rover grad region, one that needs that provides you a region and one in the next republic, the sup jenko deposit in to this is the most promising of all the full, because the whole is rich and, and that's the production cost is cheap on. this reserve is still under ukrainian control kilometers from the front line, which is creeping towards it. another deposit isn't the parts of this approach, you region controlled by russia. jim carter, what are the advantages of how we live for them to pose it as a to the fact that they actually on the surface of the earth no need to make you might do it. it's very difficult when you need to go down for 130 meters like 200, to conduct safety and so on. and she a f as in is on the surface list, the loo, or is show a strong for germany, given it already consider these deposits within reach germany and ukraine, work jointly on enhancing energy efficiency,
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promoting modernization of energy infrastructure and expanding the use of renewable energy the energy partnership with the rest as to why the issues like the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the energy sector transformation. this will work in the usual way that west i'm big corporations will take over ukraine, whether it's uh uh, farmlands, whether it's mining resources or whatever. so um, the western countries will know sooner or later we have to say, i'm sorry, um, do you have the money is gone, your price by population creative doesn't exist anymore. who knows? we have seen this with the um, what is called in english the, the, the black earth. and so this is very, very rich ukrainian, farmland, which was which of the i m f wanted to be privatized as to western companies and ukraine. the majority was absolutely guest if so, landscape government by to k, together with the the voters was from, from my present approach, tankless party gave the green light. so the cell over to the train is already going
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on. and this is just the question when which decision will be, will be done off to the 2014 revolution. several german ad, your opinion companies managed to stripe lucrative exploration deals lined up at the starting line. you know, race to drill, excavate the soil into depletion, like they've done before. germany is desperate on getting resources because what germany faces now is that relying on the bodies in the u. s, it is cut off the most important raw materials in the world. a did not only cut off the energy supply and made us pay triple the normal price for energy. they also restrict us from the supply of all the necessary raw materials for the electrical industry.


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