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tv   Documentary  RT  June 4, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EDT

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to so the cell i'll have to train is already going on, and this is just the question when which decision will be, will be done off to the 2014 revolution. several german and your opinion companies managed to stripe lucrative exploration deals lined up at the starting line in a race to grow and to excavate the soil into depletion, like they've done before. germany is desperate on getting resources because what germany faces now is that relying on the bodies in the u. s, it is cut off the most important raw materials in the world. a did not only cut off the energy supply and made us pay triple the normal price for energy. they also restrict us from the supply of all the necessary raw materials for the electrical industry or the electro be he goes and so on. so basically
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destroying german economy, germany does not have own raw materials, so they are desperate in finding areas where they can get their own materials from the us. and europe has been poor in billions and billions into ukraine, or it's at the expense of their own citizens. and economies us, while kia refuses to see the truly kolosso elephant in the room. nothing comes free . i mean, there's done of oxy. well, that most of this is always good to have the, with the ceiling on season national. we'll take a break right now. we'll be back in about 30 minutes. the gap which was do it for people who need the green thing too much. actual list of criteria was due. it's i see ration. i mean,
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why these regional vice chairs are still go as low as a 1st floor then you should have a small table always before just seems to be an issue. if there was a way of getting the what was a major thing. i see that i gave lucy, mr. clinton president manual in years, and i'm sure, but the most of them can you put the case cuz it's time instruction to document claims. keep going and that may be a website like that, which is just divided into the perception such as the conditions as of 6. you
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want the convention center, the, the sellers to interest cash, the check and see the of the but i get the, the interest i will send a tardy slip system as we share. and that's what will show to do. so we see what you see in your monthly stuff like what to do with less, no face the show that shows up. i mean, it's kind of just let me see if the temple up when you blow up i need to stress should come to should the collision between the rest of it. even content malicious to the queue means in the course and give it to you, cause you will get to the subject has to control, should cases, pictures, coastal occasion, look like we should, we switch it to bring it to issue. you really do need exactly. why give them the
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sheets and you can probably look like is there any way for me to give you lots of it for fairly well? yeah. would you be able to move them? we still would have done like this to have the video it laptops to down which that are comfortable as racial as 2 guys out there with that yet it must be a talk when say, last of all the, the port coy the question machine on the new golf course is off just according to your needs and the pin me out. and the boss says, nights ago, it had been a little slow that it's, the theme is off to come into some of the one us to go through with you guys after to get on the
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we are pretty good, especially if we need to keep our student has previously said it was through the the difficult to move to the left and left the she's a senior machine. okay. no chief of the problem of unity. what the dog is a month to month. the truth roughly. so now
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the piano, is it the choosing to fall into it into that then it gives you come when you assume useful more can we're using master now using the new faith and learn, you know, or the cost of it with a bit. and i just wanted to mention you
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for machine use gauge, blue roles. you would show the theater. you could see me. yeah. it's a 10, a couple different british and you try to put the used to make sure that the stuff last i'm done, bus voice the go to must. can you check using nice to see what a nephew me on a month? october the i have reached my facility zone. last 4. you were just keeping each mortgage. trump national, can we check the
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vehicle? you really found the those might in the very easy, but that was the quote itself. a bad them as long as you you possible over here at the voted. so when there was any, will surely the 30, the them my, some clips of those gigabytes. um, no, i would go, you just said that menus through each of the, the, the last 4 digits of the whole claim. honestly,
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that is $15.00 to $7.00 in the system that's on the side of the bullet sold. some folks think it on the board, but they might have business with the source of support for, for you know, somebody, some of the stuff you see where the bass a just to be able to send to you just to the very point the somebody issue also for the image of the
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following, just i'm going to don't see you used to run your for one. yeah, it was a list of goods from the jewel local. so the model simpler. so you probably the the, the super the stages of the deal. so when you look for electric, you still got the computer, that's it, but it's a new policy. so which is to use as they are typically for the question longer. and we'll get to who did com or in the form a bunch of season, which it end up just because i'm from what's holding up a disc grimley. let's click on the leo cause sure no. so the deal is
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cv, the one comes through, you lose the fee to for sure. why was that? came with the composer, the best time to go to the is just the phone, but the new super used to pull into them for you. is this the business? i'm sure this helps. this is the lowest system was the whole known issues with them is looking to chat. it's a store with business contracts,
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that's the list different then you can use the best of simple one of the 1st one is the phone, the bottom, the bottom. so the pickup, what somebody able to do, or the newsome,
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your seniors the wheelchair, the seat, there's to come. okay. senior graduates, this channel's gonna go to, to do store. but with that, but i can actually, of course, i'm gonna do to see a new dentist. i'm comfortable to move that the part is just put this new mark according to the story. now, can you tell me the children, elizabeth tasha for the beginning of, of the show me will be stored here by 2nd to come. but if you go to the studio, those things definitely because they had to ship a give shoot minutes ago, visual machines and the rest of those and submitting each post at the beginning. and the end of
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the whole disney course of production will be posted fairly nice. carrie was finding a device for supplies. i'm going to click the video and they are what it was. nice to search the pushing the alternate typing it say toilet. see here until the p of say, the image of that as a so this will data. so the gone almost lashana may do this with the data. and this will perform samples of all that if you run it will. you won't couple joining in for the truck because what, what am i to use? because me is receiving a difficult time. this, this is where they're both in general you push an e mail, but i'm still with this. you know, we're unable in the, in the means on the vehicle. so when you get secure calculus lifted to
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the sugar in each and you called out when you come into the yeah, we'll cover was good to me to the point. yeah. your question when you feel surrender, you missed because i was to where, oh jessica. before you, because old with messed with, i will just will. do you mean it sounds like you've got the community with lots of the phone, i'm just talking doesn't trouble you. it was a little slow to see the beautiful usage in you boys and they won't come back and i'm pretty sure ok. what else? let's go for much more personal. it was approved, but i would use the rest of the ones that are here on you don't want the one you want to cuz unless clinical, some beautiful, which also in your thoughts. so what kind of that i'm thinking interesting and make sure i person dunham split your 1st name, joni peters. can you hear? good, sir. what can we send in which i will cut off of the do let me go. hi, i'm rick sanchez. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions
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that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department, the c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you, i'm comfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the only one wow bye. so i need for you additional i need you and we're showing through you guys. you have the need for free and reduced application. so it
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is nice to you what the rest of that's going to to is it gonna be just gonna give it you just gonna get the i knew what the problem is. i can book the ship each. so about 60 percentage book, some of the units as you can give me also know, pull me the, the steve the machine to send me over to the sun and continued his search. this great, beautiful, beautiful, interested in the loop. and in this, in his vision is, i mean, which is 32, my, on the 5th to 9 me mission is to for the but to southern trust insurance and virginia beach, in finance, or for one guy, 13th or come by your award citizen. i need someone to book that or give it to you, would you go to get the core dice to a dealership, which means this new kind of symbols of the shots. here's my understanding. this
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computer system said she has not used to do that to kind of see what what you quoted you as soon as you get those anyway in the storage. just to make sure me and want a piece of it should be extra to estimate how many keeps the the most new part of the process. so it's not easy for you to see that you love the
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bullet points on. they'll come and get them into parts of the company to the show just as little as you a whole bunch of them has been used for now. it's a good one of the good because typically about this much of a phone. do you want you to for necessary conduct and literacy? awesome. but somebody got better, so the pressure to compete at those to produce steve. um what i'm showing special. no, go find out this book with the desktop and help us to watch the video to that one before the chauffeur. simple gwinnett, the got orange lincoln watches will show them something wrong and get the illusion . those books want. i'm not going to put all 4 books if you have not them,
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it doesn't matter. what does it take? so, but it's a really wonderful to do the 3rd grade. so because i don't do them with both the invitation for which we discuss nevada, we will talk soon for the same machine for the use for your machine. and then you find you might, there's a trip to the
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to, to go. you can see all of the 3 of the, to the judge for the on you know, there's all in the plows. you, norma, g, you level, you want to change the yellow to there's got of it and they let them know. ok, can i have a choice to mail a form to the guy and we could use as a city of the city and it was a solemn from
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a garland ship. it was the will go the opinion way to come. we don't want them. i, as in larry as in your, your valez in your blood on your mouth, mediated bone up for you with a warming up system is giving a problem to me and you put your sticklers about, which is the, what is the stay on the total was a do so people know me have c, y, m, c, g, the income, your program function, you know, you to see of the young people or they have come of the. what about for the to me, you partition, since the last, just to get your the new as soon as you have to ship the
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. but as much as, as most of these introductions to go by your phone is by, in the family in the shade, it would change by the law. let them physical. i don't know what is the plus? jessica smith is going to the public a chapter that m too much, but when near the printer says, pass about the toaster, give me
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a new producer to which they have to prove new. and you have to tell you my drugs because i'm missing. if i completed it, they end up a stand for you talk to them up a bit too much of the money to dimension on the public key and put them. thank you for the did you purchase the street and keeping the most beloved? yeah, that could potentially be usable on the use of which is just a pop up board as much as you can expect to zip up to guys for someone to come, what the team for to get to the process of what can catch the top of your head as an unpopular i did, i do well, let me just so that the cells are digits, the lowest as a mom is a problem which has meal too much to send them with them for the i was just seeing that pretty as inflexible on look at the prize
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because i wonder what the meaning is. it's just basically the describe pretty much what we're going to still pop over here. so it's a bit of one of the scores great here. if you pick up the, you know, split zone if this guy thing and then the wider what's perhaps the boots for the cause of a new partial specials are going to play with a mule camacho besides them to put them up and knowing you the debate as mama knowing yeah, they might be giving us a little bit easier to look through the those i chose to in the because it's simply the inferior step because just go go to bed, which they used to,
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to refer to the true or true thing. if not, i want you to mislead functions in yes, i put you to some scrolling work through the you mean, you know, we were in, can you help us the most that it was because of it was to loop so that i screwed up the video that was 2 years right? it was the took away and what did you want me to do with let's just because one don't for you do with kid if you have your most of the ways if thought the yeah, well the security simulation prescription purposes, these deals get a hold of you know stuff, kid, especially because we can continue with this thing sold at the meeting or consequences don't. so my wish i'm with them,
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young lady. doesn't your familiar with their money and i'm going to see a specialist and the initial season because a lot of the tim, i'm looking at that i probably this week so late, it's usually it's closer to the godaddy for those to days. and you, i strongly prompting opinion like what else tell me what i should say. it's good to go to fullness to what doesn't look difficult if there's any particular reason you're pushing it you some you are sure. so for both of those that are being done, just as good as she, because i'm at as customers which of these of these, i mean the guys do advise me when you get this guy says to me, yes,
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but i wasn't to come with the flow outcome bites on the days of the risk is this wasn't able to tony such a full on which jim is just the front the people that live just wondering if i beat each bishop is up with you that that's, that's the brochure to build a sub list because i think it's like less than godaddy to, to get the mobile data a limited to the concept the so i don't know, you sound like 7 or 6 people to sleep in system cost
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effective way. and that, that's more stores here in the shop. i did the, the, the
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a is loading v j. p policy out of coal instead of allies are in the lead and preliminary results are in for the world's largest election. this was a deliberate impression. what i mean by that is, this was not a small, tedious, administrative thing. this was a deliberate act by the united states government form a u. s. intelligence office of scott risk is removed from a flight in a new why you, i thought this was an explanation as the was on route to run that.


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