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tv   News  RT  June 4, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the policy being j. p, emerges as the single largest parliament as his condition to choose majority power to be de visa life company has around 290 paints, while the opposition has about 200. and this was a deliberate campbell issue. what i mean by that is, this was not a spontaneous administrative thing. this was a deliberate act by the united states government for the start right to is removed from place for like in the new why us a thought of these move out to an explanation as he was on route to russia as bible range and the done by the you still have
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a side effect on the read using the planning deposit, a mess of crucial for the you pay the economy and green energy developers. the skids are coming today for the latest global news on the 5 months of moving. and this is the international so decisive day for india has its population of nearly one and a half 1000000000 people as results. all the world's largest elections being announced . the road in b, j. b policies, code they should have received. the parliamentary majority in the body is of the single largest parliament. let me bring you all the updates and special coverage on this historic event as it unfolds.
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the living diabetes alliance has the same. they call them and see with joy, the meaning that the incumbent prime is there and remote it is one on 5 for the 3rd consecutive to his alliance has about. so $290.00 seats, in part of the opposition indian national congress policy as allies have around a $230.00 seats. a policy old coalition needs to learn, so it'd be 2 seats across the majority of all. in the $543.00 members look football or the lower house of in this part of it, the voted sought out this year, was 66.3 percent. now that is cross live to india. carlos on runjun and josh, uh, who is in 5 outside the parliamentary house. 100 and good to see if it goes through
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what we knows so far all about the elections i think were trying to get rid of this connection now slight delay the one doing him a slight thing. so i is doing good. i think. okay, i think we've lost a little bit of a connection that we really didn't just to give you a rough idea of what speaking are you on the counts of being coming in? we know that 3 of the biggest 3 of the biggest, the stakes are being counted on a regular be a constant basis. right now we know that the council, the major count just if you're doing this now the elections, they need the 272 seats. but 2092 of those have gone into for the apartment as a movie. what was the same thing to look at the bi malice to see if anything will change
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in the upcoming months. i had one of the main things that one of our guests spoke about today was if moody would focus more on international, on 4 or 5, or if he would focus internally. now we know that there's a packet. there's a, a group of people that are interested in how moody will move forward, and in fact, does, will he be a, he'll be the majority, govern. yes. but will he need other members in parliament with him to write, but we're going to be joining the room didn't solve it will be joining us shortly. we're just going to get that connection um as established and then we'll be back here. the well,
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i think the other day is now was it. and then if you haven't reported heavy off to the fly in those upper road here region, whether you finding a full it is amusing, at least 60 soldiers in just one day. a of the buses in it for a group has been attacking crating for the gauges. i'm the storage facilities. it has miles to destroy a several west and supplied houses. i up to the equivalent of the events. and as we said, this is of was achieved in type coordination with the reconnaissance and growing our buses by phones tear across the new russian regions on the ground of boston. natural resources of pink, the inside. so being phase west and pages, uh, thing is easily set up as the details from philadelphia to some truly colossal mining operations. the land,
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the soil of the don't. bass is incredibly rich and giving. but if there's one resource that you are up and germany in particular, would love to dig into. that would be, let's see him. if you could, if would have easily colonized the planets rich and lifting him deposits, renewable energy, electric vehicles, consumer electronics, these markets have become the pillars of the european economy. and all these markets i did without lithium, everybody wants to get access to lithium. this is may be why they call it the white gold because it is like a gold rush. it's this atmosphere. while i have to be in this game, there is almost no company dealing with rule materials that is not looking into lithium. it's just too attractive. leave some unsafe even listed in monroe will soon be more important than the oil and gas. and i know a demand for of sloan will increase 5 folds by 2030. on the one hand, that's a good sign because it shows the pays at which for making progress with the
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european greendale. the only problem is that one single country country dominates almost the entire market and we must prevent those sales from becoming dependence again as when though experiencing with gas and oil. gemini has a particularly strong appetite for lithium. it's what the joins like folks of log into bmw, mercedes benz, a wrestling hard for the share in the electric vehicle market. simmons is a leading provider of renewable energy and is relying heavily on lithium based energy storage solutions. force has a major market share in fulton mode have components which require this metal to, but shipping lithium from latin america, where most of its reserves all makes it truly precious in the books to the prospects of a discount is enough for some german politicians to bang the drums of war opened it and immediately con. ready was looking for english integrates to follow up. costs will be much great, doesn't if we go in much stronger now. and if you wants to complete the energy
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transition, it reads its own live seam deposits, the largest deposits since you are buying the mask who go ask region. that's why russia also wants them to make us dependent on the energy transition to the new year. to electric motors, heidi points don't bass less the numbers of still haven't been fully explored into evaluated. but the estimates a move in promising also what the lack in quantity they make up with quality level. it's pretty much colors. there were full lithium deposits in ukraine to in the queue, robo grad region one that needs that process, your region and one inmate. the next republic, the sup jenko deposit into that is the most promising of all 4 because the whole is rich and that's the production cost is cheap on. this reserve is still under ukrainian control, many kilometers from the front line, which is creeping towards it. another deposit isn't the parts of this approach, you region controlled by russia, jim called what are the advantages of leasing them to pose it as
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a to the fact that they actually on the surface of the earth. no need to make in mind that you, it's very difficult when you need to go down for 130 meters, 20200 safety and so on. and here everything is on the surface, missed the loo, or is show a strong for germany, given it already consider these deposits within reach germany and ukraine, work jointly on enhancing energy efficiency, promoting modernization of energy infrastructure and expending the use of renewable energy. the energy partnership with the rest as to why the issues like the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the energy sector transformation. this will work in the usual way that west of big corporations will take over your credit, whether it's uh, farm lands, whether it's mining resources or whatever. so um, the western countries will know sooner or later we'll have to say, i'm sorry, um the, the money is gone, your credit is back, population creative doesn't exist anymore. who knows? we have seen this with the um, what is called in english, the, the,
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the black earth. and so this is very, very rich ukrainian, farmland, which was which of the i am f wanted to be privatized. i was to western companies and ukraine. the majority was absolutely guest if so, landscape government by to ok together with the the voters what's from from a present approach tankless party gave the green light. so the cell i'll have to train is already going on. and this is jeff. the question when which decision will be, will be done off to the 2014 revolution? several german and you are p and companies managed to stripe lucrative exploration deals, who lined up at the starting line. you know, race to drill at to excavate the soil into depletion, like they've done before. germany is desperate on getting resources because what germany faces now is that relying on the bodies in the u. s,
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it is cut off the most important raw materials in the world. a did not only cut off the energy supply and made us pay triple the normal price for energy. they also restricts us from the supply of all the necessary raw materials for the electrical industry, all the electro, he goes and so on. so basically destroying germany economy, germany does not have own raw materials. so they are desperate in finding areas where they can get their own materials from the us. and europe has been poor in billions and billions into ukraine at the expense of their own citizens and economies as well. key refuses to see the truly kolosso elephant in the room. nothing comes free. i mean there's done of oxy. as far
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as go back to our top story is the size of day for indiana is for 3 days of navy, one a home been in people as a result. so the world's largest selection all being announced, the routing b, j pay code, they should have received the parliament fee majority. now the policy is the single largest empowerment we will also be all the updates in our special coverage of this historic event. the oven b, j, p. the alliance has received a parliament c majority. meaning that the common problem is that now under moody is went on track for us. the consecutive to his alliance has around the $290.00 of the seas impala the all positions indian national congress, auntie. alas, i lies have around $230.00. so
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a policy old code is in these 272 seats to close the door to mark in the 540 is remember, low cyber high. that's the low a house of india is parliament. this turned out this turned out to see the budgets and i was nearly 66.3, those that now the 7 phase votes in pro assess, began in april and ended this pos, size of a, almost a 1000000000 people were eligible to cost the ballots. the final official results are expected to be announced by the end of the day. for now, the national election commission says a restful, breaking, 642000000 votes is 2 parts. your policies are
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this is the was say a more. yes is. this is all the all. busy right, so is a lot of as aunty in the car, so under a run during the shop who is outside the parliamentary house, what i'm doing good to see you connected as well. that is great. now, can you do this through what we know so far from the election space of the world? let me tell you for this has been a while ago. interesting. the watch was predicted before the elections, even off to the elections, ended off to the long 7 freeze war thing that happened. which for 40 d as in india, the exit polls predicted on the on slide,
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which for you for nothing's more the i'm the, he's well, it, it goes bossy because you jennifer flossie. but also before the poles, this is essentially said that this was going to be at all the boring, addicted will sort of an election, but it has been an interesting one, almost next to next slide between the b b lead and the alliance that is marty a drama, body and its allies and the in the law, which is essentially congress, the 2nd largest spot in india, the national body and its allies. so almost a neck to neck flies, vall, marty, and john of a body has cross stocks all along with its allies. a hoss, we mocks, so the india has to be simply crossed to 70. so essentially that is the magic number that a body needs to cross the form of government in india. but these are all the trends and we still have to wait and look at the final sound thing, which actually comes to be somewhere in the evening. local time. yeah. but it
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hasn't been an interesting they say it's like, we'll start for this for example, where, where one had expected a line slide. victor, your thoughts again for the part of the body. so for this one of the most popular states in the country also of the states that in $0.05, no me calls to the country. even deb, it's been almost to next to next sort of a fight between the b drippy and the opposition to some odd while the party, which is the regional thought to your soul in order for the spot. it has been an interesting day. in fact, i've been getting messages from people office to been really telling me that they wanted to go to work. they wanted to go to office, but they just called in sick and they've decided to stay at home just because the game go onto the really, really interesting few more hours to go. we will have 3 or trends in, in, in a few hours from now. but of course, because the matches so next to next, so insisting that our allies that out me,
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we would have to really wait till the last was discounts and then only event we will know who is going to leave the country for now. golf 5 is tags and runs in will be no doubts. so it's open to 2 out of the day. thanks for that. i think that will be bringing you all the news from india's elections throughout the day here on our c and, and i so, so this a to and who will be here every hour of the day, the former us intelligence office and all tea website content with the school at risk as being removed from a flight in new york by us authorities, as he was on a roof for russia. rich, i was heading to assemble,
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amend onto some petersburg. so it's an uncommon for him. he is often critical of the binary administration and they said his role in the plan conference is a to the us. a thought of these of violating is fundamental bites was prohibited from boarding my flight to estoppel and on the st. petersburg by the customs and border patrol, who claimed to be acting on behalf of the us department of state. uh they should use my passport without explanation. and um, therefore denied me the uh, the ability to, to, to leave um and this, this was a deliberate can bush. and what i mean by that is, this was not a spontaneous you know, administrative thing. this was a deliberate act by the united states government to prevent me from getting on this airplane to attend the function that i was scheduled sandwich of st. petersburg international economic form where i was scheduled to appear on the 2 panels. if
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there's no doubt in my mind that the us government said you're not going to speak a travel is a sort of a, your constitutional right of the free speech is a constitutional right. and um, you know, they have infringed on my constitutional rights. so on what basis the, i guess tomorrow begin the, the laborious process of calling people to find out just what the hell's going on. so i wrote down as a former us of moving coal intelligence officer and un weapons in space. so if it wrong is when a critic go to your home, i u. s. foreign policy in the middle east, you'll find roy survives international security issues. minifie affairs, arms control, and non from the operation. it says the u. s. o, the don't say why there was seizing his possible and removing him from the flight rushes forward may assist. beautiful. maria is the heart of a,
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was quick question. why? by the us state department oder, american police officers removed from the flight call new score 3 to who is head into the st. petersburg for them. is this done in accordance with the 1st amendment of the us constitution? well, the 4th, as well as a result, c u. s. officials, for more information about why it's called rich as possible, it was, sees the 2nd of all declined to give any details saying would not comment about the possible status of a private american citizen. definitely discussed this issue with the former us into this officer. don't carry off who you said it was on justifiable to remove salt risk from the plane without any explanation. and this was an outrageous and illegal act. and the only hope that i can have coming out of this is that it was the auction. busy of a low or mid level city is to x,
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who let his own personal politics get in the way rather than an actual policy of divided ministration. they didn't give him any explanation at all. there are only a hand for a small handful of reasons that would allow the state department or the bureau of customs and border protection to, to carry out an operation like this. if, if he's a wanted criminal, which he's not. if he hasn't paid his taxes, which he's not, if he's going over this overseas with the intent to violate us law, which he's not very so. so i'm vision of leadership. that house got rid of this live in the rushes and balances all of the front lines and it's ongoing mid fi operation. a new for anybody in the rush as victory is drawing nearer. we're here, we have a mouse is in full on all websites of something called the
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mold. countries are shutting switzerland one sided piece on that and for you going 5 years. so i will likely skip the event on india is also repeatedly refused to send any of its top officials even us present, bind to the has apparently decided to ignore the meeting. and instead will attend a fundraising event in hollywood. he was even been trying to pressure rus, his name is in the post. so loop of reasons known as the commonwealth of independent states, but also defined to attend as muska has been positive. zelinski and his western friends begin to personally call and beg the leaders of the commonwealth of independent states to take part in this gathering. we know that none of them to come to such persuasion. they have invited to over a $160.00 delegations, including g 7 countries. g 20 countries breaks countries without russia of course.
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but now we're finding out that it's uh for the leaders felt brasel for those countries have decided to either not to go at all, send somebody else in their stead leaders whose countries decided not to go our united states, brazil, china, and south africa. saudi arabia, australia, like this, done and reportedly india as well, according to a local reports. now of course, the biggest blow here to dimansky is the fact that joseph biden has decided not to go and he's sending, he's vice president camella harris instead. of course, joe biden, i think you'll be busy for those the days of where the stomach will be held in switzerland on the 15th, and 16 joe by the will be busy in hollywood because he's got a fundraiser with hollywood stars. i mean, the election is coming up and i guess you'd rather be collecting money than given away money. they're in switzerland so that china has that time. and again, that's this summit without russia is like i said,
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if you file and they've read tray reach, rated their point one more time to some sense, which china has repeatedly emphasized that the international peace conference needs to contain 3 important elementary school. they have that transmission from all sides, including russia and ukraine, equal participation of all parties, and fed discussion of all peace plans. as far as china is concerned, this meeting doesn't yet seem to have all those free elements. this is exactly why china will not be able to attend to send the bell as lensky earlier. he actually stated that she considers badging support of russia. as for the jewelry statements over here in phoenix, i use the china all. darren. this is governor support to foil this event in switzerland. i was just mean, we're not positive about china signal that they will not support and participate in the piece summit. it is strange and very painful for us that russia, unfortunately, using china is influence in this region. using chinese diplomats is doing
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everything to disrupt the piece summit. and we heard how the west and cut into a lot of these western countries. the united states, especially, they have now told you crazy. they can use the missiles they, you avi's, then lot storm shadow from the u. k as well to directory it. russia, how can you say that on one hand? and then on the other hand, talk about peace. 13 countries including 11 from europe, have a kind of given their support to ukraine, to target russian military installations on the russian, the territory. but there are also in conflict reports as well because some of say, sorry, on the adjacency ukraine territory, which is a rush i had liberated from ukraine. so we're not really sure, but however us congress have already voice concern. that's joe biden. and his rhetoric and all his efforts could lead to an escalation to potential world war
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free, or even a nuclear disaster deputy of foreign minister of russia actually had something to say about that. i would like to warn the american officials against miscalculations that could have fatal consequences for unknown reasons, they underestimate the seriousness of the resistance they may receive responses may be symmetrical. they have been the volvo, critics of escalation in ukraine, the in europe, and elsewhere in the world. the escalation of sending bates are made weapons to ukraine to target civilians. people had been against him to slovakia. hungary had been one of the most the vocals of critics. and let me bring you the quote from the hon. gary and now for an affair to administer pits are of the arts on he said clothes if both sides of the war are not represented. i think it's a legitimate question, whether the whole conference makes sense in terms of the ultimate goal. and the ultimate goal is what, of course,
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procedure for peace. mexico have elected its 1st female present cool dish, and bone c one more than 58 percent of those the highest percentage in the country . 7 classic history showing about the, the c headed of the city government and the national capital of mexico to the, to the close associate of the current president lopez over at adult. she is pro, is to follow his general policies, which often went against positions that the tainted by the us. so i'm out has also been supposing that fossil fuels says that it was still promoting between energy. we spoke with journalist and dennis overall, that duke. he said that show bottom one, this flight washington's campaign against the, the e s. the is, there will be pressure that will come from abroad. because in recent months, we have seen various campaigns in western media primarily from the united states
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that have promoted various fake news about president lopez over door. and president elect, cloudy, assigned balm, allegedly that they have ties to drugs or cartels, which is of course, simply a lie. this is a type of attacks that will increase from the u. s. during shined balance of presidency. but the good news is that it seems that the coalition can get a super majority. that is more than 2 thirds. so despite the problems, claudia, shine, boom, will start her turn in an even stronger position compared with over doors position in 2018. cloudy, assigned bound has said many times that you will support the idea of mexico integrating into a new multi polar world. and being part of the bricks alliance that also means supporting the community with latin american organizations, like say, lack and continuing friendly policies with countries such as cuba, venezuela, brazil,
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and columbia. it is also expected the mexico will continue to maintain relations with china. and of course, russia cloudy, assigned bound has said several times, that the continuation of a sovereign foreign policy is a key part of mexico's transformation 5 to as of so it is holding pause he, b j b i is, i was, have received the all of into majority and then i saw as now that means the inc come, the prime minister in the run, demoted, is what i'm try for us, the consecutive to on the line as high as about 290 of the seats in parliament. meanwhile, the main offices in coalition led by indian national congress while they was a bit more than 200. and so as he sees the code mo and now the voter turnout. let's see. it was 66.3 percent as a record breaking the $642000000.00 people cost the bothers that we will be
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bringing all the latest updates throughout the day here on the international. well, that's all from me for the day, as always is great to have your company by calling michael courts. i will be with you at the top of the hour, so i be do all of a very good thing the the in previous tours of duty. i often heard the phrase, artillery is the god of war, soldiers repeated and is often seen on military chaperones. i was stuck in my head . what do they mean really? i was wondering what the soldiers are like. what will they do? and how they handle that powerful weapons tackle down. yeah,


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