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tv   News  RT  June 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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on the, even the a decide soon the decision is to reduce the rolling b j. b parties. majority hit a contest fall closer than they need has been predicting it's been a long on the predict, the pool, the corner just go through or, or saw as we bring you all the updates from the hospital, me with any marion susie projected by my 1st amendment right of free speech, and us government has no legal authority, moral authority, or any authority to impede any aspect of my exercise of this. right. a former us intelligence office that's called right time is less grounded after his stopping from voiding a flight and has his passport taken away in what he says is
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a validation of the constitution. and the disturbing images are ahead. the policy and family calls on the international community to say the dying door to let them out of gas or for treatment. this was thousands more critically ill. children are still chopped in the enclaves. the water is 7 pm in moscow in just 59 p. m. in new delhi where the voted counter the parliamentary election is underway. welcome to the latest news update on our team to national, at our special coverage will be in the, in the elections. i a michael porch, i the
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lot. it's a decisive day for india and it's population of almost 1500000000 people. what the results of the well, it's the largest election coming in prime minister under, under moody arrive at the pgp headquarters and made great fun, sad to speak to the crowd. the gab. it's an election which has seen well over 600000000 people had to pulling stations across india to have the se counting is expected to continue through the night. to opt today is a big or suspicious day. and on this day, for the 3rd time, the government has been appointed, were all very grateful to the people. the people of india have shown that complete faith in the b j, p and the n d a. today's victory is the victory of the world's largest democracy. get behind it. that was mo d speaking to his followers just moments ago that the b j. p alliance has
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maintained its majority, taking more than 290 seats in parliament. and the opposition indian national congress will call the i n. c. on all these allies had about 230. all the votes in parliament don't apply to your code. he should meets about 272, a vote to pass the majority mocking the lock sabbath or the lower house as it is called. the other races fall closer than many had been predicting my. the opposition meet us as the indian people have sent a clear message to narrow under moody. and this is the main thing that this election has that the country is united mostly and clearly stated. we do not want mr. and the end of the movie, and mr. i'm a chuck will be involved in the running of this country. we do not like who they are on this sunday. we do not appreciate the way they have attacked the constitution. we do not appreciate the with it,
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but on this country for the last 10 years. so that is the message from yesterday and from what i'd like the bank. if anybody who has participated in this election, i am extremely proud of the people of india. i am extremely proud of the people, whoever does this fit best on stuck on the constitution. all right, let's trust live to the new daily, you know, enjoy the audience really do some of who's standing just outside the parliament roads. it has been a busy day and we've been speaking we've been seeing as he was speaking to on at least one after the other on the outcome of the election, the readings, the meetings and the feelings on so on. what do we know more? as far as the elections that concern, now a mike, it has been a busy day, but also along the on, on for dig to was the here in the political capital of the country,
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new delhi. now the voting the counting. in fact, as we speak, it's not a whole especially, or will you have to put the foot sure is somewhat to kill the n d a lines we just, b g, b and its allies of samsung very little work to 90. and of course, doing it next to next competition is also bill what was labeled as a battered or physician off in doubt. to break down the numbers as to the very interesting numbers as to the, i'm joined by the chairman. he is an image of google. he's also in fact the head and founder of the are funded, believe children to the has been rod. the interesting the results we've seen today for somewhat unpredicted the exit polls had it's completely wrong and this time, almost all examples. they had some of the most, all of them had a horrible you're going where they will,
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teen the miscalculations happen. my senses, the miscalculations when not to discover. uh, i hate to say this about other professionals, but i know professional team would have got it wrong in might different places. i have a feeling that the probably listen to the sounds of different drops. they will not be from the go or exit pores. i expect it to be a lot of suite on the ground. picking up one says, from mazda put on truancies, and i'm thinking that i some books. so it is not possible statistically for everybody to be wrong, unless they're working on the wrong. and they should also, as a journalist who was on the crown, who went to different states that would across the country to get a ball. so what the water was thinking, one thing that i could clearly see was because of lack of we uniform. you showed
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this time in the electronic process itself did not work out. for example, we were talking one side about nationalism on one side, about rom, there's a wrong 10 bugs on one side. there was this, he knew was the rhetoric on one side, there was also a lot of emails as in logic economy on one side that was also do, i didn't bother issues, but you think of the end of the be the door was just looking at what i mentioned the last, the bedroom, vibrations, i think that if you look at the elections of 2014 and 19 and see that as a run up. ringback this time the elections will form on one submitted by the issue of the 2, talked about the treatments, visits, victoria, it does not work in one direction. so the 2nd thing which came up was that you saw that the region, a set traps and the regional political allies,
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we would all got together and this opposition for alicia board got some share of so that means the big the and the 3rd thing i think which most people did not catch me is that i think the new plus sign. what the, what, what did i use? the 1st time of the 2nd time was not as willing to call me for the as are doing this or anything they would keeping it for themselves. like traditionally the indian woman. ringback the moment work that was always very difficult to analyze and predict because she was, i'm used to speaking to somebody outside the family. but i think for the 1st time, for those and you know, i was working with mike to pretend it's the piece. and i realized that the young 1st time worked on the 2nd guy was definitely not willing just to open our hearts out and take it, do this, you know, so you, you spoke about a young was now they were all in was to be near the digital waters and india out of
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which $18000000000.00 with youngsters do you think it was with them? the additional, the sort of, you know, the issue was that the b j. b was catering to the audience that investigating it didn't have a residence with the, with the youngsters. do think that's also something that perhaps could have to be sure because i did. these issues will be based on what sylvie's showed, the young wanted to worry about. you know, in guess position in the was, you know, the global might and followed and soft followed or all of that. but ultimately, wendy young water is unhappy, insecure, are, and i'm satisfied with there's only cannot be progress with this, with their ability to spend on the task for themselves are federal and for their because i think it begins to hook and i think that is what was not what do you
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think? oh, from the results. how do you think it would be seen from not just india, but like from the lens of the was being a major power in that sense? india being all the, the most populous country in the world, in the being and in emerging economy, the 5th largest economy in the world. how do you think the world is watching these, these results? i think globally, the messages last on or 2 or 3 different kinds of stuff on the common platform. we have seen in the foss, that's good. it shouldn't governments really bad for companies for new investments that address because there is only one warner that the government then it's difficult to be. that's one second. i think in disposition on global affairs,
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when probably not be decided by just one lot of people because unfortunately as a result of the electronic, you know, consequence of the numbers as you, it helps to have a strong opposition in what's in fundamental. right? so if it's not me, i'm question julie, julie julie for the kind of decision. and the 3rd thing that's gonna happen is that the, the likelihood that the and all right, when the non resident, who lives in bronze city in russia, i, in fact is better than it is on our english stuff. well, here's the thing that they have this, an enormous cloud over the government. we cannot find the cloud. so globally, you will see a sound good. yeah. i mean deal, which is perhaps closer puts lillia principles of be more normal line being willing to listen to outcomes. i think that change my children. this is for the 1st time
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since 2014, when the part, the original pop off season that the binary into moody with me to dip into allies, to form of government marines. and will be just a while ago in the be jumping headquarters. not very far away from where we are right now. he gave a speech he addressed to spotty walkers. why he said it was a retreat. speech, but it's not the welding the for the faulty because this is not, these are not the number they have claimed and all these funds that they will get, i think they claimed and wanted numbers, not just it's a comfortable event if you were it and you have the party, you should be very happy with this because you are in need open speech as phone so big. you may see this is not the victory i expected on that. but i think it's interesting doesn't have to be is that we need to understand that the point is
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shouldn't kind of government specialist comes or no um the way the cabinet, for example, design will be different. the choice of people may be made with. and i to make sure that that i go rumbles within the position. so you might have a situation where the, the top 10 positions are not exactly the people we would've expected would be a showing. and there might be 3, or send me the 2 hallways, the bill in don't know the domestic politics going to play on from your on. because a b, b for the 1st time in then yours. they have not been able to form a majority on its own. what people rushing forward is all to talk. majority of the rhetoric was, is bought char so far, which translates to, we'd get all $400.00 seats this time. what they also wanted to do, and perhaps that's by filed with the wanted to if he's, that's what the opposition string change still on institution do think that the was
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go. i think that is a rich from the fact across. but what are the, what are the domestic implications in working the case? for example, remember that, that these 3 speed electrons within the 2054, then i'll hop we prove waiting for the, for the electrons that happen. now you have bonded, you have a new problem in session july, but from august to september you will be moving towards a new set of stages, extra provincial elections. all 3 or 4 of them will happen. so you will have a new set of governments coming up. so i think that there will be a period of blocks in getting politics. i think, and i hope that it sits is down into a conflicting manner. but the best i wouldn't take bets on it, just believe children. thank you so much for giving us all those details your point
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of view on the elections today. so it's been a long, interesting, the bought the, the counting is still not officially all but the print shop. so i'm house to clear it is going to be in the, which of the heart, the body let the 5. so i'm going to send the range of more the that most likely is going to form the government the next few days are crucial. we are going to be keeping a tab on all developments that will be coming out from you, danny, which is the political capital of india for now it's over to you. it's 5. all right, thank you very much. wanted to solve my foot, bring us up to speed like they say it is not over until it is over. all right. all right, that we've been bringing you all of that now. indian stopped mock. it's blowing just as views of motive, suggesting prime minister moody's dream of a landslide victory had not come to fruition. now the benchmark sunsets index,
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as you see here, we would put trucks about 30 large companies, close down nearly 6 percent from 76272000 in one day. and that's the, was the drop for stocks in the country since the 2020 pandemic. oh i. so as it is right now, let's press live for more on this to see what kind of based on font or i'd be curious. so it might have a new car. it's good to have you join me right now. thank you guys. your mike. uh it's an interesting day if you already knew danny, i know that we are following everything that's going on now. speak to us generally be this funk exchange and in india is reacting to the result. and we have the has crossed by a by 6 percent. this is the 1st time it's happening in full. he is off to be, the pandemic pops it was why is this buck reacting to electro results this way? so i think mike, what is important to understand about the needs or of the stock market items
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relationship with the election. we've been studying this for the last 5 election, and we're solving to see a variety of trend. when your election dissolved is loading policy continuity. the markets are happy because they know which direction they want to move and they're able to predict the you to rise and fall and have different stocks better. oh. but when we see it actually resides where, you know, there's a, there's a fee or no. okay, how much time is it going to be default the next government? you know, i'm what's kind of cool with this and fox knows, i'm going to thought maybe what is the configuration of the gap and it's going to be on this floor. there's definitely going to be some massive ones, the changes which one of the count visit the in the new budget with respect to be announced from 1st of july. so, you know, we just have one month for that new budget to come in. and that's where it's very
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important for the moccasin, this the, the deal that i'm so deep and that's reflected on, you know, in the, in the blackboard. these seem to be all right, how do you think the final electron results are going to impact the reforms by moody? because here's looking to one of the big shows, the future for india. absolutely, i mean the dog is and it will continue to be to make it go all size to your daughter economy. and that's always been the dog it, but i think the one a which is hurting the government because you know the g b, d that the amount just 2 days ago and india has registered the gd, the growth also has started kind of 7.8 percent for the finance with your best buy $24.00, which means that it's not actually the fundamental of the economy that is being deflected in the market sentiment saturday. or even the election does not have to
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be what is being deflected is the issue of jobs and job creation and job security. the fact that the, you know, india is a growing country, it's a don't guarantee it, there needs to create jobs that are far higher rate than what it's doing items at this point. so i think that the best thing that receipt on the policy uh, you know, decision oriented to was job creation and job creation for the new skills training for the youth. i'm looking at how women can also be brought into the labor force because this election, you know, women are almost 48 percent or be elected. so it's very important to know also understand the solutions of young women and how those abuto spoken at the bottom. all right, in the last 10 years on the more d, we have seen a real boss of growth for india, india move from the 9 for largest economy to the 5th largest economy around the
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world. now what are your predictions for the next time that the movie is starting today? and i think i'm a scene of the 3 or 4 areas which stand out very clearly in terms of the future priorities. the 1st one is around climate resilience. i know that a lot of people have no idea talking about this, but i think that this is going to become a regional store, full school and policy. the said that mr movie will pick up because he always prioritizes ready, but that is the he all these prioritizes, you know, investment in solar power and wind energy. so i really think that renewable energy, so i'm time which is an infrastructure is going to be the leader area. the send to me i will definitely need digitizing. you know this in the last 10 years, we seen it with schemes like job done and others which time actually things are brought in more financially and tools into backgrounds and move on form linkages. i
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think that will continue on an expansion of social production to knology is definitely going to be one of the focus areas going forward and the target is going to be leveraging the fall of small businesses. i think it's very critical to bring in small businesses. also into the growth story because they are the biggest job creators. all right. how? one of the relations with briggs partners shape up in the next dispensation as we move forward. what are your, what are you reading from what you see? you know, i just really think that it's very interesting that being down south africa having these elections, i'm the same time, you know, we're seeing also the situation in south africa. i'm forwarding on a daily basis of the coalition kind of starting to big. she's in south africa as well. so i do think that there are some, you know, developments that of course brazil we have a new administration. and i think that in depth, i know relationship is any in the,
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in any d subdivisions or which opposed to megabits address. so i'm good, that's what i've been reading on, on softening and all of those hard stances, you know, the pc. and of course we also need the base strong voc knows so i think over over time briggs is expanding. you know, the big bank is expanding the energy be the funding. so a lot of the phenomena dies between the big countries are, it's a, it's a no brainer to expand these. and i think that mr. moody, being a very sort in, you know, thoughts kind of 5 minutes to an hour. we're looking time. this bill was solely continue on the thoughts that you said for more and more linkages across the bix economy. all right, we have to leave it here. now. thank you for making meaning out of all of this for us. thank you so much. mike tyler, you in the quarter a for your insights. thank you. right. thank you. now, still with all for all the very latest on india is election with the updates and
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the novices every. all right here when our team to national the and now to mid leaf now a life threatening story from central gas where a 10 month old baby girl is, died, and hop condition requires an urgent liver transplant. her family has been leading to the international community to let them transfer our heart abroad for treatment . uh huh. so slowly and it's impossible for her to eat. there is no room in her stomach to breathe that we should know needs to be an oxygen and suffers from severe malnutrition. i pleaded with the entire world to stand by the side of my daughter, and call up on every one to help my husband to accompany her abroad. if he's the only matching donor who can donate,
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he's leave it to her. her condition is versioning. she's now in the 3rd stage. we don't want to see who died. this is a vital operation to save. a baby girl has been hospitalized for 3 months. our lives have come to hold. oh, because of the close of the crossing. many children like hard suffering from a lack of medicine, medical equipment, and even doctors, so far as 37 palestinians have perished due to mom, nutrition, and hydration. since the war started over 3500 children in guys are facing an imminent risk of death. according to the policy and officials had that was the front of at this hospital. for example, there are cases 2 died several days ago because of mountain nutrition. bull indicate isn't going to either by local health and government officials for international health organizations like unit 7, others suggested malnutrition comes to choose a ghost that last week threatens the lives of children. they were coming,
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meet 3500 children waiting slowly for death unless the aged by necessary food supplies supplements old vaccinations as soon as possible. while local journalist visit at a pediatric department are the alonza hospital in central guys. i had sent this report, a hair of this department. there are many women, many breast feeding women who are taking care of their children and they see children are being taken care of by the hospital by the department this. so on this very on presidents situation, this, that very pressing situation for the whole population of the causes threat here. in addition to what you do to work in the shots you have, you could be the type of working on a board. you mean never will be more in your description in the shift and seen a change of the do to month, invite them in the shelter. but is destructive,
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says the close of heart condition for her condition is not an efficient and, and do it. the problem was that on us before the war, milk yoga, twos, and other things were available in local markets. for now, i simply con, find these things. well, we have sold for inflated prices of the account of food is my economic condition is, was the situation of goes up as being described as a very bad situation in terms of the economy in terms of the shortage of food supplies that has been over there for the past age months, the most of the apartment on the market, we didn't see it before for this was a non formulas for us. what they were doing on it, not examined nothing just to get it. actually, there is many cases was admitted here as the sausage in your car with us. it looks to be in the area and to be
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a to see the heights ration you to the department of the pool. the formulas for then sun, which in start that goes through the, by the mist deal now way from the middle east now from the us intelligence officer and regular gas right here in our teas cartridge. i should have been in gotcha, by now. ready to attend the st. petersburg international economic farm is that he never even made it out of new york. that's off day. he was stopped from avoiding his flight and had his passport seized. the vocal critic of u. s. foreign policy told us what happened. that was a board and a flight church airlines flight to stumble. the connected in this stumble, to a flight to st. petersburg, where i was scheduled to participate in the saint petersburg international economic form as i was about to board the aircraft. i was pulled out of the line by 3
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armed in uniform members of the customs and border patrol, who asked to seize, who else to see my passport? but they confirmed that i was the individual or in the passport, and then they notified me that they were seizing my passport on orders from the united states state department. i asked them what was their justification. they said they had no further information. they didn't give me a receipt for the passport. they didn't have any other information. and then they uh, remove my bags from the flight and then escorted me out of the security of the airport and told me i was freely starting rate. i is a former intelligence officer in the un weapons inspector in iraq. he has been a critic all the war there and us foreign policy in the mid least. he often rides the body to national security and military issues of the russian foreign minister step of the incident and reveals a lot about washington these days. yep,
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the 1st to be sure, this is just another example, in addition to numerous examples to confirm that the united states, which calls itself the leader of democracy around the world, has long been a police state to the our, to you reached out to the state department but he said they wouldn't comment about the passport status of a private citizen. read again, believe that the a far with these just want to silence those speaking up against them. inferior. i'm an american citizen, protected by my 1st amendment, right. a free speech in the us government has no legal authority, moral authority, or any authority to impeach any aspect of my exercise of this. right? if indeed this is what's happened in the us government is operating violation of its own constitution. so this was a deliberate action by the us government to prevent me from traveling to russia to participate in the saint petersburg international economic form and to participate
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in what was expected to be a 40 day, a tour of russia. as to the content of this, i would hope people would take pause and say, why does the us government want to silence? scott ritter? why does they? why do they want to prevent him from coming to russia? and i think good jo, a logical person would say, because they were afraid of what he said, and why would they fear what he said, unless they're afraid of the message. and what is it about the message that makes them afraid? because if truth is on their side, they should fear no lie. and the answer is, truth isn't on their side lies are on their side. i been speaking the truth and that's why they are afraid. well, that's all for me now. my college of defense key will be with you what double the i was more stories and all day by down the
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