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tv   Documentary  RT  June 4, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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the dressing economic challenges by opening up to the world and building constructive ties with all nations. when i am sure that all the issues of the country will be resolved with the maximum use of national capacities based on the people's votes and opinions, empathy and collective cooperation in the light of peaceful coexistence and constructive interaction with the world in prioritizing the development of relations, especially economic ones in the international arena. the potential candidacy remains on certain pending approval by the guardian council was, i had been disqualified and the 2 previous selections. however, if he does enter the race is likely to call on ease of the west due to all the bad memories they had where this find this. my name is austin joyce, significant support for me. substantial portion of the one year society s times a high chance against his potential rivals the moon using these insights,
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the in previous to us of to see i often heard the phrase on tennessee is the god of war . so which is repeated and is often seen on military chaperones, was stuck in my head, which is a mean really, i was wondering what these soldiers are like. what will they do? and how they handle that powerful weapons that go down here. by the
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way, through the 5 am a motion with the guys to the fine position for a combat task going at around 40 kilometers an hour. and there's probably nothing to hold onto here. the,
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the, the, as we drew my attention was attracted by a soldier with unusual co sign on his baseball caps, tangerine and civilian life. he was a ship mother that was monday. me i but as i've only been, is that so comfortable are both j as in special, but good for me. i'm sorry to sit on the building and i've done that or the
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what is going on with the 2 s 4 coupon, so propelled heavy malta caliber, $240.00 millimeters maximum range. 20 columbus is a, as in, you might not do some flaws and the state is kind of the one that i showed on the
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show day that the issue of solution focused amino and the, so i'm with you is i'm, you know, what's, what's in the world of trucking come on when you come and get the message goodness, what do you want? if the school the kids are worried by thing. okay, the good is good. so it
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was booked. it's not to drop it. you know for sure. i'm going through royce, the by the goes through let me say one more thing. since on the, the income much single type of breath comes with the your, these bed you expect? what, what's the, what's the
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of the the trip to the budget. but the printer goes, or a stipend, sorry about the very last part of the the the yes, the goal is a boeing in me. i almost had my head crushed by the barrel of the world's largest and most powerful, more to the
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side of the one the 1st of all. so we move on with the scouts closer to the front to locate targets and transmit the data to the gunners. the going to is didn't want to take me because it sounds really dangerous mission the you have to keep your eyes on your face all the time. the enemy's mind, everything here with pep of mine's and i'd like to keep both of my legs. but if i don't deal with the
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payouts, today's nasa much closer to the to lose you're silly about the buffalo to 0 for tv. okay. beautiful. and what do you just need for the 2nd 2nd i went to the the the the what, what that misleading because that was that's one of them is the most often
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the when you're still in the to see what i'm saying when i don't live a similar to data still don't get pleasant hill, but that employee affiliated, which doesn't really not gonna slow go away from cityside. so i mean, so that's no more right now as i didn't, you was going through the 2nd page and i forgot to do that. and what this is, look up what it says, even though i'm going to begin this last week i've done. it's for the last 4 months out of the one in doable. did i need to mention pretty quickly the was it just got what was the last moment he proceeded to think about that and that those 2 were still in the for another one with those and
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most of which i thought this evening yesterday out. but i have to say the density of those pretty annual. i say that those up at the boys is at this point. and using that, come on to somebody. you know, part of this thing was the last day of the to some, some other stuff that i would need of you thank you bye to the federal tax. little flag
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about that. when you go through the boom with to go look the activity. so go of money, so to leave it on the name of the story. so no, i so just need to advise you to do that and put them on the phone with me and okay with that. okay. well, they should put up with them if i could get you to and it gives me a sense for this and a budget, sir, is it or you can do the modem. so as long as the club month of especially
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the distribution of one of the, of the government, this far more truck you know, what company you go to most of the door of the city is that includes a booth. i mentioned that you get them origin up as well, a super see why your wife step in senior with the space for the beautiful. the thing is quite simple for our underwater. what do say, the important for me is that you know you've got to meet up with you. you for not
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being sure. i'm not sure i'm not sure which kind of deal to work is all, but the thing is go to ports or somebody will issue your special service missed up there. that stands for russian with the means towed. this type of how it so has been in service since the mid eighties and it's still actively used we sold the soldiers preparing the guns of baffled that were cleaning, checking, and adjusting things. you know, we still should look up the course towards the cost of the order the there was the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the missed. they towed how it's a countable, $152.00 millimeters, maximum range, 28 kilometers or extra. so some of them. ready but, you know, before, before you go to the information there within those subsidiary, it just means it's closer to single force and so forth. of the frontier key, of course, the year before, the kind of chicata shall be able to study. so police and then we talk while you wait somebody, somebody been there we go. hardy was if you said one or 2. yeah. but the book,
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somebody been there and while you're on the story, i don't believe so. i said the, the courts were still for still the
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fact you should see a little bit when you bought most of those things, but it was before you see what another show up for to schedule you for your final filled up. it's increasing or are we just some of us have been through this little come back where somebody me in the with that's not easily slipped off of what is you know for the flu season. yeah. 3 months, you're the way it just in cushion portion from the georgia tech own us the
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the the uh, that will give us that somebody fortunately, but most likely of the photos. yes. that you i got both. i just thought that was the of the every operation that can and must be camouflage quickly. so the enemy
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counted tanks, it was a drone. the the i stayed for several days with the guys from the 2 s. m mancha cru, waiting for combat work. while we waited, we did all sorts of household chores, still cover more to cook food and try to equipment. it's important to know that soldiers don't live next to the gun. it's not safe. they get to that fine position soon, military vehicles. i was interested in a soldier with a co sign from card go sign. so i that on given to just anyone is a squad leader the source of all gordon?
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yes. doesn't learn your cause. it doesn't matter. i agree though, just because we but the some for the full committee comes here with us. good, good. when you get in a set up with you, that's not what they have to prove that i'm going to the to as small. so put that all kind of caliber $203.00 millimeters, maximum range, 47 kilometers. a lot of the stuff. salsa, c. for the soul. my brother also because there's the most get, one of them you did or done is goodness from us. but if you need them for you to be cool, be nice to put your logo for it to me. cool. you should see what the,
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what the last go to you know, cuz you know that sort of thing with autism. but i'm not, i might have this all right. it looks good, blessing me. you know, it's, it's a lot, always you know, that it is, you just have a pretty hard text cuz i know what do you see me on this list of with my producer going, pressing the deluxe to to thomas the, to improve what does mutual support mission i thought you can walk you through the
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wasted stuff. like what do you send to be able to use the facebook to stay on the defensive kitchen items? so can you just a little bit when you get there? that's it. i seem to think of sale that i'm seeing you with them. i know, but it's a good point is that they should see the same. so what seems to be the. busy the, the, the, the, the, the,
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the, the, the,
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the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, and that's the credit to the civic the,
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the the, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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the rears now. the digits that the the, the, the jackal down. yeah. the . so the don't touch the federal so naturally extremely hot.
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i realized that i just move this to capture launch is the most. which by the way, his famous me man, by the youngest, come back the i've been to a different position in terms of the lives of several to the recruiting i. so this isn't just random firing of individual guns at the intimate about the complex with the units linked together in a single well the, the for the, with
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the yeah, yeah. and we are able to come out in the 5 minutes then the random moving claims victory phase alliance. and india is general election contests that's fall closer than many had predicted. it's been a long on predict to pull the real world thoughts as we bring you all the updates from the possible lead. i'm an american citizen, protected by my 1st amendment right to free speech. and us government has no legal authority,


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