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tv   News  RT  June 4, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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the, the 5 minutes, the random moody claims victory for hazel lives in india is general election concepts. this paul, close the many days. it's been a long on predictable day to go through normal thoughts as we bring you all the updates from the top. the palestinian family cools on the international communities of faith, but dying to them and let them out of the goals that for treatment this as well as thousands whole before to treat you. children are still trapped in the old light market on that. i bought a job that chrome do you want me to go to?
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wal, then put on your helmet and put on your best to go to the crane. but don't bother you, charlie. and with going to a to the deputy prime minister pause co also on the french president's whole month . going back to make about putting nathan's boot still on the ground. they knew crate the fifty's on the international width and he's out. welcome to the program is we take you through the news, but math isn't really. the big focus today is on india. this is, as the results of the world's biggest elections have been revealed, the india is prime and is done not in the moody has claimed victory for his alliance in
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the countries parliamentary election. despite a lot less the performance from his own policy. as it faced a stronger than expected challenge from the opposition off today is a big old, suspicious day. and on this day for the 3rd time, the government has been appointed to very grateful to the people. the people of india have shown complete faith in the b j, b, and the, and the 8. today's victory is the victory of the world's largest democracy, wavy and be able form a government for the better future of india. will have been very p alliance has maintained its majority taking more than 290 seats in the parliament. but the opposition indian national congress and its allies hop around about $213.00 seats. a policy or a coalition must cross the 272 seats. monk in the look, a sapa or below a house. i'll tease runjun,
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shaw my has been reporting for us from outside the indian parliament. b. b did want to win a lot to many seats than what it actually has been able to. in fact, the batted opposition, the opposition which was dismissed. so to say that has made a come back. and this is the main thing that this election has that in the country, it has unanimously and clearly stated. we do not want mr. in the end of the movie, and mr. i'm a chuck will be involved in the running of this country. we do not like the ever on this country. we do not appreciate the weird data, but that the constitution we do not appreciate the with it, but i'm just going to for the last 10 years. so that is a message for mr. to enter multi, i'd like the bank. if anybody who has participated in this election, i am extremely proud of the people of india. i'm extremely proud of the people who
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have resisted this on stuck on the constitution. it has been a busy day, but also a long day on, on predictable d here in the political capital of the country, new delhi. now the whole thing that's counting, in fact, as we speak, it's not officially or will you have to put the put sure. if someone kill the n d a lines would just be g b and its allies of samsung, very little work to 90. and of course, doing it next to nick competition is also bill what with labeled as a back code of position of india. what we spoke to the direct olsby in the foundation, he says, well, moody has widespread support. they will be challenges for the government domestically. but that does not expect the nation's policy of foreign policy to change a v as in, i've been in papa thing, guess. i'm the people it was,
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you know, there's a tremendous going support for the prime minister. tremendous going support, but ultimately the local members of parliament. and if they don't carry, they have you see the problem, just a cannot get everybody the if the new parliament duty and the person who was standing for elections, if you don't study is rich, i'm afraid that is an element of different genres in the public whatsoever ok, let's give somebody else a chance for bill little yes. domestically there may be due to challenges for the government, but i don't think it has the impact on the economic development of the economic policy is not going to impact on the foreign policy. what alternative solution issues, i think that would be as paperwork. you know you, you cannot carry on those or forms to be the be, it was anticipated idea of this. when you come to 2029, the gun this will become a part he comes to fall. i don't think that it's almost as in delta g that would continue to video looking at a big model of the premises because it didn't print the $47.00. i don't think
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that's good to be any change in that, regardless of which governments come to 2029 for 2020, for the present government. they continue to stay of indian stock markets plugins. this, those election results come in. now the benchmark, the settings itself market index, which trucks them 30 large companies close down nearly 6 percent. it is the worst day, the 12th for stocks in the country in the last 4 years. well, we've heard from an economy sounds kind of new core associates. he says, the volatility, like this is expected when the election results don't match expectations. what is important to understand about the needs or of the so i'm not good at this relationship with the election. we've been studying this for the last find the collection. and we're solving to see a variety of different ways your election dissolved is nothing policy continuity.
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the markets are happy because they know which direction they wanna move and they're able to predict the you to rise and fall on a different story better. oh, but when we see it actually resides where, you know, there's a, there's a fee or no, okay, how much time is it going to be default the next government? you know, i'm what's kind of cool with this and fox knows, i'm going to thought maybe what is the configuration of the gap and it's going to be. and therefore, there's definitely going to be some massive ones. the changes which will become visible in the new budget, which is set to be announced from 1st of july. so, you know, we just have one month for that new budget to come in. and that's where it's very, very important for the markets. and this did the deal that i'm so deep and that's reflected on, you know, in the, in the blackboard. these seem to be what they say with us for all the very latest form in this election we'll have updates and analysis every hour,
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right here on oxy international the i just want to shift the focus right now. i would see something that's happening in gauze. so this is a real human tragedy because this is about a 10 month old baby go who is dying. she's an urgent need of a lip of transplant, and the operation simply cannot be performed right now. in casa, her family is pleading to the international community to let them transfer her approval for treatment. just a warning, you may find some of the following images to be difficult. uh huh. so slowly and it's impossible for her to eat. there is no room in her stomach to breathe wheat. chanel needs to be an oxygen,
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and suffers from severe malnutrition. i pleaded with the entire world to stand by the side of my daughter, and call upon everyone to help my husband to accompany her abroad. if he's the only matching dona who can do need to leave it to her, her condition is versioning. she's now is that the stage we don't want to see who died. this is a vital operation to save a baby girl has been hospitalized for 3 months. our lives have come to hold. oh, because of the close of the crossing. well, sadly silly is not alone because there are many, many children like coloring causes suffering from my lack of medicine, medical equipment. and of course the 2 doctors needed to cancel them. now, so for some searching stuff and palestinians of parish due to molly christian and the hydration since the war started, there were also 3 and a half 1000 children in the old place that are facing an imminent risk of death. this is according to palestinian officials. this hospital, for example,
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there are cases 2 died several days ago because of mount nutrition. bull indicate isn't going to either by local health and government officials, full international health organizations like unit 7, others. suggested mal nutrition comes to choose a ghost that last week threatens the lives of children. they were killing me, 3500 children waiting slowly for death. unless the aged by necessary food supplies supplements old vaccinations as soon as possible. local gentlest visited the pediatric department at the al access hospital in central garza and this fall, this report for our t a hair of this department. there are many women, many breast feeding women who are taking care of their children, and the basic children are being taken care of by the hospital by the department this. so on the, this very on president did situation this,
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that very pressik situation for the whole population of the causes threat part here is dish. oh, for sure. for sure. he's easy to work in the shows you to be the type of working on a board meeting over with him on your searching and the shift and seen a change of the do too much. invite them on the show destruct. it says, more close of heart condition for her condition is not an efficient and, and do it. the problem was that on us, before the war, milk yoga, twos, and other things were available in local markets. for now, i simply can't find these things. well, we have sold for inflated prices of the account of food is my economic condition is, was the situation of goes up as being described as a very bad situation in terms of the economy in terms of the shortage of food supplies that has been over that for the past age months,
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the most of the formulas in the market, we didn't see it before for this was a non formulas for us. what they were doing on it not examined nothing just to get it. actually, there is many cases was admitted here as the sausage in your apartment of the globe . see beauty they area and to be a few will see the how you creation you to the formulas that the, to the formulas for then then what you start that goes through the by them just deal with when. meanwhile, in northern gauze, the local authorities are reporting that 50 bodies have been uncovered from under the rubble in the 2 bali, a refugee camp that brings the total number that found in recent phase 224 days. the grim discovery comes off the partial withdrawal of idea forces following for the 20 day operation. the death and destruction
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comes as is where the prime minister has accepted an invitation to address a joint session of the us congress of benjamin netanyahu has said it would be a privilege to present to the entire world quote, the truth of it, as well as just was his office is highlighted that it will be his full time addressing congress equaling winston churchill as records when we heard from the executive director of the arab center for research and studies who said america counts be trusted to negotiate piece to it's a translation of. so weakness of this administration really kind of citizen was so by then and how he paid paid dominion funds to make any british or any med mental danielle. and is there any good part of the meant to be attention to?
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is that permission or no human rights? or the manners and slogans is a court order of funding. so it's. ready kind of removing because of some nice clothes that maybe can for any and face sions, this crisis does stuff many times congress ends by didn't give many billions of the students and y'all to continue this war job. i didn't, and united states of america. it's not a reliable, i'm going to be if i need you to, it's in the science of need to know and it's, it's kind of silence so, so my suckers and regulations that happened in that. and so i think it's it's clear now that made sense of i'm going to, i don't. ready want to make anybody just anything out to have any agreement or that are through us how a sydney and the officials have meanwhile launched an official request to the
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international court of justice. the system joined south africa's genocide case against israel. the application was submitted on monday on behalf of the state of palestine in south africa files. it's case last december open as well as actions in gaza. since then, the u. n. high court has ordered this route to provide tax of genocide against palestinian b as civilians. however, the idea has not told says its from apartments on the own place. paula stine is a recognized as a sofa in states by a 100 and 46th of a 193 members of the united nations, spain. new when our land of the latest to join not list as the number of nations which support the cause grows as well, spends fun in opposition. well, let's dig into this story now with joined by ali keybo, who is
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a professor of anthropology from jury slim. thank you very much for joining us. profess security, but i just want to ask you, the request of that has been submitted is on behalf of the state of palestine. i'm already ramifications, but even greater acceptance now, the policy is a saw fine state if this application is accepted as it is, it's a matter of time before the state of this time is accepted. the must be so far that the new countries that's considered or so, but among the little p n nations, we expect it within the next 2 years or less that they'll be unanimous acceptance evans, according to some of the state of affairs. to know, let's talk about the application that's been submitted on monday. this is a request to join the case of south africa. if the u. n. quote says yes to this,
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what would it mean specifically for policy funds participation? we know it would mean the officials would be able to a new address the quote in writing and also take part in public hearings. but do you think it would actually make any difference to the south african case? of course, it would be nice to be a positive contribution that the victims themselves come out and join and the vision or site the vision or site. of course it's really valuable, but then that's that that is a sort of joys in the collective cents a month at a season and declares the actions as low as no side, but it's just kind of dollars. so now you mentioned that you think within the next 2 years there's going to be full acceptance of the state of palestine. how crucial
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do you think that is the self determination of palestinians themselves of us being able to control their borders, being able to control. they currently have independence banking systems, having uh, control over their livelihood, and to be able to live with dignity without the incursions, as i say, the army without the daily managers. you know, people can go out to, to school, the children, as long as the mothers know it's got to worry well and it shows in the us bents, the sounds we've come back wouldn't show a lot of people that are living on there. and then we can barely read the various each others has been disconnected from the other. people can move, the country has been barson. and to many this junk, separate i, that's a settlers projected by, let's say,
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some dement of jewish settlers. so both protected under the umbrella of the say, the army go food and pages and the fees at the people. it's, we just in a state of having clear borders, having their struggling to seats these, they cannot move and actually crazy. and the saw the flag can be but and then the harvests a professor, can you? but i just want to ask you about a more personal story for you. this is about back in 2018. the palestinian authority filed a case. i'm asking the us to remove its embassy from jerusalem. i understand that your family is involved with the land. that's in question. hey, can you just tell us about that please? a very briefly. so use centers over 3 centuries ago. i was the grandfather as he was at greasy, urgent as a matter of great standing and was established
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a number of various environments this way. the beneficiaries throughout dash can benefit from the income. that's another set of them please. uh, sort of like more gnostic orders too, but in the sense you cannot come and take over these guys and confiscate them after they sent you the occupation. by this time, you are the 1st of that class that says genocide of 1948 people select the way the jewish address established the posting in states. and they created all our preferences absentee properties and they took them over. now, this ju sundance, and leslie is the close tested city, our lens, our endowments, and i'll be here. one of them is big all side by the shaded government to
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the, to the, at least just of as the headquarters of them. but it's an embassy. drew's crystal for the status of jewish, then there's original culture that has to elevate the presence of that that makes some christmas to that of investigatory. 11th, that's a violation of the status of this kind of uh uh, activity. well, the drug shipped to date, although i would prefer the luxury to moses that people wrote that for creation or senior property and visit to moses the patient or drew stroke. and there's demises the destruction of the staff to support in jewish. so okay, well we're gonna have to leave it fast. thank you very much for joining us. that's all the people who's the professor, if i'm to apology from juice and talking us through those issues, much appreciated. thank you. well put on your boots
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and going funding for yourself. that's the message being sent to the french president from italy's deputy prime minister. he's been, i'm good that the war mongering rhetoric coming from emanuel. my call yo don't bother you, dave. i don't want the children of valerie all the children of easily to be sent to die and fights in ukraine. oh, i don't want to tell even weapons to palm and kill and rush up easily as not at war against any one. therefore, let's leave it to macro on to talk about bull. but i'm telling him as if he were hit to night macro and you want to go to war and put on your helmet and put on your best and go to ukraine. but don't fall the talons with going to wait. i don't know what the spice. the tillman a thing. weston narrative that russia should play no part in the upcoming conference. switzerland's leading political policy has insisted that most schools should be offered a seat to the table. the switched peoples policy says,
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russia's exclusion risks, undermining hoops for peace instead of boosting them the swiss people's party demands. if the peace process is to have a chance, the brooklyn stock conference must not turn into a unilateral propaganda in arms conference. the federal council has the responsibility to ensure that the birkenstock conference does not lead to a new escalation and does not definitive lead destroys with neutrality that all parties to the conflict are involved and that the impression is not given that switzerland is organizing the conference for the adversaries of russia, this would be disastrous and would involve switzerland even more in this conflict. the federal council must therefore do everything possible to assure that the russian side also participates in the broken start conference for more or less less cost lives down to olsa and list the venezuelan, free submission news outlet. this is derek. s a care. i,
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thanks very much for joining us and all of the international. i just want to ask you, what do you make of this cold by one of the biggest switched parties to invite russia to this peace conference? i mean, the principal should make sense if we're talking about these and we're talking about the promising and we're talking about engaging on 2 parties that are little more at this trend moment. but not only got because you haven't guessed this already. that's just precisely most of the assistant ones confirmed are the ones that are scared warren associates. so and also i would like to remember something else if i'm not mistaken. which that sofa, pardon, parts of the section redeem against russia. so, you know, it's not even neutral. so what it does keep track of the course, what, what do you make of all this other than a narrative or perception management or to justify some further steps further they
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just picked up to. yeah, so you like that as switzerland this policy to the sanctions, as we say, we're moving that sort of veil of neutrality that it's always stated. but this coal from one of switzerland's biggest policies do you think it would actually make a difference? do you think that they could be, perhaps a last minute invitation to russia, even though we know savanski is that little the idea of even negotiating with the country world? precisely because of this period of it into rational behind. it doesn't make any sense, especially also if you think about what's going on on the field, military speaking, why should just stop, especially when you have previous presidents passing. think you're going back in the city. i mean, remember all the supervisors that you're there, what we're actually brokering geneva that just gave like aaron space to geologist and whatnot. especially during the
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a liberal problem just fumes. 500 for example. what about this find? most likely it's, it's doesn't make much of a different so i didn't specially also when many of the bill of the main participants are, should be undermined. first and the last real effort back in 2022. so that kind of way we're, i mean where's the, what we're kind of confident. so if you get a chance to be just brushing does change the way we tried to guarantees of actually something going on, especially on, on a diplomatic level. doesn't sounds like something that actually concerns either the people are going to switch to. yeah, absolutely. and we're also seeing that we're not necessarily getting the big, heavy hitting politicians who are going back to quite some things that's happening across the board or, and it's lee. this is the fact that we've had a italian politicians, including the deputy prime minister, intends to find that m t woman going back to rick,
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which we've had the very opposite from say, the french president and the politicians that pushing the idea. but nature should be directly involved. why is one raising its head now? because we've always, we had hungry saying it doesn't, won't. will we has the slovak problem is the full. he was short saying his country didn't want war. do you think we'll see anyone else joining this coalition of m t home? i'm going as well hopefully the case is read. you have to keep in mind that there's always be like a big tension between, you know, pro you what this is world view and also be more nationalistic kind of, of the approach. but also like from the left to go to have people don't actually against want. and if, if it is something else, you know, what has been something else has always been under pressure off all the rest of the contract because of, well, because of what you actually represent. so this kind of tension are things quite
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healthy, you know way because of course it's very easy to call august to, to go to war. i mean, there's a st hearing, but in the face like a staff always heard from someone else. the button is the same logic behind it, especially thinking about a how much of the of narrative of self serving narrative, it's always for now. okay. those are not in come to resolve the covering. the whole approach from yes, you know, we know the need to offer teams have seen in ukraine was about seeing a training capacity or else in other capacities. but what we hearing now that's different is it politicians like mike calling to saying that they are ready to send their own to the front line potentially in ukraine. i'm why do you think that you are? is saying this, now we're hearing this me some at your opinion, it isn't how far do you think this could possibly go? so that's a very good question. i mean, for once you can even think i've already been working. i'm trying to play
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a double game. yes. keep taking everything to the agency. oh wow. actually they're willing to go. that's for want also maybe that was basically pollution of what you're supposed to go even explanation of among you in the, in this conflicts. but also think about one thing. there's a lot of things going on about how big you please in many of the few days, you know, unstoppable that of course, in a more that's crazy world. thing that will get, this will be like a buzzword to stop it, to try to actually engage in some sort of the promise. but in this case, we actually could say that was a very different thing asking to weaving bracelet, defects, breast, catch the pets up there, even more stupid fig. asking, you know, for the step would mean something very dangerous. not only for russia, ukraine,
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or you could be very dentist, 7 before you were trying to do this, the risk of the nuclear. it's actually bad. yeah, it's free to come soon. it'd be a good kind of reminds me if that child's game of chicken. thanks very much for joining us. i hit the engine list that the venezuelan transmission news outlet. that's big is the camera. thank you. a while away is a pleasure to have your company will have another ride that view it until for the next hour. because again, the, the president biden has accepted that.


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