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tv   News  RT  June 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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as the 5 minutes, then the moody claims victory for his, the lines in india's general election contests that's being ball closer than many had predicted. it's been a long on predictor to pull the colors or go through or off salt. as we bring you all the updates from the top of the palestinian family cools, i mean to national community to help save that. going to that and let them out of golf. treatment is $12000.00 smooth. 4 degree children, a skilled friend in the old place. market on eyeball jobs macro,
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and do you want me to go to wal, then put on your helmet, put on your best and go to the trade. but don't bother you tell you. and with going to italy, deputy prime minister, post cold war to all the french president going right, correct, about putting nature. so look around the new cray, the basis of the international with the news, the news in views from across the globe. but of course, the focus really right now is on india, where the results of some 6 weeks of elections have been coming through the or india is prime in this setting, the moody has claimed victory for his alliance in the countries parliamentary
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election despite a lot plus the performance from his own policy as it faced a stronger than expected challenge from the opposition off today is a big or suspicious day. and on this day for the 3rd time, the government has been pointed to very grateful to the people. the people of india have shown complete faith in the b j, b, and the, and the 8. today's victory is the victory of the world's largest democracy, wavy and be able form a government for the better future of india. the b j. p alliance has maintained its majority taking around 290 seats in the parliament, the opposition indian national congress on its allies though have a 230 full seats. a policy of coalition must reach 272 seats to be able to form a majority in the lock sapa or below a house. now this race is foreclosed, have been many, had been predicting be all position need to is saying that in getting people have
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sent a clear message to random. moody. and this is the main thing that this election is that the country has unanimously and clearly stated. we do not want mr. not in the movie, and mr. i'm a chuck will be involved in the running of this country. we do not like the way they run this country. we do not appreciate the way they have attacked the constitution. we do not appreciate the with it, but on this country for the last 10 years. so that is the message from yesterday and what i'd like to thank everybody. this one is participated in this selection. i am extremely proud of the people of india. i'm extremely proud of the people who have resisted best on stuck on the constitution. so essentially, you know, opposition trying to say that's um no danger more. the in fact uh,
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is not the choice of people anymore. but at the end of the day, what is going to happen is it is the party you don't about party that has been large, that the single largest body with this i live the in the they have been able to cross 1370 to mark. i have with me historian and all paul golf in some domini, thank you for joining us. what i want to understand from you is the numbers on subject bullets. it's been a long gone for dick to book the how do you see the numbers? i think that's the beauty of democracy. so the 1st thing that these results telling me is that you know this, this whole idea that democracy was that in india or there's a dictator of largely over some construct, media construct stuck, you know, a democracy most frequent in india. that has been lead to this very effectively and sort of like the biggest selections and the board has given a very clear minded. and i think that is
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a very interesting thing that we think the largest fucking of the, the income been getting a clear indication from the electric field that they want the same part to have the same system back up costs for that new a lot about the kind of votes of the pm is part of the must been in my in dot d, the india had 5 minutes to move. he has a few candidates and the fact that it has court, it's boss. the majority is a very clear indication of whether you form the government with the biggest majority in the world or the highest muslim in the world. if you form the commodity form. so one thing a very clear that's india has watered very clearly for millions, the more on for the same them. of course, the numbers are not exactly what a lot of people in your position believe that it for a year and even more than that, you kind of numbers. yeah. and uh, the fee and himself set that up. uh,
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maybe the numbers will be much higher than what you expected. so of course the expectations have been that is different, but the desert is exactly what one was expected, but the multi vinegar demanded. we're going to keep in mind different in different from the comfort of your home. so as far as that goes, and as far as the border goes, it's business as usual. and then given these critics, basically you're arguing that you've studied the more the wins another 5 years another from the told the public is starting to match the on the game would not be the same. the look here was a tame of being authoritative. so to say, well, how do see that nato to, i think dark matter has been better since 2014. and if you look at this, the movie post the as a, as a public figure dock has been sort of them ever since he's been in public like what has changed since the fact of the means or for the full theme and deal. i mean,
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different, different before was completely different. it's the 3rd biggest, if i'm in the board, it has a global voice. now, it is uh, looking at the mike people are bored of something which are addiction because that's also different. i mean, that has more deep latter day in that is that so the critics can say, what they want to say is the critics, i really like to say and didn't stop smoking plugins as a selection results began to emerge the benchmark. this is a sense that stuff, markets index which trucks 30 large companies, close down the late 6 percent. it is the worst bally drop stokes, in the country. in the last 4 years, we've been hearing from a senior advocate of the daily, a colleague, quote, this is because group today who says it's just the market reacting to unpredictability. and it won't affect the economy in a very significant way. a will that to in history in 2012 and during the last the election that everybody watch by india shining when they look at that time. also
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the markets crash. i think the market, your big size is about for 3 to 4 percent. so that is a business that we're looking for, a predictable government that we're looking for to sustain the india government, which i think it looks a little difficult for the market and market and doesn't like guns or dees. so what market today has, while it is not for any other reasons, market work, market fios is uncertainty. that is on, i think if and then economy is going to do it, it is picked up of any government because what i personally feel as a lawyer and does a political uh, uh, the consulting, you know, uh, i think the indian economy sized by the enterprise of the indian businessman so which ever government is there, i think, and any kind of mean things to come in bottles to little yup. bound to go to a $5000000.00 economy. the bound to be a number 3 economy in the world will do say with us for all the very latest foment is election. we'll have updates and then that will assist every hour, right tail on, on the international the
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let's turn a focus now though to gaza. on a real human tragedy, this is a story about a 10 month old baby girl who's dying. she needs an urgent liver transplant. now peroration that simply call be performed right now in gaza. her family is pleading to the international community to let them transfer her approved for her treatment . just a wondering, you may find some of the images following difficult. uh huh. so slowly and it's impossible for her to eat. there is no room in her stomach to breathe wheat. chanel needs to be an oxygen, and suffers from severe malnutrition. i played with the entire world to stand by the side of my daughter, and call upon everyone to help my husband to accompany her abroad. if he's the only
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matching donor, who can do need to leave it to her, her condition is versioning. she's now in the 3rd stage, we don't want to see her die. this is vital operation to save a baby girl has been hospitalized for 3 months. our lives have come to hold on because of the close of the crossing but sadly, so the deal is no alone. there are many chosen like hiring cause that, that a suffering from a lack of things such as medicine, medical equipment. and of course the doctors, nurses to care for them. so falls, 37 palestinians of parish. this is due to me on the attrition and the hydration since the war started in october. there also so but 3 and a off 1000 children in the own play facing an imminent risk of death. that's according to palestinian officials. had that was the trying to have this hospital for example. there are cases 2 died several days ago because of mount nutrition.
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bull indicate isn't going to either by local health and government officials for international health organizations like unicef and others, suggested malnutrition comes to choose a ghost at last. he threatens the lives of children. there were county 3500 children waiting slowly for death unless the aged by necessary food supplies supplements full vaccinations as soon as possible. i local john list be visited the pediatric department. the l. axa hospital in central garza and fall of this report for us. a hair of this department. there are many women, many breast feeding women who are taking care of their children and they see children are being taken care of by the hospital by the department this. so on the, this very on president. it situation this, that very pressik situation for the whole population of the causes red hot here. give me a dish. oh, for sure. for sure,
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for you to work in the shows you to give you the tables working on a board. you mean never will be more in your kitchen and the shift and seen a change of the do to month, invite them to the shelter destruct. it says more close to the far conditions. that means it's really good for her position as many nutrition and, and do it. but the more set on us before the war, milk yoga, twos, and other things were available in local markets. for now, i simply con, find these things well they have sold for, incited prizes that they come to food is my economic condition is, was the situation of goes up as being described as a very bad situation in terms of the economy in terms of the shortage of food supplies that has been over there for the past age months. the most was the apartment on the market. we didn't see it before for this was
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a non formulas for us. what the written on it, not examine, nothing just to get it. actually, there is many cases was admitted here as the sausage in your apartment of the gloves to view the bay area. and you will see be a few of the, the hydration due to the formulas that the, to the. 2 formulas for the son, which is our that goes through the by them just deal with. meanwhile palestinian officials half launched an official request to the international court of justice to join south africa's genocide case against israel. the application was submitted on monday on behalf of the state of palestine. well, south africa filed its case last the same boat as well as actions in gaza since then the u. n. high court has hold it as well to prevent acts of genocide against palestinian civilians. however,
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the idea has not halted its compartment olsby own place. a tool with palestine is recognized as a cellphone state by a 146 of a 193 members. the united nations, spain, no way and ireland all the latest to join the list. now as the number of nations which support the cause, grows is rarely standing fun in itself possession. without a we spoke with alex, we both professor of i'm to apology from jerusalem and he says it's a positive move by palestinian officials, which demonstrates the garza on the west bank on united. unfortunately, it says and behaves with infinity. they feel that the most anxiousness, no one can control them, there is no one can stop them. on the other hand, they also see that the senior authority is
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a hostage in the west bank and they were not there in court. and so having witness what's happened to us and guys that would not dare to come out against them . and this, this, uh, would you quoted uh, the allies of the parents, you know, servicing with the software and all the people guys, that is the way to solve it. we have one biggest and then people are contrary to the system of the state is that we are separate to expect is separate from the guys that it's divisive stretches of this 8 is will be, uh, uh, the default is dissolved then that active will not be offended if that is, you know, started coming from the west back with nothing against there's other side is very pushed. if it shows that one people s o 2 separate boxes, the war of nathan. yeah. what was normal?
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that is, how much is it against the dentist he gets puts on your boots and go and find yourself. perhaps the message being sent to the french president from italy, deputy pm who's been i'm good that the woman going back to rick coming from emanuel mccomb. in your case, i don't want the children as bowery older children of italy to be sent to die and fights in ukraine. oh, i don't want to tell the un weapons to bomb and kill and brush up easily is not at war against any one. therefore, let's leave it to macro on to talk about bull, but i'm telling him as if he were here to night micro macro. and do you want to go to wall and put on your helmet and put on your best and go to ukraine, but don't bother you. tele ends with going to was the deputy problem minutes. so if you need lease, telling my problem lead from the, from a if you want to go to war. but we see that of course, my problem is not good. the heat to that right now, and we see here be heading to switzerland for the peace summit. but of course,
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russia is now being invited. what do we expect from there? when the idea was floating around in the beginning, it seemed like a noble idea to bring parties together in switzerland and talk about peace and lots of about war. but as soon as people began to find out that this is somebody will be without russia, immediately taught breath from various countries decide it's either to not go at all or send, but send somebody else in their stead. for example, probably the biggest blow to uh for lensky is the fact that the president silver united states joe biden is not coming. and he's not telling me because on those dates on the 15th or 16th of june, you'll won't be able to make it switzerland because you will be fundraising with the famous actors in hollywood because that he needs the cash for the upcoming election in november. so joe, mine is going, if he's not going who is going, then we do receive news. that's vice presidents campbell at harris, how it will be,
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or it will be going instead of the biden's. but to the question here about camella harris is that will she be able to deliver a clear message? sometimes her over simplistic explanation is being the as well compared to a children's programs. now some of the countries have that have announced that their leaders will not become to switzerland or the united states, brazil, china and south africa, saudi arabia, australia, reportedly, india, and pakistan as well. now in the they said they might bring somebody from the a for a ministry like, uh, deputy, or a side peachy from the national security. and also a bunch of stuff that i know bringing their leaders and australia. they are same thing. administered bunch administer for disability ensure and so of course, administer obviously, but not of the highest level. so that's it. and i'm not sure,
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but we'll see of course, see with the teams who actually makes it very popular. it was a by you creating the neighbors that be the members of the commonwealth of independent states. what's been there, attitude to this so far? apparently is uminski tried to get in touch with the leaders also with the help of his, the west, certain partners and both friends, if, if you will. but apparently the answer was absolutely no to the presence in switzerland from the former soviet republics taken. listen, zelinski and his western friends begin to personally call and beg the leaders of the commonwealth of independent states to take part in this gathering. we know that none of them to come to such persuasion. meanwhile, a russian foreign ministry have a set time and again that the goal of this event in this turn, a switzerland is not to bring to be sent to negotiate, some kind of a settlement, new grain. but the goal of this meeting is to present
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a russia with an unacceptable ultimatum so that the whole world will, will say that's uh, russia is not budging. and it's a rush of that once more. meanwhile, it's exactly the other way around. or despite the dominating west narratives, the russians should play no part in the upcoming conference. switzerland's leading political parties actually insisted that most go should be offered a seat at the table. this is the swiss people's party that says russia's exclusion risks. and the mining hopes for peace instead of boosting them the swiss people's party demands. if the peace process is to have a chance, the birkenstock conference must not turn into a unilateral propaganda in arms conference. the federal council has the responsibility to ensure that the birkenstock conference does not lead to a new escalation and does not definitively destroy swift neutrality that all parties to the conflict are involved. and that the impression is not given that
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switzerland is organizing the conference for the adversaries of russia. this would be disastrous and would involve switzerland even more in this conflict. the federal council must therefore do everything possible to ensure that the russian side also participates in the broken stock conference. would also in 10 less that the venezuelan tree submission news outlet d. a goes to kara suggests that the piece co funds won't bring any results as nearly all of those who are heading that have contributed. he says to escalating the conflict precisely because of this period of it in the ration note behind, it doesn't make any sense, especially also if you think about what's going on on the field mandatory speaking wash, you thrust up gradually. when you have previous presidents passing, you can you give them the bracket and see on the remember all the see find that there were actually broker in geneva just gave like air and space to with the
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houses and whatnot. especially during the file. just so i wonder if for example, what about this time? oh, so i think it's that doesn't make much of a different story specially also when get manual feed main participants. i should be on your mind at the 1st and last real assets back in 2022. so so and also i would like to remember something else if i'm not mistaken. switzerland, social part and parcel of the sack and redeem against russia. so, you know, it's not even neutral. so wanted subtracting the course of what, what to make of all this other than a narrative or perception management or to justify some further steps. further stages. we're kind of confident. so if you're going to trust me to brush, in this case of what we tried to guarantee these are actually something going on, especially on a, on a different medical level. doesn't sounds like something that actually can
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certainly see that the people are going to switzerland. it's evidently common sense, so that's according to a white house readout. to of a teleconference, america is justifying ukrainian strength so on russian territory with us supplied weapons. the president made this decision to allow american arms to be shot into a very limited area of russia. and we actually heard secretary blinking on the last day of his troop last week. say this may not be the last area that gets approved. can you help us think through this moment, we're not going to turn our backs and what ukraine needs, and we're going to continue to try to again, of all of our support to them as the battlefield evolves as well. with respect to cross border counter fires, is specifically focused on ukraine's defense against military targets that are just over the border and targets that russia is using the physically launch offensive against ukraine proper. it just makes common sense. well this comes off the top us
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officials repeatedly highlighted, washington is against using its weapons to strike targets within russian territory . they suggested such attacks would forget the escalation and make americans policy to the conflict. we have neither encouraged nor enabled the ukrainians to strike inside of russia. we have asked the ukrainians not to use us supplied equipment for direct attacks into russia. why is it? because we don't want, this is a ukrainian war. it is not a war between united states and russia. it's not a war between nato and russia. there's a war between ukraine and russia, and we are supporting and supplying and help training and advising and assisting ukraine. but it is not a direct conflict between the united states and russia. we do not support the use of a you estimate equipment being used for tax and side of russia. we've been very clear about that and we'll continue to do that. and we have been clear on,
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not just publicly, but privately, clearly with the premiums we heard from joe altima and here's the host of the conservative daily podcast. he says, washington officials are always aware of what they're saying and do have an ultimate goal. i think the united states has been raising the stakes and trying to push towards a very grim future for not just the united states, but countries across the world. i keep in mind the united states has never done exactly what they said they're going to do. they never did anything for the same purpose. they're actually saying something and knowing what the result will be. so i absolutely think that it's on purpose. i think what they're doing right now is a direct correlation to what they want to have happen in the future. which is the great task because opportunity comes in that chaos and they don't care how many bodies fall in the, in the, in the process. the united states has always been the one to say, well, it's not me, it's them. while putting a gun in the hand of basically
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a toddler and the united states by saying that they've or that there are no rules, is basically stating that they were removing all the pieces of accountability on the chessboard. and yet they're telling us that they want to get to a resolution. how do you get to a resolution? if you're not one of us at the table and get to the resolution? and if you're telling someone that can just fire indiscriminately into russia and that you're not going to have any sort of checks and balances on what that actually means, there's no line that they actually created. so what they're basically doing is saying that, you know, ukraine has the ability to use our weapons, use our guns, and use our, our resources in order to hurt innocent people in russia. so i believe that the people that are in power in united states are rotted to the core. and frankly, they are the ones that are pressing all of the buttons and ukraine. ukraine is far enough down the path now that they don't have any other choice. doctor patchy the mind responsible for the biggest look down in american history. the mind responsible for pushing a slew of vaccines and be still also based on until millions of us citizens has
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been grilled on capital hill for the handling of all things related to his response to the cubic 19 outbreak. we knew from the trials that took people they got vaccinated still were subject to getting covered. so was the cobra. the vaccine 100 percent effective? i don't believe any vaccine is a 100 percent effective. did or do the vaccines, dakota 19 vaccine? stop, anyone from getting covered? no, actually, no, in the beginning it clearly prevented infection and a certain percentage of people, but the door ability of its ability to prevent infection was not long. it was measured in months and they didn't stop you from spreading it either. early on it did if it prevented infection. do you agree that there was a pause to downplay the lab week, sir? no, i'm on my part. really, really. wow. what i think. i think most of the country find that find that amazing . i think, 11 seconds,
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we will look at the facts. are you confessed that you made up the coven roles in client id, which 60 initial distancing and masking of children? i never say that i made anything else. you admitted that you made up? you might hear that say i made it up. so are you saying the suspect is miss? i have to say i made anything up. but let's also talk a little bit further about the type of science that you represent in i h scientist made $710000000.00 in royalties from drug drug makers, a fax, it's been hidden. let's talk about the fact about, is it right for scientists and doctors getting paid by the american people, government taxpayer paychecks to get patents, where they're paid millions and hundreds of millions of dollars and royalty fees, especially when the n i age and these government agencies most powerful agencies in our country are recommending medical suggestions and advice and making up
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guidelines like 6 feet distant cnn masking of children. do you think that's appropriate to the american people deserve to be abuse like that mister file chief, because you're not doctor, you're mr. filed to you in my few minutes more than a 100000000 americans were affected by co verdes. yet the vaccines that were heralded as a safe, it turned out to be not as effective as 1st claimed them though all the side effects of plague, those who go the schultz and many of those who once shelly, this for the vaccine campaign have now come, i to regret the decision human and labor rights lloyd down cove like says the thought cheese experience and expertise is in question. he's been a picture in washington for many, many years. he was very significant, for example, in the government's response to the aids epidemic. in the 19 eighties and he
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actually dropped the ball on that one too very much like he did. i think with cove it's focusing so much on waiting for vaccines instead of focusing on therapeutic drugs that can help people who already had the disease. in the case of h, i v aids, for example, there was never a vaccine that's been created for that. uh so. but again, there's certain people that no matter how many times they fail, they continue to get promoted in this country. if he was signing off of things, he wasn't reading and it led to disaster, then he wasn't doing his job. he was being neglige, right? so it's not a very good defense is to say, well, i just wasn't doing my job and i was lazy and i was signing off of things. i didn't read what kind of defense is that. i think he knows a lot more than he claims. and i can almost guarantee and no one will be help.


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