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tv   News  RT  June 5, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the, the, the property is the west is still playing 0. some games is still count, comprehend the idea of eco cooperation. and he's still sick with the city of colonialism and neo colonialism. raso stop diploma. take a swipe on the us treatment of africa and other parts of the world during his 1st ever visit to book you know, 5. so the 1st private history, the vision needed the lions the time. they can console themselves in any, any, any, none of their life for they have a, they have a tough time, a head, 5 challenging years ahead for and they're under moody as the b, g. p. leg coalition winds the general election in india for by a foss, smaller margin than predicted, after a strong showing from the opposition of the us approved sanctions against the
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international criminal court for probing usual war crimes. that's asked the idea of again, pounds, gas that reportedly killing dogs. and so a policy of the while you're watching or teach an option of reaching you from the roster and capital i a michael quarter with the updates not washington's policies towards the weld, guided by colonialism and new colonialism. and that's according to russia's top diplomatic. speaking during his 1st ever visit the booking alfonso, say a good lover of said moscow. 6, the quality of mutual benefits when he comes to cooperation with all the countries . and then you can say, i need to do more with this. american still cannot get rid of the sin drum of all mightiness and permissive this and think they have the right to make claims all
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over the world, telling african asian latin american european countries. what to do in economics, politics and how they will cooperate with the united states, against any one team to compressed debt by washington. and they divide all foreign affairs into those to afford the united states and against the us. this is none of our consent. our relations with african friends develop exclusively on the basis of mutual interest and equal treatment to the west is still playing 0 sum games. it still can't comprehend the idea of equal cooperation. it is still sick with all the best way of colonialism. a near colonialism that drive a team relations with the global majority, and these relations are still a way for them to live at the expense of others. now, the russian foreign minister arrived in the world. i do go on choose day area has spot of his african to have visit at the republics of guinea and cocoa. russia will additionally supply military equipment to book enough fossil pilot here. the number of many tree instructors will also be increased to come by terrorism. moscow will
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also be invested in the mining industry of booking of fossil help in agriculture, fertilize the production and the humanitarian set. now russian cost of that is also set to open in the country. now let's cross live to duncan id. be got a former assistance to the uganda and the president had opened doors, colors send petersburg, screwed up, and nomics and management. she's nice to have you join me right now, duncan. now let's thank you. now we've heard some hoss comments from the russian foreign minister concerning the us foreign policies towards us, rather foreign policies towards all the countries that to what extent do you think this reflects the reality in your view the, the style is not far from the tools. if you go back to
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the options that you know, it's points to your core on your uh, what do you see? what is the a, because they both pretty say the us congress, which sections one day the cost. the cost is trying to hard. the user ed accountable without going into the business. but as the end of this, as this being the she does not want that you guys will do the upgrade for you. somebody's called me from. i forgot that. how does marlene done no problem? we shouldn't be money. is being done. i mean for example, you know, get a bustle in my uh, you may hear news. uh,
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jimmy was in the chair. well, the sounds i know. i mean, since most of it's gone, it changes just moved to it, but it, it, but we have been the peaceful. i see what was the method this has done for us. and if we could have the blood saxophones, i saw a horse who got the message. i wrote a note that says to originally the rest of the country, the bath. okay. they have important functions also. so that's why i video time. that's the videos i found some sections on the story on the on one's done or now on libya for a very long time. so the average of a method spends the 40 c. when i did speak, it's presented to west africa use in new york. what are your policy base you don't buy and today they, they also tell us, do you this up, right?
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oh, sorry. i was through united states which probably 300 over 5, maybe. yeah. they bought there is no global nissan. of this. i really feel the, i think i've gone for you at the moment in my opinion. all right. how do you assess russian relations with african nations? what perspective about what opportunities are you seeing? yeah, so i are the ones who believe most of the countries is very cordial because the middle in the countries are awesome. now look, i mean to, except why through the government to the bus on what to look into. but any one that you brought to the deal was excited to be there. you can give them. oh and i assume that you guys are thinking now we're from the i a more beneficiary this, but that's the change program. awful. i think i've got these with
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a nice guy states of america, but what's the day that's a rush i was going to accept was i forgot, god, please don't mean to rush. i was coming to see you some of a of a doubt that the americans are leaving because most of the keys, i said, no, we cannot end up that we uh, i met a guy in the southern aspects. uh so for example, right now is moving for a pool corner branching, but i forgot to governments in many areas in the hands, especially in the for uh and uh and you get shown uh even trade because no, have you gone down? yeah. see the union before introducing so many rules as far as gross on plate is closed on the resident. okay. maybe we go to russia. oh, i'm up. it's okay. so russia is coming from okay. and i,
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there are so many opportunities for well, financial, the, to the russia, and i doubt you will be attending this in petersburg into national economic farm. what are your thoughts on the significance of this event at ross's role in the world economy? yes, so this is the 2750000 back internationally, but i'm for them. in my opinion, it is a room. there may have been definitely in the city that you're going to be very well attended by phone for you by the stairs. yeah. gone please. the noise, god, please use the country. i think the on the roof that he's been quoting this, i know heard on these, the north america and the west, then you invested expected because they kind of issue. but yes, i the brand that we are looking forward to a similar discussion on so many other people that have some interest underground
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and the rest of the ones that it's going to attempt to put on issues. you know, because i, especially this will be in the, in the tricks. uh, uh, but the adoption we to adoption. easy. so there are some in the area that's as you go for or you looking for we engage on in this for now. hold while we have to leave you here. now don, can i be gab a former assistant? still the uganda and president and open doors. caller of send peters both school the week nomics and management. thank you very much for your insights, get it. thank you so much. by the office, st. petersburg into national economic farm kicks off in russia. is northern capital, a president putting these expect it to address? foreign journalist on the forums sidelines will bring you the details as they happen to the middle is now is 38 palestinians of
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reportedly being killed. an idea strikes on gazda. among the dead were 8 of police officers who were hit in the vehicles in the city city of darrow blah, as well as early as many 3 has pounded central gather with heavy air strikes. also hating the nearby a bridge on the my guys, the refugee camps in central guys a little john lives a chrome, all sakari brings us the lead latest. so they are around $77.00, palestinians were killed and sounds $300.00 others were ended off that basically a compression. fos is announced, they started limited to gone to operation and goes, i sent them the area and the area over the mythology and ever since they declared that ground operations of environment is not installed. the activity of the quad cup, those are non stop and also the flow of the people who are injured and can is non stop that because that's something they're yeah, that's hospital as well. had a lot. so hospital people are coming in and people are claiming the badges of that
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these and people are crying go over those, the loss of the dues and continue to bury them. also this oppression forces had been actively attacking different areas and drop off and advancing could build a sense of drop off. and what's the impact overall fi? tell us about an area of targeting, how you sell them and beautiful and bold different areas of profile. and there were some heavy fire exit change between those or the capricious and forces that are trying to advance and the kind of thing and factions who are trying to resist and trying to protect the area, the destruction and drop off is continuous and is the one imagination, whole blocks are being destroyed every day by the person forces. some of the people are still under that i've been of their houses. some of the people are still drawn and the streets of the also they were killed, the kind of thing. and so the defense and the skill and i'm doing streams of the piloting and municipal of hip hop and saying that they have been unable to retrieve the bodies of the people who are sent and have not been able also to respond to the
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s o s to save our lives because that's what received by some of the people who were injured and tab under their number of their homes. because of the ongoing carpenters and people were desperately throwing up front to keep trying to reach out for the but in the international committee of the gross and also for the policy not due to society. but unfortunately they are not allowed to go to that in there. because it was declared as an area of buyers like 5 or 5 minutes bucket feeds. and there, there's no permission for them to go. and so that's what that shows locals morning . those is the most killed in the aftermath of a strike. now with a desktop. so now standing at more than $56000.00, it's difficult for me to comprehend this key loved the losses. some of the were homeless. what have we done? you can build us from our home school. i mean, you want to eliminate from us, but you haven't done that and that them. yeah. so do you want to take revenge on
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our children and sleeping children and women? what have you achieved? what are your goals? the water is polluted, there is no tricity, there is no gas. our hearts are broken. we constantly hear that a son, a neighbor or a loved one, has been murdered a while. the idea of continues it's on. so often, guys, a federal low lake is in the washington, it moves closer to imposing sanctions against the international criminal court. and that's in retaliation to legal proceedings. it's molding against ease of leadership . the idea that they would issue an arrest warrant for the prime minister of israel, defense minister of israel, at the time of their fighting for the nation's very existence against the evil that from us as a proxy of a wrong is unconscionable to us. marika should punish the icpc input kareem khan, back in his place and all the i say persecutor cam. cam has been seeking arrest warrants for easels, prime minister, and defense minister, as well as the top officials and the policy and ministry is group hamas. the while
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. the judiciary has, as he has approve the quest, the american lawmakers want to make sure he doesn't, or the us house of representatives has over formerly passed legislation to impose functions as the i see makes moves against useful a little while as jo, body 9. so that means the interview questions about potential these ready will crimes in gaza. the us president of a sized bed his government does not recognize, they hate court. he also said the palestinians are suffering not only from the ideas attack on gaza, but also because of quote, what have mass is doing any useful from the intelligence and the evidence you've seen, either currently or in the last months have, is really forces committed war crimes and gaza, the answer is this on certain that it has to be investigated by the israel as themselves. the i see is something that we don't recognize. but one thing is certain,
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the both simians have suffered greatly and has to do not just what is reality is but what, how much is doing and as well as washington also have a box of functions on the i c, c. the courts persecutor has said to west and no for souls have made it clear that the notion of justice doesn't apply them, apply to them. and of course, i've had some elected leaders, so speak to me in the very b. it'd be very blunt. this court is built for africa, and for some slight future was what one senior leader told me. we don't do it like that now spokesperson for fontes reformation democratic fraction. dmitri delay, i do believe that the us proposal against the i, c. c, as well as weapons diesel for self defense, a just about money. this is great allegiance in the congress and senate among the american politicians and in general to this dog. if you look at the
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statistics, an average is where the supporters would receive around $125000.00 in contributions versus an $18000.00 contribution inside. so each none is ray the uh, so for so money makes a difference. people would as if this money would buy you a voice in congress. of course it does. it, it's bought, it was just a because these like a pound. uh, which basically not only contributes to the campaigns, it contributes it, it advisors, people, and hold events, fundraising events. the political weights of the state of israel and zion is in the united states. outweighs the actual weight and importance of the state of israel itself. and all these uh, defense, uh, um, slogans are, are just 2 uh through uh, sent in the eyes of the people observing foot be eh,
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and the american politicians are so entrapped in money, fundraising power that serves this purpose, not only designers side, but also the military complex, this cycle goes on and on, and who benefits will one, the industrial complex in the united states. congress, people, and these re be a government and to india. now the wells biggest election has its final result. the coalition led by india is routing party and that's the b j. p has how. busy that to it's majority in parliament however you want, so the close race against arrival alliance. what bringing you all the details and all special coverage or the
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other final results show that would be j. p led coalition, secure 293 seats in parliament. india is prime minister there under moody, has claims victory for his alliance, while the football of foreign minister. and now a member of the opposition believe that the pad me is next to would not be as smooth as the bgp expense. in the 1st 5 minutes of india doesn't need in the lines the 3rd time they need an elias. so to say that they run for the 3rd time like funded nearby would run for the 3rd time is not enough, but it doesn't matter. they can, they can console themselves in any, any, any manner they like. but they have a, they have a tough time ahead. they have to very difficult aligned spot, those who are with them now, but will remain with them. and will they be to devante and has to be if you go to a custom to a style or at least leadership accustomed to a style that will make it very difficult for them, because they'll be alliance, 5,
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not pulling in different directions. so the word and then the lines you and then the last i'm doing in the alliance, but they didn't need the line. they didn't need the lines because they had 4 majority on their own. right. it's very different this time. so a party of coalition needs $200.00 in the $72.00 a vote, a seats to cross, the majority of mach in the lower house of pilot, but not to be to be itself secure to how does the 40 seats, and it's only with the help of park this like the telegraph, the some headsets, 16 the as well as the be all the do not to down with 12 seats now and that's moody's party, secured enough seats would that would help us all of them. now locals voice desk support for the re election, a routing party, a few days to see that these are the india. it was not the as for the work, be able to accept it. because there isn't students back when they get for games
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about same, very different. but we had heavy swing, be dippy, with the mic of boardman in some of india. it'd be just be 104 seats in the loops and we have very happy about it. i don't want to see me, we're very happy today. no, that has done a lot of work for the development of the country over the country. we progress. if one talks about the opposition party, they never had any vision for the future. they never had any agenda. beyond that of criticizing the work culture of the b j. p. and criticizing the work done by moody and as part of the protocol following a general election, there under moody has formerly submitted his resignation to the president. i will then seek to be re appointed foremost secretary of the indian government has vj a sunk upon the belief that despite getting few a vote mode, he remains the most likely candidate for the post. a ceiling is that since he has
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got the cleared majority to lose the country to become the private, she taught take up these numbers, reduced numbers too much except for the fact that, you know, you'll be dependent on the square to support this. yes, he has strong back in fog. that is used tried to do it in the sense that his party got upset with already since 2014. they consult the lady monthly fee, the performance videos to politicians. and he has been chief minister of quotes, feet of prime minister for 10 years. he knows how to, you know, many buddies, the eclipse and politics and it really sure, you know, continue with this, you know, the policies that you have been following for us. and because i don't see any problem in the going the, the country even when you go to the do simple law, stay with us for all the latest developments from india, with updates and analysis rides your and auntie international.
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the all right here in russia, the 4th is, are pressing forward in the hawk of region, and the defense ministry says that ukraine lost more than 1500 soldiers over the past day. and as more ground has been gained in battle for the strategic tunnel for task, r t z goes down of reports on the situation in the area. i bought a new plan. i bought them to choose involve chance, nothing is what it seems. and so every window do and opening is a potential enemy position. the sniper's job is to cover and paved the way for a soul teams that are moving, building to building muscles. i bet you bedrooms, i do so it's a lot of stuff, but it's good. you know, one of those,
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this voltage was exclusively provided to us by the snipers of the smart special forces, parts of the haves team. they've just returned to the russia ukraine board after a week long mission inside the city. now they can tell their tale, recorded on the flash drives inside their scopes. junior, we deal with the enemy as me to holes in the wall at the side of a 9 story building. one hole i see clearly in the thermal image or i can see the target. the 2nd hole looks as if it hadn't been breached yet. and with that when you read it, but it's uh, east the movies. uh, what do we have? we need to just know probably spoken to one problem and moving it up. and there it turns out in this whole we're looking through our eyes. we don't see the 2nd one. we don't expect the enemy from there. the mining can. yeah. the is this going to treat it system did, did is combined select, i guess at that time they don't know yet what jiminez is hiding behind
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a steel plate that but they'd already drew an unwanted attention from ukrainian drones search. i trust them i the sniper team has to take cover. that is when they hear over the radio, why that 2nd opening in the war is giving out a heat signature i think, and there is a machine gunner sitting there covered with a shield. and when they see our assault groups coming in, they've pushed back to the shield and start fighting. this is exactly the type of work, the snipers in the city for. so you have your room, i hit right there, right in that gap. in the middle, you got them one shot, one killed, then rushing, artillery, steal the spotlight. the
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sniper team is back from the city for some short flights. well, there's a rest soon. they'll head back to finish what they started and i've gone to the counter offensive. what counter offensive we take building after building every day, guys, every day, every day, all of our fighters take building after building. they fight sometimes a whole day. sometimes too. but they fight every day. as most coast troops advance on the battlefield, key of his struggling to feel its runs with fresh recruits. ukraine is refused to allow citizens with foreign residents and permits to leave the country. previously, we used to let people who had foreign residency permits, leave ukraine, but due to changes in the legislation, there are blinds to register for the military until this assure you're specifically stipulated in the border crossings, the regulations. we will not let this category of citizens out of ukraine. and another time to stop people from sleep,
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no slower to use ever put at least started planting lawn vines on the banks of a river on the board that was romania. this video apparently shows a potential dropped dodger, who lost his live trying to cross key of has this made the footage as russian propaganda. but last month, more than 40 people were said to have been killed trying to across the board. as some european paula paula politicians have spoken about helping kids by deporting refugees back to ukraine, so they can be sent to the battlefield. no way has said that this threat of being drafted into the military is not a justifiable basis for seeking asylum. i mean, pay for the alternative for germany party. good. i back says you could just show countries want to get rid of a trade in refugees is also positive. be possible and that some west countries no longer wish to accommodate quite as
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many ukrainians. many videos have left the kind of goals, and i use the, the, um, a general conscription knowles in you raise as an excuse for returning ukrainians and for tightening up the rules, it's very difficult to assess. but i suspect the underlying motive is that the norwegian government to this pace is feeling that's too many ukrainians are seeking protection. uh, it will weigh and give a, give it to the high living stand as a no way may never want to reach out to you crate. what we find space the normal way, as well as many other countries is that a large sense? so the overall number of you crazy is which are seeking protection
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in the west men of the fighting age that would suggest that the loss of ukrainians would be eligible for indeed deeds be under a duty to uh report frontier t uh service is ukrainian. um, i will say is trying to leave the country and that's the news. now you can't get for the devious of all the stories we'll following on our t dot com. i'll be right back up top of the out. i'll see you again the
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the whole from the fi, you know, just like dozens of other ukrainian souls might have gone unnoticed. but the pirates contacted journalist to ensure this boils would go public. and so the name of the ship that home, the biggest shipment of arms became known over the world. and we'll address this issue on the other 3, said the duncan chase, just a little grab stories and you just download them the recipient. this out. the booger assume there's the phone, you're somebody me on the tape because i'm gonna put them on the phone whenever you have snowfall venture and it was thrown out for some reason you have any problem with the put in motion like there was a photograph. so depending on the screen, most people actual kaiser dominic's but the moment before stuff is not the score. and that's the most nipple one shot, it's a little i'm doesn't much, almost go out. it's a full chance and let's go out. it's not much real good. the stuff to be under
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control of them both group muscle and the stuff total did offer you the, the vessels captain, who remained in captivity for the longest period of time in the history of some of the piracy 133 days. so it is live good ended any moments and ukraine, it'd been concealing the states involvement in the scale of smuggling the whole time. beloved weiss can measure well your name was totally slipped. she was so much . are you with that? yeah, thank you much to effect at the because i was referring to the rest of the of the when you're just in your body, can you see that i send you the new printer? i have got the little fence being used loudly come on. gretchen pulled the compulsion blow up and help us disease and use conversely, is complex issue.


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