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tv   News  RT  June 5, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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and on the onset, so many years, watch on uh see the type of shows all in jerusalem as he's released, how close to him, the of of all ok, some off. and it comes a big football game to parade, walk the tools and kapco in the tradition of east jerusalem and its hold the sides of the 1973 is the west is still playing 0. some games is still con. comprehend the idea of he cooperation and he's still sick with the best cindy of colonialism, a neo colonial process. it's opposite so much. take this wide by the us, creeping of off at the other parts of the world. your rig is 1st, have a visit to book, and a foster 1st driver needs to be be needing the lines the 3rd time. they can console themselves in any, any, any manner they like. but they have a they have a tough time, a head,
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5 challenging years. a handful in there under moody in india has as b, j. p like coalition wiggs, the general election, but via fos. smaller biology than predict the french president faces flock, full inviting, ukraine's lot of means the last key to address the national assembly. just 48 hours ahead of the you will actions and peace, quite a bit of problems at home the why? the 6 pm in moscow. welcome to the latest updates on our team to national i a michael port that we started the all in east jerusalem, where a tensions are running high between these rallies and local palestinians of the 3rd holy as sliding these drum locks of boss has been storm devised rarely such as it
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came during a provocative parade. the celebrates easily captured, an occupation of east jerusalem and its hold of sites. in the 1967, the artist, mid lease bureau chief, might have some notion of reports from jerusalem. i am in toronto, the mass coast gay, tel leading to jerusalem. all the cities, mosley water, where a big number of is relays holding national flag have just arrived, celebrating what they called jerusalem day. and the thousands of israeli police forces have been deployed inside the old city and outside many roads leading to the place have been causes all to avoid clashes and police as needed to provide security. and even journalists have been separated from the mob by the offense. so we cannot go any closer, but we can clearly hear them tongue thing and a saying, so what is actually happening?
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well, today is, well mark, 57 years since the part of jerusalem i am currently in the eastern one has unified with the west. well, this is how as well looks at its celebrating jerusalem day annually with the parade . well, many believe this is approve bulk or tube and controversial celebration. as a lawrence, israel's capture and occupational peace, jerusalem and its holy sites, in the 1967 war, a move that is not international, you recognize thousands of his really is carrying the national flag, the car in marching here to damascus gate. and again, some of them already near the entrance leading to the old to the new port or to continue through the air. we are predominantly populated by arabs. uncle manuel them. of course this parade is like a red rag before the move. they see the celebration in the winter months and nationalist. the main parade hasn't reached the old city yet, but things indeed started going up in the old city already. classes broke out
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between jews and arabs as residents of ara puerto brace themselves for the ride when flag march reports say that an arab journalist was her ross there by jer, satler, as while he was covering the event. this voltage we receive apparently shows the moment when 2 is youngsters. not the drill is phone out of his hands and sounds of a fighting fall, or we also receive a video of his really settlers before me approval for to dance traditional for jerusalem dates inside the old city again in front of the arab population there. so it is getting hard again, thousands of police forces have been deployed here and they will try to provide, provide security every year. jerusalem die, witnesses flashes between jews and arabs. and it is different, busy or for us has like 57 years ago. is ro is as war again, an arab strongly opposes israel's military offensive in the gas is 3,
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which is an extra reason for em, good intentions pull them up. so forces i here again as it may go. why. c cause any moments earlier, israel's national security minister, known for his extreme rights we use tend to strongly end to probably seen an agenda threatens to storm the old cities. ok, so most this 3rd whole is sliced for every move. when you're in this jerusalem day celebrations, we need to heat them in the most important place for them. every year they said that it was not appropriate and it was not the time, but the opposite is true. if we give ground to them, we get and october 7th, we will march through the damascus gate and rise to the alexa mosque no matter what they think. and despite their anger or how much has already announced this wednesday had day of rage and cold on palestinians inter russo them on the west bank to confront his railings. we also have rolled out protective deer here it is
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a patient of flashes. meanwhile, several kilometers away. from here, they will soon start a different type of protests, of gathering. thousands are expected in tel aviv to demands the government to bring 124 hostages back home. now, it seems that a deal between israel and her mazda is close to them before. last fridays. you remember president joe biden and build a 3 stage plan according to which israel would be able to return its hostages. in return to a cease fire pull out of its troops from gaza and the reconstruction of the street at a 2nd stage of this plan that will be all that it is expected that they will be a permanency spice of the end of the war. with many and israel don't believe this will actually happen last and i was there earlier on wednesday that it welcome the proposal, promising to cease fire and the end of the fight in the guise of sleep. and that is now wait for is rose response, had we all are waiting to intentions are running
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a high inside jerusalem and on the country is northern border as well is now looking to spread its offensive even further along the frontier with lab. but on the idea of chief of staff says he's or has no choice, but to strike out. good afternoon, miss colvin. we're approaching the point where the decision will have to be made. and the idea is prepared and very ready for this decision. we've been striking here for 8 months and has realized paying a very, very high price as low as increases the tax and recent days. and we prepare it off to a very good price as of trading up to the level of a general stuff excise to move to an offensive and no name. i sense the onset of the water and gas in october. he's roland has blah have regularly been trading fire across the shed, border this footage, release the body use really all me shows troops conducting operations along the frontier with the most recent exchange occurring on tuesday morning. the resulting
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fires on these where the board does seem to have ignited tensions even further. the fire has the allegedly caused by roles and strikes lowest of the area. in total, 16 people were reported the wounded in $400.00 heck the ground was burned by fires . israel blamed has bla, while the military group said on monday that he had 5 drones, are these ready pockets reported me? e's real has called up 50000, was of soldiers in preparation for possible escalation with lebanon. has bless chief says that they are ready for any escalation as belies ready for the battle, and will not allow israel to secure any victories. and he's really expansion of the world 11 unable to met with devastation, destruction and displacement and israel. if israel wants to fly them all out war, we're ready for it by less cross now live to palestinians rights activists. for
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more on this, you on the hype, holly, you want these go to have you join me now. the exchange is a fight between lebanon unusual, had been going on for months, but now tel aviv seems determined to take it even further. why do your may called the timing right now? and also from the, from day one of the world, or just di, visually i'll meet you sent a name to make an or now to, oh, oh, to escalate 0 again, 7 now. but the now it is our little it's 9 k. they dishonest conversion, but there's always an ad. so every last conversion to i'm very excited besides that is also sedation forms independent fine. so off chinese, it is, are they all me is accessed so basically gives us the version of phase id population by talking more and more options the phone decided to fix problem. and now is the same thing to do much small feet. and
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a is it is it is only bang to and caused small damage in liberal betsy, it has no plan. so this thing, so i see that we have some phase one. so i'd strongly, this is the, is that address, the position of that is why the all me use now of immense means that insight, that means the security and red being goes up event inside, inside, also or by us. these are say that the user has stated that it's, it's time for a direct attack on lab a non well the event is carried out as they have threatened. what implications to this have for regional stability and international relations? the same $90.00 loyalty in both $1006.00 as the 2nd service uh, very homes for on both sides of the builder and it died. and the consequences
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real much all the bundle, but also owns in those area off for by this time phone firefighters, in those was a jump. all those full were models in their minds, fashions by law, voltage. and everybody knows that i lived a minute to the extent, but everybody here i devoted that same amount of the nation and the same quadrant jobs and munitions, said the easily in the hands of the pallet today is where you malls and y, as in, right. what is, was 18 years ago, and the, you can say, ok, we want to make a big a wall. but the problem is known play and they cost us cuz the damage is going to be created. so action is a, really the only speaking, say like a home me, because you know,
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it's really easy to read and open their wall and it's like on lemme saying that the huge damage at least in the veins in 54. and then most the in the 1000 villages. and so, and they know how to prevent these downloads, they have on the plan, how to as good as a well. and did not, they don't do not as good as their home because they know just to demonstrate language, to get them to stay, to hold why we have to living here. now you of high fall, we policy new rights activists. thank you so much for your insight. here, i sent you the now washington's policies towards the well, the guided by the colonialism, a new colonialism. that's according to ross's top, different, much speaking during his 1st ever visit to book, you know, fox so, so to get law for all said in comparison,
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moscow seeks the quality of mutual benefits. when it comes to cooperation with all the countries, you can say, you've got to be more with the american still cannot get rid of the syndrome of old mightiness and permissive this and think they have the right to make claims all over the world, telling african asian latin american european countries, what to do in economics, politics and how that will cooperate with the united states, against any one deemed to compare step by washington. and they divide all foreign affairs and to those who afford the united states against the us. this is none of our consent. our relations with african friends develop exclusively on the basis of mutual interest and equal treatment. the west is still playing 0 sum games. it still can't comprehend the idea of equal cooperation. it is still sick with all the passively of colonialism, a neo colonialism that dr. aid to him, relations with the global majority. and these relations are still a way for them to live at the expense of others. now the russian foreign minister
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arrived in the do go on tuesday area as part of his african to he visited the republics of guinea and cocoa. russia will addition to the supply of military equipment to a booking at 5. so while the number of ministry instructors will also be increased to combat terrorism, moscow will invest in the mining industry that and help in the culture fertilize the production and then human tier and says, russian cost to date is also set to open in the country. full of minor assistance to the uganda and president don't can not be guy said that the moscow's different, the approach to the west is helping to open doors. the the, the stuff is not far from the tools you somebody's income that has more internal property. we should have the money is being done. i mean, for example, you know, get up bustle. everybody in this uh,
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jimmy was in the ship. well, the internal government, most of these government changes just moved to, it was dated, but they have been the peaceful us. you love the united states has done for us and you and we could have the board saxophones. i saw a horse through the other night. it's best to originals with the rest of the country, the bathroom failed, important samsung sort of cell. so that's why i video. the actions of video does not abs for a very long time. so the average of a method spends before i see the united states it's presented to west africa in new york. the policy there is no global nissan. of this. i really feel the african countries at the moment, in my opinion, russia solutions you believe,
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most of us look, i'm going fees is very cordial because the middle in the countries are outside the most common to be fixed by throws the government to the bus on what the road that won't be into a bus. so russia is coming to you, but i forgot i, there are so many opportunities for it, but it's on the do the rush up. and now let's talk about the biggest democracy in the wells. the final result in india is general election. i in india have comment and now the b g. p, lead coordination, secure 293 seats in the parliament in the lower house with a problem. and is that in there under moody, claiming victory for his alliance? what a form of foreign minister now a member of the opposition believes that the premier is next to him would not be a small saving, as he might have hoped. in the 1st 5 minutes of india didn't need in the lines the
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3rd time they need an elias. so to say that the one for the 3rd time, like under the hood, one for the 3rd time, there's not enough, but it doesn't matter. they can. they can console themselves in any, any, any manner. they like. they have a, they have a tough time ahead. they have to very difficult allied sponsors who are with them now, but will remain with them. and will it be to the monday and has visit the go to a custom to a style or at least leadership a custom to a style that will make it very difficult for them because they to be alliance, 5, not really fully in different directions. so they were in india alliance, even in the last, um they were in india alliance, but they didn't need the line. they didn't need the lines because they had from the other 2 on their own. right. it's very different decided not to hold the majority in the lower house, a potty or coalition needs to break the 200 and the 72 seats. mock a,
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b 2 p a by itself secure 200 and the 40. um, i'll give you that breakdown here a 240 seats by itself, while the off position, indian national congress, which is i the cold i n c 2200 and the 32 a seats. now it's, and it's only with the help of partners like to, to go to some party with 16 seats as well as the donato down a positive, with the, with 12 seats that help multi at hays party to secure enough seats. now the b p. a lead alliance has chosen to keep that under moody assets media and has put forward his name for prime minister on the russian president vladimir put in, has congratulated him on the success of former secretary of the indian government, the v g. sunk upon the believe the display getting fewer votes, multi was all is going to be the pick for prime minister as a ceiling. is that 50?
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you've got the cleared majority, the to the country, the, to become the private, should cut a these numbers reduce number too much except for the fact that, you know, to be dependent on eastwood, to support this. yes, he has strong back in foggy. that is used to kind of mother thing, the sense that his party got up to with already in 2014 they consult the lady once the feedback performance, nobody has to politician and he has been chief of the state of flux. he tells me because of the state prime minister for 10 years, he knows how to, you know, many buddies, the eclipse and politics. and it really sure that, you know, they would continue with this. you know, the policies that you have been following for, you know, a lot of this and because i don't see any problem in the telling me the country, even when you go to reduce them. but let's head to paris now. the french republican party has lost out the money on my car for sidelining debates
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on the upcoming european elections. and they say they are giving blog to me is the last key, the podium this plus attention from the more pressing matters that had you know, the also well communicate that we've just received, the press release, informing us that on friday morning, we'll have to suspend that will work to listen to president lensky and our assembly . i find it regrettable that 48 hours before you review and election well on the eve of the votes and it is the presence of the republic had already invited himself an old tv channels to hold. and general policies which talk to us about euro to divert attention from this european today to show this obviously does not detract from our support for the cranium. but i sincerely believe that our national assembly should have students side not to participate in this movement. and that it is inappropriate to invite president lensky to come and speak to the assembly joe, 48 hours before an election or so. then on the bill here, i know this may come as
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a shock that ukrainian president virus zalinski would make something in another country. all about him and ukraine, but it turns out that he's in france this week. effectively hijacking, not one, but 2 really important events. the 1st one is the annual d date commemoration on june 6th, marketing the victory of the allied forces including the soviet union against the nazis in world war 2. so lucy's invited to the ceremony on the landing beaches in normandy, with the heads of state of allied nations. but russia was not invited to send any one because the french present emanuel and that caused office says that quote, the conditions are reunited for russia to be involved. the irony here is that if the soviet union had said the exact same thing during world war 2, that the conditions just weren't reunited for their involvement on the side of the allies. then my call today as president of friends would probably be issuing his official statements in german. so zalinski, not even a year ago, was cheering and fist pumping. a real world war 2 era ukrainian nazi who fought
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against the western allies. and the soviets, in the 2nd world war, he did that when he was visiting the canadian parliament. and this guy was a guest of honor. and now he's in france, tearing for the side that defeated the nazis sounds a little bit confused there. the other controversy here in france is that this year's d day falls just a few days before frank goes to the polls to vote for it's european parliament representatives and on friday, which is the last day that the french parliament sits before that vote. maxwell has cleared the agenda for zalinski to do as usual routine in front of parliament at a time when french politicians say that they'd rather focus on the european union. which quick reminder here you frame isn't even a part of. now, some political leaders are upset that they weren't even consulted before my college just decided to lex lensky makes the last minutes of pre election debate all about him. it'll be interesting to see how many actually end up showing up for it. but
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one thing's for sure. the grim scenes of average ukrainians back home undergoing forced mobilization probably won't be brought up in french parliament with zalinski there. but that hasn't stopped some leading political voices from the voting it elsewhere. a terrible video of a kid not being in the middle of the street for mobilization of force, the euro atlantic determination to continue this war by arming and finance and you cream will lead to the complete sacrifice of ukrainian people. it's a crime we need peace, quickly. let's stop sending weapons and money to ukraine. stories filtering out in the ukrainian media and on social media about people allegedly being sent to recruitment centers and ending up being injured there and some cases fatally. with resulting in some protest action is going to be drowned out here buys, with these attempt to elevate what's essentially a toddler tantrum to the level of statesmanship in front of
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a bunch of french lawmakers. so why would not home be ok with all of that? well, there's been a lot of talk lately here about him wanting to send french trainers to frame sounds . nice like are going to help you for any of those who are shoved into advance while waiting in line for a profit. so, you know, at the level of starbucks to train and to feed the russians on the battlefield by prospecting their goblet, squats. and barbell thrusters from the french president, mutual stuff, posies, former advisor, all he gay knew knows exactly what instructors mean. who should they come on? come on, see the youth number. do you remember how the vietnam war started for the american? this would be it all started with the fact that they sent instructors. we're playing with fire using the argument that when we send defensive weapons to say nothing happened then times nothing happened again to the flames. nothing's happened to him if i don't think we allow that attack on russian surgeries, nothing was happens. i see the problem with the red lines is that we don't know which one will be the line. so i think it's dangerous also from the south because
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these party, they say, yeah, from a french and p, p. f, lose points out there that for the past couple of years, not causing mouth has been writing checks that he's behind just can't cash when it comes to brain. daniel also said that he was, it's fine for the president to authorize the troops on specific missions, like, for example, a hostage rescue. but if this a gym teacher roost is going to drag france into a war which it risk doing then that it should be a national debate. i'm a vote on it. so if you design makes it younger, mostly it's being 2 and a half years since this was started 2 and a half years that we've been talking about war economy 2 and a half years that we've been talking about making shelves wherever they need to, wherever the new width and some guess where is the reorganization of the all me to deal with this. we're being told that we must go and engage in this war with walt. yeah, and french politicians aren't the only ones who don't think that black hole has any
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idea of what he's actually doing. you know about your teeth. i don't want the children of already older children of actually to be sent to died and fights in new cray. no, i don't want to tell him weapons to pull him and kill in russia easily is not at war against any one. okay. therefore, let's leave it to macro on to talk about this. but i'm telling him as if he were here to night micro macro. and are you want to go to water and put on your helmet and put on your best and go to ukraine for don't for the telly and we're going to let you know, my daughter doesn't sound like some a tele and or french officials have very much confidence in nicole's strategic ambiguity strategy of hey, maybe jim trainers are going to teach some spinning classes or maybe they'll just be doing upright rows on french caesar howard servers and in the general direction of russia. while china has called for more constructive, global voices. and the ukranian conflict as bathing has it now the wouldn't be
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attending the upcoming swiss p summit because russia wouldn't be represented. it's offering its own solution to de escalate. federal can do was need some old pallets, positive and constructive voices on the crate and crisis to that. and china and brazil jointly issued a 6 point consensus on a political settlement on the ukraine crisis. defend stressing the need to abide by the 3 principles of neat escalation of the situation. and so please include no spillers it from the battlefield, no escalation of the complex no provocation by relevant policies. the coal from basie and columns ahead of the so called peace summits that will take place in switzerland. it's way as government has invited more than the 160 countries. but china is refusing to attend, saying that the summit won't be able to facilitate the piece as russia, he's not on the list. nato secretary general has cold meetings, decision the quote regrettable while the grain has long wished to
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join the to even the supplement and the conflict wouldn't be a ticket for key at the joining the west. the block and lots of quoting to london is the last case, biggest doda joe biden. how about the us presidents as americans support will continue in the form of a ship loads of weapons. so what is the end game though in ukraine, and what this piece look like? that piece looks like making sure russia never, never, never, never occupies ukraine. that's what piece looks like. and it doesn't mean nato, they are positive nato. they means we have a relationship with them like we do with other countries where we supply when put and so they can defend themselves in the future. not for more on this less cross live to the vice chairman that based on the hi center for international studies vice chairman and the funder vall died club experts now. so one definitely is good to have you join me right now. now the lasers fridays. thank you. the lakers
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chinese coal says more ballast and constructive voice is needed to and the ukranian conflict as they things not attending the upcoming be somebody in switzerland. but here thing, these comments are directed of how the conference is being organized. specifically, the 5, the russia is not included as well. as i said a couple of days ago that the, the was try was russia not being represented at this summit. this is not a possible a venue with the right of participants to talk about peaks actually. uh so uh, it's quite doubtful how the results of such a meeting is going to uh to, to, to, to you out. but i think china has made itself very clear to the rest of the world and to all the parties concerned that a piece, polk needs to have all the parties concerned to be sitting
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at the same table. and also at this 6 point, the a consensus that is being tabled by china and i believe together, where's the brazil has been presented to all the positives already? and i think it's up to everybody to, to agree whether they say is the time or when is the time that they are all prepared to sit down and pull. but here is something that i want to take this opportunity to stress. it's actually high time that the politicians of some of the western countries, or particularly countries of nato that are supplying with others to ukraine at the moment to think and to reflect on what.


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