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tv   Documentary  RT  June 5, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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political developments inside the country inside germany, i would like to go back to what i've said before. the city alternative for germany is should i suspect it having some new and down see approach to ideas promoting some new nancy ideas to diffusion. set the issue and the fact that people who say lots of committees collaborated with the nazi regime and you train some healthy to not see these things. i mean that's what we call double standards, both in domestic policies and in for in this area. so we are going to cooperate with everyone who wants to work with russia, but if you scale to, as for the political assessments of the situation inside germany, we're not going to do that. we're not going to review the political situation in germany. it's up to the authorities, it's up to the constitutional court inside germany to me. but i have already
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cited an example of hitler. these points those who are using you probably just get serious difficulties. non political means in political struggle. they are not going to achieve any accomplish and you get results of the stools up with me, maybe knowledge that the west point listening the media. well, every passion about you that painting you as a villain, but they do, there are, and that has to be the big change. you know, what about this picture? as uh, does mister best offer to show know you uh, if he does not my don't see these images. this picture probably is trying to save myself from coz i'm renting my mode. but i know from time to time when the situation, when the relations between our account for using reward or trend is good ground sour, they're trying to fried common people, ordinary people with these paths. so i have no time to dallas into
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these kind of propaganda. looking into this propaganda material, as i put cert, see to she needs some work on on the substance of our relations on something substantive or some, you know, what i mean as we should we, by the way of our current partners, potential partners, former partners to try to develop normal relations that wouldn't, wouldn't help us to accomplish our national development co scroll misplaced was able to see me at the see a see me unless you're calling on behalf of cost agency. and on behalf of our colleagues, patients, do you go down on the line? go down. oh, yes, i would like to say we're leaving here. we're traveling here is whether it was uh it was, it was that was your task. you were not afraid to travel here. i would like to thank you for the transmitted here showing to what's happening in russia. what's
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happening with our relations with the other account trees in these very difficult situation. what some of the, let's not to go back. why much each happening where everyone understands we did is pretty relate to that, but thank you for showing this interest. so i'd like to express gratitude. i hope that you will be as impartially as possible and objective as possible. so initially, so it's a full feeling, your mission carrying out your job is to steal. you will try to do it in the dish to unless you correct ways that you wish i will hopefully face meeting around and then at the store and your work in the future will be directed to actually certainly be able to start a new employee. and he's splits immediately to them to just to be here to civilizing our biological relation. what's in the global situation as well. that
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would be direct at a sapling, the cries, there's not an escalating for it just for bating this price. it's thank you very much. all the best. well, that was there was an incredibly frank conversation from president page and we've joined lists at st. petersburg. has the economic storm that was to bring you, what are the main things that block made pitching? talks about. he said that most go may think about sending weapons to regions around the world, close to what is being supplied to from you from to crane to tack russia. the president, i did that strikes against the russian federation that involve weston countries would mean that direct involvement in the world. i'm the risk of retaliation. let's just have a listening to what he said exactly. we make you want to, we thinking that if someone believes is possible to supply such weapons,
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to bull's eye, in order to strike out territory and create problems for us, then why do we not have the right to supply all weapons of the same 12th to those regions of the world where they will be strikes on the sensitive facilities of those countries that did during this, against russia. so the response could be a symmetric or we will think about this. and of course, such actions will find the destroy international relations and undermine international security. ultimately, if we see these countries being drawn into a war against us, and this is bad, direct participation in a war against russia, then we reserve the right to act and to say, wait on an old list is a pop to very serious problems. well that's bringing on correspond don't quote that who is live and joins us not from st. petersburg. don't shoot them out to pick street. we some 3 hours of questions analysis really present, pete, and just talking about everything possible. took us through the details from that
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press conference that involved really see with the russian president vladimir putin . but i think it's safe to say that some of the main things that the russian president cover a cupboard had to do with the ukraine conflict. so vladimir putin said that he had already told president joe biden of the united states that you can come to an wish to see me. let me bump beauty shit though. most say been said which it should be. so it's a rush. so that's a new mission that on that it should still to feet on. so you can let me just give me a conference that went on for around 3 hours. he said that the russian military operation doesn't violate international law because of the fact that do that. the people's republic says, look on skim, done yet skip the time this had the right their own rights of self determination and rush, i had the right to recognize their self determination as well. and so there was no sort of violation of international law, and it was clear and that russia got involved in the actual conflict when it became
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clear that the west was not serious about abiding by the ministry agreements that were sent that were supposed to establish a ceasefire in what was in the don boss conflict, 8 years of ukrainian military. the printing military lead by a neil fastest regime, terrorizing, the russian people of dunbar and russia, entered to put a stop to that and to defend the people blue ground scan done yet scanned the rest . the present also said that really the support that the west is giving to ukraine in terms of military support, is not even about. it's an inform you said, and what do you need or anything like that. it's really to defend the interest of the united states itself. the, to see of to no one in the us is interested in ukraine. the interested in the greatness of the united states, which is fighting,
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not for new crane and not for the ukrainian people vote for his greatness and for its leadership and the wells. and they know case that they want to allow any kind of success for russia precisely because they believe that in this case, the leadership of the us would be damaged. that's the gist of what america is doing and use that us. now this ties into other very important points that russian president vladimir putin made during this press conference. the fact that ukrainian to russian casualties are at a position where they're at 5 to one. so for every 5, for every one russian soldiers killed in this conflict, you 5 ukrainian soldiers are killed. the russian present also said that that means $50000.00 ukranian soldiers are dying on the battlefield. as a result of the west, some more in ukraine that resulted from the sponsoring of the euro. my don qu, dates on 201450000 ukrainian soldiers are dying a month as a result of this war. and as a way to stop the ukraine conflict,
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according to the russian president, is to stop the never ending slow of western weapons into the ukraine conflict. this is something that the russian presence said that when russians 1st saw western trains on the battlefield and ukraine, this was something that really shocked them. it was, it was a clear escalation in the conflict. and this is why the rest and present also said that with the western powers. now saying that the ukraine should be able to use western weapons to strike deep within russian territory. that's a serious escalation. that means open confrontation, that the west is waging on russia and another thing that needs to be done in terms of the peace process, a lot of air pollutants that is okay, is that the west has to stop getting in the way of the peace process because after all, the peace talks were held between russia and ukraine back in 2022. and according to the rest and president, i myself was there at the assembled fox. the ukrainians were ready to sign a peace agreement with the russians. and what happened was that the,
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the then prime minister of u. k 4 is johnson. i entered into the equation and convinced ukrainians not to sign that document. this is, this is the kind of, this is a kind of stands that needs to stop for peace to actually enter into the ukraine conflict equation according to preston present. vladimir proven then another thing that i put in mentioned was the fact that the us has policies towards the european union, specifically towards germany in terms of um, basically pressuring them into continuing military support to ukraine. this is actually hurting relations between germany and russia. and it's hurting the german economy, which the russian president said was basically the flagship economy of the european union. meaning that the german economy, if it goes up or down the european economy as a whole, is going to go with it. this is something that the russian president said was a self defeating policy, that the united states is imposing upon europe. and he also said, i mean, so it's
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a wrap up basically the main points of what to put and a had to say about ukraine conflict and everything i just mentioned is that russia has no imperial ambitions when it comes to the ukraine slot conflict in terms of what the west is doing. i mean, it looks like that the, that's where the real imperial ambitions live. because the, the west is the one that's pressuring the world to get with its own program, its anti russian program, and to have a multi polarity program. and this is what you know for them slide the st. petersburg international economic forum are intended to oppose cooperation within the multiple world based so on when, when cooperation, mutual respect something that caught in the rest and present the wes just does not like done thanks very much. school jones, thanks very much for taking us through that. that so t's don't coulter in st. petersburg for the
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life me. a painting was speaking on the mountains old, the st. petersburg, economic for and from that we heard from daniel, who goes sent us of the asian youth organization in the philippines, who said the next generations will play an important role in the emerging multi polar wealth. and now we have multiple worlds. we have to move a line, so use programs, these organizations have to create programs to circumvent the for the rising world . so we have programs to for peace education because we have to teach to use what's happening around us. and it's not all taught in schools. so we should be fair with everyone like reading programs like this for them and more forms in the future. so for us, any they use or not as far as does, we think they are, they are more open minded to put it nicely. so we're hedging in the sector without a multifaceted approach when it comes to view of while i think,
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so we're way different from what's happening on the ground and from investments. now besides a youth sector, use exchange as we're doing see to the city for the city like london foster and civil manila in moscow and many more. so right now i can, we all do a simple government here. partnering up with us would be just the government, so we should go to the local level other than the national level to do such a partnerships through education, medicine and many more sectors. so we're trying to make programs within audience and not using the philippines to create and dialogue for peace and cooperation in russia. i mean, china, i was all the partners let's head to israel not because tensions are running high in east jerusalem between israelis and local palestinians, the 3rd holier site and is letting me out. ok, so most has been stormed by. is really sad to us. now it came during a provocative parade that celebrates as well as kept, you know,
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keep patient of east jerusalem, and it's who the science and the 1967 will autism, at least virtually familia, from ocean before it's, well, i am in front of the mass coast gay tel leading to jerusalem. all cities, mostly water, where a big number all is really the whole. the national flags have just arrived, celebrating what they called jerusalem day. and the thousands of israeli police forces have been deployed inside the own city and outside many roads leading to this place have been pauses all to avoid flashes and police is needed to provide security. and even journalists have been separated from the mob by the offense. so we cannot go any closer, but we can clearly hear them tongue thing and is thinking so what is actually happening well today as well?
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mark, 57 years since the part of jerusalem i am currently in the eastern wand has unified with the west. well, this is how as well looks at it's celebrating jerusalem day annually with the parade, while many believe this is a provocative and controversial celebration. as it's more of israel's capture and occupational piece, jerusalem, and it's wholly sites in the 1967 more, a move that is not internationally recognized. thousands of israelis hearing the national flag, the current li marching here to the mosque who's gauge. and again, some of them already near the entrance leading to the old to the new going porter to continue through the area predominantly populated by arabs, uncool manuals them. of course, this parade is like a red rag before the move a sieve is celebration illegitimate. as nationalist, the main parade hasn't reached the old city yet, but things indeed started going up in the old city. already classes broke out between jews and arabs as residents of arab florida raised themselves for the ride
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. when flag march reports say that an arab journalist was her ross there by geor settlers while he was hovering the event. the full dates we receive apparently shows the moment when do is youngsters notes the journalist phone out of his hands and sounds of a fighting follow. we also receive a v do was really settlers before main at provocative dance. traditional for jerusalem dates inside the old city again in front of the arab population. there. so it is getting hard again, thousands of police forces have been deployed here and they will try to provide provide security every year. jerusalem die witnesses, flashes between jews and arabs. and it is different, busy, or of course has like 57 years ago, is ro is as more again, an arabs strongly opposes israel's military offensive in the gases 3, which gives an extra reason for
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n good intentions. call them and so forth. is i here again as it may go. why. c is any moments earlier? israel's national security administer known for his extreme right wing use tend to strongly n 2. probably seen an agenda threatened to storm the old cities. ok, so most this 3rd whole is place for every move. when you're in this jerusalem day celebrations, we need to heat them in the most important place for them. every year they said that it was not appropriate and it was not the time, but the opposite is true. if we give ground to them, we get and october 7th, we will march through the damascus gate and rise to the alexa mosque no matter what they think. and despite their anger, how much has already announced this wednesday had day of rage and cold on palestinians in the roof, sort of and the west bank to confront his railings. we also have rolled out a protective gear here in anticipation of clashes. meanwhile, several kilometers way from here, they will soon start
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a different type of protest of gathering. thousands are expected in tel aviv 2 demands the government to bring 124 hostages back home. now, it seems that a deal between israel and her mas as close to them before or last fridays. you remember president joe biden and build a 3 stage plan according to which israel would be able to return its hostages. it in return to a cease fire pull out of it serves from gaza and the reconstruction of the street at a 2nd stage of this plan that will be all that it is expected that there will be a permanency spice of the end of the war with men in these will don't believe this will actually happen last and i was there earlier on wednesday that welcomes the proposal, promising deceased bar and the end of the fight in the guise of sleep. and that is now wait for israel's response. had we all are waiting to say by prime minister has made his best public address assistance. he was seriously wounded in
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and assess the nation to attend just last month. well, but pete, so has claimed that the reason he was talking to is because no one is allowed to have different views in europe anymore. i thought that means it was not the sub 0 to i thought it was completely situation in the relations between my political representation and putting this in the un, nato escalated off to the russian attack on ukraine. when we refuse to provide you credit with any military aid from state stocks except for humanitarian aid and where we continue to fundamentally prefer peace to war, it is precisely the conflict in ukraine that the human nature has elevated, even more literary, sanctified the concept of the single correct opinion, namely that the will in ukraine must continue at any cost in order to weaken the russian federation. anyone who does not identify with a single mandatory opinion is immediately labeled as a russian agent and politically marginalized internationally. it is a cru observation, but the right to
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a different opinion has ceased to exist in the problem. let's discuss this now with all these women costs that i have, who joins me in the state. you roman, you just heard what feet. so how to say that, i mean, he's not holding back about his thoughts on this, but this is obviously the 1st time we've heard him speak since not fails, assassination. the person who attempted to kill him was a huge supporter of ukraine. and i'm happy about the way that the government in slovakia said they didn't want to send any more munitions to ukraine. i'm what else did we have from bropa feet so? well, 1st of all, robert, since i've got to say that's uh for a man who is nearly killed less than a month ago, he looks absolutely fantastic and very healthy evolution like you've got a command in language as well, but the language and as well as the speech so oh, thankfully the perpetrator in that case was that not successful. just reminder on the 15th of may, the seventy's one year olds you reach into a slovak,
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a local shots, the rubber fits of several times in his torso. and the man was on the verge of death. basically, she was a rushed to hospital. we also that footage of helicopters of cars rushing out and it was done in the plane, the daylights. and now he's been recuperating ever since in the hospital. and today a once again was sold, i'd say he's ready to fight back. he's ready to work once again and at the beginning initially we also everybody in the world of saw that you wouldn't make it, but to face the doctors and his own enters frank. probably. he's successful now. he's back in politics. i think he's pretty miraculous that he survived the shooting is such a close. quote is obviously we know who the statement was. this is that you resend to who you mention that who is admitted. she was attempting to kill
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a robot feet so, but who else to speak to believe it is perhaps behind his assassination? generally a right roller feed, so doesn't say he never hold any grudge against this guy yurch and to uh, of course, uh is he says the choice, the rubber seats. so he's at the moment, he's probably one of the only one of the very few politicians in europe who are still only in their opinion. there, he's not afraid to defend his country's interest and not fall in line with whatever you know, puppet masters are saying elsewhere. it whether in europe or across the pond. well he, he's blaming. in this particular case, he talks about for us several times. but it's always about western n, g and g o's, and of course, main screen media. that's one of the main people to blame me in this case. and of
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course, all of these put together, they're all kind of down played this assassination attempts. and of course, this is not really normal if you will just take of this about your college. it is to be expected that the anti government media for an funded political known, the governmental organizations and the opposition will begin to down play my assassination attempt. that it was only an attack by deranged persons that they would know connections between him and the opposition that the home to my health was not serious. i want to watch the anti governmental media, especially those co and by the financial structure of george soros not to go down this path and to respect. so don't need the gravity of the reasons of the attempted murder, but also the consequences of this attempt. and again, i challenge them to conduct the already known tests by robot feet. so how would the behavior have something similar happened to one of the leaders of the slow tobacco position and the attack?
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it was a person with connections to smear photoshop. well, he's certain they're right about one thing there, and this that didn't even happen says somebody else wasn't sol, throw their own country instead of you know, somebody else. of course this would have been this. so would have been otherwise a lot more then the attention that it got in this case when robert. so if it's so was almost assassinated. yeah it's, it's really interesting because this is a man who has no toe, the line when it comes won't brussels won't pops, won't be us, wants as well. he was elected back into september of last year and he came into power on a platform that was, i'm pro slovak. i know a russian stooge, which is what he's been accused of. what i want is the will just don't, but i don't want my nation to take part in. it does a talk about this, but will, of course, this is not just outwards, and it's not just our speculation in this case, the visas. uh, this is what's brought this lot of a special criminal court said, and at the hearing of this,
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the failing section to this case. they said that one of the reasons behind this attack and is the court saying that the german is not somebody else speculating? it was the reason behind the attack was brought to slumbers decision not to send weapons to ukraine or of help ukraine then the over with this is ongoing conflict. so was russia. and the court also said that the suspect showed that general resentment said towards russia towards the government that didn't want to help ukraine. who as also remember that perhaps this 7 to one year old man, june, july who's now being tried for this nation attempt. well, can, has say he does not brain worst or anything like that. what his wife was ukrainian is ukrainian rather. and that he's been very, very vocal in the criticize and his government and not helping out ukraine. you know. but if you could have gone to a g of in the fight there,
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but he decided to kill for somebody else. somebody in his government a cool position. he does so as an old physician leader, i was accused 4 times without any reason being given for my political activities. for 3 years we have been drawing the ease attention to the situation in the back. yeah, yes, not a single word of criticism was offset regarding the quality of the rule of law in slovakia and the antics of the government in abusing the postal code to eliminate the opposition. no one, neither in the you know, from the representatives of the individual lodge western democracies. even aust, about the depths of the lawyer. i agree, but jenco for general lou can escape and about the demonstrably manipulated criminal proceedings. for large democracies, it was much more important than the rule of law to have political forces available in slovakia that will end all ready to do anything for the benefits of foreign interest even if it is in direct contradiction to slip back is national interest.
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while it seems to be a common sense, a leader of the country is protecting his country's national interest ahead of anybody else. indeed, but that's always the notes in the grace aging with him, with those in the e. u at the moment roman customer. thank you very much for joining us. take us through that. well, that's it from us with a so i'll, we'll be back at the top of the next hour. so just send a couple of minutes with all of the needs that you need to know, hey, on, on the international the
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move, when i would show the wrong just to save house because the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for common ground. the we're told you as president joe biden does not want to stand off with russia over ukraine to trigger a global war. the evidence suggest just the opposite. nato now uses you praying to attack russia, have no doubts. russia will respond the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, if someone believes is possible to supply such weapons to, of,
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was i in order to strike od territory and create problems for us. then why do we not have the right to supply all weapons of the same 12th 2 days, regions of the world where they will be strikes on the sensitive facilities of those countries that did during this a case, russia gladly appeared soon, says little sco will consider sending it weapons to regions around the world. but um, is it being sent from to a rough shop pension, toiling jerusalem is, is where the simplest on the revision i likes the most, comes and made up for voltages parade, walking, as well as kept to locate patient in east jerusalem. and it totally sites in the


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