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tv   News  RT  June 5, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the, if someone believes is possible to supply such weapons to both sides in order to strike our territory and create problems for us. then why do we not have the right to supply all weapons of the same 12th to those regions of the world where they will be strikes on the sensitive facilities of those countries that did during this, against russia? plug me a painting says most of the will consider sending its weapons to regions around the world. we're almost all being sent from tech, russia tension boiling, jerusalem is waiting settlers to me. the reviews our acts, the mosque. it comes and made a provocative parade. walking as well as cap chair and occupation of east jerusalem
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and it totally sites in the 1967 move. also ahead is that the west is still playing 0. some games is still con. comprehend the idea of eco cooperation. it is still sick with the bus city of colonialism, neo colonialism, russel top, they pretty much set up a law. prof takes a swipe between us frequency of africa and other parts of the world. he made his remarks during his 1st type of visit cubic. he moved fast, and anyone who does not identify with a single mandatory opinion is immediately labeled as a russian agent politically marginalized internationally. it is a cruel hopes of ation, but the right to a different opinion has ceased to exist and the vice prime minister makes his 1st public address of paying this explanation to attend, suggesting his views made him a target. the
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. this is the international within the is out over top stories from across the globe, but you need to know we're going to salt low. we have some breaking news coming out of st. petersburg. this is where president vladimir putin says most go, we'll consider sending weapons around the will to regions where you create is getting arms from destroy russian territory. the president added that strikes the gates, the russian federation with what spin countries are involved in would mean that direct involvement in moscow reserves the right to retaliate make you want to we thinking that if someone believes is possible to supply such weapons to avoid. so in order to strike out territory and create problems for us, then why do we not have the right to supply all weapons of the same 12th 2 days regions of the world where they will be strikes on the sites, the facilities of those countries that did during this, against russia. so the response could be
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a symmetric. we will think about this band of coal. such actions will find the destroy international relations and undermine international security. ultimately, if we see these countries being drawn into a war against us, and this is bad, direct participation in a war against russia, then we reserve the right to act. and the say way or the know this is a path to very serious problems. in this press conference with the russian president vladimir putin, answering the questions of journalists from all around the world. so they went on for over 3 hours. there was a really extensive press conference and he went over a number of topics, but i think it goes without saying that one of the main themes had to do with the brain conflict. and this is something in which put and said that he had addressed president joe biden of the united states directly saying that the western weapon shipments to ukraine has to stop if there's actually going to be peace flooding or putting said that this war can end in the next 2 or 3 months,
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if these weapons shipments just come to a halt. but the west unfortunately, is unwilling to do that. because after all, something else, the russian president vladimir putin said was that this war was not started by russia. and it did not even start with the russian military operation. this military operation was something that the russian president said was not in violation of international law because the people's republic subs lugens can then yes for, well we're in there, it within their rights to declare their sovereignty. and the russian federation was well within its rights to recognize that sovereignty, especially after the fact that russia recognized that the western powers and the key, i presume we're not going to abide by the men's protocols that were supposed to establish a ceasefire in the don boss. conflict as it was then known, but unfortunately, hostilities as a result of the key, everything's actions continued for 8 years. up until russia decided to launch this
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military operation at defend the russian. people of the don boss region being the now russian territories of low guns and on yet scant. this is also connected to something else. the russian president said in terms of how western support ukraine is not even about ukrainians, defending some sort of idea of freedom or democracy it's. it's really about defending the geo political interest. so the united states, a grain of the single throw, no one in the us, is interested in ukraine. the interested in the greatness of the united states, which is fighting not for new crane and not for the ukrainian people vote for his greatness and for its leadership and the wealth. and they know case that they want to allow any kind of success for russia. precisely because they believe that in this case, the leadership of the us would be damaged. that's the gist of what america is doing . instead of this ties into the casualty city, a 6 that the russian president brought up regarding the ukraine conflict. i mean, he mentioned the fact that for every russian soldier that dies on the battlefield,
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5 ukrainian troops are killed and this translates into essentially $5000.00 ukranian troops killed a month on the battlefield as a result of a war that's being sponsored by the western powers so this really goes into what the russian president vladimir putin said about the fact that it's really a war being waged by the west in which you craniums are dying for western interests . and in terms of what needs to be done for peace, to be established. the rest and present went over this as well. he said that western weapons have to stop being supplied to the queue ever theme and its military and the western powers have to stop interfering in the peace process. he specifically mentioned the fact that boris johnson, the former prime minister of the u. k, had gotten involved in peace talks that were taking place between ukraine and russia back in 2022. and he had convinced the ukrainian side to not sign a piece agreement that they've previously were willing to sign this something that the russian president vladimir putin said i could have ended the conflict back in
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20222 years ago. the on top of that, in connection to this, he also talked about a u. s. foreign policy towards europe. and how is it washington's desire to see germany specifically, continue to send weapons? due crane is hurting relations between germany and russia, and as a byproduct is hurting the, reminding me of germany, which is something that a lot of our poor and said is the flagship economy of the european union. meaning when the germany economy, the german economy, is going up or down to european economy follow suit. and this is something that uh vladimir put inside is a self defeating policy of the united states. that their anti russian policies are leading to damage to the german economy. and thereby damage the european economy on as a whole. and probably the last most important thing that we mentioned at this 3, our press conference is the fact that in this whole situation,
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russia does not have imperial ambitions. it's really the west that's pressuring the entire world, europe for the countries in the developing world as well, to get with their anti russian program. and this is why russia and other countries that are strategic partners of moscow are working to establish a multi fuller world based on mutual cooperation and mutual respect. the well well, let me pretend, spoke on the sidelines of the st. petersburg economic form, we've been hearing from the c e o of the leading ladies of africa. she says the west and the installation of russia has evoked people's interest in the nation. it is, you'll say russia is isolated, says, i mean from where i'm switching out. wonder i salute such from what i share before 10 years ago and that i share of the i so nation. so cool. i've
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been bringing a group of different young business people in the last few years. i left you alone . i came at all the news with some of them, you know, african women that i know have an interest in terms of the narrative in south africa in the minute they landed at the airport. everybody expected them to take pictures and some was. so the perception that is changing because since it we know about around my area out of she was one of the 1st at tvs to be functions. but it's amazing how social media. and then i took another group to fly to boston, which is also another. so the world of vague, in spite of the isolation, the world is more awoke. i think there's more delegation even from south africa, delegates this year, but i've ever seen. we just came from moscow where there was
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a fix women's. a lions meeting saw the isolation of what it has has actually strange enough to evoke people's curiosity about russia. well tensions happy meaning. high in east use living between these radius of palestinians. the 3rd holy a site and is long the out. ok the most. cuz been stolen by is we satellites. now this came during the provocative provides that celebrates israel's capture and occupation of east jerusalem. and it's how many sites in the 1967 rule, all tease me at least be, are chief maria function of reports. well, i am in front of the mass coast gay, tel leading to jerusalem. all cities, mostly water, where a big number all is relays holding national flag have just arrived,
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celebrating what they called jerusalem day. and the thousands of israeli police forces have been deployed inside the home and outside many roads leading to this place have been pauses all to avoid flashes and police is needed to provide security. and even journalists have been separated from the mob by the offense. so we cannot go any closer, but we can clearly hear them tongue thing and is thinking so what is actually happening well today as well? mark, 57 years since the part of jerusalem i am currently in the eastern wand has unified with the west. well, this is how as well looks at it's celebrating jerusalem day and newly with the parade, while many believe this is a provocative and controversial celebration. as it's more of israel's capture and occupational piece, jerusalem. and it's wholly sites in the 1967 war and move that is not
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internationally recognized. thousands of israelis hearing the national flag, the current li marching here through the mosque who's gauge. and again, some of them already near the entrance leading to the old to the new going porter to continue through the air. we are predominantly populated by arabs, uncool manuals them. of course, this parade is like a red rag before the move. they see the celebration illegitimate. and nationalist, the main parade hasn't reached the old city yet, but things indeed started building up in the old city. already clashes broke out between jews and arabs as residents of arab puerto race themselves for the ride. when flag march reports say that an arab journalist was her ross there by junior settlers while he was hovering the events. this postage, we receive apparently shows the moment when duration youngsters knock the journalists phone out of his hands and sounds of a fighting follow. we also receive
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a video of his really settlers before mean approval for to dance traditional for jerusalem dates inside the old city again in front of the arab population. there. so it is getting hard again, thousands of police forces have been deployed here and they will try to provide, provide security every year. jerusalem die, witnesses flashes between jews and arabs. and it is different, busy, or of course has like 57 years ago. is ro is at war again, and ara strongly opposes israel's military offensive, and the gas is 3, which gives an extra reason for n good intentions. call them and so forth. is i here again as it may go. why. 8 cause any moments earlier, israel's national security administer known for his extreme right wing use tend to strongly end. so you've probably seen an agenda threatens to storm the old. it is all ok, so most this 3rd holy a slice for every move when you're in this jerusalem day celebrations,
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we need to heat them in the most important place for them. every year they said that it was not the appropriate and it was not the time, but the opposite is true. if we give ground to them, we get an october 7th. we will march through the damascus gate and rise to the alexa mosque, no matter what they think. and despite their anger, how much has already announced this wednesday had day of rage and cold on palestinians in the roof, sort of and the west bank to confront his railings. we also have brought our protective deer here in anticipation of flashes. meanwhile, several kilometers away from here, they will soon start a different type of protests of gathering. thousands are expected in tel aviv 2 demands the government to bring 124 hostages back home. now, it seems that a deal between these on her mazda is close to then, before or last fridays. you remember president joe biden and build a 3 stage plan according to which israel would be able to return its hostages. in return to
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a cease fire pull out of its troops from gaza and the reconstruction of the street at a 2nd stage of this plan that will be all that it is expected that there will be a permanency spice of the end of the war with men in these will, don't believe this will actually happen last an hour early on wednesday that welcomes the proposal promising the cease fire and the end of the fight in the guise of sleep. and that is now ways for as well as response had we all are waiting to let's go to the whole to the palestinian own place now where and is really do own strike. his claims several lives in gauze, the city, just a warning there are disturbing images i had. well, this is a video, the captions, the 1st few moments of the, the attack dead bodies, the scene. as you can see in the video lying on the street while the wounded were taken to a nearby hospital, according to reports, an idea of try and find at least to miss of the location. to date,
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over 36500 palestinians have been killed since the stones of the is way offense in october. local media reports some suggested that there are no more operational hospitals. now in rafa the field hospital that you can see on best speed you was the last active medical facility, which is currently being moved today. i'll follow amid the conditions in gaza. it's health industry, his cold on the international community, and humanitarian organizations to deploying move facilities and medical teams to cope with the crisis as how acts of mazda as hospital is the only hospital providing health services to more than 1000000 people currently. and its clinical capacity cannot bear to receive more monitors and injuries in light of this serious aggression against the billions children and women. the numbers of wounded and patients and the hospitals,
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departments exceed the natural clinical capacity by more than 3 times what we discussed the health crisis in goals. so with the communications officer for the international committee of the red cross dissertation behind, he says that the i c r c is still providing medical services in new rafa despite the dangerous and the challenges. the message to me, the threats cross team remains and rough uh our team exist in the field hospice and that the i search the stablished last month. you continue to provide urgency needed health care services. we are also expanded our outreach to support the remaining functional hospitals and health care facilities across styles, 1000 and god. this trip we have recently just few hours ago delivered that medical shipment. that includes urgency, needed medical supplies, disposable, we called this morning for the kids and includes the materials that are used to treat use the injured people, made it, and dozens. and what, there isn't a part of the goes, i mentioned to
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a lot. so hospital which serves nearly 1000000 people in the middle. the area, the very area that has been witnessing very, extremely basic find situation we can hear explosions and understand you are all the time in different areas. i'm from all sides independent area. the same situation and rough us. i believe the main challenge is to is this through the bible out to survive. how to you know, to spend the day on the 9th and with this the next morning. 1 i mean it's, it's a 5 still a piece everywhere. 10 shillings as tries exchange of fire from, you know, independent to you from where the exist. besides the hardships of accessing 2 sufficient amounts of food for their families, for diabetes, for the 2nd patients. and also have access to clean water for both for drinking and for cleaning. i believe that they also are challenged with access to health care
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services at the need on timely basis. washington's policies towards the will guided by colonialism. this is according to russia's top diplomat speaking during his 1st step, a visit to begin a fast se said of a laptop said that in comparison most could be seeking equality and mutual benefits . when it comes to co cooperation with other nations. i mean, you can say you've got to be more with this. american still cannot get rid of the same drum of old mightiness and permit sickness and think they have the right to make claims all over the world, telling african asian latin american european countries. what to do in economics, politics and how they will cooperate with the united states, against any one team to compressed debt by washington. and they divide all foreign affairs into those to afford the united states and against the us. this is none of our consent power relations with african friends develop exclusively on the basis of mutual interest and equal treatment of the west is still playing 0 sum games. it
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still can't comprehend the idea of equal cooperation. it is still sick with all the best way of colonialism. a near colonialism that drive a 10 relations with the global majority. and these relations are still a way for them to live at the expense of all this. well, on his diplomatic tour of africa, the russian foreign minister is now in chad for the early visited the republics of guinea and congo. while he was in, but he knew fast. so he also made agreements for most go to supply military equipment to the nation with the russian military instructions also a thing local forces to combat terrorism. the most go will also invest in the mining and cultural industry. i'm the for helping humanitarian space. well, we spoke with the former assistant to new camden president who says most go, his approach is different from the west and it's helping to open doors. the, the,
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the stuff is not far from the tools you can let is that, how does modeling done no problem? we should have, the money is being done. i mean, for example, you know, get a bustle. everybody is uh, jimmy was in the ship. well the, so i know that, i mean most of it's gone, it just, just moved to it was that it, but we have been the peaceful. i see one of the method scripts has done for us. and, you know, we could have the blood saxophones. i saw a horse through the arrow, the expensive originals with the rest of the country. the bath. okay, failed. important samsung sort of self. so that's why i video time options of video done on libya for a very long time. so that the method spends before i see the united states,
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it's presented to west africa, even in new york. what are your policy? there is no, they're going to need. some of this are really still the african countries at the moment. in my opinion are us, us, we well, so let's look, i'm going fees is very cordial because the middle in the country is the most common to except why throws the government to the bus on what the road i'm going to look. but so russia is coming to, i forgot, and i, there are so many opportunities for it, but it's on the do the rush up on the what's the like is prime minister has made his 1st public address since he was shot 5 times a block to block point blank range in this estimation attempt last month will repeat so claim the reason that he was talking to it is because no one is allowed
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to have different views in europe anymore. a product that means it was not the sub 0 to output who's completely situation in the relations between my political representation. and putting this in the un, nato escalated off to the russian attack on ukraine when we refuse to provide ukraine with any military aid from state stocks except for humanitarian aid. and why we continue to fundamentally prefer peace to vote. it is precisely the conflict in ukraine that the human nature has elevated, even more literary, sanctified the concept of the single correct opinion, namely that the will in ukraine must continue at any cost in order to weaken the russian federation. anyone who does not identify with a single mandatory opinion is immediately labeled as a russian agent and politically marginalized internationally. it is a cru observation, but the right to a different opinion has ceased to exist in the year. well, 1st of all, robert, since i've got to say that's for a man who is nearly killed less than a month ago, he looks absolutely fantastic and very healthy evolution like you've got
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a command in language as well, but the language and as well as the speech so, oh, thankfully the perpetrator in that case was that not successful. just reminder on the 15th of may, the seventy's one year olds you reach into a slovak, a local shots, the rubber fits of several times in his torso. and the man was on the verge of death. basically, she was a rushed to hospital. we also have the footage of helicopters of cars rushing out and it was done in the plane, the daylights. now he's been recuperating ever since in the hospital. and today a once again was sold, i'd say he's ready to fight back. he's ready to work once again and at the beginning initially, we also everybody in the world of thought that you wouldn't make it, but said thanks to the doctors. and she is on enters frank, probably. he's successful now. he's back in policy. it's,
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i think is pretty miraculous. but he survived a shooting. it was such a close quote to is obviously we know who the statement was. this is that you resend to who you mention that who is admitted, she was attempting to kill a robot feet so, but who else to speak to believe is perhaps behind his assassination? generally a right low, low feed. so doesn't say never hold any grudge against this guy you're going to, uh, of course, uh is he says they can to the rubber seats. so he's at the moment, she's probably a one of the only one of the very few politicians in europe who are still only in their opinion. there, he's not afraid to defend his country's interest and not fall in line with whatever you know, puppet masters are saying elsewhere. it whether in europe or across the pond. well
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she, he's blaming. in this particular case, he talks about sar us several times. but it's almost about western n g and g o's, and of course, main screen media. that's one of the main people to blame in this case. and of course, all of these put together, they're all kind of down played list assessment ation attempts. and of course, this is not really normal if you will, for the sake of this remote college. it is to be expected that the anti government media for an funded political known the governmental organizations and the opposition will begin to downplay my assassination attempt. that it was only an attack by deranged post and that they would no connections between him and the opposition to the home to my health was not serious. i want to watch the anti governmental media, especially those color and by the financial structure of george soros not to go down this path and to respect. no, don't need the gravity of the reasons of the attempted murder,
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but also the consequences of this attempt to kind of get, you know, i challenge them to conduct the already known, tested by robot feet. so how would they behave if something similar happened to one of the leaders of the slow tobacco position and the attack? it was a person with connections to smear photoshop. well, he's certain they're right about one thing there and this, that to you. if it happens is somebody else wasn't sol, throw their own country instead of, you know somebody else, of course this would have been this. so would have been selling wise a lot more then the attention that it got in this case when robert. so if it's so was almost assassinated. yeah it's, it's really interesting because this is a man who has no toe, the line when it comes won't brussels won't pops, won't be us, won't. so as well. he was elected back into september of last year and he came into power on a platform that was, i'm pro slovak, i know a russian stooge, which is what he's being accused of. what i want is the want to stop,
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and i don't want my nation to take part in. it does a talk about this, but will, of course, this is not just outwards, and it's not just our speculation in this case, the visas. uh, this is what's up, i just love a special criminal court said, and at the hearing of this, the feeling section to this case. they said that one of the reasons behind this attack and is the court saying that it's not the german, this is not somebody else speculating. it was the reason behind the attack was brought to islam is just vision, not to some veterans to ukraine or of help ukraine then the over with this is ongoing conflict with the russia. and the court also said that the suspect showed general resentment and so towards russia, but towards the government that didn't want to help you crane who as also remember that perhaps this 7 to one year old man and to lie who has now been tried for this nation attempt, well, can he has say he does not brain worst or anything about what his wife was
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ukrainian is ukrainian rather. and so he's been very, very vocal in the criticize and his government and not helping out ukraine. you know. but if you could have gone to g, if and the fight there, but he decided to kill for somebody else. somebody in his government stucco position. he does so as an opposition leader, i was accused 4 times without any reason being given for my political activities. for 3 years we have been drawing the ease attention to the situation in the back. yeah, yes, not a single word of criticism was offset regarding the quality of the rule of law in slovakia and the antics of the government in abusing the postal code to eliminate the opposition. no one, neither in the you know, from the representatives of the individual lodge western democracies. even aust, about the depth of the lawyer. i agree, but change go for general lou can scale and about the demonstrably manipulated criminal proceedings. for large democracies, it was much more important than the rule of law to have political and forces
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available in slovakia that will end all ready to do anything for the benefit of foreign interest even if it is in direct contradiction to slip back is national interest. while it seems to be common sense, a leader of a country is protecting his country's national interest ahead of anybody else both learn all we've been discussing. you can always head over to our website oxy. done . com, the the


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