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tv   Documentary  RT  June 6, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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rarely, i wanted to point the following thing as a group, see welcome to regarding the flu stream that leads to the 30th to the black sea and then provide searcy with us as well as a charge stream. it provides gas in europe as well. so we have to guard source of these pipelines that go down the bottom of the black student, who is the premium armed forces are making attempts to strikes pounds and to destroy them sooner at least the ships that are guarding them or constantly being attacked. and quite recently, the latest thing that happened, i think 7 or 8 days ago, ukrainian drones made an attempt to attack, had a gas pumps and stations situated on the shore of the black sea and is pumping gas to turkey. incidentally, we'd like to point it out to you. we have a turkey, it has some cooperation with ukraine at the same time frame is trying to destroy the gas pipelines, to providing gas to turkey, which is not a joke. not an exaggeration here to drones were jammed by the russian electronic warfare troops. and they were trying to strike the gas company and stations on the
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black shores. i'm not inventing something that's here said that's what happened. please inform our friend president 31 and you know that's what's happening in reality in the ships that are guarding this gas transportation system. that is at the bottom of the black sea on constantly attacked by the drones, by the water, drones that are procured by the european countries to france incidentally. and they were attacking our bows there, guarding these 2 pipelines, issues who can throw in the who does i think we need to speak with you to be more vocal about it and to be more clear thoughts. but as for propaganda that our spanish friend complains. so much about them are not always succeeding when you come in, but that's what's really happening all the time. even with the bilateral relations . and we are developing rather successfully when we do and our trade is growing the usual. however, i'm taking a look at what's happening for some new and it seems to me that the economic part of the government of turkey recently has been focusing on receiving investments in loans, receiving's rants from the western financial reasons,
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solutions the probably is solved right and may be all right, the way you see if it will have limitations on trade and economic ties with russia has stomach cramps at the loss for the turkish economy to be greater than the game . so police we took and i think that there is such a possibility. but it's a sensitive matter. maybe it requires a separate discussion. we're just simply looking at the figures, all the macro economic indicators. they require special attention from the turkish government right now. but i don't want to go into detail on that. so i know them very well, and i'm very well read on that. i know what's happened in their protein. you as you can go to a to me when i try with with the dogs, mustang, i got those homeless stuff. thank you so much, mr. president. and you have given me a valuable mobility change due to the ask you a question right now in the far eastern region there and menu and the letters that are of concern for japan. first and foremost, that's
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a jury. tauriel disputes will shift to the 2nd military cooperation communication between russia and the north koreans about that is being spent on right now. these 2 issues that we're facing in japan as for territorial disputes, go to the doctor and the territorial issues. my question is, if all in subarus this year, you said you will absolutely travel to these 4 and disputed curious violence. do you have any specific labs and a timeline for that visit to uh send any type of data. what do you think the newsletter see? what the situation right now is that the negotiations put on hold. let me get you fits in these territories and then i will. i literally relations go b to farm to get again if you could please share what are you clouds that regard. as for russian, japanese dogs who knew somebody and there is across the street establishment during
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the time you have this special meal to operation and you say these negotiations were discontinued. and since then they sold the descendants of the former and most are you considered citizens of that of those islands. and you cannot go back to visit to the grace of sarah for a father. and some relations with japan were developing rather sustains your matter and cut out a sigh. so of course they were not many issues, especially the ones that must be guarded 16 issue, you know, relations that is peace treaty with us. the machine is relations with japan were developing in a rather sustained manner. of course, there were many issues, especially the ones that regard to the key issue in organizations. that is the
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piece for us to understand that believe so this pc could not have been seen without solving issues. it had to go with them to realize fully aware of that back in the fifty's and you and i know it very well. the soviet government decisions, i think it was done in 1956. the declaration was signed. that was to be unions is prepared to transfer to the aisles out of the chain of island. and the basis for that wasn't mentioned. the reasoning for that was sent in the sovereignty was also not mentioned in some other conditionally. possibly the payments were not mentioned, however, but the very idea of a transfer was stipulation. even that declaration for the more over it was ratified by the supreme council of the ussr. for some reason, japanese side refused to implement these agreements, pens the soviet union also de ratified that request of the japanese side. we went back to the review of these matters. there was a comp,
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flux dialogue was still taking place. now you've mentioned several issues visiting the aisles of which your russian federation believes that this is a part of the sovereign territory of russia, a ticket. so therefore, i don't see why i should shy away from disobedience one of the territories of the russian federation. number one second removed, why do we believe that it was because there were relevant documents that were signed in the united states as well by 2 delegations of the 2 countries. it was one of the results of the 2nd world war, and the results of the 2nd world war are not to be resides. it doesn't mean that there were no opportunities to increase. this is a very delicate matter. however, it's not a black and white issue. it's more complex, but we're not shy to gauge and a dialogue on this matter. sure, so. so 1st i see no grounds for me that would prevent me from visiting the aisles. but to be honest, so far, i have not had that in my plan is because currently i'm looking into other matters . but you have just said that my business there would entail difficulties in
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drafting a peace treaty, toyota, to serve. what about japan's declaration? that is joining the attempts of securing russian strategic distribution. what does that, does it cost to to a barrier in the way of negotiations? some of these training japan has joined the cause to carry out a strategic defeat against russian. do you think that is a good strategy to pursue when striving for a peace treaty? do you think might hypothetical intention to visit the ios is more serious than japan's japanese government? so the declaration of its intent to secure rushes, strategic defeats in the battlefield? i do understand that this is not your personal question. it's been dictated by the editorial policy of your news agency. certainly what i think you should ask your leadership. that question to him was more. we see that japan is biased as far as the cleaning price is, is concerned. as of now, it's just because it currently, you're know, conditions in place for russian, japan to continue their die log on please. truth letting you know,
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we do not refuse to engage in such a dialogue. but only once the requisite conditions have been created, especially from the japanese site. we're not doing anything in our bilateral relations that would complicate our dialogue with japan, not a single thing. everything that has been done has been done by japan. now moving on to russia's relations with north korea, with the dpr k can be different views in that regard. i think the dpr k has on multiple occasions demonstrated its willingness to achieve an agreement in particular with the us. and i think that's precisely this willingness that served as the impetus for the meeting between former us president donald trump and mr. kim joe, on your way to be more over the americans and the north koreans agree that the latter were not going to carry out due to their test. when there was an agreement on shutting down and due to testing site. and that had to be reciprocated by some steps by the us in the banking sector. but it was not just an agreement. if this
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agreement was implemented, what did happen as a result, you to go to the us and unilaterally violated these agreements? doing that directly and work with the teachers. so what would prevent us from developing relations with the country with which we, cheryl warner? it probably was, you know, for, and there are some things that make me ask questions. in the past, we supported some measures with regard to north korea, in particular, in the field of labor migration to us you all work in the information field. you're immersed in this material hasn't worked well versed in this field. so why did we support these measures? what about labor migrants? what kind of a threat do they? we allegedly care about the environment, some birds, and some c animal. and what about people dying of hunger or not because they are bellicose or belligerent? civilians are peaceful citizens of the country. we're talking about. we prevent them from getting the job limit their opportunities in terms of securing the job to feed their families. that's just bizarre. well, i'm is currently speaking in an abstract fashion. i am not in any relation to what
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the currently is happening. i think this is what's going to keep happening across the world if anyone is right and someone is threatening and they have to respond sort of have there been no, threatened the 1st place and then the difficulties would simply not arise. i think the new feeler issue is response to these costing threats. now, as for our relations with no, actually uh, i can tell you that we wanna pursue this relationships because they are natives. whether others like that or not. i think we looked almost 2 years ago, someone died so, but the as a preferred out that we are continuing our conversations in your statements use big website shows you. you've also spoke about sometime around succession to the trying to accomplish organizations. what else do the brakes association to meeting with you to achieve and no matter what it was, my question is as follows,
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what's your view of the future? we'll do that and you know, given the design as well as different independent countries, do you think monopoly is going to be preserved as well as the multi path as you need for the weld? my 2 children especially you know, we have spoken about that and many occasion was that i, you know, that better than any one of the ussr collapse as well as well. it was dissolved whether it was destroyed or not. that's up for speculation. but it happened. and only one superpower remained to minutes, thought it could rest on its laurels at the helm of the whole world. dictating their will to everyone in the promotional world as a complex system is developing rapidly, with new power roles emerging. one of the western european politicians and it was not meaning, i want everyone to understand that he said we will all european countries in our small countries. but not all of them have come to realize that yes,
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a look at the vision indicates development. basically, china, 1500000 people. india has probably overtaking that in terms of population. the other asian countries are developing that frequent pace in southeast asia, bangladesh, august in indonesia, and you see sure the pace of development is enormous. the population is growing. and judging by that, the trends points to a shifting development pattern and towards asia. currently, there are several processes of foot and that part of the world they're catching up in terms of economic growth. and also catching up in the standards of living. this will inevitably result in a shift in the world configuration. as of right now, it's impossible to talk about any kind of monopoly and then the monopoly is no longer there. without a doubt. the world can exist in its diversity or to if complete monopolies achieved . it's going to be terrible, just as in nature, human and politics. the world needs to be a diverse place here. i don't know whether that's a good thing for the us. i mean,
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such a monopoly that emerge, definitely collaboratively. ussr, because that required additional efforts on the part of the us just have a look at the statistics. totally. the us defense of expenditure disappear to that of all the other countries defense, the expenditure combined orders. and so you can sum up all the defense expenditures of all countries across the world is still going to be inferior to the defense expenditure of us. because loads of money are funneled into supporting form basis. very often i get the question is, how can you support the establishment of such modern web injuries, such as the gliding bottoms of the auburn guard system. the thing is, we're concentrating our financial and administrative resources in key areas where the us needs to spend a whole lot of money supporting. it's already expansive on forces across the world . and it's 4 and basis, you know, corruptions flaring. the expenses are great. i'm not accusing anyone. we've got a lot of corruption to was that there was also
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a lot of corruption in the us because a lot of money can be stored when it's allocated for supporting what's there? a lot of money, a lot of resources are fund on supporting the imperial status of the us to doesn't benefit the american citizens. and they don't think so. on the contrary, we should have pushed us down the ladder. and the ex person with us know that i may say and point that out publicly, i read them. the question is how fast is that happening? and how fast is the us going to be thrown? if they were smart people, they would read what they're experts right, and they would correct the course and then they would have stayed on the olympus for long. however, their current leadership would like to hold onto this imperial standing at any cost . and that is only detrimental to themselves. still the changes are taking place, but they're unavoidable. they're already underway. there is no unipolar world, which is any more. i think that the task for all of us, the united states, russia,
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europe, asia, and it is just that. so that we would have an understanding of all of it would not come to an extreme what our colleague from the u. k. spoke about persistence and for us to understand that and to moderate our invasion and not try to agree with each other and not to try to make someone at band in the agreements and then the world will change without possible catastrophe searches that are so scary for every one of which to em, ruth, monday. sort of the ambush them today. well, go ahead and get another question to me that the i a a issue to document. i guess he's finding public at the right considering that right now we're on considering that the us is stepping out of a nuclear deal and with 5 participants and dad deal was adopted yet. it from again. and i think all about job searches, agency or a certain body should be used, that would be more professional incompetence as to possibly is it just as
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a website, as the site is one at hand. so what do you think the situation has to do with and i do not know what from your cmc up and listen to it because i just the full garage fully executed its obligations under the well known deals that you've just mentioned. there could be no grievances against the ron in this regard to the united states, a window laterally decided to withdraw from that issue and the europeans continue to demand that iran execute fully to this obligations. well, please forgive me now, but this is some garbage and absurd. the rod did not step out from the deal with the former us president. it's donald trump decided to withdraw from the deal. and european said, oh yes, that's not quite right to us 6000, but you are radians. who observe it all to the why would they do that? well, it just sounds a little, but it's the key actor stepped out of the deal. why would around there the serving those demands as i was we asked to ron, and we try to convince,
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draw not to take any action, click sudden move. so it's not just stepped out of the deal and not to exacerbate relations with the lack of skill. well, i'm going to do this as an open secret. all reveal it to me. we're also asking the around in leadership to keep. com could you think would be even better for you to observe the agreement with luxury. but i was thinking of myself when you're my flushing it, ron observing if everyone is leaving the field. but in general, some kind of mechanism should be found that would be stable if it was still good. it's clear to everyone. today they signed the deal to tomorrow, they leave it. there it is. how can we work with task? we're always being told that trust is so important. and where is the trust here? it cannot come from nowhere. one administration left and the other came in this and all their previous obligations are thrown out the window. just like today, everyone is thinking about their own topics, and i'm thinking about mind. see, with my colleague from the united states, asked about possible agreements with ukraine. well, jet,
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so we have come to almost signing the agreement with the printer. well, at the behest of the us and the u. k. and the way it was all thrown out. and how can we agree today and how can we negotiate today? the, to the current leadership of ukraine decided not to be elected. now it's a big question. now there's article one o 3 at least printing constitution. when it says that the president is elected for 5 years, only resource article, $83.00, and the printing constitution to do an image stipulates that during the martial, often with the mandate of a parliament, this extenders as for the extension of the presidential mandates. well, nothing is said nothing of the truth. so there is a law that explains the status of commercial law. and it says that the mandate is transferred to the parliament. and the elections of the president during the martial law are not being held. and the president shall elections are not being held, which one, it doesn't mean that the results are extended. just see, it's not for the
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the acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what can i please or do you have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you it
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needs to come to the rushing state. never as tight as on the most sense community best ingles, all sense and up the in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t supposed neg, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you even closer to the
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because they already started the cps because they kept the store? i visited and then used email here, which is great if in to the urls the non c theory of racial superiority finished style. for years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration cams. so the full prisoner of war labor comes to in prisons really well, you know, thing to do is go level. she's going to be in your venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest is really to get home and i couldn't live in school. i'm assuming people's gonna sit in approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff, dudley level. if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the scenario to stuff. so again, the congress that, i mean, you know what the a man disease forced labor to which you have by the word slip on. yes. what was the
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last it, it also need you to do was to take it to you that the institute almost human off with those who put in his name portion of the 6 of the give you what you want to do to recreate the thousands of testament crimes and the impunity of criminals. so when you look on here, you know, wanted to do to speed the majority of yeah, for the good i see it are released upon the data. besides, we do discuss what if we can just keep it, but it was being yet that was put in the middle of the, of the, in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general to boot. i arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot the funding. i mean he's stuck up some issues with all the cars
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and dicks shown the list to the tent. the food i on the east, one of the most terrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. somebody, i know the question, richard dental. hey, i'm philosophy followed there. do so they put the actual most likely multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed olympic apartment for us to be the move to the young investigator in search of his own identity inbox on that you need to africa. feet traces general with eyes, blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is penny and i come from england and i've come really to find out more about the, the mission, hopefully. and the history and the region,
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the touch, the see the silver. so the somebody how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from a country whose top officials constantly complain about shortages of our munition and military equipment is literally locate in the bowie, but of boston llc or even in the, in your system with below grade level nominal facility or some of those other staff we, i'm about to look at these a little so what is the easiest on bottom of a bubble sold? well, nice to have to kind of get the stuff going on now. well, why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world? to turn this country into a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally is that they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well and if we don't
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sell but known as pineapples or any kind of children's toys, we sell women's. yes, we're also known in the world is almost dealers that we must not be ashamed of that look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're so charters at conflict with the 1st law show you alignment as a patient. we should be very careful about our professional intelligence at the point obviously is to great trust rather than fit the various job. i mean, with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the payment, the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the
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at the end of the 18th century, britain began the illegal opium frayed in china. these hard drugs causing addiction and literally destroying the human body became a gold mine for businessmen from the foggy l. b. a. however, the ruling chinese dream dynasty tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade, which provoked the wrath of the london business community. in 1840 without a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese coastal boards. the bar lee are dead. poorly trained chinese army was unable to provide adequate resistance. the jing empire was forced to hand hong, gone over to england,
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and open it sports for trading the legal good. in 1856, branch of the united states joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french troops defeated the chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery. destroyed and blundered the wealth of the un mean you one palace. the defeat of the jing dynastee and the do opium wars lead to the transformation of this. so let's deal empire into a semi colony of your, to be in state and started the age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on colossal proportions and lead to the horrible depths of millions of ordinary chinese, the,
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or the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by how of tired vision with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going on the ground? can the
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the, what is part of the, the employee would post to isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part, is it something deep, but more complex might be present? good. let's stop without cases. let's go out of the
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of the ship age and someone's elizabeth is possible to supply such weapons to ward zone in order to strike our territory. the response could be a symmetric bladder. if it warns that moscow is considering sending weapons to regions from which countries that are approved strikes on rush, so i can be hit that and also slammed the default narrative as politicians used to escalate the war. the, the new made up that washer wants to attack nato. are you completely crazy? down select the stables, came up with this. it's nonsense, you know, that's rubbish. so the prime minister makes his 1st public address after a failed assassination attempts to adjusting his views, made him a target. anyone who just knows identified with a single mandatory.


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