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tv   News  RT  June 6, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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the issue of someone believes it is possible to supply such weapons rewards only, you know, the destroying our territory. the response could be faced and metric vladimir, but warns that moscow is considering sending weapons to regents from which countries that are pretty strikes on rush. i can be hit, put and also slammed the false narratives. politicians used to escalate the war. the new made up that washer wants to attack major. are you completely crazy? that's like the stable. who came up with this? it's nonsense. you know? that's rubbish. so much. that's one of our prime minister and makes his 1st public address. after a failed attack, the nation attempts to adjusting his views, made him a target. anyone who just knows, identified with a single mandatory opinion, is immediately labeled as a russian agent and politically marginalized internationally. it is
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a critical distribution, but the right answer would the 6th, through the state of the and israel confirmed striking, are you in school and central guy killing at least 40 people and wounding dunsmore the i'm rachel ruble live in the russian capital. you're watching r t international butter hooton's as moscow will consider sending weapons to regions that will strike calves arms dealers if russian territory comes under fire and a conversation with foreign media representatives, the president added that the west involvement and strikes against the russian federation would mean his direct involvement and moscow reserves the right to to retaliate is normally a mature model. we are thinking that if someone believes it is possible to supply
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such weapons to award zones in order to strike our territory and create problems for us, then why do we not have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those we just of the world for there will be strikes of essentially the facilities of those countries that are doing this against russia. so the response could be a symmetric for cables. think about this. and of course, such actions will finally destroy international relations and onto mind international security threats to, through the ultimately, if we see those countries being drawn into a war against us, and this is their direct participation in a war against prussia, then we reserve the right to act in the same way to moment all you this is a fast, a very serious problems when a mattress and a 3 hour interview on the side lines of the some pages, but you cannot make for him. and which a variety of topics was raised. but of course, the conversation was dominated by the who in ukraine, not just gets calls is namely the west impact a crew in 2014, not just the narratives being spawn about expansionist must go,
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but also about the realities on the ground today. no one reality which blocked me through 10 is as we just have very clear eyed about, is that west is supplied long range missiles only enough to be use fights. he has to strike russian is tired tree just now. we know that this is something that is seen in the fleet debated in recent weeks by the major and politicians alike in europe and america. but it now seems fairly obvious, but in spite initial reservations, about the weaponry being used to strike cities like mosca, where i'm standing now with some pizzas, bog, the west has given the green light on tying. he attends, invest regarding a risky and dangerous move, which will probably only open the floodgates for 5, the escalation as full. the film on grant, which west and capitals are engaging in his press, a good sentence. we actually just ask you now, then you choose to do the lady. there is no need to invent anything and use these
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ideas to form an opinion about wash and harmony and anatomy image out of fresh. he's not necessarily the sort of your only harming yourself by doing so. you should be able to give you made up that washer wants to text may do. are you completely crazy unless you bounce like the stable? who came up with this seems to it's nonsense. you know, we was that's rubbish. i think we've been nonsense. so there was no glass of their own population which will help pressure will attack us soon. we must urgently harm ourselves urgently send one of us to frame we did the when. in fact, we're actually why is it being done so you need to maintain their own name, serial position of voice message when you the question open ukrainian need of the just some a st was so raise. now you probably run them by the landscape. canceled the presidential elections, which should have taken place this? yes, i think will time martial. no, but his critics say that since his home officially ended in late may, he has now unconstitutionally one in the country. but what's interesting is that
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despite this, despite the death toll of ukraine's armed forces rising daily, despite the situation for cuba on the front, watson, and stay on despite the landscape popularity plummeting and recent time from 90 percent to around $65.00, the white house continues to box the landscape to the hilt. why his, the persians take on that. what premium the easily really, we're talking about the retrieval, the losses in particular because of them the ratio is the same to east wants to about 5. i do. that's the basis on which we're operating. this, by the way, is the reason for the attempt to carry out totally mobilization and ukraine. because there are very large laws this on the battlefield. we know from the ukranian side, and this is an open secret in the us administration is insisting that the thresholds be gradually lowered from 25 to 23 people. 10 to 20 years. and then to a teacher or immediately to a team. and they don't know, because now they already requires installation of the 17 year old boy nice. and so we know this for sure. and this is
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a demand from the us administration to the ukranian liter show me, which can hardly be considered the literature officer election for council. in any case, i think that the us an administration will force the current literacy policy crane to make these decisions, to lower the mobilization h to 18 years. and then they will simply get annoyed up to the last case. right now it's june 2024. so it seems to me that it won't take a year to do all this done until the beginning of next year, and we're pushing the police. they will tolerate him some when he does everything, they will say good bye and change him. see is to the, there are several candidates here as far as i understand. and that's where the all states into the why the issue of not just the last, but ukraine as a whole, being little move in a pool for the west. cynically abused by washington, especially in the name of quite politics. could you claim that the see list of if you go into suicide? sometimes the role no one do us is interested in your brain to the board. they are interested in the greatness of the united states. she was just fighting off for
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your brain and know for the premium people, but for the greatness and evil. unfortunately, there should be in the world that i see and, and no teacher, they want to allow any kind of successful russia precisely because they believe that investigation, the leadership, both of us would be damaged for news. so. sure. that's the gist of what america is doing and use that. so those were some of the key takeaways from that pretty comprehensive interview. and definitely i know for writing, since the tough present person is under no illusion after whom russia is really fighting and how fault the west is willing to go to cling on to the global dominance that has enjoyed uninterrupted for century loose. they've done this with the, among the other topics which flattened and put and discussed with the for, and media where the relations between china and russia, the ongoing war and gaza and american affairs. we will be hearing the full conversations throughout the day right here on our t international. but 1st take a look at some of the highlights. the if the,
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if the police for the united states is burning itself from the inside, it's stable, it's political system and i must say, it is also burdening it's supposed to leadership in the sphere of democracy. so we have, this is the right at the roots. so we put in, it is obviously a small over the world that the prosecution of trump on charges that have developed based on the events that took place years ago and without direct evidence is simply the use of the judicial system in a domestic political struggle. in a direct way, but it's obvious to us in russia, but i'm sure everyone around the world, and i think so as well as the most important thing is in the united states itself, the up to the payment support decisions. mr. trump's ratings went up. i think by 6 percent, immediately this shows that the people in the us with a do not trust the judicial system, but make such decisions that you might run a claim for both in domestic policy, international policies for them. and it could all make fun with the way the thing with the current us administration is making one mistake after another. it's sometimes surprising when you look at what's going on with it, but you might, so we are looking at it from the outside. but what we have never interfered in
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their internal political process is in the united states to assume we're not going threw into for years. and that means that we will see where this life was, that there will be at which the pressures because it's the 1st thing i want to say is that of course we are a guest. there was an oldest manifestations to that, against the attacks on civilians, anywhere in any country that are different. but what is happening now in gaza, you know, in response to the well known, tell respect in these rooms does not really look like a war. this is some kind of total annihilation of the civilian population. was it? and i can only repeat the wash as official position on this matter, which we believe up. this is the results of the policy of the united states, which wonderful i see is really full listing of several months seen in the course decide full previously created tools mission for collective attempts. the result of this most difficult issue is so you, most of the political issues needs to be resolved and which one is the main one could even deal with. this is the creation of the 2 states listening as what was originally envisaged in the un decision rate. just states on this territory,
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i published any unstable to in a jewish state or so therefore we could have it pressing the key issues. i think it is hardly possible to resolve the issue on its merits. you are still going to say it's a good time to ask for china under the skilful, very professional leadership of presidents shooting, being it is developing most kind of developing at the phase necessarily for china. and we will go as for other industries and directions that have been talking about this all the time. and here i can only repeat the interaction in the international arena. is it determines another element of stability. but you don't want him to put them apart from the economy and mutual security issues and the ends, you know, we are conducting exercises and we'll do so in the future, including military exercises and make you, we are working in the field of military technical corporation. now if we have something to offer our chinese friends with education and our chinese friends, these are interested in working together in this area is through the media. well, a lot of our put and spoke with foreign journalists on the sidelines of the st. petersburg economic form. we heard from pino cover us editor in chief of busy and t
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. v and former tell in m p, who says washington's actions against russia target europe, or even with the strong propaganda that is always guided by the european union. and that these variables rest of all because they come on, people in even parts of intellect to us, are aware that to be so can be constructed only we do do relations with russia. and this is a majority of data and people that every color and science. this is reality. it's incredible how for example, in germany and didn't react to, towards the end of the north stream, uh and link. and it was made a note by russians from about to another entity. and there isn't even lots of debates in the, in germany. and this is due to the positions of the ruling classes of discounters.
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i think this is a war against the europe my, the us that to and don't care about the danger, certainly zation of europe, but the only profit of this all right, was course live now to former president of the un general assembly and former serbian foreign minister vote the arm, it's who joins us from st. petersburg. good to have you on with us at the st. petersburg, international economic form where you are now putting said russia may consider sending its weapons to countries that can use them against ukraine's backers. what do you make of that statement from the russian president? everybody was expecting the rush as reply to essentially an escalate to remove the of the western countries in the context of the work a new cream. and it's obviously now about like will be in control of the escalation
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letter in into your radical turn. so he who actually the controls, the escalation letter, is in a very strong and event official position in comparison to the other side. but in practice, what i hear is that very few escalations are safe, in a sense that they can get out of control very easily. and given the actors that are engaged in this process on 2 sides nuclear actor is, uh, i think this is a very worrying development for the international community. right. they think that the west will see this comment from the russian president as a serious warning, potentially an escalation i sincerely hope that the people start taking things that are said in
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a very serious manner. because a couple of years ago, we were in a situation where the western capital was worth taking seriously. the words spoken out of moscow, maybe this war would have not taken place at all. so i certainly hope that the reason is going to prevail, that the reasons to be worried that are going to prevail over all political considerations, domestic or international. and that we're gonna see the avoidance of this uh ask look, 3 set of moves. cuz if we don't, then god knows where to disconnect it. yes, certainly hope that is not the case. so you're joining us from the st. petersburg international economic forum. uh talk to us about the general atmosphere at the farm this year. what's it like that? well, this is my 1st time in the forum after 11 years,
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so it was very interesting for me to compare the 4 and the 2013. and before and after day, the firm is exhibit readings with dynamism and confidence. this really looks like a very, very informative and dynamic place. certainly not like a country that is under durable sanctions that are hurting its economy too badly. so my 1st impression is that best for them in the way that the things function and the conversations that one can you have. and the exhibitions and discussions in which one you can do in which one can participate showed at the same 6 against the rush. i have to do or not, did they have not done what they were supposed to do with both of you? i want to ask you about recent moves by the united nations. the general assembly
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has recently designated july 11th 70 to genocide. remember, it's say, as a former president of the un general assembly and as a sir, but what's your reaction to that resolution? it was a very unfortunate decision done by some western governments in particular to go ahead with this resolution that was essentially setting the stage for instability and escalation in the balkans. it was very clear from the beginning that this was the intention of the drafters of this resolution to steer things up and balls. we have to make things in bosnia, dangerous, again, positively with the idea of accusing the serbian side for being behind this. and unfortunately, this resolution was passed, but far from being passed in the way that the perpetrators of the resolution had
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hope for a very few countries actually voted for this resolution less than one half of the world they and voted positively for this resolution. the rest provider voted negatively or up stained from voting and the, the main, i would say, consequence of this resolution is that the reconciliation between the peoples of the balkan between various ethnic and religious groups is now further than it used to be before. now it is more difficult to imagine reconciliation, same boss here between serves and balls. next, 1st and foremost, then it was before, but perhaps this was the actual intention of the drafters of this resolution. so there you go, we gotta see what happens in the future. the serbian president, alexander, of which it's called the document,
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a highly politicized resolution. talk to us about that statement, and can you interpret it for us like, why, why is this issue? so politicize the, i can say that he was actually diplomatic when he was calling it that way. i'm sure that when could of use the much harsher language in this context, this resolution was essentially drafted without any knowledge of either bosnian serbs or a constituent element in bosnia or serbia for that matter. and it's for, for in came west to help reconciliation between serbs and should be in balls. nixon balls the money physically this was in the room or why on this case? why on this? all right, so i think we've lost our connection with some,
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with lukea or mich unfortunately. are i? but actually i believe that we books. can you hear me? this is rachel mazda. i think we've got new back. i can actually hear you. okay. i can, i can hear you. okay. are you great? great. i think you can see me. yeah, we can continue. finish your thoughts please. that would be great. oh great. well, i'm not really sure where you stand with the insurance. this resolution was meant to steer instability in the box. this resolution was politicized from the moment of conception to the moment, to through the phase of drafting all the way until the actual voting. he was misrepresented to the countries of the world as a high moral ground fix that with somehow help reconciliation between the bulk of nations. it was actually the intention of the resolution by the draft or as of the
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revel resolution. primarily countries of the west was the opposite. was the steer problems involved to provoke the bosnian serbs into doing certain things that could be used as a pretext or cost as many for the western action against balls the insurance serbia has, has been so far and it will continue doing so in the future. being a stab lising factor in the balkans, you will continue being establishing factor in the balkans despite the intentions of the parts of the international community, mainly western. going back to the forum, i know you just took part in a panel regarding perks breaks potential for energy transition. from your perspective, how effectively has the blog responded to all the western sanctions. to
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speaking about bricks is a block, is some with aspiration. certainly a group of countries and decided to work together and a number of issues at that at this moment. there are no structures of the brakes that could deal with issues like sanctions, as you mentioned, to has more to do with bilateral relations of brakes funding. members and other members of the brakes that them ended up having the effect of the sanctions. uh no being felt so much. however, in the future, i think to consider this is one of the things that i volunteered in my intervention in the panel to think about structuring institutions of the brakes. like the secretary of some sort that did that could help give them more institutionalized answers to some of those questions that you're raising.
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right, we're going to leave them its former serbian foreign minister and presidents updates your general assembly. thank you. thanks for bearing with us through some technical difficulties of the lock is department us or has made his 1st public address since he was shot 5 times at point blank range and an assassination attempt last month, robert p so claimed that the reason he was targeted is because no one's allowed to have different views in europe anymore. a, a product that means it was not the subject or 2 operators completely situation in the relations between my political representation and partners and the un, nato escalated off to the russian attack on ukraine. when we refused to provide ukraine, would they need military aid from state stocks except for humanitarian aid and where we continue to fundamentally prefer peace to a warranty or not. but it is precisely the conflict in ukraine that the human nature has elevated,
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even more luxury sanctified the concept of the single correct opinion, namely that the will in ukraine must continue at any cost, i think, in order to weaken the russian federation. if anyone who does not identify with a single mandatory opinion is immediately labeled as a russian agent to harden and politically marginalized internationally to bind. it is a cru observation, but the right to a different opinion has ceased to exist in the even the well, 1st of all, robert, since i've got to say that's for a man who is nearly killed less than a month ago, he looks absolutely fantastic. and very healthy evolution, like you've got a command in language as well, but the language and as well as the speech. so oh, thankfully the perpetrator in that case was that not successful. just reminder on the 15th of may, the seventy's one year olds you reach into a slovak, a local shot, rubber fits of several times in his torso. and the man was on the verge of death.
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basically, she was a rushed to hospital. we also the footage of helicopters of the cars rushing out and it was done in the plain uh, daylight and now he's been recuperating ever since in the hospital. and today a once again was sold. i'd say he's ready to fight back. he's ready to work once again and at the beginning initially we also everybody in the world of thought he wouldn't make it, but said thanks to the doctors and he is on enters frank, probably. he's successful now. he's back in publish it's. i think it's pretty miraculous, but he survived the shooting. it was such close quote is obviously we know who the statement was. this is you resend to who you mention that who is admitted. she was attempting to kill a robot. feet so, but who else to speak? to believe is perhaps behind his assassination. generally the rubber fits. so he's at the moment, he's probably one of the only one of the very few politicians in europe who are
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still only in their opinion. there. he's not afraid to defend his country's interest and not fall in line with whatever you know, puppet masters are saying elsewhere. it whether in europe or across the pond. well, she and he's blaming. in this particular case, he talks about sar us several times. but it's always about western and g and g o's, and of course, main screen media. that's one of the main people to blame in this case. and of course, all of these put together, they're all kind of down played, this assessment ation defense. and of course, this is not really normal for the ball check out what it is to be expected to the anti government media for an funded political known, the governmental organizations and the opposition will begin to down play my assassination attempt that it was only an attack by deranged persons that they
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would know connections between him and the opposition that the home to my health was not serious. i want to watch the anti governmental media, especially those co owned by the financial structure of george soros not to go down this path and to respect. no, don't need the gravity of the reasons of the attempted murder, but also the consequences office of the time to kind of get, you know, i challenge them to conduct the already known tests by robot feet. so how would they behave if something similar happened to one of the leaders of the slow tobacco position and the attack? it was a person with connections to smear photoshop. well, his certain they're right about one thing there and this that to give it happens to somebody else. so wasn't sol, grow their own country instead of you know somebody else, of course this would have been this. so would have been selling wise a lot more then the attention that they've got in this case when robert. so if it's so was almost assassinated. yeah, it's, it's really interesting because this is a man who has not told the line when it comes will. brussels won't pops,
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won't be us, won't so as well, he was elected back in september of last year and he came into power on a platform that was, i'm pro, slowing back. no russians to which, which is what he's being accused of. what i want is the will just don't that i don't want my nation to take part in. it does a talk about this, but will, of course, this is not just our words, and it's not just our speculation in this case, the visas. uh, this is what's the breakfast? lot of a special criminal court said, and at the hearing of this, the failing section to this case. they said that one of the reasons behind this attack and is the court saying that the german is not somebody else speculating? it was the reason behind the attack was brought to slumbers decision not to send weapons to ukraine or of help ukraine and over with this in his ongoing conflict. so was russia. and the court also said that the suspect showed general resentment towards russia. but towards the government that didn't want to help you
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create who has to also remember that perhaps this 71 year old man i can do like who's not being tried for this just nation attempt. well, can he has say he's not brain works or anything about what his wife was ukrainian is ukrainian rather. and that he's been very, very vocal in the criticize in his government and not helping out ukraine, you know. but if you could have gone to g if and the fight there, but he decided to kill for somebody else. somebody in his government stucco position. he does so has no position. lita, i was accused 4 times without any reason being given for my political activities for 3 years. we have been drawing the ease attention to the situation in the back. you get some, not a single word of criticism was upset regarding the quality of the rule of law in slovakia and the antics of the government and abusing the postal code to eliminate the opposition. no one either in the, you know, from the representatives,
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all the individual lodge western democracies. even aust, about the depth of the lawyer. i agree, but you can go for general a lu can escape and about the demonstrably manipulated criminal proceedings. for large democracies, it was much more important than the rule of law to have political and forces available in slit back. yet that will end all ready to do anything for the benefits of foreign interest. even if it is in direct contradiction to slip back is national interest. while it seems to be a common sense, a leader of the country is protecting his country's national interest ahead of anybody else. before the people were killed and dozens more wounded in an idea of striking a school in the central gauze and refugee camp of news or arch, or israel has confirmed the stray climbing the unrest school hosted a mazda militant compound, wounded children were transported to ox,
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a hospital where medics are fighting for their lives in long sizes, health ministry reports facility is running out of resources and may soon be unable to receive more patients out eximada. this hospital is the only hospital providing health services to more than 1000000 people currently. and its clinical capacity cannot bear to receive more monitors and injuries in light of this serious aggression against civilians. children and we made the numbers of wounded and patients in the hospitals departments exceed the natural clinical capacity by more than 3 times. we discussed the health crisis and gaza with the communications officer for the international committee of the red cross system a honda. he says the i c r c is still providing medical services in rossa. despite the dangers and the challenges, the domestic committee threats cross team remains and rough uh our team invest in the field hospice and that the i searched the established last month.


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