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tv   Documentary  RT  June 6, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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the, the, the, i don't want anybody ever, sanchez, this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about. but if i want you to just use the, the believe that that's a theme from ukraine. one that's repeated more and more with people being just
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taken off the streets and forced to go into the army by agents. i'm rick sanchez, get ready for a direct impact the, you know, it's kind of amazing right now to think of what's happening in ukraine. right. that, that, that the vast majority of americans simply do not know about. the vast majority of people in the western countries don't know about this. they don't know that russia is decimating the ukrainian army. they think ukraine is winning because that's what they're told. they don't know that ukraine has run out of soldiers. they think they have a bashed and ready reserve. right. they. they don't know that most ukrainians don't want to fight. they they, they, they think people watch western media think, oh no, they're fired up. right. they're not,
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they don't know that ukraine wants to bomb rushes territory and the bite and ministration is saying, go ahead. so let me start with this. let me start with the speaking of what's really going on there. this is a video that the corporate in western media is not going to show you, right. you're not going to see this on the bbc. you're not gonna see this on cnn, or fox or sky, because they don't want you to know what's really happening inside ukraine. and here it is. look at this. so we said video of a guy, the guy you can you see him there? he's like in his forties or fifties, right? he's being taken off the streets. imagine you walking down the street and somebody, some agents come and grab you, he's essentially being kidnapped by the government and conscripted into the war. but your wars are usually felt by men in their twenties. maybe their teens. the average change about ukrainian soldier is like this guy's age, this guy may be older, actually, right? it's 40 plus the average age of a ukrainian soldier right now. i mean,
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think about that. it's kind of sad to see what is happening here is this man will likely become cannon fodder on the front lines where the russian military has now taken back almost twice as much territory as the entire ukrainian counter offensive had originally gave. and so, by the way, ukraine is now trying to get a chance also on the 600000 or so ukranian men who left when the war began. these guys are living as immigrants in poland and hungary, in, in, in, in the check republics. and most of them are guess, happy they're, they don't want to join the army, they don't want to go back. but ukraine is now putting pressure on those countries . right? telling them that they have to deny those folks, their resident status or their passport status. but some of this guy, you're going to hear him tell his story. this is happening right. this guy's story is he's in charge you, he's living in chechnya. he says that they're not letting him update his passport
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or his residency papers because they want to instead direct them to some more recruitment office. let's use the most of the budget. is this a go look, let me know if we, if we you know that the cost to redo it, but yeah, you heard them right there. right. he says now i have a problem. yeah. he's got a problem. look, i don't mean to insult the guy either. i don't want to be mean about this, but does he look to you like a soldier? is a little over the hill and a little out of shape, maybe even more than me and worst of all. he doesn't want to find people want of fight can take, i mean, can you build an army like that? can you build an army with overweight, 40 and 50 year olds? you don't want to fight. maybe that's why there are stories of ukrainian soldiers
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and recruits. now, we're now switching sides and the preferring to move to russia some who are, even though fighting for russia who started as one of the ukrainian side. think of a crazy, this is because here's another video i want to show you. this also tells the story of what's really happening there. this one is older, but, but it's what happens every day in the streets and keeps. and it's an older guy who's also being grabbed right from the street. he's being taken to the front lines, but his wife comes to his defense. maybe they should send her to the front line. she's tougher. anyway, i digress. she comes out and she started fighting with the government agents or trying to take her husband away watch. and she loved it and see if they would ship on might be the lowest level of some of the to really need to go out. so we'd be able to find you. like do you need for you to know the cause i do. that's what you come up. can you, what you do is just use the body is what you want to see if you got
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the box for the brand, for so the unbelievable we're tired of your war, you're taking all the men away. i mean, they want to drag him away to the conscription office and she tries to stop them. she tells them she's tired of seeing them drag people away. she tells them that their war is stupid. she tries to fight them by grabbing back her husband's documents and eventually they take them away by the way, he will probably be trained before he is sent to the front. however, that's if we want to call that training, look at this article that just came out. this is the washington post. according to this article in walk though, not a chance that he'll be ready after he's trained the article,
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quotes ukrainian field commanders who say that because training is so deficient, they often have to devote weeks to teaching them basic skills such as how to should have done as the commander says, he gets recruits there on the front line, who don't even know the most basic things and the quote they will be on the front just to die. those are his words. they're, they're going to be on the front just to die. one soldier is also quoted in this article that i just showed you there in the washington post. he says that his training was complete. nonsense. he says he was trained without i munition is training only got 20 bullets to use for their training. and they say that is why so many ukrainians don't want to join because the training is completely inadequate for the mission. finally, listen to what the sergeant sense quote, they have me and back issues the guys they send me, meaning they will struggle to walk. but summer games are ordered to take them in any way, even though they're old and feeble. then he adds,
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there are those who immediately say i will fight. of course you try not to take them. but again, in the, in our army, he says that ukrainian army does what he's talking about. he says, so it's set up so that the personnel department tells you, according to him, no way, no way. you have to take him. he's healthy. that's what they say. he's healthy, but he's not according to the commanders who have, who are looking at the guy. can you imagine? i mean, this is what we don't hear on the news here. manila, it's almost like the bind administration is just running off the clock in ukraine, hoping nobody noticed is any of the things that we just reported before the election? no. yeah, right guys. i think your assessment is right. first, let's address the whole issue of morale within any, any fighting force, right? i'm the wife of a, a us army veteran, but we have a volunteer military. you would be amazed at how much morale can save your own life,
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let alone, you know, knowing how to fire on more than 20 rounds. i don't know what the bite administration is doing in ukraine anymore, rick. in fact, i don't think they know what they're doing there either, but i think their assessment is absolutely right that they at the very least need to keep up these appearances. but bite on himself might be flapping his lips about support. but his actions actually tell a different story, like zalinski is want to be bogus piece summit. yeah, it's already a flop before it even began biting himself is not going to attend. instead, he's sending comma harris and jake sullivan. biden is instead going to hang out with real a list actors in the way of george clooney and julia roberts, who are hosting this fundraiser for him in california, the same timeframe as this phony summit. but the videos you just showed are leaking out all over the entire webs. rick, who do you think is posting them ukrainians,
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ukrainians who are leaking them out for the world to see that these are evidence that there is a complete lack of support for this suicide. all sacrificial war. effort rec, totally lack of support there. and by the way, if you look for those videos on youtube or on american media or on the bbc or any of those, you won't find them. they won't put those there, they'll only show videos that make it look like zalinski is mother theresa. and one of the greatest men who's ever lived, it's funny, i mean it's so obviously slanted in that direction. and what i'm saying, they should just criticize soleski. but they should show both sides of the story and they don't. and we're talking about a situation which could use world war 3 year. so truth matters, by the way, i want to tell you about a group of americans that do kind of get it. i think so, a group of americans who are tired of being lied to and kept in the dark about things. and, and it's a demographic group that falls between $18.35. this is fascinating. big. these are
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the people who don't watch cnn. don't watch fox, don't watch the bbc. they get their news from alternative and independent sources. people like by kids. okay. my sons, my daughters. they don't watch any of these channels. they don't read the newspapers, but they still are just as informed as anybody else. so the study basically studies these people, young americans, and here's what they found. they found that young americans believed that their country is a dying empire. lead by really bad people. let me say that again. they believe america is a dying empire lead by really bad people. that's just the opposite of anybody who lives in this country who is over say 60, for example, who thinks were still the greatest country on earth any? let me, let me break down these numbers for you. see, those are a whopping 65 percent believe nearly all politicians are corrupt and make money from their political power. only 7 percent disagreed with that. 64 percent agreed
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with the statement that america is in decline and 51 percent. say that the political system in the united states does not work for people like them. while i was floored when i saw this middle, or how's that for a description of a us populace heading into an election? i mean, that's not a pretty picture. a well, rec, fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, be $18.00 to $35.00 demo has the lowest voter turnout historically not, of course they're, they're both can make a big difference in contested swing states. but listen. j v is probably the most inform generation this country has ever seen. they are native to the internet. what that means is that they've had the ability to be informed in a way that no other generation before them has. they get their news, like you said, from all over the place they know not to trust a single source. they grew up in
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a post 911 post edward snowden post julian assigned with the leaks world. yes, anyone the disparage has them, as you know, doesn't jaded or, or sort of disillusion groups simply aren't looking at the context of what these kids have borne witness to since they were children. so they have not only have a right to be skeptical. they have a duty, i would say to be skeptics if, if we older generations want to see this ship turned around, it's going to be up to the younger ones to do this with the knowledge that was, you know, one's only available to certain leads to do something to fix it, maybe then this country can be the country that we say that we are. so in this scenario, rick, i am with the kids on this one. yeah, me too. me too. and you know, it's a sad day when i have to say a 35 year old as a kid, but i guess i've gotten to the point of my life. i mean, no, but we're big. but think of a 22 year old kid or a 22 year old person, right?
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a mid twenty's for example. turns on the tv and watches mcconnell speaking or below . see, i mean, i'm sorry, 90 year old people who literally don't even know how to use a cellphone. and they're saying that's the guy who's my leader. of course, of course, of course they're going to be looking at that and saying this is crazy in my country is gone to health and that's what this, that's what this very legitimate. busy is finding, they think we're dying and pyre with really bad, bad people in charge. wow. what a surprise. good stuff. manila, when we come back, george slowly joins us. he's a friend of the show who has argued for years that nato has purposely prolong conflicts across the world. we're going to talk to him about what's taking place right now and ukraine, speaking of nato, don't go away and we're going to be right back to the
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the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is 3rd world lunacy re washing, press 4. so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals. what are you living on that we have very close propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're
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not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask a better the answer is will be. the joining us now is a geopolitical expert who happens to also be the author of this book, which is perfect for what we're talking about today. given that we were mentioning ukraine, bombs for peace is the name of the book, bombs for peace, meadows humanitarian war. on yugoslavia, so he was one of the 1st to introduce this to this notion that nato is not this christine institution, that we've all been told that it is. in fact, most people today would argue that why do we need male anymore? again, remind me anyway, let's talk you crane. so joe. uh, you know, i don't know, george, if you were able to see some of the videos that i just presented a little while ago. but it's, it you did. right. you did. that is crazy to think that you can't look at those
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videos and you can see that situation without thinking that ukraine, from a military standpoint, seems like it's decimated, like you can't really go its own way. i'm not saying that they're bad. people are a bad country or anything. all i'm saying is that it doesn't make sense. continue to put gasoline in a car that no longer runs. and that's what that looks like to be. yeah, that's what nato in the us seems to be telling us. we have to continue to do how stupid is that? what it is very stupid, but of course that's uh, the consequence of ukraine's not really being a sovereign state ukraine gave up its sovereignty sometime ago. and as a result, everything that happens is the consequence of nato driving a war and using ukraine as cameron, farther in its plan to inflict
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a strategic defeats on russia and ukraine, which should never of got along with this continues to do so despite the fact that it's leading to the complete destruction of its country, destruction of its populace. ever. please remember one of the reasons why the ukraine is, is in the position it's in that which is that it's a recruiting man in the forties and fifties to fight to in this war. is ukraine has been suffering a demographic decline ever since the collapse of the soviet union. it just doesn't have that many young man uh to drop off. and you know menu of kind of a live, but it basically has a real book to us. so what is it doing this, this the summation of its population? hundreds of thousands of deb, it's contributing to ukraine's having
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a really big demographic crisis for the next. i don't know, $34.00 generations unless that citizenship is replaced with proxies from france and who knows where or maybe even the united states, because we decide that we're just going to take the country over, which almost looks like what we would be doing if we decided that we were going to fight the war entirely for them because they can't find it for themselves, which, i mean, i know that sounds crazy what i just said, but if you wait between the lines of what you're hearing from nato in the united states, it almost sounds like you've got the plan. what it seems like in the plan seems to be to assume that russia will somehow capitulate the rough faced with the prospect of um, a will with nature. so we'll decide, well, we don't want to continue with down this pub. we don't want to apply to what with nature, so we will accept nato's humiliating terms. because that's what's really happening
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when, when nate so gives you grain a car belongs to use nature weapons, a long range nature where runs inside, i'd russian territory to kill russians. um, then you have to, as well, what does nato think it's doing, but that the goes but, but that goes back to them as information. think. see, that's where this gets really key, right? to believe what you just said is true, that nato somehow has to stop russia from doing what they're doing, it's etc. like putting hate to him, it doesn't matter. right? you have to accept that. somewhere along the line, clinton or russia declared a war on europe or the western side of ukraine. i've done research on this. i've looked for it everywhere. i've never heard any russian, including the russian president, say we're planning to take over ukraine, or we're planning to then move beyond ukraine and take over your i haven't heard any of that stuff. so why are we constantly told that to be true?
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because it's a big light. you're absolutely right. uh, hooton's one demo in february 2022 was uh you, you track neutrality for ukraine. uh, no. nato forces in ukraine and its um, in front of leg ukraine would get. it's tara trays back. they uh, they don't buzz back, that's bull ruptured them on. that was no, uh, uh, nato in ukraine. and that would have been in he, in accordance with the pledges ukraine, made the time of the dissolution of the soviet union. and instead of that, the massive nature of propaganda machine insist that somehow russia wants to take over your brain weren't russian wants to reconstitute the soviet union. and there isn't a scrap of evidence on a single 0 engines that suggest we want to restore the. and if you look at biden's
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reason inside the way, by the way, why would they want it? why the hell did you do it through? you don't know how difficult it was for the soviet union to run those countries. those having those countries are having to try and run those countries destroyed the soviet union. i mean is, i don't know if he's the smartest or the dumbest guy in the world, but i don't think booting is dumb enough to make that decision. that would be stupid, because then and then that the end, yes, the repeat that we have no interest in re constituting the soviet union. the only thing that we're concerned with is the lack of security on our western frontier because we, we are surrounded by need states and that is will, they will. and then the go, she ations, that means then negotiations that is done both when they came close to an agreement in april 2022. that's or ukraine was off to sign onto which was no membership, a major neutrality, and a limit to the military forces. and it was that which is which it,
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which ukraine was about to assign, but was discovered by a bar is johnson. and the bible administration, because they wanted the course and they were the ones who wants to push ukraine into nato. and they knew that the result would be a pro long the war. so they, so there is no aggression for rush or the aggression is all coming from wes, from data. there are reports and you know, as we've seen in interviews with boot and then i believe him when, when they originally came to him and said, let's do a deal. let's go ahead and see if we can figure out a way to end this thing. and he, great, he said, yeah, i'm willing to sit down and do this. and i think the lensky was willing to do it as well. it was the outside pressure from the brits, and from the us and from nato. that convinced zalinski not to do a deal at the time, and it really has worked against them because correct me if i'm wrong, they've done the deal back then a year and a half ago. i think when that thing was 1st offered, they would have lost
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a little bit of land since then they lost a hell of a lot more the most cost and, and that's what they did. the whole thing was uh, was about and all the, all the ukrainians who took part in those negotiations said we couldn't believe it . we couldn't believe how good this deal was. it was a very good deal when you great wasn't even a great deal for russia. russian was like, you're giving up where did order to get to get that deal was that we were ready ready to crack open the champagne. you know, we have to shift a that the, you know, the regular, we got the documents, we look at, you know, we couldn't believe we'd go such a great deal and it was johnson, it flew in to you and it's also landscape. it doesn't matter whether you sign or not, we in nature, i'm not going to accept it. so forget about it. and that was it. and that company, and, you know, you mentioned my uh, my book and it was exactly the same thing that they pull the stop they bought in 1992, the guaranteed war in bosnia and herzegovina. there was
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a peace agreement. everybody had signed on. and the american so when to go so know i, let's go there because we're down to 2 minutes and i want to learn what you know about late old nato that we don't so is made, oh, really just an economic body. now are they just there to sell and trade weapons and create enterprises so corrupt people could make money and these businesses because what, what, what else do they do going, you know, they to isn't making isn't to, it's secure us global hedge. and many of the, the making is and is this continually expansion? probably it is, it wasn't, it wasn't going to stop with the ukraine. but the goal isn't to move on to georgia, then to armenia as a by john into a central asia. so as to create an entire arc of nato from, uh, you know, essentially from lisbon through to bloody well. so basically to uh,
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the surround russia and china with false style sites. but as that's the need to agenda, it has no other purpose other than essentially it's a rule making machine because when you surround the other powers with all the stage where your guarantee will, you know, because they're not going to put up with it indefinitely. yeah. they're supposed to be defensive, they're supposed to be there to protect. but, and actually in actuality, it seems like from your writing and your research, that the experiences we've seen in the last 20 years is that they have been off that since. and right now we see more offensive than we've seen in the past. george are a pleasure to talk to. thank you so much for taking time to take us through this. okay. thank you so much, rick. that's our show. remember, always to look outside your own boxes. truths don't live in boxes, that's what we believe i'm rick sanchez and we'll be looking for you again. right here. next time. all the
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most interesting to me. right. so see what, what was the route that was correct there. so some of this, so basically of course we need, the last thing was these read those can, will be used for that we have some more more or should we move this? we would show new people to the, the
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the as they already started the cps because they kept the store for ideas and then use familiar email. you're just going to offend them to the rules. the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of creating an ssl, all the place and 14 concentration comes to the full prisoner of war. labor comes 10. prisons really well, you know, think she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest is really to get all the fields going to send me the bills,
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gonna send me an approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go finish camps according to official fee goes this move stuff dudley level it's a shifted utility and i give you an idea. i'm not sure it's just the snider stuff. so the youngest that, i mean, you know what the firm in disease forced labor to achieve by the word. so formulas. what was the last thing it also need you to do was to take it to you that, that it's the tivo moves the human off with those who put his name, push these things up, the give you what you want to do it because he does it to those thousands of test, a massive crimes in the impunity of criminals. so when you look on here, you know, wanted to do to speed learning a good idea of what a good i see it or what do you want me to discuss with you? please don't keep the potatoes. danielle was booked at the middle of the as
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the should lead if someone believes, if it's possible to supply such weapons, to a war zone, you know that to strike our territory. the response could be a symmetric, the post, and what was the most go with considering the flowing weapons to regions within striking distance of countries that have proved targeting russia, who's in also salons before the narratives politicians use to escalate the ukraine conflict. this 40 minutes of action low nato brings natal closer to the more than ever before and not the exclusive, the hon gary and farm. and a stress is that it's country will never participate in actions that would escalate the conflicts while you quite a bit to join. nato only brings the blog closest.


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