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tv   News  RT  June 6, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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the, the states forwarded in that direction of nato, brings natal closer to the ward, another before, and then not a exclusively hungarian farm and as to stresses of his country will never participate in actions that would escalate the conflicts. while you find fit to join nato, he pointed to the, to the close, it should lead to someone's the leaves. it is possible to supply such with the words that in order to strike our territory, the response could be a symmetric. there we go with considering deploying webpage to regions within striking distance of countries that have proved targeting russia because you know, the folks narratives, politicians use to escalate the ukraine. ponce, they continue to get away with making very poor decisions, gross negligence,
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putting prophets in front of the safety of the band class, the boeing is facing off the safety. incidence of plate is vehicles also speaks with several, with the lowest from the aviation giants is called the companies reliability. in fact, washington the as very welcome to you. this is almost the international with the latest world news updates, as always is great to have you with us. nice how his behavior is bringing the will close. that's according to the hung, gary and foreign minister in an exclusive interview with our team. during a major russian economic forum, he's dressed. budapest will never take pauses auctions to escalate nato. his will with russia. well stressing the importance of holding pace talks to end ukraine conflicts. we argue in favor of immediate ceasefire and peace,
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thoughts to be started and to be respects to all initiatives to make peace. that's why the, we respect the efforts of this week as well. or do i have to tell you that the other thing that the a peace conference can bring forward the real substantial results in case of both parties of the more are being represented. and obviously it's not going to be the case at this time, but the, i'll go there and i'll, i represent my position that instead of, uh, sanctions, uh, you know, um, instead of the 3rd there host by statements instead of uh, instead of actions which are bringing forward the serious, serious com escalation that we would need by a little we have a very clear position and they made it very clear. and um, and the others um can not do anything guys. just respected that we'll never participate in actions reach a way to bring nato closer to them. more than ever before, we have had a very clear decision in february 2022 or so around february 2022 in
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nato, which was reset 2 things. first, that nato is not part of the company. and so i come that we have to do everything in order to avoid the direct confrontation between nato and russia. and i do believe that this port in that direction of nato brings natal closer to the more than ever before. and then we would like to avoid that, so therefore maybe i'm not participating in such kind of actions for sure. the st. petersburg forward was not the webpage and was as i meant that most go, we'll consider sending weapons to regions. they could strike t as on supplies if russian territory comes on the fire and conversation with foreign media representatives, the president's office at west and involvement in strikes against the russians, the ration would amount to direct involvement and most reserves the right to was hired. let me let you model we are thinking that if someone believes that it's possible to supply such weapons, to a war zone,
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in order to strike our territory and create problems for us, then why do we not have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where there will be strikes some of the sensitive facilities of those countries that are doing this against russia. so the response could be a symmetric, will think about this. and of course, such actions will finally destroy international relations and onto mind international security. ultimately, if we see those countries being drawn into a war against us, and this is their direct participation in a war against russia, then we reserve the right to act in the same way. all in all. this is a path to very serious problems now than usual to lately. there is no need to invent anything and use these ideas to form an opinion about russia forming an enemy image out of for actually is not necessary. your only harming yourself by doing so. you made up that russian wants to attack nato. are you completely crazy, dense, like this stable? who came up with this? it's nonsense. you know,
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that's rubbish. it would be nonsense if there was no plan to full their own population. oh, help russia will attack us soon. we must urgently arm ourselves urgently send to weapons through crane. but in fact, why is it being done to maintain their own imperial position of greatness? what premium is legally we're talking about irretrievable losses in particular? then the ratio is the same. one to about 5. that's the basis on which we're operating this by the weight is the reason for the attempt to carry out the total of mobilization in ukraine because they're a very large loss us on the battlefield. we know from the ukranian side, and this is an open secret that the us administration is insisting that the thresholds be gradually lowered from 25 to 23. been to 20 years, and then to 18 or immediately to 18. because now they already require registration of 17 year old boys. so we know this for sure. this is a demand from the us administration to the ukrainian leadership, which can hardly be considered the leadership of their elections were cancelled to
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any case. i think that the us administration will force the current leadership of ukraine to make these decisions, to lower the mobilization age to 18 years. and then they will simply get rid of the landscape right now it's june 2024th. it seems to me that it will take a year to do all this until the beginning of next year. at least they will tolerate him. and when he does everything, they will say good bye and change him to the ra several candidates. as far as i understand, particularly in the 2 singlish, that if you go into suicide, after all, no one to us is interested in your brain. they are interested in the greatness of the united states, which is fighting not for ukraine and not for the ukrainian people, but for its greatness and forts leadership in the world. and in no case, do they want to allow any kind of success for russia precisely because they believe that in this case, the leadership of the us would be damaged. that's the gist of what america is doing across the atlantic, us senators,
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that have come out to express that discontent with continued support for ukraine. well, pleading for peace talks, they had it done deal. we all know that, but, but we talked about, i will give you any, whatever it takes. we're going to give you, you're going to be able to fight the russians and whatever it takes for, however long it takes you may open ended. many, many tv clips have you set up a scene of a battle in ukraine, 0 in the last 678 months. and it's, it's one side of food and just kind of sitting back watching. what's going on wondering how you, when you all gonna come over and we'll, we'll draw a line here, feet or mountain ukraine, heated won't europe, at least he's got enough land of his own. he just wants to make sure that he does not have united states weapons and ukraine point in moscow. i have consistently voted know the funding the war in ukraine, and i have consistently called for peace talks. i think that's the most rational, sensible thing that we should be calling for is peace in ukraine and the, into that war. and,
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and this is something extremely important. but what is extremely concerning to me is um, the more aggressive nature of nato. i think many of us have seen the heartbreaking videos over and over um, of, of young adult males and ukraine being dragged out of their homes. these young men are being kidnapped. they're basically being killed that have been for me to the front lines in the war with russia and it's heart breaking. it's absolutely heartbreaking. shame on shame on the blood less in washington, dc, and shame on the by the administration that continues to, to actually persist and engage the united states and activities and funding and weapons that could lead us to world war 3 as representatives from governments and businesses from either $130.00 countries to taking paul to the economic forum participant to say, the event prove is west of attempts to make russia a pariah, have been in vain. all taste on closer reports from the far on the 27th annual st.
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petersburg. international economic form is in full swing with people from all around the globe here to establish deeper connections with russia and the rest of the multi polar world. the for nearly 3 decades. this events been one of the world's leading forums for tackling questions of global economics and bringing various leaders together into dialogue, and yet many so called experts and politicians in the west have said that russia has been isolated by western sanctions. that's something that participants set this for him have said could not be farther from the truth. if you say russia is isolated, i mean from where i'm switching out, wonder i felicia from want the world out. in spite of the isolation,
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the world is more a week. i think there's more delegation even from south africa, delegates this year, but i've ever seen. we just came from moscow where there was a fix women's alliance meeting. saw the i solution what it has has actually strange enough evolve people's curiosity about russia. you know, is spiff, is largest. it could be probably not. but it's still very big. and you still have a lot of representatives of western countries. you have governments that are here, you have companies that are here. so there's still a major interest in what happens in the russian federation. and there's going to continue to be there a $144000000.00 consumers. and companies are always interested in more customers. these, all, those are only the dreams of the list because the, we are already living here working here with russia some last many years. and not
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only me, like me did a 100 or closer know me, you know, people, 140 countries, 19000 plus then you get some is on hit refresh. almost isolated, then sweets would not happen. of course, saying something you might have been 2022 nights when you're going to for almost 2 years. right? yet, use the one country in the full year old, which is great at the most positive rate rather than any other country. so this is all correct, correct, because start to 6, not only like blah, blah blah. what the rest is seeing. lot of our put in is also in attendance at this year's for him and he's already got a number of high profile meetings lined up for him. one with the head of bricks is new development bank, others with the presidents of bolivia, ends in bob way. and the russian presidents also set to meet with the head of republicans. serfs got something that serbians here see as a continuation of russia's positive role in the balkans witness. but as if i'd say part of the teacher score, so to me just one night, 2 more of them, we can see the political corporation is developing the subs that is very important,
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especially now when the west is trying to destabilize the balkan region. in my opinion, it is known that nato is losing its positions in ukraine and now they're trying to destabilize other regions, well, know how they treated the subs and 9 to 9 to is and continued to do so. now, the same approach is applied towards russia, a complete disrespect, and they believe we shouldn't have any right to defend our roman interest. this week, the st. petersburg international economic form is once again set to become a place where people from around the globe can exchange ideas and build new connections with multi polar minded people. donald corridor r t st. petersburg. while the person who spoke on the sidelines of the st. petersburg economic forum we heard from a ben through, but the brakes, that sushi who said the exciting growth of potential full number of states in many sectors has been a prime possible dialogue at the for. of course, the issue is the expansion of business opportunities in an expanded breaks,
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as you know from 1 january these uh, full members who joined briggs uh, the trip to e. c o, p, a, u, i e, and it on. and of course, for us as south africans, we are very glad to see that 2 african countries have joined the bricks family. so the discussion ease about that we had actually about business opportunities, growing topics, investments and trades. and i think that is becoming quite important to us in greeks. we are just like maybe countries in the global south facing some challenges . one of these challenges would be, for example, the idea of the common border adjustments may, can isn't, which will impacts significantly on greeks. but especially on those countries like russia, south africa and to some extent, india with a heavy carbon footprint,
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exports profile. so the discussion was very good, i think um we need to work as the brakes family on how we will do a grow instead of big. right. and then jim and a, another west and a post politician was attacked 62 year old. the henri could co k, member of the alternative for germany, policy was stopped on tuesday evening and the southwest in city of mount hines. i just need and so what do you live related? what is i? what do you know? companies can funds the incidence on wednesday morning. here's a video the ton reach, took apparently failed because he was running off to a nice of is that was tearing down a if the post is the politician reports of the receipts. no, not life threatening wounds from a carpet knife. we could not across live it to go back. you repeat in parliament
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men before the alternative for germany policy many thanks, but joining us on the fire ground today. so there would be reports of another, a sd policy member being attacked in germany. what's behind steve? so send you over here as well, and what's behind it as there's a gap of all day and a campaign against us. um i n g is like n t file, and it's also resulted in by the detects on members of my apology, according to the official governments dix. uh, it moves to the bottom of this is to add an age from the rives. ok. barnes it takes is altogether beautiful. do the injury practically one of
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the co gives politicians what critical the establishment policies as of what's comedy gold, the right to the bed, the previous decades germany has see a said she politically this stage, the bottoms it is. the big tube is always the battery or any of the partridge photo, i should say. given the states of germany economy have also be saw the tax on weight or the tissue. and that's the coming of cause off the assassination attempt on the slow, about 5 minutes of a 5th. so and then it said it was committed by a person who disagreed with his position on the ukraine crisis. of course, the pay on the proposed holding back on sales on supplies $2.00 kias was signal does such attacks, such as 2 liters? who do i go against the main stream west of narrative?
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it is obviously uh, designed to be a detach night. this is to get it more and more uncomfortable, but anyone is critical of government policy in the west. i'll give you few examples of what is really a well for what do you need. you can pay for the actual physical attacks because i also used to add this to, to act against language politicians. there'll be lots of spurious court cases against members of my own party. one of the most prominent bonds recently has been against the regional b to b a s b. these german stages during the year. he was sentenced to find the 30000 bureaus to say something that anyone else in germany and the
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goal would acknowledge that to be the case could say with impunity. because in his case, they said there was a kind of the ashes not see move movement was, well everything for germany that was lost. there is not to reason the, the phrase used by all. ready teeth to choose from the german football team was still performing well. and it was supposed to be a ride for him to say those words made to be to the a t. if an ac politician says to say it's supposed to be a credit criminal act, a very fine germany is not see a cost to. there is what's called a low fat is a trying to move out by legal leads me. then there was incessant propaganda against my own party,
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especially during election campaigns. several of our leads and candidates for your view. the next have been subjected to, this is all very well is the room is the other gauges where to no evidence and they're based on the allegations. johnson stall, g, h, a m, i all skipped being and i made pay yourself as they made you feel nervous. uh, given the space of attacks, squeeze it as it's made you nervous about speaking out of. well, i've never knew, actually, i've always known that it's a dangerous course of action and you'll be on the place through today, but it doesn't prevent me from doing what i think is right. but yes, it's not as advantages to be. and as always, the thoughts, well what may happen? yes. and of course, timing wise, be your parliamentary elections around the way. do you see any connection to the
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rise intentions? are obviously, i see all these, these are mentions because in the course of the last 56 weeks during the campaign for the european elections, there is a general atmosphere which is designed to, to get steeple, not to say, it's a full the as the which is the alternative to the existing policies and nobody's off and i haven't yet mentioned is that the didn't job and corporations and. ringback advising their employees not to be for the f b, they should vote for establishment policies. exactly those policies which as be implementing policies in the last few years, even 10 to 15 years, which have resulted in the re dramatic decline of the german economy and of
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german economic or industrial to patch this in the will to the germany. it corporations, german corporations, are using a competitive is none. the less they charge the they say employees to those for the policies that that'd be causing drug of these economic difficulties. they're blaming d. a f. d, a pacing a threat to germany's economic future when we document was yeah that's, that's what interesting that corporations actually putting pressure on the employees that kind of reminds me of the us when the people voted for trump tends to be kind of trauma that they were put through the face of speaking to us today. i really appreciate your time going to back member of the european parliament for the soonest. if the germany policy, thank you. pleasure by the full day boasting bonanza. so
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720, you parliaments. these kicks off today across the block with another letter suppose to go to the polls with 20 parties competing. your skeptics are expected to capture the majority of the country states that the european legislative body according to an if song that research group poll ought to contribute. the original mazda of explains most of the stake and the europeans, icing in each country, gets the portion of representation in brussels based on its size with germany having the most wraps at $96.00 and multiple with the least at 6. usually these you elections come down to a choice between the ideological right versus the left, pretty classic, but this time it's different. the political bottom line now seems to fall between the western establishment status put on one side and those on both the right and the left to oppose it, and the disastrous results of its policies on the other. now really particularly large right now is the issue of ukraine. and on one hand, there's a group of politicians who favor the you lodging itself recklessly down this
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slippery slope of escalation between the west and russia and ukraine, which seems to be an approach pushed by the i'm elected bureaucrats running nato. and who are in favor of listening rules for use of nato western weapons to strike russian territory from ukraine. and then there are those who want those same unaccountable agents of global governance to take a short walk off a long peer. i believe the time was calling for allies to consider whether we should listen to some of the restrictions dying post on a weapons donated to ukraine. this gentleman either asks for forgiveness, rectifies his remarks or resigns you. i was wondering what you would think that with all these proposals and all of these ideas, nature will always taking you and have a great, a step in the direction of entering this was, there isn't even any kind of unity on the issue of even whether you nations should
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keep sending ukraine weapons well, some take it as a given and keep moving the red line for their use further and further away from a peaceful resolution. others are questioning whether that's really in the best interest of either the you or of ukraine advice specialization, funds for lessons zelinski knows that you can rely on us so we are renewing this signal of support for key of here today. however, we are also sending a crystal clear signal to moscow. we want the russian president to know we will not lit up in our support for ukraine this. i will support 0 military, a, do ukraine and immediate hold. the military operations is the best solution we have for ukraine. the you should change from an armed supplier to a peacemaker. and here's jungle joseph burrell saying, hey, get in. i know exactly what i'm doing. and hungry and prime minister victor or bon is giving him some serious side. i will not be leaving base. we support the grain.
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we have not thought of these will we just board ukraine and we have 2 people for the future. increasing our defense capabilities. we are closer to war and every week, it is absurd that instead of protecting as nato is dragging, is into a world conflagration. it's like a firefighter going to put out a fire with a flame thrower for all its insistence on block wide unity for ukraine. when it comes to conflict between israel and its effective liquidation of gas uh under the pretext of eliminating mos in the process, the e was acting more like a parent who left their kids run around in public doing pretty much whatever they want. while block officials do little beyond mumbling platitudes about the need for a palestinian state. and it was to me because if you let i, cuz i have to tell israel because that its actions must be based on international humanitarian law. but with the images we're seeing and the growing number of people, especially the boys and girls, were being killed in have genuine doubts that they are complying with international
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humanitarian law. i'm exports that take into account the security threats. israel is facing history is the reason what israel security has been at the pull of german foreign policy, maybe the differences between european nations towards israel on. yeah. so i have something to do with the fact that germany, for example, supplies 30 percent of israel's weapons on the issue of china, though germany is not too keen on the bad. mo, thing of aging by brussels brass repeating chapter and verse from washington's hymn book. because, well, again, it may be, it has a ton of car and chemical manufacturing investments in china as europe's economic engine. but when ursula bonded line on the elected european commission president for now and t, you're prep doesn't really think that's a big deal. apparently, the comprehensive agreement on investment did not come up. you know,
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our position was started negotiations round about 10 years ago and concluded the comprehensive agreement on investment 2 years ago. a lot has happened since then. oh, position is that we do have to reassess the comprehensive agreement on investment, but at least the whole block is on the same page when it comes to european values, right. bowman condemns to deliberate, continues and systematic efforts have become during government to undermine the use . founding values in resolution adopted on thursday with 345 volts for one for against and 29. extensions, members of the european parliament expressed some concern about the further erosion of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights and hungry. in particular, throughout the recent adopted so called national sovereignty protection package, which has been compared with russia's influence for an agent's law. they even managed to get or bond to dip out into the hallway during a vote last december on ukraine. it exception talks so they can pretend that his defense didn't exist with a unanimous vote. wonder how the hum, gary and people will express their feelings about all of that at the ballot box.
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well, in any case, it's not like they will be drawing up the laws and policy anyway in parliament that is done by the and elected president of the european commission and their staff. and that person is hand picked and then mary subjected to confirmation by the permit. and that parliament is still projected to be dominated by the establishment parties on both the right and the left. the kind who favor establishment, bureaucrats who make establishment from the policy which and it makes you wonder what the whole point is of this charade, which seems to be little more than a game of musical chairs in the back seat of the clamor bill. the boeing is on the heavy screws and they, with these as well as experiencing spatial accidents and serious technical problems . over the last 5 years, we talk to exclusively with 2 whistle blow, is that the company have spoken out in hopes of protecting future passages of the
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department of transportation in the united states. as this is the overseer of the fx. and what we've seen is the department of transportation is completely unengaged . they're just not disengaged. they're, they're, they're, they're standing on the sideline like spectators. they're not really doing anything . notably from a leadership perspective and taking appropriate action. they're kind of just sitting back and waiting. so obviously the direction where the wind blows and then they jump in and point out the obvious take that out with the government is, is this failing us and all the other countries that are out there depending on the f, a and dionte are um are unaware i think that this is what's happening. we met with the head of the f. a had to be in the head of the department of 2nd person ranking . that's a deal t and we gave them $35.00 recommendations. um, you know, we identified 35 problems and 35 recommendations and as far as we concerned, they have done none of these. they've ignored all. so what happens is these people go uh, they continue to do with their what they're doing. they continue to get away with
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making very poor decisions, gross negligence, putting profits in front of safety and the risk and everybody's lives. employees specifically, voice concerns about quality gaps and other issues related to the 787. in the time period between 20202022. boeing pushed back saying you can't insure safety and durability. boy, in is putting confidence in the $787.00 dreamliner because of a comprehensive work done to ensure the cold seat and low and some safety of the craft claims about the structural integrity of the 787. i inaccurate the interest rates having subject to rigorous engineering examination on the u. s. federal aviation administration oversights. this analysis has validated that the aircraft will maintain, its, your ability and service lives over several decades. and these issues did not present any.


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