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tv   News  RT  June 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:29pm EDT

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the, the, this forwarded in that direction of nato brings natal closer to the award than ever before. and an r t exclusive, the hon, gary and foreign minister a stress is that his country will never participate in actions that would escalate evincing ukrainians on by adding that kids paid to join nato. lee bring this the blog closer to war. also, it should say, if someone's believes that it's possible to supply such weapons to award zones in order to strike our territory, the response could be a symmetric lot of our put new ones at law school is considering deploying military hardware to regions within striking distance of countries that supply weapons which key of use is to target russian other countries leader also slump what he called the full narrative. politicians used to escalate the pray
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for the people are killed. some dozens more wounded is really our strikes on a un school and a central government refugee camp according to policy. mean officials on rough communications director stays the idea of attack the facility without any prior warnings. fairly steep stuff, try and warning. some of that is really poor says that they, we're going to have those either of those families, or in this case the answer to bring in the broadcasting while i from an international use center in the russian capital. this is our to you. hello and welcome. i mean, and the nature of behavior is bringing more closer to, according to the hon, gary and for administer, speaking exclusively to r t during a major russian economic for him. peter at c, r to stress that budapest will never take part in actions which bring nato into
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direct fighting with russia while stressing the importance of holding peace talks to and you bring conflict, as we argue in favor of immediate ceasefire and peace, thoughts to be started and to be respects the only me see what they have to make peace. that's why the really respect the efforts of this week as well. or do i have to tell you that the other thing that the a peace conference can bring forward the real substantial results in case of both parties of the more are being represented. and obviously it's not going to be the case at this time, but the, i'll go there and i'll, i represent my position that instead of, uh, sanctions, uh, you know, um, instead of the 3rd there host by statements instead of uh, instead of actions which are bringing forward the serious risk of escalation that we would need to buy a little. we have a very clear position and they made it very clear. and um, and the others um can not do anything guys,
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just respected that we'll never participate in actions. reach a way to bring nato closer to the more than ever before. we have had a very clear decision in february, 2022 or so around february 2022 in nato, which was reset 2 things. first, that nato is not part of the complex. and 2nd that we have to do everything in order to avoid the direct confrontation between nato and russia. and i do believe that this poured in that direction of nato brings natal closer to the more than ever before. and then we would like to avoid that. so therefore, baby and not participating such kind of actions for sure will upset st. petersburg, international economic forums of them are polluted and said that most people would consider sending weapons to regions that could stride kids on the suppliers. if russian territory comes under fire. in conversation with foreign media representatives, the countries president audit that western involvement in strikes against the
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russian federation. what a month to direct involvement law school reserves the right to a tell you. i mean, normally we are thinking that if someone believes that it's possible to supply such weapons to award zone in order to strike our territory and create problems for us, then why do we not have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where there will be strikes some of the sensitive facilities of those countries that are doing this against russia. so the response could be a symmetric, will think about this. and of course, such actions will finally destroy international relations. and unto mind, international security. ultimately, if we see those countries being drawn into a war against us, and this is their direct participation in a war against russia, then we reserve the right to act in the same way. all in all. this is a fast, a very serious problems now than usual to lately, there is no need to invent anything and use these ideas to form an opinion about
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russia forming an enemy image out of russia is not necessarily your only harming yourself by doing so. you made up that russian wants to attack nato. are you completely crazy dense, like this stable? who came up with this? it's nonsense. you know we, that's rubbish. it would be nonsense if there was no plan to full their own population. o, help rush, you will attack us soon. we must urgently arm ourselves urgently send to athens to ukraine. but in fact, why is it being done to maintain their own imperial position of greatness? what premium is legally we're talking about irretrievable losses in particular? then the ratio is the same one to about 5. that's the basis on which we're operating. this by the weight is the reason for the attempt to carry out the total of mobilization in ukraine because they're a very large loss us on the battlefield. we know from the ukranian side, and this is an open secret that the us administration is insisting that the thresholds be gradually lowered from 25 to 23. then to 20 years,
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and then to 18 or immediately to 18. because now they already require registration of 17 year old voice uses. so we know this for sure. this is a demand from the us administration to the ukranian leadership, which can hardly be considered the leadership of their elections were cancelled the same any case. i think that the us administration will force the current literacy of ukraine to make these decisions, to lower the mobilization age to 18 years. and then they will simply get annoyed up to the landscape right. now it's june 2024th. it seems to me that it will take a year to do all this until the beginning of next year. at least they will tolerate him. and when he does everything, they will say good bye and change him to the ra several candidates. as far as i understand, could you claim that the senior citizen, you go into suicide, after all, no one to us is interested in ukraine. they are interested in the greatness of the united states, which is fighting not for ukraine and not for the ukrainian people, but for its greatness and forts leadership in the world. and in no case,
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do they want to allow any kind of success for russia precisely because they believe that in this case, the leadership of the us would be damaged. that's the gist of what america is doing . well as representatives of governments and businesses from over $130.00 countries take parts in the economic form, participants the adf, and proves western attempts to make russia price. it's been and they are to double trump darnell quarter. i should say reports from before. on the 27th annual st. petersburg, the international economic form is in full swing with people from all around the globe here to establish deeper connections with russia and the rest of the multi polar world. the,
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for nearly 3 decades, this events been one of the world's leading forums for tackling questions of global economics and bringing various leaders together into dialogue. and yet many so called experts and politicians in the west have said that russia has been isolated by western sanctions. that's something that participants set this for him have said could not be farther from the truth. if you say russia is isolated, says, i mean from where i'm switching out, wonder i felicia from want the world out. in spite of the isolation, the world is more a week. i think there's more delegation even from south africa, delegates this year, but not ever since we just came from moscow where there was a fix women's alliance meeting. saw the isolation of what it has has actually strange enough evolved peoples cuter, switching about russia, you know,
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is spiff is largest. it could be probably not, but it's still very big. and you still have a lot of representatives of western countries. you have governments that are here, you have companies that are here. so there's still a major interest in what happens in the russian federation. and there's going to continue to be there a $144000000.00 consumers. and companies are always interested in more customers. these, all, those are only the dreams of the list because the, we are already living here working here with russia some last many years. and not only me, like me did a 100 or closer know me, you know, people, $140.00 countries, $19000.00 plus you get some is on hit refresh the almost isolated then sweets will not happen. of course, saying something you might have been 2022 nights when you're going to for almost 2 years. right? yet he's the one country and the 4 year old, which is great at the most positive rate rather than any other country. so this is
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all correct, correct, because start to 6, not only like blah, blah blah. what the vicious thing, what am i putting is also in attendance at this year's for him and he's already got a number of high profile meetings lined up for him. one with the head of bricks is new development bank, others with the presidents of bolivia, ends in bob way. and the russian presidents also set to meet with the head of republicans. serfs got something that serbians here see as a continuation of russia's positive role in the balkans witness. but as the vi i'd say part of the teachers call. so to me, just so nice to more of them, we can see the political corporation is developing the subs that is very important, especially now when the west is trying to destabilize the balkan region. in my opinion, it is known that nato is losing its positions in ukraine and now they're trying to destabilize other regions, well, know how they treated the subs and 9 to 9 to is and continued to do so. now, the same approach is applied towards russia, a complete disrespect, and they believe we shouldn't have any right to defend tyrone interest this week.
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the st. petersburg international economic form is once again set to become a place where people from around the globe can exchange ideas and build new connections with multi polar minded people. donald quarter r t st. petersburg full on the sidelines. all the economic for them. we heard from the deputy head of the shanghai cooperation organization who told us that of the old world order rhodes countries. are we thinking they're political alliances? shanghai cooperation organization has the most of this argument. organism has been created at the time when the, what it is facing a lot of contradictions in its own order. so the many countries, especially the developing countries, are looking for the we out the work order is being gradually, eagles, or earbuds, which was created in the post world war 2. the documents that had been signed that on 43 bottom, 42 and other sensitivities to create
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a particular de off to want to is not being broken by the countries website themselves. so the literally, the, the other countries are really great. so they want to get into something under the set of number allow of, i said, showed to the globalization process has also been going down the way. so there are more regionally regionalism coming up. replacing globalization well, like english is a global language. it's very difficult to get rid of this language. so daughter is also a global currency. it's not really easy to get rid of dollar because the interaction 90, but more than 90 percent of the international trade is being contacted in dollars. we are moving, the main thing is that we are moving forward and we are working on it. it's a 34 years planning. and we will see whether it is possible. it looks like disposable already many trades practically as these being done in the u on and remove between the 2 big joints in s c o,
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we have taken the initiative to me to go for an alternate. if i'm try, whether we can make it as an alternative, and that is to gradually go to the transaction, our mutual payments for trade and economic relations between the human. but countries or the states in terms of the national currents to central gas. that where 40 people have been killed and dozens or wounded in an id f strike on a un school that's according to palestinian authorities. the u. n's, communications director for palestine. refugees said that israel hit the facility which is located in the new so rough refugee camp without any way. we received a research information this morning about to have another and sign on un under us pull your email, the middle areas in gals where 6000 people who were displaced were taking shelter and this is
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a becoming more frequent. we have reported about more than 118 unwrapping things and facilities. i've been here since before began on the 7th of october last year. so i'm about to receive the try and warning. so my, that is really for says that they were going to hit the school and these are due to those families who are in this case the answer to ring. and that school there was no warning received before the attack of the claims the about the israeli forces. now put forward this morning, are quite shocking. however, we do not have any ability to and around to very fine these claims and want to a we keep pulling for them. we keep reminding parties through the conflicting in, in gaza. a's about they should not use the new facilities for minute 3 or printing purposes was well, sorry since had been seeking shelter inside the school from id f, a tax,
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14 children and 9 women were reportedly killed in these really strikes that was wounded, were transported to one of the few remaining functioning hospitals. alexa, were medics, are fighting to save their lives. now the id f has confirmed the attack claiming the unrest school hosted on some of the militant compound, the director of gals as media office though, says israel is lying. the occupation you just falls, fabricated stories to justify the brutal crime it's conducted against dozens of this place to be cold. well, today's strike is not the 1st time. israel has attacked unrest facilities in gas up . there have reportedly been over 400 occasions in which the organizations premises have been struck during the war with many sites attack multiple times in those strikes, at least 450 people have been killed according to local authorities,
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while the unrest communications director, once again stays, there is no safe zones in gas as the floor where the results, the more have nothing to do with respect to that has been told and beaten disregard the to instant message. minutes handle, including to the protection on civilians to be an infrastructure, but also include the united nations facilities. we've seen the highest number of age workers can turn the list medicaid work of the number of women and children and absolutely paid absolutely for research and violence with brief more finance. so this is why we've been calling from the very, very beginning of this for, for, and much, much needed seems fine for the sake of civilians wherever they are in gaza or in israel for the immediate, the use of the choosing delta list as one of the most bang for a parts of this for when children are kids or injured severely injured,
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many of them psychologically cards. it has been a war and children. many, many, many children are being carried during this doing this for. and in the old heart wrenching especially when we speak to mothers and fathers, felix to help us because they can come for 3rd children. and some of them look, it's going to be a rice because it's probably not going to be a right the children. and also have seen what know, trying to anywhere in the world shipments with their children. i have 2 children. okay, so say fine golf o i am. no one is safe in garza monthly even age where it goes and there is no such thing as i feel cold. save so long, the humanitarians. all these statements about such as owns the existence. i'm just kidding. and they, in fact, the lives of civilians is serious with now with wheels
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helping literally falling off boeing's url liners scripts me of the global aircraft joins tech to kill, and safety issues has taken center stage. we managed to hear from 2 former company employees turn whistle blowers who smoke out in the hope of protecting future passengers. of the department of transportation in the united states as this is the overseer of the fx. and what we've seen is the department of transportation is completely unengaged. they're just not disengaged. they're, they're there. they're standing on the sidelines like spectators. they're not really doing anything. notably from a leadership perspective and taking appropriate action. they're kind of just sitting back and waiting. so obviously the direction where the wind blows and then they jump in and point out the obvious take that out with the government is, is this failing us and all the other countries that are out there depending on the f, a and dionte are, are unaware. i think that this is what's happening. we met with the head of the f. a had to be at the head of the department of 2nd person ranking. that's
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a d o t and we gave them 35 recommendations. um, you know, we identified 35 problems and 35 recommendations and as far as we concerned, they have done none of these. they've ignored all. so what happens is these people go uh, they continue to do with their what they're doing. they continue to get away with making very poor decisions, gross negligence, putting profits in front of safety and the risk and everybody's lives. employees specifically, voice concerns about quality gaps and other issues related to the 787. in the time period between 20202022. boeing pushed back saying you can't insure safety and durability. boy, in is putting confidence in the $787.00 dreamliner because of a comprehensive work done to ensure the cold seat and low and some safety of the craft claims about the structural integrity of the 787. i inaccurate the interest
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rates having subject to rigorous engineering examination on the u. s. federal obligation of ministration oversights. this analysis has validated that the aircraft will maintain its, your ability and service lives over several decades. and these issues did not present any safety concerns. customers continue to be honest, suffering for boeing's mistakes. people forget is that a lot of these airplanes that are in the united states or in europe right now may go to other countries in the future when they're 20 years old or whatever. and those plans need to be safe, right? the people in those countries that you know, maybe they're socio economically challenged or whatever they, they deserve to have safe airplanes. and so, you know, this isn't just about united states obviously, and this is a global, a global issue. there's no excuse only 20 inspectors are present at the boeing plants, even those thousands of people work there. the f a conducted 89 product tests
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and boeing failed 33 of them. the agency also conducted 13 separate product audits on spirit arrow systems which manufacturers the $737.00 max fuselage. they receive 7 failing grades. another whistleblower with whom we spoke was joe jacobson, a retired f, a, a safety engineer. i avoid the, the boeing max and that's because i've been tracking all of the in flight issues since it went back to the service. i was part of the re certification there for and i know there's still some safety concerns with the design, but there's also manufacture defects that we've been tracking. we're seeing, for example, um the main up down control device on the air plan is the horizontal stabilizer that's driven by a single motor. and that motor is fail dozens of times since it's gone back into
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service. and this is on new airplanes, and that's, that's a critical piece of, of hardware. you have to ask, why would such a big story related to human deaths get ignored and tears and gave his thoughts on why they're getting away with it, getting away with it because they have, you know, friends in high places. um, but this comes down to leadership or a lot, i mean we want the blowing company to be successful. i mean, one of the things i've learned as a whistleblower and, and been talking with other whistle blowers is, you know, they, they want their companies to do the right thing. that's why they're, they're disturbed by what they're seeing and they do everything they can to try to bring attention to these matters. boeing is an incredibly important company for united states. so no one wants to see boeing fail because it's, it's too big of a, of the, to the united states economy is one sam salad. poor,
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boeing engineer, testified on capitol hill. do you said that he feared physical violence as retaliation? for his words. again, i raised concerns internally, i was sidelined, i was told to shut up, i received physical threats. my boss said i would have killed someone who said what you said. his fears are reasonable to boeing. whistle blowers recently died. one from an eye infection. the other from a blow that he is reported to have inflicted on himself. many observers are looking on and saying, what is going on at boeing, a, with map and archie? your okay, let's turn attention to germany were standing in political opposition to the symbols western approach appears to be a dangerous occupation. 62 year old henrich cock, a member of the alternative for germany party was stopped on tuesday evening in the side western city of mount high. i just need the lid.
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so what do you live related? what is the local police confirm? the incident the following wednesday morning, this is for the with the to mr. cock apart. they filmed as he was running, oscar activists that was carried on f. the posters, the politician reportedly received on life threatening wounds from a carpet knife. we talked with gunner back your pin part of it, member for the alternative for germany party. on the incident, you look at barnes a takes resolved to get him to be able do the injury practically one of the co guest politicians. what critical are the establishment policies and or what's common? the called the right night. the supposed to get it more,
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more comfortable for anyone who's critical of government policy in the west all these days. because in the course of the last 56 weeks during the campaign for the european elections, there was a general atmosphere which is designed to i guess, people not to say it's a full the the which is the only alternative to the existing policies. 80 years ago this thursday, the largest on cbs lending operation in world history. so allied forces loaned on the shores of frances normandy, global leaders attended the dd anniversary today, including the u. s. president. know his actions once again from the spotlights. as the collaborations at continued he lift to experience some
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difficulty with arriving up the gala stage to join other notables, such as the french president and money will not from job. i just need a bit of prompting to find his seat before a photo op. i later seem to try and take a break and find comfort in a chair that actually was in there. well, with de commemorations on events in full swing, an increasing number of the french population believes the u. s. contributed the greatest effort to defeating nazi germany, according to one of the latest polls either. it comes as the allies, soule, i, in the world, the finding conflict. russia did not receive an invitation to today, sir. and when, in fact, western leaders were equipped to court, not immersed lensky once again, seemingly turning a blind eye to the fact that ukraine has actual neo nazi fighters among the trunks are things things when he picks up the story. as leaders gather on the normandy
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beaches, rushes options will raise a few eyebrows. given the queue. sacrifice is made for the nights enjoyed the 2nd well bull. according to russia, an invite had been expected in recognition of the efforts of this, the ami, something which apparently under the white house, we would defer to the government of france, which organizes the collaboration of normandy. but perhaps this will remind the russians that the actually for 3 and that's is one's not the imaginary ones in ukraine. russia hit back saying it's not the 1st time the 2nd world war had been used as manipulation on political game playing by the west of the gulf. that the suggestion that no not see the new crime or imagine re, given the evidence, is in plain sight for to see a just weeks ago. the red carpet was rolled out by former british prime minister boris johnson. as a language praise on the far right as a fatality and in the houses of parliament. um
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it was the 1st time to purchase establishment as being cool to find the nazis king charles the 3rd. when he was prince charles, received an owner reload degree from the university of alberta and canada, bestowed on him by the insurance law on form of an assessment by pieces about him. if the neo no one sees in ukraine, really all fake the wanted germany, which knows that they go to about the subject send the group themselves just bought the for display nazi symbols within the framework of training conducted by the buddhist mirror for ukrainian armed forces. 7 cases were identified where soldiers were right wing extremist symbols. the training of the affected ukrainian soldiers was immediately terminated in consultation with the ukrainian armed forces and the
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individuals were returned to ukraine. so germany seemed to be well aware that they may have been fighting ukrainian, neo, nazis going so far as to tell them to hide nazi symbols. a case of out of sight, out of mind, perhaps other more id or logic, the open ukrainian, neo nazis or even complaining. but they all been given way.


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