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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  June 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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the, the, i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence, and the point obviously, is to trace a trust rather than fit the various things with artificial intelligence. we have so many of them in
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the a robot must protect this phone. existence was alexis the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just
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a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground can the in the late 18 ninety's, french soldiers led by general to boot. i arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot. the most funny, i mean, the circumstance issues around the cars do conduct showing this to the tent of who they on the east one of the most terrific campaigns of a trustees to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. liability
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getting hold of somebody, i know the pushing it to download the glassy pablo dare to do so they put the actual most likely multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups and what the headed off that apartment is in for us to get the move of nancy and i'm going to be a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on that you need to africa. the traces general go with a slug drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is sam and i come from england and i've come ready to find out more about the emissions of willy, um, on the history of colonialism. and in the region, the
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union included in a meeting in negotiations over the course of 10 the last 10 years. and, and the one of the mega projects that to, to you and rush i have. and the 2 together was the main building, often nuclear power plant in korea. so for the future, and now uh, is there any development on russian side regarding the, and the re, regarding the lives in any production or the, the new construction project of the gas, the center that was being discussed in the recent years. what either, any news or from the russian a side about that, or are there any other feature project that is being discussed between the 2 countries? think it's a for you to show us for a call you everything is going according to the plan. it's all going according to the timeline. we're seeing the deadlines next. a lot of people are working. and the
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construction to the workers are being engaged from the 30th. because there's a lot of construction work being done and send you more specialist or working for st. close of the turkish governments because the conditions that we're providing for this work to do is come with the 1st unit and finalize. however, it's ongoing according to the plan on all these issues as far hydrocarbons i can repeat actually, incidentally for not just building for station the power plant. we're also building town. we're prepared to take over the square. you're creating the full system system and it's a new sphere of economy in energy website and present, or the one has made a strategic choices of tools. and i think it's quite a right to do with them. it helps get rid of the hydrocarbon dependency as well. so we have a reliable partnership. we're doing our work. we're going to see the cost for the gas to gas center. he has to be working on it as well, or guns. we're thinking about it. we've got the problem with both have issues with other partners. i'm sure i'll try to explain, but it's, it's not just there's
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a gas storage or gas for the supply. it's an operation center to trade in gas for a year upfront maryland. but i want to some point the following thing out, so you've seen well regarding the flu stream that leads to the 30th to the black sea and then provide searcy with gas as well as the current stream. it provides gas in europe as well as the blueprint. so we have to the car source of these pipelines that go down the bottom of the black sea. and who's the ukranian armed forces are making the attempts to strike them and to destroy them sooner at least the ships regarding them are constantly being attacked quite recently. and is the latest thing that happened to me? and i think 7 or 8 days ago ukrainian drove and so we made an attempt to attack, had a gas pumps and stations situated on the shore of the black sea and is pumping gas to turkey. incidentally, we'd like to point it out to you. we have turkey, it has some cooperation with ukraine at the same time frame is trying to destroy the gas pipelines, to providing gas to turkey, where this is not a joke,
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not an exaggeration. you. room to drones were jammed by the russian electronic warfare troops. and they were trying to strike the gas company and stations on the black shores. i'm not inventing something here, so that's what happened. please inform our friend president or the one and you know, that's what's happening. and in reality, in the ships that are guarding this gas transportation system, that is at the bottom of the black sea, are constantly attacked by the drones by the water, drones that are procured by the european countries to france. incidentally, we and they were attacking our bows, their guardian, these 2 pipelines issues, those who come through in the who do, i think we need to speak with you to be more vocal about it and to be more clear thoughts. but as for propaganda that are spanish french complains so much about somebody not always succeeding when you come to look, that's what's really happening all the time. even with there's a bilateral relations and we are developing rather successfully and we do in our trade is growing into useful. however, i'm taking a look at what's happening for some new and it seems to me that be economic part of
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the government of trustees recently has been focusing on receiving investments and loans, savings rants from the western financial institutions. probably a solid right maybe. all right. but you see, if it will have limitations on trade and economic ties with russia has stomach cramps at the loss for the turkish economy to be greater than the gain. so pretty quickly. and i think that there's such a possibility, but it's a sensitive matter. so maybe it requires a separate discussion. we're just simply looking at the figures, all the macro economic indicators. it requires actual attention from the turkish government right now. but i don't want to go into detail on that. so i know them very well, and i'm very well read on that. i know what's happened in their protein. you rose, you can go to a to communicate with the, the mustang. i got those i missed us. thank you so much, mr. president than you have given me a valuable opportunity to ask you a question right now in the far eastern beach and they're in many on the letters
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that are of concern for japan. first and foremost, that's the territorial dispute will shift to the 2nd military cooperation communication between russia and the north koreans. that is being springfield right now. these 2 issues that we're facing in japan as for a territorial disc, exposed to the doctor and the territorial issues. my question is if all in subarus this year, you said you will absolutely travel to these 4 and disputed curial mileage. do you have any specific labs and a timeline for that visit to uh, what do you think the newsletter see what the situation right now is that the negotiations put on hold. let me get here, visit these territories, and then i will let relations to be armed. yet again. if you could please share what are your plans that regard. as for me,
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brushing japanese dogs who are new and their re establishment during the time you have this special meal to operation and you say lucy's negotiations were discontinued. and since then they sold the descendants of the former and most are you considered citizens of that? of those islands and cannot go back to visit to the grace of sarah for financing the exist relations with japan. when developing brothers sustains you matter in colorado side guy. so of course they were in many issues, especially the ones that must be guarded. 16 issue. you know, relations that is peace treaty unless unless you are relations with japan or developing in
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a rather sustained manner. of course, there were many issues, especially the ones that regard to the key issue in organizations. that is the piece to understand that believe this piece, he could not have been cheated without solving the issues that had to go with them to realize it was fully aware of that back in the fifty's and you and i know would very well sylvia government decision and i think it was done in 1956, the declaration was signed that the soviet union is prepared to transfer to the aisles out of the chain of island on the basis for that wasn't mentioned. the reasoning for that was swinging. the sovereignty was also not mentioned in some other condition, possibly the payments were not mentioned, however, but the very idea of a transfer was stipulation was in that declaration for a more over it was ratified by the supreme council of the ussr. for some reason, japanese side refused to implement these agreements, pens the soviet union. also the ratified that requests of the japanese side. we
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went back to the review of these matters. it was a complex dialogue, but still it took place. now you've mentioned several issues visiting the aisles of which a russian federation believes that this is a part of the sovereign territory of russia to take it. so therefore, i don't see why i should shy away from disobedience one of the territories of the russian federation. number one second removed, why do we believe that it was because they were relevant documents that were signed in the united states as well, by delegations of the 2 countries? so it was one of the results of the 2nd world war, and the results of the 2nd world war are not to be resides. it doesn't mean that there were no opportunities to increase. this is a very delicate matter. however, it's not a black and white issue, it's more complex, but we're not shy, and we gauge and the dialogue on this matter to show so. so 1st, as i see, no grounds for me that would prevent me from visiting the ions for to be honest. so
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far, and i have not had that in my plan is because currently i'm looking into other matters that i see for you just said that my visit there would entail difficulties in drafting a peach tree city, toyota. she, sir. what about japan's declaration? that is joining the attempts of securing russian strategic distribution. what does that, does it cost of to it? a barrier in the way of negotiations? some of these treat japan has joined the cause to carry out a strategic defeat against russian. do you think that is a good strategy to pursue when striving for a peace treaty? do you think my hypothetical intention to visit the aisles is more serious than japan's japanese government? so the declaration of it's intent to secure russia's strategic defeat in the battlefield. i do understand that this is not your personal question. it's been dictated by the editorial policy of your news agency shortly. but i think you should ask your leadership. that question was more over. we see that japan is biased as far as the ukrainian prices is concerned. as of now,
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because currently you are no conditions in place for russian japan, their dialogue on a peach tree blend, you know, we do not refuse to engage in such a dialogue. but only once the requisite conditions have been created, especially from the japanese site. we're not doing anything in our bilateral relations that would complicate our dialogue with japan, not a single thing. everything that has been done has been done by japan. now moving on to rushes, relations with north korea, with a dpr k can be different using that regard. i think the d b r k has on multiple occasions that demonstrated its willingness to achieve an agreement in particular with the us. and i think that's precisely this willingness that served as the impetus for the median between former us president donald trump . and mr. kim jo, on the way to be more over the americans and the north koreans agreed that the latter were not going to carry out new dealer tests. there was an agreement on shutting down and due to testing site,
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and that had to be reciprocated by some steps. by the us in the banking sector, but it was not just an agreement, this agreement was implemented. what did happen as a result of the us and unilaterally violated these agreements doing that directly. and so what would prevent us from developing relations with the country with which we share and wondering if what it is you know for. and there are some things that make me ask questions. and as in the past, we supported some measures with regard to north korea. in particular, in the field of labor migration to us, you all work in the information field, sir, you are immersed in this material, hasn't worked well versed in this field. so why did we support these measures? what about labor migrant? what kind of a threat do they? we allegedly care about the environment, some birds, and some sea animals. and what about people dying of hunger? not because they are fell across or belligerent. civilians are peaceful citizens of the country we're talking about. we prevent them from getting
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a job limit their opportunities in terms of security and job to feed their families . and that's just bizarre. well, i'm just currently speaking in an abstract fashion. i am not in any relation to what currently is happening. i think that this is what's going to keep happening across the world if anyone is right and someone is threatening and they have to respond sort of, have there been no threat in the 1st place, then the difficulties would simply not arise. i think the new feeler issue is response to these costing threats. now, as for our relations with not sure, oh yeah, i can tell you that we will pursue this relationship because they are neighbors. whether others like that or not. it's been almost a, we looked almost 2 years from on the so about the tune as the preferred out that we are continue our conversations in your statements engine. us use big website shows you've also spoke about sometime around succession to the trying to accomplish
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organizations. what else do the brakes as a solution to meeting with you to changing the module? that was my question is as follows. what's your view of the future road or that you know, given the desires and well with different independent countries? do you think monopoly is going to be preserved as well as a multi path as you need for the well meant to be true. but as actually, you know, we have spoken about that on many occasions. was that i, you know, that better than any one of the ussr collapse as well as well, it was dissolved whether it was destroyed or not. that's for speculation. what had happened? and only one, superpower remained. so minutes thought it could rest on its laurels at the helm of the whole world, dictating their will to everyone in the world. it's a complex system. it's developing rapidly with new power roles, emerging. one of the western european politicians and it was not mean i want everyone to understand that he said we will all europeans countries or small
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countries. but not all of them have come to realize that yet. look at asia and it's development piece, give china 1500000 people. india has probably overtaking that in terms of the population. the other asian countries are developing that frequent pace in southeast asia and bangladesh, more pakistan, indonesia. and you see sure the pace of development is enormous, the population is growing. and judging by that, the trends points to a shifting development pattern towards asia. so currently there are several process is a foot and that part of the world they're catching up in terms of economic growth and also catching up in the standards of living. this will inevitably result in a shift in the world configuration. as of right now, it's impossible to talk about any kind of from an operating done. the monopoly is no longer there. without a doubt, the world can exist in its diversity, or if complete monopolies achieved, it's going to be terrible. just as in nature,
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human and politics, the world needs to be a diverse place here. i don't know whether that's a good thing for the us. i mean, such a monopoly that emerged after the collapse of the ussr because that required additional efforts on the part of the us. just have a look at the statistics. totally the us defense and expenditure. it's appear to that of all the other countries defense expenditure combined orders. and so you can sum up all the defense expenditures of all countries across the world. news is still going to be inferior to the defense expenditure of us because loads of money are funneled to go into supporting form basis. very often i get the question, how can you support the establishment of such modern web injuries, such as the gliding bottoms of the auburn guard system? the thing is, we're concentrating our financial and administrative resources in key areas where the us needs to spend a whole lot of money supporting. it's already expansive on forces across the world . and it's 4 and basis, you know,
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corruptions flaring and the expenses are great. i'm not accusing anyone. we've got a lot of corruption to say that there is also a lot of corruption in the us because a lot of money can be stored when it's allocated for supporting what's there? a lot of money, a lot of resources are fund on supporting the imperial status of the us to doesn't benefit the american citizens. and they don't think so. on the contrary, we should have pushed us down the ladder and the experts in the us know that i may say in point that how, how do i read them? the question is, how fast is that happens? and how fast is the us going to be thrown? if they were smart people, they would read what they're experts right? and they would correct the course and then they would have stayed on the olympus for long. however, their current leadership would like to hold onto this imperial standing at any cost, and that is only detrimental to themselves. still, the changes are taking place. there are unavoidable,
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they're already underway. there is no unipolar world which is anymore. i think that the task for all of us, the united states, russia, bureau, asia, and that is that so that we would have an understanding of all of it would not come to an extreme what our colleague from the u. k. spoke about persistence and for us to understand that and to moderate our invasion and not try to agree with each other and not to try to make someone at band and agreements in the world will change without possible catastrophe. resources that are so scary for everyone to sort of which to em, ruth monday. sort of the ambush them today. well, go ahead and get another question for me. that the i a, a, issued a document against the sign up for public of the rod considering that right now the odd. considering that the u. s. is stepping out of a nuclear deal and with 5 participants. and that deal was tough with adaptive. he had it from cameron, and i think on that and your service agency or
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a certain body should be used, that would be more professional and competent as to possibly use it as much as a weapon as the saw as one at hand. so what do you think the situation has to do with that is not a look on your cmc up and listen to it is i just appalled, ron fully executed its obligations under the well known deals that you've just mentioned. there could be no grievances against iran in this regard to the united states. we know laterally decided to withdraw from the reason the europeans continue to demand that iran execute fully against obligations. well please forgive me now, but this is some garbage in absurd. the rod did not step out from the deal with the former us president, it's donald trump decided to withdraw from the deal. and european said, oh yes, that's not quite right for us of 1000, but you are radians. who observe it all to the why would they do that? well, it just sounds a little,
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but the 3 key actors stepped out of the deal. why went around there, the serving those demands i was we asked to run and we try to convince, drawn not to take any action click sudden move. so it's not just stepped out of the deal and not to exacerbate relations with the you're not gonna say, well, i'm going to do this as an open secret. all reveal it to me. we're also asking the around in leadership to keep call. it would be even better for you to observe the agreements with luxury, but i was thinking of myself and you must questionnaire on observing if everyone is leaving the field. and in general, some kind of mechanism should be found that would be stable if it was to go. it's clear to everyone today the sign the deal to tomorrow, they leave it. how come we work with us? we're always being told that trust is so important and where's the trust here? it cannot come from nowhere. one administration left and the other came in this and all their previous obligations are thrown out the window. just like today. everyone is thinking about their own topics,
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and i'm thinking about mind pursuing my colleagues from the united states, asked about possible agreements with ukraine. well, just we have come to almost signing the agreement with the printers and well at the behest of the us and the u. k, in the way it was all thrown out. and how can we agree today and how can we negotiate today the, to the current leadership of ukraine decided not to be elected. now it's a big question. now there's article one or 3 of these printing constitution because when it says that the president is elected for 5 years, only resource article, $83.00 of the printing constitutional mississippi leaves that during the martial law, the mandate of the parliament was extensive. as for the extension of the presidential mandates, well, nothing is said, nothing of that. you see there is a law that explains the status of commercial law. and it says that the mandate is transferred to the parliament and the elections of the president during the martial law. these are not being held and the president shall elections are not being held
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is what it doesn't mean that the results are extended. just see, it's not for the russian states, never as one of the most sense community best in most all sense and the in the 65 speaking. what else? suppose question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the state on process to day and split the smooth neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the question,
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did you say stephen twist, which is the type of rick sanchez and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show. search like why watch something that's so different. listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else smugglers please do you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you, go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you say the silver. so the somebody
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how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from a country who's 12 officials constantly complain about shortages of our munition and military equipment. is through a little bit of boston llc, or even maybe a little in your system with below grade level nominal facility or some of those other slash we, i'm about to the easiest, you know, mean? so one of the easiest on bottom of a bubble sort of wellness that will kind of get used to have gone on the level. why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world? to turn this country into a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally is that they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well that we don't sell but known as pineapples or any kind of children's toys. we sell women's yes, we're also known in the world is almost dealers that we must not be ashamed of that
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the, of the 1937 militaristic, japan started a full scale invasion of china. the invading army was rapidly advancing towards the capital of the republic of china. of the dies, the city of not seeing, leaving behind the burned down villages and thousands of the dead. on december 13th, the japanese occupied 9 z and states the real massacre. for 6 weeks, the invaders exterminated the civilian population. they carried out mass executions, rates, women, and were engaged, been merciless robbery. ruthless competition of 2 officers of the imperial army.
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the my guide and to yoshi no doubt gained particular notoriety. they competed with each other as to who would be the fastest to kill $100.00 chinese with a sword. this monstrous competition was widely reported in the japanese press. the nuns being massacre clay for the lives of about 300000 people and became one of the largest crimes against humanity in the world history. after world war 2, many foreigners advance of the address of the phase trial. however, the commander of the japanese army in the non seeing operation freezes, yasu e to a socket, was able to escape the responsibility due to the interference of the american administration. the, the
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but the headline stories this our a part of this is to supply you train with war planes. i love to strike russian territory with french weapons. the pledge was made on thursday by president le chrome and a romping off of more rhetoric by the european nation, also ahead. this affordability of action of nato brings natal closer to the more than ever before it. in our t exclusive, the hon gary and foreign minister tells us this country will never participate in actions. i would escalate have been sending you things complex, starting that he has meant to join. nato only brings the blog closer to war. from 40 people are reported. killed and dozens more wounded and it's really euro strikes on a you.


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