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tv   News  RT  June 6, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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the, the are headlines stories this our a part of this is to supply you train with war planes. i love to strike russian territory with french weapons. the pledge was made on thursday by president ma chrome in a rumbling off of more rhetoric by the european mission, also ahead. this forwarded in that direction of nato, brings nato closer to the war than ever before. and on r t exclusive, the hon gary and foreign minister tells us his country will never participate in actions. i would escalate events and that you think the conflict nodding that he has made to join. nato only brings the blog closer to war. on 40 people are reported, kills and dozens more wounded. and it's really euro strikes on a you in school, in
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a central galvan refuge account. you end communications director for palestine. refugee saves the idea of attack the facility without any prior warnings. privacy try and holding some of the is really close to something, but they were going to get those to either the goals, families who are in this case to am transferring into the across the world around the clock. this is our tape. hello, and welcome to the news. our warring moves that money will, mcfarland, safe friends will send you train the fighter jets in the guise of mirage to follow isn't at jets saying now they will help protected skies. he's also giving the green light for french weapons to be used, and what he calls retaliatory strikes by your train on the territory of russia, the money whose central cases of security is shown up now,
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the russians are doing something else, especially in the northern sector of the front from belgrade and other points they are attacking from russian soil and the ukrainians are told that you cannot neutralize his russian capabilities. that is the weapons that the russians use to attack you at the moment. they are told that you can no longer defend yourself, and that's why we say we allow you to use our weapons and not to attack civilians, not to hit one point or another in russia, but to neutralize the points from which you are being attacked. well, earlier i spoke with french evaluation expert and commentators several deluxe trail . busy on the issue, he believes that from risk becoming a full fledged party to the conflict with such developments inside the print, an army has a really started through shield russian territory with western weapons and immunization since a long time. the only difference is that now they officially have the right to do it from. they used to do it without having the right to do it. so basically that
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doesn't change anything. the only thing that it changes is that we may see more of those weapons being used and to target the deep inside the russian territory. but if you look at what i have been doing you crying so far. uh, for example, i can buy the there i'm not targeting any military uh, things that are targeting ally civilians. what is your an estimation to all these jets themselves? how, how good or otherwise are they the announcement made by my crime to night saying that it will give some of the harsh 2000 most probably the seal dash 5 is much more frightening because those aircraft while the 2000 dash 5 is an air interceptor, but the sea can be armed with different kind of weapons, if not the 2000 dash b, which is
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a 2 seater chat. moved to our lab craft some more to target the brown for them, the harsh 2000. if my from the sneaky, and it could be sneaky, it could be easy for him to put some retired french bite up and bought those out for us on sunday mode. i, i'm not saying that this is what is going to do that if things are getting worse and for the ukrainian on the base is a possibility. because the where francis engaged, we can understand that they are not ready to give up. so soon they are in what i call the to be to fail, so they will do absolutely everything they can to fulfilled their engagement. russia was not invited to normandy to commemorate the anniversary of that size. make a vents president to lensky at being one of the star attractions of this event. and the fact that the buffalo against nazi is in the 2nd world war you've got neo
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nazis within some of the units attached to the ukranian. mila tree. this is a treason mcclung betrayed all the souls yours. all the people will give their lives and who gave their lives. all the civilians that had been killed by night season. if it's just the trees and be treated all those people having zillions keep being invited in the, in the day, events is, is a huge condo, it shows no respect whatsoever for anything. nato whose behavior is bringing more close or that is, according to the hon. gary and foreign minister speaking exclusively to our teaching and major russian economic forum, picture c, r. to stress the budapest will never take part in actions which bring nato into direct fighting with russia. while stressing the importance of holding peace talks to in the spring conflict. as we argue in favor of immediate ceasefire and peace,
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thoughts to be started and to be respects the only me see what they have to make peace. that's why the we respect the efforts of this week as well. or do i have to tell you that the other thing that the a peace conference can bring forward the real substantial results in case uh, both parties of the more are being represented. and obviously it's not going to be the case. so at this time, but the, i'll go there and dial um i represent my position that instead of uh, sanctions, uh, you know, um instead of the 3rd there host by statements uh instead of uh, instead of extra ins which are bringing forward the serious, serious group escalation that we would need to buy or do we have a very clear position and they made it very clear and um, and the others um can not do anything guys, just respected that we are never participating actions reach uh way to bring uh nato. closer to the more than ever before. uh, we have had
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a very clear decision. uh, in february 2022 or so. around february 2022. we nato. uh, which was reset 2 things. first, that nato is not part of the complex. inspect them that we have to do everything in order to avoid the direct confrontation between nato and russia. and i do believe that um, this uh, quoted in that direction of nato. uh, brings natal closer to the more than ever before. and then they would like to avoid that, so therefore maybe on the 3rd dissipate and such kind of make sense for sure. mr. c . r to speaking most in the attendance office in petersburg, international economic for them love them are putting, has also been answering questions there from foreign media representatives. the president said moscow would consider sending weapons to regions that could strike keeps on the suppliers those nations. if russian turf becomes under fire with supplied weapons, he added that western involvement and strikes against the russian federation with a mind to direct involvement must go reserves the right to retaliate the moon
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limits. we are thinking that if someone believes it is possible to supply such weapons to it was on in order to strike out territory and created problems for us. then why do we not have the right to supply our weapons of the same class, to those regions of the world where they will be strikes on the sensitive facilities of those countries that are doing this against russia. so the response could be a symmetric, we will think about this. and of course, such actions will finally destroy international relations and undermining to national security. ultimately, if we see these countries being drawn into a war against us, and this is the direct participation in a war against russia, then we reserve the right to act in the same way. all in all. this is a path to very serious problems. now the mutual, there is no need to invent anything and use these ideas to form an opinion about russia forming an enemy. image of russia is not necessary. you are only harming yourself by doing so. you made up that rush, i wants to attack nato, and you completely crazy dense like this table who came up with this? it's nonsense, you know,
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that's rubbish. it would be nonsense if there was no plan to full their own population. o help rush. i will attack assume we must, urgently on ourselves urgently send weapons to ukraine. but in fact, why is it being done to maintain their own imperial position of greatness, really to be a little bit up net. but if we're talking about irretrievable losses in particular, then the ratio is the same one to about 5. that's the basis on which we are operating. this, by the way, is the reason for the attempt to carry out total mobilization and ukraine. because there are very large losses on the battlefield. we know from the ukranian side, and this is an open secret, that the us administration is insisting that the threshold be gradually lowered from 25 to 23, then to 20 years, and then to 18 or immediately to 18. because now they already require registration of 17 year old boys. we know this for sure, and this is a demand from the us administration to the ukrainian leadership, which can hardly be considered the leadership after elections were cancelled. in any case, i think that the us administration will force the current leadership of ukraine to
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make these decisions, to lower the mobilization age to 18 years. and then they will simply get rid of the landscape and across the atlantic. us senators have come out to express their discontent with continued financial and military support for ukraine while asking, where are the piece talks they had it done deal. we all know that but, but we talked about, i will give you any whatever it takes. we're going to give you, you're going to be able to fight the russians and whatever it takes for, however long it takes you may open ended. many, many tv clips have you set up a scene of a battle in ukraine, 0 in the last 678 months. it's, it's one sided, a boat and just kind of sitting back watching what's going on. i'm wondering how you, when you're gonna come over and we'll, we'll draw a line here, feet or mountain ukraine, heated won't europe, at least he's got enough land of his own. he just wants to make sure that he does not have united states weapons and ukraine point in that moscow, i have consistently voted know the funding the war in ukraine. and i have
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consistently called for peace talks. i think that's the most rational, sensible thing that we should be calling for is peace in ukraine and the, into that war. and, and this is something extremely important. but what is extremely concerning to me is um, the more aggressive nature of nato. i think many of us have seen the heart breaking videos over and over of, of young adult males and ukraine being dragged out of their homes. these young men are being killed now. they're basically being killed. now. i've been to the front lines in the war with russia and it's heart breaking. it's absolutely heartbreaking . shame on shame on the blood less in washington, dc, and shame on the by the administration that continues to, to actually persist and engage the united states and activities and funding and weapons that could lead us to world war 3. former us marine corps intelligence
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officers golf richard told this program, the u. s. representatives expressing concern over continued military a to ukraine. well, that is outside the main or it's of being driven by washington. it's very difficult for elected representatives to take a strong position against a sitting president on national security issues unless they have the support of their respective constituencies. but when the american electorate has been brainwashed by this rest of phobic misinformation promulgated by the government promulgated by mainstream media, it's difficult for a politician to separate his or herself from the will of the people and as long as the will of the people who shaped by this misinformation, this rest of phobia. it's not going to be easy. why come from a military background that is based upon the united states marine corps? if you put up us up against an opponent that's been kidnapped on the street,
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who's received no training whatsoever, has no leadership, no equipment, nothing. we will slaughter them. it won't be a massacre is promoting or promulgating. this policy shows the mural. the vacuum that exist, we are literally asking, need no demanding that ukrainians fight to the last ukrainians. what friend, whatever, ask a so called friend to do that. this is proof positive that we're not the friends of ukraine. in fact, the united states, by supporting this policy, we are the worst enemies of ukraine because of our policies is guaranteeing that entire generations of ukrainian men will be wiped from the face of the or at the end of the day rush. it just wants to live in peace, but you can't live in peace when nato has western missiles upon its soil and is in ukraine, has been incorporated into
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a native that continues to seek the strategic defense of russia. how can you live in peace and harmony with a native, with a neighbor who wants to seek your defeat through violence. so yeah, russian doesn't want all that. but until the west decides that they truly want peace, rush has no choice, but to continue this worth, i'm just returning to the economic forum of let them are putting took the opportunity to personally make world leaders visiting the st. petersburg events. many of them shirts that they have common interest with russian, including their republic, a strip sca president photo. if there's any more close to my, despite the difficult circumstances, i want to tell you that we remain strong and our principle and are fully persistent in refusing to join the sanctions. i don't have to tell you how many demands we have when it comes to this. but we see that the western partners are quite nervous in this regard and insist on many things. in any case,
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our relations with russia are very good and we do not have any open questions between us. and we should continue to cooperate on all issues as before. or president dogs visit to russia during the st. petersburg international economic forum once again shows just how close relations are between moscow and republicans served scott, especially when the latter had recently received support from russia and opposing this western back to you and resolution that would have labeled the crimes that took place in server needs are back in 1995, a genocide. this is something that the president of serbia, alexander, which have condemned. he said that the international criminal tribunal responsible for ruling on the events that took place informed me of this love. you had already dished out their verdict. those who were responsible were convicted and uh, according to the serbian president, this resolution would just go on to vilify serbs and connections of that door to thanks a lot them. your opponent for rush has continued support for serves all around the
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world. is really most of the holdings uh, i would like to thank you for russia's position on the dayton agreement. i think that you as a signatory to the agreement are the only ones who stand by its principles. implementation of the agreement itself has been destroyed by the west. even today, the practical situation in bosnia and herzegovina is such that you have a constitutional order that as prescribed in the terms. and in reality, you have something completely different country to the constitution and at the expense of the rights given to the republic of service. got in the serbian people, thank you for your position and understanding regarding the recent session at the un general assembly where again, the initiatives of the resolution of scribbler needs were launched against the legal constitutional order of bosnia and herzegovina. the west has taken advantage of this, but it is also showed that it's not united. a lot of countries were not in favor of the resolution, which is exactly what you were saying, that it does not contribute to understanding or reconciliation,
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but only creates additional problems. a lot of your food and also met with the president of zimbabwe and he praised the increasing trade volume that we've been seeing between russians and bob way in recent years. putting also put special emphasis on the fact that both countries have enjoyed very friendly relations for many decades and soviet times in fact, and from the times of b, as in bob, wy, and war for independence. and this is one of the main reasons why both countries share a dedication to anti imperialism and are both striving to build the multi polar world. yeah, but i am grateful to you for the fact that we are actively working together on the international arena. and as they say, in such cases, our positions are very close or even coincide on key issues on the international agenda. i am glad to have the opportunity to meet with you on the sidelines of the st. petersburg, international economic for them. i am sure that your presence will symbolize the interest of the african continent in developing relations with the russian
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federation. and this is one of our priorities community. the challenge is to focus on assume challenges to be genesis and southern africa. because i'm of the shoot dentist in southern africa. that is, is the government that is on to west and i feel so i'm that to extend an invitation for me to come over here. and there's an opportunity to learn can share the challenges from 1st boston national level. and international level is we ever listens with uh, listed in the country is most important to identify areas where we can't assume a competition between our 2 countries. and of course i did in the mid beginning of, of sales for as part as in bob when president said that the st. petersburg, international, economic for them gives both parties to great opportunities to continue to deepen
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cooperation in a variety of sectors. you specifically mentioned those of, to agriculture and military cooperation. so that's a basic rundown as the main points that were discussed between the russian president and the president of republic. i served scott and the president of zimbabwe. alright, to central gas, there were 40 people have been killed and dozens more wounded. and an idea of strike on a un school that is according to posted in the far to use the u. n's, communications director for palestine. refugees said that is real hit. the facility which is located in the new serrato refugee camp, without any warning. we received research information this morning about a another, and sign on un under us pull your email, the middle areas and goals, where 6000 people who were displaced were thinking some terms. and this is a becoming more frequent. we have reported about more than 118 unwrapping
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things and facilities. i've been here since before began on the 13th of october last year. so i'm the house now to receive the try a morning. so my, the is really for says that they were going to hit the school. these are a do to those families who are in the space the answer to bring in that school. there was no warning received before the attack of the claims the about the israeli forces have put forward this morning. are quite shocking. however, we do not have any a bt around 2 very fine. these claims and wants a we keep pulling for them. we kept reminding parties through the conflicting in, in gaza. a's about they should not use the human, facilitates for minute 3 or printing purposes. what will the us state department, how sides that taking us down some the deadly refugee camp attack. while the
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journalists highlighted that is real, how to getting killed civilians, spokesman matthew miller suggested reports come confirmed. we need to know exactly what happened. as i said, is you just point out. there are conflicting accounts about what exactly happened here. and that's why we need to get to the bottom of it. i just want to remind you that this is basically an his rating thing to the point where the radius of p, of course, told him you could not do it. you could not use past in your kids as human sheets arrived, the mother keeps and walk. you through the stage and so on, and in fact it continues to do it. so what's possible, i mean, anyone has no credibility whatsoever to believe what they say that there are some, as part of that hiding, we have not seen any evidence. so i'm not shown as any so these p what i just said is israel said to us, they're gonna release the names of the tents that they have killed if that's true. if they do it, the entire world will be able to see that and judge. but i'm going to wait until we see what happens. apollo sent me an american journal as an editor of the palestine chronicle. rumsey bought rude, says the us for it to use their being
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a finished game by turning a blind eye to the actions committed by true. and we're looking here at the situation in which genocide has been taking place for nearly 9 months or over 30. 6000 people have been confirmed dead. vast majority of them. the mission of the us government itself, or women and children, were over $10000.00 people are missing under the rubble. what kind of city is cannot or are not allowed to actually of to of find them and, and give them proper burial or tens of thousands, a wounded or me were a population is being starved. so for mr. miller or sullivan, or matthews, or, or, or lincoln, or anybody come after all of this, i've tried to play this cindy game about, well, you know, we cannot really speak about any particular story unless we see evidence what the evidence we have already been seeing this evidence for 9 months,
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no say it i did so which by the way is my refugee camp in gaza and that is my school in gaza. and then they'll say right, refugee camp has been a sort of numerous such a mess. of course the big carries massacres. the, the residential towers massacres, the central market massacre, even even on this very point was actually hit a month ago. and it people now also killed in the exempts under the exact same circumstances. so for the americas to continue to play the city name, the game as of are completely unaware of the fact that as well as lloyd from the very start, by the way, even the americans themselves are saying that is what it is, have attacked many civilian areas using our weapons with no proper intelligence, rumsey, but rude will the idea if attack not only the un run schools, but also a number of other civilian areas in central gas over the past 24 hours,
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according to local authorities. one of the latest strikes on a residential buildings happened in dirt out, the law was said to obtain the lives of 3 palestinians. a little journalist sent us this report and i've called them to the policy number. so here's the number of people who look into the ongoing ground operations targeting to hold these been possible because i sent an area has reached 141 people in 24 hours. the operation duckworth southern clamp, the lives of large number of people that live around 300 others to enter the latest on. most of the shopping incident that took place was the target of 3 schools that was sent out by the population of the intent. noticed that lucky and 2nd shop people, although they have been seen the car and then so dense. and they think that this is an application of device and policy that is followed by the professional process,
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which is to target people in the shelters by the people into open harriers and even target people who are staying in the areas that were described as safe areas. by d, a by d, is it, it was though it is, and by doing so, i'm not sure. so the overall situation is extreme defense. the number of people working on hunter is increasing this financially. so i thought locks always put them in because i sometimes area has the movement of the people, the college of people. but that has been taking place. they make it some things happening, targeting for the sake of providing the care for all those people who are coming to need of the care. so the overall situation is after shift by the apartment and is affected as well by the very 2nd situation is i've taken from the ongoing seat on the that off for the on board the i loud and very limited number of a truck. you know, it's instagram, including food and consume offers and supplies for the people who are a member
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of south africa is opposition. m k party has been shot dead in the countries northeast. local police say the killing was not politically most effective, but rather a robbery. the bloodshed comes a week after election dropped off in the nation for the 1st time since the end of apartheid. the african national congress lost its outright majority in parliament. the business oriented democratic a lions play 2nd on the ballot. but in the shock to some, the newly formed and k party headed by former president jacob zoom was the 3rd biggest force. the mc has now decided to form lots. it's called the government of national units and has met with a number of parties, but not m. k. we have a chance to talk to the national spokesperson of the latter, who shared his thoughts on the media betrayal, all of his party and why he thinks the n c last. it's popular, it we have been using members on a daily basis, and this is
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a very concerning in a sense that it is even more consuming of that. you know, the media is about to a society want to think that i'm about to receive as a violent party. you know, when has we other ones who and during violence and the minutes of the minister of police. i said, why you sending police to whether or not go and increasing the contingency, you know very well that isn't ok. instead, all people are the ones that are dying on a daily basis, yet to one of our members was killed in front of his wife and his children. why don't they put the next elections inside of the consent? we stay to the city that be rejected. we get them because they're not as high as our assessment and the information that we get to reflection all the people's will
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the width has been totally involved in this call. it would be like they can't afford to have and, and see the m p on the ocean as the teacher opposition alliance. so coordination, because they know that will be forcing them to implement policies around naturalizing all minds naturalizing. there is a bank, nationalizing the, the, the, the banks bringing up a free vacation and ensuring beneficiaries, nobody stores as well people and continue, you know, relationship with brakes. the agency loss control. it's because the advocates, the agency loves votes because the lead that is bolt. the leader is born by whiteman, over the capital. he's never implemented, even one project. we demonstrate that he's we, that ship is funded, lost from the reality of the down problem, people in this country that wants to see change. how do you expect people to vote
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for you, if you're totally dest lowest from the reality? you look at this country's economy, this country has had the lowest amount of finished the season tickets and the history of existence. so if you're in the mood for a deeper dive into any of our stories of this, our me, i suggest r t t dot com as a sort of jumping off point, always fresh content, lively discussions to get involved with their bye. for now, the
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would you be making the bite and say spire, which apparently originated in israel, said the is really government fails to own. is this merely cheap domestic political posturing, or a reflection of the moral rocks of american foreign policy? probably in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general, arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot. the sonia i mean, he's stuck up some issues around the custody. and just showing this to the tent, the food i on the east, one of the most terrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. somebody i know, do i pay for them to push image dental and i'm.


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