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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  June 7, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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or is it the defense you of us entered into word? or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without collision. let's go part of the, the rise of main points has been a surprising twist for many long term crypto investors. with many expecting to come to die down along with the needs that inspired them. however, a decade after the 1st ever mean point, those coin was created. the category of crypto currencies continues to flesh. i'm christy i today or diving deep into the world of lean coin from there, meteoric rise to the controversy surrounding their legitimacy. the, the main point market cap scans at around $60000000000.00 out of the total crypto
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market cap. a $2.00 trillion dollars, which is a significant amount. a main point is a term to refer to accept the currency class that has based on internet means most are supported by followers and are generally intended to be lighthearted and fun. while they are entertaining to some, they're highly risky investments and many hold little or even know intrinsic value . some famous ones, of course, include those points. she but you knew bonke, pets, a bunch loki baby, those dog with hot, etc. but while you may have heard of those famous ones, there are more than 1300 other main points you probably have never heard of. most of these coins are not actively traded and are effectively worthless despite having once raised several $1000000.00 at the time of the project. launch some in media characterize main points as an elaborate pump and dump scheme. when in reality,
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main points often start off as a joke that quickly spirals into a snowball effect as users and followers jump on board. the main reason why main points have gain popularity is due to their humor, streak related to internet means. these mean coins are designed to go viral and are often heavily promoted on social media platforms, creating hype around the new project. once it gets popular and spikes and value, retail investors then jump on board and further boost the coin. additionally, mean coins are community driven and gain popularity overnight. due to online community is doors, mens and fomo. the main points frequently create a sense of urgency and excitement causing fomo about missing out on profits. people are compelled to invest because they're afraid of being left out or they want to be in on the joke. mean coins can also be linked to social proof or people being influenced by the actions of others as well as a sense of community which fosters
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a supportive environment for many investors. and one of the main drivers of a main point is internet culture. platforms like read it to score twitter and take talk, serve as catalyst for their vital marketing campaigns. and allow means to connect with a range of diverse users. humor can also foster innovation and novelty and the cut the space while also reducing the risk and seriousness of investing in an asset class as vala tile and speculative as mean criptos. viral marketing and emotional connections associated with me of course, can also influence investor behavior. and so by creating legitimate projects with benchmarks, goals, marketing, and doing more work, main coins are actually putting themselves in the cross hairs of the fcc does. it is sometimes better to remain just in internet joke. and now today we welcome hon. the despond professor of economics at nichols college. now professor, what is the purpose behind main cleans and why did people choose to invest?
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and that was very interesting question. and i'll start out with with saying that they can be very volatile and, and risky. having said that, as a college professor, i deal with a lot of young people, obviously on a regular basis. and for many years the students have been telling me, you know, to invest in crypto, which i have not because i don't trust it. had i done that several years ago, i would have made a fortune, or, you know, the, the main coins now also there's, there's hundreds of them now, but the ones that have done very well, you can do very, very well on. so people are investing these things i think primarily because um, because of the price of these online, you can re sell and make money. it's,
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i think it's that simple. now the question is whether or not there's some value behind a, you know, the, the price of them going up of your younger than me. but when you know, quite some time ago, there was what was called the beanie babies, which was a little stuffed animals. there was no extra value except for they were made scares by the company that produced these beanie babies. and you could literally purchase them, the price would go up and you could treat that as an investment. now, at some point in time, if i have the dates, right, i think 1990. so if i'm not a web, the kind of fell on a fad. people must have had to add it, add it folds of beanie babies that are now worth $0.75 rather than, you know, quite literally thousands of dollars in some instances. so these mean coins are, are a little bit like that. the value keeps going up until they don't. the difference
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between them in beanie babies is the potential that they can turn into a currency and understanding what money is and what a currency is, gives them their potential. now how optimistic anybody is that they'll turn into that is, is a different question. what is the audience that mean coins typically target? i think the primary demographic would be young to middle aged males. is, is what i think is, is kind of the, the primary audience that you're trying to target. so you know, the level of the hype, of them comes from, uh, social media and celebrities. so you know, it's typically the folks that will, you know, like one musk or something like this will be people that are following we need want musk so if you know that demographic falling, meanwhile musk obviously across as gender, it crosses race. but primarily,
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probably that demographic from, you know, 18 to 45 year old males. this is what i would say is, is the main target. but they want to generalize that. i think that these, the are the creators of these mean coins in crypto, you know, don't want to reduce it to that. but because the main point is more of a sad phenomenon at the moment, dove coined uh, the, the, the largest largest market cap. and the 1st one created a started as a joke. you know, which is a very curious thing. and then it took off. and so what these creators of these main coins are, are trying to do was, is create that next phenomena and you know, and they have primarily done it with, you know, the, the little step they put on it. and that becomes very, very curious, because if we, if we start thinking about what money is in,
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in the very inception of crypto bit bit coined itself. but money is, you know, any money one a one class. so i guess there's probably no such thing. but even in the e con one, a one or i'm money, i'm banking higher level. of course when you go over what money is you start with the functions of money. and there's 4 functions of their a measure of value of a meeting, medium of exchange. so the medium of exchange just means that it allows things to be exchange one thing for another, overcoming the double coincidence of wants of somebody having to check and then somebody else uh, wanting, you know, whatever particular, you know, a book. and then as a, as a measure of value, your, your, your monetary unit, you want to be able to compare all commodities and goods in terms of that unit. so
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again, currency does that mean in the remarkably nice way. i say, well, what's the comparison of a book and a check and just tell me what the prices in you, you've, you've got that, that measure value. and then there's 2 derivative functions of money that become extremely important. and this is primarily what's driving the mean, right? now, one of them that is, which is a store value. so as a store of value that, that money needs you, you need to be able to keep but, and hopefully the value will go up, or at least not go down very, very quickly. so this is why we don't like inflation because that makes the value of the money go down. so it's got a function as a store, a value. mean money is a functioning that way because the price of it keeps going up in this remarkably wonderful way. so it's the store value that's primarily motivating it and then deferred payment, which turns it into to credit. so that's, that's one thing to, to, to keep in mind as we start talking about the potential. the other thing that i like
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to emphasize is that money emerges with a necessarily emerges because of a social distrust. and this is really important, especially when it comes to crypto and mean coins us, because z is the answer apology economist got this wrong. they thought, oh, markets extended and then money use extended. now actually, money has always existed in very, very sophisticated ways. most economies throughout human history have monetary systems, but they're monetary systems of, of mine and ethics. so if we say, you know, i'll trade you for this, you, you hand that over and you just keep in mind, i gave you a check. and then when i come to you and i say i would like something you, you keep in mind that checking, okay, so as a courtesy, we'll quantify that. but if we have trust like today,
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with families or neighbors or something like that, you can just keep that monetary system in your mind and that accounting system is there such sophisticated version of money. although we call it, you know, antiquated, rolled, it actually is, it is a very important version. now. so where do you see currency if that's the primary ways around human history, the people would trade things through kind of a cognitive monetary process where we find money. no, it's everywhere but, but the vast majority of people would have never, you know, seen a point leveling, let alone employed the use of money. we see him at ports of an early history, you know, from, you know, a $280.00 total, about $1580.00. the primary place would be ports. the reason why you need money is because not only do you, you're dealing with
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a stranger and you may not see the stranger for very long time. you may never see them again. so now you need something that you can exchange that has a store value. and then this is where you see the gold coins begin to emerge, emerge as a, as a phenomenon to be, to trade it in and so on, so forth. when you're given a coin, you want to know that its value that to say its weight is real. and so if it had the, the, the stamp of the king on it or the emperor or whatever the case may be, you have more faith in that coined. and especially if it's not gold, right? if it's not a metallic, you know it's, it's just, you know, something on it as long as you have the stand for the king, you know, the value of that thing is more stable. okay? so that's so, so that, that stamp means something, as we've already said in the means, a more just kind of a joke. but at the same time, it's the stamp that these mean creators are hoping will create that fat. thank you
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so much, professor hans. but please stick around. the professor hobbs will be right with us here after the break. and when we come back, mean close appeal, extend beyond just to young head start, investors will explain everything. so don't go away. the
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torture we make of the bite and say spire which apparently originated in israel that'd be, is really government fails to own is this merely cheap domestic political posturing or a reflection of the moral rocks of american foreign policy? probably, but look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're such shorter. is it conflict with the 1st law? show your identification. we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point, obviously is to trace a truck or rather than fit the various jobs with artificial intelligence, we have so many in the theme and the
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robot must protect this phone. existence was only exist the main coin for their country branding a name and spar themes. tap into the cultural like guys, and appealed to a younger demographic of investors. however, their appeal extends beyond mere entertainment. they offer a gateway to the world of crypto currency for many new commerce, driving adoption and market growth. main point started after main stocks like game stop took off and the community sold their prices pump by as much as a 100 fold and a few months. retail investors caught fomo and started buying main coins in the hopes of becoming overnight. millionaires sparking the main clean revolution. retail investors, especially the younger ones, find main point attractive because they typically only costs a few cents or even
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a fraction of a cent. thus, you don't need to invest much and everyone can participate in the hopes that it will rally thousands of percentages and gain a significant profit. well, big when an ease has economic use cases mean coins do not possess any real economic use other than trading, which is largely determined by how by role they've gone. when 11 months can mark you been promoted, those going is value skyrocketed. but once the high died down, it fell just as quickly. so now there are a slew of beam coins coming out that have some sort of value. one example is pop the area which uses a small tax on each transaction to help and will cherries. lucky you new is another one that provides a metal verse game, an f p marketplace and a crypto education platform. the the i ronald thing is that mean coins going legit is actually the worst thing for me in coins today. there is not only a lawn less but real institutions like avalanche foundation and franklin templeton,
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willing to say that name coins are a legitimate use, a block chain technology. mean coined projects traditionally have no underlying value and worksheet to create and spin up. but today, creators are investing time and money into making their products stand out, building and, and heart eco system. the trends rise, swap and even s p's to go with their main point. but now by advertising these projects, it makes it more likely for court to find the investment to be a security. because marketing is a factor and the application of the how we test. many of these mean coins are also led by team rather than being community driven, which would also classified as a security where a team is actively working to increase its value. main coins operate in a largely unregulated space, raising concerns about investor protection market manipulation and financial stability. regulatory agencies worldwide are grappling with how to address the
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risks posed by main coins, including fraudulent schemes, pump and dump schemes, and the lack of transparency and project governance. so by creating legitimate projects with benchmarks, goals, marketing, and doing more work, main coins are actually putting themselves in the cross hairs of the fcc. thus, it's sometimes better to just remain an internet joke. so for this and more, let's bring it again. professor hans dispatch is now professor, what are the long term goals or aspirations? i mean coined projects and how do they aim to sustain their relevance and appeal in the crypto ecosystem? well, i think the, the most main coins and even even the criptos i, i, you know, i've, i've given up on the crypto is a really, you know, trying to figure this out. i'm not sure why they have been to that because these were real anti monetary authority, zealous celts and,
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and i would have thought they would stay committed, but i'm not exactly sure why they've kind of abandoned that. and it seems to me, maybe they haven't. and i'd be happy for somebody, send me an email and explain that they haven't to know that i would stand corrected but, but it's, it hasn't manifest yet. and so that technology is there. what we need to also be aware of our states are on top of this central banks on top of this. they want to tap into this technology. and they also want to control this technology. because once again it's, it's hard to keep finance here. it's very, very rich if they lose control of the monetary unit and how the investors perceive mean coins in terms of risk and reward compared to say more establish those like big coin or syria, the people that are into the main points in trading. the nf t's, you know, when they have decent merge up i,
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i could not process why you would buy this picture. and i remember this, this, this young man is named dan. i won't share any more of his name. i don't think he would mind at all, but boy, he got so angry at me because he's he, he then we laughed about it, you know, later, but he was angry because he didn't think that i could understand. these are scarce, there's only a 1000 of them that existed in the entire world. but i can recreate it on my computer today, but it doesn't have to stay up. it doesn't have the, you know, the, the end of the special code, you know, and so he's absolutely convinced that this is literally, it was a picture of a dog. you know, this cartoon drawing. there's only a 1000 of them and you know, he didn't spend very much on it but the, but he thought he was going to be a millionaire because this thing that keeps selling like a beanie babies. so i think that most of the buyers are not sophisticated with what's going to give this thing value and make them
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a lot of money. they're just hoping that there's turns into a fad. you know, now at the same time, there's so much garbage on the internet of why this mean where that mean is going to replace the american dollar. you know, so you can find confirming, you know, the statements by random people on the internet of, of whatever mean you're interested in confirming that's going to be, you know, successful. and that encourages these young people to, you know, to buy into it. and now what impact do mean coins have on the broader crypto cards, the eco system, including market sentiment, investor behavior, and regulatory scrutiny? yeah. they're, they're still doors. great. and still, the market cap is, is still significantly below the, you know, the, the, the leading, i don't know, 6 or 7 rate. i mean there's, it's
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a big drop off. but i do, and i, you know, i, i should be more careful. i'm predicting these things, but i do think a main point is going to surpass the market. uh uh, valuation of, of, of the criptos. i think the crypt, those let the ship sale by just allowing it to sort of turn into a beanie baby phenomenon where the price of the thing just keeps going up. and they haven't turned it into something that you actually used to purchase goods. you've got to turn it into something that purchases ordinary retail goods by the ordinary american. and then you're going to be on to something our main points seen as a positive or negative force within the accepted currency community. and do they contribute to innovation and grow, or do they actually post a risk? well, it's the establish criptos, right? uh, see it as a, a, a, you know, parasite. um the, the, the creators of means, i think,
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see it as a way to attack the power of the criptos themselves and in their own comments. and i agree with the main point contingent. i think the potential is there, you know, and uh, you know, and, you know, you, you could created the really, the only difference is, is how you're using that social media in, in your, your, your little gimmicks, you know, to sell it. that's really the difference between these things. otherwise, you're just using the technology to block trends that are behind it. you know, so, um, but, you know, definitely just, just as their, you know, as capitalism emerges with the boost was the right the, the new rich. that's all that of that french term means in the futile rich, right? they're just most people, the vote just rich people, but they make a clear, absolutely unambiguous distinction between the new rich and the old rich,
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you know, in the, in the 1617 century. and i think the main coins in the crypto or something like that, and in much like the boost was the one out over the futile. i think the main point somebody is going to create a fad that is going to be used as, as a real currency that that's what i would predict. thank you so much, professor for all your time today. for every trade, there's a winner and there's a loser. the online forms are filled with people who have made millions on mean coins and others who lost everything when the price plummeted and no or less than holding the back. many investors are posting that they are so bothered by these mean coins. as people are $100.00 times more than other well research projects and coins this year alone dog with had is the big stand out, were in january the coin was worth a mere $0.10 to today. it is trading out around $3.00. that is $830.00
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times return, where if you put a $5000.00 in january and less than half a year, you would have a $150000.00. the returns are astounding. but so are the losses. the pet bay was one of the worst boom bus coins were at the hive. it was worth point 0001 sense. and today it is worth about point 000007 cents. which means that your $5000.00 would be worth merely $350.00 today. i'm christie. i been a pleasure. thanks for watching. the cost of everything the,
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the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all set and set up the same assistance must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush of coding and split the ortiz full neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center. for what question did you say
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a request for check the in the late 18 ninety's, french soldiers led by general to boot. i arrived in asia with a goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot. the funny, i mean he stuck up system issues all the cars do and just showing this to the, to the food i on the east, one of the most horrific campaigns of a trustees to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. liability getting hold of somebody. i know the pushing me to download the plastic part of the do some people possession once i create multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed home for us to get
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the young investigator in search of his own identity inbox. on that you need to africa. the traces general good ice flood drink is in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is sam and i come from england and ask, i'm ready to find out more about the, the mission of lake and the history of in, in the region, the a. what else seemed wrong? just don't you have to see power to come to the and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves worlds of parts,
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we choose to look so common ground the the hello and welcome to cross software. all things are considered on peter lavelle. what should we make of the bite and ceasefire, which apparently originated in israel and that the israeli government fails to own is this merely cheap domestic political posturing, or a reflection of the moral rocks of american foreign policy? probably both the cross talking palestine. i'm joined by my guest, giorgio pharaoh in washington. he's ceo of golf state analytics in new york. we
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have line on he is a legal and media analyst and in rest and we have michael maloof. he is a former pentagon senior security policy analyst, our internal in cross lock rules, in effect, that means he can jump any time you want, and i always appreciate michael. let me go to you 1st here. it's been about a week now since joe biden announced to the public a ceasefire that he says originated in israel. why he is the one that announced that is unclear to me. and then with the usual permit parameters that we've seen, that was something that was 3 weeks before this really government for the most part as distance himself from it, particularly the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. so what is going on here was that just for domestic consumption is bite and somehow throwing in the towel. what do you make of it to me? it's been about a week and i still don't understand what's going on. well it's my understanding that it originated from israel, of the united states, tweaked it.


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