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tv   News  RT  June 7, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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so the 9 fronts for all the shift is reducing the poverty, the pricing, branching and inequality, the growth of income of the russian families. it will increase the think internal demand and the volume of the domestic market. and all the tools must be used to accomplish this task, including the tax, the deductions sits on the counter and social counteract. and starting and the main tool, something that i've mentioned before, the issue of what is the black this and the wife and their salary is set to customize and accept the road. you might know what an elective we're going to increase the minimum of wage. it's already higher than the sustenance wage, as defined by the constitution. and in the future, we are going to the tides in big station to the average level of the salary tre, within the economy. starting the next year, we are going to establish the connection between the minimal wage weeds and media in salaries that is received by the majority of the employees. people in our
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country. little white pointed $25.00, the minimal wage will be 48 percent of the media and salary, but it, we should get the show banana will exceed $22000.00 frivolous per month, a shopping unit. so it will grow by some save 10 percent more and then the ratio with the median salary will increase. as we agreed by 2033, even minimal wage must be no smaller than 35000 triplets in vermont. and the temp, structural change integrity would change, is improving the lives of coordinate on the through the russian families. a lot has been set up in these respects during the draft of the federal assembly and everything's must be supported, birth rates support for that. but we monitor is for the families with many children accessibility on the system to all taken care of the right type rate. that's just a city beat that isn't that them and what are you putting him in prison going to
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have things a lot. qualitative and the these changes and this must result and expanding the, you mean the given the is federal, we life expectancy for the other one you and we're creation of frequent opportunities for space. you look at the new topic into the potential of younger generation to improve the live quality of for the russians family club. i mean, it goes to be a little book with colleagues and friends, even then the global economy for it has entered into by units of snow. i mean the freight transformations, a new multiple wellness taking shape, your investment and financial ties between countries and companies utilize how being re shaped, there's then each and then the russian economy and changing in response to acquiring new dynamic. it's brand new growth potential and it is thanks to face putting you my work is that managers and onto this when you're ready to go to ensure the development of their company's cities and regions,
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films to go after you. they be putting forth values like trust that we can service you once people in the country and we will keep them up, you mean the positive changes? there's really and that's in the country and our economy initially, they'll guess we have oriented long term systemic plans to strengthen our financial technological, what the a and to human potentially to improve the business climate to something cheaper. national goals. and certainly we are open to corporate with all the interested partners via to companies, the countries on integration entities. thank you for your patience and i wish you success. thank you very much mister president. thank you for
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a trudy impressive speech with i am sure that each would create a loss of optimism for all the people present here and listening to today's food cost and of course, football, russian, people fighting in the phone line against you at another. aggression of the west. this is the very right speech to st. louis. and now it is my great pleasure. alice, i'm sorry to keep the flow to his excellency, president of believe it through his are so the flow was yours, the which is where i see us when instead of is the photos. thank you very much. good afternoon everyone. i would like
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to specifically welcome my dear clinic president, 14 and i would like to thank him for the invitation to speak of this very important for him. i also would like to express my greetings to the president. don't see about we all moderator and everyone present in this room tonight. i'm a number 80 of you in florida. i also would like to extend to you very well increasing on behalf of the believe in people. and i'm generally proud to representative. i also would like to thank the organizers from that room hospitality extend to us and of course for the invitation to participate in this large international for a minute truly historic city here at the nearby reba and it's saying that as back this is where the very 1st, socialist frivolous in in the world has happened and he is off to. this is the city that has been able to hold
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a victory against fascism. uh the search seeds lawsuit for 3 years. and it was finally successfully stopped and fascism was defeated. and now i believe that the, today's world all the is moving over to much more balanced and just state that is based on multi polarity. and of course, we are waiting on more than all the various discussions around our transition to a new multi polar world or the a new multi pulled or economy where undoubtedly we would be able to learn from the experience of the russian economy. and i'm sure each will have an important role to play in this new world. experts here in front of this exchange is very important for everyone to is especially useful. those countries that are represented,
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she has been driving it as an issue, and they seem to pretty pretty they're not even showing me. and many of them have folded and victims to this model, especially when the economy, the world economy, is divided into the center of the periphery. and this is the situation, this, let us to a place where we are a country that is producing unexplored hang on one particular item of codes, and it let us do it again to the industrialization order. so you can sort of model portions connected when you're driving the believe in economy is now dependent from others. it is a kind of an isolated case. this is the market, accepting flows of inputs from other countries and ok, this isn't what city is pretty much. and then we'll go with the we have and also have that good as mine is and people working in the industry and extracting industries and we exclude. there's pretty used to the old markets because once it
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sure i said that each time the government of believe it could not change the situation because neil colonialism in monaco was reading is, was around the country. and this is why our government, within the framework of our blurry national states, will be best calculate, listen to desires and dreams of old people. and assuming this is how we started the process of industrialization to ensure national sovereignty and liberalization, this is a focus on industry analyzation on input substitution. this is a very important item on our agenda, starting from the 19th century. and we have to learn a little by 10 o'clock, the true economic independence and sovereignty. and in order to achieve this goal, we record. now i said that there are many challenges we have to face that most when
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they're going to go through that. and of course, the other person i said was by uses breaks and this one believe here, we believe that to be a member of the brakes. chris is a great fluid prospect for our country because we have our most of an empty so that we could actually focus on the transformation of our country. that's a big event with extended rated industrialization and give it, i don't like him on the other because both of those, he says the brakes economies have been able to change the brake. they had gemini, if they not given states. and they give us old tape. in full cooperation, liability of a countries to come to that to one another. and as we know, the world of today that eastern is, i'm ready for several, i remain most executive is originally functional. so you might have attended some crying says this is a message financial crisis. this is climate crisis,
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energy crisis board crisis, a lot of resources my creek and i'm a situation. well, the institutions they own in crisis. that's kinda nice because of the expect. we see it on the example of the international organizations and then one of the specific features of this crisis. i mean, sounds a bit so uncertain. it has many dimensions. that's the main feature, is that whatever that is, we exist in an environment where that is something that was from set up a development that intern, for example, for looks here. and they don't want to, to create a new development model that is different from the main stream we in, but it is created arriving economic model to model. this is socially oriented in the production economy. this is a model that is different from the woods. now,
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neo liberalism tried to impose on us using last model because in our country we have very important and serious measures for social support them. and we are guided by all fundamental values that quote, to the indigenous people of believe the, and of course we focus on manufacturing and production is people they know this is a mechanism to create a new, retest for our country. and this is the model that has been developed, we've taken into account since he's able to get all characteristics that are typical to believe in economy and believe in society, it will not be reading starts here in the world. so how does this model function, your 1st and foremost, this model is based on the economic growth and developmental. those include some, some representatives and everything is also that we're taking its foundation in the
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use of natural resources for the go to put it in people and assume big sentences. so let me go. so i start getting that all the pieces that the relative strength of attorneys are ceiling disability. them well, this model makes the past are the natural resources when an objective of advanced industry analyzation and the growing of the co domestic production of him. since the colonial times for the day was reached with a large amount of natural resources, we could move the recalls to reject the different seats. which is a deposit of some of the largest solar deposit that we had in our country. instead of having, you know, little say, well sir, you may have to noticed with the reserves of, of lithium and l, janet less than that. so gold deposit is inc. gas, a silver co pay your rent amount of total and so on and so forth. so let's get
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you solutions directly. he goes. so let's put it in, let me see on the kinetic sitting present cortes, us rotation came for them sectors of our economy. but when they use the phone and they can help us achieve boucher indicators, some of these most interesting in development um they definitely serves the purpose of a distribution of all the benefits between the society taking into account of the programs that our government is conducting in blue english or inclement weather. we particularly focus on those sectors of the economies does contribute to the wellbeing of home people and create more jobs. and that's at least the issue of that in visual, most of the fever english will see that these do you know where that is? but if you and, and we have in mind, don't just demo 5 distribution of profits if encompassing in a quality that is typical for many countries. but we also are willing to invest into all the sectors of only economy and economy. and then we want to diversify our
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economy. we want to create more jobs, we want to increase the welfare, it's on the income of all population. we want to insure sustainable growth and increase. it's really broad based economy. and it was like duties. in our case, we are aiming for input substitution. we want to develop tourist. we want to increase the productivity to rates and agriculture always in harmony with model f. issue more they look good because he made to sort of record the rest of the times. that is why and all model is what was about diversification of our economy. want to build a strong food based economy, and we want to improve the quality of life, of all people. we're going to build this dependence there. so i'm a thinking maybe even assume that i'm, i'm talking to all these processes of a certainty, elimination of poverty and inequality from when he started. part of the deal was
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again provide me with social and economic model just me things. those are actually 2 models that had complementing one and now that we started introducing, he didn't believe his testing from 2006. and we made some considerable economic and social progress. the gps, believe the movies you think worked on the unit is already went up from 945000000 back in 2000. have 6 working up to 45, cnn or sequencing. $446000000.00 us dollars last year. the big capital g d p single finished. when from this unit 1st thing they say is $1000.13 us doing us up to $3786.00 us dollars per capita in 2004 to commerce. seems to be doing the same piece on this several partners. see what our cars are physically in december last
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year, outside the store and we recognized the ha, just employment in the country and that was about 75 percent of employment rate. this in deals that we have been able to reduce privacy settings of need to go from 71 percent in 2010 to 5 down to 36 percent last year. pretty much the next 3 and 12 a t went down from 38 percent in 2015 down to 11.9 percent in 2023. and you said that, you know, this is janie index one down frequency and go from 0 is 60 calendar 0.43 in 2023. yeah. which shows that the economic model, this michelle facilities, there's been some serious economic successes of life in terms of social progress on
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economic results. and in this context, this new law of the global economics meltdown and slow down what is growth rates in many developing economies, the growing inequality and cold between many countries? well, a best background, all model over economic and social development. yes. it's the model is an alternative approach to developing countries and certain things go see me before then. either this model has demonstrated that there is a possibility to encourage sustainable growth that is less impacted by various you won't get fluctuations that are like those countries who are supposed to feel fremont, castro, sacrifice these are part of the community. i also should say that the bolivian model of economic development is pursuing a goal of reducing in a quality and pulver teams didn't mean to do things to the specific distribution
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policy. and ensuring costs depend is taken from what we're seeing. the rest of the world is that instead ation raid is setting old time record. so you're not going to go see the person that came through most of the other one. and they were taken into account the complicated situation of the international arena. we see the transportation and the just to costs that going up about the interest rates and stuff going off internationally. and this is a destabilizing factor for many countries. while the growth rates in believe you last year or 3 point one percent, which is the 2nd best indicator in south america in tennessee, man. again, this is high then projected by international organizations. those are normally cost for this model and the social and economic outcomes of agencies are clear evidence to the fact that there cannot be $1.00. we single vision of development
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for the economy and society. i don't know tenants because it's pretty various ways of development may co exist because that's why he's, if you need any more than the opposite direction and such and you all of it is entirely up to the story and decisions of independent countries. they all to decide on very cannot make suspended and political structures that going to be 3 or 4. it's that helps and it has to be the major principle and approach for the whole world. we do see that all model as an alternative to new colonial policies based on us dolah, literally. and they are trying to make all other economies dependent for major onto mining multilateralism and multi pool as well. and i may take one on the go. so, you know, from being so seems like you can make decisions. the economy is pretty via and shows fully engaged with those people economically wise and socially wise. we have reduced inequality. don't have been able to create more homogeneous society for you
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will find more just society by doing so. we have criminal hypothesis that a country can develop, foster a for the incomes economic great, since you are distributed to the full, evenly on the fire, away between the sale, the stakeholders, and in 2 days multiple the world. we see. and we recognize that we need to focus on elimination of unit quality. surely. somebody coming to canada 40 because this is true about imagine economies that trying to strengthen the domestic markets, ramp up their revenues, economic reduce and equality and but what makes it move the believe in model? the difference is that we have been able to become one of the most dynamically growing economies in latin america over the last 2 decades. so we're not exceed
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hoover, and yet another element of a multi pool a well is corporation is present main street and technology transfer between countries, english and french. i'm earning most of the front of the ever got just book this campus that is particular they say for developing countries or someone who needs support in development of their technology go potentially. and together with the russian federation, we share the consent. obviously, the when either, you know, the and placement that's today or technology is kendall and for the sub, the interest of humanity they should be doing. they should serve the commodity instead of catering to the interest of wolf, transnational corporations, all individual countries. and it is indeed a paradox, that developing in the poorest country development projects. and of course, congress on the most expensive giving to attempted events because the cost of construction and creation of infrastructure. the postal categories must have
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neighbors extreme, the corporate, i think motiv here. there's the most places you need to comply with the all nature protection requirements and regulations. and if you look at the developed countries . yeah. for those december. yeah, that's pretty much if you have a sunroof, it is clear that it is important to develop technology transfer. well, same area of medical services on health care using maybe if it came up with this when the world faced could have 19 endemic and we realized that you've been that mix may help them in the future. and then your sister put us on the front of we all fighting for a healthy societies with us. that'd be something that became much based on the values, traditional values and cultural values that we've been having for centuries and the culture of our indigenous people that are the frequent you don't share those
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principles that are being spreaded, i mean, falls through the motor on the world in a you can mental world of capitalism. we see that multiplan will that he's being established today. and this is why we need to spread our national currencies from full settlement purposes, between different countries. that we cannot allow one country to become the world. the central bank was dictating the monetary policy all around the world that really right those times have long cost. yeah. it's because because we're leaving a used structure of economy in finance, it has changed dramatically because you know, me cool. you must say, i'm gonna start with any of the system. we also following the social and economic development to make sure that we take into account the southern interest of those parties to different countries. we are not ready to tolerate any interferences from
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the outside. and we do more and respect for independent countries and this over in decisions on the use of the natural resources. and this is line bolivia. we make a major box on multi pull out will to order. and that is decisive for the historic destiny on the whole human claims. and since he has suppose shaping all of these multiple world, her me there 1st is facing. there is risk for that. and threats, for example, over to and the others can, you can sense it can see that we need to secure enough funds for the cost i think drawing world population, what we've been discussing it before, that one of the problems of the more than capitalism is foot crisis and solution to this problem has to be found within the paradigm of monte polarity this, you know, we need to establish cooperation programs. what the procedure of creation now good
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all around the world. you need to come, you know, here. and for that, we need to facilitate technology transfer. that would increase productivity rates in agriculture, the people that pay more school. this should also be one of the foundations for the canal and the development of a multi polling. well, unfortunately, we see that today, settings are these interviews in many countries, there are high rates of an orange mentor, poverty, and lack of public services. so you just click here to receive that tremendous funds a being funneled into building military bases in other countries and military, its budgets bases as a military base is that the situation in 3rd countries are from the roof. we also think that's part of that. russia, as well as bridges, countries in many ways to a concern with the threat of
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a hi brittany. hi brittany warren in many dimensions. that'd be great. that is detrimental to our development and industrialization. we'll see today there was an oligarchy system that service or of any cause for an interesting way of talking about that. a different conferences and surface security conferences and general scientific conferences, for example, such as strategic resource as believe in alisium phrases can help industrialization of russia, china, and other developing countries. we're going to go this route to the stability of our government and continued industrialization as well. as our model of the economic development in believe it might lead
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to such a situation where our political project might be rolled back. we'll have a tremendous amount of precious natural resources. and we want to produce these resources trying to prevent the car, him to the environments as much as possible and to do that to the benefit of the humanity. they should be mutually beneficial. cooperation must be the sodium starting today. we shouldn't not see, such is practice is as to them, no production of just one, ask me no element of awareness can grow in just one agricultural good. now go into the concept of multi polar multilateral world integration of new blocks, such as which countries for most, i guess, i think we need to promote as soon as possible. the building such alliances
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and unions from the especially, you know, to, to promote the goals for support from a place for him. and they coincide with, believe in national goals, we need to join our efforts and to come to the multiple world. this is the path that guarantees the stability piece and development, as well as happiness of way people are in the harmony. and in balance with mother earth testing center, we need to leave well on our planet. thank you the but he will explain what he's doing. thank you mister president for a very interesting intervention. was very instructive on the shoulders because all of it has proven yet again you play the way need with someone, somebody,
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even though that economy isn't. that's not an national science. it's an art in each country unless you choose their own model. he said, as in this regard and i have a question right away, so i'm glad to make sure that she was again, shall we may be to decide. maybe you can instructed, instruct us with it because it is a patient of such a economist as present or say, but this seems phillips and will show we may be develop our on model. yeah. it is apparent that we're doing something here, but if it is clear that we haven't, what's decided to do when precisely where the should be, she knows which way the people have started to develop our military industrial complex, the coolness, fulcher, and generally, you know, we by the trial were succeeding, but it seems that we don't have the master plan from me, just go for them. but it may be as part of the international and kind of mind
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acknowledged for him or him on the margins. so we may be created with a permanent institution that would use their own brain, so to speak, and the brains of our and practitioners cuz they used to, because reading says this a scientific saying, economists or situs. and i know them the way i'm, i'm a form economist, that there were no former economies, so to speak, with west stock. and then we see, you know, our model is to present mr. put in. would you maybe give us a task which can add to the st. petersburg, which is national international for them to create a working group to develop to elaborate a new model. you said that i. ready could be put together here during the for him or maybe on the margins of the form. maybe we can invent something, the regional method for our selves into understand where are we going to? i feel that you know, when they're not going, you're not going to have
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a speeches. and finally.


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