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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 7, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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was somebody to $25.00 for maybe 25 point one percent. that is all the for the all their out to it was total to $152022.00. and which is the last year it was almost 30 percent 29. that's the last of this elizabeth, stay on the so this isn't not me going procedure supposedly doing with the tombstone, but mostly of course we must think about our meal and threes depending. you cut the current ladings and when you, when the level of our economy with the development of our economy, because we cannot leave off of sound one that's the united states are doing, defeats the, to the shirt, each level. but once all the train balance will balance of the car in the tray, you balance a little ease one truly in dollars per year, one truly in dollars. what does that mean? similarly, we'd find out that i believe everyone here understands what i'm saying. are you going to leave? this is neil colonialism. it's is, boy is
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a modern important that believes when you're doing a timely study using the installer monopoly, the united states slip a new and little can to use one trillion dollars. we've got you more to annually expand the manufacturers. they are in pumping out these resources from the other countries. we have just remembered the defend damage period. the oceans just people misquote, opinions. i don't remember that when we get the home, it's just me, but it shouldn't cause much. do they printed? still 45. so i gave you a trillion dollars. i've only interested you 30.4 drilling yours as that was printed out in europe. and so what did they do now? let's do this before they just gave out all this money and inside their account training, then they started buying for useful, procuring commodities across the world. we as a vacuum cleaner, sucking everything here need. uh yeah, a input to it. i mean,
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um, so and then they ceased to be to add in porters, but now they're in that sort of humorous so folder. let's see. let's see commodities and right away the inflation started to increase across the world. but we can not behave in this manner because we are not monopoly from you mean you can do the trade cuz the point of view and we have never behaved as colonial in certain neo colonial ways units. and so of course, we should rely on the thing, majority of the student with a question on what our economy, the student supposed i can do. and that's what we do into balance sound. the situation taken in the regular segment of the economy in the future as well as course. but what we think about that, and that's how it is being down the sure. let's click on, let me get another question about the economy, because i know that this is, russian is very important for the major part of the audience. i'm not as bothered,
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right, but still i can feel the vibe. she's just and yet she, she knows. and as, and these that were conducting a partial nationalization. so i'm just at least for being here. some say that it is being done to and then those terrible mistakes it is the old movie or whatever that was ok, which is actually in the, during the, for the just round of privatization. the, those are for him to these morale is the sheets of john dollars, cheese. if the house will be changed, we have a matter of private property and that was the reason for him. this tremendous corruption to just, but do you believe a few wages there was a matter of corruption with ashes, rob nick, but i've made you a organized crime. well, it's not we, we have a diversity direction of privatization, but where it's really meant to do which is up to you. where is the limit for that permit is ation. and we did find them. you find the links at the front least probably because if we say that we so references those mistakes that were josh,
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that was the back and then i would if she should keep them, then we do all these dates were made because everything that we did was issue of the, with you regarding this thing was done illegal with violations with joseph to when was the most and you must see me. i have to deal with those economical processes because science is i did not give me any wages and i had service with them for the output. so i know what was happening with most of the few back in the day thing to do. but it to, you know, so everyone needs to really with the privatized right now. not as low as i showed them, but that's what undermining the foundation far was successful teachers. we saw the ways the private capital included in our complex you get because of a more conditions. it's very flexible, finding the feeling in nation pushing that of the you let me get you on this and much more flexible economy. you, if it was your last as a by someone who should be able to push it and you that should we stop somewhere. but these, because maybe we can say the resources of things we should taken away,
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right? just state of, we appreciate that socialist also is capital and which is where private property say they keep after a certain amount of that of the k v i government has to enter all uh, some of which in the leadership would be based on the level of defense of private property, just because it's a new, the new deck, even though it's a pass to the sub sort of resources they are being used to the states property interest which is through. so that's how it is a, it's a for the today in which they are and given to companies for use, but they are computer with 30 states profiting. that's the system or net ready actually listening to the peaceful you said, which is that the privatization of the ninety's was that when i'm mistaken or that it was a crime pushing me explain, you know, well it, it is painful for many people in the country. there's new but the ability to, to hear about the picture to which about these times,
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but i wouldn't even use such what i that's what i mean because i don't think it was missing purposefully done for criminal, for criminal purposes. of course, they were many mistakes back then, you can least have some, and i mean, even it was based on welter now and economist, some of them to, to go to the laptops to lose. no, i had to rush and origin look and they said that you must private eyes as much as possible as quickly as possible, gladly, even if it cost $1.00. if you even if slips through and you just have to put the assets in the hands of effective owners, he skipped with which the government's kind of being able to choose. but it turned out to get the, a met turned out and life has shown us that it's not very level of change, but someone that what isn't the sort of very correct approach to if you want to have the best of the efficiency, you see that if you want to have the best results if it turns out that the states can be very effective and managing its property,
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because it will see us from this and it has demonstrated it in so many areas introduced. you'd see me including those that requires a lot of investment when you go, when you believe, because he got that fine with that though, nobody have read anything to invest from the and so should the various fraudulent schemes arose, which is the thing. and that's where the sun is shooting. this is definitely a force privatization happened. which was actually just what people snatching, you've states compensate, you know, what the, the, the, what you paid for the asset. the city doesn't use that. i should smoke some crazy. they took out loans from banks with the lady to hand on. yeah, they use them as security and they haven't got a lot of money for free. that way. this is, of course, including senior citizens. believe it is that we must have meant that you should either have legal solutions to the privatization process or not touch it altogether . and clinics in the prosecutor's office must only deal some interest with the
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criminal cases around the privatization state property. but the correct and saying that you should be a limit to the state to me, that should be a reasonable limit. go ahead even much says that we are and we're discussing that and with businesses such as to be sure to showing you. there's a note on your part, i think because that's such a decision. somebody should know. lisa will not let me see. she was adopted, these people do kind of president decree level, but switch to they should be made into a law and we're working on that and i think that we will find a solution. i see, but video will. thank you. now let's move on to a majority to political issues. so i'm assuming you always page to you about which you are happy to go to strive to settle shooting and close the door, negotiations on the, on the consultation with the west village, even ne, carpeting you great order. i mean, the desire to hold negotiations laudable and positive. can we keep it or what? but who do we negotiate? what is up a man of new to our question mark next to the number 5,
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she had to wait until she gets to have defrauded us multiple times. seem to see about all the rooms. usually we haven't read without a marcy information and you get to me in marley, introduce you to the human digital is usually the 22 minutes we've been lingering to them. it. yeah. ordering since they are from the point of view of that fails of state. suggesting that exist, i'll say a few more than they receive a 50 this new man. they to go to how can we go? he was good that he, he was hours at the delivery and you had to do physically defeat it, actually. and after changing the photocopy trojan slip, and with all you gave me an nuclear gun, a nation's up and number 2. and you can tell by when you do it in the western, the most adversary is something on the ground. this is just with alliance. and you don't make any moves that what any agreement before you did it,
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you may even usually put a new illegitimate unvil level park as how, how do you deal with that? yes. so do you use it? well, so you're right. but as, as joseph's telling you closer to the region, you have no other writers for you. and when he spoke about you only from associates of the riders, through the head of the writers union, gwen, it's just the this person came to complain about the writer and skill sets of all. i've got to know other writers for you to keep the good news, but we need to be fully but agree on such conditions as edward 1st, someone in the us will be in our interest and with the reliable, you're right. it's true the hard to agree with such people about anything because they deceive you, whatever you step, they may because they say one thing and then they do another or somebody comes with it, but all are and conflicts. and maybe the way the assignment disagreements are quite
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easily. and the such that was not showing me what it is, because i don't mean as one of the former leaders. so i'm just moment lupin european country, loaded all these agreements right in the way, in the publishing and even the are based on uh, military lots or mail it 3. and this is of course, we will achieve the victory in these complex low levels used. but as for the question of the name, what can you please but the shooting the see of those who we are, we do negotiate with us and he has a problem because the current, the 30th. because even if you just briefly browse through the list is getting lots of ukraine, it shows that the executive branch of the training and authority, they have lost legitimacy. there is a law saying that there is a certain presidential term. there is a article in the training constitution that's to police that during marshall law
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firm, which you the authority and the all the on the parliament with it all for home. the right it can be extended under the bloom. would you please use as for as a extension of the presidential authority? it says nothing about the bad to suit you. there is a law is reevaluate in the martial law ethan village. and these article assassin that under martial law, a with a president and you put a presidential elections or not how this goes mr. like. but he does not say that the presidential authority is extended because of school when use, because i made 3rd sitting law in the st. petersburg for houston university. and it is an important think of a law does not say something about it does not exist in a criminal code. there is an article that describes is irving, that bower for tenants looks very much like this, or patient of the malware, but seals, i'm sure it could be negotiations because must be in accordance with the article
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here because it $110.00, or $1.00 oh $9.00, which is all the constitution, the is the east harlem and speaker. he is assuming base authority. so if there is a, if there is willingness to be involved in and then go chase. and so granted as possible, we are open for negotiation just was blue. but once again on the conditions here, this issue that we have a great ammonia to be to go when we started these negotiations and maintenance can then have continued to at least in bull shit. they don't know. that's it. if you want to not be based on some of the wins some pension later on, this has been around with the even if we take see what he says, agreements and use simple as the foundation to we should come from the reality as of today. and so much see my thanks to she, the pity, the idea, the voice human pads and the one that goes with negotiations. actually it's an old slice of which just a william can choose from new jersey, off of wars, flash, and defeat and calculation of the adversary. and that's the only way to add this
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one for moving on to the next question. so there's room for the super cute, any questions? it's complete, surrender capital ation. and then you should say, so for the adversary currently, when the u. s. benefits from the war and they will continue at any point is just let us know. we'll cranes, patient brain where they create interest, just the slaughter, and now they move on later to the europeans. and this war was listed using it without an accelerated nancy movement of the nuclear deterrence has certainly been, cannot need to stop it to be a good number to that. i wish to one of the things pretty big there to tonic gaps between what's your most product planes right now, because you will be many conflicts arise the item that is an objective infectious before they used to be an nuclear fuel rescue does not know myself as much today, the fear of the nuclear weapons, mostly just the goal and that this, let's do understand that we have a tremendously new responsibility not only to win in the warranty so that we need
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to, to, to move up there. and you'll be glad to turn escalation to you certainly much more rapidly, but also to bring back the nuclear refuse to the international system. you know that to prevent that tremendous new wave of conflict within those deal with. but guess who else can do that? to me and less that this dwells can do that, but you is the room that is incumbent upon you as a huge need responsibility. and if we continue to cool, so slowly and a lot of, uh, even though there's the movement is there and then i'm afraid he might that sort of thing. but i know the shook that responsibility even though i know it's a moral that i'm on me. but who do you have these color wells far as you can imagine, any authority to me about simpler escalation. we have nothing to the portion of this narrative to the former prime. minnesota brittany who's pretty good. i can't
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remember her name because it looks to me when i go to when she entered office, she said that she's willing to push charity. you can you click the button. we never said that since that was what it started with. we just responded to you is that you must be treated as most seriously. it didn't matter. and i mean, you'd be upset straight away and started saying that as we are still the eclipse, but he, me just, you put him in a rattling weapons immediately when a, c, c, a did an a threatening everyone with nuclear devices from that piece. and you know, we also have a nuclear doctrine which lays out with nuclear weapons or are not to be used to be comps now, unless i have this meeting with the heads of international news agencies speak to them. and i've said this again was that's the only through to in the condition, but on for the use of nuclear weapons. so according to the doctrine solution as a threat to our sovereignty and territorial integrity, i don't think this issue is the case in moving. you mentioned this,
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but the doctrine is a living document, of course, and we are monitoring the situation, the well, we can't around the country isn't and we did not rule out, but if occasions to the doctor and he doesn't like, he says, but then you know, and i'm not sure there's also nuclear testing, but you certainly know, you know that you should see it when we are not totally signed with this. not try. we most of ratified the treaty with the americans with the sign it but does not satisfy. so we withdrew certification, what do we do most? but then given the situation we have today. so if we need, we can actually have tests, but so far we don't have the need to do that. are digital to be stuck aside. some computer capacities allow us to do everything virtually the coolest, you know, as to the doctor was clearly fast beat and the results make sure to use the use these. you've noted that there's a great responsibilities to, she knew only the members of the quote can we accelerate new to the patients which
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we are learning. so all solving problems. yeah. so it is possible for you, but there's a direct access correlation with which to look at a loss of the system. and i school system have an understanding of, of what the, what general stuff in the minnesota defense are proposing to do what you know for them. and i also understand that there's a great consideration of preserving the lives of our soldiers felt fighting on the phone plan. so we were able to do it to, to cause the somebody so that will, the sort of fight is ongoing to think of. you know, we can, so this year we've still even liberated to 72 with them when, when, but i q u k. so it's due to the citizen villages and we have, we were slowly pushed the enemy, interest of the outside from the territory at eliza. see the general staff in the midst of defense have their plans on how to achieve our objectives and we're moving
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along those plans and all those plans will be implemented you, me a little bit assessment that said we usually and you are fully aware of municipal side moving companies, but for, for the fast up was the ladder of nuclear escalation. can we help save mistress many lives because it can make our adversary's come to that sense as with the community simulation, let me but here's you know, they include otherwise take advantage of our nuclear dog stream, which is a so she can service us. i'm hopeful that the amendments will be made to the nuclear drug screen, which will allow you to respond with nuclear strikes to any strikes a little bit against our territory. this should be the suffering rise. you split the resting with our new for you it's, i'm not sure present it to you. i do hope that such should i know will make it into
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the new get dr. drain, which will happen. so bring the faculty on our adversaries. and as we're always in the also it and help us save lives, maybe it's too early to move along the you know, the escalation louder, but still hear this wouldn't, it might be, would it be necessary to have it cool down the fact that they have gone mad especially the us. yeah. did you get us and that's almost for the 1st time and when he comes during the whenever he has that they are trying to get into it was then every sense of more cautious the carrying the learning ukrainians, pushing them forward. whereas the europeans are trying to get, i had like a issue with the issue i was before they'd so i guess, well, something like this, like it had to, you know, it's how animals behavior. see if that is the head of a high end as or wild dogs, and you've got a stick. you can keep them at bay. we've been waiting most pretty sure, and he will tend to as a child. but you can do the best thing to say is
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a high chance that they will have your, his clothes. and if you get tied, they will be going to invite them to death. if you're getting somebody else on top of them, then they will dispatch, you know, present from god, watch, knows about the behavior of jaime. hi, eunice. do you agree, mr. president? this is how you deal with how eunice, wild dogs attack you. of the we do have most of find those things and by way, uh that we keep them in the national parks. we have no problems with them and. and they bring the lot and the vision to us. that'd be do you doing it?
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yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. i know honda well, we've got plan to jo varone near the pm. i figure you prefer to it's up to the delivery with the counselor. well, let me assume you get on with the question. the position is, if we fail to move and resolutely along the nuclear escalation allows us she was, is that why don't we see what she, what goes into the rolls of still nights? and that gives the all my teen ones showed us the way. when you showed up in the west side and brain stem cell, the man tomorrow was raised to the ground school due to the lawlessness and sinfulness of them. also that she manage. he was trying to leave the rogers, i think life, but then they forgot about the,
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the old way this is over. so maybe we should teach actually make a few managerial come back to the census. that part of humanity that has lost the faith in god. and the reason is william was well maybe you can do without me. i knew it was good, isn't it? can can you give them hag for only they are already scared? if it will, you can step, it was more there are speaking about here at the end. so there is a of all kinds of logics. they both are possible to different bodies of god. for the 2 intrigues has some kind of drags. everyone in should understand that russia has a similar property because you don't, you, apparently, you weren't in the system about dimensional attack, the united states and you have the system similar in these as a similar system. no other country in the world has such
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a system in europe. they do not have a developer to say some of this kind, so they are defenceless. to a certain extent, the motion is secondly, one of the talk to you during those of frank is that on face trying to our nuclear weapons, what 3 media come to 4 times stronger, more powerful then the lessons that the americans use it against russia. my and guess on category 3 to 4 times, we have many more even though you want to please continue to use weapons is with so in europe the social on the sand, it will leave any of the americans will transfer some of the new weapons to europe still, but we'll have more of those if it reaches that, got it for me once again with those because really we so could i q as you have to knowing what to well, you mentioned to reduce the casualty to see it or after with can you as much as somebody or a piece is warrantable the other way is that, and the europeans that you should think. and when would you mind, you know, we,
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we are going to jump to it. and then he comes to with a 3rd me and the exchange wanting us to do these lows. and then the americans, whether it weighed some joint base exchange of those, that sort of version the i have them out down those valves that and layer plans and they should keep face in mind as well. they shouldn't give it a good talk. essentially is the what i come from the assumption that good to you, the people never come the other day. so in your and we have no such needs. and i shall order for me because our armed forces, they are gaining dyslexia ramsey deals. they are learning to be more efficient, it looks new, our as defensive industrial as the way you complex. you should military industrial complexes from the proving positions as well. i have sent that and many occasions i can say that again, we have increase the town to the production, but also the sales 20 times to try to pull in the our capability is our
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main fold. baker, in the twin, the vision equipment with the 10s, with our, our merch vehicles and so on and so forth. and we didn't do which there is no need to even think about the base towards ok. and what could i see? and now we'd like to address to everyone. so we have the key issue jersey. do not speak about these things in vain. a. so we start up too slow. should be the issue that this you are behaving very responsibly and you're saying these responsible things because the thing is we are dealing with people who are totally irresponsible. nigi. we're the reason why i'm a scary peasant major pursued her. well, no, i'm not. i was just looseness, i yeah, you know you're, you're looking at the spot in this from a saw and i grew up in that system. i know them from young
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a new so i think i got ground. is that good to say you? well, i think that's what i'm saying, even though i understand, uh full well, you'll actually who presentations, you know, because i understand it's incredible choice which can only be made in dies circumstances. but if they know that you are not willing to go that far, then, but it's, it'll never stop. they will always strive to let it take you to. but it seems like a couple of our blogs and the float. and it's not just us. they are fighting your game so busy, they're also fighting for them. so we have our friends and the majority because we are the middle which is play, the sport would go versus one man. so the majority i have, i do not know whether the presidents uh, if i leave with that. well, if you allow me might be my, my decisions, my decision made by my colleagues or both of the plan might work with on these
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issues. the c as in this case, they are not. can you bring, can you bringing new if we, the models are influenced by seamlessly to any endorsement with us know when the best solutions i'm ready to handle our decisions based on other issues and a real realistic and objective analysis of the actual situation. that's how we do it. as a to the day before yesterday with the venue spoke e. during the meeting with the head of the news agencies. and you said something very interesting that you said you were willing to provide your long range websites to you. i mean, the chicago country is that uh, adversaries of our adversaries. but other me, a shooting a bundled up in which this may be very happy because it's high time we did that. some of the, the i, we going which the provides precision is guided. hi,
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masonic western systems teach, give me a bessetti submit. all we've gone over to the she was to provide our technical specialist because that could improve the situation in the world for the significant. it's a business in the wilderness lease and save their off aircraft carriers, which are absolutely useless. i mean, to cut and we condition a way that they will simply disagree. a company that likes to go on. the people will stop spending, but it's flattering so much money on aircraft carriers. see what all we gave you to provide. when do you think that how much that you couldn't solution use? well, certainly i am fully cognizant that we shouldn't be doing that on our own glitch. or at least we shouldn't be saying that i was asked to rate aircraft carriers, carries you set that they are pointless. and today's realities comparable when conflict that would only be pointless in a strategic sense, in the global conflict of what it is,
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but they are quite fit your way to solve jew political views, problems to get to their, to sort of port 2 political objectives. so you can move them closer to the territories where the americans or the british one to co us someone. so to do something that case, they make some sense in russia or china to keep it as have modern hype, a sonic was used to be steep and you can a weapons. so this little thing choose, that's basically largely did you get a reduce the meaning that they have. so i don't think you, i don't think so, but we should say that it's pointless that they should waste their money on those. and yeah, and china, i'm speaking about the child's friends and money right in front is that they don't spend like the sounds you probably go yes, but as a no strategic for both strategic weapon, they are quite right. they quite make sense. so make sure all the countries.


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