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tv   News  RT  June 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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the the, the completion of the last year and as you know, russia's g, d, p growth was 3.6 percent. and in the 1st quarter of this year it was 5.4 percent. in other words, our rates exceed the global average all top stories. this, our russian president vladimir appeared to the addresses the plenary session, that base of petersburg, international economic form, and highlighting rushes of change lives and goals. your brains shall include. john slaves told people that they have a full 2 wounded man hours before blossom is let's be met with president fines and praising him for washington. the us state department spokesman said not the miller finds himself in homeroom to his
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protest is confront him outside his home. i'm good by washington's attempts to sweep is wells actions and goes up to the the a very well welcome to you. this is all the international with the latest world news update is great to have you with us. on top story this our, the russian president, vladimir putin, has singled out the importance of countries with rapidly growing economies and that ability to shape the future. mister bruce, it also puts a premium on stays, continuing to co operate despite the western sanctions. he made these comments during a plenary session at this in petersburg, international economic for him as have less than the smart the on that see if he's yes through. despite all the obstacles in the sense illegitimate sanctions, russia remains one of the key players in global trade. actively developing logistics and the geography of cooperation. for example,
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are relations with asian countries, a strengthening growth 60 percent from 2020 to 2023. to full growth in the middle east, 69 percent in africa, and 42 percent in latin america. in general, we should pay attention to the economies of fast growing states to the states that are friendly to russia. they will determine the future in the global economy and the time during the forming st. petersburg forward is our correspondence. donald codes the anti was listening in to that side, the recession as well. don't get to see what can you tell us about the session. but with the highlights, the well make you this was an absolutely colossally important plenary session at the st. petersburg international economic forum where leaders of the multi polar world, 3 of them from zimbabwe, the president from bolivia, was there also on this panel with russian president vladimir putin discussing what uh, the multi polar world and russia specific b have accomplished over the last several years and what they forecast to do in the
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future. so a lot of really important things, a lot of analysis of what was said is necessary. so i'm actually joined here live right now by a hands. mueller. he's a long time russian business, a german, russian businessman and also a former member of the bonus tag. so thanks a lot for joining us on the program. it's good to have you here. and i, i would just like to get your thoughts on what you think some of the major takeaways in the plenary session were, what are the most important things to take away in terms of going forward with multiple or politics? i guess we, we became a witness if i were a historic moment when the, when i analyze the, the, the behavioral for example, that you're putting here, well, so you've also come inside to t. he was so convinced that everything develops in this direction. those multiple levity that is the similar point can be reversed, so everybody could feel doing dependent assessment that to you so. so convinced of, of being
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a molto and dr. also part of our historic movement. and i think this will make the world, i hope, a safer into easier to live in. yeah, he also spoke a lot about, of course, the, the russian economy. he put down a number of principles right, that russia should follow to further develop its economy. specifically, he spoke about what i found was most impactful, was how we talked about the necessity to develop the russia at a regional economic level and a low, a more local economic level and developed the country side as well. you as a german, russian business man, how do you think that can be achieved in terms of creating jobs in places like these and the framework of the multi puller world? this, this cannot only be a chief, this has been already a chief to possibly and will be a chief more. for example, i for self. for myself, i was a, became witness during the use of 2021 to was hoping to to when i a was part of the
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management of a newly constructive to factory invest cornerstone. you know, boss called us some of the rest and read some, found a very valuable a breach them. and it is not true and people say you from the rest. ok. they have some, some nice places in most school in petersburg but, but the country a at a terminal to lots of small dresser, not only to boss, couple stalls of other regions and everywhere use the visa. what is it called? uh uh, what is all a fairly hot up? it's cold in russian. well, don't know what is the english, you know what happened in sacramento and caught somebody phone a gold and a 248 big old rush that just the both of us looking forward. i few everywhere here and rational. this visa visa, it must fit of gold rush and it's very inspiring. yeah, i have to say, i agree with you in terms of that, and i mean that kind of atmosphere and the russian economy is demonstrated by the statistics that russian president vladimir putin brought up at the panel that just
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took place. i mean, he was, he was talking about how the russian economy has essentially defied all of the so called experts in the west. that said the russian economy was going to collapse after sanctions. i mean, one of the other things that the russian present mentioned was that in the 1st quarter of this year, the economy of russia grew over 5 percent. that's a colossal achievement. let's take a listen to more specifically, what vladimir putin said about the russian economy to compression level that was made last year as you know, russia's g, d, p growth was 3.6 percent. and in the 1st quarter of this year was 5.4 percent. in other words, our rates exceed the global average. we have set a goal of becoming one of the 4 largest economies in the world, by the way, according to some data, including estimates by the world bank. just last week, the world bank made additional calculations and put russia in 4th place. we ended up ahead of japan
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here in said to say which most of the former answers so well, unfortunately we seem to have lost the connection with don't codes or are correspond to that and to get the instant pieces. but we're trying to get that fixed and crossed back over to dawn there at the for him because it was a very interesting conversation he was having with his guess that. so now the, let's discuss more of what's been happening at the forum, which is in full swing, as we've heard from ali obama, kindly for my deputy department is to all the to, it gives you a public. he says, organizations such as breaks bring new voices and the idea is to the old economic order, a global financial architecture which was put together after the 2nd world war is no longer asking for the 2 days to go on with questions. there's sort of a need for a stronger voice of the developing village in the global financial mckenna sims,
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and that is a need for a stronger share in the international financial institutions. so in order to advocates this conference coming together and pushing through international mcadams is full day or higher, effectiveness is i think important. so using the breaks or i see on or other such organizations as in leverage to have a higher cheryl voice is i think very important and essential. but they should not see brakes as an alternative to anything else. we should not see brakes as a competitor, or is it valuable to something else? then it doesn't show the purpose. so how to mix the base as a complementary together. and this to the rest of the international organizations is i think something to be told about. so they should always have
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this, this optimism and then push the agenda in front of us as a form or for the minnesota. i always promotes and advocates dialogue. so any musical style is helpful and it may multiple new thinking. so is, if an organization is a close organization is sometimes it may be difficult to come up with new ideas, but people form outside temporary, new ideas. so i'm sure that's all for them. instead of building new ideas to the table. and today is i guess, maybe in the future. and another one is bringing up to speed on some of the news. now, the russians, city of the guns has come under ukrainian science. local authorities reported full people have been killed in more than 40 people have been wounded, including 3 children with residence still trapped beneath the rubble of a bill was a vast, as the russian defense ministry says, 2 of tabs, a 2 tabs last,
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he had lost 2 planes rather than the $11000.00 troops this week alone, a correspondent egoist on our springs as this report to be crated use at least 6 us made long range attack comes, mess aisles to attacks. look, guns. some have been in deceptive by the defenses. others? well, they did slips through wreaking havoc and the city habits. the new guns chasm, seen for years, really uses. back in 2022 russian forces did manage to push the premium troops quite far away from the town now rubble and shattered glass. uh all around the town we have seen at least one entrance of a 5 story of thoughts were blow building completely collapsing. as a result of the attack, local authorities as concern that people believed to remain under the rubble and rescue is doing everything in their power to extract those who may have survived.
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this attack was low quote and in the midst of it. so it, while being in the apartments also as the roof of another high rise building was kind of came by the debris until to open with people have been injured as a result of the attack, including chauffeur. and here's how one of the uh, local store phone is described. what happened when the ukraine struck? tell me it was after the shut in that old, the wind is blowing out. well yes, there was showing the waves came from there and this is what blew out. everything here i all right. no one of us had a girl was hurt. an ambulance took her away. she was hit by a splinter gloss. right? yeah. glass, it's a rough material that hit her on the head. where does it end up going down down there and is that a boom? cause we don't know exactly. we didn't go anywhere and we have someone from there comes and tells us, but we don't know. bear in mind that the subtract comes just days old to stays
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after the latter meant to be going to do crating against usually us might that may till may project 1000 bits of against the targets in the pressure and pressure, of course, does a considerable sounds good so it's actually that, that was the fault in this is. so this is a legal new now, but at the same time this comes to the often best, nate, so 60, so it's time they relaxed, limitations on the use of may so many weapons against targets in russia. and again, look, us hasn't seen them attack of this scale of for twice a while. so it is a direct result of us giving a green light to keep, to use its long range missiles, which attack comes on against talk. it's been the brochure, it's themes they chose to hit, not military targets, but rather of civilian neighborhoods. denarius' now apply to just a couple of days ago. he's to create a game specs you won't need. so it gains incentivizing ukraine to do so,
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saying that quote, russia can react, and russia will react. the rushing facts could just provide each phone long range myself to study countries and given the how many hot spots nato and the west created all over the world over the past decade. then this attack against the guns is yet another one spiral of escalation. in this whole conflicts allows comments, let's get you straight back to saint petersburg now in fine to a correspondent, don't quote it to continue with that interesting conversation you have and we do a guest on the back over to you of the. yeah, sorry, i mean we lost connection, but this is a really important panel that took place with the russian president vladimir putin and 2 other really important leaders of the multi polar world, the presence of zimbabwe and the president of bolivia as well. so just so our
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viewers, i remember who i was talking to here, this is hinesville there. he's a rab, a german russian business man. and he was also a former member of the buddhist dogs. so uh, i'm very glad that we're able to continue our conversation, but let's, like i said, start where we left off. i want to understand what you thought about where the german economy could be right now, if it decided to get with the multi polar program. because again, i mean it's, it's pretty much suffering as a result of washington's policies. and it's pressuring germany into following, with regard to sanctions and the ukraine conflict as well. so what are your thoughts on that a month? also very clear that a comforting offer cheap and reliable russian and see uh, sources or resources and being forced to, to impose sanctions against russia is more or less a program afflict. would you say someone also told me to call them a drum unit cannot recover under these circumstances? it's impossible. i'm really horrified by seeing my come to germany,
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company running into intense and this data is not defined by oral self suspended is defined by the big brussel from a, from the united states. and so in order to recover economically, we must really cut off the so dependency on the united states. so the, the only future i see for my country now is really stepping out of nato stepping auto for european union because both are only instruments of a us have your money over europe really in order to restore germany. also mentally, it's very important president put in mentioned that the not economies with everything and to, to build up economy, you have to have a mental basis because mickle based says, completeness of get into a minute. so we have to, to, to he, to do him when you mentally. and then we can recover from an economy into my opinion, cuz it's only possible in a very close ties together with russia. again, buying russian cheap and reliable energy resources. getting rid of the sanctions,
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getting rid of the uh, the determination of, of german destiny by washing and we are drilled once we have to determine our destiny. our sales. just one more question for you. uh, mr. miller. uh, one thing that i thought that was very interesting, i'm sure many people agree with me is that those and bob and president said that he, he had planned for his, he plans for his country to be an upper middle income country by 2030. now that sounds really ambitious, but at the same time, another thing you mentioned is that it's one of the most rapidly growing economies in the region actually. and this seems to be part of the one aspect of its integration and further cooperation with the multi fuller world. now that we're seeing the shift across the world, i mean, how do you think the world could look if the parts that are dominated by western pressure and sanctions and everything right now. what if we took that out of the equation? what do you think, what the, the, the world's, the developing world specifically could look like without that kind of pressure?
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you know, they're developing good or the so called sort of 3rd world country. they have been living for centuries and at this present. and only now because of the opportunity that breaks offers to these countries, now they have come to some kind of consciousness that, oh, we are better off joining briggs then bending down before the west. so i own the curriculum in to, to, to uh, to, to each comes to a, to every country, to each of them. it joined the brakes because the bricks is nothing where somebody donates the other one. it's very, very important to know. it must not be replacing one heck, when he buy the heck and with this doesn't make sense. the west of rolls is the one, it's only by the united states. the ricks world has several centers, past china, paste russia has india has pretty well. and if the more smaller countries like some but for now will it be a joint? the brakes do more the, the more popular become the,
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the weight of these small comforters altogether that they won't be dominated neither by china noble rest. and nobody can do so this is a real democratic way of rebuilding volt economy. i'm, i'm fund, feel free to and i, i hope also for germany, for my country to, to understand it and, and to towing this new movements together with some pop and all the other countries has definitely really important and fascinating analysis you gave us here on live television, thanks a lot. huntsville x x. yeah. like i said, a rough german, russian businessman and former member of the bonus stock, there's a lot of people here at the st. petersburg, international economic for them from all over the worlds that are contributing to this very important event in terms of growth of the multi polar uh worlds, economic integration and everything that was discussed about at this panel today in terms of further economic growth. developing parts of countries that are falling behind right now, but they can be and are ready and actually
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a beginning and an economic renaissance. one might say thanks to the integration and further cooperation within the multi puller world itself, based on mutual cooperation and mutual respect as well. yeah, absolutely, donna and right now for so many people in countries the time so, so right for new opportunities doesn't have anything. so bringing us that don, that sante correspondent don't know, close to speaking to us from you said petersburg into a national economic form along with his guest huntsville, up in the stock number from 2017 to 20. 21. thanks. when i was on lillia all the hosted a friday sessions high towards the end part of able house. it was successfully demonized russia. participants discuss the background for risk for the throughout the west and how it benefits from trading with russia as an enemy. we collected the important highlights, especially figure in america. we don't have any history of beef with the russian
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federation, so everything is completely fake. when you see the. ready alleged hatred. ready to of americans towards russians, when you actually look at the history of russian, america ross has supported the american revolution in $1776.00. russia supported america and the war of 18. 12, when the british for coming against our boy. ready to or through canada and burning down the white house, roches supported america in the us civil war, russia supported america in when the us, as liberty was sung and rush was the 1st country to call the united. so. ready after 911 took place, we were also allies into world war 2. by the way. yeah, exactly. we don't have any reason to hate russia or russians and especially today with the younger generation of increasingly. ready traditional in some ways, conservative young men that are rising up in america, it makes a lot of sense that we would like russia and the values that they stand. ready ready rather than zalinski who's. ready and. ready dances. ready as high heels,
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so i, i, i think it's completely fake the hatred for russia in america. and we have a situation where the united states government, the european governments, in indeed the, their co conspirators in the western mass media are cast with shaping a perception that russia is an enemy. and they use this perception to gather their resources, both economically diplomatically, militarily, and then there's the reality of russia and the reality is something that the west cannot allow to emerge. and so we're in a battle between perception and reality. in anybody who has the audacity to try and correct the record, so to speak, to, to reach into russia, to capture the russian experience and to bring it out of and tried to expose it to
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a western audience is deemed as an enemy of the state. literally the dream, the dreamland, europe, constitutionalism, freedom equality of women. and man, uh, security was for state now, sorry to say, but old that is gone. d u as such might to overcome an energy crisis in economic recession. all that kind of overdone, but what cannot be overcome? at least for 123 isn't all much innovations is uh, this since the europe once upon a time was one. it's been a busy, a busy time and some pages, but got this problem and all the time for our correspondence as well. coming back to donald, cool is that who's at the form in saint petersburg? so there was a strong contingent of representatives from african nations especially attempting to form was the context for them as the sessions. that's right. well every year, the st. petersburg international economic form is
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a place where people from all over the world come to discuss how they can, you know, expand cooperation with russia and the rest of the multi polar world. there's plenty of representatives from african countries here and i'm lucky enough actually to be joined right now by one of them. chief mandela, he's a member of parliament of the south african parliament and the grandson of nelson mandela. correct? yep. well, thanks a lot for joining us. on the program, the 1st thing i want to ask is about the recent elections that took place in south africa. it looks like the amc is going to form a coalition government. what do you think is gonna happen for the country going forward now? well, it has been a very challenging the election as we have now officially gotten on the 50 percent, the mock where we are sitting at 59 percent day off for the votes. as a result, we have had to concede correlations yesterday. presidents that are on my posts
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announced that we will be having a compliment of national unity and therefore looking to work with as many parties as we can. the is the, the inclination that would be working with the democratic alliance, which i have for many assaults, off of the guns and a n c lawyer list the is seen as a, as real, a blog to watch. the transform ation as the, the da, is always being a gains, trends formation and preserving white privileges in this regard, a full cost on a proper gentleman at the expense at all for the muscles of, for a population and day. we will see as to how it moves forward from here. they have the now on the side, off the, on to the development in terms off, the vast majority of all people. and also
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a and t a. it breaks the establishment as they are aligned to the west. and do we see a lot of the challenges on the horizon? well, the amc has been in power there for around 30 years now. how, how would you say the policies of the party has changed over time? how have you seen it transformed? well, a, we have been showed the doctor, we moved away from the unjust laws of the park date resume, which focused on preserving and protecting the white a monopoly at privileges. and therefore we have an short deduct. we bring the vast majority off place. i'll definitely ken's into the development of the country with having access to it accessible to electricity, as well as access to control and couple of water and a charter and not the we were able to provide for the education and food for
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a peoples and schools. i understand you gotta leave for right now, a chief mandela, but i just have one last quick question for you. uh, of course one of the major. um, notable go a guest here at this forum was the president is the present and bob way. and he has been talking a lot about how his economies been struggling with western actions. so, how would you say these sanctions and western pressure on countries that don't get with their foreign policy has affected south africa? well, the, the, what's the new imperialism is i turned on the african continent has been to pill thought resources out of for the african continent. ad through colonialism as well as the set a capacity with brutal regimes in salt buffer guide was improved all parties resume . we've lost the immense resources. we are very rich, a continental minute allows and, but we continue live in poverty. and this is why you would find countries
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that don't hold the line to wisdom, imperialism. they would be subjected to ascension, if not to resume change. eh, many of the african countries that have had to wait, just try the nation. have always looked to russia in the east because of all a historical ties. all right, thank you very much, chief mendo, a great interview. it was great to hear your insight into. these are very important questions in the multiple world. thanks. thank you. well, there you have it many a representatives from the african world from the multi polar world in general, all talking similar stuff when it comes to joining hands with russia in their long tradition of fighting imperialism, fighting colonialism. sticking up for countries that are struggling in the face of western pressure and sanctions. and that's what this economic form has been all about. that's what this plenary session was about to just finished up here on today's, of the day of the 4 on a, just a, a,
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an atmosphere of people that want to build a world and continued to build a world based on mutual cooperation and mutual respect. absolutely. don't that's one, a key point that keeps coming up on more just well. it's a mutual cooperation and mutual prosperity. many things to bring it is that as long as he corresponds with, don't the quotes of speaking with his guests back. so leave, leave them on dela, south african n p, and of course, the grandson of nelson mandela. anything so that don't, it is always a pleasure to have you with us here and all the international. as always, you can find all the very latest news as well. as highlights from us and petersburg into a national economic form on our website, all t dot com. so for me, for today, my colleague internet and it will be here. in about 15 minutes, the
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russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense i'm up the speed, the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the senior citizens stephen twist, which is the
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the joseph conrad wrote hall of darkness at the height of units. colonial scramble, facile is about the search for a mysterious white trader. old mister cups is become a monstrous kenneth good symbolizes a type of savagery at the hall of western civilization.


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