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tv   News  RT  June 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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wells, the parts we just to look so common ground the the police 20 people are killed in a pair of ukrainian strikes on residential areas of the front line per se on the beach. and it comes just hours through all the tasks on the dunbar. city of the gulf left for dead all to a head. phillips, when it comes to nuclear escalation, we never started this rhetoric. we simply said it should be taken more seriously and they immediately started talking about us brandishing nuclear weapons. we are not states that the flagship plenary session of this st. petersburg, international economic for on speeding the country steers clear of escalating any nickel or rhetoric and calls for a more serious dialogue with the west medical breakthrough,
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a russian vaccine for a cancer. it could soon be ready for human testing. that's according to the country's leading ology experts speaking to our team, also at the for a month to therapeutic vaccine. it does not protect as against infectious diseases, the attributes individually, those patients who suffer from uncle logical diseases. the video asked at midnight in define 11 p. m. here in most school, welcome to the global use round up on our tea. civilians have come under fire and the latest ukrainian strength on a residential area in the in baffled her southern region. local officials say at least 20 people, including a child, were killed in the shelling and up destroyed a village store 15 others were injured in the attack which also damaged private property. the surviving victims are not being treated in hospital. officials report
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that keeps forces use an aerial bomb, as well as the us supplied. hi mars miss silo system to the area. it will be for that. also on friday, 4 people were killed. another $43.00, including children, wounded and infinity and have talked on a residential area of live guns, city for then 2 dozen. so things were damaged. american suffice attack in messiahs where use that is according to the russian defense ministry all across in new york at the latest session of the un security council versus deputy ambassador slum the recent western listing of some restrictions on the use of its weapons by key f a couple who is the government? you secrets, there's no doubt that the western delegations, the convene, un security council meetings truly do not care about the humanitarian situation. and ukraine, or the suffering of civilians in the country, let alone the boarder regence of russia. in fact, they hardly care about such matters anywhere in the world to the united states. the
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european countries are not fighting for ukraine, but for this so called leadership and geo political ambitions, or another blatant example of western hypotheses. that while the profess consent over the humanitarian consequences of the conflicts in ukraine, west and capitals of deliberately escalating it by continues before and billions of dollars into weapons as well as providing arms themselves and recently a giving that product to jazz and key of college loans to use may to weapons against all territory, but that was they propose as a solution is multi piece formula. but a formula for the blood shed when the best security council meeting was summoned by france. and it does come against the backdrop of paris, promising to supply additional fighter jets to ukraine, as well as provide training to thousands of ukrainian soldiers. this really highlights how bronzes, involvement in the conflict in ukraine, is only picking up steam. at the same time. t is role in all of this has been
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reduced to just providing a steady flow of new home scripts to be thrown into the mead grinders only more. this is something that russia has once again, tried to withdraw the sport like to during the security council meeting. as the gym session, i did, why do the us and all the countries keep sending more more weapons to ukraine? is it really out of concern for you? creating and civilians know, instead of hoping for peace cube has been given the goal of sacrificing this population on the battlefield for the geopolitical interests of its west and patrons. every month, the ukrainian army loses thousands of soldiers killed, of wounded of the current, widespread force constriction descending these units on trains increasing the younger ukrainian men to that desk. it's no secret of the purse slow withdraw. stage comes primarily from the us administration. the lives of ukraine's young generation on nothing more than expendable resources for washington. this has been
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openly stated by members of the american establishment to admit that such as policy saves the lives of western, sold more over this approach, benefits to west in general, as a booster by the use of a military industrial complex. now one of the more motor which takes about this conflict was the voice by china use the platform to once again, stress is concerned about the preload nature of the role in ukraine on to be gene. also underlined is that they are in the talking to both parties of this constant, which is of course, russia and ukraine. now again, this was not a pro russian speech whatsoever, but by being so balanced, it just highlighted how ultimatum, like the speeches of the united states and its allies, west have listened. we should not tolerate children having to grow up under constant bombardment from russian. ms styles,
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drones and shows we have come together once again to confront the green. we are the t caused by the escalating attacks in the home to region. russia foot have for the last 8 months used and hidden behind the tragic situation and gaza. let me just be very clear, the united states will not let the russian federation continue this unpopular seeing the council without a response. well, the word hypocrisy wasn't russia's lips as well. pressure talked about how american made weapons very often used by cuba to attack civilian targets, not the military ones. like on friday, several u. s. made long range. the attack comes massage were used to attack the city of with guns. the total number of civilians both injured and killed and that the attack is in the dozens, including 2 children. now a whole apartment block and france an entrance to an apartment building collapse as a result of that may so attack. and that is very much the case how american made
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weapons are used elsewhere in the gaza strip. that is a very uncomfortable topic for washington. given that at least 36000 people have been killed that by israel. and israel has been so far, very, very reluctant to wrap up its military operation in the gaza strip. that's something that hundreds of thousands of people all across the world hold upon israel to do so. and so in general, is this, the security council meeting only highlighted how much russia and the west, especially the united states and its allies, are at loggerheads with each other and to so much so it has sofa really done nothing to bring peace in ukraine any closer russia is steadily winning on the battlefield and has no need to resort to the use or even testing of nuclear weapons . now does, according to president clinton is not at the western claims but must goes
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a legit intent to the play nips are out of touch with reality. so for this the, when it comes to nuclear escalation, we never started this rhetoric. we simply said it should be taken more seriously, and they immediately started talking about us brandishing nuclear weapons. we are not, that's the 1st thing. secondly, on the use and non use of such weapons. russia has a nuclear doctrine and everything is written that they use as possible in an exceptional case, in the event of a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. i do not believe that such a case has arisen, but this doctrine is a living instrument and we are closely watching what is happening in the world and around us. and we do not rule out making some changes to this doctrine. this is also related to the nuclear weapons test penn treaty. we once not only signed it but also ratified it, and the americans also signed it but did not ratify it. so in today's circumstances, we have withdrawn our rectification. if necessary. we will conduct tests for now,
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there is no such need because our information capabilities, computer capabilities, allow us to keep everything up to date. while you listen to the white house at downing street pretty much, we're off the western media and you would believe, but it's not enough to to sitting in the kremlin is profiting and cannot get in recent weeks. took about this end of the world. weapons have really reached a fever pitch, so it is on surprise. and at the top, it was raised at the suitcases bag for him with the russian needs are for the umpteenth time the states in very class setting the record straight moscow has no intention of deploying it to the weapons. and for critics who might not take him out his watch. okay, well then let's just look at some of the facts. let's take a moment to compare russian on western commitment to nick and have to tyrants over the years. yes, russia does have the largest new kid also in the world bought in 2002 washington
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pulled out of the abm treaty and 2019 washington pulled out of iowa tree take in 2020 washington pulled out of the open sky street in in 2023, washington said that it would no longer chest me to arms data with most go as of the tons of new stop treaty. i'm also hearing now that that a costing doubts about the future of that adult 2 months as well. and it's washington, which is now saying things like this. we may reach a point in the coming years where an increase from current deploy numbers is required. if that day does come, it will result from a determination that more nuclear weapons are required to deter our adversaries. and protect the american people in around lives in partners. we need to persuade our adversaries that managing rivalry for arms control is preferable to unrestrained competition across domains. successive us administrations can trump pull on neutral arms control treaties, us can diversify as we had and potentially boost. it's also and frame it as just
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being competitive. but washer was somehow the one who's holding the world to atomic one. so i'm, i'm also, i, i can't help but just remind what we will no one saying there was any one country in old walt in all of human history which has actually deployed the atomic bomb. the us in japan in 1945 twice. and was a pool of a 1000000 people launch. the civilians were killed, defend a strong signal to the soviet union about american might. so really, any attempts to portray russia as a global risk in this regard should be comical to anyone who knows even a page of history, we do seem to be entering a particular whole phase in the will and ukraine. ukrainians on tying in the thousands and terraced evidence of that is the cube is literally driving its mind of the streets to feed the front. but front line is daily moving and russian space and the west is faced with this reality. but it's money, it's weapons,
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it's the pool that is one failed to secure and to ness, at the victory that i promise not to spend ukraine and people but its own people. but it functions in the meantime have managed to deteriorate their economy, bring about huge multiply, routine paid on the rise ation. so to distract from this failure, they resort to fame on going out. of course, like you said, there is no greater fear than the end of the walled problem. uprooting seems to have taken it upon himself to expose this to debunk the narrative that is being spun out. but i think there is definitely a sense that this, this was, was a rift ration of rad 9. she said at that session that on you to the doctrine is very clear. uh, no nukes unless we face and existential threat. unless wash side is on a top on like to see us, which has a fuss, do i want to see? the reality though is the russian language come under attack from west and west
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settings, both on top of that you have a pay or in the region who is, which is engaging and staring dangerous. talk about arming up. i'm borrowing nips from america. russia is increasingly militarized. into cleaning grad region. recently it has been relocating it's nuclear weapons developers, if our allies decide to deploy nuclear weapons as part of nuclear sharing in our territory as well. in order to strengthen this acute of negatives eastern flank, we're ready for it. so it's hot who wants to see both these moves as escal atory and provocative, but that really is the fact control that we have to look at one of this a gates. now there is a, it's a straight touch west, which is using control which is ramping up, right? correct. which is ramping up, the conflicts which is really driving this irresponsible, took about a need to contact them. we have most good and not in the future. and here's cooling on comm, heads to prevail, but also just reminding nato and co, the russian, like anyone else does have a right to defend itself. the question of course, is,
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what did those increasingly breakfast petitions and brussels london on washington will take heed up this morning. to another headline, stories a world changing scientific breakthrough could be on the horizon in russia. the country's leading immunization specialist ages center as successfully. this is a counselor vaccine on mice and hopes to start trying it out on humans. by next year we got the details from alexander ginsberg himself on the exciting developments also at the st. petersburg, international economic for, you know, saying the 0 and this is not a universal vaccine. on the contrary, it is a personalized vaccine. not only for each type of cancer, but also for each respective cancer patient. yes, and it's a therapeutic vaccine. it does not protect against infectious diseases. it treats
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individually those patients who suffer from uncle logical diseases. this drug, this vaccine, figuratively speaking, is a little vulgar. but it directs the immune system of a patient against a malignant cells due to the fact that this vaccine carries in its composition. those changes that are characteristic at the genetic level for a tumor. as a result, our patients immune system recognizes individually both those cells into which the vaccine has entered and cancer cells. and it begins to destroy them with the help of special cells that are present in our immune system, side of toxic lymphocytes which literally devour those cells that carry tumor markers. this accordingly is the meaning of this vaccine. now at the gamma ly institute, we're working with colleagues from our 2 leading cancer centers, hurts and center under the leadership of professor catherine and the blow consent are under the leadership of academicians, delevie, and with our young colleagues from the serious center,
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a system has been created that allows us to genetically deliver the necessary genetic sequences to our you carry out excels. these methods and technologies are completely covered by domestic patents, which makes it possible to use them widely and completely openly to create medicines. and the 1st speech is about prototypes of vaccine drugs created against a melanoma. this is the most malignant and severe uncle logical disease. and the mouse melanoma model shows that 3 vaccine variants created using this technology protect these animals from deaf ukraine. a most of us are perfect candidates for expanding the e u. at least that's according to the european commission, which has stated that the 2 countries fulfill all criteria necessary for a membership in the block. that's despite the authorities. and both nations have been tracked on, on opposition, parties of the media within their borders. but brussels appears to be turning
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a blind eye and shows that says, you are aware indeed the points on the accession poses, with all the icons with ukraine was today. and in the agenda of the car up are we understand that this uh, this point has now been concluded. and we can do to uh, confirm that on the commission side, we've provided to all this seen or updates to them in the states. and we consider it as to all the steps have been met by the to the, by the 2 countries were reacting to the commissions expansion of a pathway to the block for ukraine. russia has called the approach and example of double standards. most good points saw that some other kinds of it states have been waiting in line for years. well, key of a skipping the queue. well, this all comes in a to ongoing elections in the you, itself, archie, comfortably. the original marston has been gauging the opinions of filters. the european union parliamentary elections now under way across the $27.00 nations.
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lock until sunday are an opportunity for citizens to democratically express once every 5 years how they feel about the competence of the current european establishment. so how's that been going lately? this war is we coming russia's economic perspective for decades to come. what the russian economies collapse in portion is still getting money, but he can hardly spend it and time is not working for russia. it is working against russia. the european parliament will help ukraine in any way possible to advance on all the necessary steps on the 2 repeating pos. okay, so maybe all those anti russian, you sanctions did not bring russia to its knees and brought some other people to their knees. economically though, europeans, what's queen ursula vander line? i'm elected european commission president is living rent free in her office or a room next to her office at the commission building,
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getting free utilities and pocketing 2600 year olds and housing allowance because she's living rent free. so guess it's kind of tough to relate to the skyrocketing energy prices and inflation slamming the average european voter as a result of anti rushing you policy. so it's not exactly a big shock that voters would be gravitating to anti establishment parties right now, particularly ones on the right way. that also happened to be attacked so publicly and so often and so overly by the establishment. the voters know pretty much for sure that those particular parties probably have the least to do with the current mess. french president, a menu as not home with 70 percent disapproval and german chancellor. all actuals right behind at 69 percent disapproval is just such a mystery to these guys why people would want to take an electoral chance on
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parties. like, for example, germany's alternative for do it's not that sound like they're talking basic common sense on everything that the establishment has screwed up policy wise from ukraine to energy to the phone for the tourist delivery must be categorically rejected. search the chancellor is responsible for ensuring the gym and he does not become a potty of water. the only reasonable solution is the loan ship node stream to even if the gas storage facilities are full. this will be enough for about 3 months in the winter. and watts next audiology should give way to real politics. guided by facts, has nato's leading power carried out an attack on our country's vital, critical infrastructure in european waters? if so, one would have to question whether the alliance has ensuring security in europe or rather jeopardizing it here in front of somebody in your pens right wing populist national rally party is set to take up to 4 times the seats of mac hose. who are
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they? sounds party, not surprising when it's so says found that 38 percent of french voters see the will actions as just an opportunity to stick it back home. even though he isn't even running for any seat himself. nor is le pen. but she must be saying something that seems to resonate with voters, maybe and things like this suited for that. who has, for the sanctions against russia, i'm telling you they are ineffective to deal. do they ruined parts of our own agricultural sectors and they have no real impact on the russian economy. and the only impacts they had were on the french economy. france and germany are not the only european countries with anti establishment parties using ukraine as a wedge issue against their establishment opponents. henry's victor or bond is playing up the need for peace as opposed to continued war and neighboring ukraine to such as fit test party. apart from its conservative opponents and much shaping up to be a tight race. we won't go to war. we won't leave our homes heading east for the
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3rd time. we won't go to the russian fonts again. we've been there. we have nothing to do there. as it sounds like the other candidates in these e will actions are adopting a similar playbook. ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world. and suddenly european started giving tens of billions of heroes to such a country. i heard the president zalinski, his mother in law, bought a villa in egypt for several $1000000.00, and we still wonder where our money is going. if the same, your friends are popping up all over europe. it's only because the same issues are being imposed like a strait jacket on the entire block, which is why farmers from france and germany to the netherlands in poland have taken to the streets against the bureaucratically stifling you common agricultural policy. that added the extra burden of privileges, low cost, access of ukrainian farming products to the common market, driving down the prices of the products of local european farmers.
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the then there's the crime and cost of living crisis fuel by the energy crisis that the even posed on itself when biden told it to do something cool too impressed. it's girlfriend zalinski. so brussels went like okay, yeah, watch this. see how much i love you. and promptly shut off the gas from russia. so how is that new relationship going corporate across the euro area, we're exposed to and continue to face different energy costs with consequences for the gross. the energy price shock, which has had europe and economies disproportionately affected vx hold price competitiveness negatively, mainly through high up production costs. got a lot of all the passive language. they're like corporate or magically just exposed to these bad things. and it was the energy price shock that kind of dropped the sky
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like a meteor, i guess the mysteriously just hit smashed into european national economies. oh hey, what do you do? look when you're ditched, it's cheap, rushing gas that gave it a competitive advantage over the us only to end up buying gas from the us and whatever high price. uncle sam feels like charged for it. it's no wonder that things are going to well, who could have possibly predicted that? and whose fault is that? well, your t in voters seem to know, and this selection seems like it could very well end up reflecting that well for more or less cost live. now to george zamarelli, senior research fellow of the global policy institute, the think tank. joining us from budapest you're most welcome towards the commission . say's both ukraine and both though, but they're ready to start talks to join the blog. does that characterize ation ring? true to you?
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yeah, of course not a nice a ukraine. no. uh, moldova is remotely ready for uh e u membership. uh, they are both very poor countries of the both they economic boss get cases and they still incident, they both do extensive uh, economic activity with russia and um they, uh and politically. of course those uh, overseeing though democracy in the ukraine. and this is the correct down on a free speech and democratic activity in molto. the only reason the use going ahead with this nonsensical project of having told about a yeah, eat membership, accession for you. great. and we'll do it, is to stick it to a rough. it is somehow to make an entry washer, but none of it has anything to do with the uh, well being of the uh,
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the member states of the you just expanding on when it comes to ukraine. you mentioned that there were talking about a country that's not only torn by military conflict, but as also cracked on an opposition parties. the media of the orthodox church. it's also led right now. i buy a man who's presidential term has expired. but brussels is ignoring all that why what it's doing is because it wants to teach russia a less than, i mean, let's remember this crisis in ukraine started when the legally elected president of ukraine, which is uh, a victor. yeah. no cove age um was the go see aging and e you accession uh agreement. um and uh he basically said, well,
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i'm gonna put this on the back burner because it's basically a very bad view for us. we have to cut ourselves off from a russia. our economy is entirely tied up with the washer. we have the carpet sales up from russia in favor of very jubes of benefits, which are way, way down the road. and then of course, when, when he said he didn't even cancel the folks who just simply said, well, let's delay uh, signing this association agreement. and then in came the you and of course, uh, toppled uh this a democratically elected government. so that's how it stopped it, and the u has been pricing and pricing. this, even though it is on the, is that in line neither politically nor economically it does ukraine conform to you stand its just a word on the, on the actual mechanics of the whole thing in order to formally invite to train for a session, talk to all you member states must unanimously agree you're talking to us from
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budapest. what do you think hungry is the official response is going to be the as well hungry, but accepted the the style of the succession tools in exchange for um, 10000000000. your rose being released. um 400 now. um you have to think low that the, you know, the d u os hungry. so the bill in your rose and it said absolutely no, we're not going to give you that. the other 20000000000 that we owe you. so you'd have to think of that hungry isn't going to be very happy with the is the accession tools. and it's so obviously detrimental to the e u interest. i mean, the ukranian agriculture of the probably you bring in agricultural products are of a very low, much low as spend that then um you agricultural products. but what's happening
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is that of course, the ukranian agricultural products are being dumped into the e u markets. although it's a well so much lower quality, it's nonetheless much cheaper and therefore it's driving european a farm is out of business. and there's going to be a lot more of that kind of thing. if ukraine really were a brought in to the you. yeah, but that is the part if they, if they really are proud. and even if you members did agree to officially invite both to create the multiple, but how long george could that potentially take for them to actually join the block? well, i think it could be, could take forever because it's very hard to see how low though, but which is the porous country in your ukraine is i think the 2nd poorest country in europe, how they can in any way, come phone to you. you stand that so you have to think that what they going to do is get around the do you regulations get around the
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e you restrictions which of them in order to take her to the point died as well, sorry to interrupt, but they're already skipping the line not that you've got the serbian balls near the thing, we think that during the block for decades, you've seen them, although of a seem to be just jumping. that was and why they doing that because again, it's being driven not by the what's good for the europeans living in the u, but by the political agenda of the e. u leadership in particular or so on the line. i'm the president of the u commission, who is it has of a fanatical russell phobia and he's driven by her agenda of mobilizing the e you against russia. that's all that it's about. it's not in any way about improving the lives of the radians all the mold opens. so that's why they doing it and how they get and the, the way they've been getting around with this agricultural products which as well, but just ignore the common agriculture policy which is that.


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