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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 7, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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for us it's girlfriend's zalinski. so brussels went like okay, yeah, watch this. see how much i love you and promptly shut off the gas from russia. so how is that new relationship going corporate across the euro area. we're exposed to and continue to face different energy costs. we've consequences for the gross. the energy price shock which has had europe and economies disproportionately affected be ex hold price competitiveness negatively, mainly through high up production costs. got a level the passive language. they're like cork rates were magically just expose to these bad things and it was the energy price shock that kind of dropped the sky like a meteor, i guess the mysteriously just hit smashed into european national economy. so what do you do when you're did? it's cheap russian gas the gave it a competitive advantage over the us only to end up buying gas from the us of whatever high price uncle sam feels like charged for it. it's no wonder that things aren't going to well. who could have possibly predicted that. and whose fault is
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that? well, your teen folders seem to know. and this election seems like it could very well end up reflecting that of global policy research or towards the early stage. brussels actually seems more worried about pulling the 2 eastern european countries further away from russia. a nice a ukraine. no. moldova is remotely ready for e u membership as they are both of the very poor countries of the both economic boss get cases. and they still incident, they both do extensive economic activity with the russia and um they tub and politically. of course, there's a obese in though democracy in the ukraine and as the as a crack down on a free speech and democratic activity. and most though,
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the only reason the use going ahead with this nonsensical project of having tools about iep membership session for you. great and well do it is to stick it to a rough. it is somehow to make an anti wash or puzzle, but none of it has anything to do with the uh well being of the uh, the member states of the you. that's our last for not, but our programs. well, they are just getting started to see what's showing river. you're catching us from today in moment. good by the
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the the hello and welcome to cross software. all things are considered on peter lavelle. what should we make of the bite and ceasefire, which apparently originated in israel and that the israeli government fails to own is this merely cheap domestic political posturing, or a reflection of the moral rock of american foreign policy? probably both the cross walk in palestine, i'm joined by my guest, giorgio pharaoh in washington. he is ceo of golf state analytics in new york. we have line on he is
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a legal and media analyst and in rest and we have michael maloof. he's a former pentagon senior security policy analysts, or internally in prospect roles in effect. that means you can jump any time you want, and i always appreciate michael. let me go to you 1st here. it's been about a week now since joe biden, to announce to the public a ceasefire that he says originated in israel. why he is the one that announced that is unclear to me. and that with the usual permit parameters that we've seen, that we've had something that was 3 weeks before this really government for the most part is the distance and sell from it, particularly they prime minister benjamin netanyahu. so what is going on here was that just for domestic consumption is bite and somehow throwing in the towel. what do you make of it to me? it's been about a week and i still don't understand what's going on. as well as my understanding that it originated from israel, of the united states, tweaked it and sent it back. so it was a israel's idea, israel's plan but,
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but no one in the end on, on the net. yeah. who is the team really buys into it, particularly um and his more extreme right rabbit, the ministers, ben, good beer and that's mortgage. so um i think the whoever originated it and it's clear now that the net. yeah. who did, i mean my rods is basically conceded that it came out of out of, uh, uh, telling me um, but it is to get to your other point. it is trying to make the united states look like it. and i think maybe in a backhanded way, right, yeah. who's trying to help biden's a re election prospects by saying uh yeah, it was, it was, it was, is, uh, is idea. and uh and, and uh, just trying to bring your, uh, bring this thing to a, uh, you know, try to put more lipstick on that proverbial pig and, uh, unfortunately it's not working. and, and then now, yeah, this,
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this is the things are going to increase in palestine. and at the same time, we're also seeing more dramas being beaten. they go northward towards level non stuff, but it is real, will not be able to really effectively do anything northward unless and until it comes down and gaza. and instead they're far from achieving whatever they want it to achieve their. and in fact that they've, they've been bolton, i don't, i don't know. i know i'm not really sure. a church, i mean to today the, the americans have never said no to what the israelis want. so, i mean, if the recent past is a guide to the future, but it doesn't really matter. i mean, essentially bite and has a gone his face. i don't know if you gentlemen came across the interview in time magazine, but i mean, i would, this is a very incoherent and i'm being gentle here. administration when it comes to foreign policy, particularly the topic we're talking about right now, palestine, georgia and dc. what do you think of yeah, 1st of all, great,
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great to be on your program on i would say that there is, when we look at the past 8 months of this conflict, there's really no evidence that it's any point divided administration has put real pressure on israel, yes, we've heard statements, we've heard the administration voice opinions, it has its preferences, but all that matters are actions and when it comes to the actions of dividing the administration, there has been no real pressure on israel. the speech that was delivered, the end of may, i think it's kind of interesting though to consider the motivations they probably didn't had for delivering the speech. i do think the biting team would like to see this war wine down again. there is the question of what they would actually do to pressure israel to do it. that's the important question. but nonetheless, i think the biden team does have an incentive to see the war. and i think that has a lot to do with the fact that the white house is obsessed with the idea of
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expanding the abraham. the cords before the vote in november biden wants to be able to tell us voters, that he was the president that brought the saudi arabia into a normalization deal with israel and bite in and blinking. and all those folks know that that's not going to be possible as long as the war in gaza is going on. and at the same time, i think motivation that by didn't had for putting for this proposal is to try to make israel seem less isolated. but i mean, none of this has to do with any concern for the palestinian people. it's all about these other us. yeah. well yeah, it's all about perceptions more than anything else. it's about changing any realities when i think that's what it is so pathetic about it. a line or, i mean i asked him in my introduction to, is this past during, i mean, you know, he does have a, a nominating convention ahead of him and a general election in november. and he's in a lose lose situation the,
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the longer this goes on for his administration and his party line will. and i want to play a thought experiment. i want to jump to the future and look back as a historian who's describing what we're seeing right now. and as a future history, looking back, i will say, look at the artful use of the euphemism. we're talking about ceasefire. nobody is talking about this senseless annihilation massacre, genocide, slaughter, whatever you want to call it, of innocent human beings. we're talking about ceasefire and pastoring in weapons and peers. we're talking about everything. but we're also suggesting ceasefire implies that israel will, will cease the firing as will. what the guidance is it from us is it, we don't get to that. it sounds that there was this juggernaut that there is an impass. we'll stop shooting and destroying if you do as well. in the meantime,
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we went from this debating whether it was genocide, whether it's a part that's off the table, and now we're talking by the idea of ending something. when i say gentlemen, is that if the american public in the world really understood what this was about, if we could see the actual example of in comprehensible slaughter, this debate would stop. there would be a demand of whatever you want to call this stop it. now duke sees call whatever you want. this is the part that just enrages me, that we're talking all around the topic we. we'd love to talk about war as shaqia and the price of human. you bring up a good point in line or has been with me ever since this phase of the conflict since october as my wing man. and you know, he is famously known as the guy in the fishbowl. and that, and thank you for that. interpretation is you're absolutely right, but with michael you, we have spain joining south africa at the international court of justice
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a you know, dealing with the get the conventions of genocide here. the rest of the world is not talking around this. the rest of the world is looking directly at what's going on right now. does a, the bike administration as final is pointed out, doesn't want to see it that way, michael, as well the way it works, having the effect of isolating. uh, and not only ourselves with so is israel in the world and this is quickly coming to us quickly coming to pass. and there's so there's every inc increasing indication that even if trump made it, nothing would change in terms of the middle east. although i think there are some uh why, believe lot of our, our mutual good friend allister chris, but it is very interesting. the, the other day, he said that the saudis will not go along with any normalization of israel, as long as there is no longer a 2 parties stay. and he says, this comes from, it may not necessarily reflect the realities on the ground today,
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but it comes from the, the, comes from the king himself. and if the king has decreed this, that's it, that's law. it's, it's, it's, there's no, there's no discussion. and that's the position today, and israel's not gonna agree to that. so they're going to have another score. that's why now they're going to start aiming. as i said, i think almost eminently now, 411 on it, but they've got to calm things down a little bit and guys and because they've got to, they've got to show troops around. but if they can always up to 300000 people. but i think you could you go uh, make the argument the other way around. the opposite argument is things well, it's not going to calm down. so i don't, we expand the conflict, it's focus our attention away. i think unfortunately, that's where it is. giorgio michael brought up alice to correct, which is a brilliant analyst and the same interview that mike was making reference to is the saying, you can't demand the tide to come in and out. that is the problem. and this is what the, the provide ministration is doing. it's demanding that the tide come in to carry it
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out and down the path of victory. but that's not going to happen. so it seems to me, but really what the, by the ministration is worried about is just manipulating perceptions it is showed itself to be, could it completely incapable of taking any kind of stand, let alone a moral stand, go ahead in washington. yeah, you know, um we obviously have to keep in mind this is 2024 in election year and the vitamin scene is focused on securing the 2nd term. i so biden is in a little bit of a difficult position. on one hand, he does have these concerns about some of the younger and more progressive elements within the democratic party, who seemed to uh, want to stay home on election day or maybe vote for a 3rd party candidate. and we look at some of the swing states, michigan, minnesota, wisconsin, and so on, that could make a difference and give those critical states to trump. so i think they're sort of
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some catering very surface level rhetoric to try to win back some of those voters. you know, i bought the car to buy me, let's be clear here there. but that in the voters that you're talking about, they'd be voting against vitamins policy. these would be, uh, gods. but they certainly wouldn't be voting for trumps articulation of what's going on in the conflict that's. that's almost kind of a more pathetic situation. keep going. yeah, they, they would, i both for trump, but the concern from the biden team is that they wouldn't vote at all. they think they news of absolutely when every single vote in those states that candidates always win by very narrow margin. but at the same time, also the biding team doesn't want ro is real 1000000000 our donors to unplug the bite in campaign or the campaigns of biden's democratic allies. so i think that ultimately bite and just being very loyal to those donors. but i would also say
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that if this were not an election year, i'm not so sure that biding would be handling things to differently. i don't think it's just about catering to donors or catering to the lobby. when you look at the items record and re read palestine absolutely agree. we think he's going into a few more psych current for decades. biden has been a diehard scientists. we can say the same thing about blinking and others in the administration. and this is an ideological fights. they've been a part of for many decades on that. but i don't then i have to go to a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on palestine. stay with our team. take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by how us tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills,
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and is it just because it shows you few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the welcome act across stock where all things are considered. i'm peter live, else remind you were discussing palestine. the okay, well, i know, and before we went to the break, we were talking about the, the impact of the general election, the united states on biden's policy in georgia was absolutely right. i think that, um, if this were an awful action you're invited,
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would be acting the same. having said that, again, i've been stressing all through this program is that they are worried about perceptions more than anything else. they're not interested if there's a genocide or not bits and material to them. it's how they look and how america can project power in the world. and the impact on it used to be very powerful american soft power. it's not so powerful anymore. what question do you, lionel is, how much is it the, did the student protests in flow? and so i policy because, you know, you, i've known you for a very, very long time and, and, you know, i, the blue hairs and the d i and all of that. you and i've talked about endlessly. yeah, but i'm very proud of young people in america. there is always a little very proud how much of an impact the go ahead. a couple of things are not to be to uh, there is a inter needs the near but in the democratic party, there's something very interesting awhile back after they completely abandoned bernie sanders. a lot of the folks kind of pick their tongue and they said,
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then they blamed hillary for this because this, this man that they believe the loved in was basically go cash to the side. now you have groups of people, you had the squad and the squad was kind of laughed at, but you had amc a number where she to to leave in the eli no more. and then all of a sudden they started to express an echo the good in charge of many, many young people not just left as young, but just young people who felt a real connection as young people have always had historically with anti war as you . and i'd be to remember from the vietnam era. yeah. well, when they acted up and they saw their fellow colleagues instead of being beaten on campus, is basically academically muted diplomas withheld. i mean, to be blackballed in the future where you couldn't get a job on wall street. they turned it to their squad. and bernie and the other democrats, is it? what are you going to do to help us? and they were mute. yep. they said nothing. yeah. so when's all
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a sudden done there is going to be a permanent fracture and it has um, within this group. so the effects of this are going to be felt. this generation might be forever watch. they're not going to forget this. well, i can't let me throw in alternative media as well. i think. i know that's also a reflection of how disaffected young people feel as a neo liberalism is reaching a critical stage. okay. i mean naval liberals and makes everybody miserable except for the very, very rich that's obvious. and we'd, we play this ridiculous, conservative, liberal game, which of course is what they want us to do. but going back to palestine here, you know, michael, you, you are on many, many times as we went through the, the russia gate hoax. ok. but even the new york times, which i hate to cite, but i'm going to right now. they've sat there and they wrote about an influence program originating an israel, to this sum of about $2000000.00, primarily the influence of congress and actually people of color in congress. so we have fake meddling in american politics from russia,
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but we have very real meddling from israel in american politics. thoughts as well it's, it's nothing inconsistent because we do the same thing in the other countries electives . however, it is, it is something that they, that, that the israel is now are really trying very hard to, to get their message across. net. now, we supposed to be addressing congress against soon. there are some democrats who said they're going to march into the chamber with cops. interesting because of the, because of the i go to the i c j. and so when i bought it, but i don't think that will happen. but at the same time they are, they are struggling. they are, they are struggling for the conscience of the young people in america and they know, and the israel is no, there are limits. and people, people are sick of what's happened to the palestinians, end the end of the carpet bombing that continuously goes on. and i think that there
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uh to get to the one point that you made with the lytle. uh, they, the defined administration only reacts it never has a plan to do anything good, but i don't want to go any accomplishments. that's right. i have not, in fact, he has torn apart everything that made america better the last term, and it made us energy dependent, opened up our borders. now what good does that do? how does that, how is that better? in the life of everybody? you know, it's only made but worse. you know, it is there to the, i'm glad it was mentioned and then yeah, who is being invited to address a joint session of congress. you know, it, it seems to me that this is such a slap in the face to people with a conscience. i mean, here we have a, a very, very weak administration. we have fanatics in congress. it's all directed pandering to donors. the media goes along with it, and everybody else, no one else has a say in all of it, it is such a kabuki feud, or i and you know,
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being outside far outside the united states. and that in watching how the rest of the world is reacting even to american allies in europe or abandoning this policy. i mean, it is, it's a really strange moment of inflection for me, it's a very weird theater, george, you know? yeah, you know, i mean what's been going on for decades is the u. s. has been very isolated on the issue of palestine and we can just go to the record book and look at, you know, many of you end up going back many, many decades. so in that sense, it's just kind of a continuation or something that's existed for some of you and ministrations. but i believe what's going on now in god. so obviously this is not the 1st war 1st uh, set of massacres and guys. uh, but none of the pardon is bloodshed from ash conflicts reached this level. many of them came in close and the whole world, the seeing this live stream, the social media day in and day out. and it just seems to have no effect on so many
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in congress who just continued to obsess with this idea that the u. s. s. to support israel, regardless of what israel does, you know, i don't think that us support for any country in the world should be unconditional . i think there's always something a country could do that should result in washington approaching it differently. but there is just this thinking among many lawmakers and foreign policy leads in washington that there is literally real can do. that should result in the us ceasing to give it iron clad supports. the rest of the world for the most part disagrees. there are some countries in europe that support israel in this manner. but really, i mean, especially outside of the west, we talked about the global south just completely different universe than united states when it comes to talking about the issue of palestine. and the us is really
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isolating itself right now when the issue of palestine is really sort of front and center and the international stage. i don't think many people in washington understands the extent to which this foreign policy leaves the us. so ex streamlined isolated. well, i want a line away, it really kind of bigs the questions. i mean, is this all, i mean i don't want to make it too simplistic, but i mean, is this really just donor driven? i mean, is money. you know, the great philosopher bob dylan said, once you know money doesn't talk, it screams like, is this the bottom line line of let me give you another thought experiment. let's see. i could go and pull some parts of this equation out and i would you remove the donor faction completely. i could just somehow metaphysically do that. would you see a different result? absolutely. there's no question about that, because you would then you gotta ask, well, who, who is, who is everyone listening to and, and there is a, there is a structure that goes back. you mentioned that the peter,
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very correct. this is ideology, this is philosophy. this has nothing to do with tactical, you know, it is, i've got to say this with this, this week the, there was discussions of ronald reagan to the 20th anniversary since is passing a d day and. and he talks about the notion of peace and our rent helping the little people in american fight. and i always, you know, spielberg and the usual suspects who i believe tom hangs, believes he was in world war 2. he's awfully, thanks. he was there. but if you sat there is a, what are you doing now? what is america now? what is the world look like now? what do we learn? the answer is nothing. we love ceremonies with a flag waving, and we love titular bumper sticker kind of crazy ology. but when it comes to really applying the principles that we purportedly believing, we don't not as long as there are people, donors pulling the strings. yeah, unfortunately, less true. i mean, michael, you brought up of the possibility of the, the conflict expanding northward into,
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into lebanon. i don't think there's anything that us would do to stop it. okay. i mean they, they don't want it to happen, of course, but there's nothing they can do to stop it. we say, you know, we saw, you know, a members of, of congress wanting to started impeachment proceedings and kids abiding for stopping one shipment, which probably wasn't even stopped of, of weapons to going to israel. there's this like kind of pathetic issue if the, if netanyahu, who needs to stay in power to stay out of prison. if he wants to go into 11 on the west fonts a bite and certainly won't stop him. i know you're absolutely right. and we'll pay lip service to not wanting to do that we, we still have the carrier strike group still parked in the mediterranean to, to sort of be at the time. but uh, uh, hospitalized is not a phase by that they, the reality is, is that to get back to what you in line or just staying here for a 2nd, the, the united states is, i, is ideologically bent on credit. and doing all of this,
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this isn't the ideological speech. i make a distinction between the government and the american people. there are 2 distinct entities. the american people do not support these wars. we've been going on for 23 years, non stop. this is all ideologically driven, and if you listen to netanyahu, who is, and given and given biden's, design is bent, they're all ideologically oriented. and even to the booklet called desired to clear out all of the non jewish nod zion is types. and even going so far as going into a webinar and now take maybe going into westbank, but certainly clearing out guys that maybe introducing israeli settlers there. this is what we're hearing and bought by who's going along with well, i mean, you know, but michael, the problem is here with all the judge. he'll finish it up. they would be doing
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this if and, but it's social media, this is what's pushing them back because everybody's watching. okay. if this happened in the 18 eighty's, this would have happened already because no one would have talked about it. 40 said, you know, or i can judge, he'll go to you while 40 seconds before we go to the end of the program. yeah, well i would just say it is important to be talking about the situation in 11 on. i absolutely agree with what's been said here. the binding team certainly doesn't want that to happen because they know that that would bring instability in the region to a whole new level and bring a lesson to a crisis that the us certainly doesn't want in relation not only is phone number of words to iran, but i just hope that there are some people in israel who have the ability to see how stupid it would be to started all out war with is by law. you know, we're 8 months into this war and gaza in march of still resisting if they can't defeat a moss. yeah, i said to me as well is good luck drinking. yeah, once again,
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gentlemen. and to my audience here, it just takes one phone call from the president of united states, and this whole thing would be shut down. but he has that goes not have the courage to do a gentleman. that's all the time we have. i want to thank my guess and watching in new york and in resident of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at archie. so you next time, remember across knuckles the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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the, the, the, the headline story this hour, at least 20 people are killed in that part of you printing and strikes on residential areas of the front line press on when it comes just hours after all the talk on the don't boss to be able to get tested for that. and also i had a missed call that's when it comes to nuclear escalation. we never started this veteran, we simply said it should be taken more seriously. and they immediately started talking about us brandishing nuclear weapons. be a lot of our put in speak stuff, the flagship plenary session of the st. petersburg, international economic for him,


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