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tv   Going Underground  RT  June 7, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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indians, however, the british empire never broke the free spirit of the indians and their will will resist the i'm action or that said, welcome back to going underground will cost single around the world from the you a, the world stands on the brink of nuclear war up to genocide, jo, payments with us weapons to directly target to rush, you know, certainly the largest country in the world, but the country with the largest number of nuclear weapons. meanwhile, people are rising up in nature of nations against genocide today in the capital of empire, i believe good biden's house is being surrounded by a symbolic red line just signal to the world, the us political clauses. betrayal of all humanity in gaza and jerusalem. west agency without a saudi arabia fall from the lies coming from the us state department. about
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normalization with israel has denounced israel for, quote, continuous genocidal mass. it goes against palestinians and the waves, deepening military collaboration with china, amidst unfulfilled us promises and escalating his railey aerial bombardment of syria, of lebanon and of them. and joining me now from one trail kinda there is moving rabbani who worked with you and in syria, as you know, co. and it's typically a magazine created had to be arab spring. thank you so much. i'm waiting for coming on, i going to say in west and you are being nations. the genocide is going opposable genocide has gone a bit quiet. they have more important things that the vessel states as they being cold is what do you make the bible to see me? the rehabs heat a ceasefire plan if anything, and insisting it's in these ray the plan while supplying the munition in the bones to be had children and god who bizarre for words. what you had is
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the us president joe biden publicly announcing what he stated was in his early ceasefire proposals. so the 1st question is, why is the us rather than israel making this public? subsequently, these really is denied. it was their proposal. then the americans insisted that they basically put out precisely what they received from these rallies. then these relays tell the americans or lead to the press, that there were additional details that were not included. now the israelis are asking for us to guarantees that they can route and resume their genocide last slot once the deal is implemented. and in the meantime, as might well be expected, the americans are insisting the onus is on from us to accept this rather than 1st, ensuring that is real accept um, what, by all accounts is its own proposal that can then be put to the other party. it's
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really to, to bizarre for words and it demonstrates once again what many um, or at least what i've always concluded that often in these situations the us is more pro is real than is real itself. and last pro americans, i'm so i'm, i'd say, i mean very little news. we're hearing about these reports of us as eyes in the how this $670000000.00 northrop grumman, nick, rav carrier having to retreat to jetta because of force that because of resistance forces in the red sea. i mean, is it a good any update on, on that the attacks on the us us eyes now is not, not on that specific attack, but i think it's worth putting this in larger context, which is that one t issue driving us diplomacy is, is that it seems to be stuck in a contradiction on the one hand, it is thoroughly embraced as real as genocide. a war against the posting is in the
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gaza strip. at the same time, it also appears determined to avoid further re regional escalation. the obvious way to avoid for the regional escalation is to end the genocide. but instead of doing that, the u. s. has been threatening, has above and on has been sending it some naval task force to the red sea to seek to unsuccessfully. i might add, as you've just indicated, put an end to the whole seats missile attacks on shipping going through about in month of. and we've even had direct confrontation for the 1st time since 1979 between israel and the ron. so the us on the one hand, wants to prevent further escalation, but at the same time is driving for the rest of the place. and at the same time is getting directly involved in this escalation itself. and of course,
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rose real. the biggest surprise would be a direct confrontation between the united states and the wrong, which has appeared at some points. increasingly likely, i think, is now less likely, but does remain plausible and less than until this genocide ends the, i don't know whether we can believe anything the american say, but they say the us, his eyes now wasn't struck. but what did happen definitely in the past few days, as the britain in the united states, i really bombarded famine hit a human, which is, which is so sanctioned. most americans, though, i mean, regardless of whether this deal is to do with pleasing a base before november's election and was not most americans of the usa, according to polls are against israel. now, it's uh, today, the anniversary of the 1949 publication of georgia was 1984. how is it? do you think, speaking of the way or, and kind of direction that the nature propaganda machine has not worked?
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i know this, i'm say the take talk man was in parts and threats to mandatory in part because of the youth using social media to discover what the lies were told that i told to them about the genocide. why is it not? why there's so many people demonstrating today outside the white house and then across western europe in london for instance, as a many of them. so all of the pictures the cnn and comcast guy, news and the rest is not going to show of children headed by nature weapons. i think there's multiple explanations for this. um, the obvious one is that you can only hide the sun with your finger for so long before you get sunburned. and israel's case, i think it's fair to say that is really propaganda has had it too good for too long and has simply become lazy and complacent. and as a result, increasingly effective, for example, this week, the new york times revealed that is real, was running
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a corporate influence operation using social media against members of congress with a specific emphasis on african american democrats in congress. but if you look at who it's main targets were not only was a preaching to the converted, but it was setting a box, for example, with male names, but female pictures um and all the so completely ineffective. i think another aspect of course is, is that people, particularly younger people, are no longer solely reliant on main street media, whether home television or, or prints or digital, and have access to accurate information, very disturbing information in real time. and then there's the additional facts are the israel as a state, and as a society has moved so far to the right,
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and in many cases to the lunatic fringe, is that it is simply incapable of generating the kinds of propaganda that it did. and in previous decades where it could at least pretend to appear reasonable, pretend to be genuinely interested in a peaceful resolution of the rep is really conflict. and the question of power started because in today's is really environment. anyone who puts forth such propagate and about being reasonable of warranty peace and having genuine respect for others is basically committing political suicide. and so is really propaganda is increasingly too extreme to be palatable to western audiences. and i think um, uh, that's another factor. well, of course, the propaganda continues in american so called mainstream press. one to lie is 1st
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published even though new york times of sales, bugging families, newspaper can apologize about the allies told about october 7th and the fake sex crimes. but by then too many people know about it, did you hear about the great zone of being targeted by the amazon washington post the other day? i know the grades on was and people can, which are interviewed next blumenthal in the studio here. the editor of grades and who is done so much to expose the lives coming from israel and propaganda droplets in nato countries. where did it surprise you to they were directly by the washington post. i'm, i'm frankly, i'm unaware of, of, of this specific issue, but on the whole, no, i'm, i'm not just, i'm not surprised. i mean, the, the main stream press has a history of normally suppressing alternate alternative view points and suppressing descent. but also on attacking the sensors. i mean we, we need on the look out,
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for example, the us invasion of iraq in 2003 where it was the new york times and other leading newspapers and television stations that left the charge. that completely inflated these false allegations about the new rocky nuclear weapons program and w, m d, and so on. and, and, you know, it's new york times is, is not known as american products for nothing. it performs a very similar role perhaps using different means. but it performs the same role of confirming state policy, elite opinion and all the rest of that. what noam chomsky i think quite up actually referred to as manufacturing consent. the problem now um uh for the state and for these leading media corporations is that people have direct access to credible information in real time through alternative mechanisms.
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and so fewer and fewer people are relying on these agencies. and of those, the, to there appears to be also greater skepticism about the news that they bring out. then there have been and in previous decades, i should ask you, actually, given the, as you said, we know congress and they've been targeted. we know of international criminal lawyers, it'd be targeted and all sorts of a roofing code which opperation is going on. have you ever been targeted julia, your magazine, the institute for the things that you say not, not that i'm aware of, and i think more importantly, it wouldn't have made a difference as well. and having said all of this, net and you know, as accepted an invitation to address congress despite to this international arrest warrant being sold against him, would make him speaking more to congress,
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addressing the more than churchill woods. what do you think about him? i mean, i should say biden, this says they will be in polio for the g 7. so i don't know. what do you think about him addressing congress while the american people send, seemingly with palestine including samples as well. i think it's primarily a message to the us administration. i'm sending a clear message that congress will act in israel's interest rather than the american interest. should it come to any policy class between washington and israel, going back to the ceasefire. a proposal that we were discussing at the outset. one motivation for biden was really to go over this really prime minister netanyahu has had and appealed directly to these early political class and is really become
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public opinion. this is nothing yahoo is response. you think you can go over my head? no, it is. i who will go over your head by showing that i have congress in my pocket. it's not in your pocket. and by making a direct appeal to us, the leads in the us political class to basically 2 sides. and as we know, particularly in, in the increasingly polarized us political system. and now it also being an election year and so on. and i suspect that it will be nothing yahoo rather than bided, who will come out on top bullying or by any i'll stop you the more from the co editor of jelia and for you and syria advisor after this break the the,
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the, the, the the,
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the welcome back to getting on the ground. i'm still here with moving rabbani co editor off of jerry. yeah. when you were talking about the biden's tribulations in his, uh, not being in power, then you know, being in power arguably as regards the facile states that as sending in the weapons and ammunition to they had babies in casa, what do you make of their behavior? because the g says i'm just the g 7, sam for genocide is that with the g stands for when they meet and pulling together and instantly on thursday as well that's, that's certainly very good characterization. i would however, like to take issue with your description of, of the united states as israel's vassal state. i think it's very much the other way around. i think is real, derives its strength from the support it gets from the us because of washington
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sees it as a reliable and dependable and powerful bastion of western interest in the middle east. and if there's real was, was not believes to be performing this function and basically it would not get the support of either the us or the united kingdom or the european union. and i think one problem that israel is now going to experience in the months and years to come . is it supposed to be this omnipotent, omniscient, you know, all powerful emissary of western interest, sebastian of western interest in the middle east. but in the better part of the year, it couldn't even cross a 2nd daughter, melissa, a mouse and a miniature postage stamp sized territory meeting the 365 square kilometers at the gaza strip. and i'll be very interested to learn in years to come whether and i
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believe it will, whether this will affect the position of israel and western geo political and strategic thinking or against what you said about. i mean, clearly dental useful in terms of american, the security because of pain, danger, american security, very existence, but the 100000000 dollars from a back of this election cycle coming through now. why they spending so much money buying and election manipulating in the united states. the as well, i think the question that needs to be asked is why does a package think it needs to spend all this money to maintain a sufficient congressional as a way american democracy works? circle democracy? well, that's the way american plutocracy works. i'm not sure democracy is the appropriate term here, but uh, you know, i, if you look back over the past few decades,
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i think it's fair to say that israel's primary strategic assets. far on the way i think more important than the arms deliveries and all the rest of it hasn't been the solid bi partisan us political support for israel and for its policies. and it's worth recalling that the main stay of support for israel and congress. and among the us, political leads used to be among liberal democrats, rather than conservative, evangelical, and french republicans. that's of course changed. but the more interesting develop into my view is it, israel has become an increasingly partisan issue. and in us politics and the democratic party, for example, is increasingly divided over the issue of us policy to northern congress. as well as even, even in congress. i mean, you have the so called squad,
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you have certain prominent senators, demanding that, that their own government observe us domestic legislation with respect to arms, exports and so on. yeah, i know the be, you know, this scored talking much isn't i never see the squad to here on tv, about genocide, they're using the g words well in that of so some do some don't. but i think more importantly is, is these are people who are now openly and publicly dissenting from the us consensus on blind support for his will to slow process. it's not going to result in policy changes, but certainly not this week, but it shows, i think, the beginnings of a fracture and the solid bi partisan us support that is real, has always enjoyed. obviously you've got to write for the, for that in, in gaza. course today course i want to get on to the kind of punishment,
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meet it out on any country or any region that is to defy this. um, a pact is re leave israel low be the this is the scientist cyclops. what did you make about britain in the us? a bombing cameron in the past few days been a golf course. i know reports worthless. i think what's, what's happening here is abundantly clear. washington and london stood before a choice. they could either call a halt to israel's genocide launcelot on the palestinians in the gaza strip. as a result of which these attacks on shipping from young men would come to an end. or they could engage in the bombing and killings and young men in order to ensure that israel would be able to continue with this genocide. lots lots in the gaza strip. and quite clearly, washington and london have decided that enabling is real as
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genocide in the gaza. strip is more important than keeping the shipping lines in the red sea open. i'm sure lots of businesses watching this will wonder what they're doing in that case. meanwhile, jake sullivan, national security adviser, and that to the blinking, continue to talk about saudi arabia normalization with israel. i mean, you might be up to tell me why not they do that when we had saudi arabia quotes, say, in the strongest terms, calling and condemning the continuous close. genocidal mask is by. as a new organization was, meanwhile, and us television, they keep talking about normalization. the thing is, can they not reactivate isis day, actually now kind of forces like they used in serious can they don't do this again and attack the countries likes out here. i mean, you hear the u a um as being the saying that it's not going to be after defies when
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the a brand mccord's is looking to increase cooperation with china. what punishment is going to be needed out to the arab countries that are not supporting enough for us genocide. as they're in mind, this is the same jake sullivan who published an article immediately before october 7th, saying things have never been better in the middle east of the region. hasn't been this quiet and into decades and sought to have his article. he replied to that criticism, sorry to interrupt, you did reply to that criticism and said, well, they were before looked at him, ignoring except that they weren't. and you know, it didn't take a degree in rocket science to see a crisis coming. what you would expect, at least, that someone who has, has assumed the post of national security adviser, the most power from the state in history would have at least an inkling. i mean, the problem here is that we're not talking about saudi is really
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a normalization. what we're really talking about is a tripartite. saudi is really us to deal with from washington. his perspective and certainly from is real. israel's, as well as intended not to promote is really passed in, in peace. but to promote is really unilateralism to enable further is really unilateral, doesn't visa view the past indians and to completely crush and marginalize it posted in washington's problem is that for saudi arabia, the real prize and such an agreement is not anything that would get from is real, but what it would get from the united states and all indications are, is that the by didn't ministration, would not be able to obtain congressional approval for either a formal security guaranteed for the saudi arabia or a civilian nuclear program that it would provide to solve it right, so my view disagreement was, was never really going to materialize anyway. and as,
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as you may recall, a month or 2 ago, the saudis voicing that are increasing frustration with israel is, and israel's intransigence suggested to put these rarely components of this deal on ice. and proceed with the bi lateral us saudi components of that. and the us, of course said, well, if there is nothing in it for us, we'll, we're not interested even though the bi lateral us savvy do would have great advantages for the us, a strategic position in the region by new ministration. not so interested then in in us. so interest is appears. meanwhile, on monday there's a break. foreign ministers meeting and the farm is if you, a and saudi are in, in russia. and the king of bahrain was in moscow the other, the other day. i mean, what do you think removal of us basis from this regional people discussing that?
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i bid the russians and the chinese do what. how does cost a host a, how mouse and the biggest, $1.00 of the biggest us bases holiday base and run out to 0. and um, and, and by rain have a huge us base head increasingly be tied to countries that are critical to the agendas as well. i think what we've been seeing and many of these g, c, c states and, and also other states in the region like, um, uh, egypt. uh, for example, certainly during the past decade is it's not so much a, a rupture in their relations with their traditional patron in washington and finding new ones and brush over china. but rather what i would call a process of strategic diversification. in other words, for many of the states, their primary strategic relationship remains with the united states. they continue
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to look to washington is equal to the guarantor of their security. but at the same time, they are also developing increasingly close economic security and even strategic relations with the russians and with the chinese both as an insurance policy and in order to also reduce what had previously been a complete dependence on washington. so there's a process of, of diversification going on, rather than, let's say, changing one patron for another. you know, just find the at matthew miller, that state department spokesman us and that that is press conferences that he hadn't seen the picture of the big headed baby off to the massacre in a rough i in the past few days, is only the anniversary. the publication of all worlds, 1984. it's 52 years since the famous photo of a 9 year old to find the game for a button by us chemical weapons w m. d and vietnam. why is it despite all the money?
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maybe it's in the tunnel question about the lead classes. these congressmen and women and all these members of parliament in western european capitals say in germany, which is a bang, so much of the weaponry that's raining down regardless why they know it is a bold. as the world was from seeing what the united states were doing to the babies and children of vietnam as they, as we are saying to the arabs of palestine as well. matthew miller, of course, is a personification of, of see no evil hear. no evil speak, know even when it comes to is real and that some genocidal policies. uh, i mean even even by the standards of, of upper upticks whose role it is to make up logia for the government's policies. easy is really in a, in a, in a class of his own him and his colleagues. but regarding your question,
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i think maybe you want to leave avenue to be out of it. sorry. yeah. cool. no, uh no, i definitely don't leave kirby out of it. he's. he's right up there with miller. but getting back to your question, i think we need to get away from this view which looks at western politicians as somehow being bought by these rallies were being blackmailed by. these realities are being threatened by these rallies and blindly embracing israel against their better judgment or against their will. and perhaps we should start looking at these people as doing precisely what they want to do as, as people who are fundamentally racist. who feel that is real, is entitled to do whatever it pleases with the past and in people with the are ups and with the region for that matter. and these are people who are almost
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congenitally have been conditioned to view palestinians and arrowheads as irrelevant and expendable human scum. so it's not that they don't see these uh images. but that these and images make absolutely no impression on that. they couldn't care. less between rabbani thank you. thank you. that's it for the show. i'll continue condolences to those very via you k u. s. u, i'm genocide will be back on monday to focus on the nuclear armed i and bricks which just have elections with the former advisor to india's national security council. until the end, keeping the job to i realized social media. if it's not sensitive, we will country, and that to our child going under warranty on normal dot com to let you know, and all the episodes of going underground to monday. the th,
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which if we make of the bite ceasefire, which apparently originated in israel study is really government fails to own, is this merely cheap domestic political posturing, or a reflection of the moral rocks of american foreign policy? probably on april falls 1899, but then terry although i skipped in fully this and tell you i.


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