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tv   News  RT  June 8, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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the, the, the, to the of know, right, this is do, you must do the daily news in that medical. that's the same bob boy and president scathing review of washington's approach to relations with this country. just part of the leaders, exclusive interview with archie, ukrainian strikes, killed $22.00 people in residential areas of the hair salon region, just hours after another deadly attack on the city of lou guns. pressure points to take her at the west for disregarding civilian lives in the train and russia. there is no doubt that the western delegations, the convene, un security council meetings truly do not care about the humanitarian situation in ukraine or the suffering of civilians in the country loading the boarder regence of
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russia and are to speak. so the policy of the internal as his reasons of salt at and this really nationalist march and jerusalem highlights the violence, members of the news media phase in the regent. suddenly, dozens of settlers attacked me from all directions. i couldn't see anything. the tack lasted more than a minutes in front of the police, and the police decided to stop the assault. attacking me again, the are watching our t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. the president of zimbabwe has lambasted the wes treatment of his country. emerson, among the made the sharpest statement and an exclusive interview with archie on the sidelines of the st. petersburg, international economic for him. and baba is just one of the african countries that has long been be seized by both american and european sanctions. something i'm not,
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god was says the west has no right to do. it is absolutely nonsense. it will give the americans to be policeman of the world. they have no right. this does do that. we must do that and is using in that medical we any dependence of when is that with what freud dependents, we should condition to americans, freedom, not to them because we have full freedom ourselves. you did fought for freedom themselves then this would be able to be, you know, i cite because of football, freedom from the british. all right, let's press live now to r t correspond that done. all the parts are done. talk to us about some of the highlights from the interview you did with these and bubbling president as well. right. so it was a really great honor to do such a serious interview with such a high profile, a guest zimbabwe and president emerson, man, on god. why, i mean, he has been attending this st. petersburg international economic for him since the
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beginning a meeting with vladimir putin any attended. the 3rd days plenary session, which was absolutely outstanding. he gave a speech alongside the president bolivia and vladimir putin as well where he talked a lot of a lot about economics in the context of the multi polar world. and that's something we also spoke about. and in our interview that i was able to do with him today, i mean, he's focused and he reference back to something he said at the plenary session about the fact that as in bob roy has its plans to become an upper middle income country by 2030 and it's something that the, the country is vice president said as well. uh, recently was that uh, western sanctions have been making that very difficult to actually western sanctions have stolen over $150000000000.00 from the country according to its vice president. and this is why during the interview mean on god, why said that these it sanctions are completely illegal in the 1st place.
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these functions and bosoms bubble, legal assumptions. let's just find functions. these know, this is where the position or the functions we have, what to do with the no good. and they have some people who want us to move into a particular that that direction. but our people as a democrat, the right to choose that one direction in terms of governance and so on. this thing that i want to mention is just doing this interview, president, man, on god. why has a really serious presence in the room where he, where, wherever he is really, i mean, this is a guy who was trained as a fighter in the war for zimbabwe and independence in china. one of the major powers of the multi polar world in the current day. so he fought against imperialism there. or at the time russia was as a part of the soviet union, and they supported those anti imperialist efforts. so one and another thing that this and baldwin president mentioned was the long legacy of friendship between
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these 2 countries in the long dedication that both countries have when it comes to a anti imperialism and fighting for a multi polar world. the relations between the most good that ad. excellent. so and i received the invitation from my brother present putting, i mean, did it accept it and campbell, and i don't regret that came over because we're going to put you need to discuss one on one. but the promotion in the concert edition at the making our lease is more comprehensive than before. so the lessons between the and the most school is a historical because the system to us to act in independence, you're not going to get as we heard their historical relations in the words of these and bobby and president at the plenary session here. and during our interview, he's, he referred to russia as
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a brotherly nation. that's how close the relations between the 2 countries have been for many years. and that's the direction they're going in still uh, with the further development of the multi polar world now is and bob and president also spoke about a number of different topics. specifically the ukraine conflict. he said that both sides have to sit down at the negotiating table. i asked him about the, you know, the fact that the western powers and the key of government are unwilling to do that . russia's time and time again said it's ready to sit down to negotiations. does have on the president said that his government's position is that discussions have to be had to hash out a piece agreement. and in terms of what's going on palestine as well, he gave his thoughts on that. he said that it doesn't matter who you are. if you are fighting in the national liberation struggles, you have the support of visit baldwin, president. so those are some really interesting topics we were able to cover. we were able to cover a wide array of them and some very interesting thoughts and is in baldwin president
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. all right, looking forward to seeing the phone interview, our tea correspondent donald, of course, or don. thank you. and we will be entering that full version of don's explosive interview right here on archie later today. do stay with us for that. the civilians have come under fire and the latest reprint in striking a residential area in the embattled harris on region. local officials the say at least $22.00 people including a child were killed in the shelling that destroyed a village store 15. others were injured in the attack which also damaged private property. the surviving victims are now being treated in the hospital. officials report kept as far as those used an aerial bomb, as well as a us supplied him ours missile system to hit the area in the city of lou ganske and 2 more bodies have been found in the rubble left by a ukrainian attack on a residential area on friday earlier,
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local officials reported 4 people were killed and 6, the wounded in the strike. more than 2 dozen buildings were damaged american supply . the attack of missiles were used according to the russian defense ministry. in new york, at the latest session of the un security council of russia's, deputy ambassador slammed the recent western lifting of some restrictions on the use of his weapons by key f. you couple. who's the government? you secrets, there's no doubt that the western delegations, the convene, un security council meetings truly do not care about the humanitarian situation and ukraine, or the suffering of civilians in the country, let alone the boarder regence of russia. in fact, they hardly care about such matters anywhere in the world to the united states and european countries are not fighting for ukraine, but for the so called leadership and geo political emissions for another blatant example of western hypotheses. that while the profess consent over the humanitarian consequences of the conflicts and ukraine,
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western capitals are deliberately escalating it by continues before and billions of dollars into weapons, as well as providing arms themselves and re somebody giving that part to jazz and key of college loans to use may to weapons against all power train for that was they propose as a solution is multi piece formula, but a formula for the bloodshed one day, the security council meeting was summoned by france and it does come against the backdrop of paris, promising to supply additional fighter jets to ukraine, as well as provide training to thousands of ukrainian soldiers. this really highlights how bronzes, involvement in the confidence in ukraine, is only picking up steam at the same time. t is a role in all of this has been reduced to just providing a steady flow of new home scripts to be thrown into the mead grinders only more. this is something that russia has once again tried to well draw the spoke like to
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during the security council meeting is the gym. so shy, why do the us and all the countries keep sending more and more weapons to ukraine? is it really out of concern for you? crazy and civilians? know, instead of hoping for peace cube has been given the goal of sacrificing this population on the battlefield for the geopolitical interests of its west and patrons. every month, the ukrainian all man loses thousands of soldiers, it killed or wounded, the current widespread force. conscription is sending these units off and trained, increasing the younger ukrainian men to that desk. it's most secret, the personal withdraw stage comes primarily from the us administration. the lives of ukraine's young generation and nothing more than expendable resources for washington. this has been openly stated by members of the american establishment to admit that such a policy saves the lives of western soldiers more over this approach benefits to west in general, as a boost the revenue use of its military industrial complex. now one of the more
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motor which takes about this conflict was the voice by china use the platform to once again, stress is concerned about the preload nature over to any ukraine on to be gene. also underlined is that they are in the talking to both parties of this conference, which is of course, russia and ukraine. now again, this was not a pro russian speech whatsoever, but by being so violent, he just highlighted how ultimatum, like the speeches of the united states and its allies, well who, who, who you don't shavone, we call on the parties to exercise restraint. should we call on them to engage in dialogue and in the negotiation process in order to achieve a ceasefire and, and the fighting. we are not involved in the crisis. and ukraine argue like from the very beginning of the conflict with china has advocated for negotiations and a political settlement. the russia foot has, for the last 8 months,
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used and hidden behind the tragic situation and gaza. let me just be very clear, the united states will not let the russian federation continue this unpopular seeing the council without a response. well, the word hypocrisy wasn't russia's lips as well. pressure talked about how american made weapons very often used by key to attack civilian targets, not the military ones. like on friday, several u. s. made long range attack comes from it. solves, were used to attack the city of with guns. the total number of civilians both injured and killed and that the attack is in the dozens, including 2 children. now a whole apartment block and france, an entrance to an apartment building collapsed as a result of that may so attack. and that is very much the case how american made weapons are used elsewhere in the gaza strip. that is a very uncomfortable topic for washington. given that at least 36000 people have been killed the by israel. and israel has been so far, very,
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very reluctant to wrap up its military operation in the gaza strip. that's something that hundreds of thousands of people will across the world hold upon israel to do so. and so in general, is this, the security council meeting only highlighted how much russia and the west, especially the united states and its allies, are at loggerheads with each other and to so much so it has sofa really done nothing to bring peace in ukraine any closer international consultant, earl rasmussen, says the west there is a full responsibility for the complex of civilian casualties. clearly they're not targeting many military facilities or they seem to be have a focus of almost like a terrorist type activity and, and hitting a civilian infrastructure and civilian homes, residence this conflict would not be going, would not even have started at the west. been open to discussing the
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security concerns for and and even was serious about the draft issues were a security proposals provided by rest. so it would not have happened had they implemented the mens good chords, which we now know were a ruse to um, to build up and train ukrainian forces. nor would have gotten to this point if the, if the british specifically in the us did not disrupt the peace agreements and peace negotiations going on in uh, in uh, in this bundle. nor would it get to this point if the weapons and the endless supply the black hole of money and funds was not supplied to ukraine. we would not be to this situation. i blame the west, i believe in the west for the provoking record to into this situation. the west does not care about you,
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correct. and the just sort of occurred both the soldiers and civilians. i put fully on the western, the western back sponsors. so our prime minister robert pizza has denounced western states improving and cranium strikes on russian territory. that's the message you chose to share on social media well. voting in the european problem and 3 election in western countries, given ukraine consent to use the western weapons to attack targets on russian territory is just prove that the great western democracies do not want peace. but an escalation of tensions with the russian federation, which will surely happen as the prime minister of the republic of slovakia. i will not directs to evacuate into any see me the military adventures. and within our small slavic abilities, i will do everything so that peace gets priority of a war. most of us are heading to the falls on saturday with this,
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you're about falling in the shadow of prime minister feet, so it's assassination attempt last month. the printing and conflict report of the top, the agenda and the vote with your severely divided over future support for you. crime. this little i prime minister, has repeatedly argued against supply and care of with weapons and stopped all slovak military, a to train upon taking office last year. but it was carr 5, not to greg simon's independent political research. a great, great to have you on with us. what do you make of feats of saying the west? is the looking for peace as long as it gives key of consent to attack russia with the weapons that supplies is absolutely right. it's, i mean, this is an escalation, the end of civilians as well because it drags the waste even more directly into the conflict with russia. i mean, this has not been driven by the military reasons as being driven by political reasons and then mostly they can. busy except that the more is
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lost, so they try. so this spreads majors before the presidential election of the us of my being. but the prime minister shared this message as people across the you are voting and the blocks parliamentary election. what do you make of the timing? oh, of course, this is something that you does not want him to publicize it's unpopular. the b a u is tied in a mass of a financial pet for the united states by continuing to do is bidding and was war which is against a year wasn't trust. so yeah, i mean the does not cover this and then so uh how do you find that he does not want to see a you try and email is ation or. busy european countries of by the us. how important, though, is a statement like this coming at the last minute?
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is this an issue that is, is really on the forefront of voters minds as they head to the polls. is this statement by the prime minister likely this way, any undecided votes? well, i think this should have some gone to them back because this has not been spiking elsewhere. i mean, it's just was mainstream washington, dc, the talking ones that you see, i mean, you save a sign with these electioneering slogans on sway them. you just say we must hold the of the boundary against russia. you don't say, well, have the costs of this escalation side. yeah, i mean that it's very good timing to remind people of the solid like the falls in the a gave self interest. well, you're the prime minister feed, so survived an assassination attempt last month, as we well know. the perpetrator reportedly targeted him over his hard line stance
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on canceling ukraine. a now nearly a month later feed, so has reaffirmed to that stands. what reaction do you expect this to have? his doubling down it? well, i mean, this is probably not what they anticipate is because many people would followed again, such pressure especially as it came from one's life. so it certainly shows that they go, is definitely goss possessing a great deal of character in order to, to go against this. because what we see is only the pressure which is on the arm, but not what's going on behind. closed was which i'm sure the us and the image series and doing me the support for ukraine. uh is it does seem to be a hot button question in this election. do you think the european union is significantly divided over this issue and,
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and what potential repercussions could come from this divide? the development to it is more found at the popular level, the level of the popular. i mean the starting fold leadership because we want to refer to as that of the more or less maintaining that perfectly a slave mentality of towards the united states and the it's the imperatives. so, i mean, the pressure is loss at the local level boss. and as the but the of the public side keeping in mind that these are the last days before the election, finalize. and so i think this is a big we times of action by say me, the russian embassy in slovakia has received an invitation to attend to the slovak presidential and aggravation. now this comes as moscow has been repeatedly snubbed
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at european events. um no, to play just this week. the recent d day commemoration in france, russia not invited to germany, however, was invited. what do you make of stock is invite in light of the use exclusionary practices as well. i think i like the and i'm like the us, the slack is done by the principal that your actions should match your words. so. busy if he's talking about bringing your back together again, reducing the tensions and perhaps preventing the. busy been his actions spite and demonstrate that this is a genuine thing, not these in the districts like blamed stipends for the us is vessels. it's some, it's something completely different. more genuine me. on friday we heard the french president manuel macro unannounced. a coalition of western countries have agreed to
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send military trainers to ukraine. now this is in sharp contrast to feed, so it's called to end a to, to keep you think this divide and policy is representative of the use of public divide on ukraine. i think the, this is just the most of those of those absolute in the velocity of the, your leadership to actually demonstrate any independence and any kind of understanding or was the actual interest and security is in the pump loads. and my problem is while he's this papa's, but he's trying to present himself. busy is this time of the pop up? he's doing his own thing, which just happens to coincide with was the j. a strategic affair because of the united states. all right, we're gonna leave it there. greg simons,
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independent political research or greg. thank you. i but it's rarely place i've come up with a new way to stop a violent assault, attacking the victim themselves. problems sending internal us so you saw me says he was left unconscious after law enforcement and the mob of young is really nationalist, attacked him, added jerusalem, day march. he shared the details with our t and i know about building some female journalist colleagues and i were at the entrance to the old city at the damascus gate entrance. a settler put out his cigarette on my hand to put out the cigarette on my hand while i was walking, i didn't talk to him. i just kept walking the attack to my colleagues and me without us saying anything to them. we tried to find shelter in the corner. one of the journalists with me was attacked. first, i sent the female journalist behind me and stood in front of me to protect them. i took out my phone and started documenting the violations and the consultant meetings against us, just a few meters away from dozens of special forces and is really police. the attack on
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us began with insults spitting and throwing water bottles. suddenly dozens of settlers attacks me from all directions. i couldn't see anything. i tried to defend myself as much as i could, but i couldn't see anything in front of me. i received numerous blows, all over my body and bruises. the tackle lasted more than a minutes in front of the police. then the police decided to stop the assault, but attacking me again, one officer hit me a another struck me on the head with a stick. this is documented in audio and video. the police assaulting me while i was wearing my press best and had my press card. i told them i was a journalist and that i was the one being attacked and they kept hitting me until i saw everything in front of me turned white and couldn't see anything at all. the blow to the head was very strong and i lost consciousness. a little while later i started to come to and realized i had been beaten and was on the ground surrounded by police. they refused to allow any pellets to me in the red, crescent,
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or ambulance to venture. i had a head injury, so it covered my head and try to move away as much as possible and reach the open area of damascus gate while leaving we were attacked again. but thank god we survived, which felt like an attempt on my life and the lives of my colleagues. the arrest happens after the salt in the evening following the flag march around 730 or pm. we had just finished packing up the journalistic equipment, my colleagues and i were surprised to see 2 members of the special forces, not the police responsible for protecting the march. approaching the journalist syria. i was surprised when they called out to me personally saying they wanted me . they accuse me of inciting and posting things on social media that supports terrorism and plus tell groups against israel. i told them that wasn't true because i am a journalist. the interrogation lasted about 14 minutes to an hour,
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so for one of the soldiers were the ones interrogating me, not official investigators or police during the interrogation. there was a settler named d. yeah. this is a young man about 20 to 21 years old. and he's known for targeting palestinian activists and journalists, he tries to provoked them to find any excuse the charge or imprison them. he has been following me on social media for several months, spreading this information about me along with other similar groups during the interrogation. you did the i kept calling the a terrorist. he said i was a journalist in disguise working for home us, our speaking in hebrew. this is all false, but he continues to post about me on instagram cleaning. i am associated with the terrorist groups that i so there is some day marks the anniversary of israel capturing the holy city in the war of 1967. this year is rarely crowd paraded flags to the streets of jerusalem listening to the right wing politicians who spoke at
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the march for media report. it is really nationalist chancing just to error. i'm sent several assaults on palestinian residents and journalists frequency at these bottom. the tax has increased since october 7th. and 108 palestinian journalists have been killed and 44 more were arrested over the past 7 months. members of the news media have also faced violence and threats. switch safe says is retaliation for their coverage of the conflict in gaza. a heavy and we're currently under what is called is really emergency law. this allows any is really police officer to take necessary actions against anyone, including journalists, if they see them as a threat. journalists are not threats, but they see the emergency law as an excuse to increase arrests and assault san journalists, confiscate their equipment and attack citizens to silence during was the things happening to us after october, 7th were never seen before. similar incidents happens before,
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but not to this extent. the assaults have become brutal, aiming to kill journalists to silence them and prevent them from shutting lights on what's happening in jerusalem. the emergency law is an excuse for the police to do anything against journalists. according to the policy and journalist syndicates around $140.00 journalists have been killed in gaza alone. those registered with the syndicate. not including photographers or activists. more than 50 to 60 journalists have been arrested in the west bank and at jerusalem with many still detained in his really presence. some have been sentenced somewhere under administrative detention, which starts at 2 months and can be extended for years without clear charges. we're always at risk of arrest at any moment, even ordinary people, including children. let's focus on children. at the beginning of the war, my cousin, 16 and a half years old, was arrested for allegedly posting
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a certain picture on instagram. but he didn't even have an instagram account, they started arresting children just to intimidate them. the events of october 7th were a huge shock to them. they tried to hide the details from their public, the casualties and injuries, to prevent unrest, to maintain security and stability, to reassure his release that there is no war sci fi, or as what is shown on tv. all right, that is going to do for me for now, but just stay with us. my colleague nick aaron will be in next in about half an hour with more of the day stuff. the story by the april falls 189 to 910. carry all the,
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i'll skipped and believe this entire area is a negative spice. take all some of these get cheese sand to find out that as this codes from east to read instead of the when you chance to review these to corporate tax even slowly a little tired to the source of the state, the the way the window and go with the i'm going to turn the quick. oh well, she'll get to us. welcome with the wireless computer. what time do you think we need? and if we take your time, thank you. good. good. so where did you put the uncle with jimmy when he wanted to
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know we didn't go? no we.


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