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tv   Documentary  RT  June 8, 2024 8:30am-8:58am EDT

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60 journalists have been arrested in the west bank and at jerusalem with many still detained in his really presence. some had been sentenced. some are under administrative detention, which starts at 2 months and can be extended for years without clear charges. we're always at risk of arrest at any moment, even ordinary people, including children, less focus on children at the beginning of the war. my cousin, 16 and a half years old, was arrested for allegedly posting a certain picture on instagram. but he didn't even have an instagram account, they started arresting children just to intimidate them. the events of october 7th were a huge shock to them. they tried to hide the details from their public, the casualties and injuries, to prevent unrest, and to maintain security and stability, to reassure his release. but there is no war as severe as what is shown on tv. just by the us present invoicing a ceasefire plant. leah is well,
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continues its assault on garza, the co editor of john, the lea, a journal on for me you and principal office out moving rabbani stays both us support for israel on their propaganda. all convincing anyone you can watch the folding to be with go in on the grounds after what time see everyone all to throughout the day for now. he's a preview, and i think we need to get away from this view which looks at western politicians as somehow being bought by these rallies were being blackmailed by. these realities are being threatened by these rallies and blindly embracing israel against their better judgment or against their will. and perhaps we should start looking at these people as doing precisely what they want to do as, as people who are fundamentally racist. who feel that is real, is entitled to do whatever it pleases with the past and in people,
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what do you make them have by moving the rehabs, he to a cease fire a plan if anything and insisting it's in these raimie plan while supplying the munition and the bones to be had children and gods who bizarre for words. what you had is the us president joe biden publicly announcing what he stated was in his early ceasefire proposal. so the 1st question is, why is the us rather than israel making this public? most americans and the usa according to polls are against israel now. um, it's uh today the end of us are the 1949 publication of georgia was 1984. how is it? do you think it's making them away or, and kind of direction that the nato propaganda machine has not worked? i think there's multiple explanations for this. um, the obvious one is that you can only hide the sun with your finger for so long
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before you get sunburned. and israel's case, i think it's fair to say that is really propaganda has how that too good for too long and has simply become lazy and complacent. and as a result, increasingly you can effective the, the way the vacation season in full swing russians are looking for new overseas travel destinations. indonesia is becoming increasingly popular for his picturesque results on which culture the costs are hosted. a major tourism investment for this week with the russian business is expressing great interest in the section tase rebecca, not that you prove a font this report on the event. the tourism has grown to me. one of indonesia is most important economy drivers during the 2nd international tourism investment forum held on june 5th 2024 in jakarta,
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indonesia is opening its arms to investments in supporting tourism, infrastructure, and facilities. the government data shows that in a nation's tourism and creative economy sectors attracted around 3600000000 u. s. dollar investments throughout 2023. the door for investments also aimed at russia. it is not only intended for those who are in direct contact with tourism in fresh structures, but also involves direct business actors such as food and best reaches a special round table on indonesia and russia in freshman dialogue also emphasized business to business potential between russian investors and representatives of the indonesian auditory piece we're working to overcome this, so we can bring more potential tours from russia. but if we fire quality such as longer stays, which may have a variable impact, not lawbreakers, but those that invest and create new business prospects and jobs in the fields mentioned from the digital economy web 3 motor versus artificial intelligence and
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machine learning. however, the financial payment and connectivity to main challenges that the russians have to face bunk into the show at the central bank has seen an expansion of its cross border theme and the system to solve the payment issue. the q r code payment system has been implemented in singapore, malaysia and thailand. and now in the media is proposing the system to russia as for connectivity, the talk off dark flight from moscow to bali in particular has resurfaced asked a growing number of tourist has been seen in the last past years. this right, that a lot of uh, requests from russia at least. busy to adeline, so yeah, uh, in the process of, uh, making it happen. uh, there is some technicalities that need to be resolved because the direct flights can, can take place. so i am contacting uh my colleagues in the event is miss please. to
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see uh the process to move forward and then we can have the direct flight. if we have that in flight, i can assure you that perhaps double up people of the number of 2 days from but i sure can, that can visit the intuition. the collaboration on tourism between indonesia and russia. read each end to buy new one new york club as a tourism club base and buy new on the east java. it built on a 50 percent off investment by russia and the rest for indonesia. the club has also expanded into a restaurant that promotes local tourism with the russians. you know, there is a lot under the political pressure rushing. yes ma'am. i'm not sure of themselves. really comfortable in the review orders. and now they looked him up for the new routes for the new place to go. and i guess indonesia is one of the best place in the world for you. i think it's free to come see. and the major is fantastic. out
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of the $3000000000.00 us dollar target innovation has already reported infesting 32 percent of its total and a tourism and creative economy in the 1st quarter of the year. as the number of freshman tourist grows in indonesia, the collaborations also hope to boost in a nation tourism to russia, especially on how tourism. exploring numerous opportunities as both governments work to break down barriers in between space and get the st. petersburg international economic for him. president pose inside ship on the legitimacy of the all star sees in kids. he says there's no room for interpretation when it comes to view crazy and constitutional restrictions on the presidency. which lot of miss alaska has held onto, despite his time expiring last month to the just put them in and look on your sleeves. but almost yes, there are problems here, of course, because of the current authorities appear to have loss and legitimacy. aiming even
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a cursory analysis of ukrainian legislation shows that they have lost their legitimacy. there is the 3rd article of the constitution which says that the president is elected for 5 years only. and there is article $8.00 to $3.00 of the constitution of ukraine, which says that under martial law, the powers of the vehicle when they had either can be extended. but nothing you said about extending the powers of the president. we are ready for negotiations, but only i repeat on the terms that we agreed to when we started these negotiations in minutes and then continued in this denver and not on something made up ideas. but even if we mean to take those agreements and assemble as a basis, we must still proceed from the realities of today. we see the force mobilization and ukraine. of course, in the age of mobilization, they will be lowered. we know reliability from ukrainian sources that the americans have set conditions for their continued support by lowering the mobilization age to 25 and 23, then 20 and 18 or perhaps straight down to 18. what is important for us? they are now recruiting around 30 to 50000 the month before last. i think they
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recruited 70000. so this means that any new recruits will really be feeling that loss is a nuclear ratio was also raised up being economic forms. flagship plenary session with the president posing saying, rushes front line successes negates the need to use or even tests nuclear weapons. but need to add this in western claims about most goes election tends to deploy nukes, also have touch stuff. all of this. uh yeah, definitely something when it comes to nuclear escalation, we never started this rhetoric. we simply said it shouldn't be taken more seriously . and they immediately started talking about us brandishing nuclear weapons. we are not, that's the 1st thing. secondly, on the use and non use of such weapons, russia has a nuclear doctrine and everything is written that they use as possible in an exceptional case. in the event of a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. i do not believe that such a case has arisen, but this doctrine is a living instrument and we are closely watching what is happening in the world and
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around us. and we do not rule out making some changes to this doctrine. this is also related to the nuclear weapons test penn treaty. we once not only signed it but also ratified it, and the americans also signed it but did not ratify it. so in today's circumstances, we have withdrawn all right, if occasion, if necessary, we will conduct tests. for now, there is no such need because our information capabilities, computer capabilities, allow us to keep everything up to date. while you listen to the white house of downing street pretty much were of the west of media and you would believe the document food was sitting in the kremlin is profiting and you cannot get in recent weeks, took about this end of the wild weapons have really reached a fever pitch, so it is on surprising up. the topic was raised out the suitcases. but for him, with the russian native for the umpteenth time, the states in very class setting the record straight moscow has no intention of
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deploying it to the weapons. and for critics who might not take him on his watch. okay, well then let's just look at some of the facts. let's take a moment to compare russian on west and commitment to nick and have to terrence over the years. yes, rush, it does have the largest new to the also in the wild font in 2002, washington pulled out of the abm treaty in 2019 washington. the, i'll just open up the treaties in 2020 washington pulled out in theory from scully's, treat them in 2023, washington separate, and no longer shot me to arms data with most go as of the tons of new start treaty . i'm also hearing now that that, that costing doubts about the future of that adult 2 months as well. and it's washington, which is now saying things like this. we may reach a point in the coming years where an increase from current deployed numbers is required. if that day does come, it will result from a determination that more nuclear weapons are required to deter our adversaries and
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protect the american people and our allies in partners. we need to persuade our adversaries that managing rivalry for arms control is preferable to unrestrained competition across domains. successive us administrations, can trump pull on new to the arms control treaties, the west can diverse spies we had and potentially boost. it's also on frame it as just being competitive, but washer is somehow the one who's holding the world to atomic one. so i'm, i'm also, i, i can't help but just remind what we will know of one thing. there was any one country in all the world and all human history which has actually deployed the atomic bomb, the us in japan, in 1945, twice and with a pool of a 1000000 people launch, the civilians were killed, defend a strong signal to the soviet union about american might so really, any attempts to portray russia as a global risk in this regard should be comical to anyone who knows even a page of history. we do seem to be entering
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a particular phase in the role in ukraine, ukrainians on tying in the thousands and terrorist evidence of that is the cube is naturally driving its mind of the streets to feed the front. but front line is daily moving and russian space on the west is faced with this reality, but it's money, it's weapons. it's the pool that has failed to secure and to negate the victory that opponents not just being ukrainian people but its own people. but it functions in the meantime have managed to deteriorate their economy, bring about huge multiply, routine paid on the rise ation. so to distract from this failure, they resort to fed mongering. and of course, like he said, there is no greater fear than the end of the wald. i'm proud of it boots and seems to have taken it upon himself to expose this to debunk the narrative that is being spawn out. but i think there is definitely a sense that there's, this was, was a reiteration of rad 9. she said at that session that on you can adopt the trend is
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very clear. uh, no nukes unless we space and existential threat unless russia is on a top, on like, close to the us, which has of foss strike. want to see the reality though, is the russian language come under attack from west and west settings, both on top of that you have a pay or in the region who and which has engaging in so every dangerous talk about arming off, i'm borrowing nips from america russia is increasingly militarized into cleaning grad region. recently it has been relocating its nuclear weapons developers if our allies decide to deploy nuclear weapons as part of nuclear sharing in our territory as well. in order to strengthen the security of negatives eastern flank. we're ready for it, so it's hot. who wants to see both stays move as us go to tori and provocative. but that really is the package. all that we have to look at. one of this against now. there is a close. it's a straight to west, which is losing control,
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which is ramping up rhetoric, which is ramping up the conflicts which is really driving this irresponsible, took about a need to construct them. we have most good and it's not in the future. and here's cooling on. com heads to prevail, but also just reminding nato and co, the russian, like anyone else does have a right to defend itself. the question of course, is what those increasingly right just politicians and brussels london on washington will take sheet up this morning to my friends. impose it also discussed how russia's finance and trade ties to countries across the globe has expanded despite the burden of western sanctions. he's lucky enough to see if he's yes through, despite all the obstacles and illegitimate sanctions. russia remains one of the key players in global trade activity, developing logistics and the geography of cooperation. for example, are relations with asian country is a strengthening growth. 60 percent from 2020 to 2023. to full growth in the middle
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east. 69 percent in africa and 42 percent in latin america. in general, we should pay attention to the economies of fast growing states to the states that are friendly to russia. they will determine the future in the global economy. these in baldwin, president confirms the rosy outlook in vice, in case quote, did brought the person to her right and offering to host the rush to africa summit . the washington seems to be trying to disrupt the policy. mood is it's an offer can influence on the decline, especially in molly. we can affonso anesthesia, a top pentagon africa research a has a q, small scale of seeking to destabilize these countries and the leisure they supporting curves and the saw how states a respectful each of this interest. and that's the big difference. that's why today the overwhelming majority of african populations for so to cooperate with someone who respects them like the great rush of civilization. because they do most right
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by the at shoot and behavior. that they a highly civilized people who are capable of looking all the civilizations in the face and engaging in dialect with them. this is something that the united states is incapable of doing, with a scale take decadence, now liberal democracy that is completely doomed to failure and which today does not understand why african countries no longer want to feel a military cooperation, cooperation of old clients from west some countries in africa, in the global sense, they think it is extremely dangerous. well, many thanks for your company here at all. i see international this out today was about with more of the latest and just on the 10 minutes we'll see you then the as they already started the cps because they kept the scroll. so i did that and
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then use regular email. you're just going to send them to the rules. the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of creating an ssl, all the place and 14 concentration comes to the full prisoner of war. labor comes 10. prisons really well, you know, think she's going to be in your venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest really to get over the fields. i'm assuming people's going to sit in approximately 25000 people, went through the occupied of go and finish camps according to official figures. this move stuff, dudley level, if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the slightest of sarah youngest. i mean yeah. what the simon disease forced labor to achieve by the wording formulas. what was the last it
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also need? you know, what's the tape it to you that it's a terrible human off with those who put in these 9 push these things up, the give you what you meant to do. it could have done it to those thousands of testament crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more and you've got here, you know, wanted to do to speeds 90 and the did actually. yeah. for the good i see it or release the apartment. they decided to do with it. please don't keep a cost on it, but it was being yet that was put in the mood along the so there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washington as well. so the funder lion likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals, which allow me something living on that we have very close propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're
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not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be on march. the 22nd. 1943. during the great pantry, we'll take the shirts and bunch of fatality and 118. run down the belly, mercy, and village of causing the issue. but the person, if i did the wish to be loaded into the luxury, is the most of the rooms to pony it to you. 149 people died, including 75 children of age was practically wiped off the face of the long new blue loves of the orchard and could of charlotte was no noisy and we'll use porter as follows. oh shoot was hot really. i really usually don't you feeling yes, so the infamous battalion responsible for the atrocity included over 100 ukrainian
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national is from west to new right? from the picture. all right, and so i'm see what, okay, as far as the new e phone, that's a lot of those to you guys for assuming, you know, i'm with them. you as customers declassified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g b, a better rules jump to light on the atrocity. and on so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on oxy. in the every spring and summer, the melting optics move reveals abandoned machinery, millions of rusty barrels,
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and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes, i used to move forward to a customer and both of us for some reason yours at the bus to be joining us. an issue calling to us from clean optic, travels the highest island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land. compelled to go really asked me, but i was, my boys are more you have to do should. so it means if you have, when you feel when we see lots of money and i'm familiar with this, so i'm gonna stay on the old stuff last time. i feel like there's are a mess almost here. let me see. mean membership. when you to, i've got to read on serial know points to the middle of please join me at that of the optic pioneers main objective was to explore and come kind of these harsh lance . they had no time to think about the waste management now and, and they could see could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice. the. so it's pretty at the course your system is a multiple and you have to go. but the team could have to deal with the issue
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the in the late 18 ninety's, french soldiers led by general to boot. i arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot,
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no one or 3 to come on sunday. i mean, he's stuck up some issues at all. it does do really induct shown to listen to the content of who they on the east one of the most terrific campaigns of a trustees to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. liability getting hold of somebody. i know the question that you download the glass you followed the do. so they put the actual most likely multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed home for us to get the move of glancing. i'm going to be a young investigator in search of his own identity inbox on a journey through africa. beach races general with eyes flood drenched roots in an effort to establish value at legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is sam and i come from england and i've come really to find out more about the, the mission, hopefully, and a script in,
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in the region the, the of the water is part of the, the employee would post that isn't
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the, the place you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex, might the present good? let's stop without cases let's go out of as the russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense community best most. i'll send some of the same assistance to progress speaking. what else calls question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on russia today, and supports the r t supposed met, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request,
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which is the take a fresh look around is life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusions, going underground can the given the better? cuz typically some of the, when you have no right bit as do,
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must do with billing issues and in that medical f, as in bob, when presidents, scathing review of washington is approach to relations with his country. just part of the lead is exclusive interview with on say ukrainian strikes killed $22.00 people in residential areas of the capstone, regions of our ass, off to another deadly attack on the city of the guns. russia points the thing at the west for this regarding civilian lives in the ukraine and russia. there is no doubt that the western delegations, the convene, un security council meeting is truly do not care about the humanitarian situation in ukraine or the suffering of civilians in con.


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