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tv   News  RT  June 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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their illusions going underground can the better cuz it can be policeman of the when you have no right bit as do, you must do with billing issues and in that medical pass. as in bob, when presidents scathing review of washington's approach to relations with his country, just posts of the lead is exclusive interview with on say ukrainian strikes killed 22 people in residential areas of the capstone, regions of our ass, off to another deadly attack on the city of the guns, russia points, the thing at the west focus regarding civilian lives in the ukraine and russia. there is no doubt that the western delegations, the convene, un security council meeting is truly do not care about the humanitarian situation in ukraine or the suffering of civilians in the country. let alone the boarder
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regence of russia. and as well say for hostages of free do to rescue operations in the central garza city of new through us. i'm us claims at least 50 palestinians have been killed. an idea of attacks on the area the is very well welcome to you. this is all to you international with the latest world news update is great to have you with us. the president's office involved way says a strong criticism for the wes treatments of his country. i'm a student with 9 god. what gave us an exclusive interview on the sidelines at the st. petersburg, international economics for him. the lead a told us the us and europe has no rights to impose sanctions, owns involve way of the african countries with eric, the full interview on all these throughout the day. for now is a brief preview. there just absolutely noises. it will give the
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americans to people. this is one of the one. there's no right, this does do that. we must do that with this using in america. we're in independence of real estate. we're footfall independence. we should continue to americans, freedom, not to them because we have football for dom ourselves. you did foot full freedom themselves, then this would be able to be, you know, i cite because of football, freedom from that. but this is a really great honor to do such a serious interview with such a high profile uh, guest zimbabwe and president emerson. man, on god. why? i mean, he has been attending this st. petersburg, international economic for him. since the beginning, a meeting with vladimir putin any attended. the 3rd days plenary session, which was absolutely outstanding. he gave a speech alongside the president of bolivia and vladimir putin as well where he talked a lot of a lot about the economics in the context of the multi polar world. and that's something we also spoke about. an in our interview that i was able to do with him today, and he reference back to something he said at the plenary session about the fact
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that as in bob boy, it has its plans to become an upper middle income country by 2030. and it's something that the, the country is vice president said as well. uh, recently was that uh, western sanctions had been making that very difficult. actually, western sanctions have stolen over $150000000000.00 from the country according to its vice president. and this is why during the interview mean on god, why said that these it sanctions are completely illegal in the 1st place, the sanctions and bosoms and the legal functions that let's just find functions. these know, this is where the position or the central's we have quite old with the noble and they have some people who want us to move any particular that direction. but our people isn't democratic, right? to choose that one direction in terms of governance and so on. this thing that i want to mention is just doing this interview president, been on god. why has
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a really serious presence in the room wherever he is really? i mean, this is a guy who was trained as a fighter in the war for zimbabwe and independence in china. one of the major powers of the multi polar world in the current day. so he fought against imperialism there. at the time, russia was a part of the soviet union and they supported those uh, anti imperialist efforts. so one and another thing that this and baldwin president mentioned was the long legacy of friendship between these 2 countries in the long dedication that both countries have when it comes to a anti imperialism and fighting for a multi polar world. the relations between the most crowded. excellent. so and i received an invitation from my brother prison. i redid the accepted and came over. and i don't regret that came over because we're going to put you need to discuss one on the line. but the promotion in the concert
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edition and the making our lessons more comprehensive than that before. so the lessons between the and the most is the historical. because the system to us to i, to in independence, you're not going to get as we heard their historical relations in the words of these and bobby and president at the plenary session here and during our interview he, he referred to russia as a brotherly nation. that's how close the relations between the 2 countries have been for many years and that's the direction they're going in still uh, with the further development of the multi polar world now does. and bob and president also spoke about a number of different topics. specifically, the ukraine conflict, he said that both sides have to sit down at the negotiating table. i asked him about the, you know, the fact that the western powers and the key of government are unwilling to do that . russia's time and time again said it's ready to sit down to negotiations. zip,
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i'm the president said that his government's position is that discussions have to be had to hash out a peace agreement. and in terms of what's going on in palestine as well, he gave his thoughts on that. he said that it doesn't matter who you are. if you are fighting in a national liberation struggle, you have the support of visit baldwin, presidents. so those, those are some really interesting topics we were able to cover, we were able to cover a wide array of them and some very interesting thoughts. and as in baldwin, president, civilians have come on defiant, and the latest ukrainian strong colored residential area in the box or the castle in the region. local officials say at least $22.00 people, including a child, were killed in a shilling that destroyed a village store 15. others were injured in the attack, which also damaged private prophecy. the surviving victims and now being treated in hospital officials were pulled. a key of sports is used in the aerial bomb, as well as the us supplied high mazda missile system to hit the area. and this is
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a all the guns came on for these have been found in the rubble left by a ukrainian attack on the residential area. on friday, the local official was reported full people were killed and a 60 were wounded in the strike. well, the 2000 and the buildings with damaged american supply, the type of miss owens will used according to the russian defense ministry in new york, at the latest session of the un security town. so rushed as deputy on past the slabs . the recent western listing of some restrictions on the use of his weapons by key s you do couple was the government. you secrets. there is no doubt that the western delegations, the convene, un security council meetings truly do not care about the humanitarian situation, and ukraine, or the suffering of civilians in the country, let alone the boarder regence of russia. in fact, they hardly care about such matters anywhere in the world to the united states and european countries are not fighting for ukraine, but for this so called leadership and geo. political ambitions are another blatant
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example of western hypotheses. that while the profess concerned over the humanitarian consequences of the conflicts and ukraine, western capitals are deliberately escalating it by continues before and billions of dollars into weapons, as well as providing arms themselves and re somebody giving that part to jazz and key of college loans to use may to weapons against all tower trees, but there was they propose as a solution is multi piece formula, but a formula full and bloodshed, who indeed the security council meeting was summoned by france. and it does come against the backdrop of paris, promising to supply additional fighter jets to ukraine, as well as provide training to thousands of ukrainian soldiers. this really highlights how bronzes, involvement in the conflicts in ukraine, is only picking up steam at the same time. kids role in all of this has been reduced to just providing a steady flow of new home scripts to be thrown into the mead grinders on more. this
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is something that russia has once again tried to well draw the spotlight to during the security council meeting is the gym session. i why do the usa and other countries keep sending more more weapons to ukraine? is it really out of concern for you? creating and civilians know, instead of hoping for peace cube has been given the goal of sacrificing this population on the battlefield for the geopolitical interests of its west and patrons. every month, the ukrainian all man loses thousands of soldiers, it killed or wounded. the current widespread force constriction is sending these units off on trains, increasing the younger ukrainian men to that desk. it's most secret the personal withdraw stage comes primarily from the us administration. the lives of ukraine's young generation and nothing more than expendable resources for washington. this has been openly stated by members of the american establishment to admit that such
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as policies saves the lives of western, sold more over this approach, benefits to west, in general, as a boost the revenue use of its military industrial complex. now one of the more motor which takes about this conflict was the voice by china use the platform to once again. stress is concerned about the pro nature of the role in ukraine and to be gene also underlined that they are in the talking to both parties. of this constant, which is of course, russia and ukraine. now again, this was not a pro russian speech whatsoever, but by being so balanced, it just highlighted how ultimatum, like the speeches of the united states and its allies, well who, who, who you don't use your phone. we call on the parties to exercise restraint. we call on them to engage in dialogue and in the negotiation process, in order to achieve a ceasefire and in the fighting. we are not involved in the crisis and ukraine or you like from the very beginning of the conflict. china has advocated for
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negotiations and a political settlement. the russian foot has, for the last 8 months, used and hidden behind the tragic situation and gaza. let me just be very clear, the united states will not let the russian federation continue this and parker senior council without a response. well, the word polk received wasn't russia's lips as well. prussia talked about how american made weapons very often used by key to attack civilian targets, not military ones. like on friday, several u. s. made long range attack comes massage. we're used to attack the city of with guns. the total number of civilians both injured and killed and is that the attack is in the dozens, including 2 children. now a whole apartment block and france. an entrance to an apartment building collapsed as a result of that. and they saw attack. and that is very much the case how american made weapons are used elsewhere in the gaza strip. that is
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a very uncomfortable topic for washington. given that at least 36000 people have been killed that by israel. and israel has been so far, very, very reluctant to wrap up its military operation in the gaza strip. that's something that hundreds of thousands of people will across the world hold upon israel to do so. and so in general, this, the security council meeting only highlighted how much russia and the west, especially the united states and its allies, are at loggerheads with each other under so much. so it has sofa really done nothing to bring peace in ukraine. any closer is where the police have come up with a new way to stop a violent assault, attacking the victim themselves, palestinian joining the son of course ami says he was left unconscious off the law enforcement and the mother of young gets ready. nationalists attacks him at a jury slim de march. he shut the dates house without
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a and when i know about some female journalist colleagues and i were at the entrance to the old city at the damascus gate entrance, a settler put out his cigarette on my hand. he put out the cigarette on my hand while i was walking. i didn't talk to him. i just kept walking lead, taxed to my colleagues, and me without us saying anything to them. we tried to find shelter in the corner. one of the journalists with me was attacked. first i sent the female journalist behind me and stood in front to protect them. i took out my phone and started documenting the violations and the consulting beatings against us. just a few meters away from dozens of special forces and is really police. the attack on us began with insults spitting and throwing water bottles. suddenly dozens of settlers attacks me from all directions. i couldn't see anything. i tried to defend myself as much as i could, but i couldn't see anything in front of me. i received numerous blows, all over my body and bruises. the tack lasted more than a minutes in front of the police. then the police decided to stop the assault,
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they talking me again. one officer hit me and another struck me on the head with a stick. this is documented in audio and video, the police assaulting me while i was wearing my press best and had my press card. i told them i was a journalist and that i was the one being attacked. but they kept shooting me until i saw everything in front of me turned white. i couldn't see anything at all. the blow to the head was very strong and i lost consciousness a little while later i started to come to and realized i had been beaten and was on the ground surrounded by police. they refused to allow any palestinian red, crescent, or ambulance to venture. i had a head injury, so it covered my head and tried to move away as much as possible and reach the open area of damascus gate while leaving we were attacked again. but thank god we survived, which felt like an attempt on my life and the lives of my colleagues. the arrest
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happens after the salt in the evening following the flag march around 730 or page pm. we had just finished packing up the journalistic equipment. my colleagues and i was surprised to see 2 members of the special forces, not the police responsible for protecting the march, approaching the journalist syria. i was surprised when they called out to me personally saying they wanted me. they accuse me of inciting and posting things on social media that supports terrorism and plus tell groups against israel. i told them that wasn't true because i am a journalist. the interrogation lasted about 14 minutes to an hour. the soldiers were the ones interrogating me, not official investigators or police during the interrogation. there was a settler named indeed. yeah, this is a young man about 20 to 21 years old. and he's known for targeting palestinian activists and journalists. he tries to provoked them to find any excuse the charge
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or imprison them. he has been following me on social media for several months, spreading this information about me along with other similar groups during the interrogation. you did the i kept calling me a terrorist. he said i was a journalist in disguise working for home us speaking in hebrew. this is all false, but he continues to post about me on instagram, claiming i am associated with the terrorist groups. while i stay full office in petersburg, international economic for him with organizes saying more than 21000 people from 95 countries, a taking pause, not only economics, but major political developments have been discussed at before. and this high ranking officials from the several countries join and i'm very pleased to say we have russian foreign ministry spokesman marie is a however, joining us now from specific petersburg in to national economic for him. many thanks for joining us on. the program is a great plaza. as a summer festival,
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i'd like to start with one of the big talking points of the wave precedence. lots of it posts, and said that there was supposed to strikes on russian territory. using western weapons could be the delivery of russian weapons to areas from which western countries facilities may be targeted. could you please clarify flores which countries and we regions could the president need the the is in, let's do the afternoon because of the year for an affordable do you know, when i came to these pool room, i need to be agree to that, but i was practically followed by western join and this week who wanted to get the answer to this particular question from me. i and what's surprising the was shocked by russian for a president's statement. so sure. and i asked why, why would they surprise to check it out of me?
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and they said please, as uploaded. so russia is going to deploy weapons closer to and then they stopped. would have to. and why are you surprised? i asked less than killing list. ones, are you surprised that you'll countries are pumping weapons that later used for terrorist attacks by the chief regime? why aren't you asking questions? let's watch about these weapons provided by the western countries being used to murder civilian population. children wash elder people, that these weapons in supplied by the west, all used to destroy civilian infrastructure. why are you starting to think only when you feel certain discomforts is choose to do? what are you even able to understand the i don't think that the pain, the,
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to all other people are experiencing the people that are suffering. because if you didn't get the answer, but it was obvious, the breeders joined the list, were uncomfortable to hear these things. and perhaps there is linton or contradictions i feel. and i'm sure that many people in the countries of the european union and joined the list comes the health conscience and they understand how things really stands, but they are afraid to speak up because the careers could be destroyed. so what i responded, and i will repeat it for this distinguished audience, which rush it is going to do along this track, will be the response to the actions taken by nato countries, individually and collectively with thing at the godly country. in this color, you do this things done by each individual country. we will provide
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a response and what this response will be. i mean, it depends on the destructiveness of the actions. let's hope which when it come to that, what you so cause i, we will respond to every there aggressive step. russia will provide a detailed up to the response. thank you for your on. so given the political climate in europe, in particular right now, that is, but does make me quite nervous. to be honest, just this week slows on 5 minutes to robert phipps. they made his 1st public statements a sentence, the attempts on his life. he said the reasons for the assassination attempt on him was independent policy by the slow that governments of which many in europe labeled fits. so as a pro russian politician, what do you think base a top phase about the current political climate and europe? it's a bicycle by source stall. thank you.
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i knew this is the way so not positive some of our process when you think you're bringing together the questions of political climates and the results of investigation. because this is the approach that the west usually ops for the come to conclusions without waiting for effects a before for trials are held. the don't have any will. so if it's concrete facts, but they dared to come to political conclusions and they then saw i'm a product. so introduce punishments. our approach is the frank listing, the, the law enforcement agencies of this country. you might need to carry out an investigation, collect all the facts and present these findings to the court. and the cord is going to which typically equal in the to who is to blame for this and what will be
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the punishment interest to find out that by the, for the perpetrators look. and this is the clearest ons nobody else. so without respect for move, push the button, but you are right speech and saying that there's such a thing as political climate, number one there. and it's important to everyone in a totally us by it, but also link to those, those who the research little the use, the full beyond what is putting you might, can experience. i'll explain the manual. the thing is the, the, the collective west. that is the news on the jobs against a russia you illegals things. they explain these things. got the motors for right by the fact of the political climate in russia invites those things, is favorable for those things to answer for them and lead to compliance. is it reopened? what do they mean by saying those words?
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what do they mean when they say political climates, they mean aggressive or terms of hate speech, the lack of liberalism, of opinions and ability of people to speak up to express their opinions and ability of joined the list to, to work. it is an inability of this is bill actually political forces to listen to the wheel of their voters and persecution in the west when speech is, is an indication of a negative political climate as well. i've got the, let's ask this question what, what do you think, what was the political atmosphere around feet. so in the european union, guys with the police, which has got lots of just the same levels of what it says that on this political climate that the european countries are obsessed with. because they adopt a lot of resolutions in the european council. and it's all the platforms that date
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which make a lot of statements, and they are very much concerned about preserving a democracy. the blue realism of opinions about to allow people express themselves . but what is but what really happens in those countries. you can see that there's a lot of censure when every turn that's a few points are made by our blogs. any, any of you points that do not interfaces that are not in line with the official position of the european union and behind, behind these isn't nato by me. but then when the united states of america, it's impossible to conduct a normal election, a process. and we have seen of that belief is scale kinds of means i used against i'm favorites, candidates, political black males accuse ations, political labels are attached to them. it's the we chant the right iraqis,
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intimidation accuse ations of themes, of crimes. they haven't committed, that's the atmosphere that we can see in the european union yet is going to spend the most important factory. and i believe the association is the most crucial factor forwarding. is the aggressive rectory today, and that takes place. so if you see on the watch that's part of the television or read newspapers or any of the websites in the european union and the united states of america, there's a button that says see things that are brought to cost you. you can feel, you, you, you can lucian it out of the big feel crazy because there is too much regression and this reports, and it's not about stakes. i'm talking about aggression about what the hateful
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words heard, speech entrust against russia. and we'll try not to exclusively and all the countries that have an opinion of their room. i absolutely agree, and it's very find something that has become normalized as the gretchen that we see in the media room particular coming to ukraine. b. e of commission has said ukraine is reading fit, e, you, accession talks, just how realistic do you think the possibility of ukraine joining the issue is and what might the consequences be us at which is missional, because we know it's lots of both. and it said at the same time, it's a tragic comedy. what is happening in the relations between the european union and ukraine. for many years, the west has been teasing ukraine by what i think it talks about. it's possible accession to the european union. but at the same time,
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no one wants to accept the evident fact that whatever they're putting out of a 1000, so you kind of mean for yes, they have said the same kinds of promises to turkey. but unlike ukraine, turkey has its national interest. it is protection, each develops its economy, it develops its democratic processes, what's the certain specificities or forces and his over and state. the economic performance in turkey over decades have demonstrated that this country is capable of being a member of the european union. and turkey is a member of nato, so it's a has blushed allegiance to the western jo, political values by the end of see the end. so this is what happens when you become member of 92 as uncorrupted as. but despite all these things,
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turkey has not been accepted to the european union and all the countries i haven't what's, i haven't learned a lesson from that. the countries that create, keep receiving these promises of a bright future in the european union. really, a lot of youngsters look how many countries were delights, though they were not taken into the european union and has this membership given any happiness to, to any of the countries we can promote. have they addressed any old? and yet the tasks they were facing in science in education was there is surge and economic growth in these countries. how does this countries have gotten more sovereignty and strengthened their independence? of course not because he e. u. membership in turns into destruction of their economists in sibley
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destruction for most of the certain segments of their economy a to was that's why is why that's good to be uniform with the, with the european mode. and we all the things are not needed. no one thinks about people by the way, populations, no one pays attention to the censure long traditions in these countries. no one thinks that's people used to, to living in a certain way and to the new but also putting, you know, no one is interested in that. give me one example of foot e. u members. i'm speaking about newly accepted members where we saw or, and in this for growth of science and search in sports in, in culture. we had great achievements and she in the humanitarian
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area did honor of the countries get certain for to and it is new. they just lost the sovereignty. me, thank you. and may i ask if the foreign ministry is following the parliamentary elections and they so do you think the outcome of the elections might change relations with russia? so the block or some a bit set and then but nations, what does this depend on? if so as i say any such a lot. so you know, so give me 0 is i wouldn't like to comment on the elections that we will do that send you time. but when official results are published, we will do this a little bit of the bottom line. and uh, me and the browser i have the right to comment into the elections to the european parliament because that's europe and problem and does the same. the comments on the russian election and even the comments on the results of the election before the
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