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tv   News  RT  June 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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the, the breaking news on the t over $200.00 tons of city in the sense were being killed in an id. a postage rescue operation knew the news throughout the rest of the town. in central dasa, a mazda official tells all to you that the u. s. was directly involved i really can push and it was weird to be have used american citizens and plans to get some more information. i mean, on our lot of things like that does do. you must do that with issues and have a vast of involved when president escaping review of washington's approach to relations with his country to pumps of villages. exclusive interview with the
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last prime minister, rubbing fits though denounced his western states for approving ukrainian strikes on russians. harris, the very will welcome to you. this is all the international with the world news update is great to have you with us. the. so i was starting with breaking news, a mounting dest toll from the massive is waiting operation to rescue full hostages of scale to 200 palestinians, according to gauze, as media office. the i'm off top tips were recovered by the idea from the new surrounding area. and official from the palestinian militant groups spoke exclusively to all to about the attack or the number is indicated to be bigger because there are other costs. as i see this one to the seniors of the time, the laptop, the whole system is dealing with these many huge number of casualties tvs,
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the injured people with the resources were very limited. so therefore we have to think about a must have a gives all the civilians. busy busy society in the zone. busy which need to know, i'll sit up as a to minutes. he didn't go time outside cuz he killed the 150. the children, one man. busy all the, all me say last 2nd, as i said, we have a politically you can see the to get to release all these capture is this in exchange for our business. but he has own, was a use these negotiations to get more time to smoke on a more for the scene is this has happened also and also before because of and also in the fact invested in giovanni. i mean,
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there's not much to choose to kind of $2450.00 a month on a stadium in order to walk sort of was this, what's going to be a 2 police ticket. it's only uses, this is not a system. and also doing venture on the scene as opposed to the line of capture voltages, but as the sound but again, spokesman proceeds many times, at least soon to be stuck to the plate is a beacon bay that's available involvement. sometimes with up a do you want to attend to release them or doing the comfortable bowden, bowden, bowden, i guess i'll be let's say i get a so the picture of what's happened now i'm doing the studio by my a correspondent ramon concert vermont. thanks to come again. so what is the latest fax? what do we know so far? well, the most blazing fact is that setup for hostages. they have been there, rescued by the is ready to force as during what the idea of cold a day operation, which was a very complex it was done by the israel security is security's authority.
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and is really police as well as out the operation was conducted in those say, iraq. so it's in the south of palestine very close to the egypt shall border and ralph on it so everybody knows about so. so for the moment the officers had been taken to medical facility and their condition is said to be absolutely satisfactory . or this thing, the footage of these hostages being welcomed by his ratings their families. and uh, the, of course, the prime minister of is rarely been, you mean, and they've been yahoo had also already made a statement, although controversial, but we'll talk about it in a 2nd to solicit connection. now the captives of with us the captives of the golden, the diamonds, we are keen to return back. it is an operation that will be written in history. yes, we know that we have to pay the price, but i also know the heroes will be always mentioned in the book and the history of
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israel as well. the prime ministers mentioning the history book about of israel, that all these people who were involved in this operation, i wonder whether the 150 or 200 palistine units that were killed during the operation. whether they will be mentioned in these uh, books. but earlier, as soon as we get news about this operation, uh, the health industry over in gauze, uh, they were saying that we are receiving dozens of people who were killed, who were injured women and children. as the result of this attack, they were saying it's very hard for us to work right now because of strikes continue to do a working on the a single generator in the alexa hospital we should be on boarded by is ready to start strikes several times during this conflict there were saying uh the people in the hospital bed, dozens of people were on the ground and to the medical staff tried to help them
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with the limited resources that they had. so far. the number of casualties are different and the beginning of the date was 50. then how must old archie was 150? i'm out of the report of suggesting there are over 200 casualties in gaza this saturday. so well, there were ton of bees for hostages to as well is being celebrates is of course, i have the explains the massive number of civilian casualties that came as a result of the operation. and goal is i was and help with this being any international reaction to this well, international reaction we did hear from uh, mike ron and uh, from uh, joe biden, for both in france. uh at the moment that celebrating the norman the landing. uh well, like of politicians that they are, they said the we'll try to everything we can afford. the media is these for far as
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the lexical solution and for this admitted things. but however, very little was said about the lives of the listing of civilians that were killed by the way. this is not the 1st time and just recent days. that's a is ray. the defense forces are showing refugee camps and basically civilian areas in order to attain their targets, whatever they may be just a couple of days ago. on the 6th of june, also in new say, a rod, at least of 40 people, 40 civilians, refugee camps. mostly women and children were killed by a is really strikes of and the speaking of the, this is old don in order for the hostages to return home as soon as possible. now, back in november, if you remember, there was a view between hamas. i'm israel for a seat fired for exchange, all for prisoners, 240, but as to the ends, when so it's a one side. and so over a 100 is ready,
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hostages went to jerusalem. 5, it was a completely bloodless affair. everybody was happy and hundreds of families were celebrating together on all in their own places on the same day. no victims. obviously it's different this time around also how much had mentioned that's at least 70 hostages, that they had were killed by israel strikes and obviously cannot be exchanged at this point as well. so let father finally that's also we heard from the representative for the state of palestine at the united nations. and she basically talks about the situation of where one family is celebrating and the other one is in the morning. let's take a listen. how that is. a smile, seeing a father finally embracing his daughter and tel aviv shuts her for the father having to bear his daughter in garza. there is a way for palestinians,
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really families to be reunited in life. nothing death. that is the success. we should all be striving for. up to 8 months of massacres is real use. today's image is to try and justify the killing of 36000 palestinians and destruction of lots of 2300000 postings. don't let it all i can guess. i guess we're going to wrap this up with the senior, a mazda official who also said something to that effect today. that's for israel to regain the for captive after a 9 months of fighting is certainly none of the achievements, but of failure. many thanks for coming in with the details, appreciate it. thank you. well, the us supposedly assist it's the idea of offensive against new throughout the refuge account to recover. they is ready hostages 1st, which is a paid on social media showing the idea of using the us temporary p. a located in central garza, sports authoration and user as a military units reported the access to the territory by hiding on
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a truck that was delivering humanitarian aid for garza using the floating docks. well, like we said, we spoke to a, him, us official, the who confirmed us involvements in the complex. this is the one that we have received at the beginning of may, on may 5th, last month, a broker dealer from the museum. does that mean? that is, if she has, i'm gonna, we haven't declared buckner, we definitely are accepting this the what was the other says they have to be happy with the experience of dealing with. ready the answers and you kind of remember in other occasions we have also. busy accepted a broken view again and again, these rejecting all these broken deals because he is not blowing from the beginning to each of these fell agreements even when the job by the the, the system isn't in the price,
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talks about and the possibility of pleasing to see say on the beach we have, we come this and we have seen this as a positive broken us. but again, he wants to hold this in the media without having something in our house. therefore when we have this the receive, luckily to renew the uh, media does the uh, it wasn't clear that's missing, you know, is not funny. it's been on the sale is no funny adult the from the, from the guy the and he is not ready to go for a cd of the exchange to be affordable. how can we go sort of pinpoint? obviously it's 5434, or 5 or 6 weeks. then give him that you sent me. it's a lot based on this thing. we're nation, the last aggression against the people. again, what we are calling for is the same thing. what is anyone on this is not going for you? um russia, china, the, you're the, you, i'm organization. we have funding for the movement of these fans to the,
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all of the forces from the joining gauge in the, of the vision of the some many kind of special goals. where on big at all, they have used american citizens and plans to get some more information. i mean, they're in your own or people who are kinda along these months and goes to bias the 80 by 30 by america was but i mean, it kind of rockets using, i mean it can have miss f, 16 f to 55 also on this on a franchise america need us. that'd be quick to praise. the is wally hostage rescue operation despite the report. it's collateral damage. us national security advisor jake sullivan, also commented on washington's latest safe spot proposal, saying that it would secure relief at full gauze and the civilians present and find out who's in paris. the talk saves as well, has full backend from the white house to bring over meeting hostages. hi, a one echo president mccullin's comments welcoming to say fresh cure for hostages.
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that for return to their families whose he won't stop working until all the hostages come home and a cease fire is reached. that is essential to happen. i guess we don't need in goals that we want to obtain the immediate release of the hostages. and in this respect, we welcome to for his riley hostages released today by these really all makes sense . we want to achieve an immediate cease fire and open up the prospect of a political solution. the only way to create the conditions for adjusting last in peace and to meet the security demands of both peoples. and this is why we support the us proposal for a comprehensive agreement to them on the, the long term binding the manual upon praise, as well as thousands of rallied salons in the french council with the war nowadays, 9 monk who tested in paris. the other thing the government to help stop what beck calling a genocide and a mazda to of palestinians, put a city in
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a thought reform has been a classic function spokesman. dimitri giuliani told us that the west is unlikely cooked to condemn the latest most killing of civilians in gaza. and what, how much did, what is the 7, the whole world weight, crazy view west sent, it's president the president, but in made use the secretary of state, member of the genocide, the war cabinets of israel money for the enjoys real weapons born into 0 from the so called democratic world. now, the only reason they're not doing the same thing is it's the white supremacy that being humanizes about stadium people. when you mix supremacy. uh, watch supremacy racism, and money lobby money. you wouldn't get people like a bargain. first, reaching the posts of the president and such despicable people,
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do not have any sense of humanity for them. julia is happy with the for the prisoners of war that were we but not condemning the slaughter of 207 people in the city and people who at least a 100 and our children today to west, through the school. there is no fighting in gaza. there is a general side, there is no war. there's a genocide in gaza. people are being killed, but i'll tell you something. we are not going anywhere as spouse the people we've been living in this land for thousands of years. many, many thousands of years and we will continue to do so. nothing's going to change this fact. as well as once again become the focus of the international communities condemnation, the farm. it is a b, h countries. amazing. and an extraordinary session on the gauze of war. calling on
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as well to agree to an immediate cease fire. also he corresponded yes, an ac and reports to us from the summits about the key messages, the d. a country this sunday, a foreign ministers of the age convened and assemble on saturday to discuss a number of matters pertaining to palestine. but more importantly, the future and the roadmap for the palestinian people. starting of course, the turkish for minister hopkins hit on during the press conference stated a number of important matters, such as the condemnation towards the is where the government, the demands that the aid has proposed. with respect to these with the government as well as cost to action, but we're looking at right now is of course a strong condemnation against is really aggression in palestinian territories. we're not just talking about gaza, we're talking about the west bank and east jerusalem as well. but more importantly, the demands in which the ga to have proposed to say of course, include matters such as an immediate permanence and unconditional ceasefire with respect to its aggression against the people of gaza. but the list goes on, that the cessation of his really aggression must adhere to un resolutions,
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but also the receipts far and these, where the government should adhere to the measures of the i, c j. but going on, of course, this cost of action as well. calling the international community to action, calling the states heads of states to ensure that they apply pressure against the israeli government. it seems that many people within the region understand that there's very little that many people can do against is really government without provoking for their conflict. or aggression and what the deformed ministers have suggested includes pressure against is really going to apply pressure. ensuring that the aggression is halted in one form or another. but more importantly, the charges for minister also mentioned that israel is currently isolating itself within the region by doing so. and this is not just of course home for, for the, for the people within the region. but for that is really people as well. but all in all, there's a great deal to discuss here. the facilitation of humanitarian aid into the gauze is of course, a matter of great concern. but the roadmap looking forward is of course just as
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important the future plans that the 8 have currently agreed upon include of course, the rebuilding of gaza. this is a matter of great concern and of course the list does go on the chart form and it's also kind of the graduated the efforts taken by not just church here, but egypt as well with respect to the facilitation of humanitarian aid into guys and published sydney territories, but the one thing that does remain is for all of this to of course take place. the regression must 1st stop and then the members of a, d, h or other members within the region. the greater middle east and further can discuss the plans, which of course doesn't include the rebuilding of gaza, as well as the inclusion of kind of thing and people back into society in a society that's of course not necessarily familiar with war, but one of peace and as we stand right now, that seems a little bit more difficult than anything else. the, the price isn't solved in bob way serves up shop for citizens of the west treatments of his country, m as in edmond on gun guar. i gave, i want to see an exclusive interview on the sidelines of the some petersburg
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international economic forum. believe the total, the us and europe have no right to impose sanctions on same bob white. and as the african countries. we aren't erroring be fully to view on all to you throughout the day for now. here's a brief preview. there's absolutely no sense of who gave the americans to people this. one of the one. it is no, right? this does do that. we must do that with these using that medical. we're an independent us of any state. we're footfall independence. we should petition to americans, freedom to them because we have full freedom ourselves. you did for the full freedom themselves, then this to be able to build. no, i signed because of football, freedom from that, but it was a really great honor to do such a serious interview with such a high profile guess zimbabwe and president emerson. man, on god. why? i mean he has been attending this st. petersburg, international economic for him. since the beginning i meeting with vladimir putin
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any attended. the 3rd days plenary session, which was absolutely outstanding. he gave a speech alongside the president of bolivia and vladimir putin as well, where he talked a lot of a lot about the economics in the context of the multiple the world. and that's something we also spoke about in our interview that i was able to do with him today . and he referenced back to something he said at the plenary session about the fact that as in bob boy, it has its plans to become an upper middle income country by 2030. and it's something that the country is vice president said as well. uh recently was that uh, western sanctions had been making that very difficult. actually, western sanctions have stolen over $150000000000.00 from the country according to its vice president. and this is why during the interview mean on god, why said that these sanctions are completely illegal in the 1st place. these functions and bosoms and the legal functions that let's just find functions. these know,
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this is where the position or the functions we have quite old with the noble and they have some people who one does to move in a particular that direction. but the people, if a democrat tonight to choose that one direction in terms of governance and so on. this thing that i want to mention is just doing this interview president, been on god. why has a really serious presence in the room wherever he is really? i mean, this is a guy who was trained as a fighter in the war for his in, baldwin independence in china. one of the major powers of the multi polar world in the current day. so he fought against imperialism there at the time. russia was a part of the soviet union and they supported those uh, anti imperialist efforts. so one and another thing that this and baldwin president mentioned was the long legacy of friendship between these 2 countries in the long dedication that both countries have when it comes to a anti imperialism and fighting for a multi polar world. the relations between the most crowded. excellent.
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so and i received the invitation from my brother present. i redid the accepted into kimball. and i don't regret that came over because we're going to put you need to discuss one on one. but the promotion in the concert edition at the making our lease is more comprehensive than before. so the lessons between the and the most cool is a historical because the system to us to act in independence, you're not going to get as we heard their historical relations in the words of these and bobby and president at the plenary session here. and during our interview, he said he referred to russia as a brotherly nation. that's how close the relations between the 2 countries have been for many years and that's the direction they're going in still uh, with the further development of the multi puller world now is involved in president
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also spoke about a number of different topics. specifically, the ukraine conflict, he said that both sides have to sit down at the negotiating table. i asked him about to, you know, the fact that the western powers and the key of government are unwilling to do that . russia's time and time again said it's ready to sit down to negotiations. zip, i'm the president said that his government's position is that discussions have to be had to hash out a piece agreement. and in terms of what's going on in palestine as well, he gave his thoughts on that. he said that it doesn't matter who you are. if you are fighting in a national liberation struggle, you have the support of visit baldwin, presidents. so those, those are some really interesting topics we were able to cover, we were able to cover a wide array of them. and some very interesting thoughts from is in baldwin, president, slovaks prime minister of robot fits. so has denounced west in states that have approved ukrainian strikes on russian territory. he showed the message on social
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media well costing his vote and the european parliamentary election. western countries, given ukraine consent to use the western weapons to attack targets on russian territory, is just prove that the great western democracies do not want peace. but an escalation of tensions with the russian federation, which will surely happen as the prime minister of the republic of slovakia. i will not directs to evacuate into any see me, the military adventures and within our small slow but could abilities, i will do everything. so that piece gets priority of a war, a slow box head to the poles on sounds as a wood. this is most of a shadowed by the assassination attempts on 5 minutes of fits. so last month, ukrainian conflict time supposedly told the agenda as long as and continues with europe severely designed to have a future support for ukraine. the prime minister has will pay to be argued against supplying kia with weapons. i'm supposed to start to slow the military a to ukraine, a problem taking office last. yeah. i'm gary, employment,
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and civic to open also reiterated that the west is moving towards direct will with russia. according to that, it's not an exaggeration to say that we're centimeters away from reaching the last and final station. when soldiers, western european or american soldiers will appear on ukrainian territory. so we're centimeters away from a direct confrontation at this moment and nobody else can see this menu. so everybody is watching with their hands folded, that this is happening. we're moving, we're a drift. we're moving towards war and you're pulling the alarm bell, but they don't want to hear it, but it's not that they don't see it. it's what they want. like simon's an independent political research essays. the issue is disregarding its own interest spike caving into washington's pressure to supply kids with more weapons. this is an escalation and the values as well because it drags the waste even more directly into conflict with russia. i mean,
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this has nothing driven by the military reasons. it's being driven by political reasons. and then let's say the a you is type in a mess of the financial code for the united states by continuing to do is building and it was more of which is a games a year wasn't sure, was many people would phone again, such pressure, especially as it came from one's life. busy certainly shows that they go, that is definitely goss possessing a great deal of character in order to, to go against this because what we see is only the pressure which is on the yard but not what's going on behind closed but was which i'm sure the us and it's emissaries and doing the us has begun pulling out troops on the equipment
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from these yeah. months off the west african nation demanded that american troops leave nisha defense officials confirmed the withdrawal is on the way. it is on top that the part of the representatives of the 2 parties undertook despair, no effort to ensure the success of this withdraw, which is scheduled to be completed by september 15th 2024. at the latest, the underlined, their commitment to the protection and security of us forces during this, this engagement. then let's get more details on this as close lines. the local journalist timothy a be i say, now timothy. good to see you. so what do we know about the us treat withdrawal from these are almost the context. these are basically like you heard the major fish out there. um the withdrawal out started yesterday friday. we also have the confirmation from the us department of defense saying about the up, the gone pulling out of the us military equipment and some more personnel from these are this toms, you know, ahead of the september 15th deadline,
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but was agreed upon by the us authorities and the under the major military government, you know, you can, after and meeting last month. and also we're not very clear how many personnel, you know something good or are leaving at this time. but we do know that the us talk around the thousands choose in the new sir and um, according to sources that are familiar with uh, with that um, uh, probably gonna pop my gosh. we understand that the us is um, pulling the installment billing for the equipment or given priority to the removal of the military equipment back as a gains. um, you know, it keeps our personnel but we do know that the us has been running. uh uh, a base in news or in the city of i've got is it 6 a district? so based on us, um, you know, the ad babies in the city of abbott is on best way. i us is basically the use of
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this surveillance find, you know, and it's 5 days to have these groups in the hell region, but seems on the military coup last year. this being the, you know, 10 sons and the sooner and some pies between these are and a united united states. i mean the, the, the relationship has a spray, it would since then. in fact, last month when um, you know, the west efforts by the united states to continue to move in the past. that's a new start. but that's one of the start to meetings where they do aesthetic jason was in the army to meet with the military government. you know, um the government did say about the us be, so i was have, you know, i, a stone, a condescending aptitude to get into our uh, these are so that just scores the so you know how ones unsettled the issue that
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has been and um, yes, oh, how much we know for now, what we do know that the deadline is september of 16. we're going to, um, get money trying to see what happens. you know, from here, but what its try the stops, you know, there is no going back on. but this is on to, you know, with, with drawing these as a military firm, with, throughout the us military, from the sure. and this comes as we're also seeing the wire coming in, of you know, as i'm rushing around through, looking out on the side of nature. timothy many things to bring this up to speed on the situation we've been speaking to local. joining us timothy the i say thank you, but it's always great to have you with us here and also the international that's the over me for today. but my colleague in the nail will be here with all the very latest news updates in just 30 minutes. the.


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