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tv   News  RT  June 8, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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of the headline stories this our over to home brit tell us, simians are locally reported to have been killed this saturday and then id have hostage rescue operation of the new surround refuge account in central pals of washington praises these really mission to release the cost as well, as a mazda official sales r t, that us forces were allegedly directly involved. some americans, especially with all the american citizens in blamed to get some more information on our people who are the
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thousands of europeans take to the streets for guns. the food testers in germany, from the u. k. i'm the united states for their governments to help them stop their calling the life from us. so this is our to hello and welcome to the news our we start with our breaking news on the mounting deaf toll from the must've is really operation to rest you hostages in central gas it over 200 palestinians refilled today. according to the end slaves, media office for is really captives including a russian, they were rescued earlier by the idea from the new surround to area or the aftermath of the id as hostage rescue mission is. so bring is really,
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are forces, conduct the cover operations by bombing the city streets and leaving buildings destroyed hundreds for rushed to the local hospital, which is understaffed. and the stuff there, while they're doing everything possible to save lives, a mazda official smoke exclusively to r t a by the attack. the number is indicated to be bigger because of the process. i see this one to the scenes of the time, the. busy laptop, the whole system is dealing with this many possible stairs and that is tedious. the injury was very limited, the resources were very interested so therefore we all could think about most of the, i guess. busy the videos. busy society in the world uh which uh, boosted up as a 2 minutes. he didn't get a time aspect as he killed the 150. the children one ma'am.
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busy all the, all me say last 2nd, as i said, we have a politically negotiated deal to get to release all these capture is this in exchange for our business. but he has on was a use these negotiations to get more time to smoke on the scene is this has happened also and talk before because of and also in the best fit in giovanni, i mean there's no excuse to $2450.00 or more stadiums in order to vote for the process, what's going to be as you can, it's only uses and this is not a system and also to endanger the scene as opposed to the line. i don't know what it is, but as the to something but it gives folks mattresses many times at least statements and destructive the status of beacon by the abutment. sometimes with up
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a do you want them to release them or doing the comfortable button building bothers? i guess all people are to correspond to remind cost red joints me not in this to do to talk about the developments today in guys that remind even by the end they've standards these past 89 months. i'm incredibly little day. yeah, absolutely. well low. we have different numbers emerging right now at the moment. um, initially we heard about 50 casualties. well now we have official numbers from us, told us that's at least 150 were killed. now have different numbers saying that more than 200 police thing and civilians have been killed. meanwhile, the 4 people that were rescued for hostages. rescued by the is really army, is rates is really secure. he's a 40 and is ready. police, now they are, they had been taken to the hospital. there is so there is no threats to their
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health whatsoever. we've seen a lot of footage on how they work. welcome to back from from a health issue, a situation now the spokesperson for the hospital where they were as also said, that's the offices that of and kept is that were rescued there in fine condition. mistaken this is a we're we're dish hours. now one of the hostages that was rescued is all for russian origin, is russian national. his name is andre because law fund, reportedly she was one of the security guards at the north festival, back on the 2nd october where this situation occurred. so at least 4 families are
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celebrating in israel this saturday. it's the homecoming and they will see their loved ones. but the same time, thousands of people as over 200 had been killed are in morning in the palestine this afternoon. now garza's health that ministry said that says there were dozens of people asked or destroyed by the user to force as dozens of people on the streets. hospital staff was trying to help this. people with the limits of resources that they have due to the previous is where this phrase disrupted the work of this hospital. the number of casualties now stands over 200 people and hundreds of more have been wounded as the results. and of course the, the completes it sadly, all the casualties will only be known much, much later. meanwhile, the prime minister of israel has scroll to this day where the massacre had taken
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place at this time as the historic. and it says that said this separation will be held in history. lipstick is well just carried out ration for hostages. inquired ingenuity and courage. and our soldiers performed. and i'm not to, we're committed to getting the use of all if they don't do whatever it takes hands also wanted to add here that be all, that's the hospital where most of these are some of the ones that come in. it's currently working on a single generators, the resources to help the ones that are very limited. so we have to watch this
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space and so we'll find out the full will tally. we heard it. there is really officials, media outlets as well. remind healing the hostage rescue operation as a success, as you say, for the families absolute elation, of course. but the massive number of civilian casualties that's being reported killed is seemingly just a side note for many certainly seems so for a large show, a part of the your world. so that's uh, the people are celebrating the release of the risky of hostages. meanwhile, overlooked incompletely, the cost of the release of his offices, and that's a 100 sends appropriate thousands of families to at the moment who are all morning their victims. now this is not the 1st and probably not the last time that says such atrocities are taking place where civilians are dying and the results of the military operations said by israel just uh uh, well, a couple of days ago on the 6th of june,
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there was another strike in that same area in this area right against the refugee sensor, where at least 40 people were killed, ends among them. just like this saturday were a women and children. but the sides do have a history of bloodless exchanges. back in november, they came to an agreement for a ceasefire to exchange of prisoners from both sides of the hostages that were held by us and listed in prisoners. and israel. a 100 people were sent to to israel, and 240 people were sent to palestine 3rd down to the side so you can have a civilized and a bloodless approach to this situation. now, so for how must have said that some of the hostages, the number of health issues that they had, the at least 70 of them were killed by the design of defense forces airstrikes. so
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obviously these people can not be exchange. meanwhile, one of going back to the beginning of what we're talking about, where a one sided celebrating the release and the other side is the morning, the victims that were killed as the result of that rescue. the force that makes one think about the a life of people, how much is life worth and one side, how much life is worth on the, on the side as well. now palestinian, the representative to the united nations had spoken to that effect. assembling to that right now as you smile, seen a father funneling face and his daughter and tel aviv shut. it's here for the father having to bear his daughter in garza. there's a way for palestinians, really families to be reunited in life, nothing deaf. that is the success we should all be striving for. up to 8 months of massacres. israel used today's image is to try and justify the killing of 36000 palestinians and destruction of lots of 2300000 pels. teens don't let it. now speaking of the united nations, now palestinian that presidents the wood i a boss,
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had already instructed his n void to call for an emergency, a security council at the united nations. the following. what my, what about schooled? a bloody massacre by is really forces in new, say a rod. so we will see you. so you the us. so you have the security council and the root can be and what kind of a outcome is ahead of us. and we'll wait for that to r t correspond to remind customer of with the details of a very deadly day. thank you very much. i or while it is being reported that the us actually assisted the i d f in his actions against and disrupt refugee camp. i'm the operation to recover the it's really hostages fund age has appeared on social media showing the is really military using the american temporary pure in central gals that during and so fence. if the u. s. military units reported the access the territory by hiding on the truck that was delivering humanitarian aid for
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palestinians via the floating docks. we ask how much the official fussing 9 again for his view. on overall u. s. involvement in the face, the phone is the one know that we have received at the beginning of may on may 5th, last month, a broker dealer from the museum. does that mean? that's what it is. if she has, i'm medical, we haven't the kids, but we definitely are accepting this the what was the other says they have to be happy with the 5th to deal with the years. and if you come remember in other locations, we have also. busy accepted a broken view again and again, he's rejecting all these broken deals because he is not planning from the beginning to reach as he fell agreement, even when the job by the the, the upstairs present in the price talked about. and the possibility of these
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changes, he says a be, we have, we come this on. so we have seen this as a positive progress. but again, he wants to think of all this in the media without having something in our house. therefore, when we have this, the receiver, luckily the, the mediators, the it was p of the missing, you know, is not funny. it's been minutes. the fail is not off putting a total withdrawal from the, from the guy the. and he is not really to walk for a cdn in prison on exchange to be affordable. how can we go for a 10 point, i'd say a or 34, or 5 or 6 weeks. then give him then you just a minutes of art based on the condition, the last aggregation against the people. again, what we are calling for is the same thing. what everyone on this is not going for you. um, russia, china, the european union,
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the organization we are pointing for the movement of these fans to the, all of the forces from the joint games. you know, the, of the prison. i'd be some, many times, especially when one thing at all they have used american citizens emblems to get some more information. i mean, they're all on our lot of kids along these months and doesn't have to buy it as the, the vice city. but i made it kind of what was, but i mean, it kind of rockets using, i mean it can have missed f 16 s that to 55. and so on this one, the french, the american leaders were quick to praise the as really hostage rescue operation despite the reported collateral damage. us national security advisor jake sullivan, also commented on washington slate, a ceasefire proposal planning. it would secure relief for a gallon and civilians president biden who's in part us for talks, says israel has full backing from the white house to bring all remaining hostages.
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hold as one echo president mccullin's comments welcoming to say fresh cure for hostages. that for return to their families whose he won't stop working until all the hostages come home and a cease fire is reached. that is essential to happen. i guess we don't need in goal is that we want to obtain the immediate release of the hostages. and in this respect, we welcome to for is riley hostages released today by these really all me says we want to achieve an immediate cease fire and open up the prospect of a political solution. the only way to create the conditions for adjusting the last in pages for them to make the security demands of both peoples. and this is why we supported the us proposal for a comprehensive agreement with them on the the wild joe biden. the money on mccall phrases room, thousands of rally for gallons in the fridge capital with the war now. and it's nice. the protesters in paris are urging the government to help stuff. what they're
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calling a genocide. a must occur of policy. well, let's know across the site and speak to american political commentator, christopher how loudly on this we appreciate your time today. christopher and president biden welcomed the release of these really hostages that much we would expect to of course, but he didn't mention the reportedly must've palestinian death told during the i d f operation. what do you make of them as well? of course, it's not without precedence here. listen uh, 1st and foremost we have the numbers no 15200. it might even go up, given the people who are injured and the ones who have lost limbs and who have the serious injuries that might come to those injuries. so we're looking at a tremendous massacre here. and of course there's no mention of it. there's not even really much air time in the us media as i just checked before coming on air. and this, of course is intended with president by didn't know being an in normandy,
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in france for the day. a anniversary and not mentioning the contribution of the soviet union. and i want to say just for one reason, i believe the only palestinian blood, but the blood of the people this of the union, the blood of the russian people today is cheaper than the blood of ukrainians or east, or at least or other people that are big by the west as being more important and more critical to their idea of what civilization looks like. and so for me it's deeply disturbing. it's part of an ongoing paradigm in the west. uh to say, uh, somehow the few that may die on the is really side or a civilians that my died there, but never to mention the of trustees. not only in guys, the in the west bank, in the goal line in syria and lebanon, but also in the done best and elsewhere. and this is a real tragedy. and it shows the, the, the brutality and the barbarism by which the west operates. speaking to
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r t earlier today, a hum us official claimed that some american forces on the grinding guns that were directly involved in the, in the deadly idea of hostage rescue operation. washington is not the comment at all. not allegation. hardly likely. do you think us troops were there in some guys a re. busy from the video evidence we have, it looks pretty a substantial and self evident that they were operating from within the vicinity of the peer that was built. and this is something that i and many other commentators were saying is that disappear with a trojan horse. it was not merely for like humanitarian aid and relief, but it would serve a dual purpose. and of course, as we have seen today, and as the reports and images indicate, they were used for a military purpose. now even more so is the, is the involvement of the us troops and may be special operators in this operation
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to rescue these hostages. and of course we've known this since the beginning since october, when there was a famous photograph taken with some us special operators with joe biden in israel that was been taken down. so if i want to be clear here that we have known for many months that the us is involved on the ground show, the full extent of which we did not know. and this is really one of the 1st instances that we now have footage and reports from the grow us involvement in military operation. i'll just have some background to that. over a month ago, us defense equity lloyd austin was grilled in capitol hill after he said that american troops were reminding us build temporary pier freaking monetary. nate on the coast of gas that are allowed to return fire. if they come under attack there, we can listen together, christopher, to, to what republican congress and must gates had the saying that boots on a peer connected to the ground connected to service members shooting in the gaza
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doesn't count as boots on the ground. it does not have, i think you're gonna find the of the american people have a different perspective on that. and if we're gonna have people shoot in the gaza, we probably should have a vote on that. i think i've just posters your previous sounds. start to what extent does this mean that morrison can, has already put boots on the ground and causing? absolutely, i mean, my gates represented my kids is correct on this. there has been no vote. there has been no authorization for the use of military force into gaza, of by the congress by the american people. and once again, we see the united states and the president using their special power is granted to them by emergency power was really after $911.00 to basically do these operations at will. and i think that the real concern is the escalation that this will cause and the harm that it will put americans in. because a lot of the american people, you've seen the images, i've seen the images, a lot of the american people on all sides of the political spectrum are unhappy with what's going on. they will, they are calling for us to spread their calling for an engine. visibility is for an
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exchange with the hostages and to bring this concept to an end. but of course, this is not happening that shows the deepening of the involvement of the united states in the region in a region which it has already been involved in for over 2 decades and destroyed. and it has destroyed its credibility there as well. so i'm deeply concerned as are many other american, but all sides about us involvement as the numbers minds. and you still have joe biden standing on multiple occasions that washington will support israel until the very end of the war. do you believe washington? no matter who's in charge come november, we'll keep packing idea of operations, despite the sheer amount of, of, of human casualties fatalities that were c too. i think they will do it so long as there is not a mess of political c changes in november. but i do believe that by the end will be punished in the polls that the democrats will be severely punished in elections.
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and that this i'm going catastrophe is you guys uh, does humanitarian crisis. what many are calling a genocide? he's going to have immense rectification domestically and that's going to ultimately lead to some sort of political teaching. what that looks like yet. i'm not quite sure because it's through, i know, but i do believe i, i acknowledge what many others have said that vitamin will suffer tremendously and it could cost him the presidency. and if another president comes in like president trump, uh, being elected in uh in november, then we will see what uh, what is done, but it remains to be seen in the both parties are united. that is really is one of the most important thing. the allies so remains to be seen if the american public can put enough pressure to change that relationship in some way. always food for thoughts when investigative journalist and american political commentator christopher holly is on the program. christopher, thank you for your time today. thank you very much. well, we also discussed the adf operation with
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r t contributor and former us senate stanford tartar. we had some strong words about the american presidents reaction today to buy. and it has been basically funding the genocide this been happening. and now you have a refugee camp with, with her wrist, a casualties again. and, you know, just previously, of course there were people sleeping in our tends and burns alive. i mean, it's her risky, and the us has done nothing or said nothing to really can jam these actions. they've said a few words but, but their actions speak louder than words because they've been sending, you know, millions of dollars with the weapons to israel. so my prediction to his reaction is he'll somehow spinet to make it sound like there needs to be a ceasefire of some kind at some points. but only when the hostages are all released and that kind of language, you know, is, is really inappropriate. it's talk i'm, we do have a loaner,
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but women and children and then you're talking 70 percent of that population as women and children as well, you know, being killed and unarmed civilians. so it's no surprise that the, that the joe biden administrative, the vibe regime because are so heavily funded. many of those politicians are so we supported by scientists with their champion chains. they're given donations and money. it's no surprise that they will continue to simply support the violence that is happening. i guess the palestinians, regardless american citizens have made it clear, particularly the folks that they are not interested in funding is really and, and they are calling this, these actions in gaza against the palestinians genocide. now the white house refuses to use that language, but other nation so comfortable, and of course the international criminal court is also judging israel at this time . for 2 people in southern lebanon, meanwhile, have been killed and attacked by is really forces, according to local media,
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idea of strikes have been targeting cause belie, rocket launchers, and infrastructure in the region. ortiz marie, if an officer reports on the inside the building over a possible whitening of the war in the middle east. the north of israel has been in turmoil since october, when his ball leg joined him. masses fight against the country, raising theories of an o out confrontation at the lebanese border. and now they grow stronger than ever. last week has been the attacks caused a mess of fire and these will setting the entire northern region to burn. the prime minister visited the affected area and send in a strong message to none, on based groups on hand. the mission, of course, or whoever thinks that he will harm us and we will sit idly by he is making a big mistake. while we are prepared for very strong action in the north of one way or another, we will restore security to the north of the to be the home phone. but the very day
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natalia has statement was published. has bella delta and even more devastating below the idea of stationed in israel's northernmost village of his face? was he to the precision attack? behind me it was used to be a football page that these really army transformed into a military camp short. the officer escalation began here in the north. that's the place his bullet targeted on wednesday. same thing to drones within a 2 minutes. the nature of this attack, the circumstances and the number of casualties made this incident different from all previous holes. reports have revealed that up to 12 soldiers happening during the highest number a months later, one of the wounded reportedly died and a disturbing fact. no. and to me, saw the alarms were triggered, raising questions over israel's capability to protect its citizens. had an issue well this is very terrifying, were taken by surprise. those working in this areas must reassess, learn from this incident and progress that sonya is
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a retired id of general. and now evelyn tier owns and local flower shop. despite the situation, he has clients, we meet to him at his store, has he advises what plans best are for the hot, dry weather, peaceful scene masking, the deep concerns and, and are of local residents who have been trying to adjust to the harsh new reality . at a going ahead of a law i think has been a lot in this 8 months. is trying to say israel's rec, how and observe israel's events where cannot be just returned itself. wealth is rarely staple. find in art and solution to what's happening, especially in nor now. it's unclear if we're weren't, we're not just as very, we're in a frightening and it's putting people here. embarrassing situation models have stage is a drew's village, an arab speaking as the religious group that forms just over one percent of the zeros population. historically, in strange relations with the state, it has put disagreements aside during the conflict show in its loyalty and commitment. but even base him to worry now and lose patience,
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we can see that the what is the, what have we have a, this is a saw. i think the beginning of the war in the northern if is it more than 120000 residents of the north have left the homeless since the hezbollah attacks started, but not for drew's. the village, this population was 7000 before the war and still is chief custom by the local drew's leader explains at pointing out the groups strong connection to the homeland, but he warns it comp last forever. we have a list of messages from live and if you have agreement with the scene in does the word piece talk to you? i things as a solution is really the and i ask the israeli government to take the light decision to stop the war and goes and that's what it's enough. the people can not survive. another 3 or 4 months you to the war and gaza has no end in sight. it's unclear what decision israel will take regarding the north. every indication
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shows if prepare is for the worst, the idea for nouns eco boost. the troops with 50000 more reserve is increasing to 350000. an unprecedented high. and it still doesn't allow those displaced from the north to return home. before taking action, israel has to make sure it can. we spend the potential resistance. his bella isn't going to be much stronger than her mouse and the 1000 and the money she looms. the guy is a conflict costs israel roughly $67000000.00 daily. and another war could become a burden to having to deal with. that's the blake status quote and viewers. they may be no official war with his bela, but peace remains elusive in the north as well. the recent ocean of our t revolting from the israel lebanon boulder. that's a visit to the going underground studio was next for option us today is the us actually more pro is really, but israel itself,
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stay with us from the the i'm action or it's nancy and welcome back to going underground will cost single around the world from the you, a, the world stands on the brink of nuclear war of to genocide. jo, payments with us weapons to directly target to russia. know certainly the largest country in the world, but the country with the largest number of nuclear weapons. meanwhile, people are rising up in nation nations against genocide today in the capital of empire, i believe good biden's house is being surrounded by a symbolic red line to signal to the world the us political causes betrayal.


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