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tv   News  RT  June 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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the the over 200 palestinians are locally reported to have been killed this saturday and then id have hostage rescue operation throughout refugee camp in central down to washington. praise is the is really mission to release. pick out those, but fails to mention they typically in pennsylvania. speaking to, to r t a mazda official trans us forces were allegedly directly involved some committee from specially with all the have used committee coming in to get some more information on all
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the needs of european take to the streets for jobs. the protesters in germany prompts u. k. um the us purch there, governments to help stop what they are calling from a published and even most of the across the world around the clock. this is r t good to have you with us for the news drop. my name is unit number. we begin with our briefing use of the month thing desk tools from the must have is really operation to rescue hostages in central gas or over $200.00 police. the names were killed today alone, according to the end types of media office for is really captives including a native of russia, were rescued earlier by the idea from the new so wrapped area, the optima. so the idea of hostage rescue mission is to bring these really are
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a force conducted cover operations by bombing, the city streets which left the local store. hundreds were rushed to the local hospital, which is chronically understaffed with medics currently doing everything possible to civilize a how must have official spoke exclusively to r t. how about the attack? number is indicated to be big over the course of the process. i see this one to the seniors of the time, the laptop, the whole system is dealing with these numbers of casualties. seriously injured with very limited resources was very limited. so therefore we all can think about a must have a goose or civilian. busy society in the zone. busy which video will sit up as a to minutes. we have a politically,
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you can choose to deal to get to release all these capture. sorry, this in exchange for our business. but he has on was a use these negotiations to get more time to smoke on the scene as this has happened also. and also before because of and also in the best fit in giovanni. i mean, there's not much to choose to kind of $200.00 or $150.00 a month, but a state is in order to, well, sort of assess what's going to be up to the police to can, it's only uses this is not a system. and also to endanger the scene as opposed to the line capture the hostages. but as though because somebody gets spokesman pretends many times at least 10 minutes of the structure of the plate is a beacon by the abutment. sometimes with all i do you want a doctor to release them or do any comfortable button building bombs. i guess i'll be
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a r t correspond to remind customer joins us now in the studio to talk more about developments from even by gases standards and incredibly full day and the end thing . absolutely. well, we began this day when we started talking about this, about dozens of the victims of as the results of this rescue operation by these random defense forces. but now that number stands and hundreds of victims, hundreds of people who died and hundreds of more who were wounded. so now we already know that the 4 people have been rescued by israel in a separation that was conducted by the is ray, the securities of authority, along with the israeli police. the working from 2 separate locations in the same road, that's in central guns. and now as for the hostages themselves, they have been released to one of them is a russian national 100 go little if it was actually
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a security guard at the festival where all these hostages were taken. and they've all been taken to the hospital, the whole forward is said that so all the people that were brought, they're all doing very well. now there are no questions regarding their medical condition. like i said, hundreds of people will over 200 this some people say to have been killed in palestine. is the result of this rescue mission. now, in terms of the value of life now, a representative of the state of palestine at the united nations. he said something about that were the lives so both that attendance and his way that should matter was sick of this is what he said as you smile scene and father finally embrace and his daughter and tel aviv shut it's here for the father having to bear with his daughter and garza, there's a way for palestinians really families to be reunited in life, nothing deaf. that is the success we should all be striving for. up to 8 months of
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massacres is real use. today's image is to try and justify the killing of 36000 palestinians and destruction of lots of 2300000 postings. the letter now palestinian present mahmoud abbas had already instructed to use the invoice at the united nations to call for an emergency security council. to discuss this situation, and by who the bus to already call the this a bloody massacre bite is really forces in the new se arrives. now this is not well, not the 1st time this had happened, but we see so many victims as a result of assault. goals of precision strikes by these are the forces this time again at a refugee camp. and now our 2 spoke to us. some of the people who were there on the ground during this massacre, as many people have told him to sit and listen to what they said. we don't know what happened exactly. we were sitting peacefully when all of
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a sudden we heard the strikes. there were 50 people hiding there and we saw missiles flying over our heads. nobody is protecting us. the red crescent doesn't protect us. nobody does. we don't know where our children are. we have lost children and spouses, and here we are getting displaced for the 3rd time, not knowing where to go. the tents are damaged. there are 4 children there were injured in, transferred to hospital to, of course of those horrible pictures that were seen from there. in palestine, as you know, since the beginning of this escalation and the conflict, so over 30000 people have already been killed by the forces in palestine. it is, of course, a day they'll assure relief and jubilation for those families. so as you mentioned, who welcome home, they have most held captives, but the, the reportedly must 6 number of civilian and fatalities due to the operation that isn't getting anywhere near the same coverage. i would say so well,
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the results of this indiscriminate it's uh, showing it taking the lives of for over $200.00 its people already. and as those numbers are still growing, in the beginning, we're talking about dozens, then how much the official told are to you that the numbers a 150 minds you only those that were killed, the number of injuries isn't much are. and then we're getting from the 480 in gaza that the number of victims is way over 200. now this is over the last few days. this only added to the value of that listing in killed just a couple of days ago on the 6th of june. the same area was targeted by the israeli defense forces, where at least 40 people were killed at once to get among those 40 people were women and children at this for a few g camp. i mean, people that were displaced from the, from their homes that will bump as rarely, once again, found, found themselves in this uh, uh, cold,
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drawn up. now speaking of the prisoner exchanges, speaking how months and israel back in november. they had made a deal for a ceasefire. when a 100 hostages were return to israel and 240 prisoners were returned from israel to palestine. now that showed that besides, i can actually, you know, come together and talk about a bloodless exchange, not the way it happened here and mind you. some i'm us officials are saying that's uh the, there were some is right. the officers killed during this friday as well. and speaking of these are in else just still come off, are saying that at least 70 people have been killed. some of the hostages have been told by how much since the 7th of october of last year. meanwhile, the prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu,
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his praise. what happened this saturday saying that the separation will go down in history. let's think of this. it is not just carried out remarkable. the ration for hostages is quite ingenuity, and courage. and our soldiers perform a match. we're committed to getting the use of all to do whatever it takes and as you can see, some are dreaming to make it into history books and hundreds, maybe thousands of people are morning and this saturday, the loss of their loved ones while we're waiting at so what's going to happen at the un emergency security council, whether it will be or not. and what kind of outcome we'll see from there are
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teacher mind cost rep. thank you. remember? well, that's know across to is really anti war activists. i a rosenberg for whose tech guy, oh, you're most welcome. as always there's of course, plenty of joy. i would suspect in israel today on the other places, including st. petersburg for hostages. finally at returned home from gaza. but as we've just been talking about there, the other side, more than 200 pallets today is reportedly killed during the rescue operation. what sort of coverage is that getting in israel? the coverage that the i'm seeing is the coverage of the rest. you and the success and suppose that the ingenuity of the operation law, the price for the military and police forces, and barely if any mention of the, the way this was affected by massively the surrounding area. i'm not killing
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a large number of civilians and possibly even other hostages previous guess was i was mentioning that the i suppose that is the operation. that is the situation that, that, that we are in the aisle that if a grouping are holding hostages and have been doing so for over 8 months, under does not seem to be any kind of at cease fire talk in order to get them released. what are the options? this is so this is a good question, but uh, i want to ask that same question about uh, another period of time during this uh, this conflict. i, let's go back to october 7th. and another case of the hostages prisoners kept is l for a very long time by one side of the conflict. the other side, exasperated,
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having tried the various means both pieces, peaceful and aggressive, to try to get them release, tried to advance their side of what they believes to be just in this conflict. and they decide to engage in a surprise military operations on the most, not a multiple fronts, but with, with different kinds of weaponry, with a huge number of civilians, noncombatants that are killed as part of this operation to get to a, to obtain people from one side of the gaza strip and take them to the other side because the strength this is there is there is very striking similarities between what happened today and what happened on october 7th. and then the 3rd to your question, is this not a reasonable or legitimate action to take a we should ask you to about those both occurrences?
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and my answer would be definitely not. that is the massive killing of civilians is not something that is legitimate. i'm not even in the case of the civilians and the health hostage are kept as by the other side, regardless of who's right or wrong or who wants to win. and what time is just the renters and totally unacceptable. israel would also say though, that a number of homos operatives also islamic jihad, as you had these, were at killed over the last number of days, including on the u. n. school, which also saw of course of billions killed and is not supported by the majority of people in these real. i'll the fact that and i suppose what they see is terrace are getting killed. those involved in october
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7th, directly. it's been a ledge, are being eliminated and people are coming home. so with that in mind, is there not more support for what maybe netanyahu is doing so far say that there's why support for the killing of gods ends in general? that is the question of whether someone was involved in october 7th attack or not is not very much on the minds of israelis for that because that's the responsible there at all. human, completely respectable, despicable as a group. and they are legitimate targets for revenge, including mass scaling, with some believing that they should all be terminated. and so i'm just saying, it doesn't matter how many cousins are killed if there is any sort of a political, no word. monetary and objectives for is realty, which and,
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but i'm sure is willing to pay a lot of it really would say about the that we want, the militants eliminated on. absolutely. we do not want civilians to be killed, but that if that is happening, that is the situation that we find ourselves in during war. and unfortunately, that's not a large enough number of israelis maps that that's what people say. i'm uh, when facing the international press internally, the, the, the, what you were here for most people is that it's more guys were killed then all the better. it's their fault. they shouldn't have started it. they're not people or their, their lives are not legitimate and legitimate considerations. okay. and it's just worth it to kill as many of them as possible because then there would be less of them because they're above problem. no hard us in the future. they're all terrorist and said, let me just put the point to how you do the other 120 hostages. how do you see their fate and how can they be released without the military operation?
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do you think there is enough goodwill that either side will believe each other when it comes to to negotiations? and i believe that there is enough supports in the as rarely public for a deal involving a present or exchange and the ceasefire. if the government is willing to take it, there are people i'm uh, demonstrating for and sometimes finding a guest. is there a strong opinions on both sides? of course not because of i'm interested in, in, in keeping gardens alive. but because of the desire to have the hostages returned to not put in danger. and if the government works, who adopts a this approach or to, to go for a deal. i believe that public support would favor some of this approach. but the way things stand now, the government has enough public support to,
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to continue. and it's kind of project raises, which leads to actually the gradual desk of most hostages and, and the massive telling you guys as always, we thank you very much for your time and appreciate your, at your thoughts on this is really onto our activist aisle rosenberg live on the program from hi for today. thank you to well, it is being reported as well that the us actually assisted the idea of and its actions against the new surround refugee tom, i'm the operation to recover the is really hostages. not footage has appeared on social media showing the edge really know that you're using the american free here in central gals or during it's offensive. a u. s. military unit reported the access to the territory by hiding on a truck that was delivering humanitarian aid for palestinians via the floating docks. we ask how much the official boston i am again for his view on overall u. s. involvement in this conflict is the phone is the one know that we have
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received at the beginning of may on may 5th, last month i broke out of the from the mid east coast. i mean that's what it is if she has, i'm going across. um we have the 10 bucks, we definitely are accepting this uh the what was the zip to the if you happen to zip the face of the. ready the items and you come remember in other locations we have also. busy accepted a broken view again and again, these rejecting all these broken deals because he is not blowing from the beginning to each of these fail agreements even when the job by the the, the united states prison in the price talks about as the possibility of these changes he says a be we have we come this on. so you have seen this as the brokenness. but again, he wants to think of all this in the media without having something in our house.
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therefore, when we have this, the receive lovely to read, the mediators, the, it was clear that's missing, you know, is not offering it fear. none of these fail is no door putting it to the from the, from the guy the, and he is not going to need to walk for a cd of the exchange to be affordable. how can we go? for the receipts i am or 34, or 5 or 6 weeks, then give him then he said, that's a lot based on these things. nation. lost that vision against the people. again, what we are calling for is the same thing. what is anyone on this is not going for you? um, russia, china, the european union, the organization, we have a little bit minus the spam filter, with all of the forces from the joining gauge and see if there isn't. i'd be some kind of special goals, where on that at all,
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they have used american citizens and plans to get some more information. i mean, they're all on our lot of kids. i love the said months and because it's been too biased to any by city, but i mean, it kind of what was, but i mean, it kind of work it's using, i mean, i can have missed a 16 f to 55. it was wonderful. american investigative journalist on political commentator christopher how loudly told me earlier, it seems evident the pure meant for delivering to monetary and aid was used for a different purpose. the. busy from the video evidence we have, it looks pretty a substantial and self evident that they were operating from within the vicinity of the peer that was built. and this is something that i and many other commentators were saying is that disappear with a trojan horse. it was not merely for humanitarian aid and release, but it would serve a dual purpose. and of course, as we have seen today, and as the reports and images indicate, they were used for
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a military purpose. now even more so is the, is the involvement of the us troops and may be special operators in this operation to rescue these hostages. and of course we've known this since the beginning since october, when there was a famous photograph taken with some us special operators with joe biden in israel that was been taken down. so i want to be clear here that we have known for many months that the us is involved on the ground. the full extent of which we did not know. and this is really one of the 1st instances that we now have footage and reports from the ground of us involvement in military operation. so over a month ago, us defense that green light. austin was grilled on capitol hill after he said that american troops were reminding us build temporary pier, freaking monetary. nate on the coast of gaza are allowed to return fire if they come under attack there we can listen together, christopher, to, to what republican congress and my gates had the saying that boots on a peer connected to the ground connected to service members shooting in the gaza
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doesn't count as boots on the ground. it does not have. i think you're gonna find the of the american people have a different perspective on that. and if we're gonna have people shoot in the gaza, we probably should have a vote on that. i think i've just posters your previous sounds start to what extent does this mean that morrison can, has already put boots on the ground and goes? absolutely. i mean met, did say represented might be this correct on this and there has been no vote. there has been no authorization for the use of military force being gaza of 5 the congress by the american people. and once again, we see the united states and the president using their special powers granted to them by emergency power is really after $911.00 to basically do these operations as well. and i think that the real concern is the escalation that this will cause. and the harm that it will put americans in because a lot of the american people, you've seen the images, i've seen the images, a lot of the american people on all sides of the political spectrum are unhappy
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with what's going on. they what they are calling for as the site they're calling for an end to us deliveries for an exchange with the hostages and to bring this conflicts to an end. but of course, this is not happening to shows the deepening of the involvement of the united states in the region in the region, which it has already been involved in for over 2 decades and destroyed. and it has destroyed its credibility there as well. with the american president was quick to praise the as really hostage rescue operation despite the reported amount of collapsed, real human damage. us national security advisor jake sullivan, also commented on washington's late as cease fire proposal claiming it would secure relief for a 1000 civilians. now joe biden, who's in part us for talks, says israel has at full baki from the white house to bring all remaining hostages home. a one echo president mccullin's comments welcoming the safe rescue for hostages. that return to their families whose he won't stop working until all the
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hostages come home and a cease fire is reached. that is essential to happen. a bach in washington dc. protesters are planning just to run the white house with a 2 mile long red banner. that symbolizes the red line. has been 5 retained israel ship not cross with its invasion of what offset. actually this are calling for an end to the war. and for the government to stop supporting is really actions in gals we also discussed the idea of operation with our to contribute or informing us senate stuff or tara read, but some strong words about the us presidents reaction to buy. and it has been basically funding the genocide this been happening. um and now you have a refugee camp with, with her wrist a casualties again. and you know, just previously of course there were people sleeping in their tents and burns alive . i mean, it's horrific. and the u. s. has done nothing or said nothing to really can jam
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these actions. they've said a few words but, but their actions speak louder than words because they've been sending, you know, millions of dollars worth of weapons to israel. so my prediction to his reaction is he'll somehow spinet to make it sound like there needs to be a cease fire of some kind at some points, but only with the hostages are all released. and that kind of language, you know, is, is really inappropriate. it's talk and we do have wonderful women and children and then you're talking 70 percent of that population as women and children as well, you know, being killed and unarmed civilians. so it's no surprise that the joe biden administrate divide regime because are so heavily funded. many of those politicians are so hot and we supported by scientists with their campaigns. they're given donations and money. it's no surprise that they will continue to simply support the violence that is happening. i guess the palestinians,
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regardless american citizens have made it clear, particularly the you folks cuz they are not interested in funding is really and, and they are calling this, these actions in gaza against the palestinians genocide. now the white house refuses to use that language, but other nation so come full. of course, the international criminal court is also judging israel at this time. well, while hosting joe biden, french leader on monday, while mccall joined his country part and welcoming the freeing of these really hostages. but the french president did not address the palace to me in death toll. in the idea of operation, i guess all the new rules denise, in goal, is that we want to obtain the immediate release of the hostages. i mean this respect we welcome to for is riley hostages released today by these really on a. so we want to achieve an immediate cease fire and open up the prospect of a political solution. the only way to create the conditions for adjusting the last thing pages for them to make the security demands that both peoples and then this
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is why we support the us proposal for a comprehensive agreement with on while deal by none of money on mccall freeze is real sizes have rallied for gals in the french capital with the war, not in it's 9 months. so testers and power ser, urging the government to help stop what they're calling a genocide and mastercard, of policy. listening. active is, dimitri jiliana believes the west is that only likely to condemn the latest mass killing of civilians. in what did, what did they know? toby's 7, the whole world. we crazy the us sent it's president. the president button made you the secretary of state, member of the genocide, the war cabinets of israel money for the enjoys real weapons for an interview from this all closed democratic world. now, the only reason they're not doing the same thing. it's,
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we want supremacy that being human eyes is about sending people to when you mix supremacy. uh, white supremacy, racism, and money all the money. you wouldn't get people like a bargain 1st reaching the post, the president, and such just pickable. people do not have any sense of humanity for them to. yeah, he's happy with the for the prisoners of war is that we're uh we but not condemning the slaughter of 207 people, a 1000 new people who at least a 100 and our children today to read through these 4. there is no fighting in gaza . there is during your side, there is no war. there's a genocide in guys, up. people are being killed, but i'll tell you something. we are not going anywhere as palestinian people. we've
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been living in this land for thousands of years. many, many thousands of years and we will continue to do so. nothing's gonna change this fact well to people in southern lebanon now being killed into that tech bias really forces, according to local media idea strikes something talking, cuz ballade rocket launchers on infrastructure in the region ortiz maria finance. that reports on the inside, the building over a possible whitening of the word in the middle east. the north of israel has been in turmoil since october, when his bow legged joined, have masses fight against the country, raising theories of and allowed confrontation at the lebanese border. and now they grow stronger than ever. last week has been the attacks caused and must have firing . these will setting the entire northern region to burn. the prime minister visited the affected area and sending a strong message to lebanon based group on him. a mission of course of.


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