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tv   Documentary  RT  June 8, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

9:30 pm
of the, in previous to us of duty, i often heard the phrase on tennessee is the god of war, soldiers repeated, and is often seen on military chaperones. was stuck in my head, which is a me really, i was wondering what these soldiers are like. what will they do and how they handle that powerful weapons that go down here? by the
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way, through the 5 am a motion with the guys to the fine position for a combat task going at around 40 kilometers an hour. and there's probably nothing to hold onto here. the,
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the, the, as we drew my attention was attracted by a soldier with unusual co sign on his baseball cap, tangerine and civilian life. he was a ship mother, the monday. me i. but as i've only been, that's a couple hours and then both j as in special, the girl called me up and started running a non done that or the
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what is going on with the to as for to upon self propelled heavy, malta cal about $240.00 millimeters maximum range. 20 columbus is yes. and you might not do some flyers and the state is coming back. no, no, no, no, no. i should say that the issue of solution focused amino the so i'm are you is i'm, you know, what's, what's in the, what is the treating come on the when in coming to the,
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the message goodness. so by the way, if the school is, here's the thing the, the, to the level so when i spoke with nazi dropping off of their voice, their voice the
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by the way through let me see what was in some way the income motion of a sample graph kind of like your instead you expect? what's the, what's the, what's the, the of the the trip to the budget but, but your guys are
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a separate. sorry about the very last part of the the, the yes, the goal is a boeing and me. i almost had my head crushed by the barrel of the world's largest and most powerful, more to the side of the of the pricing. but
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also if we move on with discounts closer to the front. so okay, targets and transmit the data to the governors. the guys didn't want to take me because it's a really dangerous mission. the . you have to keep your eyes on your face all the time. the enemy's mind, everything here with petal. mine's and i'd like to keep both of my legs. i don't deal with of the area that's today's nasa much closer
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where to use your ceiling. the 1st quote a 0 1st evening. okay. beautiful. and then what is the point and the 2nd set them up with the the share the what, what was the good it's the most affordable as it is or even the most often the when you still have the same, what i'm saying when i don't that was similar to data on the phone and it wasn't
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here, but i didn't sleep. i've seen any of them. and speaking of your day, but not gonna slow go away. don't set aside so i didn't feel that's no more if i were getting. yeah, cuz i didn't, you was going through this, like i said, you, like i said that today that i'm with this like apple. it says even though i'm gonna keep it in as low as the wait list. well, that's the one and still a little boy sitting is, does this somebody show pretty quickly? no. was it just got what was the last moment he proceeded to meet with the people at the end that those 2 were still in the far end of the room? those and most of
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the rest of the day, you know, it's pretty annual. i say that is still is about the voice is at this point. and using that, come on, somebody know, part of this thing with the with the, to some, some other stuff that they would need of you think? you know that, that that, that, that's what that was the plague about that when you go into my, to go look the activity to go a money. so to leave it all the
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little thing over the story. so no, i so definitely, yeah, but it's a very and but then the as the let me in the with that okay. well there's a problem with them if i could get through that for 2 and it gives me a sense for this and the budget, sir. is it or no you by giving you a 100 system of them so long as the flood last month of leslie was excellent. the
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distribution of one of the, of the month is far more talk. you know, i feel pretty comfortable from the door to the police that includes the mentioned i use it. i'm always, you know, 1st of all, a super to see why your wife you have been sitting at them with the space for the beautiful or have been used car superstore or underway, looser the important for messaging. they've got to meet up with you. you for not being sure, talk about showing the shows because the beauty work is all part of the thing. if you go to ports or you're somewhere osha, super full service, miss the bed. this stands for
9:43 pm
a russian with the means towed. this type of how it so has been in service since the mid eighties and it's still actively used we saw the soldiers preparing the guns of baffled that were cleaning, checking, and adjusting things. very difficult. this one was to just look up towards the cost of the order. as long as it was up there was the, the,
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the russian states never as one of the most sense community best. nothing was all sun send up the speed. what else suppose question about this, even though we will ben in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say they requested the, the, the,
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the missed, they towed how it's a countable, $152.00 millimeters, maximum range, 28 kilometers or put them on the bus alone. but before we recorded the information, they went in those subsidiary. it just means it's closer to single force interpreter. so the key of course that i need to hold the kind of chicata short because the studies have police and then we thought what it weighs 40 somebody been there we go. hardy was that just said one or 2. yeah, but the book, somebody been there when you all the story, somebody for the
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the good ways to do with bill the the, the worst hill park you should see a newborn. you bought most of those things,
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but it was before you see what another showed up for to schedule you for the police increasing or are we just some of us have been through this. i'm gonna come back where somebody me in the with that's not easily slipped off of it as you know for the flu season. yeah. 310. the way it just in cushion proceeds from the georgia. all talk own us through the the the restaurants and
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uh, that will give us something. gosh with them. what's your 1st name? my goodness. most likely. of the photos. yes. that. yeah, that's all i do. so that's like when the of the, every operation that kind of must be camouflage quickly. so the enemy counted tennessee with a drone the
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the i stayed for several days with the guys from the 2 s 7 monk, a crew waiting for combat. look. while we waited, we did all sorts of household chores. stole couple more to cook, food, charge equipment. it's important to know that soldiers don't live next to the guns. it's not safe. they get to that fine position to military vehicles. i was interested in a soldier with the co sign, the trump card, co signed. so i that on given to just anyone. he's a squad leader. a lot of them. yes. for the cause it covers them that i agree though just because we
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but the some for the full committee comes here with us. good, good. when you get in a sort of that's not what they have to hook it up onto the to as small self up l. cannon caliber, $203.00 millimeters, maximum range, 47 kilometers flores on us. so stuff small to see if there's certainly no problem at all. so because it was almost going to them it was done. it's goodness enough, but this is the most affordable little bit it cool. if you're nice to put your logo with the vehicle, you should see what the, what the most. cuz you know, cuz you know that sort of thing with autism. but i'm not on my other
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design. it looks good less and you know it's, it's a lot only to see the students and she does have a pretty hard fix cuz i know what do you see me and i didn't see the list of us increase of one percent of the deluxe to the us the to improve michelle so far, i just thought it was kind of walk you through the we felt like,
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what are you saying that they won't use the facebook to stay on the defensive picture item. so can you know, just a little bit when i said, i seem to think of them that i'm seeing you leave them a know, but it's a good point. usually they should see the same the, the, the, the, the, the middle of the, the,
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the, the, the, the,
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the, the, the dns, the credit, little civic motional body sample. but have colors. the, the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
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ha. the the, the, the jackal down here. the, so the don't touch the barrel. so naturally, extremely hot. at that moment,
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i realized that i just move this to capture largest and most of which by the way is famous. the man by the youngest come back the, i've been to a different position to the lives of several to, to because i saw this isn't just random firing of individual guns at the intimate of the complex square of units linked together in a single well the for the with the yeah, yeah,
9:59 pm
and we are out in the the water is part of the, the employee was posted isn't the defense you of us and building the word? or is it something deeper,
10:00 pm
more complex might be present good. let's stop without cases. let's go products the the i'm action or that said welcome back to going underground rule got single around the world from the way the world stands on the brink of nuclear war of to genocide . joe permitted us weapons to directly target to russia. know certainly the largest country in the world, but the country with the largest number of nuclear weapons. meanwhile, people are rising up in nation nations against genocide today in the capital of empire, i believe good biden's house is being surrounded by a symbolic red line to signal to the world. the us political causes betrayal of all humanity in gaza and jerusalem. west agency of about


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