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tv   News  RT  June 9, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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the same design or just the thousands of protesters surround the white house, calling for an end to washington support for israel after the ideas latest dudley rite aid on gaza. the over 200 palestinians have reported they've been killed in an idea of hostage rescue operation at the news. they're a refugee camp in central gaza and washington praises the as really mission to release the campus, but fails to mention the civilian cost will speaking to r, t a mazda official backs up american media, speculation that us forces were directly involved. i'm really comes especially
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with the how many come in today just to get some more information on all of a lot of kids. i won't be the live in moscow. this is our t international. i'm rachel ruble. thousands of protesters around the white house calling on washington to stop supporting is really actions in gaza and end the war . the crowds turn to the anti war protests for carrying a long red banner down. the capitals, 3 it's, it's meant to symbolize the so called red line president might and drew ad israel potentially invading rasa. frequent guessed of the program. human and labor rights
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attorney dental by like is among those rallying in the us capital. you spoke with us earlier from the heart of the protests in dc the genocide and the you know, the, the slaughter of over to us and we are saying no today. and what we've done is put up this red line around the white house, which you can see the message that we have is we have a red line for israel,
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which would cause him to stop supporting israel. the people in the us have to be the red symbolized and inspired people from all over the united states. and the genocide you can see one of the protesters in washington in this video holding a mass resembling jo biden's head covered in blood. or is it it might and who's in paris on an official visit, says israel has pulled back in from the white house to bring all remaining hostages home. and i can send things come is welcoming and safe and secure for hostages. that for return to their families whose he won't stop working until all the hostages come home and
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a cease fire is reached. that is essential to happen in another video from the protests and washington active. as we're seeing throwing plastic tops up police. they also installed a smoke bomb on the general lafayette statue across from the white house covering it in pro palestine. graffiti. professor and author daniel shaw says biden's legacy will be washington support of the ideas for risk actions in gaza. joe biden will do . remember, it is genocide. joe giving card lines the green light to the genocidal. colonial is really projects to leave guys a desolate, farmed out desert. one study found that at this point is really for us as well as the patient had dropped the equivalent of some 9 here, she monotonic bombs on guys in a tiny ghetto. the march today surrounded the white house calls upon
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humanity, calls upon china, russia. briggs plus nations to stop this genocide. because the united states is not going to stop. the west is not going to stop is $210.00 to an answer i killed in israel is a mass of operation in central gaza on saturday. according to the enclave. is the media office. here's some of the most dramatic footage of the strikes aftermath. a warning you may find the following: images disturbing is also the most video circulating online record. elisa is a father, disturbing his son had survived the idea of attack. man was trying to lay him down beside his sister's body before noticing the young boy was still breathing. his father rushed to a nearby hospital for health. for the trouble is there, it shows the aftermath of the idea of strikes on the densely populated area which
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will pour delay laughed more than $400.00 pallets. the indians wounded is really forces rescued for hostages in the operation, including one russian national, losing an idea of officer and the process is really are forced cover the operation from the sky, raising buildings with their bonds. a mazda is militant wing times a number of hostages, were killed by the idea of the rescue operation. a senior mazda official spoke about the attack exclusively with r t. the number is indicated to be big, i think was the said, very serious the one to the seeing us of the time the. busy laptop, the hospital is dealing with these guys with these serious injured people were very limited, the resources was very limited. so therefore we all could think about a must have a goose or the. busy society in the zone. busy which i
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need to know will sit up, does achievement. we have a politically the confusion deal to get the release. all these capture is this in exchange for our business. but he has own, was a use these negotiations to get more time to look at a more policy is this has happened also and also before because of and also in the moment, tested the giovanni, i mean, there's no excuse to kind of 204062 modify the seals in order to well sort of process what's going to be up to the police to can it's only uses and this is not a system and also turned into the scene as opposed to the lines of either capture voltages. but as the can, somebody gives folks mattresses many times at least they're going to be stuck with the weight is a beacon by that's available involvement sometimes without a do you want them to release them or doing the building bothers i guess i'll be
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with the gun this day when we started talking about this, about dozens of the victims of as the results of this, the rescue operation by these random defense forces. but now that number stands and hundreds of the victims, hundreds of people who died and hundreds of more who were going to that. so now we already know that so 4 people have been rescued by israel in a separation that was conducted by the is ray, the securities of authority, along with the israeli police. the were influencing the separate locations in the same road. that's in central garza now. as for the hostages themselves, they have been released to one of them is a russian national lab draco loyalty. it was actually a security guard at the festival where all these offices were taken and they've all been taken to the hospital. the whole forward is said that so all of the people
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that were brought they're all doing very well. now there are no questions regarding their medical condition. like i said, hundreds of people will over 200 this some people say to have been killed in palestine is the result of this rescue mission. now, in terms of the value of a life now, a representative of the state of palestine and the united nations. he said something about that were a of life. so both that as it is and is a that should matter the sick of the sense of what he said is you smile, seen a father funneling price on his daughter and tel aviv shut. it's here for the father having to bear his daughter in garza. there's a way for palestinians, really families to be reunited in life, not him death. that is the success we should all be striving for. after 8 months of massacres, israel used today's image is to try and justify the killing of 36000 palestinians and destruction of lives of 2300000 pels teens. don't let it now that
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a city and present mahmoud abbas how the head already instructed. she is a and boy at the united nations to call for an emergency security council to discuss this situation and my, who the bus to already cold the, this bloody massacre bite is really forces in the new se arrives. now this is not well, not the 1st time this had happened, but we see so many victims as a result of assault goals of precision strikes by the user. and it forces this time again at a refugee camp. some of the people who were there on the ground during this massacre, as many people have called it the sick and listen to what they said. we don't know what happened. exactly. we were sitting peacefully when all of a sudden we heard the strikes. there were 50 people hiding there and we saw missiles flying over our heads. nobody is protecting us. the red crescent doesn't protect us. nobody does. we don't know where our children are. we have lost
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children and spouses, and here we are getting displaced for the 3rd time, not knowing where to go. for the tents are damaged, there are 4 children there were injured and transferred to hospital. of course, of those horrible pictures that were seen from there in palestine as you know, since the beginning of this escalation and the conflicts over 30000 people have already been killed by his really forces in palestine. it is, of course, a day though, surely from jubilation. for those families, so as you mentioned, to welcome home they have mass held captives, but the, the reportedly massive number of civilian and fatalities due to the operation that isn't getting anywhere near the same coverage. i would say so. well, the results of this indiscriminate, it's uh, shilling it taking the lives of for over $200.00 people already. and as those numbers are still growing in the beginning, we're talking about dozens. then i'm us official told are the that the numbers are
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a 150 mind, you only those that were killed, the number of injuries isn't much are and that we're getting from the for is the in the gaza that the number of victims is way over 200, now this is over the last few days. this only added to the value of my list, indians killed just a couple of days ago on the 6th of june. the same area was targeted by the israeli defense forces, where at least 40 people were killed. and once again, among those 40 people were women and children at this for a few g camp, i mean people that were displaced from the, from their homes that will bump as rarely, once again, found, found themselves in this goal drawn. meanwhile, the prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu, his praise. what happened this saturday saying that this operation will go down in
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the history of this. think of this is what just carried out ration for hostages. this quite ingenuity and courage. and our soldiers perform. and then i'm not what we're committed to getting the use of all if they don't do whatever it takes. so as you can see, some are dreaming to make it into history books and hundreds, maybe thousands of the people are mornings and this saturday, the loss of their loved ones while we're waiting at. so what's going to happen at the un emergency security council, whether they will be or not. and what kind of outcome we'll see from there are 2 heard exclusively from the idea of the officer in charge of the error of media affairs. and the as rarely, military lieutenant colonel of
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a underwriter who claims the country's troops and tactics are actually the most moral in the world. just to be 5 useful in recent days, israel has been attacked. the name is about a period where many dozens of from us militants, the leadership of this moment, and other groups who participated in the event on october 7th, were heightened at the point of a school with published the names of this militants. they also heating the container, placing that one of a school complex to be the el shot account. israel's actually confirmed that it's taking measures that perhaps no army in the world is taking to avoid civilian casualties. the itf has the highest moral qualities among the armies of the world, and this latest operation has confirmed that will do everything possible and impossible to feed these rarely hostages, who were brutally emperor variously abducted by the file ices from the music concert on october 7th. and held in one of the most densely populated areas we can ask ourselves to question mark peaceful is really costs just being held in the very central residential area. the answer is clear. this has come off the strategy of using the civilians of gauze human ships to the last reporter they help to the
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ideas and as actions against the news era refugee camp and the operation to recover the is really hostages. that's according to american media is media citing a military official in washington of footage on social media allegedly shows the as rarely, military using the american made a temporary peer and central the as a, during its all sense of the u. s. military unit report only access the territory by hiding on a truck that was supposedly delivering humanitarian aid for palestinians using the floating docks or impending on senior security policy. unless that michael maloof says us assistance breaks, tell us times trust, and washington which can influence the negotiation process. actually, they were special forces to go in for the rescue mission. this, this once again reinforces big, popular, see on the part of the united states. so there was apparently, again, reportedly a,
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a, a us special ops team that went in to assist these frequencies in this endeavor. and when you use appear for that purpose, the question is, is this, the palestinians themselves will no longer trust anything united states does. and if it was meant to be for humanitarian, they yeah, the bring in a few trucks with humanitarian aid on it. but every once in a while, you can then now from now on count on them using that peer to gain direct access for their special ops for the united states. so again, that level of trust. and this is going to reflect by the way on, on whether from us agrees or, or trust the united states to live up to the agreements and to, and for even israel to live up to the agreements. and so the, the level of trust has, has that i'm just absolutely evaporated. so and this
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is, and if you want to have them to go sions, and what have you. this is not a good climber for that. well, here again is how last representative by some name giving us his view on the scale of washington's involvement and the conflict. the best of all is the one that we have received at the beginning of may on may 5th, last month, a broker dealer from the museum. does that mean that is if she has, i'm gonna, we haven't declared buckley, we definitely are accepting this, the, what was the other says they have to have the experience of dealing with the terms. and you kind of remember in other occasions, we have also. busy accepted a broken view again and again, he's rejecting all these broken deals because he is not planning from the beginning
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to reach us. he's fail agreement even when the job by the, the, the, you know, system isn't in the price, talks about as the possibility of these changes, these fans or b, we have, we come this on. so we have seen this as a positive broken us. but again, he wants to think of all this in the media without having something in our house. therefore, when we have this the receive, luckily to renew the bulk of the mediators, the it was clear and the missing, you know, is not funny. it's been minutes. the sale is the funding, adult, and withdrawal from the, from the guy the and he is not privy to vote for a cdn in prison on extreme to be affordable. how can we go? sort of pinpoint receipts for 34, or 5 or 6 weeks. then give him the minutes of our beautiful investigation, the last aggregation against the people. again, what we are calling for is the same thing. what everybody want on this is not going
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for you. um russia, china, the, you're the, you're more organization. we are pointing for the movement of these fans to the all of the forces from the joint gives you the details, the prison. i'd be some, many times, especially when one thing at all, they have used me to come into the just the emblems, to get some more information. i mean, they are on our lot of kids. i won't be the most and does it do. but as the, the vice city, but i made it kind of what was, but i mean, it kind of rockets using, i mean it can have miss f, 16 f 255. i was wondering on how the st. petersburg international economic form wrapped up on saturday. it's organizers say more than 21000 people from 95 countries took part in the event. economic debate often goes hand in hand with the political developments. well, this is true for the space for them as well with high ranking officials from
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a number of states in attendance. my colleague, nick aaron got a chance to discuss some of the world's most pressing issues with the russian foreign ministry spokesman. maria's a har of a joining us from the event or a yeah. because, you know, when i came to the forum, western john les literally followed me everywhere and try to get a nonce on what flat to me a p to meant when he spoke about the possible delivery of russian weapons. 2 areas from which west and facilities may be targeted for some reason they will show by president putin statement by austin. why are they surprised? they said, well, it turns out russia will places weapons close, and then they post. i off close to to you. they were brushed, has done this, then i oft, while you surprised why aren't you surprised by your countries delivering huge quantities of weapons used for terror attacks by the key of regime? why don't you ask questions regarding the fact that the weapon supplied by the western countries are used to kill civilians, women, and children of the elderly. these exact weapons, the,
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your regime supply or destroying civilian infrastructure? why do you only start to reach and get nervous when you yourself suddenly feel uncomfortable? why couldn't you feel the parental pain of all does any more more of the one suffering because of you? i got no response from them, but i saw that the british gen less will not please to have that. and they probably felt unpleasant because those questions to meant to them from the inside. because i'm sure a lot of people in europe, common people, and i think many journalist to still have a sense of conscious and they do on the sounds a lot, but cannot speak up because otherwise they will lose depositions. the salaries, it will basically end the careers now as for my response to them, which i will now repeat to you on your honorable audience. everything russia will do you on this matter will be done in response to actions done by nature, members individually or collectively. actions may you by assess and country will be met with an adequate response to the exact response will depend on the destructive
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actions. i hope they will not come, but we're a realist and we have what wester officials are saying. so every aggressive step by them will be match with a well developed to calculate it's in clear response, so it, thank you for your on. so given the political climate in europe in particular right now, that is, but does make me quite nervous, to be honest, just this week slow about 5 minutes to robot fits. they made his 1st public statements since the attempts on his life. he said the reasons for the assassination attempt on him was independent policy by the slow about government for which many in europe labeled fits. so as a pro russian politician. what do you think this attack saves about the current political climate in europe by civil by source store? we thank you for not linking the issue of political saima to the results of the investigation. as this is the way the west us without waiting for the fox to imagine before conducting a trial and hearing projects based on evidence,
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they still make political fedexed followed by such and punitive options. we have a different approach. we believe the law enforcement of the country should conduct an investigation, collect facts and evidence, and then present everything and quote, then the quote from us to take a decision in accordance with local legislation about he was guilty to what extent and whatever punishment is appropriate for us, it is a clear position, respecting the laws that just lation legitimacy, but at the same time, you're absolutely right that there is a concept of political climate, political atmosphere. and that is important not only for you and me. it's also important to those who, unfortunately pre teresa phobia. i will explain why, when the collective west conducts destructive traitorous, illegal actions against russia. many of them claim that this comes due to a political atmosphere in our country. so for them, the concept of political atmosphere is very much real. what do they mean in the
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west by political atmosphere? they clearly name its aggressive vocabulary so called hate speech. a lack of pluralism of opinions, no opportunity for the people to express that few points. no, go up to unity for john list to walk normally, no opportunity for political actors to act according to the will of that site has something like that. even though a witch hunt, by the way, is also considered in the west as an indicate of 5 political opposite to let's ask a question. what kind of political atmosphere has there been in the you around slow that prime minister robot fits are exactly the same. this is the political ad said the e u countries cast so much about much. they adopt a lot of resolutions in the council of europe and all the bodies. they make statements in the u commission. they test so much about democracy there and is some of opinions, people's right to freely express their opinions and what is going on in their own countries. what you see there is the toughest sense to ship the mainstream media, excluding any view point different from the official stance of the you commission
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and the you in general. and in fact, the stance of nato on the us that stand behind the you. it's impossible to conduct election campaigns in a normal way. now the parliament's election campaign shows us the only possible means of beings used against them wanting to come to dates, black meaning labeling. grounds this accusation which haunts going as far as intimidation, search res, ground list apprehensions because ations of non existing crimes, that's the kind of atmosphere we see now in the european union. and i strongly believe that one of the most important factors is the monstrously aggressive rhetoric. i think if one watches you on us television or read the newspapers or websites for a couple of days, they can full seriously you and then probably go mad. because live reports, they're all filled with some monstrous regression. i'm not even talking about sakes . i'm talking about aggressive messages, aggressive was,
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was of hatred. first and foremost, of course, it is aimed against russia, china, or anyone else with a room view points on the price. this is going on in the world. i absolutely agree and it's very fries to think that it's become normalize this regression that we see in the media or in particular coming to you randy is commission has said ukraine is reading for e. u accessions folks. just how realistic do you think the possibility of ukraine joining the you is and what might the consequences be at the which in submission or that's very amusing, unfortunately, but also very sad at the same time. it's thought you tried, you comedy. what's happening between the you and you crane? for many years, the west is literally teasing you crazy with talks about as possible, especially to the youth. at the same time, i think nobody wants to accept the obese fact. for many years they talked the same way with takia and fed at the same promises. but i'm like you crate takia houses,
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national interest and presents them develop sits economy, undemocratic prices, which have their own specifics of course, as any of the silver and state. it seems that for decades, the top you should call them me demonstrated that that state is able to be part of the you. more of a tug here is a ne, to member meaning a for allegiance to west and to you political values that comes from anchor as membership and the north atlantic alliance. but what is the most interesting is that despite all of those tag, it has not been allowed to join the you. for some reason, it didn't become a less than 2 others. he always faced attempts to trick them with promises when we had the future inside the you know good. how many countries would you saved in sibley notes admitted to the blog. secondly, has the you itself and membership status road. something along the way to the happiness to anyone did it help to complete large scale tasks on the development of industry or science or in the real economic growth in various countries?
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did those countries get most sovereignty and strengthened their independence? of course not. usually a countries, a session to the you lease to the destruction of their economy, putting one of the segments of that are calling to me into a full month's and you just by the you need the you and everything else can just died because it's no longer needed today. nobody's things about the people. nobody thinks about the conditions, the fulton days, countries for centuries, nobody things. so people actually have their own economic ties. know nobody's interested in it. please show me an example of membership and the by one of its new members that was accompanied by a great great of science or major achievements and culture support. did those countries receive some special opportunities in political humanitarian space for quite the opposite actually happened? they have only lost self warranty. sir, may i ask if the foreign ministry is following the parliamentary elections and they so do you think the outcome of the elections might change relations with russia?
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so the block or some of it set and then but nations, what does this depend on it? so most likely, any type, philip was just, you know, i wouldn't want to comment on that election now we will do that when the official results are and i commented the way the election is conducted. i have the right to do that because the european parliament continues the comments, not only on the way russian elections are conducted, but also speaks about the results months before the election campaigns even begin. so we will comment on the results when the time comes. i would like to on so the essence of your question, the situation will change when the citizens of the european union wake up from the hype, a nation craze spaces some quite of noses they will put into by the us and bridges supervisors of the you. when the citizens of the you start to separate the national interest from the interest nato led by the us. and when they start to understand that they have their own states. when people in the you realize how many horrible
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things have happened to them due to the west policy towards the you and to what kind of suffering. washington has condemned the citizens of the you by prohibiting them from communicating with russia, from building economic energy, humanitarian ties with our country. when they understand that you have to know the dividing line has been drawn at the center of europe, not by europeans themselves, but behind that box that you would have seen to stay with our to international. i'll be back with much more news in about 30 minutes in the meantime. be sure to visit our website, r t dot com for the very latest breaking news. and by the .


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