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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  June 9, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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that they let us for months of the global cambodia as an independent states. and i have worked with chinese leaders for many years. i have never heard any chinese leaders telling me to do this all that to fulfill the chinese wishes. on the contrary, those who accuse cambodia are following china always come to put pressure on cambodia to follow themselves. the self and leading toward classes with me, cambodia is decision not to attend the peace. somebody does come bowed use right? come body is easy to is unsuccessful. we start with on say, contributes, i call shaw earlier and his view come body of stones is reasonable and if somebody says somebody's in zurich is more as a landscaping company and then a genuine effort to resolve the conflict of the $1030.00 is stating the odd years, how can you have a peace conference with value inviting? was that a participant of the conflict right now does piece um, it looks like to be a far it's, it's just nothing but a p. r for on, for zalinski is rush that does not attend. why would you expect other countries to
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take this seriously, including cambodia and china? now why, why should others take this somebody seriously, even when a washington itself is not taking a serious one by sending campbell harris, we can see we're clearly lensky or ukrainian leadership. they're not in charge right now. they're not acting more up updates in washington and and, and natal. it's really up to the nato establishment when they want to have real piece. china can bodya are friendly nations, but the can body is not a basso state for china. china to not dictate to cambodia what to do on like what washington does to the european capitals. cambodia sees no reason to attend the meeting with russia is not invited. neither does china right now. washington has a china complex. they try to blame every, basically see china behind every, every seattle. what this really is is the symptom of, of the,
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the west decline. and you said jim and he's going to have you with us. there are no 2 international this sunday will leave you now with the latest episode of most go meals with che bose, but we will be back shortly with integration of the indian prominence, destiny range remotely. so do stay tuned for that the the
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way everybody, welcome back to moscow and welcome back to the moscow mules. i'm shay, bowes. i'm still here. and so is my intrepid body at all the professor of this information ology at this information center for counter this information at moscow state university of this information. of course that doesn't exist, but i'm going to pretend that those like the doing the west. this week we're going to take a trip around the globe, lifted the lid on the globe, unice the nastiness, the stealing the fake reading the crockery out. of course, this month, this pride month now, the russians had their pride month last month may, may the 1000000 to particular when most auction for very proud of the soldiers. the men and women performed the backbone of a great nation, looking back over their glorious history and in europe in the usa. if you're lucky enough, to have to be forced into watching grown men and women with their testicles and tiny bits hanging ahead. walking down the main stream in your town with their,
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their assets dipped in multi colored paid at you know, all about pride month. it's a, it's all about choice after all. and it's not right now. oh yeah, of course is not gator act. you know, gays in russia have an ok. i'll use a gables. boyfriend is we don't have any guys here in russia. it's absolutely gay free. so gay 5th starts in philadelphia, philly, philadelphia cream cheese. you might be slightly pulled off and it starts with a drag queen. event based degree, middle age man. as some of them will be stressed as women with a gaudy makeup. i'm talking about your ex girlfriends. i'm talking about the philadelphia drag queen event and even begin this book of records was asked to attend. they want it to make it the biggest storytelling event, where these a tribute checkers in uh, you know, cheap outfits. tell stories to little kids. most of our kids, but $286.00 of them are children right on the on the video.
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probably what is this about course the literacy program for success through life my my mom's or the it, well we already use this. ok. you to show kids. i mean, what is isabella's thoughts sort of a choice and freedom where it's a choice, the freedom of the kids who gets off the kids? is this okay. you know, what does this well, uh, washington post actually writes the philadelphia leaders, vernon mission to attract a record saving number of guess to a drug event kicking off the price month. yeah, because that's what it's all about, isn't it? because while you're of course,
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the most important thing in philadelphia is, uh, the ability to dress up as a lady or as a guide depending on whichever way you're swinging on a saturday. that's what's really fundamentally important. all the people in philadelphia to the taxpayers. it ain't about the drive by shootings. the 1300 unintentional drug overdose. that's oh, that's matters. it's all about getting your, your booby on. and even the f b. i fellows, binding incessantly. it isn't the federal bureau of investigation that the boys of even got their tools out. i'm talking about their weapons and they're getting down with the funky people. do it the yeah. i just love one of these guys to come around and investigate based on the
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oh god, that's so literally of course, it just so happens that the f b, i didn't bother to investigate the crimes of a very famous or infamous american gymnastics trainer loreno. sir laurie was a serial p to for a rapist and abuser. at the epi, i didn't seem to notice, and they just have to pay out a $138000000.00 in order to get the kids off their back. if you know. okay, we're gonna, we're away from beautiful philadelphia full of cream cheese fellows binding incessantly. i feel like i'm going to head to the land of you crohn style. zalinski is to facto dictatorship where you get dragged off the street and says that to me kind of absolutely no worries there. you can get punched in the gob. you can get shots the your cache can get robbed, but you can also be gay and be gay. with pride, of course, even as of the infamous,
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as of the target, the darling says don't boss the people raped, shot, murdered, and terrorized the whole community for the 10 years. and the, as all boys have even bought in the l g b t to queerness run it all you really? so this is, oh sure, because there's the roof sign go, you know, which is the standard symbol on an as of a battalion badge, which of course is an ss symbol. and of the assessment of their kink, they like to dress up to like, give it a slap and tickle. sort of the boys are mazda of apparently, and not only that, as you know, into some sneezes and ukraine catches a cold. it seems hoping to catch anything else for off the boys. now they've been forced, is a l g b t to parade in key f as well. and you know, whatever for us on the boys, the lid, tards decide to put down their 10 pigs in the country. you're expected to paint your street crossings in the gain colors. you're also expected to paint one of your
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big monuments, including what used to be called a friendship box, and you're cracking that what's called the. maybe it's called the os arch room. it used to be called the friendship arch. what isn't, isn't it? isn't ukraine a very conservative country? i thought it was a conservative country. you know about the steps of i thought the us state department road in the last 5 or 6 reports that l g b, t, people get a terrible hard time and, and you find, so speaking a bit, america sneezing on the ukraine catching a cold uncle sam demands that you get with the program of ukraine. a new law is being passed, suggesting that everybody involved in politics, there has to learn how to speak english. now it doesn't help if you have been punched in the head about 4000 times consistently for the 20 years. for the all cognitive skills, i guess who's decided to be the poster boy for i'm going to learn english and you
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find the and part of it, it's go to all mystically just go on the videos. first of all, the uh, yes, what was what we have in the ass was yes. uh may makes that and the front door to the back door or the snippets them have to just simple enough that we can this is just insanely funny. did you watch the whole thing? it's terrible. yeah, yeah. actually start to feel sorry for imagine zelinski disappears to his villa, and this do takes over. so as we mentioned, you know, ukraine is quite a conservative country like russia and the church is very important here. shakara,
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and guess what they decided to do in ukraine to the orthodox church, the russian orthodox church projected ukraine. you know, the doctor is gets a bit complicated, but they just started to make the head of the the orthodox church in ukraine. actually stepped on a flag of russian flag classy but with a face of a petri our career. essentially the boss of the church. uh these guys have real class, these guys, we really know how to put on the, the smooth hand stuff, check it out with you. now what i find interesting about this is the ukranian, a little neo nazi standing here out of the gate of the church. it's fis on, i think the better call of who's the boss of the local church there at walking across the fly. be watching. he very delicately side stepped over, the careers faced nice or cold. so it doesn't in there. when you managed to empty
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out a little church and the village of all the old above boesky, dental sky, all the old people who, you know, built their lives around these very ancient buildings and this culture. what do you do next? maybe making into community center may be dedicated to the well being of the people, even if it's not religious. now let's pull on a freak show, say tonic rock concert in there. just a little bit of salt into the woods. one up there on the go. you gotta have the mask or you're gonna have to do last there. so i'm just adding the extra bit of class, right? a go, there is, of course, to them. what does it exactly? what do you would be doing on the side of the nothing. it's just a freak, you know, remember that the head of the church in ukraine is beginning 5 years in prison as well for the crime of what exactly. it's like saying that, you know, we should bind store be ice cream because lot of marapoo likes it. it's just
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ridiculous. so why ukraine is busy destroying itself, eating itself alive for uncle. so on earth level under lower all these european values on this liberalism, it's such such a healthy thing, right? so healthy, the if a woman intervenes to stop the abduction of another pre deceased member of the dictators, the landscapes, army at the commissar the kid i've come to sir, can you smash her face into the ground? i should do in any liberal society run it there on the really close man look hard, man, believe. well, look to a woman, the who are these people like where did they get them from? what was or send those? well, the 1st of the front. so it's a back to europe, the heartland of democracy and freedom who are doing a great job of training. zalinski is a brutal and volunteers how to build people in ukraine. i'm just going to
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germany. i my favorite place to be here in the summer time having a part of the bill at the side of the lake side watching or my friends headed off to the store. but in serious this, germany isn't a lot of trouble at 214000 acts of violence, criminal violence, and that's of 8.8 percent. or last year. of course you got to ask yourself when you're selling all your military equipment people, resorts is to ukraine. there's not much left to pay. the cops now told her about the cops in germany. they have interest a few methods of training at the moment. uh, we would like trouble comes the best a police force. i know you all are hands over there for each do it
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the welcome back to the program, but let's say a special a day full in the world's most populous country. as it's was in, it's a new prime and as the wish, just so happens to be no rend remote a for us, the time we're going to take your lives to live pictures from the india and it capital. and then also, let's just take a look what was going on in new delhi. and my job id is, of course, being sworn in as apartment is uh this sunday to begin a rack the, to making the money. the 2nd person off to india is independence hero. and 1st prime minnesota debacle. a narrow 2 and 3 consecutive elections a tomorrow. a narrative of course one in the 1952. 19571962 general elections. mister mode bodies, hindu nationalist, b, j b has the government in the response of the n g,
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a coalition over the past decade. this is the 1st time on the his latest hit that the policy is relied on support from its small the allies to form a government on moody's victory has given us 73 year old lead to odyssey into national sabera science and also policy another 5 years in power, hey, you can see mister moody on this special day of cost. a lot of official invitations has been extended to some v i p some across the well as including the pose assignment as the tons king shock and the vice president of the c shows and prime minister of marissa. as all of those you can see on your screen is v, i t's in attendance. so this is always taking place at the presidential palace in new delhi. it's expected to host up to $8000.00 people for his own, the taking ceremony which starts local times 6 pm. this sunday and take advantage of included lots of prominence that goes from indian society from all different
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walks of life, including 4 and heads of state lawyers, doctors offices, coach with performance on social media influences. so you may see some faces you recognize in the crowds that incurred correspond with us as prime minister, shaken, seen the answer line, cuz presidents of both the confirms their attendance at the ceremony on sunday, the other special guests will include the labor was involved in the central vista re development projects, but you assisted in rescuing gas $41.00 trucks, construction workers from a tunnel last year. we will remember that we are to check if it's a notable invitation, has been extended to the president of the mo, the eaves who reported the acceptance meeting. he set to visit india for the 1st time since assuming office in november last year, commitment. so to render, moody was formerly elected on friday as the leader of the national democratic
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alliance, especially known as the n d. a coalition. setting the stage for his 3rd term as prime minister of india. and as we said earlier, 73 year old moody will be starting a rat, the 10 that makes him only the 2nd supposed to be done off the in z as independent as a hero. first define minnesota, joe harlow, narrow to winds 3 consecutive election. so it's a big, big day for india, and a low device will be watching this very special day, which is of course, the world's most pop to this country. so a lot of people watching and of course people around the world other world leaders will be watching hastily to what lies ahead for india menu for us to proceed. so let's talk about the po, language down on april 19th and didn't end until june. the 1st i sold in 6 weeks of posting and hundreds of millions of people,
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costing the votes. maybe 1000000000 indians were eligible to vote for 543 states and the low house of parliament with a record breaking 642000000 of them using the right to vote. the ranger moody's policy gone to $240.00 states, but falls. 32 shows in the 543 men below a house of parliament registering its weakest showing. and also a decade of domination, indian politics. the policies had is expected to be hosting a dentist and moody, and the new cabinets off to the swearing in ceremony. so it's a very special vacation you sean and coalition members also are expected to have the symbolic concessions when moody, including ministerial posts in the cabinet bodies, previous confident had a t. one ministers, sir, is the signal that it changes the head with a steady head of the ship, moody, sure. continuing for another 5 years
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a good, which is really, you know, driven. india is a prosperous fear. yes. ok. god, kias i smoke prosper has plus spring ahead. i'm sure. so if we compare the results of the b j. p. golden, 2019. and today we can see that the policy on it's all lies. how about 20 last some seats? the the policy go to west 56 percent of the season. 2019. well this time it received around 45 percent. but since the ceiling power in 2014, much of moody support has really been down to a roster. the development and welfare programs and moody is big on looking at the bigger picture. and he's supposed to really see him as a self made a strong. he just who is improved in d is image and standing in the world. he's a b j. b policy, a sense of this one, assess the one facing new jobs and anti poverty programs. there's also
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a big focus on that. on women, on the principle and on a farm is, is 50 the, the beginning of the ceremony. no, the, the gosh, but the goose and mr. to see them in that have us in the,
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into the national thompson need us put the modem off key and then what the,
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hold to somebody to put out them the the of the 133. not a normal there does more. the, the, the news may not in the will be e e n d may be brought us copies hotter is somebody behind it for be subject to our new starter measures to moody addresses. people now and attendance and 8000 people in
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attendance. of course the eyes of india will be watching this with mentors occasional say, something to do with appendix the floods have blue eyes. oh, she didn't, one felt better. now when somebody has gone it, a lot of respect to us from the indian people, as we can see. and d as klaus on the global stage has risen under moody on the his last 2 times. this will be his the to him. of course, he's promised to turn into you into a develops nation 52847, and transformed the country into a global manufacturing hub. and that's kelly, something that resonates with the indian people. not in the movie. this is sort of use the d cause india is a calling to me. one of the fastest growing and the wells is only boosted in
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d as rise as an emerging aggressive power. this election result will resume fall beyond this mode is capturing the attention of the united states, china and russia. in particular, while also maintaining a balanced approach, new delhi has increased as ties with the countries of the global south breaks, of course, has become one of the main focuses of the mo, the government, which is going from strength to strength of the country contributed to the brakes alliance expansion assessing his position and the motor loss for well is being a team player. india has also been a very close to for 2 of you when we're full, with an aspiration to become a permanent member of the un security council to make the body more representative . the,
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this one does have to be a big day of celebration for india and the indian people, as they look ahead to the next 5 years. the, this swearing in ceremony is expected to witness the presence of leaders from neighboring countries, including find la dash for land club latan, nicole nutritious on the safe shows. in addition to the movies as positive. india is neighborhood 1st policy, i do believe all of the leaders invited all were in attendance, 78133 does not seeing the people in the crowds chanting his name as body type to the sound
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bar. you know, i've seen may be, did a lot of copies of kids from behind to get that to you. so not listening to the indian defense may or may suddenly came on 3, getting me up and make up the top. a little bit of feedback. i'm sorry, i don't see none of them that the tall man. hey, i'll put spot on robbie adris gave you not. so he prevaricates somebody don't really get inside. yeah. a man made are not the thing you should accuse to populate on your from the payments that he gave me. maybe be sure to give you like a tour and we'll get you all pulled up. we'll see if you've got the young lady just joining us here. on all t in the national you with watching in life to new delhi and the
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integration, the swearing in of newer angel mode, a 73 year old, the moody who's being sworn in as prime minister of india this sunday. to begin to run a search to making him money. the 2nd person off the indians, independence harrow on 1st, the prime minister jo. a hollow number 2 and 3 consecutive elections. though it is a big, big occasion, full moody, a full india, and indeed for the rest of the wealth to my bodies, a hindu nationalist, b j. p has governed india as part of the n d, a coalition of the past decade. this is the 1st time under his leadership as the policy is relied on support from its small the allies to form a government. and this, the swearing in ceremony is taking place at the presidential palace and is expected to be about a 1000 people that for his own taking ceremony,
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which has taken place locally time 6 pm, this sunday in attendance of plenty of provenance that goes from all different walks of life including foreign heads of stage and a lot of or do you think faces and big names from indian society, including lawyers, doctors, office coach, or performers, and social media influence is the door and the daughter can go when. now seeing the minister of hi elizabeth addressing the routes suddenly came on 3, gave me a new copy of the dublin was also official invitation, certainly, and extended to the paul's prime minister tons being the vice president of the se, shows on the apartment as to of the ration funded that she has prime minister shake has seen her on the shoreline coast president nature levels that confirms their attendance, that this special ceremony of a special guest. the includes neighbors who were involved in the central vista re
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development project on the right tow mine is to assist to the rescuing for he won tribes construction workers from a ton of and whichever cons last yeah. a to dig job with 30 c b. yeah, that's doable. that's stuck on your mind. promoting was formally elected on friday as the leader of the national democratic a line c n d a co relation session. the stage for is the term as prime minister rep and well mr. moody's doing so both shoals of the majority mock of $272.00 seats. when they go to you $240.00 seats and its own rights. the and the coalition together was $293.00 states. and some 61 had a view of position in the alliance which was led by the congress policy the .


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