tv Documentary RT June 9, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT
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or the, the in previous tours of duty, i often heard the phrase, artillery is the god of war, soldiers repeated and is often seen on military chaperones. i was stuck in my head, which is a mean really, i was wondering what the soldiers are like. what will they do and how they handle that powerful weapons cycle down. yeah. there. yeah. but the
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the, the as we drew my attention was attracted by a soldier with unusual co sign on his baseball cap, tangerine and civilian life. he was a ship most of the monday me i but as i've only been, that's a couple years and they're both jazz special, but good to me. i'm sorry to sit down in the morning and i've done that, or the
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the state is coming back. no, no, no show. and i'm gonna show day that the issue of solution focused and you know, the, so i am we are, that is i am seeing what's causing the, what is fun to thing. come on the, when you get the message, give us a but do you want to produce cool. yeah. here's what i think the to the level so
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side of the road. we moved on with scouts closer to the front to locate target some transmit the data to the gunners. the guy didn't want to take me because it's a really dangerous mission. the . you have to keep your eyes on your face all the time. the enemy's mind, everything here with pep of mine's and i'd like to keep both of my legs. but if i do. busy of the just
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was that's one of them is the most often the when you're still in the same what i'm saying when i don't list them up to date of phone tag. but and it wasn't here, but that employee of committee which doesn't even rudy, the silk. oh boy, that's the other side. so i didn't so that's no more if i were getting. yeah. cuz i didn't you was going through this. like i said, you, like i said that today that i'm with it. yeah. it's like apple. it says even though i'm gonna keep it in as low as to what we son still is the child and the one is doable. is different. you know, as it says, god will do that when he proceeded to meet with the think about that is that those
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who are still in the fire and i think with those and as of yesterday that but i have to say that, you know, it's pretty annual i say that it's towards that, but the voice is at this point using that come on to somebody. you know, part of this thing was the waste day of the to some, some other stuff that they would need a few things like that. but that, that,
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that's what that was the plague about that when you go through the do my to go look the activities to go a money to, to leave it on the, the, the story so, so i, so just need to advise you to do that. and put them on a so let me know where that okay, i'll pull this up but i'm with them. go back, we'll go through that for 2 and it gives me this in the budget. so is it, or what do you mean by doing? okay. and today what's the modem? so the, so i'll send that over the, for the month of especially the
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distribution of one of the out of the piece for on the truck. you know, i feel pretty comfortable for a tour of the space that includes the mentioned i use it. i'm always, you know, 1st of all a super to see why your wife has been sitting around with the space for the beautiful daughter then. yes, of course people who are are under what do you, what do you say? the important for me is that you know you've got to meet up with you. you for not
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being sure. i'm not sure. i'm not sure which computer work is all, but the thing is go to port or somebody will issue super full service. mister beth . beth stands for a russian with the means toad. this type of howitzer has been in service since the mid eighties and is still actively used. we sold the soldiers preparing the guns of baffled that were cleaning, checking, and adjusting things. very difficult. but this one was to just look up towards the cost of the order. as long as it was, there was the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon, this is 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to be living on mac. we have very close propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions,
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you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be when i was just going to see the house because of the case and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the the missed the they towed how it's a kind of a $152.00 millimeters, maximum range, 28 kilometers on the
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system on the moon. but you knew before before. ready the information you went in those subsidiary, it just means it's closer to single force. and so for the key, of course, the year before, the other kind of chicata shall be able to study. so police and then we thought, what was your ways boy, do somebody been there we go. hardy was if you said one or 2. yeah. but the book, somebody been there and while your on the story,
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don't believe the golf course. we're still, we're still the we're still smart. you should see a little boy in your fall. let's go most of the things, but it was before you see what another show to try to schedule you for years, learn filled up with increasing the are we just some of us have been to the, the come back where somebody me in the with that from the users flipped up over the general part. it was the fluency in year 310, the word shifting cushion portion from the georgia tech own us through
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we did all sorts of household chores. store tell them, want try, cook food, contract equipment. it's important to know that soldiers don't live next to the guns. it's not safe. they get to that fine position to military vehicles. i was interested in a song to with the co sign, the trump card, co sign. so i that on given to just anyone, is a squad leader joyce's on board him. yeah. was it the, the green zone, you're still able to use some for the external. can you to come here with us? good, good. when you get in a set up with a small board, they used to program a point to the
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to as small cost. so profile cannot count about 203 millimeters, maximum range, 47 kilometers sooner than us. so stuff. welcome, save your soul, my brother also because there's almost going to them it was done, it's goodness enough, but this is the most affordable me to be cool. if you're nice to put your logo with the vehicle, i'm sure as to what the what the most. cuz you know, cuz you know that sort of thing with autism. but i'm not on my other design. it looks good less and you know it's, it's a lot to just see the students and she does have a pretty hard text cuz i know what do you see me and i didn't get into the list of with increase of one percent of
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the deluxe to the us the, to improve what is michelle? so i just wanna touch, can i walk you through the steps? like what are you going to be able to use the facebook to stay on the defensive kitchen items? so can you just a little bit when you get this? i think most people think of them that i'm so you leave them a know, but it's a good point. usually they should see
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the jackal down. yeah. the so the don't touch the federal so naturally extremely hot. at that moment, i realized that i chose some of these to capture launches. which by the way, is famous me man, by the youngest, come back the i've been to a different position or attempted the lives of several to, to recruit i so this isn't just random firing of individual guns at the intimate of the complex work of units linked together in
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the the, the station right here in the area as the direct result of such an is really operation which was on the pre sit dented and that gaza strip the death toll from the idea of hostage a rescue operation. nothing new throughout refugee camp and central garza reportedly passes 270 policy. so it had on the thousands of protesters around the white house calling for an in to washington
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