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tv   Documentary  RT  June 9, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

3:30 pm
up, i need to stress shift for shit, the collision between the wash, the video and content malicious to the kids using the push pull and give it to christie to get to the stages of cookies or should keeps just visuals, customer care, technical issues, associates to bring it to the show you exactly why given the b as in that sheets. is there any way for me to give that's fairly easy. this chest was made. some of them were similar to don't like wisdom. you have them with your laptops team down which that are comfortable, dental insurance, do you guys out there with that yet? you must be stuck and say last of all the, the port coy the question, my seeing that the new golf course is off a queen junior. she needs from the premier and both to says nights ago,
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it had been removed. the letter that is between his doctor coming to the most the when i send you and go through what he does have to get on the we on i'm assuming it's in the keep of an estimate. oh i see them have previously said it was too difficult to move to to push me to the left and let me assure you to see new ocean the chief of the problem that made it
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to us to the dog really is a month to month. the truth, especially for word press the sound all the while on to it into that then you know, you come when you, when you saw more can were using after now using and that was used to me very from long and i bought the
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merchandise we give you the machine, yours is blue. host the you, it's just the street address. you could send me, i just need everyone focused on the case. a couple different issues here. and you tried to put the you still have the accent on bus voice the board to must, can you check usually nice to see what i'm asking the other month on the each
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episode you don't last more you were just keeping each message trunk national. can we check the this, the really found the smart in the very, very easy but that he can he wasn't going to tell them as long as you, you close to over here at the voltage. so when there was any, will surely the 30 got them? now some clips, some photos give by some no, i would go, you just do that and then use that each of the
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last 4 minus minus 5. that's on the side of the phone with the bullets old folks think it on the book, but they might have business with the source of support. you know, somebody smells like there's no way to go by and so just to be able to see the the festival,
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the on the report. somebody here for the image is going to be, don't see you used to run your full name on your list of got the, [000:00:00;00] the zillow for multiple. so the sick what so you thought it the, the,
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the superfluous thing to show the doing. so would you window a phone that you used to got the computer doesn't, but it's a you basically so which is the use as they are still to the full the question logo, it will give you the number and i'm the font a bunch of season which it end up just because of what's on the desk grimley. let's click on the leo console for sure. and you'll see that i have to go to the deal with the, the one from 3. you did it for sure. why was that? came with the composer developing the it's just the phone,
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but the new super used to pull into them for use of the business. some of the soaps this of the system was the whole known issues with them. so get a chance of to with miss glenda jackson, the list of the civil war of those who are using
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the bottles of the bottle. so they can put somebody able to take the a gina machine years the wheelchair. the seat is to, for my guys, senior, my graduate, the channels that are available to, to do it or what it does. but i can actually of course, i'm good to to see if they get a new dentist. don't comfortable to move that to the auditors, but this new mark according to this boy came to the children. elizabeth tasha
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for the cleaning of of the show. me will you please call me back you sir. is to to get those things definitely because they had to ship a give shipping. it's about visual and you're going to have those submitted in each post of the shipping any cheese and the under the actual technical support that she will receive your prospects. fairly nice key because finding a device suffice i'll go into the day of what it was really just search what was going on with and then of alternate typing it took to get into the p. i've said that they intend that as a so this will data. so the going on was with shading them, i do most of the day,
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and this will perform samples of all good. if you run it will your couple joining your problem. so the guy who did use the cause me was received difficult for me to use these and you see where they both use the push or is part of still with issue. now we're unable on the in the mean he's on the vehicle ship waiting, insecure, commercial lifted me jago shogun. i need to know you called us when you come into the, you know, cover was good to me to the point. you know, if you can see when you feel surrender, you missed because i was to where, oh jessica was weird because of the commentary of someone just told me to somebody about the prevented me. it was of the for me just fucking doesn't trouble you this . and you've got some slip to see, i will be with you, but i still won't come back and i'm pretty sure if anyone else let's go for miss blocker. smooth was approved, but i would do this. i missed the folder here. i don't, you don't want the codes unless can you cook some beautiful, which also in your car? so what kind of that i'm thinking interesting picture i person balance,
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which means you only paid it as continue from but it's a auction. it was sent in which i will cut off about, but what it's going to do, let me call you the as a how are they a cps? because they can scroll, so i'd be search and then use their email. you're just going to send them to the urls, the non c theory of racial superiority finish style for years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war labor comes 10. prisons really well, you know, thing to do is go level. she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the
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chest really to get all the fields. i'm assuming people's going to be approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff, dudley level. it's a shift utility and i give you an idea. i'm not sure it's just the size of the stuff. so the youngest, i me, i'm not sure what the found in disease, forced labor to which you have by the word. so formulas. what was the last it also need you to continue the city irritable? if you're off with those who put in these 9, push the 6 up, the give you what feeling do to recreate the, those thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals? nothing more. when you look on here, you know, one or 2. so do you to speak of the did i tell you? yeah, for the good i see it are released upon me. they decided to do just got to do, please don't just do because people tell us then yet that was put in the middle of
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the it's the the
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only way to i need for you additional visual and we're showing through you guys, you have the need for free and reduced application. so it is nice to hear what the rest of this community is it gonna be just good? i was just gonna see if i knew what the problem is. i can look the should each. so the search book, some of the symbol you are pretty good shape units as you can give me. oh so no for me in the the case of an interesting machine continues to do the same and continue the search page for the machine. the whole interested in the loop. indigenous man. his vision is i knew a chance story to him or night. a 5th to 90 mission is to for that. but to southern trust insurance and virginia beach, in finance, or for one guy,
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13th or my you awarded the printer's arrived need to do to do what do you think apologize to you. but just to avoid losing the kind of symbols of the shocks. his mother said she has not used to do that too good. that's what we're supposed to be sure of as soon as you get those anyway and the solution should be extra to estimate the size. that's new to
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the piece of the machine for you to see that you love the foldable bullet points on they'll come and get them into parts of the company. dave, the couple in the show, just as i thought it, was you a whole bunch of those been used for now? so the cut off was the conversation about this. i shall fall into a new, i'm not sure if they're necessary conducted others yet, but somebody got better still to pursue, to compete with those do produced, you know, showing the whole look of my notes. i spoke with the uh, the desktop and half as to what's the deal with that one before the silver simply
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meant to get the orange lincoln watches will show them some bro and get the illusion the spokesmen want. i'm not going to put to the doctor if you have not them it doesn't let us look else. what does it take? so what is it really wonderful to do the game? so because i'm able to do them both the simple, which just because we will talk soon for the same machine. yes. for your machine. and then you find your 5 digit trip to
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the to code. you can see all of the 3 of the, to the judge, the on your cell in the plows, you normally do you level, you want to change the yellow to discuss of it and they let them know. ok,
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can i said, which was the male or form the control guy and we could use a city of the us 300 was for solace from a gallon as simple as the whole go the when you wanted to come, we don't want them. i, as in larry, i as in your, your valez in your blood on, you must get a bonus for you with the coming up system. you get enough home to me and you put your stickers, bounce gift, which is the, what is the found? the total was i just hope people normally have c y m, c, g learning. come continues my, you to see of the young people that have come up with what about for you to me? you partition since the
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just to get your new as soon as you have to ship the the but as much as as nice stuff we're going to be sent to the phone is by in the shade itself machine would change by the law. let them physically. i don't know what is the push? jessica smith is going to the public
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a chapter that too much buffering. you can use this passion about the toaster. when you need for research, which you have to prove. now you have to type in you my drugs because i'm assuming you're probably the best time to put in the truth about 20 bucks off of the money to the metric on the public key and put them thank you for. can you put a pseudo street to pretty much to cope 11 and yeah, that's what brings you in a good use of what on the use of which this the top of the she needs fit to zip up to who knows more from what it's mostly to convey to them provided the process of what can catch the top of the business. and then how did they do? well, let me know what's going on, which is all the sales, which items the most as a mom was
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a problem which has meal too much to send them with them for the so i will shoot you an update as a flexible on look at the price cuz i will go with them, is it just basically the scraping you might do moving to step up over here. so it's a bit of one of the scores going. yep. if you pick up the yellow dot, the, you know, split zone. if this guy, 3 minute on the go, right, what's the cause of a new partial special just going to prepare with i'm you'll come what you'll be set them to put them on top of knowing you the data mama knowing yeah, they might be giving us the chinese for the through the those i chose to and
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the cause or simply the inferior so the court, jessica, go to bed, which they used to to me before she go to or to thing if you please function. yes, i do, but you just scrolling once, read them. let me know lou maureen, could you help us the most that it was because i know still loop so that i screwed up the debate. you could please write the book away and what you want me to do with flushes because one could on page him with kid if he had different most of the lease of the yeah. well, just curious to me, i wish to schedule him for a piece of these deals. get a hold of, you know, stuff,
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kid. especially because we can continue with this thing. he sold it to you when we were skeptical to felt. so to my wish, i'm within the end of a, a dozen you're familiar with that while i'm going to see a specialist in it and it shows, he says, because a lot of the to monica to a private is $68.00, which is only because of the godaddy for those days. and you my stronger these couple of things here that you would have somebody wash or say it's good to void of fullness to, to doesn't the perfect will difficult. it doesn't look good. you measuring your bushing, you use some of those to begin to finish. can you just build up as good as she goes on that as cost? much which is ease of use and maintenance. rise
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to advise me when do you use you guys to me? yes. but i wasn't interested to come with the blue lights on the website is trustworthy, but just don't use such a full professional that's on which jim was just the front belief. just wondering if i beat each bishop is up with you. that that's the simplest. so because i think he said less than godaddy to get the mobile data is limited to the concept
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the so i don't know if i might send a sick day or to switch or just see a testing because i'm like i and that's most or see if i did the same wrong just don't you have to save house after and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground
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the. the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community. best ingles i'll send, send up the same assistance to bob must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz vote net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say you requested the
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spot in the silver? so the, somebody how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from a country whose top officials constantly complain about shortages of munitions and military equipments. destroyed locating the booth but of boston low cream and maybe elbow in your system and below grade level nominal facility or some of those other slash we, i'm about to the easiest you to know. and they also want to know, we have more of an easy somebody mobile bubble. a full well nice day to kind of get used to have gone on the why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world. to turn this country into a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally use that they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well that we don't sell but known as pineapples or any kind of children's toys. we sell women's yes,
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we're also known in the world as items dealers that we must not be ashamed of them the he must stay hidden right here in the area as the direct result of such as is really operation which was on the president. it ends at garza threat, the death toll from the adf operation up in new serrato refugee camp in central jobs that reportedly passes. 270 palace, the indians pole to ahead. the governments including those in germany and france brace from refreshing the fates, by national as parties in griffin, parliamentary elections, the hon. gary leaders, stays the vote. it's about a choice between war and peace. and in india and the rent remote a text field with us prime minister after winning


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