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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  June 9, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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they want them to your be, is all sending, i guess for i said this is supposed to be our call center. we have to get it on the same. come to that. so would you mind in the same really is completely and whether the us administration no device to choose an instruction easily over euro. and at the end of the day they can make as many mistakes as possible. they don't pay for it because they know comfortable. now in certain countries for weeks on and it's everywhere and you go into that buying get pride flag. you take your children to school a pride, bonner, the name of the rainbow, m little marketing. a sodium celebration of gay rights for the full month is on the present. next, the most communal. she'll ask, what's the point of being proven with such wall to wall coverage in 2024? that's right ahead. the
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take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion, by how of tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just as a chosen for you? fractured images, presented is, but can you see through their illusion going underground can the
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way everybody welcome back to moscow and welcome back to the moscow mules. i'm shaped bows. i'm still here. and so is my intrepid body at all the professor of this information, ology at this information center for counter dest information at moscow, state university of this information. of course that doesn't exist, but i'm going to pretend that those like they do in the west. this week we're going to take a trip around the globe, lifted the lid on the grubbing us the nastiness, the stealing the fake reading the crockery out. of course, this month, this pride month now, the russians had their pride month last month may, may, the 9th, in particular, when most ocean for very proud of the soldiers, the men and women to form the backbone of a great nation. looking back over their glorious history and europe in the usa,
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if you're lucky enough, to have to be forced into watching grown men and women with their testicles and to the bits hanging out, walking down the main stream in your town with their, their assets dipped in multi colored paid at you know, all about pride month. it's all about choice after all. and not right now. oh yeah, of course is not gay. there actually no gays in russia that an okay, i'll use a gable. his boyfriend is we don't have any guys here in russia. it's absolutely gay free. so gay fest starts in philadelphia city, philadelphia cream cheese. you might be slightly pulled off and it starts with a drag queen. event based degree, middle age man, as some of them will be stressed as women with a gaudy make up. i'm not talking about your ex girlfriends. i'm talking about the philadelphia drag queen event. and even mcginnis book of records was asked to attend. they want it to make it the biggest story telling event where these
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a tribute checkers in uh, you know, cheap outfits. a tell stories to little kids. most of them are kids of a $286.00 of them are children right on the on the video. i mean, what is this about course the literacy program for success through life my mom's early in. well, we already use this. ok. you to show kids, i mean, what is this about as the thoughts full of a choice and freedom where it's a choice, the freedom of the kids who gets off the kids is this okay. you know, what is this? well, uh, washington post actually writes the philadelphia leaders,
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vernon mission to attract a record saving number of guess. so a drug event kicking off the price month. yeah, because that's what it's all about, isn't it? because while you're of course, the most important thing in philadelphia is, uh, the ability to dress up as a lady or as a guy, depending on whichever where you're swinging on saturday. that's what's really fundamentally important to all the people in philadelphia to the taxpayers. it ain't about the drive by shootings. the 1300 unintentional drug overdose. that's oh, that's matters. it's all about getting your, your boob young and even the f b. i fellows, binding incessantly. it is the federal bureau of investigation that the boys of even got their tools out. i'm talking about their weapons and they're getting down with the funky people. do it the yeah. i just love one of these guys to come around and investigate me some like
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the oh my god, that sucks the literally of course, it just so happens that the f b, i didn't bother to investigate the crimes of a very famous or infamous american gymnastics trainer loreno sir laurie was a serial p to for a rapist and abuser. at the epi, i didn't seem to notice, and they just have to pay out a $138000000.00 in order to get the kids off their back if you know. okay, well you know, we are way from beautiful philadelphia full of cream cheese fellows binding incessantly. i feel like i'm going to head to the land of you crohn style. zalinski is to facto dictatorship where you can get dragged off the street says that to me kind of absolutely no worries there. you can get punched in the gob. you can get
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shots that your cache can get robbed, but you can also be gay and be gay. would price, of course, even as of the infamous, as of the target, the darlings of dumbass, the people raped, shot, murdered, and terrorized the whole community for the 10 years. i mean, as our boys have even bought in the l g b t to queerness run it all you really? so this is, oh sure, because there's the roof sign go, you know, which is the standard symbol on an as of the battalion badge, which of course is an ss symbol and of the assessment of their king. they like to dress up to like give it a slap and tickle sort of the boys for miles off apparently. and not only that, as you know, into sam, sneezes and ukraine catches a cold. it seems hoping to catch anything else for off the boys. now they've been forced is a l g b t q parade in key f as well. and, you know,
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whatever for us on the boys, the lid, tards decide to put down their 10 pigs in the country. you're expected to paint your street crossings in the gain colors. you're also expected to paint one of your big monuments, including what used to be called a friendship box. and you tracking that what's called the maybe it's called the os arch room. it used to be called the friendship arch. what isn't, isn't it? isn't ukraine a very conservative country? i thought it was a conservative country. you know about the steps of i thought the us state department road in the last 5 or 6 reports that l g b, t, people get a terrible hard time and, and you find, so speaking a bit, america sneezing on the ukraine, catching a cold on cassandra minds that you get with the program and ukraine, a new law is being passed, suggesting that everybody involved the politics there has to learn how to speak english. now it doesn't help if you've been punched in the head about 4000 times
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consistently for the 20 years. for the all cognitive skills, i guess who's decided to be the poster boy for, i'm going to learn english and you find the and part of us. let's go to all mystically, just go on the videos for support. the yes, what was what we have in the as was yes. the make makes that and that the front door to the back door the such them have to just whole not that we can this is just the same, the fun ages. you watch the whole thing. it's terrible. yeah, yeah. actually start to feel sorry for imagine zelinski disappears to his villa,
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and this do takes over. so as we mentioned, you know, ukraine is quite a conservative country like russia. and the church is very important here. shock, horror. and guess what they decided to do in ukraine as to the orthodox church, the russian orthodox church rejected ukraine. you know, doctor, it's gets a bit complicated. but they decided to make the head of the the orthodox church in ukraine. actually step on a flag of russian flag classy but with a face of a petri ark. camille, essentially the boss of the church. these guys have real class, these guys we, we know how to put on the, the smooth hand stuff, check it out really. all you and now what i find interesting about this is the ukranian a little neil nazi standing here out at the gate of the church in fis on. i think the better call who is the boss of the local church there at walking across the fly
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be watching he very delicately side steps over to korea's face. nice work full. so it doesn't in there when you manage to empty out the little church in the village of all the old above boesky, dead, blue sky, all the old people who uh, you know, built their lives around these very ancient buildings and this culture. what do you do next? maybe make it into the community center may be dedicated to the well being of the people even if it's not religious. no, let's pull on a freak show. say tonic rock concert in there. just a woman that assaulted the woods. was there all the you got, you got to have the mask or you're gonna have to print from us there. so i'm just adding that extra bit of class. right? they go there is of course to them. what does exactly what he would be doing on the side of the nothing? it's just a free chip. now remember that the head of the church in ukraine is to give him 5
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years in prison as well for the crime of what exactly. it's like saying that, you know, we should bind store be ice cream because lot of them are poor likes it. it's just ridiculous. so why ukraine is busy destroying itself, eating itself alive for uncle sam on earth level under lawyer. all these european values on this liberalism, it's such, such a healthy thing, right? so healthy. the if a woman intervenes to stop the abduction of another pre deceased member of the dictator, zalinski his army, the commissar the kid i've come to, sir, can you smash her face into the ground? i should do in any liberal society run it there on the really close man look believe, well look of the to a woman, the who are these people like where do they get them from what it was or send those? well, the 1st of the front, so it's a back to europe,
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the heartland of democracy and freedom who are doing a great job of training. zalinski is a brutal and volunteers how to build people in ukraine. let's go to germany. i my favorite place to be here in the summer time having a part of the bill at the side of the lake side watching or my friends head off to the store. but in serious there's a drum using a lot of trouble at $214000.00 acts of violence, criminal violence, and that's of 8.8 percent or last year. of course you got to ask yourself when you're selling all your military equipment people, resorts is to ukraine. there's not much left to pay. the cups now told her about the cops in germany. they have interesting methods of training at the moment. uh, we would like trouble. com suppressed a police force and help hands over there for each
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do it what. what is this? fathers? cloth all is see or cloth. fantastic. fantastic. and it doesn't. it there for parole. deutschland at berlin, the heartland of freedom, not our democracy. and european values is now a very dangerous place to be, and only 60 percent of crimes gets solved. that means 40 percent of stealing and rapes and attacks and violets just go down the drain. no, somebody isn't too worried about us. a friend us of on the liar, she seems to be absolutely delighted with germany on this direction. all broad life from for a bunker underneath the volcano, rugged security group in the name of jesus. directed this. what is this?
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this is like an elderly lady running to a field. that's why i'm running. so while ursa rooms away from her own crime statistics, probably, i don't know. she looks like she try to escape from the nursing home. it's also interesting the person that wants to tell you what you believe, what you don't believe before you actually believe or think it was called pre booking. now remember it is gave pride month. now priest bunking is pre bunking. now. ursula is not the only fruitcake in europe who wants to drag us towards or what freight as part of our re election manifesto. so the conservative, i'm probably labor. well, one guy who isn't too much of a big fan of the war and ukraine are generally the whole miller tries to your auntie annihilation of the products. how terrible pearl knowledge of rush, he doesn't seem to popular at some corners of the u. k. all the video there really
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is milkshake spring all the voice of years. so parole noise, your good a good dosing and milkshakes until the override for to the appointment is to go to a blast of a milk shake and a park in orland. about 2 years ago and they never could find the woman who did it to him diploma. of course, the brain disease of climate change and l g b t q. nazi isn't, isn't just confined to the u. k. r europe. it also has spread to their old pals. me, they actually settled canada as neo king charlie. still in charge of the old can i use the might pursue or might and in the canadian parliament, a guy called mark holland, and he's to minister for health. he's absolutely obsessed and preoccupied with a well being of your kids the health diet. you know, of course he is always not what he's obsessed with this thing up your holiday. when you want to take your kids down to the forest down to the beach in the old car,
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it's a crime against humanity. now on the video of the honorable minister of health for speaker, good news kids, you can take a summer fun time vacation where you're locked in a car for 10 consecutive days, non stop with no bathroom breaks. and we can sort of how to plan for you to have that summer time funding. because jim bob, the future of the planet, the, the kids that if you to the plan that you've seen turkey units can bo toys, kids or the future of the planet. we need more kids, fish who need to listen to this climate insanity, l g, b t. if these one of those either way, we wouldn't have any kids. because guess what? news flash, 2 guys buying in each other and the fellows buying incessantly. i know where to go have a baby, and we won't have anybody to populate the implement the screwed up of course,
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and we have to commemorate the day, the tragic sacrifice of french civilians who are massacred by allied bombers, who flew over an indiscriminately annihilated a 162 towns murdering them all in a blind carpet bombing and basically a mass of girlfriends civilians on the day. oh yeah, there was 4000. all right, so i'll just try to, but speak of the day. there was also some canadian soldiers involved there. you in a toilet, when they bought elder, mister hunker to the parliament and gave him a slap on the back, the old ss of ours. but the canadians also took part of the day and guess who turned off at the beach is sleepy. joe, our old friend, i organises all absolute use just so that we should not take the piss out of or else the be joe anymore. but i say we should, because i think he's a genocidal maniac. halfway down the cloud. now check it out. joe decided after making a reading a few words off a card or off a teleprompter that he wanted to have an old sit down. and now there was
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a slight problem with us. i had the right know chairs on the stage, run the video of who your furniture for me. look, watch the wife. stand up. you stand up. yep. j or what? she's, she's with bringing this year. please joe, there's no chair there or he's sitting down watch. there's dr. the font them chair . if this was in a gay bar, he could have turned the chair upside down. and 4 people could have got to sit down . so speak of a sleepy joe at he's weapon always the just the system against the next president, the united states. serious stuff, you know, trying to screw your opponent before an election, even though you don't even know what year it is, what day it is or what your name is. you know, take a seat as we see. what else? maybe joe is also getting it in the neck from all the big don. you've got a honda trump piece, golf balls of steel,
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and he has no problem even though he's facing a terrible onslaught from the democratic live cards in the states. he still knows how to rip the piece out of all sleepy joe wrote their all your best to see this is great. this one never gets old. who denny goes. i love this. i mean, this isn't getting any better guys. you know, biology, the, when you elect a president who's 5 years older than the average survival age of an american males . this is what happens. it's a shock. he's really doesn't know what's going on. the only the good thing about this is guys. if we do have a nuclear war with russia here, probably seen bomb the wrong country present. the russians have watched the ghost. oh sure. okay. bars streaming. so is the sleepy joe. uh,
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slow motion car crash continues its just getting worse and worse. actually, i'm starting to agree with argue that it's like clubbing, a seal on the incident in the states, people are getting more more freaked out by a sleepy jose incompetence and lack of a capabilities around the country. and we've got a very funny video check this out, somebody over door to conversation between the concerned cop and the president runner rug. okay, so basically everything's because of you. the border is wide open of drugs reporting and so that your step son can get high while he parties with prostitutes . and on behalf of my colleagues, please go for yourself. can you repeat what he just said? sure, sir. what am i calling just said is that we fall in here and we would all like you to go through. so do you agree where it is? you said he's gonna sit down now on the chair and it's not there. it's like the
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cocaine. that wasn't there. when it's on the, it didn't the, the what else of said, what a joke by sit you while sleepy joe was having a conversation with the law and order people, kamala, the only woman in politics in the united states that's actually made look smart by sleepy joe. she went on the jimmy kimmel show, big show, big deal, but things didn't work out exactly as oh, kamala, the calculating thing. freak that she is. it didn't work it, it's a well for run on the q, latham know, can well use the last a lot, right? that'd be so things, ways you off a know, you maybe shipping snowden off caves, garfield, or maybe she should be thinking a bit more about where she's be or where she's going. how seems to be, as opposed to how things are. maybe that's something that you should just pull out
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the bike. so the audience that old jimmy kimmel gives it in the neck to old kamala, who has a ph. d. and there's 2 pity. it's also important to remember what they were given out to are about this growth task solved on gaza, which keeps going back and said he was gonna stop. so what was your bill appear? it's all complete. both the killing goes on the deaths. go on the start of ation under brutality. and in the midst of all this in humanity, there is humanity on the video of the case, a very poignant video, is it, it's very poignant. it just says something of ethics in humanity. but the human will be that still exist. look at this is like an apocalyptic reality for this. my friends is what are some of on the lawyer and which you, which to knock on the boys would like you to look like in about 6 months time is
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the key token of skin bear and the bombing nuclear side solution knows we could all behave in our skin breakfast at the opening, if you know what i mean, i'll be down into a gay bar in the st. petersburg. no one ever goes in there. well that brings us to the end of another was to stop tour of spill decline and show goes on the west. and the leads are very focused on telling you that you are very privilege because you can paint a pedestrian crossing the color of a rainbow. a grown man can drop his testicles in a book of paint and waved them in your kids face. meanwhile, they're still funny genocide wars and making a lot of money out of us. and next week we'll be here to tell you yet again, just how they do see that the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, by the early 1950 can you, it became one of the centers of resistance to colonialism if africa, the british invaders infringed on the most basic rights of the local population, great britain pursued the policy of squeezing out the local population from their indigenous lands. the best airable areas were given to white farmers,
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dooming canyon step father d and hunger. this caused the sharp protest of the peasants and led to the emerging of the mile mile movement, which started the fight against the invaders. the rebels called themselves canyon, land and freedom army. the spiritual leader of the movement would be anti colonial, active as jo, mo, kenyatta to freedom fighters used guerrilla tactics and attacked the individual units of the british troops. the latter responded with massive air raids and artillery effects. when suppressing the uprise of london relied on the maximum cruelty over $50000.00 kenyans were killed. about 300000 people were thrown into prisons and concentration camps, where george here in no way inferior enrolls the to the nazis, was widely practiced. the veracity of the colonial list only led the temporary success. in 1963, the british empire had to recognize the independence of gain yet,
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however, the colonial regime left behind a trail of blood and wounds that canyon nation has not recovered from on sale. now, [000:00:00;00] the russian states never as tired as on the phone in the most sense community best assume that again, i'll send, send up the, the keys on that is to progress. did you one else calls question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on russia cruising and split the ortiz full neck, keeping our video agency,
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roughly all the band on youtube. the said this was a request which is the known in vietnam era to the vietnam war. last, it's almost 2 decades and drained in numerous countries. not any time we have now, and then you don't really know what it all. i'm emptied, hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to bank the south vietnamese on me. i got the american soldiers loaded resistors, most of us like the down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals. and lee lead up day by all right. did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on
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the, via the means? veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah. yeah. that's that way. it's too late. but yeah, the, the ukraine in leadership will probably be happy to have a low intensity conflict of constant martial low and void elections and continued engaging external uh, financial assistance precisely because then the stem that their space will be much more difficult to pass or the huge spending on the train through the
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american, then you're being far one of the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, the station right here in the area as the direct result of such as is really operation which was on the president. it. and that goes us to read the death toll from the idea of separation up. the new surround refugee camp in central gallons, a reportedly policies, 270 palestinians, also ahead. the governments, including those in germany in front brace for crushing defeats by nationalists


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