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tv   News  RT  June 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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the, the mistaken right here in the area as the direct result of such as really operation which was on the president it. and that causes us to grab the depth tool from the idea of separation of the new surround refugee camp and central gas. it reportedly palaces, $270.00 palace. the indians also ahead from the government, including those in germany and france, race for crushing the fates by nationalist parties in europe and parliament elections on gary leaders. hayes, the vote is about the choice between one and peace over the spring conflict. and in india and the rendered moody takes the oath as prime minister after winning a rare 3rd term. it also seems i've had the world's most populous nation for
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another 5 years. the, the recap of our top stories for the past 7 days and rides up to the moment developments as well. hello, and welcome to the weekly the number of kill palestinians in israel's mazda of operation and central gas on saturday has risen to 274 according to the enclaves health ministry. the following is some from mich footage of the aftermath. when you may find the images disturbing, the dead and wounded from the idea of attack on the new surround refugee camp during which 4 is really hostages were rescued. i've been taken to the overburdened our acts. a hospital in durham along the bodies of the dead were then wrapped in blankets and laid on the ground. just relatives more and there was no and so on.
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so on the bill i got the i got the. 6 the, the well, this footage from mr. rod choose the destruction caused by strikes and the densely populated area for these really are forced upon many buildings to cover ground trips. among the hostages fried following gum bottles was a russian national with an idea of officer also killed in the process from us claims 3 other account. that's one of them. a us citizen were killed in the rescue operation. we've not been able to independently verify that a local journalist sent us this report from the c a wide spread divest ation. and
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the area where is really military was able, along with these really intelligence, were able to evacuate 4 of these really hostages. while i've been here since october 7 bought the station right here in the area as the direct result of such an is really operation which was on the president it and the gaza strip of following the assembly one and drop off a few months ago. this is done as a ride to repeat, you can, one of the most densely populated neighborhoods a refuge account. and the middle area of the gaza strip were as well was able to carry out this, especially at military and intelligence operation. a part of the station that you might see here and the camera is about number as houses, number of houses of the population have been destroyed,
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a there partially completely because of the as railway military operation. right at this very particular location. and then no, sir, right river g jobs very close to the marketplace. and that is really bella to rate was able to come 1st like as a special force that's entered the area, especially for $84.00 intelligence support covered by a truck load. and i think that this guys just guys of people, this place, people carrying luggage is until they were discovered vice resistance to groups here. and no sir. roger got been to class a ruptured between the resistance on the invading all of the stormy and gets ready for suspicion. on the 4th, on to number a says rate of our place came over to the place to protect and safe guards. that special force that was able to, to evacuate the 4 hostages,
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closing this kind of give a station according to law. cuz here, there have been, there have been many houses destroyed, and others partially destroyed, along with that human casual that this majority of them wherever evacuated to the nearby allow dogs to be jealous and dentist that raj refugee camp. we are now joined by one of the witnesses who were present available when the special was radio operation took place and the area only when we were firing from everywhere from vessels, more plants, including and patches. there were all types of me sauce and bullets. my children and i miraculously survived the fire. the rocket crashed into my ceiling and fell near us while we were fleeing late and i got the and my son was shot from a war plane right here. while he was running to a nearby under a run school, i ran after him to check on him and by then he had uttered his last prayer while he was looking at me. my sweetheart looked at me when he was killed right at the spot
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. for the garden, when we were sitting at home, when suddenly we heard the bombardment, my father asked us to go out saying apparently there were special forces in the area. he asked us to go to the school and when we were going there, i didn't see, let's get hit. so we stayed at the school for a couple of hours. i had injuries in my abdomen, hand and my neck and was just off and just was the about. oh we thought the most i'm beauticians should have known most of us of the month to the substance of the body. sions. it is one of the additions nor, and all of our lives is really also shows mainly these are a private as to or baby to, to the all describe just of days i've been tory, a special operation. and this arrives can as a sexes, full operation. and the further said that he would bring an end to that problem, a push to his radio. and so using gauze off by that particular way or by some other
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ways. money is ray is including officials on the list and the families of as realistic is thank god is the government to bring gun in to do that? or do you know, plus to use by means of vigorous jason's and reaching out the agreement with us. a lot of us have us party and it's the intensive efforts, bye, of mediation by concerned boxes, including united states, the agents, and got r, v. as long as to most part to from that spot, the live as folks person of that, how much is up short minutes went up to what is it you know cosign said, and i read this in the rate to this statement. that's what's happened yesterday. and just say right, uh, what is where is that would influence would affect that situation of the other is there 80 hostages and, and that to resurrect that statement. also suggested that a few or some of the hostages, where kids during the intensive as where 85 are on the most,
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i ride to repeat gun. that's it, led to that, the 3, the freedom of far as radio also use the including $11.00 then, and the 3 men, and also a coast a why disparate destruction and devastation and the most densely populated refugee kind of in the middle area. well, some of these must killing of thousands has sparked a global life dry, so it's not forget, condemned israel for quote, targeting hundreds of civilians for the sake of freeing for hostages. the organization of islamic cooperation from the attack as well. labeling as an example of organized genocide and the un special robert toured on palestine weighed in anger. bias relief fits using ation, military and truck for cover during their deadly rate. relieved that for hostages had been released, it should not come at the expense of at least $200.00 palestinians killed,
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including children, and over $400.00 injured by israel and allegedly foreign soldiers. well, per city, a slave hiding and in a truck. this humanitarian camouflage at another level, israel could have fried all hostages, alive and intact 8 months ago when the 1st seas fire and hostage exchange was put on the table, get israel refused, in order to continue to destroy garza and the palestinians as a people. meanwhile, is really work comp administer benny guns has a non says resignation from the coalition government in a blow to benjamin netanyahu. he accused the prime minister of refusing to agree to a plum that would see the release of all remaining hostages from gaza. guns says also urged netanyahu to call this comp election was released have been rolling against the government for months. so citizens the month to cease fire. i'm prisoners swap deal with her mouth tel aviv based journalist. them your order and
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believes, pending against his resignation, is primarily aimed at bolstering his own political career. of what happened a few weeks ago, was the emergency and was given that in which she gone. so it was a member didn't sign on on and it cut me all the plan which is loved by them expose 10 days ago. but need to know is not the following up on these old plan. and the young child said that the not busy, not obviously be the reuse at conversion. so entrance between nathaniel bender and smoked rage, they all the world to go on. they don't want the ceasefire, even though it would be as well as the interest both in garza and the level and the moderate forces is rank, which according to all public opinion polls headed in a jo, repeat, but they don't have a chance to probate. they are now going to go a less into the gun safe and not following guns. well,
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he has tried several times over the last 5 years uh to run for a prime minister. and he was very close to me by the side of the joint forces with is arch rival nathaniel, which gave him a very weak image of the letter writing. the wheezy stall, mentor. no, the, the hoster joe rescue operation had nothing to do. is it only he didn't want uh, the photo opportunity. the press started for is to take place on that very night by people that resign, send, use letter of resignation and football. the pressed on things until tonight? no. yes, he does want to be prime minister. right now. he's not the leaving opposition. member. yeah, you're lucky. the former prime minister for several months has 3 times the number of members of goodness a gun says, but according to the public opinion,
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polls guns. yeah, we'll, i'll only none of the last day. we'll have to join forces all of them and dropping it. then you saw the sins of protesters surrounded the white house on saturday, calling on washington to stop supporting is really actions in gaza and help bring it in to the inpatient the pro. it's shown to the anti war protests while carrying a long red banner on the us capital street. so it's meant to symbolize the so called red line and present them biting through a head of israel launching. it's a sold on the southern blue scales and city of an alpha frequent guess the of the program. human a labor rights attorney done public was among those rally. you spoke with us from the heart of the protest. dc
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the genocide and the you know, the, the slaughter of over to the office and we are saying no to that. and what we've done is put up this red line around the white house, which you can see the message that we have is we have a red line for israel, which would cause him to stop supporting israel. the people in the us have to be the red symbolized and inspire people from all over the
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united states and the genocide. god more images here from the protest outside. the whitehouse do finding himself incidentally as in front of on the official visits for talks. he said there is real house, his full barking to bring all the remaining hostages home, but failed to mention the huge number of published in the lives lost in this weekend operation. one echo printed with cones, comments well coming to say fresh keeping for hostages. that are returned to their families who's going to stop working until all the hostages come home and a cease fire is reached. that is essential to happen. another video from the protests in the american capital shows active us throwing items police. they also installed a small phone on a statue located across from the white house,
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covering it in pro palestine, graffiti and imperialist commentator on academic down the show told us he believes the u. s. leaders legacy will be washington. support of the idea of support must occur. incomes joe biden will be remembered is genocide, jo, giving card blinds the green light to the genocidal. colonial is really projects to leave guys a desolate, bombed out desert. one study found that at this point is really the forces of occupation have dropped the equivalent of some 9 here. she monotonic bombs on guys in a tiny ghetto. the march today that surrounded the white house calls upon humanity, calls upon china, russia. the brakes plus nations to stop this genocide.
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because the united states is not gonna stop at the west is not going to stop. the polls have closed in an election that will shape the european parliament in stroudsburg for the next 5 years. tens of millions of the use citizens helping casting their ballots. over the past number of days, the official results are expected at some stage on monday. now hungry and liter, victor, or band shirt. his take on the gravity of the vote that comes in mid a split among you members over the ukraine conflict or i've never seen the case. the one issue like the piece and we'll have just to day would be sol. so mean a thing in almost the, in the all you will be on the unit on countries. so the selection is the, you won't be, i'm on these up membership elections. it's more than happy to employ your role beyond role peaceful reward election. so i think the 1st message on the 1st bullet grounds we have to take on the and the role is a,
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what was the you don't be an opinion you, you don't see and people on the board and see. so i hope you feel that piece of majority as outcome of this election. but projections have right wing parties searching in the election countries like france, germany, austria, spain, in the netherlands, all seeing a rising popularity of nationalist. in contrast, leaders including a french president, the money on the crown german chancellor love shows they are seeing their allies lose many seats in the european parliament. some. busy of the opposition parties of picking a strong spence against such thing. russia and sending lessons to frame. we discuss that with tier 2 world and a very large political coming to the use of our and he's been watching the voting and brought when we look at the opinion polls and the exit polls and from just talk to people around, i think it's very obvious that there is a rising popularity in the far right. and what i mean,
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rising popularity in the far right, not just one country. this seems to be more of an e wide phenomenon. we looked at france with the national riley party, italy with the brothers of italy, party germany with a fee. it's rising romania with a you are poland, with the i s. spain, with the box. everywhere you look, there is a far right party that has searched in the polls, but there's again in the best in belgium, in the office, 3 of their set to win their become the number one party. and that's the understanding that people right now are unhappy with to that centers left wing position that has dominated europe over the past 5 years. and they want to see a change in thinking, or at least give the hard right in the far right, more of a chance, the conflict between ukraine and russia. i think many europeans are unhappy with the way that conflict is going. there's just as never ending a bundle of european tax payer money's on to ukraine and they haven't seen the
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results that they wanted or expected. so they wants to see a diplomatic track opened as well. they want to see some type of avenue that's leading towards the something besides just military support. so that's been one of the reasons why the far right has gotten popular. and again, the cost of living prices. that's also been huge. we've seen farmer protests throughout europe over these past couple of months. one of the most important comments came from how gary's prime minister, victor, or bon. he said that this is a boat, basically a referendum for peace or war. he says, you have the pro piece factions and you have the pro war factions any talk. see you said that he hope that the pro peace sections with when and when we look at the rising energy prices over the past 2 years. we've looked at the restrictions on trade. how that is complicated global trade, which is already complicated enough. it's made a lot of people's lives tougher. i don't think it's change the realities on the
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ground in ukraine at all. i think there was a big chance to avoid the conflicts from the very beginning, but the diplomatic track was greatly ignored. and i think a lot of people are understanding this. they're seeing this. a lot of voters are seeing this and that they're saying it's time for a new class of politicians to come in that are looking at the conflicts from a different angle. and dad are prepared to create alternative solutions. that big news emerging from from snellville election has been called heads off for the countries president conceited. his ruling party sizable defeat at the hands of rena pens national rally in the election. and manual mcfarland has not dissolved the national assembly with a vote to the side, the next parliament set for the end of the month with a 2nd brian to follow in july of the plastic. but also, you know, think of the main lesson is clear. this is not a good result for the parties to defend you or including the presidential majority . it is a situation to which i rise of nationalist and demagogues is a danger not only for our nation,
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but also for you up and for fonts is place in europe and the world will next door. germany is ruling social democrats are doubling done, and damage control after exit. polls show they were pushed to a 2 3rd in the european parliament, both that is the worst placing and a national ballot since the party was funded over a century ago. it is today, it is very clear to us that there cannot be a woman or a man at the head of europe who can be elected with the votes of right wing populace and right wing radicals. and we are very, very clear on that. this is an office, especially if you know the history of social democracy, then you know that for all of us and for us at the top of the cd, such a frustrating result is not a reason to bury our heads in the sand, but to say it is now more than ever a foreign policy. ellison m e p. advise our martin jurist told us, europeans have over willingly voted for parties but, but their interest 1st are many, many media say about the rise of the far right into, into european countries. i would say to differently,
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i would not say about the far right. it's just right the right, this bar do. so maybe we can call them picture of the cause or what the nationalized state or populist, because they are much uh, oriented to their own people to make sure we see over these parties of this picture of the parties are against the sanctions, i would say. and we see mainly in the central and eastern europe, mostly parties who are saying something like stop sanctions. so we want to to buy a cheap energies. so these bodies in european countries which are rising in percentage, they are saying about, okay, all our own people, our own country, 1st ahead of the policy, it least deputy prime minister or just. ringback a you citizens, the votes against the left wing parties, which he accused of seeking this far world war 3. we've got plenty on the plus at
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plenty of in depth coverage. all the european elections over at r t dot com the historic day in india. prime minister and a rendered moody has been sworn in for a 3rd term, the coming only the 2nd indian leader to achieve the fates. the ceremony took place of the president's residence in new delhi. as mister moody took the oath of office cheering erupt that from the huge crowd had gathered to watch or t correspondent, vengeance sharma is in the nation's company. a very important moment, beginning of a new government in india, also very historic and many sends the readings and more the now have become the only 2nd prime minister in the country to have phone in to have go to the consecutive job in the office. this time is going to be a bit different considering that it's a coalition government. it's not just a beach of the majority, but it's
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a coalition. it's in the national democratic aligns which is another use of more these um tablet administer. but also the alliances which have helped him for most government this time because remember, he did not get on his own a majority in the house, but in that particular to his chart, etc. many, we've seen a piece that we had with steve supported by did learn practice in attendance. this is me fall a bond love ac long files from all these more issues should be she has failed. and these, of course, in line with india's naples says policy are very important down in the sense that we be seeing some details, for example, of the progress of patient bodies. remember, fairly newly elected um, abroad president there, but also i remember he's in the out campaign. after he got into hobble, we saw that the indian army was sent all of the more the photo. but of course fiji is a consumer relationship. pull around for india. remember,
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because also after he bought it, the father of his 1st of most of china was indeed a 2 part of the same china and focused on that of most on notion by the doctors in this particular historic setting. many when not just studies and movie, but also 72 minutes of us. one again, in fact, uh, this is a mix of the cabinet ministers and cookie minnes double states. and david presents around $24.00 seats in india, actually walked up to the, from the dogs. i talked to india stands full of this is the presentation was we present these is fox movies, cabinet administer from 3 point to the focus really is going to be on duty this time on. most of the leaders, most of the cabinets village says also we've been sworn in a warm in this stuff before that for, for you is something that might,
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that might switch from one another. but that is something that we wouldn't have clarity on. perhaps the in the to the, to model. what is also interesting is the part, the during the body president, chief. now jason, the, you're going to be both states, the prime minister and the cabinets. and this does for a, did not need to, to do some western powers or actually aiming to exploit a north help you crazy. that's according to the hung gary and prime minister of speaking to a local news channel. victor obama said key of it was a lot to the countries that have been sponsoring its government for years. as a result, those states can eventually scoop off ukraine's natural resources to wash away its debt. the story about added stuffs, he believes that is the main reason the west is keeping the world going on. the hon gary and leaders words appeared to have been confirmed by a prominent us republican senator lindsey graham, as openly said that your brains,
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massive dead means it's natural riches are ripe for the taking the what the truck do to get the weapon slowing. he created a loan system, they're sitting on $10.00 to $12000.00 of critical minerals in and you train, they could be the richest country and all of europe. i don't want to give that money and those assets to put into a share with china. if we help ukraine now, they can become the best business partner wherever dreamed of that. $10.00 to $12000.00 are critical mineral assets to be used by you train and the west not given to put in china. this is a very big deal. how you train in less help, the when a war we can't afford to lose less find a solution to this war, but they're sitting on a goal mind to give to 10 or 12 tree and dollars are critical. minerals that he will share with china is ridiculous. for 5 years in prison, for ignoring
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a draft notice, the conscript has received a maximum penalty from the ukrainian court, which handed done its 1st sentence for refusing the victory service. authorities say the man use the reasoning that he had relatives in the done yet for public didn't want to be involved in killing them. or kids house being toughening its draft legislation and made worsening results on the battlefield. new. busy while i station laws, which took effect in may help severely restricted con scripts rights. and just this week, the training and defense ministry set draft that vendors will have blanket cons, blocks and driving licenses, confiscated videos of recruiters grabbing people off the streets are spreading across social media the
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world veteran war zone correspondence. eliza might be a safe. there is clearly little appetites among the ukrainian public for cubes efforts to keep the conflict going. the, 1st of all, all the indications are showing that the premiums have more reason than the dealership because they don't want to go and find the train. they understand that before the law who they understand all those when before them retire either in coffins. ready and they understand that this. busy these uses because going on why and they losing brock. and finally, they do say they know that the americans want them to continue fighting. as long as president is key, is willing to fight to the great man. on the other hand,
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the credit on me is not providing training to all those for to long between 2560. although those between the age of 18 and 60 all prevent these to leave the country and dissension and punishment that we see all serving as a lesson to those who want to escape the service because they are defined. so we know that they just told was this is the population be much more aware of the need to share what they are going to face. and the leadership is insisting on team. ready and also thing wrong, but they want to negotiate the end of the school and that is where we leave the news roundup on recap for now i do get yourself an hour to come for.


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