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tv   Documentary  RT  June 9, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

11:30 pm
cynthia, centuries, nice me to see if she'll, if there was a way getting the was a major thing that i see that i gave lucy this the president manual in years. and i'm sure, but the most of the task is you would start instructions will allow me to build a website. let's go next week. just this designed to the receptionist took it from dish access assist. you can measure the, the sellers to ensure the
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washer, etc. the but i did the, the interest i will send a tardy slip system in the share muscle of sure to do so we see what you see in your mouth. like what a new voice mail face the show shows the finding the exclusive. just let me see if the dental appointment blow up. i need to stress chicago for sure. the collision between the nurse, the video shifted, the key means and the pills for support and give it to christie to get to the stages of cookies or should cases features, customer care, the blue cross blue shield associates to bring it to show you exactly why give them the, the, like she said, you could probably look like, is there any way for me to give that to
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the chest? yeah. would you be able to put it on our list, or do you have that with you? it looks to me down which the condo with dental insurance, do you guys asked over that yet? and that's the talk. when say last of all the, the port coy, the question my seeing that the new golf course new soft just according to your needs and the pin me out. and the boss says, nights ago, that's been one of the level that is the theme is off to come into that most of us and you go through what it does after the kid on the we are going to see what was pretty good. i'm assuming it's in the cables and
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that's my oh, i see them have previously said it was too difficult to move to the left and left the she's a senior machine. okay. no problem. the, the, the 2 up to the machine starts in a month to month. the truth professional for where is the sound on the piano or is it the
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mostly choosing to to, to hold onto it and then you know, you come when you, when you saw more can we use the master now using the metal it has to me very from long and i bought the the taxes that we did, and i just wanted to mention the machine years old. that was it was just curious. if you could see me, i just need everyone focused on what the issue keeps
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a couple different issues to getting a hold of the machine and you can try it to put the use of the stuff that's i'm done bus. and the thought of me come voice the board to must commit to using each and sure enough team yet a month on the each my facility room last more you were just keeping each mortgage trunk national. can we check the
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what's the really found the those might indicate seriously, but that was the company itself. a bad them as long as you you possible over 90 at the voted. so when there was any, will surely the 30 day items my some clips, some photos gigabytes. um no, i would go to. so the menus, the reach of the the, the whole family. explain that is when the curriculum side and say it's a bullet soul. some folks think it on the board that they might do business with
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the source of support or even just somebody. some of like there's no way to go by officer just to be able to send to you and you just through the report the somebody if you want to be i'm just going to jump see you used to run you up with one. yeah, it was a list of units the
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let's do zillow for multiple. so the model simpler. so you probably the, the, the superfluity stages of the deal. so we don't look for electric. you still got the data, but it's a new basically. so which is to use as they are typically for the question logo, and we'll get to who did com or in the form a bunch of ways in which it end up just because of what's on the desk grimley. let's click on what's on leo, cause of the shingles of the city. the one from 3 feet wide was sticking with the composure, developing the
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it's just the phone, but the new super used to pull into them and for use of the business. some of this helps, this was the lowest system was the whole known issue with them. so get a chance of to with this is glenda jackson, the list of
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civil war. this is joe, can i get bob from the bottom of something for me to pick up what's i'm able to do with the news, your seniors, the wheelchair, the seat, there's to graduate, the channels that are available to to, to move the door. but with that,
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but i can actually of course i'm gonna do to see it and they get in there. they just don't comfortable to lose nothing beyond it. just put this new mark according to the story. now can you tell me the children, elizabeth tasha for the beginning of, of the show me will be stored in the queue for the student. those things definitely because they had to ship a gift, shift maintenance of the machine and you're going to have those submitted in each post on the shipping energies and the end of the course of the actual technical support. se costa mesa was finding
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a device for us to place. i'll go in and put the video and they will design to search the pushing the alternate typing it say toilet to here until the p. i've said that they're going to have that as a so this will data. so the gone almost lashana may do this with the data, and this will perform samples of all go that far. if you run it all your couple joining in for the truck because what, what am i to use? because me, you see the difficult to increase these and you see where they're both in general, you push an e mail, but i'm still with this. you know, we're unable on the the and the means on the vehicle. so when you get secure, that got lifted me yellow shogun, i need, you know, you caught me. you came into the, you know, cover was good to me to the point. yeah. your question when you feel surrender humans because others to where? oh jessica was weird because of the commentary of someone just told me to somebody
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about the community because of the families fucking doesn't trouble you this little slip to see. we're beautiful. they won't come back and i'm pretty sure anyone else . let's go for much more personal. it was approved, but i would use the rest of the ones that are here on you don't want to when you want to because unless clinical, some beautiful, which also in your thoughts. so what kind of i'm thinking interesting person dunham solution. first things you want to peter asking to hear from good sir. ok, it was sent in which i will cut off or postpone it and let me know what else they just don't have to shape house because after kids and engagement equals the trails, when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground. the known in
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vietnam, american war, the vietnam war last, it's almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries. not any times we have now and then you don't really know what to go on. empty. hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to back the south vietnamese on me. and the american soldiers miller did resist as mercilessly bowed down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals. and even lee by all right, did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah. yeah. that's, that's
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a ways too late. but yeah, the, [000:00:00;00] the only one wow by so i need to deal with a human log. i need your wish to communicate generally when you feel free to email this application so that it's nice to you with the rest of the screenshots. is that gonna be too good?
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i was just gonna hit the i knew what the problem is. i can fuck the should teach. so the percentage book some of the units as you can give me also know for my review and we look at the, the history of an interesting mission. unable to do the same and continue the search history of all interested me and listen to this man. and his vision is, i mean, which is 32 my, on the 5th to 9, you have to for this, but design just to trace a new showing a beep internet, the guy, 13th or come by you more shooters than i need to do to do the typical dice to dose of what kind of symbols of
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the shop fisma understand houston said she has not used to do that to get up. she wasn't feeling good at job as soon as you get those anyway in the solution just to make sure me and want a piece of it should be extra to estimate the size. that's new to the piece of the machine for you. this is
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a good question. you said you love the bullet point. yeah. on they'll come and get them into parts of the company. a couple of the show just as i thought it was you a whole bunch of them have been used for now. so the cut off was cautiously beth, as much of a phone, do you want you to, for necessary conduct and because you got them, but somebody got better, so the pressure to compete at those do produced, you know, actually special no, go find out this book with the desktop and half as to what's the deal to that one before the silver simply meant the good foliage. lincoln watches will show them some bro. yeah, the illusion, those books weren't. i'm not going to the doctor if you have not them
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to show us what else? what does it take? so what does it, a new one sold the papers. so because i don't do them which day i'm reading this just because i know that we will talk soon for the same machine before the machine is fish. and then you bring your mind, there's
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a trip to the company to look and you can see all of their naps v as a cheaper because i much across the board in the ring. just just the last the on your cell in the plows you normally do, you level play water j. c. yellow to go cuz it's going daily from no collection. i should be chose to a mailer for the guy, and we could use us via the us 3 and it was for sala, my goal
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a just the wanted to some we don't want them. i, as in larry, i, as in your run your valez in your blood on your mouth, mediated bone, up for you with a warming up simply to get enough home to me and then you put your stickers, but i'm still with the what is the stay on the total was a do so people to me have c, y m, c, g learn income. your program continues. now you to see of the young people that have come up with what about for the to me, you partition since the last just to get your the national as you have to make sure
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the you talk to me that the but as much as, as most of the of the toners my in the she to she would change by the law. let them physical. i don't know what is the place. jessica smith is going to the public a chapter that them too much . but when you use a splash about the toaster, gimme a phony, please, be sure to get a chance to prove, you know, you have to type in you my thoughts to us. and i'm just going to back up to you
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that they end up a stem to when you talk to them up a bit too much of the money to dimension on the public key and put them. thank you for the street keeping you much to come below the constraints and the visual on the use of which this, the top of the machine needs to, to zip up to who knows more from what it's more 13 but convey to them provided as a process of what to catch the top of this and then how did they do? well, let me just a little bit, the sales, which was the most, as a mom was a problem which was meal too much to send them with them for the i was using that pretty as inflexible on look at the brightness
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because i will go with them is it just basically the describe pretty much what we're going to still pop over here. so it's a bit of one of the scores great here. if you pick up the, you know, split zone, if this guy 3 minute on the go, right? what's the cause of a new partial special just going to prepare with i'm you'll come what you'll be set them to put them on top of knowing you i to good mom and knowing. yeah. they love who might be the chinese for the through the those i chose to and of the the cause assembly, the inferior x of the court. jessica, go to bed,
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which the used car go to the 1st thing is the functions in the um the g 2, so we scrolling work through them and we knew we were in the jump of the most and it was because of it was still loop. so that i screwed up the division that was 2 years right. it was the took away and what did you want me to do with flesh? just because of my vision with kid, if you have your most of the lease of the yeah, well, the security simulation of this case on purpose of these deals get a hold of you know, security especially because we can continue with this thing you sold at the meeting or consequences don't. so my wish i'm with
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a young lady. it doesn't estimate those. no, nevermind. i'm going to see a specialist in it and it shows, he says, because a lot of the to monica to a private is $68.00, which is only because of the godaddy for those to the venue. i strongly prompting opinion like you would have somebody wash or say it's good to go to fullness to what will difficult. it doesn't look good. you measuring your bushing, you use some of those that are big into the stadium just as good as she goes on with customers. and which of these, of these, i mean, the guys did advise me one day this guy says to me, yes,
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but i wasn't going to come with the blue lights on the risk adjusted interest. wouldn't it? but you don't use such a full assess that you which jim just the front belief just seems like if i read each the visit this up with you that that's the simplest is updates you said less than thrilled to get the mobile data, a nose limited to the concept, the rest of the tonight, so i don't know, you sound like 7 or 6 people to sleep in system costs. ok,
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and that's to see if i did the the in the year of 1954, the united states of america engaged in warfare against the people of vietnam. the white house supported the corrupt above and governments of southern vietnam. 1965 americans began their invasion following the aim to defeat the forces of vietnamese patriots. the pentagon was confident that the victory would be on the american side,
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due to its military superiority. however, the vietnamese, during this war into total health for the occupants. unable to cope with a guerrillas, the american army started blanket bombing alongside using chemical weapons and naples, which burnt all alive. the village of my lay, where he 1969 american soldiers killed 504 civilians, including 210 children, became a tragic symbol of this war. all and all. during the whole period of this conflict, the usa dropped on vietnam more than $6000000.00 tons of bonds, which is 2 and a half times as much as on germany during the 2nd world war. in 1973, the american army under the pressure of the rebels, withdrew from vietnam, and only 2 years later did the puppet regime. and so i got involved. however, the vietnamese paid
12:00 am
a high price for their freedom. more than 1000000 in vietnamese people became the victims of america in the dressers of the man the work i'm not, i'm trying to read now when you say that now why why,


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