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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 10, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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many, many media say about the rise of fall, right? so into, into european countries. i would say differently. i would not say about the far right. it's just right, right? this bar case, maybe we can call them picture of the cause 0 to a nationally stable book here is because they are much oriented to the own people. to mention with the over these parties of this picture of the parties are against the sanctions. i would say, and we see mainly in the central and eastern europe, mostly parties who are saying something like coast of sanctions. so we want to to buy a cheap energies. so these bodies in european countries which are rising in in carson page, they are saying about okay, all our own people, household country 1st. but to stay with us right here on our to international up next on prospect. peter lavelle and his guests discuss president job items offer
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war during the day commemorations, and their take on the european election, the the hello and welcome to cross the bullhorn time peter a little here we just got some real news. president joe biden news the d day commemoration. so call for war rather than piece. and the european elections are they less then useless to discuss these issues and more. i'm joined by my guess george, send me while we in budapest, he's a pod cast where the guy go, which be found on youtube and locals. and of course in merrill cash we have martin
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j, steve and award winning journalist and commentator, or gentleman cross type roles and the fact that means can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate part of the start i with georgia in budapest, you know, joe biden is really the most most unremarkable president probably ever in american history. but he deviates from his own remarkable and this, by being remarkably give this. and the adf anniversary of the dna landing is on june 6th of this year. he gave an appalling speech. let me just read this a little bit of what he said. they've suffered tremendous losses. russia, the numbers are staggering. 350000 russian troops dead or wounded. nearly 1000000 people have left russia because they are no longer c as future in russia. he went on and on, and i thought this was to commemorate the death of those that landed in normandy and it was the triumph of the west of the soviet union. and what was called the
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allies, the triumph over naziism. he didn't make any really, any references to such things. george. that's exactly right. because we have already become accustomed to the western habit of ignoring the soviet contribution to the victory in world war 2. i mean, that's now a given every time they have these come immigrations, but by who went a little bit beyond that, of course he made no mention of anything that went on in the east and find needless to say, he made no mention of operation by garcia on lawrence, at the same time, to relieve the pressure from the western allies. but he went beyond that to use this occasion. does he say to celebrate the deaths of hundreds of thousands of russians. but so he claim um, and to mobilize the west against russia, a sofa he bought, he was saying,
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is that those a young american man, those ranges who landed here? 80 years ago, they, they would want to go on to fight against the russia today. you know, this is a good, it's good, extraordinary sort of for the ira guns on his bob to speak on the the hub. but it's also a disgraceful this marching of this occasion because he used it to call for war. it's supposed to be the celebration of the end of all that this brought the war to an end as well. the media talked about, oh, we invoke the spirit of ronald reagan in 1984. if you look at bring in speech in 1984, he talked about ending, we'll use that occasion for go, but up upgrade. it is the n word and that we should never find was a game bind. it's only very different is it is very divisive and to use this occasion the cohort is really nothing short of just absolutely disgusting. yeah and,
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and more it is, it is biden's war. this is a new lead toward. this is something that is being pursued against the wishes of the populations of, of what they call now, western europe, and the in the, in the west, the united states, canada, and so forth here. so if this would have been a remarkable opportunity to talk about, instead of i'm calling for greater, greater depth of war about talking about security. i looked at his speech very carefully, there's nothing in reference to security. and this is what this conflict is all about. it's not about you cream, it's about an european security, which biden, and his, um, uh, circle and you know, the europeans as well. refused to face up to martin. yeah, it's is disgusting as joe says, but i think it's, it's also a new, a new level of desperation from by john. but he's not really somebody who's an instant piece. he's a little longer. it's been very clear. he stays really shown this that and in this,
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in this time it office and live the depths of the product to, i think is the stock range. you know, we're looking at the administration now. it's going to be remembered for decades to come, for the thousands of children killed in casa, you know, um, full disingenuous, if not disgusting, to faced a narrative that was coming from biting about these. randy's about wanting them to stop the will and yet, you know, just this week we seem to the floating p a is actually not about helping put costs and to, to it's about some of the military operations. and you know, i think when to get him to take this opportunity to, to not reflect on the greatness of defense and, and to be respectful to those who died on, on those shows, but to actually turn in some payoff and event. i don't ask him too many sizes in there, i believe in yourself is not going to remember for that less less. let's face it.
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you know, we, we are all driven down by a very, very short attention span and social media is really the same, this. so it's the important thing that we will remember and used to come him trying to sit down and imagine we share or will see pulsing, wind or even deprecating. i don't know, you know, he was quickly a school to the way by jill looked like and not be changed to me. he'll be remember for that. he'll be with the the, i think the iconic video clip will remember about some news to come is the full understanding the job i didn't turning around really slowly. i'm looking in the oldest direction and the 3 others slowly following him till being the last one. you know, the, my crumbs kind of slowly turned around this really, really, you know, multiply some sketch to look the other way. so this will be a good point martin. i mean charge to me, you know, that this was the, the liberation of europe. okay. me, this is, this is a european, a commemorative event, and where are the europeans, i mean, we, we seen over the last few months, they,
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those wanting to get as close to biden in his position as possible to be even more aggressive than the vitamin ministration. and there, by miss reasons, pretty aggressive right now. i mean, it's the would be, this was supposed to be about the say to bureau, but they seem to advocate their responsibility for europe. i mean, what good is your ability experience with this complet? go ahead, george. no, none whatsoever. i mean, way, when you look at uh, in terms of security, in terms of, uh, economic well being in every way your of has done disaster slid out of the world. and, you know, we've got, unfortunately, you know, there's been a number of states, so that'd be inducted into one of these europe, instructors the, you and they, so cruise one goal seems to be to start conflict with russian white. why that is, it is a mystery. but a little baltic states and, and poland and that includes so,
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so you know, some of the, some of the a stage by such as were mania. they just want to stir up conflict with russia. and then we have the united kingdom, which again, just seems to have completely gone off the deep and, and once a will with russia. and again, you deal with this. the whole point of having these sorts of occasions is the spell of break the end of a war. that's just a, that's the way we did this. you know, it's now many years behind us, and we're now no going to do this again. it's not supposed to be that's mobilized for another war. and, and so at this very moment here of, you know, by the who is now the, apparently a given look at the go ahead to use american weapons on reference, heritage of kill russians. and what's the response from europeans? i don't know, even just those men sometimes get, oh, this is too little too late. you go to the internet. i'll allow of these weapons to
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be used deeper into a russian territory and provide a lot more so that we can kill a lot more russians. what on earth is that go to do with any kind of a, a come member ration of the end of a little while? of course it hasn't been so that's a they were here now mobilizing for it's not and it will give and the given that it's a problem without getting ready for you martin. but simultaneously, you, as those events were unfolding, we had bite and also a speak to the french assembly. simultaneously, there was a form going on in saint petersburg, where vladimir potent was question for a for hours on end. does it usually gives the opportunity to, in domestic and foreign media, the number of feelers that have gone out over the last few weeks, i mean, in the business, willfully ignoring what's going on to both of you this, this, this event and, and in normandy, could have been
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a very interesting opportunity to address those. feelers ok as the end of fascism in europe is commemorated. how should meet? how can we make the european continent safe? again, that would have been an opportunity. they miss it intentionally. martin, they did miss it until she i don't unfortunately when you use that word, fascism is a certain irony to the end. all right, so we'll talk about that in the 2nd half of the program. keep going. all right, yeah, there's some of, you know, we have some at the same time m, scott richard wasn't allowed to get on a plane and goes out for them. and it was, you know, and these are the kind of things that we've been hopping on about for decades about countries from the east, you know, who not having a such democratic values as us. but now we're doing the same, you know, now we've become those countries. another thing that the scott risk of incident was quite a stock reminder that we're going backwards. we're losing our democratic freedoms. we're becoming much more to classic. and the whole thing about the day um do you know, binding and all of these gold leaves is standing around and banging on the drum
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about will is there is now a conspiracy. it must always westman leads to crank up to finish spending to create a sense of panic, sense of fear. so the people perhaps comfortably taken by the hand to a place where they don't normally want to go and show stories by the media that they wouldn't normally look at. disregarding some of the bigger stories of, you know, governance, pull governance that some, you know, guess slipped under the carpet. this was really all about, it's about the film on green. and i think come, it was a real, real shame. what by and did you know i talked about and ukraine and then you know, it was a lot for me. it was very disrespectful and everything it, when it went to learn skis, the sentence gets hunting up in his usual kind of coats. kind of a glad rag notices you know, so come onto the, whatever he is, the more the existing site or, and considering the political forces that have surrounded him,
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of the political coloration. and if you get my drift, okay, and having someone like that they are not talking about the i'm to what i'm talking about, respecting all those people have died. you could have at least pulling up the website . he was a crusade against fascism cops come in the soviet union and the liberal west join forces the destroy fascism. ok. any worth of fascism on that stage has, is a, it's soiling history of george knows what i mean here, george. but we have before we go to the break here, maybe this will be the year, the people, the historical memory will be. but the soviet union was the enemy of the west and the 2nd world war. do you think that's possible? absolutely. it's possible to look at the bites of speech these great. he's pretty much saying that the war getting simpler a goes on and it's a, in a and it's the same war as the one against the tilt. and then rush strip isn't very much made the days that it's, it's, it's the same war. and we've talked about this before, that there's a very rapid revision of history english somehow that leave the mobilization of the
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european continent that people had attempted against the soviet union is actually a worthwhile project. and it's just that, you know, they, they were, aspects of hulu is not acceptable if the front of the transfer you it, the french press reporting and it was a 1st step, normandy, was a 1st step. very interesting. not mentioning this will be an experience at all gentlemen, i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on somebody on interstate with our to the who seemed rom. just don't have to shape out the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will
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support, we choose to look so common ground the the water is part of the blog post that isn't a deep su of us. and in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present to that stuff without collision? is that spelled out of the welcome act across that bull horns on peter level here. we're discussing some real news mark, let me go to you and miracle michigan we have um, um, as we speaking right now,
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the polls are closing across europe. but with european parliamentary election and there is a lot of parties, lot of alliances, you know, and it is all in the number crunchers are out there. i think i actually took that some notes here of 450000000 people are eligible to vote. um, probably less than half will. who goes to the selections. okay. because i bet you well, um and you know, at george, i bet you, you know, if you went and walked around budapest after this and say who, who represents us in the, in the european parliament, i bet you nobody doubts 0 martin who votes and these elections the people who vote and he's elections traditionally have always been people who are passionate about the european union ideology, the project and the e. u. a leads most this really doesn't want for electronics. if we wanted for elections, it would do what will stray a whole bunch of does, which is false, people dislike legally. so if he didn't, so you get, find that you would never do that because if you force people to vote, you would find a very, very low turn out full,
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the conventional big pell of brooks and european panama, which is the, the christian democrats. and the socialists, you know, those are really the 2 big groups that controlled everything in the open parliament . so what happens is you get a high turn out for people who are passionate about you. but for one of those c brooks and you get a low turnout for all the of the independent. so all the, because the, you know, instead of just like american crime bearings, it's only the true believers that go out and vote is, it's not a true believers, but it is changing is important point. it is changing. and the last couple of european elections, what you're finding now is that people using the you elections as a protest vote, so that aren't going to school situations around countries of that process, but is always full, right? that doesn't necessarily mean people believe in the far right. and so, you know, for them the, i mean, p 0 is a throwaway. but anyway, they don't believe in the project. and they think that, you know, there's a normal amount of corruption from this autocratic organization which is anti democratic anyway. but so it's a fairly vote as a protest foods. you just take the flow right group. i think we're going to see the
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next couple of days. i think this is going to be unprecedented. this time around i think is going to be very high number people who are protesting. can you bring up an interesting point and this is something i think when i look at other european parliament and actually it's also to some degree, george you have, you look at them, german elections, you know, they, where you have people voting. however, it's defined right far right or wide is a, it's a protest vote. i mean, but at what point is there a tipping point where it, it's more than a protest vote because you mean what you can, we can turn this all upside down. you know, it's a throwaway, but it doesn't really matter. but for a lot more and more people, this is the only way that they can actually express their opinion. so they can cut both ways. we'll see what the results are. george having us. right. and i think mother makes a very good point of the people, so who actually show up to vote all the ones who are you in? susie asked. and so there it's, it's a kind of a, a lopsided the devote that. uh so, you know, we often expect,
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well this in this election the far right will do well, they may do well. i mean, that's a, it's a possibility the book it and i, i suspect that they won't do as well as we expect, simply because i think they have they vote does it just not going to show up. and then ultimately is because the european parliament is really a fraud. i mean it's not really a parliament in any meaningful sense or not completely fund buddies over at bonham . and this was a legislative that'd be that that's a problem. and so supposed to do, but the, you follow them and read it doesn't, legislates the european commission and then the european count him and these are those members of parliament really well compensated. george i so they are extremely well compensated which is which itself is scandal and big. but just be that there is this institution that really has no. busy power, although then essentially to act as a robust stanfull the decisions made by the, the european commission and then the european council as a, but the,
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any of these are extremely well compensated. uh and, and, but it will cost a lot of money, you know, having all that building and then you know, having these the, but they also don't do a lot of work. i think they only show up by saying 2 to 3 days a week. so in georgia, they let me throw this door. i mean, they like to have these great, um, uh, expressions of our grades, you know, we're going to equate this with this. and you know, they make these big, historical pronouncements and all that, you know, and then i'm sure they go to the, the went bar afterwards and celebrate. but nobody really cares what they do. know, but doesn't george stuck on the very good point. it is a robust, i'm paying organization. i mean, what do you remember is when the, when the architects as a european union, and then a schuman and, and spin any set up the whole project, at least the goal to make it democratic. but it's the idea of the european problem was a both on last minute idea because they sort like gold we put on,
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we go to have a nice to pretend so some, so democracy here. so let's create a problem and you know, and really that's really what the emmy's piece do. the big part of the job is just simply to rubber stamp, tweak a little bit, but ultimately robust. i'm a massive amount of draw for legislation which is pumped into it every single day from the european commission that the everything question didn't do that. if it's, if it's somehow stream lines, the number of draft which is less than that, it that it creates it across the problem will be used to have nothing to do. so they're both feeding off one another. they both have the rays on that. so the only piece is very much down to how much is coming is how much draw solicitations pump through the machinery. but you know, in terms of power george's cups that correct is the only problem at all. i know in the whole world that doesn't have the image, then please don't have the rights to draw dropped any legislation themselves. you know, they couldn't talk about it or creates little paperless and slow. you know, i'll be honest with the both of you in our audience here thought to george, now there's those 2 irish people. that's the only thing i know about the do you mean then you can they come out with really,
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very passionate spaces. i almost always completely agree with, okay, that's the only thing that enters my world from this huge body bids so wasteful. you know, the big elections, you know, you know, then pump all the money into it. for the most part, it is trying to always be a referendum that the you is doing a good thing. that's what they, that's all it's doing. okay. and you know what? and on top of that, george, you and i have talked about this and it is always the right wing a pouncing. and you know the radicals ok. how much truth is that in the add to that george right here, your, your as a right and but what a voice strikes me is when i see those, those 2 mic wallace and clad daily is on the or, well, why is it only just them? i mean, is there anyone else or is there somehow that thing the 720 amy bees, but it's always low as to what i'm doing talking any, any sense of oh, and i do for i shouldn't, did for a while,
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and i and i drove arrives the that's right, but that and, but their mother and what, what do the others do? what, what exactly is their role and, but apparently, then, you know, the big issue now is, well, are they going to give the, or zillow vendor lion a 2nd time, you know, there are in and nobody really knows this. i'm also so full stray dean will georgia maloney support from the lying and of they have these very good relationship. is it because she's been such a good job? well, that's the point, i mean, but that's where it is the issue. what is it that phone number line? i mean she's in the middle of her own scandal about why did they want to, i think of something like 4 and a half 1000000 doses of the 5 as a vaccine. you know, given the, the, the population of, i think, you know, i think 4 and a half 1000000000. i think, you know, potentially important how billy is our and so in other ways, because of population of the use of the 450000000. so that comes to 10 doses for
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a citizen of the you. so the question, why did you want to 10 doses? and then, and then she expects the europeans to pay for it. and then she's not, but she's not revealing any of her messages with that. but she exchange with the size of so uh, she has been an absolute disaster. but because of the matching nations of the bureaucracy, if she may well get us over in all the time. she's very vigorously campaigning for a 2nd to, you know, on she, you know, heis, i saw a little bit better before we can be in here. and martin, they said she says this, this uh uh, these elections are important because it's to protect the europe's democracy. is that what's front and center here? no is to, but tell me this is obviously for the dates and the jobs, you know, the establishment establishment that we don't necessarily see every day on television screening. see, so the to the front end is do you know, but them are you talking about? does that little publish the video that she made while she's walking through the country talking through the countryside in a she comes this charming, you know,
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german house and unfortunately we didn't come to, you know, get you edged photographs of a full father's in wilson, so uniforms on top of the piano, i wish we would have done that. been much more interesting, but she's done a good job in keeping the state as quote and keeping the leads where they are unbuttoned like so. and, you know, probably she needs to stay another 5 years to really immune herself from any outside persecution over the size of scandal, from companies on member states. you know, they, a couple of months ago, it was announced that the use own into internal fraud department are investigating, you know, well, we really should expect something from that, right? you know, around friends and europe and commission actually investigating or white washing, but we'll see. but i think um, you know, we're probably looking at 5 more years from as well, which is quite, well, i don't know what's going on here gentlemen, considering what we talked about in the 1st half of the program and what we're talking about now. george is in germany when the 2nd world war,
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i mean it is exclusive keeping to try to show. so i did a good drama is always in attendance with all these uh, ceremonies. uh russia was not invited had the ceremonies. and of course 0 who's leading the charge in the, in your of it's germany which is which is open. they told me it was the bad bulk sang the iron floor with a roster. and then she said, no, no, that's fake news. i didn't say. and below there it is, and she is, she is, she said it was germany has dropped all pretense. is there anything you know that if it went scrolling, the id is 7 days 19 ages that somehow is a, this is a new country. we're very, very different from the what we used to be, but luckily we don't have any hatreds or anyone, you know what we and you know, full milk human kindness towards everyone. pencil phone, it'd be so eliminate from german. so that was his commitment. then 1990. john is step by step a band and all of that is all the russell phobia that was so prevalent in germany
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in the ninety's. so it is an before one. it's one. once again, it's a, it's a coordinates, a political see the way, what's up on the line talks about russia. that's the way i mean, a babel thoughts about richard and you're getting the drum and media. we use any of these earlier, or anything. both women are channeling their ancestors views. george? yeah, i think so. i think so. i think they, they, they've, they've been jones now feel unrestrained. they don't have to pretend the way they had to focus on some years. but this is a, is there a new people, they don't have any of that horrible, horrible, nasty aspects or drugs. and i think this is very much the is a germany that we've been being familiar with in the past. yeah. and we have the defense administered, talking about 3 or re armament being with that being a being necessary to fight a war by to 2029 against whom it's left on set. gentleman, that's all the time we have but goes so quickly. i want to thank my guess,
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american and in budapest, and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c. and next time, remember across the rules, the public sentence, and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do they have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside
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known in vietnam as the american war, the vietnam war lost its almost 2 decades and drained in numerous countries. nor does he have written down that you don't see it now. why did go on empty? hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to bank the south vietnamese on me. i thought that not, but the american soldiers murdered resistors mercilessly burned down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals and lee by all right, did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did and on the via the means veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah yeah, that's that way. it's too late to but yeah,
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the 9 people are dead and 33 more wounded and a terrorist attack on a bus full of 10 do pilgrims in india also of the station right here. and the area as the director, as i was up such as is really at operation which was on the pre suggested. and that goes us rep. that's all following an idea afraid on central dogs arises to 274, including women and children, leaving a severely disproportionate number of hostages rescued when the plane was bombing at random, they struck houses. rockets, people's bodies were on the streets. i lost my family 14 were killed, there's still people under the.


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