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tv   News  RT  June 10, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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ways too late, but yes, the 9 people are dead and 33 more wounded and a terrorist attack on a bus full of 10 do pilgrims in india also with the station right here and the area as the director, as i was up such as is really at operation, which was on the pre sit dented and that gauze us rep. that's all following an idea afraid on central dogs arises to 274, including women and children, living a severely disproportionate number of hostages rescued when the plane was bumping at random. they struck how's the rockets people's bodies were on the streets? i lost my family. 14 were killed. there's still people under the rubble. the street
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are filled with bodies. the law mazda claims 3 hostages, were also killed in the same operation. we delve into the ideas, definitely track record of killing, not only palestinian civilians, but is rarely as well in hungary today, the people have clearly expressed the desire for peace. if they have to choose between one piece, they will choose that is the message from gary and prime minister victor o'bonham of the elections or anti war parties are making strong gains, effectively challenging brussels mainstream agenda. the, i'm rachel ruble live, and the russian capital. you are watching archie international. we start with news from india where 9 people were killed in 33 wounded one. a bus full of pilgrims was attacked by terrace. archie correspondent,
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runjun and sharma tells us more. the information is limited at this point, but what we do know for sure is that a boss which the scouting seasons and the re aussie district through john when dish knew each was shot at the boss was fired at and the driver basically lost control. and the boss fell into a deep gorge as we speak to rest your operations all taking place. what we don't know is at least 9 people who all say lives. 33 off to view in the india. and there's a team on the ground right now. and it's, it's a self serving there. they are deep into a jungle where they are basically trying to find the students. they were on the 10 foot in the particular district. when do men with guns fired at that? the ticket up was not what is significant, here is the time me and it's also suspect this happens sunday evening time.
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and this happened almost fabulously when nothings or movies or seeking settlement was going on in the national capital. and, and that's when we saw these attack, which is now we do it as a pet or a task by the government of india. lots of reactions coming in, the prime minister. he has offered um on health possible, of course the president of the country has expressed a deep shock and soto as far as this particular attack is concerned. for now, reports are suggesting that focused on beast less great di box as taking responsibility for these particular attacks. but what is also significant toyotas that this adap comes a few years, almost 5 years after article $370.00 was lifted from jungle and push move and and the government of india. the more the government has consistence consistently set that up the docs in the region have gone down since i'm the have
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that's what data is suggesting. but in the last few months, we have seen a sort of standard that happened in the region was also is important. the most out for is that they will be elections health sometime in september or end of the year in job one. this me, that has been announced by the election commission of india. so the restriction of the state to jim when does need also to mean something that being to watch right. mean the fast or or is it at $274.00 palestinians, including children, were killed in a massive idea of operation in central plaza. according to the enclave health ministry, a warning you may find the following footage of the aftermath, disturbing video published by the idea of showcase is a huge number of soldiers taking part in the operation to rescue for her most captives. meanwhile, journalist and gaza, documented the many civilians killed and wounded during the incursion. locals
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recount the deadly is riley range. the best with the plane was bumping at random. they struck houses with rockets. people's bodies were on the streets. i lost my family. 14 were killed. there's still people under the rubble, the streets are filled with bodies. vehicles with bobby cl, number plates came as if the were bringing a but they were soldiers in an area filled with displaced people. it's a 10 city that has no resistance and all our civilians and children. first, the car entered and then they were walking looking like civilians. they threw a grenade and then there were clashes, then another bump and then an f. 16. something unexpected. more than what you can imagine, within 10 minutes they were in the entrance of our tent and into 10 next to us. the 10th next to us was filled with dead bodies. one soldier came to interrogate me and asked me, where is the resistance? i said, i don't know any, i'm just a displaced person from kansas city in new say, right. i don't know any resistance fighters or anyone. then they asked about where
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my weapons were. i should have no weapons. they told me if i don't confess, they will detain and shoot my kits. i said i have nothing to confess to. i don't know anyone from the resistance nor do i have any weapons. within a minute, i heard gunfire in the other room. at that moment, my 2 sons were shot. my 12 year old son was killed and the other son here, may god hear him. when id, if officer was killed in the rest of the operation, i saw a russian national freed from us, local journalist from me. i'm a hearty send us this report from news or it widespread divest ations in the area, whereas reliability rate was able, along with these really intelligence, where we're able to evaluate 4 of these radio hostages. well, i've been here since october 7 bought the station right here in the area as the direct result of such as really operation which was on the pre sit dented
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and the gaza strip of following the assembly one and drop off a few months ago. this is done as a ride to repeat, you can. one of the most densely populated neighborhoods are refugee guns. and the middle area of the gaza strip were as well, was able to carry out this, especially at military and intelligence operations uh, upload to of the station that you might see here. and the, all that kind of rock is about number as houses number as houses of the population have be destroyed, a or partially or completely because of that as regulated military operation. right at this very, at particular location and then no. so right, or every g job very close to the market to place saturday's most killing of thousands of sparked global outcry, south africa condemned as well for quote,
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targeting hundreds of civilians for the sake of freeing for hostages. the organization of a summit cooperation slammed to the attack labeling. it's an example of organized genocide and the un special repertoire and palestine also waited, angered by as rarely troops using a humanitarian truck for cover during their dudley raid. relieved that for hostages had been released. it should not come at the expense of at least $200.00 palestinians killed, including children, and over $400.00 injured by israel and allegedly for and soldiers. well, per city, a slave hiding in an aid truck. this humanitarian camouflage. at another level, israel could have fried all hostages, alive and intact 8 months ago when the 1st seas fire and hostage exchange was put on the table, get israel refused. in order to continue to destroy garza and the palestinians as a people. parties, middle east bureau chief, maria, for an ocean of thousands who,
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how the idea of his trying to justify such a high number of casualties for the fort captives rescued of these really leadership sees it as one of the country's most buried operations. now, it is called a known in memory of the special police force unit fighter on knowns, i'm or father of to who fell secure in the hostages. this is just a small extract to all of the many praising words these really prime minister, benjamin and yahoo sat about this operation. let's take a listen no matter what. our roland warriors charged as one man into the fire, they illuminated the terrorists and fried the hostages. on thursday evening, when i finally approved this complex and dangerous operation to main consideration stood before my eyes. first, our commitment to return all the hostages home, go to the 2nd to by the knowledge that you can trust our fighters. there are not better than them in the world, but the number of casualties,
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the rest of the operations lead to may many raised questions about his success, of course. and as we understand it didn't. 2 as planned, some of these really side to these really aren't there, refer to as that takes forces were confronted by not smell, it tends arms with r p g. but the jets provide an aerial support for the ground forces eliminate them eventually allow in the troops to bring the hostages to another helicopter. him, us has accused israel off committing at complex war crimes with his operation to free for captives and claimed 3 other hostages, including a us citizen, were killed. israel has denied these accusations, said the number is given to the media and by have mass, ron health, ministry and gaza, largely inflated according to their estimates. less than $100.00 people were killed in the operation. and the idea of can, i cannot say for sure whether the cavities were caused by their bombardment and fire that by the way came from the air or the land on the sea or by him mouse
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challenge. back in february, how do you have carried out as similar operations rescue to hostages and rough songs in southern gaza? the area where the 10s of thousands of thousands displays from the north sled earlier hoping to find shelter. a mess of air strikes, then provided cover and support full ground troops to free to men. and again, that time does a health minister reported that around 70 palestinians were killed, including civilians with him as claiming that free all their captives lost their lives. also were member one of the most heartbreaking incidents of friendly fire. when in december, the idea of killed 3 is rarely hostages, the people, it declares it is fighting to say you are in a combat and gaz on demand took off their shirts to show they were an armed. while one of them was even waving a white flag, but the army anyway and decided to fly them as medicines and as and fire and all 3
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died immediately. so yes, the rock questions and concerns of course, as often rescue operations leads to had this proportion a number of casualties. meanwhile, is really war cabinet minister been against, has announced his resignation from the college and government, and urged benjamin netanyahu to call a snap election. i thought is unfortunately not home prevents us from progressing to the real victory with justifies the painful and i'm going price. that is why we are leaving the worst time cabinet to ensure a real victory. it is spinning that in the fall, the year of the disaster, we go to elections, resulting in the stablish ment of a government that when face and overcome challenges, coleman at yahoo to greet to an election date. do not let our people be turn to part the hot. yeah. as a member of israel's 3 man war cabinet previously a tuesday as really prime minister of mismanaging the war at 1st,
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he went so far as to accuse netanyahu of putting his own political survival over the country security needs. gans has offered a plan that according to him, would see the release of all remaining hostages from gaza and warmed at the failure to accept the plan will result in his resignation. he also addressed the defense minister you'll have gone to, urging him to do the same excuse no act the best area of open hymer says the former war cabinets administer was right to resign. we so all the last few months that this government is not actually nicole being to us many guns and spending according to what they've decided is to model each and they've been viewed the most extreme races, a parts of the government and many guns. and he's probably has no effect on the policy. and the only thing that they did by staying in the government, they did create some kind of faithful fiction to let them, you know, from the international pressure from demonstration with inside these, when it was very clear that you know, see it changing the need to see if it needs land, as long as many guns are the same, the government,
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and when many guns doesn't have any way to influence the policy, there is no need to be there. i hope that this will happen earlier, but that's very good. this is type in now and hopefully me the movement of a political change we, we stopped and we will see may be in the next year in the early election. and this is the goal of the same move we dial to this, and you all can be there for as well as cross now to the you where opposition parties are preparing to do a major blow to the ruling parties in germany, france and austria, challenging the mainstream war mongering, rhetoric and european parliamentary elections on gary and prime minister victor or button says the vote presents people with a choice regarding the ukraine conflict. a little poly. as for the masters of the political content of the european parliament elections, it can be summed up as follows, the deed, hungary, today, the people have clearly expressed the desire for peace. if they have to choose
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between one piece, they will change the key product. meanwhile, more and more countries are set to turn toward peace was terminated. one of the trains tough. what's the weapon? suppliers? now, among them, voters and germany have already chosen the alternative for germany party over chancellor schultz as ruling social democratic party. earlier the f d rejected e use sanctions against russia over the ukraine. complex. in france, microns, renaissance party got only 15 percent as well. the national riley got around 31 percent, and in austria, the freedom party gains 25 percent beating the ruling people's party or to started davinsky has more seen people voting towards more nationalistic policies. but i think it's fairly clear across the board. the idea of m t, russia sanctions on t sending weapons to you quite see ukraine joining you is being a sentiment that is being shared by many europeans who being voting in these
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elections. and we've seen that for success for the policies that have come pained on that, that still in fonts where we'll talk about the national riley. this is a policy that's being heavy by moving the pens, put the shape jordan by data, who has been very clear how he stands on the war in crane. he has said, says sending troops french troops, nature troops to you quite is a direct red line that they conte costs. he has said that he doesn't want french. what happens to be used destroy within russian territory. his policy taking over at o around a food of the vote, which is incredible, unprecedented since the 1980s that any french quality as the the swell in european elections. she is a celebrating his successes. so miss as clear as i say, it is clear message address, the monument of my crown in european leaders of marks or countries. determination to see the european union change direction is even more towards greater democracy
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protection and consideration for the people of europe. a window for cause reason and so on, and it's only just begun interface mostly so around the 3rd about as voting for the national raleigh. despite that, there were protests outside that headquarters. it was sunday night as those results were coming in and even more interesting. lee, we saw a reaction from president and manual nicole who saw his call to the nations collapsing in the vote, taking a show of less than half of that of the national raleigh president my phone. as a result of his policies. many of said he's been move on going over the last few months with those suggestions that french troops could be sent to queen to fight against russia, with the fact that he is green. the fact that french weapons can be used to strike within russian territory that smelt resonated with the vote is and as a result, he went on tv on sunday night and said something for the extra wasn't like he has cold snap election dissolving the national assembly. because he said he is good for
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french people for the policy, but also, you know, it could have main lesson is clear. this is not a good result for the parties to defend europe, including the presidential majority. it is a situation to which i rise of nationalist and demagogues is the danger, not only for our nation, but also forward. you have been for francis place in europe and the world as well. this is a huge gamble because if the national riley do as well in the french elections as they have done in europe in elections, we could see macklin having to co habit with an opposition policy in power and from so i think what we're seeing here it is clear that the old europe, as we knew it is pretty much gone. yeah, and let's discuss germany because it was a difficult night for transfer. all of schultz was an at 2 milli aging night for sholtes. he's so his policy is worst effort performance in the european elections. and he again has been somebody who is said recently, which in weapons can be supplied to crate and to use against russia. he's being criticized heavily for his support for ukraine against russia,
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and all of they seems to have caught up with him at the polls. law is today. it is very clear to us that there cannot be a woman or a man at the head of europe who can be elected with the votes of right wing populace and right wing radicals. and we are very, very clear on that. this is an alpha, especially if you know the history of social democracy, then you know that for all of us and for us at the top of the cd, it's such a frustrating result is not a reason to bury our heads in the sand, but to say it is now more than ever mister, so is what's clay? is we so a marked difference result for the ac, which has been a party that have been empty war and ukraine, empty, sending weapons to ukraine. and i'm the russian sanction was they didn't very well in this policy. and what's interesting is schultz is in a very difficult position already within his own government. and the all suggestions that we could sit a 2nd government now collapsing in the next few weeks. so possibly these elections
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bringing not just down the french government, but the german government to absolutely fascinating but, but you know, it is a very contentious campaigning resulting in an actual violence against politicians in some cases. yes. that's why we saw huge contentious account painting through this. we seen the f d policy, a politician candidates being attacked. one was stopped last week. but we've also seen violence against other politicians, such as from the queen policies and also from the danish prime minister in the last few days. but i think the one thing that is on everybody's mind is that attempted assassination of slovak, his appointment is or what but feet. so just last month, this is by a pro ukrainian support with a 2 point blank shot him 5 times the feet. so survived the attack he was speaking to the media in the last week saying that it was a result of the fact that he stood up didn't send the weapons to ukraine and stood up against the sanctions. and is
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a pro peace precedent. but he was in the firing line, a product that means it was not the subject or to output who's completely situation in the relations between my political representation and partners in the you and nato escalated off to the russian attack on ukraine. when we refused to provide ukraine with any military aid from state stocks, it is precisely the conflict in ukraine. the b u in nature has elevated even more literary, sanctified the concept of the single correct opinion. namely that the will in ukraine must continued any cost in order to weaken the russian federation. anyone who does not identify with a single mandatory opinion is immediately labeled as a russian agent to go. so i just wanna bring you some comments were sort of on the line who was hoping to get a 2nd to him is commission president. she has said these elections show a majority of your opinions. want a strong your yes, absolutely do. but perhaps not possibly in the way that sheet view is not strong, you are is what is clear is that people across you a voted for policies with
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a t t mountain going on. this really could change the shape of brussels for the next 5 years. well, a, you'd say 1st of, of underlying claims, the elections will put the blocks unity on show foreign policy analyst. marianne doris told us, europeans have overwhelmingly voted for parties to put their interest 1st and not the agenda. many, many media say about the rise of the far right so into, into european countries. i would say differently. i would not say about the far right. it's just right the right the spark is maybe we can call them picture of the cause or what the nationally stable book here is because they are much oriented to the own people, especially with the over this bar to know this picture of the parties are against the sanctions i would say, and we see mainly in the central and eastern europe, mostly parties who are saying something like stop sanctions. so we
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want to to buy a cheap energies. so these bodies in european countries which are rising in the person's age, they are saying about, okay, our own people, our own country. first, 3 russian soldiers in the belgian ride region were injured following a drone attack by ukrainian forces in while moscow's army is making significant strides and expanding its buffer zone in the hard top region. our t z goes down off, takes us to the front lines for a closer look. this is definitely one of the more on take uh, 10 of the pieces that i've seen in this war. but its crew is telling me that one of its main advantages is its range. almost see too low, much is so it packs a really good punch at a distance. this crew is deployed to one of the most fiery fronts,
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ukrainian drones and tennessee developed a habits of 2 men, team rushes, both the villages and the major regional city of belgrade. so now russia's new literacy group news is chasing the enemy away, deeper and deeper into the territory of the high to come region deputy, which is just to say that you're not going to the news need to make the equipment hasn't been in the whole to on the front lines for
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a long time now it arrived with a promise. if we bring a title change for kids in this conflict, i promise it failed to keep becoming just another target for soviet making systems like this. if you go to a trip as being a triple 7 howitzer was destroyed yesterday, the way these that we fly recognizance, they give us the coordinates. that's what they reported. now in general, they don't fire back at us as much. we are doing better now, but we worked well in general. i think the enemy, when the shells run out, the 3 sevens probably won't reach us any more. triple 7, somebody, they're gone or you. so we have more work on the front. american made weapons quickly turned from breakthrough to burden. as many proved to be designed with a different type of a fight in mind. ukraine's army health chuck is overwhelmed with afflictions, potentially incurable conditions. so much so even it's elite troops don't see
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a way out of the van to surrender. how did you get captured? suddenly they started showing to the pelting the, with the coordinates and i surrendered. also can see, didn't resist know and you'll come right. know why didn't they use special forces outcome? well, they were afraid. scheduled to show us. yes. how do you rate your leadership metric, illiterate, illiterate. why? because when they stormed us, no one informed them they were coming before us. was it as a price for you? yes, did you somehow tragic coincide? you'll come on to tell them that you were being attacked storm. yes, we tries, there was silence. nobody answered. so you would just less that will some things. it turns out, yes, this man was parts of the whole reserves thrown into box,
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so in keeps bid to push them back. russia here in the how to region. a push as a desperate, as it proves to be futile, i think is done. i'm proposing from the how to confront t of 5 years in prison for ignoring a draft notice a conscript has received to the maximum penalty from a ukrainian court, which handed down its 1st sentence for refusing military service. authorities say the man use the reasoning that he had relatives in the don't ask republican didn't want to be involved in telling them ok of has been toughening its draft legislation in that and worsening results on the battlefield. new mobilization laws which took effect in may have severely restricted con scripts rights and adjust this week, the ukrainian defense ministry set at draft. the veterans will have bank accounts locked and driving licenses. confiscated videos of recruiters grabbing people off the streets are spreading across the social media.
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the veteran war zone correspond that elijah magneer said this, there's clearly little appetite among the training and public for kids efforts to keep the conflicts going. the 1st of all, all the indications are showing that the crating is, has more reason than the dealership because they don't want to go and find the train. they understand the so easy law, who they understand that all those way before them retire either in coffins
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or windows. and they understand that this who uses because it's going on why and they losing brock. and finally, it is a play know that the americans want them to continue funding as long as president is key, is willing to fight to the grand on the, on the credit on me is not providing training to all those for to long between 2560, although those between the age of 18 and 60 all prevented to leave the country and dissension and punishment that we see are serving as a lesson to those who want to escape the service because they define. so we know that they just told resistance of the population be much more aware of the need to share what they are going to face. and the
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leadership is insisting on continuing the. ready and also being wrong, but they wanted to negotiate the end of this full to do say with our to international have next on direct impact. rick sanchez and his guest discuss among other things, trump's conviction motor the solution met with politics and widespread this trust in american institutions by the power buddy. i'm rick sanchez and this is the weekend review. everyone wants peace . now. let's raise their voices the. yeah. those are a couple of stories that we're going to be following for you president by the
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announces of.


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